HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-2003 Signed Agendas '- ""'" AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. ¡;¿- ¡:¡ DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 03-252 - Commending Mrs. Inez Ward for more than 37 years of outstanding service as an employee of the St. Lucie County Administrator's Office and St. Lucie County Airport. , BACKGROUND: Mrs. Inez Ward worked for St. Lucie County since November 8,1965. Throughout her more than thirty-seven years of service, she has worked as Secretary for the County Engineer, the County Administrator and the Airport Director. Additionally Inez has worked as Assistant to the County Adrriinistrator, and Assistant Port and Airport Director. This Board believes that dedication such as that demonstrated by Mrs. Inez Ward should be recognized. The attached Resolution No. 03-252 has been drafted for that purpose. FUNDS A V All...: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 03-252 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: 1t] APPROVED [ ] DENIED ,[] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ \w County Attorney: Originating Dept. :Y Review and ADcrovals Management & Budget Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ , , , ""'" Purchasing Other: Eff. 5/96 ~ ""'" AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. IDA DA TE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR Jð. PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: \ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 03 ~ 37 - Amending Section 1-15, Article II (Parks & Recreation) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws by providing for Twenty-four Hour Access to all Beaches and Parks , BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 03-37. The Board may wish to consider referring the issue to the Recreation Advisory Board for comments and recommendations prior to the public hearing. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Defer Action, goard direction to send to RecreatiOfl Advisory Board for Comments and gel input from Cily of Fort Pierce ~ [ ] APPROVED [] DENIED ~] OTHER: County Attorney: ý Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 '-' ""'" AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~ DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BpARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \ PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): c()unty Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement (Medical Examiner) , BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ County Attorney: ~ Review ond Approvals . Management & ~udgelJJf£r ~ Public Works Dir: ~ - ( Purchasing: Originating Dept. Caunty Eng.: Finance: (Check for Capy only, if applicable) Eff.5/9b '--" ""'" AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 7A DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [X ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMr'SSIONERS \ SUBJECT: Request for Renewal of the Bus Bench Agree ent for 3 Years with Metropolitan Systems, Inc. to Benefit the Fort Pierce Jaycees, Port St. Lucie Jaycees, United Way, Boy's ànd Girl's Clubs and Big Brother's and Big Sister's SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration BACKGROUND: County Code Enforcement Staff inspected and photographed existing benches on September 17, 2003 and found them to be in good condition, , FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: St. Lucie County approved an agreement in 1998 with Metropolitan Systems, Inc. to provide 50 bus benches in the unincorporated area of the County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board consider the request to extend the Bus Bench Agreement with Metropolitan Systems, Inc. for 3 years, COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: DeferuntiI10/21/03-Needaddilional inJormation and verifyS going 10 charities. Dan M will gel signature for extension rn son istra . r [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [X] OTHER: j1r. Review and ADDrovals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 '-' TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMI1\ED BY(DEPT): Aclministration \ SUBJECT: '. Bi-Weekly Committee Reports ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO~ DATE: September 23.2003 REGULAR [X ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: BOCC BACKGROUND: At the ApriI1!. 2000 Boarcl of County Commissioners Meeting it was cleciclecl by the Boarcl to place an item on the agencla. on a bi-weekly basis. to give the Boarcl an opportunity to provicle upclates on the various CommJttees ancl Aclvisory Boarcls that they serve on. It has been cleciclecl by the County Aclministrator that this item will be placecl on the agencla on the 2"' ancl4'" Tuesclay of each month. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: This meeting the Boarcl will provicle upclates on the following Committees ancl Aclvisory Boarcls that, they serve on: Committee Blueway Aclvisory Committee Chamber of Commerce Boarcl of Dir. Chilclren's Services Council Cultural Affairs Council Friencls of SLC Library Property & Homeowners St. Lucie County Fire District Transportation DLCB Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] APPROVED ~ OTHER: ... ,-"-,, [ ] DENIED Reports Given Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Meetint¡J Date As Neeclecl Monthly 2"" Thursclay 2"' Tuesclay 2"' Thursclay 2"' Weclnesclay 3" Weclnesclay Qua rterly 3" Friclay CONCURRENCE: Commissioner Barnes Lewis Lewis Lewis Bruhn Barnes Bruhn/Cowarcl Lewis Cowarcl/Hutchinson ~ ~ .....,¡ Agenda Request Item Number C)\- I Date: Sept. 23, 2003 Consent Regular Public Presentation Leg. [ [ x ] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development nted By , SUBJECT: \ Consider granting Final Plat approval to the Portofina Shores Planned U t Development and approving and Interlocal Agreement between the Portofino Shores Community evelopment District and St. Lucie County Commission. ' BACKGROUND: On October 1, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 03-154 granting Final Planned Unit Development for the residential project to be known as Portofinio Shores. The Portofina Shores Planned Unit Development is a 519 unit residential project located in the Lakewood Park area of the County. Development of the property has begun In accond with all penmitted works for the property. The developers of the Portotino Shores Planned Unit Development have created a Community Development District to be used for the purpose of infrastructure finance. This Community Development District wm be the finance tool used to provide security in order to permit the recording of these plats prior to the works being completed. The County's Land Development Code provides a process that Improvements may be bonded In lieu of their being compieted prior to the recording of the plats. The bonding or security shall be in a manner and form acceptable to the County Attorney. Since we are dealing with a Community Deveiopment District (CDD), which is a form of local government recognized by the State of Rorida, rather than~go through our typical guarantee/sureties program, the Portofino Shores Community Development District has proposed to enter Into an Interlock agreement with St Lucie County that would provide sufficient security to cover the cost of all required improvements associated with the Portofino Shores, Planned Unit Development. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMEÑDATION: Staft recommends that the Board authorize the final processing of the final plats for the Portofino Shores, Planned Unit Development and that the Board authorize the execution of the attached Interlocel Agreement between the Portoflno Shores Community Development District and 51. Lucie County in regard to the financing of the required improvements associated with the final plats for the Portofino Shores, Planned Unit Development. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [x=J APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: J/J Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: \.0'N~ Purchasing: Other: (AGEND736a) \...- AGENDA REOUEST .....,,¡ ITEM NO. ~ff d- Date: September 23, 2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: 119 South I O'hStreet - Consent to Assignment of Lease Agreement with Florida Department ofJuvenile Justice to Florida Department of Children and Families BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 03-1317 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that the Board of County Commissioners consent to the assignment of the lease agreement with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice to the Florida Department of Children and Families effective October I, 2003. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPRC>VED [ ] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ [ ] DENIED Coord ¡Da tion/Shm atu res County Attorney: ?f:¡ J.,.. OJ J., 1/ Originating Dept.: Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Other: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): .' "-" AGENDA REQUEST "" ITEM NO.~ DATE: SEPT. 23, 2003 INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMI1;TED BY(DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: COURTHOU::¡E SECURITY I REALLOCATION OF FUNDS PRESENTED BY: ROGER A. SHINN DIRECTOR BACKGROUND: In respons.eto concer'ns expressed recently, regarding Courthouse security and recent events at this location, staff has met with Courthouse staff as well as Sheriff staff on the subject of added security at the St. Lucie County Courthouse. To control the flow oftraffic, the north entrance will become the only entrance into the bl:lilding, at this location added security measures would be taken: proper identification conformation of individuals entering the building as well as security measures to ensure weapons are not present. In addition, cameras and audio alert will be installed at all other doors into the building to alert sheriff staff of unauthorized entry. Request for quotes was received for the installation ofthis security system and staff is requesting to go with the lowest bidder, 1st Fire & Security (please see attached) at a cost of $18,990,00. IFF Funds in the amount of $21,986.00, originally budgeted for Morningside Library and Administration Annex maintenance projects, is available for the implementation of additional security measures. By utilizing in-house staff to complete maintenance projects at these locations we were able to finish under budget. Staff is requesting reallocation of these available funds for this purpose and any additional work associated with this task. FUNDS AVAIL: 316-1931-546200-7505 (Morningside Library/Maintenance Projects) 316-1931-546200-1526 (Administration Annex/Maintenance Projects) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the reallocation of the above listed IFF Funds in the amount of $21,986.00, go with the lowest quote, 1st Fire & Security, and allow staff to implement additional security measures at the St. Lucie County Courthouse. Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Bames - Absent ~ MISSION ACTION: l.¥"APPROVED [] DENIED r] OTHER: County Attorney: @ Originating Dept: V Coordination Si na Mgt. & Budget: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) in the amount of Eft. 1197 H:\Agenda\Agenda-Courthouse Security.~?d AGENDA REOUEST ITE'M'NO. (}-- A + ~ ADDITIONS Date: September 23, 2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Teamsters Lo'èal Union No. 769 - Approval of2003-04 Amendments to Insurance and Wage Articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 03-1342 , FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. oftransaction or N/A): Health Insurance Fund and various operating funds; 001- 9910-599310-800 (General Fund Salary Increase Reserve) and various funds under 001-9910-59931-800. RECOMMENDA TlON: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed 2003- 04 amendments to the Insurance and Wage articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local Union No. 769. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: X] APPROVED [] DENIED "n OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Bames . Absent ~ / County Attorney: y Coordina tion/Si2natures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): ~ AGENDA REQUEST -....1 ITEM NO.C¿;W DATE: September 23,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SYBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Noise Control 'Ordinance 03-35- Correcting A Scriveners error regarding the definition of "Night" BACKGROUND: , See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant permission to advertise Ordinance 03-35 for a public hearing on October 14,2003. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ ex'] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney:L [ IManagement & Budget: [ IPurchasing: [ ] Comm. Development.: [J Public Works Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 ~ ....., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2b DA TE:September 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney , PRESENTED BY: Daniel McIntyre County Attorney TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SùB.TECT: Revocable License Agreement - Gene and Beverly Myers Hull 9801 South Indian River Drive BACKGROUND: Mr. & Mrs. Hull owns property on the East and West side of South Indian River Drive and has requested permission to install utilities (water and electric) to their dock on the East side of South Indian River Drive. The County E~ineering Department has reviewed and approved the location of thé utilities. Attached fOJ your review is the Revocable License Agreement, sketch of the encroachment area and a request from Mr. & Mrs. Hull for the License Agreement. FUNDS A V AILABLE: Nt A PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement with Mr.& Mrs. Hull, authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement and direct staff to record the License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ,'fC] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTIffiR: h Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent [X] Originating Dept: Review and Approvals ~~.. [X] Road and Bridge (yg-- [ ] Community Development I Á// [X] Engineering: MVP [X] Public Works:~ [X] County Attorney: []Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) .-., A ,..."r..\1:1.7n\T__~<-\T :.....""T"I.."'''('Tr''''p\Hnll\ACTf'',n( ~.wDd AGENDA REOUEST '-' ITEM NO. C-2.E!.- "'"" Date: September 23, 2003 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution Nò;03-200 - Authorizing Participation by the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority in the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, Multi- County Program ' BACKGROUND: See CA No. 03-1242 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or NI A): NI A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Resolution No. 03-200, as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ [ '-APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED County Attorney: 72/ Coordination/Si1:matu res Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Qlher: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REOUEST 'wJI ITEM NO. C-2.D '-' Date: September 23, 2003 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney \ \ SUBJECT: Agri-Science Education Center - First Amendment to June 4, 2002 Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie County School Board BACKGROUND: See c.A. No.03-1256 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): Account Number 001-3715-564000-300 (Machinery and Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed First Amendment to the June 4, 2002 Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County School Board for the Agri-Science Education Center, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent 0l DC! APPROVED [] DENIED t 1 OTHER: County Attorney: ,)Y Coordina tion/Si2natu res Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other; Other; Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): '-' ...; AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. Œ- J.~ DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] , TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Island Development Group Limited, Inc. (Watersong) Subdivision Improvement Agreement - Phase I BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum , FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement subject to receipt of adequate security in a form acceptable to the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED ( r OTHER: Review and Approvals çqm,Dev.!)ir~h \ P~blic. Works Dir¡ 'ßF' '-' . ( qy. S~rveyor: .pc! ço,~~ty En9':~ County Attorney: Originating Dept. Finance: (Çheck for çopy only, if applicable) Eff,5/96 "'" AGENDA REQUEST ....,.¡ ITEM NO. C- 3a DATE: September 23,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ~~ó? Michael Pawley, P.~ County Engineer ::. ~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Mitigation 6edits at the Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank for the S, 25th Street Widening Project (Midway Road to Edwards Road) BACKGROUND: This project will expand and improve S. 25th Street roadway from Midway Road to Edwards Road. As part of the permitting process, South Fiorida Water Management District (SFWMD) has imposed a requirement, as a condition to granting the permit, that mitigation efforts be undertaken with respect to impacted wetlands and that mitigation credits may be purchased-fram Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank. The attached agreement is between Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank (Seller) and SI. Lucie County (Buyer) in the amount of $24,000.00 for 0.6 herbaceous credits, FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds are available in 101006-4116-563000-4108 Transportation Trust/Impact PREVIOUS ACTION: ' September 12, 2000 _ BOCC approval of Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construct the South 25th Street widening, On February 23, 2001 an RFP for consultant services was advertised for design of South 25th Street Roadway Widening. Proposals were received on March 21'" three firms were shortlisted on April 10th, and the Board approved negotiating with the top ranked firm, Inwood Consulting Engineers, on April 17th. On September 11, 2001 the Board approved the agreement with ICE in the amount of $1,219,258.94 for design, permitting and land acquisition services. Because of pending issues with Earthtech, Inwood's sub- consultant for land acquisition services, staff re-agendaed the agreement with ICE to exclude land acquisitian services. On October_16, 2001 the Board approved the agreement with Inwood in the amount of $1,002,106,94 for design and permitting of South 25th Street Widening. Amendment No.1 was approved on February 5, 2002 in the amount of $39,245.63. The First Amendment to the contract became necessary after the FDOT realized that it would be unable to perform the Bridge Hydraulic Analysis and Report it had agreed to do. Inwood then undertook this responsibility. On May 14,2002 the Board approved the Amendment No, 2, as prepared by the County Attorney, along with Inwood's scope of services in the amount of $352,301 for land acquisition support and services for South 25th Street Roadway Widening. (All costs associated with the design and permitting of the project are reimbursable through our Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT. Costs associated with the land acquisition work are the respansibility of SI. Lucie County, including land purchase costs.) Amendment NO.3 was approved on August 13, 2002 to provide additional engineering services related to the very compressible soils recovered in the borings far the new bridge crossing 10-Mile Creek, and additional survey work to support the acquisition activities. This amendment was for $59,968.60 and brought the total contract amount to $1,453,621.77, This amendment also extended the contract time to June 30, 2003, "" 'w1I January 7, 2003 _ Amendment NO.4 - a revision to the Secand Amendment for a redistribution of previausly allocated funds to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers (ICE) for Land Acquisition Services for the South 25th Street Roadway Widening (Midway Road to Edwards Road). The number of parcels has decreased but the services of Earthtech's sub-consultants has increased. No change in project cost. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board agprove the Wetlands Mitigation Credit Sales Reservation and Agreement in the amount of $24,000.00 for the S. 25 h Street Widening Project (Midway Road to Edwards Road), subject to approval by the County Attorney, and signature by the Chairman. [x]County Attorney [X]Originati;'~ Dept. Public works~' s25th bluefield mitigation.ag ( ¡J¿~ h~ e Coord. Ç3f< \\ [x]Env,Res. \.~rI¡J" ~.. U COMMISSION ACTION: fit APPR()VED r1 OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent [ ] DENIED Coordination'S· at [x]Mgt. & Budget .. [x]Co. Eng AtVÞ , "" wi ITEM NO. C-3B DATE: September 23, 2003 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: , Award of Bid # 03-076, Picos'Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway to Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70. BACKGROUND: On August 27, 2003 bids were opened for the Picos Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway. Nine Hundred and Thirty-one (931) vendors were notified, Twenty-six (26) sets of bid documents were distributed and five (5) bids were received. The low bidder for this project, SPS Construction, Inc., has been disqualified because of an incomplete bid. SPS Construction, Inc. omitted the Trench Safety Act Compliance Statement, which is a viable part ofthe contract. The lowest complete bidder is Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Transportation Trust/Constitutional Gas Tax in account 101002-4112-563000-41010. Also, $290,388 will be transferred from the Lennard Road project Transportation Capital- Local Option Gas Tax account number 316001-4113-563000-4169 and will be replaced in the 04/05 Capital Improvements Program. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 6, 2003- Board approved to reject bids and to revise the plans and bid documents in order to reduce the project cost. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends award of Bid #03-076, Picos Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway to Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70, establish the project budget and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: LJ APPROVED ~ OTHER [ ] DENIED ~ [xl County Attorney [x] Originating Dept. Public Works (Check for copy only, if applicable) y I'r\<:..\-\- ~,~ ¡::c-,,,'- 11. twif Pulled Prior to Meeting \..- --' ITEM NO. C3c DATE: ~:J.3/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( X ) TO: BOÀRD OF COUNTY COMMI~SIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - ADMIN P~h, Don West Public Works Director SUBJECT: Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Network BACKGROUND: The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP) and voluntary "Best Management Practices" (BMP's) are the'two complementary elements of the State's strategy for meeting federal requirements for Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) for the S1. Lucie River Estuary and the Indian River Lagoon. , Water quality data is essential to focus our resourGes and activities on "problematic areas" of the watershed, and to measure program effectiveness in meeting the State and federally mandated goals. Water quality data is also important to drive watershed models that allow planners to evaluate the potential impacts of various future uses and program improvements. The existing water quality monitoring network is inadequate in that it does not provide the data necessary to address these needs for nearly one third of the Upper East Coast watershed area. This occurs primarily in the urbanized portion of the basin which the CERP project will not address. This urban area is not addressed by CERP because it lies downstream from proposed project catchment and treatment areas. SFWMD is proposing to partner with Martin and S1. Lucie Counties to establish the needed Water Quality monitoring Network throughout the Upper East Coast watershed, including the urbanized areas. (See attached WQM Network monitoring locations). In addition to the five (5) existing monitoring sites, 39 named tributaries have been identified discharging directly into the S1. Lucie Estuary and/or the Indian River Lagoon, (IRL). A majority of these tributaries are uncontrolled open channels with no associated water quality data. In order to prioritize BMP management efforts, a tributary water quality monitoring network will be required. As of September, 2003 51. Lucie County is responsible to begin implementation of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Management Program. Each Municipality engaged in the Program will be required to comply with certain "Minimum control Measures", including illicit discharge detection and eliminate prohibited non-stormwater illicit discharges. The data collected by the Water Quality Monitoring Network will help 51. Lucie County comply with this minimum control measure. The data collected by this WQM Network will also be used to: 1. Establish a baseline characterization of the water quality constituents contributed by the currently unmonitored area and some indication of their behavior. "'" 'w!I 2. Aid in problem source identification. 3. Support the development of the ongoing watershed water quality model development, calibration, and verification. 4. Establish a baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of watershed water quality management programs (voluntary BMP's etc.) On reducing pollutant loads from these areas. 5. Data will compliment on-going IRl SWIM Plan goals and objectives in determining pollution load reduction goals (PlRGS) and describing water quality trends and conditions. 6. Data will support a legislative mandate, by providing technical support that meets the intent of the 1999 Florida Watershed Restoratio(l Act (403.067 F.S.). Public Works Staff has budgeted funds for "NPDES Permitting" in the FY 2004 Stormwater Management MSTU. The County is proposing to provide up to $50,000 in matching funds for the Water Quality',Monitoring Program in partnership with SFWMD and Martin County. An Inter local Agreement will be Prepared to outline the responsibilities of each partnering agency that participates in the Water Quality Monitoring Network. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Funds will be made available in 102001-3726-563005-Drainage Maintenance MSTU-Stormwater Management. Funds are available at 102001-3725-563000-300. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A , RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff is recommending approval of St. Lucie County participation in the Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Network in the amount of $50,000 and authorization to establish a budget in that amount. COMMISSION ACTION: II APPROVED o OTHER: ' CONCURRENCE: o DENIED I-rt Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Ba",es - Absent Review and A .. Management and BUdget:~ 'í(}(!(j1 o Environmental Lands:.Ð\ h .. Originating Dept: (Pub. Wks.\ .. County Attorney: .. Purchasing: 6/r o Parks & Recreation: o Other o Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. COMMISSION ACTION: c!J APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER """' To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGF,10UND: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: County Attorney Finance.: Environ_ Resources; -' Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin~ Date: l1-I-tb Sept. 23, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg, [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Board of County Commissioners Community Development C nt Director -.SJJ-H,¿((ì Second Replat for SI,,,Jo,. Oaks - Final Plat Review On September t5, 2003, the Community Development Direc or approved a minor adjustment to a site plan for the Southern Oaks Subdivision. The purpose of this minor adjustment is to divide Tract "A" into two parcels. There are no subdivision improvements associated with this project. , N/A On April 18, 1995 this Board approved. Resolution 95-007, granting approval for a 36-lot residential subdivision, known as Shadow Oaks Subdivision. Staff recommends that the Board approve the second replat of the _5ovIkrn -3I,,,Jo# Oaks subdivision, and authorize staff to proceed with its final processing. CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ¡;,.. Coordination/ Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Engineering: (agend714a) ~ ""'" AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C -5 DATE: September 23, 2003 !"" fF"'V tll01 rF" V- l,--.:.J¡:.:.;::] \\1 \~:'\Ir" ~.\6 ~~~. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI?SIONERS SUBMmED BY(DEPT): Library PRESENTED BY: Susan Kilmer Library Director SUBJEq-: State Aid to libraries Grant Application BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County has received funding through the Department of State/State Library of Florida since 1978 for operating funds for public library serviœs. These funds are based on dollars spent for library operating expenses in FY01/02. The money for this grant has been projected in the library's 105-7115 budget. Estimated revenues from grant $250,000 , FUNDS AVAILABLE: 105-7115 Library Special Account - State Aid to Libraries PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board of County Commissioners have approved this grant application for 25 years. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign two copies of the application, at the time of aooroval, for the State Aid to Libraries Grant Application. Approve the library's annual plan of service. Do not date the aoolication - the date will be added once the original application is signed in Tallahassee. COMMISSION ACTION: l'J APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Íh County Attorney: Originating Dept. ~ ~/ Review and Management & BUdgelJe) Other' { if applicable} Purchasing: 9' other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, Eff. 5/96 \..- '-' AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-6 DATE: Sept. 23,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Pete Keogh Director SUBJECT: Waiver of fee/Friends of the Marina BACKGROUND: The Friends of the M'arina, an affiliate of the River Park Homeowners Association has requested use of the open space at River Park Marina on the afternoon of October 25, 2003, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for their second fun day. The purpose of the event is to have local businesses showcase themselves while offering the community a look at the area. Funds raised will be used for park improvements. (Waiver of fee request attached) This group was formed by members of the River Park Homeowners Association in 1999 and since that point they have contributed $1500 toward the beautification of the Marina open space, as well, volunteering their time. . FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: BOCC approved waiver of fees for the Friends of the Marina's first fun day fund raiser during the November f.. 2001 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve The Friends of the Marina's request for use of open space at the River Park Marina on October 25, 2003 at no charge for fund-raising purposes to benefit the park. COMMISSION ACTION: [ .~, APPROVED [I DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: Originating Dept: X M . Coordination/Sianatures Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Bames - Absent County Attorney: Management & Budget: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: Finance: ¡Check for Copy only, if applicable)_ AGENDA REOUEST 'wÎ ITEM NO. C-7 DATE: Sept. 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY: Human Resources PRESENTED BY: Carl Holeva Human Resources Director \ SUBJECT: October Increase BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: RECOMMENDATION: l!MMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent County Anomey: % Originating Depl During the budget workshops, the annual COLA was discussed and the recommendations was for an across-the-board 3% or 30 cents an hour increase (whichever is greater) for employees. At the present time, the Teamsters Union representing our bargaining unit employees, have not voted to accept a 3%, or 30 cents and hour increase. We are asking for approval of the increase for the non-bargaining unit employees to be effective Oct. 1,2003. 001-9910-599310-800 General Fund Salary Increase Reserves and various funds 9910-599310-800. Staffrecommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the 3% increase or 30 cents an hour"(whichever is greater), effective Oct. 1,2003, for non-bargaining full time and part time with limited benefits employees. CONCURRENCE: -b-t Review and A~Vñ~~ Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, ¡fapplicable): _ \.- -' AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-8A DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator \ SUBJECT: Contractor's Certification Board Reappointment BACKGROUND: John Langel is currently serving as an at-large member of the Contractors Certification Board. Mr. Langel's term expires this month. Mr. Langel is eligible for reappointment, and has sent a letter requesting reappointment. , FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board ratify the at-large reappointment of John Langel to the Contractors Certification Board. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes· Absent ~, [)C APPROVED [ ] DENIED C r OTHER: Review and ADDrovals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 \.- ..., AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-8b DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X] SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMisSIONERS \ SUBJECT: Tennination of Lease Agreement with Downeast iling Adventures for the Coùnty's North Dock BACKGROUND: st. Lucie County 'entered into a Lease Agreement with Downeast Sailing Adventures in Novem'ber, 2001 and amended this lease in April, 2002. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NjA , PREVIOUS ACTION: St. Lucie County has leased the North Dock to Downeast Sailing Adventures during the last two years. Recently significant money has been spent to improve facilities in the North Dock area including shoreline restoration and parking area replacement. Future projects include marine related kiosks. By continuing to lease the North Dock, access by water to visit public facilities will be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board terminate the lease with Downeast Sailing Adventures as provided for under section 15.04 of the agreement and authorize staff to provide notice to user by registered or certified mail. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [XI OTHER: las And rs ty Admi i rator Pulled Prior to Meeting ~- Do íb\ Co County Attorney: Jy Review and ADDrovals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ..,.¡. ITEM NO. C-Be ""' DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator SUBJECT: BOCC Meeting Changes for November, 2003 BACKGROUND: Due to the November 11, 2003 holiday, and the annual reorganization on November 18, 200'3, meeting changes will need to be announced for November, 2003. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board cancel the Board of County Commissioners meeting for November 11 due to the holiday, change the November 18, 2003 meeting to 9:00 am for the annual reorganization, and change the November 25, 2003 meeting to 7:00 pm. COMMISSION ACTION: [XJ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Review and ADDrovals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 \,.; 'ot1IIf ITEM NO. C9a DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Change Order #1 to Contract No. C02-07-561 with Norment Security Group, Inc. , BACKGROUND: 011 July 23, 2002 the Board of County Commissioners approved Contract No. C02-07-561 with Norment Security Group, lric., for Security and Fire Alarm Systems Improvements and Replacements for the St. Lucie' County Correctional Facility. Central Service Department is requesting authorization to increase the contract amount by $26,892.95. (See Attached Memo) , FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account No. 316-1940-562000-26001, Rock Road Jail/Security System Upgrade. PREVIOUS ACTION: On July 23, 2002 the Board of County Commissioners approved award of Bid No.02-057, Security and Fire Alarm Systems Improvements and Replacements for the St. Lucie County Correctional Facility to Norment Sec.urity Group, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1 to Contract No. C02-07-561 with Norment Security Group, Inc., for an amount of $26,892.95 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the change order as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ¡;~ ~) APPROVED () DENIED - () OTHER < Coord i nation/S I II n atu res County Attorney ( X) ~y Mgt. & Budget (X) ff¡e/) !Ÿ\f~ Other( ) Purchasing (X) ¡;/ Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ...." ITEM NO. c-9b DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Purchasinq Ed Parker. Purchasinq Director SUBJÉCT: Bid Waiver and sole source declaration for service and purchase of parts for certain County' Equipment. This is for the Public Works Department, Solid Waste· Division and Central Service Department, Service Garage. BACKGROUND: Staff requests consideration for a bid waiver and sole source declaration to Kelly Tractor for Caterpillar parts and service, L.B. Smith for Volvo and Samsung parts and service, Sierra International Machinery, LLC for MacPress balers and conveyors parts and service, Menzi USA for Menzi Muck parts and services and Great Southern Equipment for Gradall parts and services. Each of the vendors have protectéd territories from each manufacturer. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Oct 12,1999 BOCC approved bid waiver and sole source. Sept: 26, 2000 BOCC approved bid waiver and sole source. Oct 9, 2001 BOCC approved bid waiver and sole source. Oct 8, 20022001 BOCC approved bid waiver and sole source. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the bid waiver and sole source declaration for the parts and services to Kelly Tractor for Caterpillar, L.B. Smith for Volvo and Sarnsung, Sierra International Machinery, LLC for MacPress balers and conveyors, Menzi USA for Menzi Muck and Great Southern Equipment for Gradall. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ ( or County Attorney:(X) ;¿. --¡-/ ~ <.J Coordination/SiQnatures 6 40r) -11 Mgt. & Budget:(x) /;' í) Other: Originating Dept: Purchasing Mgr.:(X) 6/t Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) \,.< ..., ITEM NO. C-9, DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQU~ST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Contract No. C99-12-128 with Florida Rock Industries, Inc. , BACKGROUND: On-December 7, 1999 the Board of County Commissioners approved a three- year contract through September 30, 2002 with Florida Rock Industries, Inc., to supply coquina rock for the Road & Bridge Division. The contract allows for two (2) additional one-year renewal options at the same terms and conditions. The Board approved the first extension on August 13, 2002. Staff is now recommending that the Board authorize the second extension. , FUNDS AVAilABLE: Account No: Transportation Trust Fund, Road & Bridge Maintenance, Road Materials: 101-4110-553200-400. Transportation Trust Fund, Road & Bridge Drainage, Road Materials: 101-4108-553200-400 PREVIOUS ACTION: On AL,lgust 13, 2002 the Board of County Commissioners approved the first extension through September 30, 2003. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the second amendment to the contract with Florida Rock Industries, Inc., and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. , COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes· Absent +:t RA TOR ~ APPROVED () DENIED (') OTHER Coordi natio n/S iQ natures County Attorney ( X) Originating Dept. ( ) Ll/ Mgt. & Budget (X) ~/ 011¡1~ Other ( ) Purchasing (x)L Other( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ "'" 'wi ITEM NO. C-9d DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Invitation to Bid, IFB #03-70 Sale of Real Property at the Airport Industrial Park , BACKGROUND: On August 23, 2003 IFB #03-070 was opened for the Sale of Real Property at the Airport Industrial Park. Five Hundred and Twenty-five (525) vendors were notified, eight (8) bid documents were distributed and three (3) responses were received. Staff recommends permi~sion to sell block 4, lots 16 and17, and block 6, lots 5, 7 and 8 to Arthur M. Hungerford III pending a Phase 1 environment audit at Mr. Hungerford's expense. Staff also recommends re-advertising blocks 1 and 2 based on are-evaluation ofth,ß properties value. (See attached minimum bid requirement and memo) FUNDS AVAilABLE: To be deposited in Airport Funds PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the award of IFB #03-070 Sale of Real Property at the Airport Industrial Park, block 4, lots 16 and17, and block 6, lots 5, 7 and 8 to Arthur M. Hungerford III for $249,500 contingent upon successfully developing the property, Staff also recommends re- advertising I:Jlocks 1 and 2 based on a re-evaluation of the properties value, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes· Absent ~ Coord i n ation/Siq natures County Attorney ( X ) .Y ~ Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) Other () ·1~..llD , Originating Dept. ( ) finance: (check for copy, .only if applicable)_ '--' .....,¡ ITEM NO. C-9E DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQU~ST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Permission.to advertise Request for Proposal for a Baseball Training Facility to be located at the Lawnwood Sports Complex. . BACKGROUND: To solicit proposals for a Baseball Training Facility to be located at the Lawnwood Sports Complex. , FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A· RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the request for permission to advertise Request for Proposal for Baseball Training Facility to be located at the Lawnwood Sports Complex. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED t ) OTHER CONCURRENCE: Approved (3·0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Coo rdi n atio n/SiQ na tu res County Attorney ( X) vy Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other( ) Purchasing (X)£ , Other ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicabie)_ '-' AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ....,.¡ ITEM NO. C-9 P DATE: 9/23/03 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: First Agreement Extension to Bid #02-028, Purchase of Bailing Wire , BACKGROUND: On ..January 16, 2002 the Board of County Commissioners approved the award of Bid #02-028, Purchasing of Bailing Wire through September 30,2003. This bid was issued as a "Spot Market Purchase" request, which due ,to the volatile pricing of steel does not lock a vendor to a set price for the term of the contract. Awarded vendors would be requested to submit facsimile price quotations (Spot Market Pricing) for Bailing Wiring as needed by the Bailing Facility. Failure by the vendor to respond to two (2), consecutive requests for quotation will be cause for them to be removed for the remainder of the contract period. The bid allows for two (2) additional one-year terms. The Solid Waste Division is recommending the First Agreement Extension of Bid #02-028, Purchase of Bailing Wire to Cavert Wire Company, Apex Pinnacle, and L&P Wire-Tie Systems. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Solid Operating Supplies Account No: 401-3410-552000-300 PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the First Agreement Extension to Bid #02- 028, Purchàse of Bailing Wire to Cavert Wire Company, Apex pinnacle and L&P Wire-Tie Systems. COMMISSION ACTION: Q() APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absenl ~ Coordi nation/S io n atu res County Attorney ( X) Originating Dept. ( ) () / LV Mgt. & Budget (X) J1('-'1YJrvl~ Other ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ CONCURRENCE: Purchasing (X) dt.- Other( ) ITeM'NO. C-9~ DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: First Extension to Contract No. COO-07-442 with Natures Keeper, Inc. BACKGROUND: 0 n July 11, 2000 t he Board of County Commissioners a pproved a three-year contract through September 30, 2003 with Natures Keeper, Inc., to install Bahia sod at the St. Lucie County Glades Road Landfill. The contract allows for two (2) additional one-year extensions at the same terms and conditions. Staff is now recommending that the Board authorize the first extension. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Grounds Maintenance Account No: 401-3410-546300-300 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first extension to the contract with Natures Keeper, Inc., and authorization for the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Ø(.) APPRQVED ( ) OTHER Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent þ1 ( ) DENIED Coord ination/SiQ n atu res County Attorney ( X) J¿/ Mg'. & ',d,,, (X) ~rv¡:;, P''''''''"9 (X)-'iIL Other ( ) Other ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ~ "wII ITEM NO. C-9H DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUE;ST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Permission to advertise Request for Qualification for the Holiday Festival Event at the SI. Lucie County Fairgrounds, Equestrian, Event Center. BACKGROUND: To solicit qualified vendors to present a Holiday Festival Event at the SI. Lucie County Fairgrounds, Equestr)an, Event Center. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the request for permission to advertise Request for Qualification for the Holiday Festival Event at the S1. Lucie County Fairgrounds, Equestrian, Event Center. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED () DENIED ( f OTHER CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-D) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ¡;~ TOR Coordi nation/SiQn atu res County Attorney ( X) ,7/ ,- Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) djj Originating Dept. ( ) Other( ) finance: (check for copy, only if appiicable)_ ...... ...., . , ITEM NO. C- q I DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Award Invitation to Bid, IFB #03-074, Temporary Personnel Services. \ BACKGROUND: On August 13, 2003 IFB #03-074 was opened for Temporary Personnel Services. Two hundred and ninety"nine (299) vendors were notified, eighteen (18) bid documents were distributed and ten (10) responses were received. Staff recommends award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Treasure Coast Staffing. (See attached memo) , FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various department accounts. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the award of IFB #03-074 Temporary Personnel Services to Treasure Coast Staffing and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ( ) APPROVED () DENIED 00 OTHER Pulled Prior to Meeting h--, RA TOR County Attorney ( X ) Originating Dept. ( ) $ Coord in ation/SiCl natures Mgt. & Budget (X) lV~ úJ11~ Purchasing (X) d- Other ( ) Other ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicabie)_ """ -...J ITEM NO. C-9j DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) ·0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ,UBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker. Purchasinq Director ,UBJECT: Award of IFB #03-075, Purchase of a Vertical Platform Truck. 3ACKGROUND: On Septem'ber 17, 2003 IFB #03-075 was opened for the Purchase of a Vertical :>Iatform Truck for the Road & Bridge Division. Four hundred (400) vendors were notified, thirty-one .31) bid documents were distributed and one (1) response was received. Based on staff review of the )id. we recommend award to Stamm Manufacturing for a total amount of $84,428.00. See Attached , FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #101-4110-564000-400 - Capital Equipment PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the award of IFB #03-075 Purchase of a Vertical Platform Truck to Stamm Manufacturing for a total amount of $84,428.00 to fill equipment item, EQ #03-144, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent c ~ DO G TV tCOUN ~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED Coord ination/Sianatures County Attorney ( X ) ;72~/ ,. Mgt. & Budget (X ~ Purchasing (X) Other ( ) Other ( ) (if Originating Dept. ( ) finance: (check for copy, oniy if applicable)_ AGENDA REOUEST -' ITEM NO. C -lOA DATE: Sept. 23, 2003 REGULAR [ I PUBLIC HEARING [ I CONSENT [XI TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: I, \ SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: PRESENTED BY: Marie Gouin Director, Management and Budget Office of Management and Budget Approval ofEquipment Request Numbers EQ03-284, EQ03-285 and EQ03-286 and Budget Amendment BA03-164 for the Supervisor of Elections ' office at the Orange Blossom Mall. In a letter dated June 12,2003, the Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker requested the Board of County Commissioners to fund the costs associated 'with their office move at the Orange Blossom Mall. The list included hardware, contracts, office products, cabinets, a security system and dismantling, removal and replacemçnt of existing rotary file. Total cost for the move was estimated at $226,200. On June 24, 2003 the Board approved funding the office move in the amount of $226,200. Certain equipment necessary for the office move were not identified at the time staff requested funding. Staffis now requesting approval of equipment request numbers EQ03-284, EQ03-285 and EQ03-286 and Budget Amendment BA03-164 for the purchase of a rotary filing system and office furniture. Staff is also requesting that the Board authorizes the County Administration to sign off on future equipment purchases for the Supervisor of Elections within the specified budget for this project. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN: 316-1910-563000-100 County Capital Fund/Supervisor ElectionslImprovements oft Bldg account PREVIOUS ACTION: June 24, 2003 - Board approved the reallocation of $226,200 from the Administration Annex Bldg addition and new facade project for the upcoming move of the Supervisor of Elections office to the Orange Blossom mall. June 12, 2003 - the Supervisor of Elections requested funding from the Board of County Commissioners for the costs of the office move. G:\Budget\WP\AGENDA'S\Agenda03\Jul-Sep\9'23SupvElec·OrangeBlSSmMove.wpd \.... "-'" RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of Equipment Request 03-284, EQ-03-285, and EQ03-286 and Budget Amendment 03-164 to cover the purchase ofa rotary filing system and office furniture for the Supervisor of Elections office move to the Orange Blossom Mall. Staff also recommends the Board authorizes the County Administration to sign off on future equipment purchases within the specified budget for this project. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approvel:i (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ çounty Attorney: Originating Dept: Other: .JY. CoordinarionlSi!2Datures {jf 'J/l ----;::- A,~J.¡;_ ¡- Mgt. & Budget: v·'-Y'" /il/v"--1 Purchasing: (L- Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) , ~ ...,,; AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-IOB DATE: Sept. 23,2003 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMl\1ISSIONERS COMMISSION ArnON: [X APPROVED [] DENIED [ r OTHER: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent County Attorney: XX Central Servic.es: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie Gouin Inter-fund Loan from the Transportation Trust Fund for the Revels Lane MSBU project (fund 39003). Typically, before construction commences on an MSBU project, residents are given thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days to prepay their assessments in order to avoid fmancing and interest fee charges. For the Revels Lane I MSBU project only one resident prepaid their assessment. Shortly after the prepayment, staff obtained an interim loan 'of$105,000 to finance the construction costs of the project. In January 2003, the resident who prepaid their assessment requested for a refund of the prepayment from the Tax Collector's office. The Tax Collector's office then requested a reimbursement for the amount refunded to the property owner. This course of action created a negative cash balance in the project/construction fund. To correct the negative cash balance, staff is requesting the Board to authorize an inter-fund loan ITom Transportation Trust fund (101) into the Rèvels LanelMSBU fund (39003) in the amount of$519. Repayment will take place during the first month of the new fiscal year 2003- 2004 once staff obtains permanent financing. $519 Inter-fund Loan from the Transportation Trust Fund (Fund 101) to the Revels Lane MSBU project fund (fund 39003) see attached memorandum from MSBU Coordinator Staff recommends the Board approve the Inter-fund loan in the amount of$519 from the Transportation Trust Fund (101) into the Revels Lane MSBU project fund ($519). CONCURRENCE: j;, % Coordination/Signatures Management & Budget: XX 240 ffißl ~Chasing: Public Works: ~ };tVP Parks & Recreation: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only. if applicable) XX ...... ...." AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-10C DATE: Sept. 23,2003 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [XI TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S~MITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie Gouin SUBJECT: Interfund Loan from the Transportation Trust Fund (101) for the Westglen MSBU project fund (693) BACKGROUND: On August 22, 2000 the Board approved the Final Assessment roll for the Westglen MSBU -wastewater MSBU, Staff repaid the interim loan in full and obtained pennanent financing through Bank of America. In March 2002, several property owners decided to payoff their assessments earlier than the prescribed term offifteeri (15) years. This prepayment of assessments created a surplus in the debt service account in the amount of $80,000. The prepayment was applied to pay down the Bank of America note and the bank required a $500 fee for amending the amortization schedule. To avoid the fees required in revising the amortization sèhedule, the prepayment was then applied towards the reduction of the principal and the amortizatión was not revised. In September 2002, in order to avoid a negative cash balance in the project fund, staff requested authorization through an inter-fund loan from the Transportation Trust; the loan was later reimbursed in December, 2002. In the same token, to avoid a negative cash balance in the project fund in the current fiscal year, staff is requesting the Board to authorize an inter-fund loan from TranSportation Trust fund (101) into the Westglen MSBU fund 693 in the amount of$2,686. Repayment will take place during the first month of the new fiscal year 2003- 2004. FUNDS AVAILABLE: $2,686 Interfund Loan ¡¡-om the TranSportation Trust Fund (Fund 101) to the Westglen MSBU project fund (fund 693) PREVIOUS ACTION: see attached memorandum ¡¡-om MSBU coordinator RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecomrnends the Board approve the Inter-fund loan in the amount of $2,686 from the TranSportation Trust Fund (101) into the Westglen MSBU project fund (Fund 693). '--' ..." COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [X:.] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: XX 9t , CoordinationlS i gnatures Management & Budget XX 2:Ilf) ~\~~Purchasing: Public Works: CjZP Jrlp Parks & Recreation: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Central Services; F~ce: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) XX \ Other: , \.,.. ,.., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-10D DATE: Sept. 23, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Management & Budget PRESENTED BY: Marie Gouin SUBJI;CT: Adopt Budget Resolution 03-255 to establish the budget for the $3,000,000 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2003 for the Environmental Land - Capital Fund BACKGROUND: On September 15, 2003 the closing for the $3,000,000 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2003 took place via wire transfer. This loan is being completed to pay the costs of the acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands within SI. Lucie County. This loan will be retired within 30 days from cash on hand in the bond sinking fund (fund 282). In order to use the bond proceeds funds for the intended projects, a budget resolution must be approved by the Board appropriating the unanticipated revenue for the current fiscal year 2002-03. The attached Budget Resolution 03-255 will accomplish this in accordance with Florida Statutes. FUNDS AVAILABLE: See attached Budget Resolution 03-255 PREVIOUS ACTION: See above RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board adopt Budget Resolution 03-255 establishing the budget for the $3,000,000 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2003 for the Environmental Land - Capital Fund. COMMISSION ACTION: [X APPROVED [] DENIED ( ] OTHER: Approved (3·0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent Coordi nation/S 10 natu res County Attorney: XX ,121-- Management & Budget: XX ~ f." ~urChaSing: Orig Dept: Central Services: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)...x.-.- Other: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeling should contact the Sl Lucie County Community Services Manager at 5ô1- 462-1m or TDD 561-462·1428 at least forty-eight (48) ho"'" prior to the meeting. ~ AGENDA REQUEST ..." ITEM NO. C- 10E DATE: Sept. 23, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Management & Budget PRESENTED BY: Marie Gouin SUBJECT: Adopt Budget Resolution 03-254 to establish the budget for the $6,055,000 St "Lucie County, Florida Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003 and $2,627,500 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C (Thoma's J. White Stadium) BACKGROUND: On,September 10, 2003 the closing for the St Lucie County, Florida Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003 took place via wire transfer. The $6,055,000 St Lucie County, Florida Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003 is being completed to finance a portion of the cost acquisition and construction of certain capital projects to the Thomas J. White Stadium Complex. Security for the repayment of the loan would be the revenues received from 100% of the fourth and 67% of the fifth cent tourist development tax levied and collected within the County in pursuant to Section 125.0104(3)(1), Florida Statutes and per County Ordinance 02-36. The $2,627,500 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C (Thomas J, White Stadium) is taxable and is scheduled to close on September 17"', 2003. It is also secured by a subordinate pledge of the Tourist Development Tax. A budget resolution must be approved by the Board appropriating these unanticipated revenues for the current fiscal year 2002-03. The attached Budget Resolution 03-254 will accomplish this in accordance with Florida Statutes. FUNDS AVAILABLE: See attached Budget Resolution 03-254 PREVIOUS ACTION: See above RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board adopt Budget Resolution 03-254 establishing the budget for the $6,055,000 St Lucie County, Florida Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003 and $2,627,500 St Lucie County, Florida Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C to finance projects at the Thomas J. White Stadium and the Sports Complex. \-- ..,¡ Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent) COMMISSION ACTION: [X APPROVED [] DENIED [ ). OTHER: Orig Dept: Coordination/Siqnatures ¡Çlr Management & Budget: XX bzo ~~n~rChaSing: Central Services: ' Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)...2L. County Attorney: XX Other: Anyone with a disability requiring accommoda~on to attend this meeting should contact the Sl Lucie County Community Services Manager at 561- 462-1777-or TOO 561-462-1428 at least forty-€ighl (48) hours prior 10 the meeting. , '\,0- ..,.¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. -.£:J.L DATE: September 23,2003 CONSENT X] REGULAR [ PUBLIC HEARING [] Leg. [ Quasi-JD. [ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: -@~' ,p»~ nt~ Wri ter SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration - Grants \ SUBJECT: Authorize the County Administrator to sign the grant applications to the St. Lucie River Issues Team for grant funds for acquisition and restoration of' lands along Ten Mile Creek, construction of storrnwater facilities at Paradise Park and Harmony Heights and development of a Best Management Practice demonstration site. BACKGROUND, County staff plans to submit several applications to the St. Lucie River Issues Team. After review of the ranking criteria and timing ~of permitting and construction of the project, staff recommends that the Board approve the following ranking of the projects: Acquisition and restoration of lands along Ten Mile Creek, Stormwater Retrofit for Paradise Park, Best Management Practice Demonstration Site, Stormwater Retrofit for Harmony Heights. Thus, staff recommends that the Board approve the submittal of the applications and the rank proposed above. Although three of the four projects were submitted 'last year, the State budget did not include funds for the program. The Issues Team applications are due October 1 and will not be fully funded until after the Governor signs next year's budget. FUNDS AVAIL.: Matching dollars for Ten Mile Creek will come from Fer and a DEP 319 restoration grant. The $300,000 match for Paradise Park is in account #102001-3725-563000-42511 and the $900,000 match for Harmony Heights is in #102001-3725-563000-42507. Project management will be the match for the Best Management Practice demonstration site. PREVIOUS ACTION: Although the Board authorized submittal of three of the four grants last year, the Issues Team program was not funded in last year's state budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign the grant applications and the proposed ranking to the St. Lucie River Issues Team for grant funds for acquisition and restoration of lands along Ten Mile Creek, construction of stormwater facilities at Paradise Park and Harmony Heights and development of a Best Management Practice demonstration site. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: County AttorneYI Originating Deptl Pinancel t/ Coordination/Si Mgt & Budget I 2tØ Public Worksl AgeSLRIT03.doc Purchasingl Other I IX] I ] APPROVED OTHER: DENIED Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent \-- ..,J AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-12 DATE: September 23, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Beth Ryder, Director , SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution No. 03-248 adopting the St. Lucie County Policy for disposition of unclaimed or indigent·bodies. BACKGROUND: Florida Statutes require each County to be responsible for the disposition of unclaimed or indigent people who die within the County. Since 1984, the policy has been followed with no increase in the amount paid, and over the years, the funeral homes have absorbed the additional rising expenses. In order to maintain costs, staff is requesting authority, as allowed by Florida Statute 406.52, to authorize cremations. The fee would remain the same for all cremation services as has been in place since 1984, $500.00. There would be a significant Increase for burial services from $600.00 to $1200.00. The new cremation policy will significantly decrease the number of burials, because the proposed policy requires cremations unless the body is unidentified, directed by the Medical Examiner or in the case of exception by a relative. FUNDING AVAIL: 001- 6420- 549004 - 600 (pauper Burials) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Appròval of Resolution NO. 03-248 adopting the St. Lucie County Policy for disposition of unclaimed or indigent bodies. COMMISSION ACTION: . ~ APPROVED [) DENIED [ ) OTHER: CONCURRENCE: Approved (3·0) Bruhn, Bames - Absent .~~ County Attorney: x Originating Dept. ()r Review and ADDrovals Management & Budget: vr:ltN'Mf'-nurcbaSing: Other: ~ \,.. ~ ITEM NO. C-2 DATE: 9/23/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PurchasinQ Department Ed Parker. PurchasinQ Director SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Contract No. C01-10-077 with Vector Disease Control Inc. \ BACKGROUND: On ,.october 1, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners entered into a agreement through September 30, 2002 with Vector Disease Control Inc for aerial adulticiding services for Mosquito Control Department. The Board approved the first amendment on August 27, 2002" Staff is now recommending that the Board authorize the second amendment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: , PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 27, 2002 the Board of County Commissioners approved the first amendment through September 30, 2003. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the second amendment to contract C01-1 0-077 with Vector Disease Control Inc, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: pc] APPROVED [] DENIED '[ ] OTHER: Approved (3-0) Bruhn, Barnes - Absent ~ CoordinationfSianatures County Atlomey:(X) CJ\" ~/4 Mgt. & Budget () Purchasing Mgr_:(X) r# Originating Dept: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable)