HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda & Minutes 11-08-2007
Meeting Held On
November 8, 2007
Convened at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday,
November 8, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room #3 on the 3rd floor of the
Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taRen.
Me,,"er. Pre.ent. Mary Chapman, Chairperson
Howard ConRlin, Vice Chairman
Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft Appointee
Gerald KURlinsRi, Commissioner Grande Appointee
David Souza, St. Lucie Village
Councilman Christopher S. Cooper, City of P.S.L.
Pieter StryRer
Alto Pre.ent. Katherine Smith, SLC Assistant County Attorney
Commissioner Eddie Becht, City of Ft. Pierce
The minutes from the October 11, 2007 meeting were unanimously approved.
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Ms. Chapman aSRed Mr. ConRlin about when he was asRed to sit on the RFQ committee.
Mr. ConRlin said he was approached and then told the County was Reeping it in house with
no reason given. Mr. ConRlin stated, "I maRe a motion that the County Commissioners be
requested to consider appointment of one of the members of this committee on the
evaluation group that will consider the responses to any future RFQs for the Port." The
motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. KURlinsRi does not feel as though the response to the RFQ follows what they want for the
Port Master Plan.
Ms. Chapman aSRed why there was only one bid. Mr. Thiess suggested the reason might be
because of the economic climate as well as the RFQ itself.
Mr. Souza does not thinR anything is going to be resolved until the adjoining land issue is
resolved. He feels as though no one will taRe that sort of risR.
Commissioner Doug Coward
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
November 8, 2007
Page 2
Ms. Chapman suggested sending something again to the Board on how the RFQ should be
revised and why the committee didn't liRe the original RFQ. Katherine Smith stated that
staff would be recommending the Board not accept the RFQ and it has been scheduled to
go to the Board.
Mr. StryRer said that before a recommendation is made, feed bacR from Heather Young is
needed on the reason for people not responding. Ms. Chapman said another memo needed
to go out aSRing for clarity and conformity on the RFQ and for it to be reissued. Mr. StryRer
aSRed, "Are we in that big of a hurry to get this done?" Mr. Thiess suggested the economic
climate and location might not be a project many people want to move on. Mr. Thiess
stated, "That project, on that property, at this point in time, seems liRe it could be a risRY
venture for anybody who's got to put up 50 to 100 million dollars."
Mr. StryRer recommended that the Commissioners Reep the committee in the loop as to
what's going on with the RFQ. Ms. Chapman stated, "I've been trying that for several years.
That's been my point. LooR, you all don't have time to go into these things to do your own
diligence in depth, so you have this committee. But if you don't pay any attention to what
they tell you, why have them? It's a waste of everyone's time and that's not just this group,
that's at large over the County."
Mr. Thiess said, "It really depends, I thinR, on what the objectives of the County are. If their
objective is to build a large project or sell some land and get revenue out of it, that's one
thing. If the objective is to use that for the best benefit of the people of the County, that
might be a totally different thing, that would maybe push it toward a parR/boat ramp,
water marina or a water focus activity for the public." Mr. Thiess feels as though the whole
convention center, hotel complex is out of place.
Mr. Souza suggested, "If they want to wait they could put in a couple boat ramps and use
the graded area as parRing and give a lot of relief to a lot of boaters and put it on hold until
the climate turns." Mr. ConRlin agreed, stating that if the County doesn't pursue a rebid of
the RFQ, as an interim use only, a launch ramp to relieve other ramps in the County would
be a good idea. Mr. Bangert did not thinR putting a launch ramp "on the most beautiful
piece of property in St. Lucie County" was a good idea.
Councilman Cooper said he would contact the HasRell Company and aSR them if they
would attend the December 13th meeting to discuss the RFQ that was sent out and their
ideas for Harbor Pointe. Mr. StryRer said to Councilman Cooper, "I'd liRe to leave to you the
discretion of not bringing them in. They may come up with a reason that we would just
prefer not to discuss and I'll have to leave that to you. Mr. Thiess stated, "Getting bacR to
our purpose and our rights here with the County, is that something the County staff should
be doing or the review committee maybe and not this committee?" Ms. Chapman replied, "I
thinR if we don't do it, it won't get done." Several committee members agreed.
The committee requested that if there was an ordinance on stacRing within the County, they
would liRe to review it at the next meeting.
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
November 8, 2007
Page 3
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Mr. ConRlin questioned who was controlling the dOCR on the south side of the inlet by the
Historical Museum. He said it seems to be a loss of a revenue opportunity for the County
and would liRe to Rnow why it is not rented year-round.
Ms. Chapman stated she would be going to Tallahassee on November 20,2007 to talR to
various people from DEP about beach re-nourishment and issues that come before the Fort
Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. ConRlin recommended that since this is a statewide
problem, as well as a local one, Ms. Chapman might want to speaR with the Govemor's
Chief of Staff as well as the Chief Financial Officer.
At 3:35 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, December
13, 2007 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building.
Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush
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Anne Bowe.. · Fwela Rea FPHAC Motion
Stephanie Bush
Bowers, Anne
11/13/2007 4:33 PM
Fwd: Re: FPHAC Motion
Anne I forward this to Heather because she is usually in the meetings and taRes care of these things. I sent her the
motion so this could be put on the agenda or what ever because it may be another weeR before I get the minutes
done due to the short weeR and Property & Homeowners beginning tomorrow. I Rnow Mr. Anderson said once the
minutes go out he will handle it from there, but I thought Heather usually tooR care of this. I guess I will finish the
minutes and pass them out and let staff go from there.
>>> Heather Young 11/13/2007 4:25 PM >>>
I believe Ray used to send the Board a memo with any items the Committee was directing to their attention. That
approach would seem to worR for this as well, but I'd cheeR with Doug to see how he wishes to proceed.
>>> Stephanie Bush 11/13/2007 4:11 PM >>>
Heather I am currently worRing on the minutes from the last meeting. The committee made a motion prior to
Katherine arriving and I figured I would forward the motion to you until the minutes are complete. The committee
wants it to go to the BOCC as soon as possible. The motion was made by Howard ConRlin, "I maRe a motion that
the County Commissioners be requested to consider appointment of one of the members of this committee on the
evaluation group that will consider the responses to any future RFQ's for the Port." The motion was unanimously
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I. Roll Call
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6. AdJo..rnment
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Douglas Anderson,
County Administrator