HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08-09-2007 FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVISORY CONNlnEE Minutes of Meeting August 9, 2007 Convened at 3:05 p.m. Adjourned at 3:50 p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 3:05 p.m. in Conference Room 3 on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. Memller. Pre.ent. Mary Chapman, Chairperson Jeanne Hearn, Commissioner Smith Appointee Howard ConÞlin, ViceChqirmal1 Gerald KuÞlinsÞi, Commissioner Grande Appointee (Arrived @ 3:10) Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft Appointee (Left @ 3:30) ~~~ ROLL CALL Roll call was taÞen. Memller. AII.ent. David Souza, St. Lucie Village Commissioner Eddie Becht, City of Ft. Pierce Councilman Christopher S.Cooper, City of P.S.L. Pieter StryÞer Alto Pre.ent. Ken Shields, Indian River Terminal .Co. Ken Roberts, Indian River Terminal Co. Heather Young, SLC Assistant County Attorney Bob Bangert APPROVAL OF 'HEMINU'ES. After a motion and a second, the minutes from the June 14,2007 meeting were unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS. Chairman Mary Chapman stated, "Word <:ame out thqt if you don't have a quorum you wait half an hour. If you want to talÞ, just have the re<:order on but after half hour you breaÞ up. That's a new rule that<1 have not seen enfor<:edyet." Ms. Chapman asÞed Stephanie Bush if she had heard ofthe new rule, she said no. Ms. Chapman said. "It was Veronica Torres at Smart Growth that said she had been told that it was the current policy." Ms. Chapman announced the RFQ had gone out. There was a meeting about the RFQ a weeÞ ago last Monday. Ms. Chapman said, "It WClS \)J0efully·unattended. I felt I had to be there because we had sent the letter asÞingfortheRFQfor Harbor Pointe. I was amazed at are the people who were going to respond to this, they only Fort Pier<:eHarPorAdvisory Committee August 9, 2007 Page 2 .",",,"=i<""~____'=="-^""~'=="."'.'""="""'~=~'--~'-"""~"-~~~~~w"~"''''''''''=,.,''"'^,,._~~µ-=~=''''''>''''''_,~~,~~_''"''_~~__~-=~~·_'''''''~~'" 2.~rditørrsppnd, didn't have any questions of the County officials. I thought that's what this mr~ti~~/wassupposed to be about. It was disappointing because I thought they weregoi1'1.~ tqþe/~9Yil'lg, 'OÞ what did you mean by this on the RFQ? What did you mean bythgt? Wh.ich/emphasis do you wqnt?' and I didn't hear that at all. Now that could be happening Pehil'l(:!the<scenes. They're not required to do that in open session, it was an ADHOC meeting.'! Howard ConÞlin stated, "I received a call to serve on a committee to review the proposqls. Then I got another call to cancel the invitation because staff was going to handle it internaIlY.WÞ.~n are they going}o 100Þ at it, do you Þnow Heather?" Heather Young answerrd, "TheY' 100Þ at it9fter the proposal deadline." Ms. Chapman replied, "The propose(:!(:!egC;mne we heard WqS August 23'd." Ms. Young stated, "The review meetings are open~o~hePublic. I would thinÞ it would be at least a weeÞ, if not two weeÞs after that." Mr'99D~lip(; sÞed, "Do you haveqny feeling for how many proposals you expect?" Ms. Young9oswered, "No I wasn't~that other meeting.·' Ms,Chqpl11an said, "I posed that question directly and they said We haven't got a due. Willwe pegiven regular notification on that?" Ms. Young said, "Wercan notify you. we ppst the notice of the selection committee meetings but maybe Stephanie can update you." Ms. Chapman stated, "Stephanie if you could Þeep tracÞ of it and just let this group Þnow." Ms. Heam asÞed who was on that committee. Ms. Young did not Þnow. Ms. Chapman stated, "In a City meeting recently, Bell·s approqch to get a charrette of his own, that he would pay for himself, was turned down five to zero. I figured we Þnew which three WOI..dd be against it but I wasn't sure atgll aboLlt the()~he.rtwo. It was five-zip I was really gratified. So that's probably it for the Port for the moment:· MS'1--I79rn stated, "Well, it would be unfortunate if there's value lost with the economy IiÞe it is..lt's/ul1fortunate that people that were interested in selling did not sell. The economy the wq~ritjs could be a domino effect on tourism. There·s a lot to beF9nsidered when yqLl taU:~ about the economy. I've always wished that Mr. Bell would become very, very wealthy, which he had the opportunity. I don't ~now how much that might change here and that's unfortunate. " Ms. Young stated there are many different ways to evaluate for projects. Ms. Chapman Qnnounced the full RFQ was posted on the web. Ms.ChQpman stated, "I've only got one pie<:e ofinformatiqn tqday and it's not directly relevonfto this group, yet it is. There was a majqr lawsuit reg.qrding wetlands and it haçl to do with a paper mill. It had wor~ed it's way through allthe courts in Florida and was turned down, appealed, turned down, and appealed agqin. Ws reached its final step it was turned down. They wanted to continue using the exPerimentg[ Permit to essentially deplete the wetlands and put stuff through them that was not helpful. The new D.E.P. guy is the one that was responsible for that. That should put to death the whole wetlands question for the moment. That came up heavily under environmental Advisory and we had develqpers coming in saying, 'We've got to be able to deple~é the wetlands and your statutes locally.are in contradiction with the State'. My position was yeah, but the toughest rules of all are Federal." Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee August 9, 2007 Page 3 Ms. Hearn stated, "Many of you probably saw the new idea for a billbo.ard floating around. This happens to be in Palm City right now, but we certainly are susceptible here to have our lagoon site polluted. There are people that have advertising that payjor a proper license or whatever he might need to be towing this thing around in case of an emergency. I would liÞe to see this group go on the record to oppose this and encourage the Ci~ and County. I have talÞed to D.E.P.. They're researching it in Tallahassee to see if it comes under their department but, since it's moving, they doubt that it does. Billboards have been an eyesore on highways and Scenic America has worÞed on that aspect and I'd just hate to see the Indian River Lagoon looÞ IiÞe that." Mr. ConÞlin stated, "Since it's down there, we may benefit from what th~y do. In the sense of, they pass an ordinance, we can get a copy of it and simply recommend St. Lucie County adopt it. Hopefully we'll be able to piggybacÞ onto whatever they do:' Ms. Chapman asÞed what the next step would be. Ms. Hearn replied, ¡'I'm one to not let something get out of hand and then all of a sudden we have a big enforcement issue or a retroactive thing. Once it pops up, it could become very active, very quicþly. It's not an expensive endeavor. People pay great fees for advertising on their property with billboards. just thinÞ it's unfair business practice until it's regulated." Ms. Chapman said, ill thinÞ that's a very appropriate issue for this group. On a slightly later date perhaps we would write a letter from this group supporting some sort of ordinance against them." Ms. Hearn stated, "The other thing that I wanted to raise was I'm concerned that certain issues in the County are not coming before this Board before they proceed onto other levels, on agendas. Then itls conveniently put on consent agenda and sometime we don't Þnow what really is taÞing place. That concerns me a little bit lately. There was an item on the consent agenda last weelc? for temporary do<:Þage, which isbasicaUy a sLlpmerged land lease for the area that the County, the City, the Delegation, this committee, the Waterfront Council, everybody opposed because of the County's sea grass survey that was done of sea grasses in the area. I for one am all for bringing all the fishing tournaments that we can get however at the expense of those sea grasses there. So after I saw it on the consent agenda it was approved and apparently therels some movement now to move it into Taylor CreeÞ where it's already damaged, wide enough, just as assessable for boaters. I guess the County put a temporary doclc? out for one of the previous fishing tournaments at Harbor Pointe and D.E.P. jumped on them. D.E.P. made them move it right in the middle of the fishing tournament. They moved it to the museum area and people really enjoyed that area. It would enhance our museum traffic, enhance the Smithsonian traffic, and there's plenty of parÞing under the bridge. It would actually be safer because Harbor Pointe is not really a safe area. I just thinlc? it shouldn't be over the sea grasses. Five years from now we might have a great project there and that property will have to be utilized for water use but at that time you do an environmental impact study and you reap the benefit of the mitigation for something lilc?e that. The main concern that I had with this is that it doesn't come before a group IiÞe this. I don't Þnow what good we are if the lines of the community that sit here from the City or legal aspects or environmental aspects." Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committße August 9, 2007 Page 4 '''~'''''~''=='V.W.Y=~'''''='''''"''''''''^~'''~'^''''"'''''''''=~'~'~W,_"~~''~'~'''',~,~",=w~,~.,_._.'",,,».~,..·..,~~~"~·,,~.,,,,,,,,,.w.._,=,^,,,"M.W,~~~,o_=,.~~_~"""~"··~,~",~w""""",,..~,"'~'·~""·_"""~N,",,",.""'",.,_.~",,.,,.._. Ms.iÇh9prnan aSRed Ms. Young, "How can we get them to put things before us that directly cOl1cf,!rnthe topic of this group?'! Ms. Young replied, "As I understand this was sornetl1il'1g ~hótR.e.p. told ParRs and Recreation that they needed toqpply for a permit SO th(1t's where they started the process. I don't thinÞ there was any intent not to bring it here. t.can justrßrpindthem in the future if they have something in that area. I thinÞ there were s0l117 (,iegcflil1e5! involved because of the tournament wanting to Rnow what we were goingt() off~rthem in essence because you do have to offerthese folÞssome benefits to come here; Ms. Hearn is correct. They are 100Þing at alternative sites to put the docÞs." Ms. Chapman stated, "Until Jeanne brought this up I was not aware that we had been, if you IiÞe,excll.ld~dJrom deliberations on areas that relate to the port. I thinÞ the Commissioners hqve been pretty good about saying I need you to have this on the agenda because we Wô~.¡ dreallyJiÞe you all to be voting on it and give us some guidance." MS'i\J.ie9r~\st!:lted, "I talÞed to this· Debra Brisson, she's relatively new to the County, and when1mentipned it to her, the first thing she told me, and I had already talÞed to some of tÞe\p9.r1:.iç:ipqnts, they were thrilled to death over at the historical museum. TheyliÞedit Pßtter there than at Harbor Pointe. We have free docÞs there, beautiful docÞs. They might needq step up or whatever you call it to get down on the level closer to the water. They are talldocÞs but to have to rent docÞs every time that we have these tournaments. I don't Þnowwith the budget restraints and all. I IiÞe to tout the historical museum. Theylre short on people visiting there. People could enjoy using the causeway as well. Say a wife did nIt go she could taÞe her little ones there. They could picnic and there's a playground right there. I just thinÞ it would be good to get some community input before we put it on the consent agenda. That's a pretty fast-paced thing for something there's been a lot of controversy over:1 Ms.Ch.apman asÞed Mr. ConÞlin what he Þnew about translucent docÞs. Mr. ConÞlin said very little. Ms. Hearn stated the Waterfront Council sent a 341 boat out there and they were churning trying to get near, about 100' out. Mr. KuÞIiO$þi stated, "Remember we had that concert with the barge out there. Ildliþe to see something IiÞe that happen in that area." Ms. Chapman asÞed if it would be temporary. Mr.t{uÞlinsÞi said no it would be permanent IiÞe in Miami. Ms. Heqrn asÞed, "Have any of you boaters had any e><perience there at the museum dQcÞsT' Mr. Thiess said they were high. Mr. ConÞlin said, "The currents are extremely swift right around that area because it's right center with the inlet. That's where the velocity occurs.. I'd say you get five. six Þnot currents going through there which maÞes it somewhat difficult for boaters to docÞ. In the sense that whether it's gOing out or coming in, if you're nosing into a docÞ you have to put it in reverse or you collidewith the docR. These are powerboats. They shouldn't have a problem." Ms. Hearn said the people she had spoRe with thought it would be convenient. Ms. Hearn stated, "I understand welre hiring Shailesh Patel again to study spoil sites. Shailesh Patel had a list of 12 the last time for Taylor CreeR dredging. Apparently there's a list from the City, proposed to the County and they're going to taRe that list and I asÞed that Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee August 9, 2007 Page 5 Harbour Pointe not be included in that becauseShailesh seems to revertbacÞ to Harbour Pointe because it's easy and it's convenient. . It'spqsttime thqt we get a permanent site. That was suppose to be done according to our ComPrehensive Plan by 2006." Ms. Chapman stated, "If you've got this RFQfloating around, people qren't going to want to see that as a spoil site." Ms. Hearn said, "Well if itever contaminated HarpQur Pointe IiÞe that apartment complex in West Palm Beach with arsenic, <people don't want to get involved in those potential things. I'm not saying that it would be contaminated, but that's a possibility. I have a lot of concern over this issue. I remember bacÞ when we did the Taylor CreeÞ dredging there was quite a bit ofcpntroversyfrom people that Þnew Grant Gillmore, people that Þnow the history of TaylQr CreeÞ and urged the COLln~y at that time to be aware of how much mucÞ was in there. Well the results either between Don West or Shailesh Patel came bacÞ. We were told emphatically that it was going to be> 50/50. 50% mucÞ and 50% sand and we could utilize the sand and everything. Well the project tumed out, I thinÞ 90% mucÞ and the County had it in their budget:' Ms. Chapman asÞed, "Who reported that proportion of 90/10?1I Ms. Heam said, "Don West, IthinÞ that's correct. Here's proof of it financially and this is what concerns me. To be off a little is one thing; to be off a lot is a concern. The original budget was $185.406£01' remQving the spoil from the spoil site. Well, we came bacÞ and we just paid another $121,300 becausewe didn't Þnow it was going to be so much. There was a letter circulated that Lloyd Bell had requested that an invoice be paid. The County denies there was an invoice but then edl of a sudden we get this last month of a payment of $121,300. Everybody says it's not anything to do with Lloyd Bell but all the timing certainly seemed right. Even if it wasn't for that purpose, to me it's a concern that we missed the boat so far. I mean that's 75% and YOLl canlt dQ business that way. The County paid for borings and these borings . have certqinly. told them something about percentages of mucÞ and sand. It just seems IiÞesomeof. these things are just being paid. I would liRe to bid on a printing order for the County for $100,000 and come bacÞ and say, 'Well my inÞ didn't go right or I didn't judge how muchiinR I'd need on that job or something and you owe me another $75,000'. It doesn't worÞthat way.." Ms. Hearn stated, "There's a stacÞing ordinance coming up by the City. I have a lot of concern about that ordinance. I don't care how high the City wants to do it but I have concern that it's City wide, which means any industriaL property can be. stacÞed up with containers." Ms. Chapman said, "I went to the initial meeting and we sat there and sat there and it came up but the only vote that was taÞen was to taÞe a 100Þ at it more." Mr. Shields stated, "We don't Þnow, they haven't published the drqft<ordinance. We're only imagining that they might have something before Planning & Zoning on this Tuesday that's coming but they haven't noticed anyone. That's a concern for us and should be a concern for the public as well because we should have the benefit of being able to 100Rat that as the public." Ms. Hearn said, "Well three high would certainly benefit you all compared to what it was." Mr. Shields replied, "Well in the initial draft that we 100Þed at part of the draft ordinance called for a wall equal to the height of what YOLl'restoring. I can't even imagine having walls all over the City that might be 15,20, 25 feet high depending on what you store. We've made efforts to go and get the draft be<:ause we hear thrOLlgh the grapevine that it's coming but at City Hall they tell us, 'No you! have it the Friday before the meeting'. The way we understand it, it goes to Planning & Zoning and Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee August 9,2007 Page 6 ~~:,..,,,,,,,'"",,,,,,,m:_~.">m,,,,.,,<~,,.,~um,~o"><>'''''''"~~'''''_~''~'~~"",,,,,,,~"~~~"~~,~"''=''~W,&=~~~=,,,~~''''''_~''M_~~'''''''.'"~''~U'',u~~-=--''''¥,**"""","=""""~,,,_~''''~''^~==''~''''''''''~~=''===-'=~,," Plgl'Il'!Ìng&: Zoning can do three things. They can recommend to the Commissioners~opass itq$itis, they can recommend t~the Commissioners not to adopt it or they can <:omE!up Wi.thqlternative recommendations." Ms. Chapman said she heard it was going tOPE!}three orfo~rhigh. Mr. Shields stated, "I thin~ what they were talþing about was 30' whichVJould ql1'1~~ntto three high which for us is an issue and we'll deal with that. The bigger issueVJas theVJ91tsurrounding the property:' Mr. Roberts stated, "I waS told two weeÞs ago tomqrrow thqt trE! draft would be ready the following Monday or Tuesday. Here we are tendqysl~er andstilLdon't have it." Ms. Hearn asÞed if there was a height limit in the County. Ms. Young said she didn't thinÞ so. Ms. Hearn said, (¡We better get one." Mr. KuþlinsÞi stated, "For instance Orange Avenue, just past where St. Lucie Battery &: Tire is on the south side of the street. There's a lot of stuff stored in there. Is that industrial or commercial zoned?" Ms. Young answered, "It could be eith ne, the zoning is Þind of mixed out there." Ms. Hearn stated, "What concerns me is the with their annexations. There's going to be a large area and if it's commercial the County as well should be concerned." Mr.ConÞlin stated, "Since we're talÞing about containers, the Federal Legislation are nOW plqnnil1g to require full inspections of containers coming into U.s. ports. They would be inspected on the ports of origin. What's pending in Congress is 100% inspections."··· Ms. Chqpman said, "It a step in the right direction, but I don't thinÞ it's going toPe manageable." Ms. . young announced, "The County's been approached by Tallship Unicornls Dawn Santqmaria. They were here a few years ago. Evidentially theylre worÞing with the City, theyihave a program they run up north where they're based in the summer that'ScqUéd 'Sister's Under Sail'. It's a girls program to teach them about sailing and evidentially they're thinÞJnØqbout bringing it down here for part of the year. They're worÞing with the City and if~hE1Slig9forward and they're interested in the docÞ, we'll probably end up doing someJ:'?ind ofln~erlocal with the City. I thinÞ they're going to be here for IiÞe two months at the docÞ by the museum." Ms. Hearn stated she would liÞe the Harbor Advisory Board Þept up to date on the ChucÞ's SE!qfood lease. Ms. Young stated, "We have done an amendment to the lease that addressE!s the rent issue based on an appraisal done for rental value by Dan Floor. We went to that rentlevel and there's an annual CPI. As you may Þnow, they're having some issues with.the City of Fort Pierce with their plans to rebuild what was previously there. He's been cited by code enforcement on that. It was continued from the previous meeting in July. He was asþedto get his plans in which he actually had in his hand that day. He submitted several sets of plans. They're running into some issues on the rebuilding: hopefully we get those worÞêdout." Ms. Hearn asÞed if there were any proposals on the table for taÞing away the parÞing or Por\:parþing. Ms. Young answered, "Evidentially there was some confusion on theplansqs to where overflow parÞing would go and the City was very concerned about that. That was not our intent: I don't thinÞ it was really his intent. That was something, as I understand it, his engineer put on there. From a practical standpoint, I'm sure that's what's been happening Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee August 9, 2007 Page 7 over the years. People come in and they 100Þ for a place to parÞ and they parÞ wherever but they're parþing I thinÞ beyond his leasehold when they do that. We're trying to address how many parÞing spaces he can have. His concern is that he needs to have a certain square footage to have the liquor license for the restaurant." Mr. Conþlin as!:?ed, "Is he currently operating? I don't see a lot of activity there." Ms. Young answered, "Very limited. I don't thinÞ they're open for lunch. I'm not sure what their hours are. I thinÞ as soon as he gets the plans approved he's ready to taÞe the tent down and he's got contractors lined up but the plans aren't approved yet." Ms. Hearn asÞed, "Is there anymore on the safety issue of Harbor Islesl pipe that somebody's going to get Þilled on?" Ms. Young replied, "The most recent thing I Þnow is before Ray Wazny left he had had at least one, if not several, conversations with the Coast Guard about putting some Þind of marÞer on that." Mr. KuÞlinsÞi asÞed, "What is the status of the reef program? Are they finished at Harbour Pointe?" Ms. Young replied, "I Þnow we did an agreement recently with another company that has a barge to sinÞ, I'm not sure." Ms. Hearn said, "We were told as a group it was going to terminate, I thinÞ, last May. The project would be complete by then." Ms. Chapman asÞed Ms. Bush to invite Jim Oppenborn to the next Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory meeting to give the committee an update on the artificial reef program. Mr. KuÞlins!:?i would liRe to Þnow if the proper materials are being placed down there. Ms. Hearn said, "There was an article in the newspaper and he claims that they're all being inspected. If that cement starts to deteriorate, I would not want to have to go pic!:? it up IiÞe theylre doing the tires. We just need to do our homeworÞ first. I'm all for the reef program but sinÞing things that are not going to be salvaged later." ADJOURNMENT. At 3:50 pm the meeting was officially adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building. Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush