HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-2007 Signed Agendas REVISED REVISED AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.6 DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Robert o. Freeman Bond Counsel SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-256 - Revolving Line of Credit with Sun Trust Leasing Corporation BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1308 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 07-256 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ .....,~ ~ Approved s-o ~ 1 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator 9J? / [X] County Attorney: t . Review and Approvals ]Management & Budget: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ]Purchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge,: [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check far capy aniy, If applicable) Effective 5/96 REVISED AGENDA REQUEST "1 h ITEM NO. 1. DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): County Attornev Mark Godwin SUBJECT: Approve an Agreement for Satellite Tracking Equipment with SATELLITE TRACKING OF PEOPLE, (S.T.O.P.)LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, This company assisted the County Pretrial Release Program by immediately responding the County's demands and provided public safety during the transition from the former contracted entity (Sentencing Alternatives) to the St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program. During the transition, the Satellite Tracking of People, LLC Company moved all GPS tracked defendants to the new County program and continued to track defendants 24 hours, seven (7) days per week. Furthermore, S.T.O.P. has also provided immediate customer service and training for the County staff. This agreement provides for 75 units per day, at the rate of $8.00, for potential budget of $216,000.00. BACKGROUND: On November 1, 2005, the County contracted with an entity to implement and provide global position satellite electronic monitoring (hereinafter "GPS") for pretrial release. In May of 2007, a review revealed numerous concerns with the previous vendor. On May 22, 2007 the Board approved terminating the contract with Sentencing Alternatives, and the satellite transmission company, S.T.O.P. continued to monitor the current criminal defendants with County staff supervision. Satellite Tracking of People (S.T.O.P.) continues to provide public safety for individuals placed on GPS by the Court system. FUNDS AVAIL: The funds for this contractor are designated in "other contractual services" account: 107 -2360-53400-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: None for FY06/07 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board declare emergency approval of this contractor, and accept the agreement with "Satellite Tracking of People, LLC. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~l APPROVED [] [ ]' OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED .........---¡ ~ -- -- - ~ICounty Administrator Coord i nati 0 nlS iQ n atu res Douglas M. Anderson County Attorney:_X Management & Budget_X Originating Department:1¡ 17....1, .' GJ ·WJÝother: Purchasing: Other: Finance: Check for copy only, if applicableX AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. RA-1 DATE: 8/28/2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ CONSENT [ ] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Growth Management PRESENTED BY: ~ Peter Jones, Planning~ager TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Queens Island Preserve MJSP 820071304 Application for Major Site Plan See Attached Memorandum. GENERAL NOTES: See Attached Memorandum, FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board provide policy direction regarding construction eastward of the CCCL relative to the Queens Island Preserve major site plan, COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [ ] APPROVED ~l OTHER: [ ] DENIED ~~-\ _../ J No action required. Board direction given to staff. ----+-\ Douglas M. Anderson ~ County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Effective: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2.A Date: August 28, 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Sam's Club Warehouse - Interlocal Amendment with St. Lucie County School Board for Joint CDL Training Site BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 07-1378 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Interlocal Agreement with the School Board, and authorize the Chainnan to sign the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~,APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ----- '} -- ~- ~ --. 4 1Douglas M. Anderson \ County Administrator Originating Dept.: ~ ~ Coordination/Sil!natu res County Attorney: Mgt. & Budget: Other :C~?.........- Purchasing: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2B DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: The Provences - Release of Letter of Credit BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board release the Letter of Credit posted for The Provences. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~~ ...../ ~ ---t 1 Douglas Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: v:tJ- , Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept, Public Works Dir: County Eng,: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2C DA TE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of-way Storage East XV Edwards, LLC 20 feet on Edwards Road Resolution No. 07-258 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: May 16, 2006 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 06-058 granting a Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan approval to Sabin Companies, Inc. June 19, 2007 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 07-124 granting a 12-Month Extension of the date of expiration for the Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Special Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-258 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St, Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: )<] APPROVED [ j OTHER [ ] DENIED - ------=:' -~ ~ [x] County Attorney: ¡Â/ ~Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals Approved 5-0 jlV'-~ [x] Road and Bridge: [x] Engineering:",4I'AÕ7......h t..-.rþ [x] Public Works: [x] Originating Dept: [ ] Environmental: G:\ACQ\ WP\Right of Way Donations\Martin Self Storage\Agenda,wpd AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C2D DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Utility Easement Fort Pierce Utilities Authority County Property known as Elks Park BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Utility Easement, authorize the Chainnan to sign the Utility Easement and direct staff to record the Utility Easement in the Public Records of S1. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: x] APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED ~ ~~----' ~Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 en Lfr' [x] County Attorney:' Review and Approvals ~.,.,<..-c".,.. [x] Public Works: .,.,,¿ [,]P~k&R"., /M " [x] Originating Dept: 51"}'" [ ] Road and Bridge: [x] Engineering: M"P AGENDA REQUEST f\~ ITEM NO.'~' DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Budget Amendment #BA-07-079 - Requesting the transfer of $40,000 from Contingency Account #001-9910-599100-800 to Professional Services Account #001-1410-531000-100 BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1394 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the transfer of $40,000 from Contingency to Professional Services as requested. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ------=' --' ~ Approved 5-0 ~JDouglas M. Anderson , County Administrator [X) County Attorney: v9J Review and ADDrDvals [ ]Management & BUdget:..ßi.r ~< [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ )Purchaslng: [ ] Road Be Bridge.: [ ) Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, iF applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2 - F DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): County Attorney Mark Godwin SUBJECT: Requesting approval for the purchase of two (2) laptop computers for the new St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program. These computers would be used in the field, and in the office to register, monitor and track criminal defendants on global position satellite (hereinafter GPS). These computers would also be used for accessing data base information on defendants via the World Wide Web with the use of up-linking technology available through air cards. Furthermore, this approval will authorize Budget Amendment (BA# 07-077) in the amount of $3,355 and Equipment Request (EO# 07-359) allowing the purchasing of the computers. BACKGROUND: On November 1, 2005, the County contracted with an entity to implement and provide global position satellite electronic monitoring (hereinafter "GPS") for pretrial release. In May of 2007, a review revealed numerous concerns with the previous vendor. On May 22, 2007 the Board approved terminating the contract with the former vendor, and as a result the St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program has taken over the responsibilities of supervising/monitoring pretrial defendants. FUNDS AVAIL: The $3,355 for this purchase is designated in "machinery and equipment" account: 107-2360-564000-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: NJA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept and approve BA# 07-077 and EO #07-359, allowing the purchase of two (2) laptop computers for the St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Þ<I APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIE~ __~ .., ~ounty Administrator Douglas M. Anderson Approved s-o A-// Coordination/SiQnatures County Attorney:_X ~ Management & BUdgeCX~ Purchasing: Originating Departme~ Other: other: Finance: Check for copy only, if appllcableX AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2G DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONsENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney J oAnn Ri ley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of-way Orchid Place, LLC 20 feet on Edwards Road Resolution No. 07-257 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 16, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 07-004 granting a Change in Zoning and Final Planned Unit Development to Charles H. Sabin of Sabin Companies, Inc. Condition. Number 8 required the dedication of the North 20 feet along Edwards Road to St, Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Special Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-257 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St, Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: )<] APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 .----" --. ::-.;::,~ ~ ~"\ Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator [x] County Attorney: 516 Review and Approvals [x] Road and Bridge: [x] Public Works: [x] Originating Dept: 1~t- ,." -' [~ Engineering~ ~ #t//' [ ] Environmental: G:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\Orchid Place\Agenda,wpd AGENDA REQUEST /í/ r .. ITEM NO. L- ¿;L If DA TE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Mark Godwin Criminal Justice Coordinator SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-167 - Amending Paragraph 8 of Resolution No. 06-376, to require the County Administrator's Office to provide administrative support for the Committee and keep a record of its proceedings rather than the Clerk of the Court, as originally directed in Resolution No. 06-376 through September 30, 2007. Beginning October 1, 2007 an employee from the St. Lucie County Pre-Trial Release Program under the Criminal Justice Coordinator's Division shall provide administrative support for the Committee and keep a record of its proceedings. BACKGROUND: On December 5, 2006, this Board adopted Resolution No. 06-376 which authorized the creation of the Space Needs Advisory Ad Hoc Committee and provided for duties and functions of the Committee. It was determined, at the April 26, 2007 Court Facilities Space Needs Committee Meeting, that it might be better served to require the County Administrator's Office to provide administrative support for the Committee and keep a record of its proceedings rather than the Clerk of the Court providing such administrative support. The attached Resolution No. 07-167 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 07-167 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [' ~ APPROVED OTHER: ] DENIED ~~ ~1DOUglas Anderson . County Administrator ..... ? ~ APproved 5-0 CO"",y ^"O"".~ Originating Dept ' \ Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Review and APprovals Management & B~dget Purchasing other: Other: applicable 1_ Eft. 5196 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C3A DATE:August28,2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT IX] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant application to The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida on behalf of In The Image of Christ Inc., a non-profit organization, for funding to enhance access to quality health-related services, with emphasis on the uninsured and underserved in St. Lucie County. This program will be used as a vehicle to promote AIDS I HIV awareness and risk management throughout the community. Grant funds to be requested is $100,000 with no obligation to the County. BACKGROUND: In The Image of Christ Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 corporation, founded in 2001 to provide comprehensive charitable health outreach services. The founder, Hazel Holyman, is recognized not only locally but also by the State as a leader in this field. The program is located at 115 North 8th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950. Its' primary goal is to foster awareness of the HIV I AIDS disease and its prevention throughout the community, where program services are targeted to the general population and groups hardest hit by HIV/AIDS, such as minorities. Additional program resources available include free prevention resources, educational materials, treatment services referrals, and HIV screening to County residents, In The Image of Christ also supplies a local food pantry, a Planned Parenthood Program, and a essential Role Model Program aimed to build continuing support that will ultimately combat the HIV I AIDS epidemic in the County. If awarded, this competitive grant would provide funds to raise awareness of HIV I AIDS, that include educational materials, community based services, and free printed content. Grant funds to be requested is $100,000 with no financial or service obligation to the County. These funds would cover the overall costs of HIV I AIDS outreach services, including educational, promotional, and marketing materials. FUNDS AVAIL: There is no financial obligation to St. Lucie County. PREVIOUS ACTION: There has been no previous action on this project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (><] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED ~ - /\ d~ ~'DOUglas Anderson County Administrator Mgt ¡, Budget: Public Works: County Attorney: originating Dept: Finance: (copies !k v~ o y): Purchasing: other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C3-B DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT IX] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Bill Hoeffner SUBJECT: Approve the submittal of a grant application to the South Florida Water Management District St. Lucie River Issues Team Program (SLRIT) for funding of $1,500,000 for acquisition of 116 acres of the Harbor Branch Preserve project. Also approve acceptance of the grant if funding is awarded. BACKGROUND: Harbor Branch Preserve is a project to acquire and conserve more than 250 acres owned by Harbor Branch oceanographic Institute (HBOI). The project also includes a 22.8 acre parcel owned by Riverside National Bank and a 19.2 acre parcel owned by Mary Dennis. To date, four grants have been written for financial assistance to acquire the properties: Florida Forever Fund Grant, Florida Communities Trust Grant, North American Wetlands Conservation Grant, and the National Coastal Wetlands Grant. If the County is successful in securing the SLRIT grant, the funds will be used to acquire the Dennis parcel, the Riverside parcel, and the three northern HBOI parcels. These particular parcels were chosen for the SLRIT grant because of their consistency with the goals of the grant, because sufficient grant funding has been sought for other parcels within the project, and because the parcels are needed to manage the wetlands of the project as a single wetland community. Please see the attached map. The parcels to be acquired using SLRIT funds are outlined in blue. FUNDS AVAIL.: This grant requires a 1:1 match. It is planned to have the County's $1,500,000 match come from alternative grants. However, in the event the applications to alternative grant sources fail, the County will be required to provide the cash match or to not accept the grant. Funds for the match are available in Fund 317-3920-561000-3120 County Capital - Revenue Share Bond - Environmental Resources - Env Reg - Land. PREVIOUS ACTION: On 2/13/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Forever fund. On 4/24/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to Florida Communities Trust. On 6/12/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation program. On 7/3/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the North American Wetlands Program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to SLRIT and the acceptance of the grant if it is awarded. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: txJ APPROVED [ J OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED -------=-" =::- --=.-¿ ~ ~ '\ Douglas Anderson D County Administrator ~1 Mgt " Budget: Public works: purchasing: Other: County Attorney: originating Dept: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C3-C DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Bill Hoeffner SUBJECT: Approve the submittal of a grant application to the US Fish and wildlife Service (USFWS) Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund for funding of $4,125,000 for acquisition of parcels owned by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. Also approve the acceptance of the grant if it is awarded funding. BACKGROUND: Harbor Branch Preserve is a project to acquire and conserve more than 250 acres owned by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has expressed an interest in assisting in the acquisition of approximately 22 acres of the project due to the presence of Lakelas mint within the 22 acres or the presence of Scrub habitat suitable for Lakelas mint. On the attached map, the parcels to be included in this grant application are outlined in blue. The westernmost blue parcels abut the Indrio North Savannas, a 300+ acre County-owned conservation area. The estimated cost of the 22 acres is $5,500,000. The grant would pay for 75% of these costs, or $4,125,000. To date, four grants have been written for financial assistance to acquire Harbor Branch properties: Florida Forever Fund Grant, Florida communities Trust Grant, North American Wetlands Conservation Grant, and the National Coastal Wetlands Grant. FUNDS AVAIL.: This grant requires a 25% match. It is planned to have the County's $1,375,000 match come from alternative grants. However, in the event applications to alternative grant sources fail, the County will be required to provide the cash match or to not accept the grant. Funds for the match are available in Fund 317-3920-561000-3120 County Capital - Revenue Share Bond - Environmental Resources - Env Reg - Land. PREVIOUS ACTION: On 2/13/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Forever Fund. On 4/24/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to Florida Communities Trust. On 6/12/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation program. On 7/3/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the North American Wetlands Program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to the USFWS and the acceptance of the grant if it is awarded. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [X ] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED ------- -. --,.... ~ .:/ - --ÿl'Doug1as Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: ~y Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget, I~ &:~ Public Works: \....0 Purchasing: Other, AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C- 3-D DATE: August 28, 2007 CONSENT [X REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD. TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the South Florida Water Management District, St. Lucie River Issues Team for FY08/09 funding of $1 ,000,000 for Paradise Park storm water improvements, Phase 3, construction. Also authorize the acceptance of the grant if it is funded. BACKGROUND: Paradise Park is located on North 15th, 17th 19th, 21 and 23 Streets between two drainage canals: South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Canal 25 and Ft. Pierce Farms Water Control District (FPFWCD) Canal 1. The subdivision was developed in the 1960's before State water quality regulations were developed, and has poor storm water conveyances and lack of storm water treatment areas. During rain events. the storm water outfalls directly into the two canals, both of which discharge into the Indian River Lagoon by means of Taylor Creek, approximately one- quarter mile away. Water quality of the runoff from this area is poor and contains debris, sediment and contaminants such as oil, grease, fertilizers and pesticides, which are being deposited into St Lucie County's natural surface water bodies, most notably the Indian River Lagoon which is already undergoing major dredging to remove all of the above contaminants and silt deposits. These pollutants have been determined to be very detrimental to the health of the areas natural resources in addition to the Lagoon, The primary purpose of the project is surface water restoration, to reduce fresh water and storm water pollutants outfall to the Indian River Lagoon, The project will reduce fresh & storm water runoff from Paradise Park subdivision into the SFWMD Canal 25 and FPFWD Canal 1. Detention ponds and swales are to be constructed within the Paradise Park subdivision to additionally treat the outfall. The need for this project is identified in the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program's Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, the Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan, and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, St Lucie County Storm Water Master Plan, St. Lucie County Five Year Capital Plan (Goal 14) and St. Lucie County Local Mitigation Strategy (Strategies 25 & 29). FUNDS AVAIL.: This grant requires a 1:1 match. Inckind match of approximately $650,000 will be provided through in- house construction by the Road and Bridge Department. Any additional funds needed will be provided through the $350,000 available in Fund No. 102001-3725-563000-42511, Infrastructure, PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal of a grant application to the South Florida Water Management District, St. Lucie River Issues Team for FY08/09 funding of $1,000,000 for Phase 3 construction of Paradise Park storm water improvements. Also authorize the acceptance of the grant if it is awarded COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ¡' ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED ~-- .... ~ ~ ~~ Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 {}¡ ¡/~ ~~~;~~a~~~;r~:~~: ð~~ Finance: (copies only) : Mgt &0 Budget, Public Works: purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C- 3-E DATE: August 28, 2007 CONSENT [X] REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD. TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant appiication to the South Florida Water Management District, St. Lucie River Issues Team for FY08/09 funding of $10.500 for a research project exploring the "Roles of Nurse Plant Species and Invertebrates in the development of Mangrove Structure and Function at the Little Mud Creek Restoration Site". Also authorize the acceptance of the grant if it is funded. BACKGROUND:. Mangroves are a type of tree that has adapted to growing in or near salty water along sheltered coastlines. Mangroves provide many benefits to man and to the marine environment and are a vital part of our shoreline ecosystem and the protection of our shoreline. · Mangrove wetlands provide breeding, nursery and feeding areas for a variety of life. including endangered and threatened species, · Mangroves filter upland run off. · Mangroves buffer wave action during intense tropical storms (including hurricanes). · Mangroves hold soil during periods of heavy precipitation stabilizing shoreline sediments, · Mangrove leaf litter is broken down by microorganisms to become the first link in the food chain for a large segment of the tropical aquatic community, including our important commercial and sport fish, Mangroves are known to be "foundation species" meaning that they actually modify environmental conditions, provide habitat, and productivity that supports intertidal and subtidal estuarine food webs in the subtropics and tropics, In the Indian River Lagoon, they are living near their limits of cold tolerance, one consequence of which is slower colonization and development of mangrove stands. Consequently, recovery following hurricane damage and development of restored and created mangrove sites will be slower in this estuary compared to regions that are less subjected to cold stress, Slower recruitment, however, can be somewhat ameliorated by the effects of herbaceous plant "nurse" species and the sediment-modifying influences of invertebrates. The proposed study to be conducted by the Berger Group addresses the importance of herbaceous plants and invertebrates in the development of the restored mangrove site at Mud Creek. FUNDS AVA:IL.: This grant requires a 1:1 match. Matching funds of $10,500 are available in Fund No.145-6230- 582000-600, Aid to Private Organizations. PREV:IOUS ACT:ION: N/A. RECOMMENDAT:ION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal of a grant application to the South Florida Water Management District, St. Lucie River Issues Team for FYOB/09 funding of $1 0.500 for a research project exploring the "Roles of Nurse Plant Species and Invertebrates in the development of Mangrove Structure and Function at the Mud Creek Restoration Site". Also authorize the acceptance of the grant if awarded. COMM:ISS:ION ACTION: i )(J APPROVED [ J OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: DENIED ~- -",,:J ~ ~c.." Douglas Anderson County Administrator ,/ ~~ County Attorney: Il Originating Dept: /~, L...- Finance: (copies only) : Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget: M J (').t Public Works: ~ Purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 3F DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants! Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice, Grants Writer SUBJECT: Authorize the preparation of a grant application by County staff to be submitted in the amount of $200,000 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP), to be matched 1:1 by St, Lucie County. BACKGROUND: This grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Program (FRDAP) will provide funds for construction and renovations to Martin Luther King, Jr. Dreamland Park. Grant awards and matching funds will be utilized to renovate several baseball fields, the basketball court, the pavilion/picnic area and the playground equipment and to construct an interactive play water feature, additional parking, and a soccer field. Staff is requesting approval to remove the Illous Ellis Splash Park addition project from the Parks & Recreation Capital 2006/2007 budget and replace it with the MLK, Jr. Dreamland Park Soccer Field and Interactive Play Water Feature project. AIPP will also provide funds for a p~ece of public art. The proposed recommendations are aligned with the_RecreatIon Area Master Plan, which identifies the need for additional soccer fields and facilities. FUNDS AVAILABLE: A minimum 50:50 match is required. The County's 50% match of $200,000 is in the approved budget for 2006 - 2007 under project title Ilous Ellis Splash Park addition. If the BOCC does not approve the transfer of funds from the Ilous Ellis SF-lash Park for the 50% match, the grant application will not be submitted. (310002-7210-563000-75008) (Park "A" Impact Fees-Ilous Ellis Splash Park) N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) and the removal of the Illous Ellis Splash Park addition project from the Parks & Recreation Capital 2006/2007 budget and replacing it with the MLK, Jr. Dreamland Park Soccer Field and Interactive Play Water Feature project. COMMISSION ACTION: 'ÞkAPPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: ---=--' ,... --., ~ Approved 5-0 1 ) Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Management & Budget: I-~O t~~ Purchasing: ,L- Other: _ - . Other: ..:lJ:::' (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Effective: 5/96 Review and Approvals ~/ County Attorney: IV / Originating Dept: - Finance: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-4. DATE: August 26,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Dennis Wetzel, Director SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT: Request board approval for the purchase of Licenses for Microsoft Enterprise Volume Licensing Enrollment in the annual amount of $85,699.47 on State Contract #255-001-01-1 and the chairman to sign the 36-month Agreement. BACKGROUND: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement is a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for large organizations that have 250 or more Servers & desktop PCs. This cost-effective way to acquire the latest Microsoft technology helps your business standardize IT across the enterprise, simplifies license management, and provides maintenance benefits to help ensure that your company is more productive. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in the Software Account # 001-1955-568000-100. PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissions approve the purchase of Licenses for Microsoft Enterprise Volume Licensing Enrollment in the annual amount of $85,699.4 7 on State Contract #255-001-01-1 and the chairman to sign the 36-month Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: .¡>; APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ -- J -=::> ~~ I Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 tJfSi County Attorney: J+fL . Originating Dept: 0(:-/ Review and ADDrovals Management & B'dgetb'i£.4(!: '"chming' ,Ad. Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 5A DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS / PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DEPT SUBJECT: Harmony Heights MSBU Restrictiye Covenant Agreements BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS 'AVAIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: August 7, 2007 - Board adopted the Preliminary Assessment Roll and authorized construction of the project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the referenced Restrictiye Coyenant Agreements and authorize staff to record said documents with the Clerk of the Court. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [><.I APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ -:J.-/ c-r-1 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved s-o [x]County Attorney æ ~t\A· { Coord ination/Sic natures [x]Public Works Dir [ ]Mgt. & Budget [x]MSBU Coordinator 'i2p [ ]Purchasing [ J Utilities Dir [ ]Finance Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. C - 5B DA TE: August 28, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Accept the project; release the retainage in the amount of $17,479.62; deduct ($3,866.60) from the contract for failed laboratory test and inspection costs and make Final Payment in the amount of $13,613.02 to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. for the South Jenkins Road Extension project, Contract No.C03-08-480. The project has been completed in accordance to the plans and specifications. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum 07-221 for additional information. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are encumbered in Fund NO.1 01 006-0000-2051 00-41 002 in the amount of $3,344.96 and Fund No. 315-0000-205100-41002 in the amount of $14,134.66. PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 1, 2003, the Board approved award of the contract to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. in the amount of $1,583,245.83, Contract C03-08-480, for the construction of the South Jenkins Road Extension project. On December 9, 2003, the Board approyed Change Order NO.1 (C03-08-480) in the amount of $64,729.09 to install a silt fence adjacent to the perimeter and correct design oyersights of the South Jenkins Road Extension project. On April 6, 2004, the Board approyed Change Order No. 2 (C03-08-480) in the amount of $18,744.02 for modifications to the South Jenkins Road Extension project. On Noyember 15, 2004, the Board Approyed Change Order NO.3 (C03-08-480) in the amount of $50,024.72 for modifications to the South Jenkins Road Extension project. In order to increase safety awareness to the trayeling public and carry out seyeral construction actiyities some design modifications and additions were made to the plans. In addition to Change Order No.3, staff requests of the Board, a reduction in the retainage of 5 percentfrom $166,358.95 to $83,179.47 assisting the contractor in compensating their subcontractors and finalize the project. Due to Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, the finalization of this project has been delayed. Construction of the project has been completed. On July 26,2005, the Board approyed a reduction in the retainage from 5 percent ($83,179.47) to 1 percent ($16,635.90). Additional services of the Contractor will be necessary to finalize the project, Contract C03-08-480. AGENDA REQUEST Cant. ITEM NO. C - 58 DATE: August 28,2007 On May 2, 2006, the Board approved Changer Order No. 4 (C03-08-480) in the amount of $84,371.95 to install an equalizer pipe to correct a design oversight. Our consultant engineer of design, LBFH, Inc. has agreed to absorb all engineering and partial construction redesign costs associated with the oyersight. On March 13,2007, the Board approved Changer Order NO.5 (C03-08-480) for an extension of time to the South Jenkins Road Extension project to April 30, 2007. The project has been completed. The extension allows for the processing of bills and finalization of the paperwork. No additional costs are associated with Change Order NO.5. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept the project; release the retainage in the amount of $17,479.62; deduct ($3,866.60) from the contract for failed laboratory test and inspection costs and make Final Payment in the amount of $13,613.02 to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. for the South Jenkins Road Extension project, Contract No. C03-08-480. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [>I APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER ---=<=' .-.. ~ ~ ~ '" 1 Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 9£ [X] County Attorney ~ [Xl Mgt. & Budget [X] Project. Manager ð4Þ [X] Exec. Assistant [X] Road & Bridge ~~ :;> [X] ERD (1......,,\0 ~ [X] Originating Dept. Public Works ,{Nt> ~/ C, '. QBì~ AAn ,) r.'1 Purchasing Dept. ~ [X] Finance (Check for copy 1 approval only, if applicable) ITEM NO. C - 5C DATE: August 28,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESENTED BY: ~~ SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Request approval of First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.3 (C03-09-767) for an extension of time to September 30, 2007 for Engineering Services Related to Roadway and Intersection Design with LBFH, Inc. for the North Hutchinson Island Bikeway Improvements. No additional costs are associated with the First Amendment. BACKGROUND: See Memorandum 07-223. FUNDS'AVAIL.: Funds are encumbered on P2510712, Transportation Trust ¡Impact Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 26, 2004, the Board approved Work Authorization No. 3 with LBFH, Inc. for the development of 30 percent conceptual plans for the North Hutchinson Island Shared-use Pathway Improvements in the amount of $59,810.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approye and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.3 (C03-09-767) for an extension of time to September 30, 2007 for Engineering Services Related to Roadway and Intersection Design with LBFH, Inc. for the North Hutchinson Island Bikeway Improyements. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: r>G APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED ~ ,-.--::> ~ ~ I Douglas Anderson U County Administrator Approved 5-0 Ix] County Attorney Ix] Project. Manager Ix] Road & Bridge ,q þ~ ~ o ~.~.. Ix] Mgt. & Budget ~ ..;..,\.~ ¡x] Ix] Executive Assist. ~___ Ix Al ¡r/ . hi)',¡ Originating Dept. Public Works i Ii -'-i1il f/tJi'lí Purchasing Dept j (Check for copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-6-A DA TE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR I] PUBLIC HEARING I] CONSENT: [X] TO,- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Community Sen-ices Betb Ryder, Director SUBJECT: Approve the submission of the FY07/08 application to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Community Sen-ices Block Grant Allocation. BACKGROUND: S1. Lucie County is the lead agency for tbe Treasure Coast Community Action Agency, which is composed of St. Lucie, Martin and Okeecbobee Counties. Tbrough an interlocal agreement, St_ Lucie County will disburse the allocation for eacb county from the State of Florida as follows: Martin $74,221; Okeechobee $58,520; and St. Lucie $152,723. Each County is responsible to provide the required 20% match with 18'"1. in-kind and 2'"1. cuh. FUNDS A V An.: S1. Lucie County's required 18% in kind match will be provided with tbe salary of the Community Sen-ices Assistant Director (001-6420-512000-600) and the 2'"1. cash will be the dollars expended for Utilities (001-1925-543000-100) for the Community Sen-ices office. PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDA nON: StatT recommends approval of submission of the I)roposed application and Agreement with the Florida Department of Community AtTain for FY2007-2008 Community Sen--ices Block Grant, authorization for acceptance of the award and authorization for the chairman to sign all documents necessary to execute the application and accept tbe grant. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~APPROVED [ I DENIED [ I OTHER: ~ _.:> .:;J ~ 1 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: x '1~ iy, Ofl,vI OriginHting Dept: x____~m Review and Approvals MHnltgemt'nt & Budget: xß~ Purchasing: Other:___~__ ~ Other: ~_____~~m____ FinHm:e: Check {II" Copy only, if HpplkHhl,' AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-6B DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners At': ~ £l~nfo Corine Wil jams, Transit Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Community Services SUBJECT: Request for Board approval to accept third year of funding from the FDOT Service Development grant for the East-West Transit Routes, approved of Resolution 07-254 & the contract with COA to encumber and expend the fund. BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County Community Services received the third year of funding from the Florida Department of Transportation for the operation and marketing of the east- west transit routes in Ft. Pierce in June 2005. This will be the last year that the County can request funding for the two east west Connector routes. The $112,400 grant will be matched with $112,400 from the SLC Public Transit MSTU. FUNDS AVAilABLE: A 50% ($112,400) match is required and will come from the SLC Public Transit MSTU Account 130-4910-582015-400. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board accepted the first grant for this project on November 23, 2004 and the second in June, 2005. Recently, on June 26, 2007 the Board requested a time extension on this grant until December 30,2007. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize staff to accept the third year of grant supplement from FDOT Service Development program for operation of the two existing east west routes, and authorize chair to sign Resolution#07 -254, contract with COA and all necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: .~PPROVED o OTHER: - ~ - --:.;:~ 1 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and ADDrovals nr. () .4~ County Attorney: 'l~f ()á>h Management & BUdget:~ Purchasing:_ Originating Dept: Other: _ Other: Finance: X (Check for Copy only, if applicable) o DENIED ~ Approved 5-0 Effective: 5/96 G: 106-07 Agenda RequestsI08-14-07 E- W.doc AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6C DATE:August28,2007 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams ,ò...S Transit Manager SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approval and of Amendment #4 to the Medicaid Non-Emergency Program Agreement. BACKGROUND: The attached Memorandum 07-199 explains the background of this annual agreement. Amendment #4 decreased the term of the contract to December 31,2007 for a total four months allocation in the amount of $177,505 with a monthly allocation of $44,376 and a final payment at $44,377. The contracted proYider, Council on Aging and staff recommend moving forward with this agreement. FUNDS AVAIL: Account # 001412-4910-334491-400 CTD Medicaid Non Emergency Trips. PREVIOUS ACTION: BOCC approyed the contract with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged in Noyember 2004, Amendment #1 to the contract in November 2005 and Amendment #2 on June 27, 2006 and Amendment # 3 on July 7, 2007. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment #4 to the Medicaid Non-Emergency Program Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: H APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ :::- --. ~ =:> ~ouglas M. An erson ( \ County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney:x 'I~ r' r¡,J,., Originating Department Management & Budgetx Purchasing' Other Other Finance:x Check for copy only, if applicable G:\06-07 Agenda Requests\08-07-07 - C - MedNet Amendment #4.doc AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6D DATE: August 28,2007 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams Transit Manager ¿t.-~ , SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approval and authorization for the chair to sign the grant to accept the amendment of FDOT's Joint Participation Agreement for the Intermodal Transfer Grant to utilize some of the intermodal funds for designing the transfer center on 8th street. BACKGROUND: The FDOT Intermodal grant provides funding opportunity for major capital investments that facilitate the Intermodal movement of people, goods and services. Due to the increased number of fixed transit routes and proposed plan to streamline the County's transit demand response services, these funds will be used to build an Intermodal transfer facility that will accommodate bike racks, a sheltered waiting area and public restrooms (that will also be used by pedestrians using the adjacent Moore's Creek Greenway). These funds will allow the County, in partnership with the FPCRA to develop and construct an aesthetically pleasing transfer facility. FUNDS AVAIL: This grant requires a 50% match. The Fort PierceCRA anticipates providing $250,000 towards this project, which was approved at their Boárd meeting on December 20, 2006. The remaining match will be requested and will be to be included in the FY2007/2008 budget from MSTU funds. PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 27, 2007 BOCC approved the Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement Supplement number One, which provided an additional $275,000 of funding for the Intermodal transit facility located at 8111 and Avenue D and approved Budget Resolution 07-709. RECOMMENDATION: Approval and authorization for the chair to sign the grant to accept the amendment of FDOT's Joint Participation Agreement for the Intermodal Transfer Grant. Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: --------~~~;J --=> ~1Douglas M. Anderson , \I County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: P1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney x ')~ (r-, () ¡)Õ<'l Management & Budget x Purchasing: Originating Department X Other Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable (;:"06·07 Agenda Requcsts\()7-229 FDOT Inlcrmodal design add.doc AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-71t DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARL"IG CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBJECT: Adopt Budget Resolution 07-253 to establish the budget for the $8,800,000 loan proceeds for the Saint Lucie County Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2007. BACKGROUND: On June 26, 2007, the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution providing for a bank loanlline of credit from Seacoast National Bank. The loan, in a principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000, would fmance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of the "2007 Projects" including any sums, heretofore expensed for forgoing purposes, and financing. A budget resolution must be approved by the Board appropriating these revenues for the current fiscal year 2006/2007. The attached Budget Resolution will accomplish this in accordance with Florida Statutes. FUNDS WILL BE MADE A V AILABLE: See attached Budget Resolution #07-253 PREVIOUS ACTION: See above. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt Budget Resolution 07-253 establishing the budget for the $8,800,000 not to exceed $10,000,000 SLC, FL, Capital Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2007. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: l>d APPROVED [] DENIED I ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~::--_ ~ J -----)'" I Doug Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: ,96 Coordination/S ignatures Management & Budget: ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept: Soil & Water: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) XX G:\BUDGElìWPIAGENDA'SIAGENDA07\8"28'07 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT NOTE.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C7B DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBJECT: Adopt Budget Resolution 07-255 to establish the budget for the $1,400,000 Lease Purchase Agreement for the Water Conservation Project at S1. Lucie County Rock Road Jail. BACKGROUND: On May 22,2007, the S1. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution providing for a Lease-Purchase of Water Conservation Equipment for Rock Road Jail Facilities with Citimortgage, Inc. Payments on the lease will be made from non- ad valorem revenues of the County budgeted and appropriated in each year the lease- purchase agreement is outstanding. A budget resolution must be approved by the Board appropriating these revenues for the current fiscal year 2006/2007. The attached Budget Resolution will accomplish this in accordance with Florida Statutes. FUNDS WILL BE MADE A V AILABLE: See attached Budget Resolution #07-255 PREVIOUS ACTION: See above. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt Budget Resolution 07-255 establishing the budget for the $1,400,000 lease Purchase Agreement for the Water Conservation Project at S1. Lucie County Rock Road Jail. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [>f APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~~..:J ~ ---t.-- 1 Doug Anderson \ County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: ,9¿ // Coordination/Si gnatures Originating Dept: bttf r~~ Management & Budget: ~ Purchasing: Soil & Water: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) XX G:\BUDGElì WPIAGENDA'SIAGENDA0718"28'07 WATER CONSER V A TlON CAPITAL LEASE EQUIPMENT,DOC ITEM NO. C-8-A DATE: 08/28/2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to Contract C03-12-807 with St. Lucie County Canoe & Kayak, Inc. BACKGROUND: See the attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 9, 2003 the Board approved the award of RFP #03- 104 and subsequent contract to St. Lucie County Canoe & Kayak, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the first amendment to Contract C03-12-807 with St. Lucie Canoe & Kayak, Inc. and permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved s-o ~ -:-=--~ J ~ Doug Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Siq natures Parks & Recreation (X) ~/ IV ® Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) :(Ø County Attorney (X) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. G8-B DATE: 08/21/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to cancel contract #C05-06-318 with Global Graphics, LLC, for the purchase of uniforms and related items. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 14, 2005 the Board awarded Bid No. 05-037 to Global Graphics and approved a three (3) years contract with two (2) one-year renewal options, On March 13, 2007 the Board approved assignment of Contract #C05-06-318 (accounts receivable only) with Global Graphics, LLC to Riviera Finance, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to issue a 60 day Notice of Cancellation for contract #C05-06-318 to Global Graphics, LLC, and issue a Request for Proposals for the purchase of uniforms and related items. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (>è APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) $V Other () --::::! ......, '2 , Douglas M, Anderson ---r County Administrator =::> Coord ination/Sianatures Mgmt & Budget () Purchasing (X) /f;l. Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C8-C DATE: 08/28/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval of the short-listed firms for General Planning Services: 1. Miller Legg 2. MSCW 3. lIer Planning Group BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum, FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-1510-534000-100 Other Contractual Services 102-1510-531000-100 Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the short-listed firms for General Planning Services and permission to: 1. Conduct oral presentations with the short-listed firms; 2, Then conduct contract negotiations with the successful short-listed firms; 3. If negotiations are successful, award continuing contracts to the successful short-listed firms, and 4. Authorization for the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 () DENIED County Attorney (X) ,~ - , Administration (YV (-f)({) - -------::::\ --. 2. .----\-..-1 Douglas M. Anderson \.) County Administrator --., ----. Coordination/Si Finance (J for copy only if applicable) Purchasing (X) ;r;¡. Mgmt & Budget (X) Other ITEM NO. C8-D DATE: 08/28/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Neil Appel, Purchasing Director PURCHASING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #07-053, Resurfacing of the Rock Road Jail Parking Area to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, Ranger Construction Industries, Inc" for the cost of $110,723.55. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-1931-546-300-1527 PREVIOUS ACTION: NfA RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #07-053, Resurfacing of the Rock Road Jail Parking Area to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, Ranger Construction Industries, Inc., for the cost of $110,723.55, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney, COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ()4 APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 lJss¡" County Attorney (X) /bL Central Services <{X~ \ --V*- --" .~ ~ ---L..-îDouglas M. Anderson - l) County Administrator ~ CoordinationfSianatures Mgmt & Budget (x).JSj¿f .\, ~ ." \ -.¡ Other Purchasing (X) '1) Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C8-E DATE: 08/28/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for sign materials, BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum, FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101004-4109-553100-400 Safety Markers and Signs PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for sign materials. COMMISSION ACTION: ()1 APPROVED \ , OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 ,íkçt County Attorney Road & Bridge (X) 119- , (X) (S-~~ CONCURRENCE: -=...~ ~ ~ ---1..... I Douglas M. Anderson . \) County Administrator ~ Coordination/Sianatures Mgmt & "'dget (X) ~ P,",h,.og (X) 4rl. Other '. Finance (J for copy only if a:PiicabI8) ITEM NO. C-9 DATE: August 28, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] "INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE" PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT,): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $51,987.30 for the Prima Vista Boulevard Reconstruction- Rio Mar Drive to U.S. 1. Funding will come from the project contingency. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in 318-4113-563000-4101 (County Capital Transportation Local Option Gas TrocCol'l1?tituti0E» ;c PREVIOUS ACTION: January 2001- Johnson-Davis, Inc. sealed the joints of several leaking pipes and reconstructed a collapsed portion of roadway in the amount of $9,950.00. March 11, 2003 - Board approved the contract with Shenandoah Construction in the amount of $3,950.00 for video inspection of the stormwater system. June 15,2004 - Board approved the allocations offunds in the amount of $100,000.00 for emergency repair to a portion of Prima Vista Boulevard. Johnson-Davis, Inc. was contracted to replace two failed structures, several segments of fractured pipe, and reconstruct a collapsed portion of the roadway. July 13, 2004 - Board approved Work Authorization No.1 (Contract C03-09-708) to Inwood Consulting Engineers for design plans. March 20, 2007 - Board approved to award the construction to Dickerson Florida, Inc. in the amount of $2,414,086.73. March 27, 2007 - Board approved Work Authorization No.1 with LBFH, Inc. for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services in the amount of $245, 142.86. March 27, 2007 - Board approved Work Authorization No.2 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for Construction Materials Testing in the amount of $25,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Change Order No.1 in the amount of $51,987.30 for the Prima Vista Boulevard Reconstruction - Rio Mar Drive to U.S. 1 project COMMISSION ACTION: I~APPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER 11 1.1£/ I!þ Ix] County Attorney ¡Jd -:tfj[ [x] Mgt. & Budget r- . Ix] Originating Dept. Public Works Mvf), ÞAÌ\)[x] Project. Man. N'\ ~ ) CONCURRENCE: ~ ~ I Douglas Anderson County Administrator [xJ Finance ~ -þ ~ [x] Exec. Assis. . P-f'I H - ....... ..J .=> ~ Approved 5-0 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM # C- 10A DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Carl Holeva, Director, Human Resources SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources SUBJECT Authorization to hire above mid-range of the pay scale BACKGROUND: In order to hire above the mid-range of our current pay scale it requires Board approval. Growth Management in order to recruit qualified applicants has found it necessary to request approval to make employment offers above the mid-range of the pay scale in some instances The mid range for EX4 Growth Management Director is $89,188.11 currently. GENERAL NOTES Mark Satterlee, current TPO Director, earns $76,125.00 annually and has indicated an interest in the Growth Management Director position (see attached job Interest form) and has been made an offer to start on Monday, September 10,2007, as the Director of Growth Management. (see attached offer letter) Seeking approval to hire at $90,000.00. FUNDS AVAIL In Departments budget. PREVIOUS ACTION N/A RECOMMENDATION circumstance. Staff requests Board approval of Hiring above the Mid-range In this COMMISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: ~ ---- ....--. ..J ~ Approved 5-0 ~ I Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Originating Dept ~ tr- t)..{ M ,:7L .-,.I Review and Approvals ('J ,,": ,)( Management & Budget: ~ '-- Other .. Purchasing._.. County Attorney: Otner Finance: (Check for Copy oniy, if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM # C- 10B DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Carl Holeva, Director, Human Resources SUBMITTED BY (DEPT) Human Resources SUBJECT: Authorization to hire above mid-range of the pay scale BACKGROUND: In order to hire above the mid-range of our current pay scale it requires Board approval. The mid range for EX5 Assistant County Administrator is $94,544.11 currently. GENERAL NOTES: Ms. Lee Ann Lowery, successful candidate for Assistant County Administrator position earns $107,000.00 annually in her current position, (see attached employment application and resume) Ms. Lowery has been made a contingent offer of employment to start on Monday, September 24, 2007, (see attached offer letter) Seeking approval to hire at $103,196.36. FUNDS AVAIL: In Departments budget. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: circumstance. Staff requests Board approval of Hiring above the Mid-range in this rOMMISSION ACTION )(] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved s-o CONCURRENCE: ------=' _ J ~ --t1 Douglas M, Anderson County Administrator County Attorney ¿.~ ." ..:: ,J" V Review and Approvals Management & Budget t;- Purchasing Originating Dept &-.~.- Other Other Finance (Check for Copy only, If applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-11.A DATE: Aug. 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Hulett Environmental Services, Inc. I Pest Control Services First Amendment to Contract No. C06-07 -407 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1925-534000-100 (Other Contractual Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the First Amendment to Contract #C06-07-407, Hulett Environmental Services, to add the Guardian ad Litem office to the existing p~st control contract and authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: Pi APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved s-o CONCURRENCE: -~ -=...;:;> ~ ---y...'\ Doug Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: øI ¿' Originating D~~t '\'" C" ~ ~ ~ ~ y Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget: Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Elf. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-22~ HULETT-ADDITION OF GUARDIAN BLDG..DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-11B DATE: Aug. 28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: County Storage Building (a.k.a.) Old Sam's Club Building Approye Equipment Request #CSEQ07-358 Approve Budget Amendment #BA07 -076 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 316-7240-564000-1650 (Machinery & Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: On July 24, 2007, Item No. c-A 2, the Board approved the purchase of fencing, pallet racks and archive storage units, items needed for the conyersion of the Old Sam's Bldg. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a used 1999 Caterpillar GC-15 forklift at a cost of $7,900.00 to further assist with the implementation of storage space at the County Storage Building (Old Sam's Bldg). Staff further recommends the Board approve Equipment Request #CSEQ07-358 & Budget Amendment #BA07 -076. MISSION ACTION: P<l APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: -- ----=' - ,;;;... ~ ::> ----t I Doug Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Si natures Mgt. & Budget: r--:s;,fJ Purchasing Mgr.: ·~ø,.' Approved 5-0 County Attomey: ~ 0-- ,Q Originating D ' ~\ - Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Elf. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-222 SAMIS CLUB-FORKLIFT.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM #: C-12a DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT ~] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Request for approval to serve alcohol at Pepper Park BACKGROUND: Carlos Lezama is hosting a Wedding Reception at Pepper Park on September 22, 2007. As part of the event, alcohol will be served and as required by County Ordinance 1- "15-23, SOCC approval must be acquired. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ..\CTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Carlos Lezama's request to serye alcohol at Pepper Park on September 22, 2007 during the Wedding Reception that he is hosting. ¡::::OMMISSION ACTION CONCURRENCE: [XI APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 - ----==' ...... ~ ~ ~ I Doug Anderson ~ounty Administrator Originating Dept: ~j!J ~~ Coord i nation/S jq natures County Attorney: Management & Budget: Purchasing Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM #: C-12b DATE: August28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Request for approval to serve alcohol at Pepper Park BACKGROUND: Leed Insulation is hosting a company picnic at Pepper Park on September 8, 2007. As part of the event, alcohol will be served and as required by County Ordinance 1-15-23, BOCC approval must be acquired. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Leed Insulation's request to serve alcohol at Pepper Park on September 8, 2007 during the company picnic that it is hosting. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: - ~ ,.. --::> -::> ----k 1 Doug Anderson \County Administrator Approved 5-0 Originating Dept: ~ hÞt- Coord i nation/Sic:¡ natu res County Attorney: Management & Budget: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C13 Date: August 28. 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Public Safety Jack Southard Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-225 - Amending Animal Control Fine Schedule BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/ A): N/ A RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Resolution No. 07-225 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: L><.i APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: - ~ ...........:::> ~ I Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator ::::::> Approved 5-0 Coordination/ Sianatures Originating Dep .' Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Other: Other : Fmance (Check ITEM NO. C-14 DATE: August 28,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval of Resolution 07-227 adopting the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) for the S1. Lucie County International Airport and authorize staff to submit the Airport Layout Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT). BACKGROUND: The Airport Master Plan Update was completed in August 2002. Typically, the ALP, which is a graphical representation of the existing and future development discussed in the Master Plan, is transmitted to the FAA for approval. Although the ALP was transmitted, it was never approved because FAA had several comments requiring revisions that were not done. Since then, additional development has occurred and the FAA and FDOT agreed to fund an update to the ALP. In addition, certain mitigation areas have been identified in response impacts on trees and protected species from current airport projects requiring permits. While, consèrvation easements are preferred by regulatory agencies, the FAA has typically objected to any easement because of their concerns over creation of wildlife hazards and the possible need to move mitigation areas in the future if there is a safety issue. And the County, as the Airport Sponsor, is required to meet FAA requirements as defined in the FAA Grant Assurances. A compromise was reached with the FAA by identifying the mitigation areas as such on the ALP. The Board would also approve changes to the ALP prior to submittal to the FAA. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Not applicable. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 07-227 adopting the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) for the S1. Lucie County International Airport and authorize staff to submit this updated Airport Layout Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Florida Department of Transportation, and authorize the Chair or designee to execute same. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER - ~ ~ =:> ~ 11 DOUG ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Approved S-O Coord ination/SiQnatures County Attorney ( ) ~3?:'Jr1 Mgt. & Budget ( ) Originating Dept. (¿r::: ~-' Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) _ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: D APPROVED [KJ OTHER Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: (, ,- '-' ~ August28,2007 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Presented By þ~ //~ Growth Management Director Request of Thomas Lucido & Associates. on behalf of PGA Golf Development, Inc., for Final Plat approval for the project to be known as Fourth Replat in PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve. This project is a located on property on the southeast comer of the intersection of Reserve Boulevard and Champions Way in The Reserve Development. Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department The Fourth Replat in PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve is a replat of Tract 2 of PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve. The original development of Tract 2 consist of 6.93 acres with 80.000 square feet of commercial uses, Tract 2 has been further subdivided into three parcels: Parcel 1 contains an approved 130 bed hotel, Parcel 2 contains an approved 12,000 square foot office and Parcel 3 contains signage for the Reserve. An 18,900 square foot, 2 story professional office building is currently in site plan review with the Growth Management Department on the property to be known as the Commerce Center Professional Building. The proposed site plan shall require Board of County Commissioners approval for the Major Adjustment and Final Planned Non-Residential Development - PGA Hotel & Office. On October 7, 2003 the Board of County Commissioners granted through Resolution No. 03- 228 a Change in Zoning from CG to PNRD and Preliminary and Partial Final Development Plan approval for the project known as PGA Hotel & Office for Parcel 2. Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Fourth Replat in PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve and authorize staff to complete the final processing of this Plat. CONCURRENCE: D DENIED --- ....., -- ~ ~ ~ Douglas M. Anderson U County Administrator C15 Pulled prior to meeting. CoordinationJ Signatures County Attorney E.R.D,: Cty. Engineer: Form No. 07-07 IiAVP 4IV¡ ¡t 1': -et '~ ' Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: ¡¡-:'.I.';;: Other: Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C- A 1 DATE August 28,2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Cultural Affairs ~ßÿ, Jo n t, Director SUBJECT: Authorize UDT -SEAL Museum to have a vendor sell beer at the annual Muster XXII event on November 9 and 10th, BACKGROUND: The annual UDT SEAL Muster event will be held on November 9 and 10th, 2007 at the UDT SEAL Museum grounds within Pepper Park. The Executive Director has requested permission for a sponsor to sell beer on the 9th and on the 10tn after the demonstrations, The SEAL staff would work with local law enforcement to ensure that safety procedures are followed when beer is being served, FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorization to sell beer at the November 9 and 10,2007 UDT SEAL Muster XXII event. COMMISSION ACTION: ~APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~ - 11 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator .,..--, - J :::> Review and A County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: r. yals /\ Management & Budget: Other: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. CA2 DATE: August 28,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of-way - Lennard Road MSBU Prima Vista Commons - Dybra PSL Development, LLC Resolution No, 07-264 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS A V AILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: February I, 2005 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 05-011 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project known as Prima Vista Commons. August 22, 2006 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 06-228 granting a 12-Month Extension of the Major Site Plan known as Prima Vista Commons, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-264 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: Þ<J APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED ~ ~-::-..:;:;...., J ---tl Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator ~ [x] County Attorney: [x] Originating Dept: 5 r'<t~ æ lid .-- Review and Approvals [x] Road and Bridge: D S '¡,,,- ~~ [x] MSBU: ~ [x] Engineering: !v\;,Jp , [ ] Environmental: G:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\Prima Vista Commons\Agenda,wpd AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C A3 DATE: August 28, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Growth Manaqement -~~ ~:> / ~/\ Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Petition of DYBRA PSL Development, LLC, for a Final 12-Month Extension of the Major Site Plan known as Prima Vista Commons and to Correct a Scrivenor's Error in Resolution No. 06-228 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAIL. N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: February 1, 2005 - Board approved Resolution No. 05-011 approving the Major Site Plan for Prima Vista Commons August 17, 2004 - Board approved Resolution No. 06-228 granting a 12- month Site Plan Extension RECOMMENDÄTION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No, 07-261, correcting a scrivenor's error in Resolution No. 06-228 and granting a final 12-month site plan extension for the Prima Vista Commons Project. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~:- .---..-J -"" .-.t \ Douglas M. Anderson \) County Administrator [x]County Attorney !i Coordination/S iQnatures [x]Co Engineer MYÞ , ep [ ]Purchasing (]Public Works Dir [x]MSBU Coor [ ]Finance I ITEM NO. CAlf DATE: 8/28/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: ROAD & BRIDGE PRESENTED BY: DON PAULEY, ROAD & BRIDGE MANAGER SUBJECT: Approve First Amendment to contract C07-02-110 between St. Lucie County and Florida Highway Products, Inc. for Chip Seal and Application which was approved by the Board of County Commission on January 23, 2007 to include a not to exceed amount of $250,000.00. We want to increase the not to exceed amount to $440,000.00. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 316001-41132-546200-42003 - Resurfacing PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of First Amendment to contract C07 -02-110 between St. Lucie County and Florida Highway Products, Inc. for Chip Seal and Application which was approved by the Board of County Commission on January 23, 2007 we want to increase the "not to exceed" amount by $190,000.00 to $440,000.00 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Contract. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~ '"'" --, ::::> ---!: 1 Douglas M. Anderson \) County Administrator County Attorney (X) Road and Bridge ( X ~ :/J Mgt. & Budget If:¡ It W Other ( ) Purchasing (X) ~ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c.. d... Date: August 28, 2007 SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION 3710 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: I~~~cj~'\c/l Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT SUBJECT: Artificial Reef Grant Program: Acceptance of a $54,000 grant award from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for artificial reef construction along with the approval of contracts with McCulley Marine Services. Inc, and Lee Harris, P.E., PhD. BACKGROUND: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Division of Marine Fisheries, annually provides grant funding for artificial reefs. The FWC has approved an artificial reef grant (FWC Grant No. FWC-07016), in the amount of $54,000, to St. Lucie County for fiscal year 2007-2008. The FWC grant will be used to deploy four (4) barges (approximately 2,000 tons) of high quality material on the County's permitted offshore artificial reef site. Several hundred tons of concrete culverts, light poles and other similar material are already staged at the Harbour Pointe site for deployment while additional suitable material continues to be collected to round out the four deployments. Work Authorization No. 11 with Lee Harris, P.E., PhD, in the amount of $17,050, provides for services related with the pre- and post-deployment dives. Work Authorization No.5 with McCulley Marine Services, Inc., includes services to deploy four (4) barges of material ($68,000) and to transport 1,000 tons of FEC railroad ties to the Harbour Pointe site ($6,500) for a total contract amount of $74,500, Both of these contracts are attached and are consistent with the scope of work depicted within the FWC construction grant. FUNDS: This grant is 100% funded by FWC up to $54,000. The Erosion District will provide the balance of the funds ($37,550) for the fourth deployment including pre- and post-deployment dives and in-kind services such as project management and oversight. Funds ($59,525) will be made available in Account #1841 02-371 0-563000-39003: FWC Grant - Artificial Reef. Funds ($14,975) are available in Account #184-3710-563000-39003: Erosion District - Artificial Reef. Funds ($17,050) will be made available in Account #184-371 0-563005-39003: Erosion District -Artificial Reef. Budget Resolution No, 07-011 is also attached. PREVIOUS ACTION: June 14, 2005: Board approved a request to Piggyback Martin County RFP No. 201-04 General Marine Contracting for Coastal Marine Services with McCulley Marine Services, Inc. November 22,2005: Board approved the selection of Mr. Lee E. Harris, P.E., PhD, as Artificial Reef Consultant March 13, 2007: Board approved the submittal of a construction grant funding application request to FWC for $60,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board acceptance of a $54,000 grant award from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for artificial reef construction and approval of 1) the attached grant agreement with FWC along with Budget Resolution No. 07-011, 2) Work Authorization No. 05 (C-05-06-330) with McCulley Marine Services in the amount of $74,500, 3) approval of Work Authorization No. 11 (C05-11-619) with Lee Harris, P.E" PhD in the amount of $17,050, and execution of said documents by the Chairperson. COMMISSION ACTION: M APPROVED [ ] OTHER: CONCURRENCE: [ ] DENIED -i =::::::-I - ---. J 1 Douglas Anderson County Administrator ---:::, Approved 5-0 [x]County Attorney [x]Originatíng Dept. Public works~ )~ [x]Execullve Assistant ¥> ~"" [x]FinanceDept. C ~f y ¿/