HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Lucie Waterfront Council St Lucie Waterftont ColUlcil Pose Offtçe 8QX 4143 Fort Pietcè, Plorida 34948 (172) ~ 1-7527 (772) ~8-8688 Fax www.ldwallrtl'ontcouncil.org Th. ~ of OW' wœerfro/lU dq.,,¿ on wII4II we rID t.. Auplt 3, 2007 Mr. Doni Anderson CoUQty AdministJ'ator St. Lucie County 2300 Vir¡inia A VeJlue Fort Pierce, FL 34946 RE: July 24, 2007 ~ Consent Agenda C-3d - Request for DEP Environmental Resourçes Application Floating Dock for east shore of Harbour Pointe Dear Mr. AndmsOIi and County Commissioners: On wett.....y, July 1,2007, the St. Lucie Waterfront Council met and had extensive discussion on the above item.. The WFC woWd like to go on record opposing the action taken on this issue on July 24. 2007. As;you are aware. we stood tall with the City, County and Port St. Lucie Commission as well as our Legislative Delegation opposing the Submerged Land Lease requested for Destine Beach, Inc. on this same shoreline. We oppose this application for the same basic reason of potential damage to the seagrasscs in this area that the County's own seagrass survey confinned. These seagrasses are one of our most valuable natural resources and contribute greatly to our opportunity to be noted for our fishing toumammts. This area shol11d only be considered, for any use, after a complete environmental impact study is done and necessary mitiption requirements met. This would be very costly for the county. The WFC urges St. Lucie County to not submit the above application. The WFC will agressively fight the issuance of such application as we cUd for the Destin Beach, Inc. application. This could be even more costly for the County to pursue duo tQ the opposition. . Our members do not understand why this issue was not brought before the Harbor Advisory Board for consideration before moving fotward. If items of this nature were brought to the HAB fur consideration the county staff and commissioners would have bad the opportunity to hear the public side of this issue. The question also was discussed as to why an issue of this magnitude was on the Concent Agenda.. The WFC urges rç(:onsideration and would like to offer support for using the south shore of Taylor Creek, aloDl HarboW' Pointe as well as using the 2 existing docks at the museum. park. After di8C1lSsing this with Se\Teral of the participants of the tournament that had to be moved to the museum area, the consensus is they were much happier with the museum area. The reasons they s1utred were: 1. Buy accessibility coming in the inlet. They seemed to have no problem with the tidal flow. 2. Safer area. With continual view of the area from the bridge the chance oftbeft or vandalism to their expensive eQuipment is much less likely. 3. More viSible to public and therefore more community participation. ~ CQl'Y 01' 17(& Of11'1aAJ. /lEGatlUT1ONANÞ I'tNANCUJ. JNTONMT101I MAr If& 01fJ'AINED FlIOM 'lN1t DlYt&ION OI' CONSUMU. SlUII'lCEt IfY CAUlNG 70U n.IZ WfT7UN T1Uf $TA7I'. 1I6GlIfaAT1N oo1i3 NOT IMPLY E.NDOUlISIJMwn: _OVdl, Olf /lElXJMMJ£NbAT1ON BY 1'88 IJTATIè J odoo...ilJ.Tll1. A\lfUBt 3, 2001 Paae2 RE: July 24. 2007 - Consent Agenda C-3d - Request for DEP Environmental Resourçes Application Floatin¡ Do<:k for east shore of Harbour Pointe With our current budget restraints, the use of the museum docks would save a tremendous àDlount oft&:/( dollars II1d make a great area for the tournament. Docks at that location do not need to be tented as the portables would, there are already rest rooms at the Smithsonian building, plenty of parking as well as additional parking available under the bridge. The use of this area would give more exposure the Historical Museum as well as Smithsonian Marine Exhibit. Participants families could enjoy the Causeway Park as well as the nice play ground and picnic area in the adjoining park. In swnmary. this letter is to advise you the St. Lucie Waterftont Council, Inc. að"""antlyopposes the use of the eastern shore of Harbour Pointe for the boating impacts on the seagrasses that have been documented in thi. JeDlitive area. We are willing to support the other areas mentioned in this letter. We also encourage the County to utilìze their Harbor Advisoty Board and other organizations that have actively participated in dceilions in the entire port ilea before gOing forward with issues of this magnitude. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further discussion of this issue before moving forward. We request that we be provided copies of all e-mails and correspondence on this issue. If the County mOves forward with this application we would appreciate reviewing it before it is submitted. Thank you for any consideration you give this extremely important issue. The WFC trusts that you will make a sound decision on this to protect the environment as well as the cost to the taxpayers. Sinœrely, ~ "rU! ~,. ~.--- Jeanne Heam Government Relations S1. Lucie Waterftont Council, Inc. (772) 461-7526 cc Debra Brisson, Director: St. Lucio County Parks and Recreation St. Lucie County Harbor Advisory Board George Cavros, Attorney