HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda & Minutes 10-11-2007
Meeting Held On
October 11, 2007
Convened at 3:09 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:21 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday,
October 11, 2007 at 3:09 p.m. in Conference Room 3 on the 3'd floor of the Administration
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was ta~en.
Me..d.ers Prese.."
Mary Chapman, Chairperson
Howard Con~lin, Vice Chairman
Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft Appointee
Gerald Ku~lins~i, Commissioner Grande Appointee
Pieter StryRer
David Souza, St. Lucie Village
Commissioner Eddie Becht, City of Ft. Pierce (Arrived at 3:27 p.m.)
Councilman Christopher S. Cooper, City of P.S.L.
Heather Young, SLC Assistant County Attorney
Michael Brillhart, Economic & Strategic Development Director
Alto Prese.."
The minutes from the August 9, 2007 meeting were unanimously approved.
Ms. Chapman discussed Jeanne Hearn's resignation from the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory
Michael Brillhart discussed what had been taRing place with the Harbor Pointe RFQ. Mr.
Brillhart stated there would be five individuals sitting on the Selection Committee. The
Selection Committee will meet on October 16, 2007 and is not a public meeting. The
committee members are Don West, Faye Outlaw, Larry Daum, Michael Brillhart and Neil
Appel. The Selection Committee will review the RFQ and maRe a recommendation to the
Board of County Commissioners sometime either late October or early November.
The committee was concerned with the fact that only one RFQ submittal was received.
Brillhart said the RFQ was mailed out to a very large database and staff was
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
October 11, 2007
Page 2
Mr. Con~lin expressed concem with the language used in the RFQ. Mr. Brillhart said much of
the language used was taRen from the 2002 RFQ for that area and it was also tied to the
land use plan.
Ms. Chapman expressed her thoughts on the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee. Ms.
Chapman stated, "I generally could care less about the survival of this group. If they're not
going to let us do anything, I don't want to waste my time and I certainly don't want to
waste all of your time. I thinR it is highly unfair. I gave a list of three things I was really
concerned about for this group, and the same thing in Environmental Advisory, and
absolutely nothing has been permitted to any of the six items. I finally gave up on
Environmental Advisory and said I'm not messing anymore with vegetation legislation,
thanR you very much. I want to be involved in something liRe water quality and it's very
frustrating to spend many, many hours a weeR on this Rind of stuff and not have the County
Commission at least listen to our recommendations. They don't have time to go over all of
this, they don't have time to individually do the diligence and they assume we do and then
they don't even read what we send and that is very frustrating. If we want to fight for
survival that's one thing but if they are not going to permit us to be an active beneficial
group then..."
Mr. Thiess stated the RFQ received did not seem in sync with the Port Master Plan. Mr.
ConRlin suggested calling a few of the top names in the database and find out why they did
not respond. He thin~s there should be some sort of follow-up interview with the blunt of
the people the County thought would bid and find out what went wrong. Mr. ConRlin
made a motion, "For the County Commission to do a post request interview of some of the
expected bidders, to find out why they did not put out a response i.e. credit marRet
conditions or the wording parameters and strongly consider a reissuance of the RFQ based
on the response received from those interviews." The committee unanimously approved the
motion. Ms. Chapman as~ed Mr. Billhart how they could go about getting the County to
reissue the RFQ. Mr. Brillhart said if the RFQ that has been received doesn't meet the
criteria they'll have to rebid it.
The committee aSRed about adding some incentives to the RFQ. Mr. Brillhart said that
during the RFQ process there are no incentives or financial arrangements but during the RFP
write up they could put in it that, "This project could be eligible for specific County and State
economic development incentives".
Mr. Souza stated, "The site itself could be the problem because when you loo~ at it, it doesn't
really induce you to want to thinR about a high-end retail type thing when you go into an
industrial area." Commissioner Becht aSRed how the Commission approved the RFQ. Upon
review of the agenda item it was, "Approved 5-0 including language that any plan must be
connected to the remaining 67 acres in conjunction with the Port Master Plan".
Commissioner Becht stated the City of Fort Pierce capped stacRing containers at 30'.
Commissioner Becht suggested going bacR to an idea Mr. ConRlin had a while ago about
putting a Cou':1ty Marina on the property.
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
October 11, 2007
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Mr. Thiess made a motion, "If we're going to ma~e a recommendation of this qualification
statement, I would recommend they deny it because it's grossly inadequate and doesn't
come close to meeting the requirements of the RFQ. If they want examples, I went through
it and there's 10% of what was even listed as the format for submitting the qualification
statement including major things liRe proof they have the right to do business, banR
references, relevant design build experience. It's a nonresponsive submittal and it should be
dismissed." The motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Thiess suggest the five-committee members that are appointees get with their
Commissioner and aSR why they are left out of the loop and why the Chair went to get the
copy of the submittal and she got the run around. Ms. Chapman stated, "I was appointed
by Paula and I've voiced this to her a number of times over the last few years so that's no
secret. I ~now Joe Smith was very much aware of Jeanne's feelings when she left." Mr.
KURlinsRi aSRed who was telling Ms. Chapman this information. Ms. Chapman replied,
"When I call Stephanie Bush and say put this on the agenda and when it gets mailed out it's
not on the agenda. If we remain irrelevant then I thinR we are wasting our time but I'm
very hopeful that situations liRe this will get peoples attention."
At 4:21 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, November
8, 2007 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building.
Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush
Douglas Anderson,
County Administrator
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