HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-2007 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 5A DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [x] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 07-057 -AMENDING CHAPTER 1-2 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY CODE AND COMPILED LAWS TO CREATE ARTICLE VII "GRAFFITI"; CREATING SECTION 1-2-69 (DEFINITIONS); CREATING SECTION 1-2-70 (PROHIBITED ACTS); CREATING SECTION 1-2-71 (PENALTIES); CREATING SECTION 1-2-72 (ACCESSIBILITY TO GRAFFITI IMPLEMENTS); CREATING SECTION 1-2-73 (REWARD FOR INFORMATION); CREATING SECTION 1";'2-74 (PUBLIC NUISANCE); CREATING SECTION 1-2-75 (RESPONSIBILITY OF PROPERTY OWNER; NOTICE OF DEFACEMENT); CREATING SECTION 1-2-76 (RIGHT OF ENTRY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY); CREATING SECTION 1-2-77 (REMOVAL); CREATING SECTION 1-2-78 (ANTI-GRAFFITI TRUST FUND) BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1588 RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends adoption of Ordinance No. 07-057. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [X_ OTHER: Continued to 11/20/07 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. [X] County Attorney: c v,1 Review and Approvals [ ]Management & Budget: [ ]Purchaslng: [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ] Road & Bridge. : [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 5B DATE: Nov. 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [x] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 07-012 - Towing Fees BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1682 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: Permission to advertise was approved by the Board on September 25, 2007. RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 07-012 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION: [XI APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Motion to Include correction as stated by Comm. Crande. Dou a . Anderson County Administrator ,.' Review and Approvals ]Management & Budget: [ ] Purchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ) Parks &. Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Flnance:(check for copy oniy, If applicable) Effective 5/96 Agenda Request Item Number Date: 5f, 11/06/07 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X ] Quasi-JD [ X ] To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management SUBJECT: Gro h Management Director Petition of St. Lucie Oaks Commercial, LLC, for Final Site Plan approval for a Planned Development (Planned Non-Residential Development), on a parcel of land consisting of 4.64 acres with an existing PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) and CG (Commercial General) Zoning District. Draft Resolution No. 07-293. (File No.: PNRD 06-018) St. Lucie Oaks Commercial, LLC, has petitioned for Final Site Plan approval for a Planned Development (Planned Non·Residential Development), on a parcel of land consisting of 4.64 acres with an existing PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) and CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District designation limiting the site to a maximum of 36 guest units / acre, and a Future Land Use designation of Commercial (COM), to PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development - St. Lucie Oaks), for the development of a four·story, eighty-eight (88) room hotel consisting of 56,991 square feet, a restaurant consisting of 4,613 square feet, and an office building consisting of 9,008 square feet. located on 4.64 acres situated on the west side of South U.S. Highway No.1, approximately 1,500 feet north of Riomar Drive, Port St. Lucie. N/A At the March 6, 2007, public hearing on this matter, the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, moved to continue the review of the proposed project to the June 5, 2007 Commission Meeting, which was continued to the August 7, 2007 meeting, in order for the applicant to review the layout of the submitted Site Plan and submit changes to address the provision of a deceleration or turn lane into the project along U.S. Highway One or closure of the southern entrance to the project site by the applicant. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: The applicant was required to provide for County Staff review, supporting analysis performed by a Traffic Engineer licensed in the State of Florida. The applicant then met with the contracted County Traffic Engineer, the County Engineering Department and Growth Management Staff on July 17, 2007, and a construction design for the South U.S. Highway One entrance into the proposed project site was reviewed by County Staff and agreed upon between all parties. At the Regular Meeting, August 7, 2007, Staff presented Draft Resolution 07-002 granting Preliminary Planned Non-Residential Development Site Plan approval with limiting conditions. The Board moved approval of Resolution 07-002 and the motion carried unanimously. Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution No. 07-293, granting Final Site Plan approval for a Planned Development (Planned Non-Residential Development) and to direct the Community Development Director to amend the Official Zoning Atlas to reflect St. Luc Oaks Commercial - PNRD zoning for the approved development. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft out of room during vote. RECOMMENDATION: ty Attorney nent Dept.: Finance: /1 (,.~',. ~~ j: < .I,V D DENIED Coordination/ Signatures Mgt. & Budget: ERD: " Engineering: M V P Purchasing: County Surveyor: If</;/ IT ,. Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 5D 11/6107 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X ] Quasi-JD [ x ] To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: Petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC, for a Text Amendment to the Land Development Code, Planned Mixed Use Development, Section 7.03.03, Standards and Requirements, for a 9.44 acre tract of land within the MXD-Grande Beach Mixed Use Activity Area on the future land use map (Ordinance No. 07-032). This is the second of two required public hearings to consider an amendment to the County's Land Development Code to recognize a Comprehensive Pian text change adopted on March 27, 2007, through Ordinance 07-008. The proposed text amendment will ensure consistency between the County's Land Development Code (LDC) and Comprehensive Plan Figure 1-7K to Future Land Use Policy 1.1,7,3 that includes specific language allowing the Grande Beach PMUD to exceed the 40% limitation of the residential uses and the Floor Area Ratios in LDC Section 7.03.03. N/A On March 27, 2007, this Board adopted Ordinance 07-008 amending the comprehensive plan future land use designation of the subject parcel to MXD (Mixed Use Development, Medium Intensity, Grande Beach). On July 19, 2007, the Pianning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this petition by a vote of 5-1 (Ms. Hammer dissenting). On August 21. 2007, at the request of the applicant, the Board of County Commissioners remanded this item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. On September 20,2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this petition by a vote of 3·2 (Ms. Hammer and Ms. Caron dissenting). On October 16, 2007, this Board held the first of two required public hearings on Ordinance No. 07-032. Adopt Ordinance No. 07-032, granting the petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC, for a Text Amendment to the Land Development Code. D DENIED [XI APPROVED = OTHER Approved 5-0 Motion to approve as amended. ¡.=(\ \/ (, ...¿" vuumy Attorney E.RD.: Cty. Engineer: Form No. 07-07 Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: ~ Other: rr-- Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: Other: k;//N" Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 5E 11/6/07 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x ] Quasi-JD [ x ] BACKGROUND: Petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC or Preliminary Planned Mixed Use Development approval for a project to be known as Gra de Beach-PMUD. The proposed mixed use project includes 70 residential units and 16,930 square feet of commercial uses on a 9.44 acre site within a PMUD (Planned Mixed Use Development) Zoning District. The site plan includes 7 buildings, two of which include both commercial and residential uses. ~ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department SUBJECT: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A On March 27, 2007, this Board adopted Ordinance 07-008 amending the comprehensive plan future land use designation of the subject parcel to MXD (Mixed Use Development, Medium Intensity, Grande Beach). On July 19, 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this petition by a vote of 5-1 (Ms. Hammer dissenting). On August 21, 2007, at the request of the applicant, the Board of County Commissioners remanded this item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. RECOMMENDATION: On September 20, 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this petition by a vote of 3-2 (Ms. Hammer and Ms. Caron dissenting). Fourteen members of the public addressed the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission during the public hearing. Adopt Resolution No. 07-134, granting Preliminary Planned Mixed Use Development Approval for the project to be known as Grande Beach - PMUD, subject to the conditions therein. uglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED Approved 3-2 Comm. Coward No Comm. Grande No vUUlllY f-\ttorney E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: Coordination! Signatures v9J· Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: ~ Other: T I Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: Other: R /../r:! Form No. 07-07 To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: Agenda Request Item Number Date: 5P 11/06/07 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ Board of County Commissioners Presented By Growth Management Mark Satterlee, AICP Growth Management Director Modification or revocation of the Conditional Use Permit 92-009 as allowed under Resolution No. 92-254 for the Mellon Patch Inn, located on 3601 N. Highway A1A, northwest of the intersection with Jackson Way. Draft Resolution No. 07-054 See attached memorandum. N/A. On November 24, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners after a public hearing approved Resolution No. 92-254 granting the conditional use NO.92-009 for Andrea I. Mellon to operate a Bed and Breakfast Inn in the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) at the subject property. On March 13, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners having heard comments regarding operation of the commercial lodging establishment as approved in Resolution No. 92-254, on the property known as the Mellon Patch Inn, set a public hearing for April 17, 2007 at 6 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter, regarding the revocation or the modification of the Conditional Use Permit CU 92-009. On April 17, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners having heard comments regarding the revocation or modification of the Conditional Use Permit continued the public hearing to May 15,2007 at 6 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter. On May 15, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners having heard comments regarding the revocation or modification of the Conditional Use Permit continued the pUblic hearing to a date uncertain. It was the consensus of the Board to have the Chairman of this Board meet with the representatives to produce a compromise and come back with an outcome. The meeting was on June 22, 2007. On July 3, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners defined Special Events and set guidelines for a 90-day re-evaluation period at the Mellon Patch. The Mellon Patch was allowed seven (7) events through September 2007. A Public Hearing was set for October 16, 2007 at 6 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter. On October 16, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners having heard comments regarding the revocation or modification of the Conditional Use Permit, continued the public hearing to November 6, 2007 at 6 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter. Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners consider two possible options: 1.) Revoke the Conditional Use Permit 92-009 after a finding of facts; 2.) Modify the Conditional Use Permit 92-009, with the consent of the owner, to detail the conditions' limitations on the accessory "reception" activities and approve Draft Resolution No 07-054. CONCURRENCE: Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Environ. Res. Dept.: County Engineer: --- ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator [K APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED County Attorney: ~-r-0<r l'\ Originating Dept.: Finance: Purchasing: MSBU Coondinator: Approved 3-2 Comm. Lewis No Comm. Craft No Motion to revORe the conditional use permit 6 months from today during the interim period the conditions as outlined in Ms. Outlaws July 13, 2007 letter would continue. During the interim period the applicant could submit an application for whatever use she feels. Bose on the adverse affects on the neighbors, public safety and welfare. Approved 3-2 Comm. Lewis No Comm. Smith No Amend motion that was previously passed to odd as an additional reason for revocation the expiration of the conditional use permit by the prior owner because of abandonment abuse on evidence presented. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. S6 DA TE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNìY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 07-013 - Providing the Terms and Conditions for Installing, Constructing and Maintaining a Communications Facility in the County's Public Rights-of-Way for the Provision of Communications Service BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: This is the first of two public hearings. No action is required at this time. COMMISSION ACTION: 91a5 Anderson County Administrator [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Motion to continue to 12/4/07 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Review and Approvals County Attorney: ]-1' "\ Management & Budget Purchosi ng: Originating Dept Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eft 5/96 ~_. ¡ -----'\ Item Number ~ Meeting Date: 11/06/07 Agenda Request Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ J [ ] [ J [X] Quasi-JD [ X ] ) Board of County Commissioners Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [gJ APPROVED D OTHER Approved 5-0 Motion to continue to 2/5/08 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. , _ .ttorney E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: Form No. 07-07 Growth Management Department Consider Draft Resolution No. 07-244 for St. Lucie County Director of Growth Management -- A Resolution Granting a Change in Zoning from the PUD (Planned Unit Development - Pelican Pointe) Zoning District to the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District for Certain Property in St. Lucie County. St. Lucie County Director of Growth Management is requesting authorization to amend the Official Zoning Map for PUD (Planned Unit Development-Pelican Pointe) Zoning District to the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District. The request is for approximately two acres located south and southeast of the Pelican Point West Subdivision. On August 20, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 96-180 that granted Preliminary and Final PUD approvals to the Pelican Pointe - PUD, and changed the zoning on this property from HIRD to PUD. The Pelican Pointe - PUD was to be a 45 lot single family subdivision. At the time of this approval, the Pelican POlnte project included the lands on both the easi and the west side of South A-1-A. The site plan approvals granted under Resolution 96-180, expired on August 20, 1998, due to the failure of the petitioners, or their successors, to have obtained final plat recordings for this development. Since that time, the legal descriptions for the Pelican Pointe-PUD property have been divided into three parcels. The northwest portion of the parcel was reclassified to the HIRD zoning district on October 18, 1999 through Resolution 99-192. The northwest portion has received site plan approval for a nine (9) lot residential subdivision further known as Pelican Pointe West. The northeast portion of the parcel was reclassified to the HIRD zoning district on August 21, 2001 through Resolution 01-125. The south portion of the Pelican Pointe - PUD remained zoned as a Planned Unit Development. The request for the Change in Zoning from the PUD (Planned Unit Development - Pelican Pointe) Zoning District to the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District was not heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The PUD (Planned Unit Development - Pelican Pointe) Zoning District was approved by the Board of County Commissioners and amended by the Growth Management Director August 20, 1996. The PUD (Planned Unit Development- Pelican Pointe) Zoning District expired on August 20, 1998. The Board of County Commissioners must direct the Growth Management Director to amend the Official Zoning Atlas to the original Zoning District prior to the PUD approval. On October 2, 2007, public hearing on this malter, the Board of County Commissioners continued this petition to November 6,2007. Adopt Resolution No. 07-244 authorizing the Director of Growth Management to amend the Official County Zoning Map from PUD (Planned Unit Development - Pelican Pointe) Zoning District to the HIRD (Hutchinson Isiand Residential District) Zoning District. D DENIED óuglas M. Anderson County Administrator gy Coordination/ Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: Other: Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor R/-/// Other: Agenda Request Item Number Date: 51: 11/06/07 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [X] SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners Pre ented By Growth Management Mark Satterlee Growth Managem t Petition of Oakland Estates, LLC. for a second 12-month extension of the Final Development Plan known as Oakland Estates PUD - Draft Resolution No. 290. To: Submitted By: BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County has received a request from the developer of Oakland Estates PUD project for a second 12-month extension. Oakland Estates PUD is a residential project consisting of 73 single family homes on 20.50 acres of land northwest of the intersection of Kings Highway and Palomar Street. RECOMMENDATION: The developer is requesting a 12-month extension of the approved project in order to complete the Standard Developer's Agreement and acceptance of the on site utilities by the St. Lucie County Utilities and the Final Plat that is in review. The Utility Fees have been paid and water and sewer has been constructed. This planned unit development could not commence building houses without the agreement including the acceptance of the utilities by the County. N/A On October 19, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners through Resolution No. 04-096 approved the Preliminary and Final Plan for the project to be known as Oakland Estates PUD. On October 17, 2006, , the Board of County Commissioners through Resolution No. 06-297 approved a Twelve (12) Month extension or the Final PUD to October 19, 2007and the construction of four (4) dry models. Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution No. 07-290, granting a Second 12-month extension to the approved Oakland Estates Final PUD project until October 19, 2008. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED I = OTHER Approved 4-1 Comm. Smith No I DENIED Coordinationl Signatures Mgmt. & Budget: Environmental Res. Dep.~ Purchasing: Road & Bridge Div. : C;Y,:j"'.2.LJCYC:>.L Æ'..../// i'-'\!I 'No~\'<S ~'\A . ....UUIIlY Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: zw ~= _w CI)= :>??~V ::::::::::::: -::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: COMMISSION ACTION: i X i APPROVED CJ DENiED c::J OTHER To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Approved 5-0 Motion to continue to 11/20/07 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Agenda Request ST 11/6/07 Item Number Date: Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ ] Board of County Commissioners /'}1 '.' i~ p,resented By IW't. . tÚ1.Ø!i ?rowth Management Director Petition of the St. Lucie Family Recreation Center LLC for a Major Adjustment to an Approved Conditional Use Permit to allow paintball activities to continue with modified hours of operation in an IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District for property located at 2525 Center Road, Fort Pierce, FL. (File No. CUMj 620071252) Growth Management On November 14, 2006, this Board approved a Major Adjustment to an existing Conditional Use to allow the subject paintball recreation activities in an Industrial, Light Zoning District, through Resolution No. 06-299 (See Attached). The Resolution provided for temporary operations of the paintball center for one year and limited the hours of operation to Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays between the hours of 7am and 6pm. The applicant has requested that the paintball center operations be allowed to continue beyond the November 14, 2007 termination date, and the hours of operation be expanded to include Friday and evening hours until 11 pm. The applicant indicates that the palntball field has been utilized by several community clubs, groups and organizations, along with individuals and families. To our knowledge, these activities have proceeded in accordance with the approved Conditional Use, which required the applicant to provide proof of insurance and installation of 12 foot high netting along a portion of the paintball field. N/A On November 14, 2006, this Board granted a Major Adjustment to an Existing Conditional Use through Resolution No. 06-299, with five limiting conditions. (File No. CU06-012). Approve Resolution No. 07-286 granting a Major Adjustment to the Approved Conditional Use Permit for the St. Lucie Family Recreation Center LLC to allow the paintball activities to continue with modified hours of operation as specified in the conditions of approval. URRENCE: Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Environ. Res. Dept. \ttorney ~t" 0c1'¥"I J Dept.: inance: Purchasing: Road and Bridge Div. , .. ,.'?, /. / t:.~-rly, ~~~¿{~<YL~ÞV K.:",,-//.. T....b 'vJork~ ,Ji~' ITEM NO. -6 DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: (¿;~~'~'---- Public Works Director SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) SUBJECT: Multi-way stop signs at Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection. BACKGROUND: The Indian River Drive Freeholders Association has requested consideration by the BOCC of installation of stop signs at Walton Road and Indian River Drive Intersection. The attached letter from the Sheriff dated April 24, 2007 recommends installation of the signs and requests County Staff to evaluate the feasibility. The attached memo dated October 23, 2006, gives the results of a speed study that was conducted by Road and Bridge Staff. The attached memo dated May 16, 2007 gives the results of a stop sign study that was also performed by Road & Bridge Staff. Based upon our analyses, the requested stops signs do not meet the warrants as specified in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The BOCC has the authority to regulate signage on County roads perthe Florida Statutes. Installation of the requested signs is purely a local decision, even though State and Federal technical criteria are used as a guideline to evaluate appropriate locations. The MUTCD is a nationally recognized technical manual that provides criteria that are used by FDOT and County Staff to evaluate traffic signals and signage. The technical criteria provide an objective means of evaluation as to whether or not a regulatory device or sign meets the specified warrants. The attached Resolution NO. 07-344 provides for the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Walton Road and Indian River Drive Intersection. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff is requesting Board Consideration to approve the attached Resolution No. 07-344providing for the installation of stop signs at the Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection. [ ] APPROVED [~ OTHER [ ] DENIED Pulled in meeting will be placed on 11/20/07 agenda. COMMISSION ACTION: Douglas Anderson County Administrator [ J Originating Dept. Public Works I-..-À ~~ . [] Purchasing Dept. _~ [XI Copy to Finance [ J Other f¡i County Attorney U Project. Manager H Road & Bridge tS ;J ~. [ ] Mgt. & Budget [ J Budget & Rev. Coor. [JERD Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 1- 11/6/2007 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Board of County Commissioners Presented By ~,1¿(~ Gro Management Director Submitted By: Growth Management Department SUBJECT: Ag-PUD Steering Committee Selection BACKGROUND: On October 9, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners directed staff to draft a resolution creating an Ag-PUD Steering Committee. On October 23, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners adopted resolution 07-316 establishing the 15-member Ag-PUD Steering Committee and creating an appointment format. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: Growth Management staff has solicited and received applications for those interested in serving on the Ag-PUD Steering Committee. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Board review the attached applications and select the membership of the Ag-PUD Steering Committee. COMMISSION ACTION: D APPROVED [R] OTHER D DENIED Pulled prior to meeting. Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney ~ -t-'nn't E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: Other: Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: Other: Form No, 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2A DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of-way Runway's End Commerce Center 30 feet on St. Lucie Boulevard Resolution No. 07-314 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 15, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 04-087 granting approval to a Major Site Plan to be known as Runway's End Commerce Center. Condition Number A-I required the dedication of 30 feet along St. Lucie Boulevard to St. Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-314 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. [~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Do las ,Anderson County Administrator (x] Originating Dept: j"NJ:'" Review and Approvals ~ (x] Road and Bridg~~ [x] Engineering: ,LJ.,tI:d (x] Public Works:~ [ ] Environmental: (x] County Attorney: ~1r G:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\Runway's End Commerce Center\Agenda.wpd . AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2B DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Lease of Dock and Parking Facilities to Smithsonian Institution BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1767 RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Lease and authorize the Chairman to sign. [~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dou as . Anderson County Administrator [X] County Attorney: C).¡ .. tI~ Review and Approvals ]Management &. Budget: [ ]Purchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Flnance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2.C Date: November 6, 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Healthy Start Coalition of St. Lucie County, Inc. and Kids Connected by Design, Inc. - Ninth Amendment to October 25, 1994 Facility Use Agreement BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 07-1781 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Ninth Amendment to the Facility Use Agreement with Healthy Start Coalition of St, Lucie County, Inc., and Kids Connected by Design, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ninth Amendment. LX APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Do la M. Anderson County Administrator SJ Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: .;...... Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Other : Finance (Check for Coov onlv if aoolicoble): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2.D Date: November 6. 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: General Services Administration - Supplemental Lease Agreement No.2 for Storage of Trailers at Fairgrounds BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 07-17961 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/ A): N/ A RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Supplemental Lease Agreement No.2 with the General Services Administration, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: ["'.J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: ~ Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other : Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): ITEM NO. C2E DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Allied' New Technologies, Inc. - Escrow Agreement BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Escrow Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. Approved s-o COMMISSION ACTION: r<] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: ~ V Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchosing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff.5/96 ITEM NO. C 3 r.:¡ DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: , SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Midway Road PD&E Study - Third Amendment to the Contract C03-12-802 with Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. for a time extension through June 15, 2008 in order to process invoices. There are no funds associated with this request. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are encumbered on P2512966 & P271 0913; amendment is for a time extension only. PREVIOUS ACTION: 6/4/02 - Board approved the FDOT LAP Agreement and granted permission to advertise for Letters of Qualifications. (Funding: FOOT $655,803, and St. Lucie County $390,523.50) 1/7/03 - Board approved the five shortlisted firms to submit technical proposals. 6/24/03 - Board approved Calvin, Giordano & Associates as the top ranked firm and granted permission to negotiate the contract. 12/16/03 - Board approved the agreement with Calvin, Giordano & Associates, in the amount of $1,046,326.50, for the Midway Rd. PD&E Study. 4/11/06 - Board approved the First Amendment to the contract with Calvin, Giordano & Associates amending the completion date for the Midway Rd. PD&E Study. 12/19/06 - Board approved the Second Amendment to the contract with Calvin Giordano & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $30,800.00 for right-of-way services, for the Midway Road PD&E Study. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Third Amendment to the contract with Calvin Giordano & Associates, Inc, for a time extension through June 15, 2008 for the Midway Road PD&E Study, and authorize the Chairman to sign. ,þ [x] County Attorney [x] Originating Dept. Public Works Midway Rd. PD&E Amendment 3. as nderson C nty Administrator [x] Mgt. & Budget I---~ fr\fv1(Q [X]Exec. Ass\. ~I [x] Proj. Mgr. '::+"Ii"' . V-) [ ¡Other COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED .doc Approved 5-0 ITEM NO. c3 ~ DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 to the Contract with Boyle Engineering Corporation (LBFH, Inc.) for Roadway and Intersection - Design White City Drainage Improvement Project for Citrus and Saeger Avenues for a time extension through December 31,2007 in order to pay all invoices. There are no funds associated with this request. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are encumbered on Purchase Order P2613068; amendment is for a time extension only. PREVIOUS ACTION: nla August 1, 2006 - Board approved Work Authorization No. 5 for Roadway and Intersection Design - White City Drainage Improvement Project for Citrus and Saeger Avenues with LBFH, Inc., in the amount of $84,220.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 for Roadway and Intersection Design - White City Drainage Improvement Project for Citrus and Saeger Avenues with Boyle Engineering Corporation (LBFH, Inc.) for a time extension through December 31, 2007, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ I\PPROVED [ ] DENIED L ] OTHER Do gl Anderson County Administrator a... coordina~n/S~ [xl County Attorney ~ Y [x] Mgt. & Budget . ?tf) Exec. Ass!. ßA7......... [x]Orig. Dep!. Public Works -À ~ ~ · [x] Project Manager ";,#t-- [ ]Purchasing While City Drainage Ibfh C~ Amend1.ag.doc Approved 5-0 ITEM NO. C3c DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works Department 4117 SUBJECT: USGS contract for water quality monitoring at 5 Mile Creek. BACKGROUND: SFWMD is partnering with Martin and S1. Lucie Counties to establish a Water Quality Monitoring Network throughout the Upper East Coast watershed, including the urbanized areas. In order to prioritize stormwater management efforts and water quality improvement projects, a tributary water quality monitoring network will be required. The data collected by the Water Quality Monitoring Network will also help St. Lucie County comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) minimum control measures. The data will also aid in problem source identification and will establish a baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of water quality improvement projects. As a part of 81. Lucie County's participation in the Water Quality Monitoring Network, the attached contract will continue a monitoring station at Five Mile Creek and Okeechobee Road. The attached contract is an agreement with U.S. Geodetic Survey (USGS) and S1. Lucie County to share the cost of continuing the monitoring station. The contract requires a 55% match in the amount of $17,448.00. The data will be collected and analyzed by USGS, to be shared with SFWMD and S1. Lucie County. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds will be made available from the Stormwater MSTU Budget, within the NPDES Permitting Account. 102001-3725-531000-42512. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 23, 2003: BOCC approval of $50,000 in matching funds for the Water Quality Monitoring Program with SFWMD. September 14, 2004: BOCC approval of $14,860.00 in matching funds for the Water Quality Monitoring Program with USGS, February 21, 2006: BOCC approval of $14,583.00 in matching funds for the Water Quality Monitoring Program with USGS. October 17, 2006: BOCC approval of $14,583 in matching funds for the Water Quality Monitoring Program with USGS. RECOMMENDATION: Public Works staff is recommending approval of the attached contract with USGS in the amount of $17. '-/'is .00, for Water Quality Monitoring in the Five Mile Creek., and sign re by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED ......'1 CoordlnatlonlS0¡~/ ~ [X]Mgt. & Budget M ( ]Env. Res. Div. ¡X]Purchasin9 -~. [ ]Road & Bridge ~ [XJCounty Attorney ?, [x]Originating Dept. Public Worksff '", kev I o::.'<"Þ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C3D DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) Seventh Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. for the rendering of services to provide additional soil testing in the amount not to exceed $100,000. All work shall be completed on or before June 30, 2008. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. Funds will be made available in101006-4116-563009-4108 Transportation Trust-Impact Fees PREVIOUS ACTION: 1/10/06 - Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & . Testing, Inc., to provide geotechnical testing services in the amount not to exceed $100,000 for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 5/2/06 - Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., to provide reimbursement for rental of vibration monitoring equipment in the amount of $6,500 for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 8/8/06 - Board approved the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelber~er Engineering & Testing, Inc., to provide additional soil testing services in the amount of $50,000 for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 11/14/06 - Board approved the Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelber~er Engineering & Testing, Inc., to provide additional soil testing services in the amount of $50,000 for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 1/23/07 - Board approved the Fifth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., to provide additional soil testing services and equipment rental in the amount of $55,000 for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 8/21/07 - Board approved the Sixth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., to provide additional soil testing services and equipment rental in the amount of $125,000 for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Sixth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., for the rendering of services to provide additional soil testing in the amount not to exceed $100,000 for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), and authorization for the Chairman to sign. Approved 5-0 Doug s . Anderson County Administrator :dinatiOnlSia~ rxlMat. & Budaet I ..J.~ [x]Exec. Ass\. f'1 p,. M COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED r r OTHER: [ ] DENIED rvlr,......t" At+nrno\l u1 ....., ) y"<... -t'_ ;..-/!;" e..--t;;!... ~- ..- AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C3E DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 ~~ÍíS /Michael Powley, County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) Second Amendment to Work Authorization NO.1 (C03-05-645) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the rendering of services to provide additional construction engineering and inspection (CEI) in the amount not to exceed $490,240.00. This extends the contract through June 30, 2008. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. Funds will be made available in 101006-4116-563012-4108 and 101006-4116-563021-4108 Transportation Trust/Impact Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: 6/28/05 - Board approved Work Authorization No.1 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $1,635,290, to provide construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 5/22/07 - Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No.1 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $450,290.00, to provide additional construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), and contract extension through September 30,2007. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Second Amendment to Work Authorization NO.1 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $490,240.00, for the rendering of services to provide additional construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), contract extension through June 30, 2008, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Do gl M. Anderson County Administrator '··1 I l.. <l [xJCounty Attorney [x)Originating Dept. Public Works~ []Finance n-- S. 25'" Widening CEI K-H WA 1 Amend2.ag.doc [x]Proj. Mgr. Clß [x]Exec. Asst.. .£?\ 1\ [ JOther (xJMgt. & Budget ITEM NO. C~ F DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITIED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Emergency Repair on Indian River Drive at Eden Creek Lane - First Amendment to the Agreement (C07-08-470) with Johnson-Davis Inc. in the amount of $13,400. This amendment provides a water quality upgrade to the existing culvert connection that was replaced. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Funds will be made available from Public Works Capital Budget, Transportation Trust Account #: 101003-41131- 563000-43038 - Transportation TrusVLocal Option Culvert Replacement. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A August 7,2007 - Board approved Public Works Staff recommendation to waive the formal bidding process due to the emergency repair on Indian River Drive, and award of a construction contract with Johnson-Davis Inc. in the amount of $49,000.00 and approval of the project budget as outlined. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with Johnson-Davis Inc. for the Emergency Repair on Indian River Drive at Eden Creek Lane in the amount of $13,400, and signature by the Chairman. P<l APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dou as nderson County Administrator [x] County Attorney" . U Project. Manager [ I Road & Bridge Emergency Culvert Repair IRD C01.ag [x] Mgt. & Budget ~ tVttIt [] Exec. Asst. ß [J ERD [x] Originating Dept. Public Works ~t,,\. [ ] Purchasing Dept. ~ ITEM NO. c-3ß DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Revised Emergency JPA with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Acceptance of a reimbursement agreement for $1,495,126.47 from FDOT for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma's debris removal, washouts and bridge and Resolution No. 07-317 authorizing execution of the JPA. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: This agreement will reimburse the County for Hurricane Wilma expenses that were charged to Acct. #101 002-4112-xxxxxx- 1904. PREVIOUS ACTION: November 1, 2005 - Board approved Emergency Ordinance No. 05-038, an emergency ordinance of St. Lucie County, Florida providing for the removal of debris from private rights-of-way during the time of a declared emergency. December 15,2005 - Board approved Work Authorization No. 24 (Contract C03-10-686) with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. for Hurricane Wilma Debris Removal Monitoring Services in the not to exceed amount of One Million . ($1 ,000,000.00) dollars. I JDecember 15, 2005 - Board approved Work Authorization NO.2 (Contract C01-o3-309) with Ash Britt, Inc. for Hurricane Wilma Debris Removal Services in the not to exceed amount of fIVe million five hundred thousand and 0/100 dollars ($5,500,000.00). June 26, 2007 - Board accepted the reimbursement agreement for $1,081,502.00 from the Florida Department of , Transportation for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma's debris removal, washouts and bridge repairs, Resolutioin No. 07- 039 authorizing execution of JPA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept the reimbursement agreement for $1,495,126.47 from the Florida Department of Transportation for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma's debris removal, washouts and bridge repairs, Resolution No. 07- 317 authorizing execution of JPA, and the Chair to sign. Mgt. & Budget Exec. Asst. ERD ~ Dougl nderson County Administrate ~_ [x] OriginatingDept.PublicV'{o~ ~~. ßPlI1 j _ [x] Finance Dept .JJ:) [' (Check for copy only, if a'pplica Ie) - [))H COMMISSION ACTION: H APPROVED [ ] DENIED [x] 0:::: Attorney ~~. [x] [x] Project. Manager --¡.t:::: [x] [] Road & Bridge -r [ ] Hurricane Wilma FDOT Revised Emergency JPA.ag Approved 5-0 ITEM NO. C - 3 t-4 DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Entrada Avenue and Rio Mar Drive Landscaping Project - deductive Change Order No. 3 in the amount of ($11,500) and an extension of the contract to June 30, 2008 for Sunshine Land Design, Inc. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Fund NO.1 01 003-4113-563000-39001, Transportation Trust - Local Option. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 16, 2006 - Board approved the award of the contract to Sunshine Land Design, Inc. in the amount of $401,529.60. September 26, 2006 - Board approved Change Order No. 1 to Sunshine Land Design, Inc. in the amount of $4,354.00. October 17, 2006 - Board approved and authorized the chair to sign Change Order NO.2 in the amount of $4,071.00 for a total contract price of $409,954.60 to Sunshine Land Design, Inc. for the relocation and modification to the Entrada Avenue and Rio Mar Drive Landscaping project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the deductive Change Order NO.3 in the amount of ($11,500) and an extension of the contract to June 30, 2008 with Sunshine Land Design, Inc. for the Entrada Avenue and Rio Mar Drive Landscaping Project, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. M APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: [x] County Attorney ¡.. [x] Mgt. & Budget [xl Project. Manager M [x] Exec. Asst. [ ] Road & Bridge Capital Projects/Landscaping Igenda Request - Change Order 3 1-r> n)~ K~ If [x] í&\'r;'1 [] [] Doug nderson County Administrator Originating Dept. Public Works ~. Finance (Check for copy oniy, if applicab e) ITEM NO. C- 3:r DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.1 to the Contract with LBFH, Inc. to provide professional consultation services with respect to permitting and related project impacts to St. Lucie County's Canal 1 03. LBFH, Inc. is the chief engineer for the North St. Lucie River Water Control District (former owner of Canal 103), Work to be complete by December 31, 2009. Total amount not to exceed $20,000. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS 'AV AILABLE: Funds will be made available in 102001-3725-563005-4918 Drainage Maintenance MSTU - Stormwater Management PREVIOUS ACTION: June 12,2007 - Board approved the Contract with LBFH, Inc. to provide professional consultation services with respect to permitting and related project impacts to St. Lucie County's Canal 103 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve Work Authorization NO.1 to the Contract with LBFH, Inc. for Canal 103. Work to be complete by December 31,2009. Total amount not to exceed $20, O. Authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: . '" ProJ. Mgr. [X]Exec. Asst ~ [ ]Other , r<1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER ~ J¡ o.;+- Ix) County Attorney ,. , [x] Originating Dept. Public Works C1031bfh agmt wa1.ag.doc ITEM NO. C .3 J DA TE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Road Improvement Agreement - Airport Park of Commerce BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: nla RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Road Improvement Agreement for Airport Park of Commerce, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. l ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dou I Anderson County Administrator ~.. Coordination/Signatures 1"1 IJuurny AttOrney [ ] Mgt. & Budget [ ]Exec. Asst. [x]Orig. Dept. Public WOr1<s~ [x] County Surveyor ~/H' ~nv. Resource; \~ Airport Park of Commerce ~ent agreement.ag ITEM NO. C4-A DATE: 11/06/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: Approval to Piggyback the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Contract #06-123, Annual Asphalt Services with Florida Highway Products, Inc. for Chip Seal and other asphalt materials and services for a not to exceed amount of $700,000, BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 316001-41132-546200-42003 Infrastructure 101002-41122-546200-42003 Maintenance Improvements PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to piggyback the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Contract #06-123, Annual Asphalt Services with Florida Highway Products, Inc. for Chip Seal and other asphalt materials and services for a not to exceed amount of $700,000, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Contract prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) (:17 - ~~. V Road & Bridge (X) ~\ Dou a . Anderson County Administrator Coord i nation/SiQ natures Mgmt & Budget (X) rtl;,O rYI¡~ Purchasing (X) ~ Other Finance ("1/ for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C-4-B DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to Contract C07-02-047 with The Growing Concern Tree & Landscape, Inc. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account # 001408-7210-534000-7507 (Other Contractual Service - Parks) PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 6, 2007 the Board approved rescinding the award of Bid NO. 06- 105 to low bidder Gary Roberts Nursery and re-award to Sunshine Land Design and The Growing Concern Tree & Landscape. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the first amendment to Contract C07-02-047 with The Growing Concern Tree and Landscape, and grant permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. (~ APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: ApProved 5-0 Dou M. Anderson County Administrator Coordin ati onlS iCl natu res c~/ " ,~_ County Attorney (X) l/ Mgt. & Budget (X) ~\) Ill, ~ Purchasing (X) ~ Parks & Recreation (X) ~ Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ~ J.:~~'.." '.: -~, ';~\1:': .~~ ,''j:.'''' " -":, ,!"N~. ~ ,-> ITEM NO. C-4-C DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to Contract C07-02-046 with The Growing Concern Tree & Landscape, Inc. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Account # 001408-7210-534000-750 (Other Contractual Services - Parks) PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 6, 2007 the Board approved waiving the competitive bid process for installation of trees and contracts for Sunshine Land Design and The Growing Concern Tree & Landscape. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the first amendment to Contract C07-02-046 with The Growing Concern Tree and Landscape, and grant permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. - D gl s M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: (» APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved s-o Coord i n ati on/Sianatu res County Attorney (X) ,..'/1. ~~(' ,!i,/ Mgt. & Budget (X) ~,,\N9 {)\Iwà , Purchasing (X)~ Parks & Recreation (X) ~ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, nly if appllcable)_ Other ( ) ITEM NO. C4-D DATE: 11/06/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid # 07-102 for Car Washing Services for Cars and Pickup Trucks to Rocket Car Wash, Inc., and David's Auto Detailing. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Each department will payout of their separate accounts PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #07-102 Car Washing Services for Cars and Pickup Trucks to Rocket Car Wash, Inc., and David's Auto Detailing, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (>j ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 Central Services î ! . It.,}- (X) G21JY' County Attorney (X) Coordination/Si Purchasing (X) ~ Mgmt & Budget (X) Other Finance (...¡ for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C4-E DATE: 11/06/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to reject all bids received for Invitation for Bid (IFB) #5 and IFB #7 for the Community Services Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and re-bid both projects as demo/replacements. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001404-6420-549605-600 - Community Development Block Grant DRI PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to reject all bids received for Invitation for Bid (IFB) #5 and IFB #7 for the Community Services Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and re-bid both projects as demo/replacements. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney Community Services Dou a . Anderson County Administrator Coordination/SiQ natures Mgmt & Budget (X) m Other Purchasing (X) ~ Finance (-V for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C4-F DATE: 11/06/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITS) #07-107 Construction of Dune Crossovers damaged by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne at Ocean Bay and Little Mud Creek to Summerlins Marine Construction, LlC for the cost of $144.00 per lineal foot. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 001-1930-546300 FG010C Grounds Maintenance-Ocean Bay 001-1930-546300-FG001C Grounds Maintenance-Little Mud Creek PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Sid #07-107 Construction of Dune Crossovers damaged by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne at Ocean Bay and Little Mud Creek to Summerlins Marine Construction, LlC at a cost of $144.00 per lineal foot for a not to exceed cost of $75,000, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ( ) (~ APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Pulled to be placed on the 11/13/07 Agenda. County Attorney (X) ;Yo Central Services (X)~l<;; coordination/SiQ~~ ~ Mgmt & Budget (X) ~ Purchasing (X) :?íL Other Finance ("1/ for copy only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-sfJr DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMmED BY: Airport Diana Lewis. Airport Director SUBJECT: Request that the Board approve Change Order #2- Dickerson Florida, Inc., to add 247 days to the contract time, changing the current completion date from November 14, 2007 to July 18,2008, for the first phase of construction for the new runway, RW 9L/27R. BACKGROUND: On October 10, 2006, the Board awarded the first phase of the construction of RW 9L127R to Dickerson Florida, Inc., in the amount of $5,323,348. Change Order #1 was approved in June 2007, for the contractor to assist with the relocation of the gopher tortoises. In addition, the original bid documents had an error in the number of days to complete. This change order corrected the number of days to complete from 150 days to 300 days. The purpose of Change Order #2 is to extend the contract time from November 14, 2007 until July 18, 2008, a total of 247 days. The need for this additional time is the delays caused by the permitting process. South Florida Water Management District has not issued an early work permit and the contractor is delayed until this occurs. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: Funds are available in FAA grant fund 140133-4220-563000-48006 and FOOT grant fund 140335-4220-563000-48006 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: FAA grants approved in August 2004 for $527,000; in August 2005 for $708,931; in September 2006 for $6,539,438. Supplemental FOOT JPAs were approved in October 2004 for $27,736; in June 2005, for $161 ,660; in April 2006, for $215,890; in August 2006 for $188,775, and in April 2007 for $186,716. Board approved Change Order #1 in June 2007. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #2 for Dickerson Florida, Inc., to add 247 days to the contract time, changing the current completion date from November 14, 2007 to July 18, 2008, for the first phase of construction for the new runway, RW 9L127R, and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the sa e. COMMISSION ACTION: ¡?9..PPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: r:\ m· Review and ApprovOW ' County Attorne;~ Management & Budget: ~ ' Originating De . " Other: _ Finance: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Approved 5-0 Purchasing: _ Other: ITEM NO. C-5-B '.S~"f'iL:OO'@IJ~. .., _.·..c/ COUNTY . FlORIDA-- ----~--~ ~~ ~---~_. DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval of Budget Resolution 07-341 for the Florida Department Transportation (FOOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) in the amount of $743,200 for 80% of the $929,000 cost to complete the design and installation of the security access control system at the S1. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: In July 2006, the first phase of the security access control system for the airport was completed. This project was funded with an FOOT grant but due to limited funds the project could only include the badging system and installation of card readers on certain gates. The Board approved a FOOT JPA and Resolution 07-271 in September 2007. This grant pays 80% of the design and installation of the card readers for the remaining gates at the Airport to complete the system. This Budget Resolution establishes the accounts for the funding of this project, FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be available in 140351-4220-563005-4803 Infrastructure- Consulting Engineer (20% Local match of $185,800 was approved as part of the FY 08 Budget) PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approved FOOT JPA for first phase in June 2005. The Board accepted the FDOT JPA and approved Resolution 07-271 for the second phase in September 2007. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that that the Board of County Commissioners approve Budget Resolution 07-341 for the Florida Department Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) grant in the amount of $743,200 for 80% of the $929,000 cost to complete the design and installation of the security access control system at the 81. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. (X) APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: DO DER80N COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ~- County Attorney ( }I/' Originating Dept. ~~ Coordination/Sianatures Mgt.&Budget() ~~ Other ( ) Purchasing ( ) Other( } Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) _ ITEM NO. C-S-C DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval of Budget Resolution 07-342 for the Florida Department Transportation (FOOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) grant in the amount of $167,525 for 80% of the $209,406 cost to upgrade the Electrical Vault at the S1. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: The electrical vault that powers the lighting, signs and navigational equipment on the airfield needs to be upgraded to add capacity and replace existing regulators. This will allow the expansion for future electrical needs and provide improved reliability for airfield electrical facilities. In September 2007, the Board accepted a FDOT JPA grant and approved Resolution 07-273 to fund 80%, or $167,525, of the electrical vault upgrades at a total project cost of $209,406. This Budget Resolution establishes the accounts for the funding of this project. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be available in 140352-4220-562005-4806 Buildings-Consulting Engineer (20% Local match of $41,881 was approved as part of the FY 08 Budget) PREVIOUS ACTION: Board accepted FOOT JPA in September 2007 and approved Resolution No. 07-273. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Budget Resolution 07-342 for the Florida Department Transportation (FOOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) in the amount of $167,525 for 80% of the $209,406 cost to upgrade the Electrical Vault at the S1. Lucie County International Airport, and authorize Chair or designee to execute same. (>:) APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 ( ) DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: D :ÄNDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. Co"';nationl~¡J} Mgt. & Budget ( ) Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. C-5-D DATE: November 6,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS SUBJECT: Authorization to Release Massey Ferguson Tractor (SN S48560) and Purchase John Deere 6615 4WD CAD Tractor BACKGROUND: The replacement of the current Massey Ferguson 399 tractor (SN S48560) is an approved budget item for Fiscal Year 2008. The agricultural tractor is 15 years old and has exceeded its useful life. Production of the tractor stopped in 1997 and replacement parts for the tractor are becoming scarce. The Airport is requesting to release and trade-in the tractor for $7,000.00 and to purchase a new John Deere 6615 tractor using the money approved in the FY2008 budget. The total cost for the tractor, to be purchased under Hernando County State contract #07-515-06, is $42,519.51. This price includes the $7,000.00 trade-in value for the Massey Ferguson. The trade and the purchase of the new John Deere tractor yields a $12,821.49 cost savings. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #140-4210-564000-400 Equipment REQ# EQ08-218 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the fixed asset release and trade-in of the Massey Ferguson 399 for $7,000.00, and purchase of the 2007 John Deere 6615 Tractor for a total cost of $42,519.51. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: (>s APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER County Attorney ( ) 0Y Coordination/Sia natures Mgt. & Budget ( ) ~9 Other ( ) Purchasing ( ) Originating Dept. ({fit, .;;: -~ other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6A DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X) TO: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF FIELD PAINT LINER - LAKEWOOD PARK REGIONAL PARK - EQ08-286 BACKGROUND: During the FY07/08 budget preparation phase, the Parks Division requested $11,000.00 for two "field paint liners" for sports field maintenance at the Lawnwood Recreation Area and the new Lakewood Park Regional Park. Due to budget constraints, one paint liner was approved by the BOCC (EQ08-151 for $5,500.00). During the procurement process, staff found a more-efficient and less expensive alternative (Graco Fieldlazer Sports Field Striper) for $1,995.00. After the FY08 budget was approved, staff purchased one (1) field paint liner with EQ08-151 for $1,995.00 and resulted in a savings of$3,505.00. Currently, Lakewood Park Regional Park and South County Stadium arc sharing the paint liner, transporting it back and forth from each facility. The transporting of the paint liner from each facility uses up Parks manpower, time, and fuel. In an effort to reduce the amount of time and funds spent transporting the paint liner, staff is requesting to use the $3,505 savings and purchase one additional Graco Fieldlazer Sports Field Striper at $1,995.00. This second purchase will enable a field paint liner to be kept at each facility while generating a savings of$1,510.00. This agenda is requesting the BOCC' s approval of Equipment Request EQ08-286 to procure the additional paint liner for Lakewood Park Regional Park at a cost of$1,995.00, including shipping costs. FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN: 001-7210-564000-700 Parks (Machinery & Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners' approval to purchase Equipment Request EQ08-286 (field paint liner) at a cost of$1,995.00. COMMISSION ACTION: [>< APPROVED [] DENIED CONCURRENCE: [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Doug . nderson County Administrator County Attorney: COO'dination/Signature~ Management & Budget: ~I) .1V\ Purchasing: Originating Dept: Other: Admin/Finance (if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6B DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT IX] TO: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation PRESENTED BY: D. Brisson SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF COMMON GROUNDS MOWER (EQ08-288) - TRADITION FIELD BACKGROUND: The Tradition Field grounds crew has one mower (PR #: 600276), a 1998 New Holland, to maintain the common grounds at the facility. Staff continues to do repairs in an effort to prolong its life. Recently, the engine and transmission began leaking oil & the under-carriage has thinned out, creating a safety risk. Tradition Field's FY07-08 budget includes a "heavy duty utility cart" at a cost of$19,000,00. Although the cart is needed for day-to-day operations, in an effort to minimize the budget impact, staffis requesting approval to cancel (EQ08-189), and authorize the purchase ofa replacement mower at a cost of$12,425.00. Item Heavy Duty Utility Cart Deck Mower ReQuest# EQ08-189 EQ08-288 Bude:eted $19,000.00 $0.00 Increase Revised Cancel $12,425.00 FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN: 461-75201-564000-700 (Tradition Field -Machinery & Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the Board's approval to purchase a new common grounds mower (EQ08- 288) at a cost of $12,425.00. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: þ<] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: Originating Dept: ~ 'Î v:J . CoordinationlSignature~ . ~ ) Management & Budget: ~~ ~~purchasing: Other: Admin/Finance (if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6c DATE: November 6,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Ravenswood Splash Park ProjectJWater-PSl Water & Sewer Connection Fee BACKGROUND: On April 10, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners awarded Ravenswood Splash Park Project Bid #07-039 to Barth Construction in the amount of $999,480. Staff has been notified by the Pt. St. Lucie Utility Systems Department that a water connection fee in the amount of $15,233.00 is required for a new water service to the Splash Pad. Staff is requesting that the Board approve the use of $15,233.00 from Park Impact Fee "B" funds to cover Pt. St. lucie's water connection fee for the Ravenswood Splash Park project. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS Will BE MADE AVAilABLE: 310002-7210-563000-76022 (Park Impact Fees/lnfrastructure-Ravenswood) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the use of $15,233.00 from Park Impact Fee "B" funds to cover pt. St. Lucie Utility Systems Department water connection fee for the Ravenswood Splash Park project. [><J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 /"1 Coordination/Siqnatures County Attorney:~·,I....1r1 . Mgt & Budget: ItfJ fhf'1fJ4 Purchasing: * Originating Dept: ~ Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-6D DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT IX] TO: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson SUBJECT: APPRQV AL TO REPROGRAM CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING BACKGROUND: In FY06 and FY07, the BOCC approved two interfund loans from the General Fund (items a & b), and a line-of- credit loan (item c) to Tradition Field totaling $481,884.00 for the following projects: Date Proiect Loan Amount Cost Balance a. 4/25/2006 ADA Parking Lot $10,856.00 $8,403.75 $2,551.75 b. 1/4/2007 ADA Upgrade $371,028.00 $356,769.00 $11,141.00 c. 1/16/2007 Minor League NC $100,000.00 $83,345.00 $16,655.00 Completion 8/4/2006 7/2/2007 10/30/2007 All projects have been completed. A balance of $30,347.00 remains. As the loans are being repaid with funds from the Florida Sports Foundation, pursuant to Section 228.1162(5) (c) 2, (2006) of the Florida Legislature under Chapter 212 of the Florida Statutes, and our off-season maintenance program is in full swing, staff has two additional maintenance issues, the major league home locker room carpet replacement, and painting of the visitor's locker room that they would like to resolve before Opening Day of Spring Training in March 2008. This agenda is seeking the BOCC's approval to reprogram the $30,347 from "infrastructure" to "building maintenance. " FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN: 461-75201-546100-700 (Tradition Field -Building Maintenance) RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the Board's approval to reprogram $30,347.00 from "infrastructure" to "building maintenance." To address maintenance issues prior to the 2008 Spring Training season. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: lXJ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dou . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: jJYm,g=rnt& Budg" Other: Purchasing: Originating Dept.n ~ Admin/Finance (if applicable) Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: en ¡ /D~)Y7 [x ] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department SUBJECT: Petition of Rudd Jones, PE & Associates, PA for a 12-month extension of the date of expiration for the Major Site Plan project known as Pine Summit Commercial for property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of South US Highway 1 and Lake Vista Trail, approximately 1. mile north of Rio Mar Drive (BCe File No. BCe 920071322). On November 29, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Pine Summit Commercial Major Site Plan project through Resolution 05-389 (See Attached). The Pine Summit Commercial project consists of 84,000 square feet of commercial space on an 11.84 acre parcel on the east side of South US Highway 1, adjacent to the Vista St Lucie community, If the requested extension is not approved the project will expire on November 29, 2007. BACKGROUND The applicant provide written documentation stating that delays have occurred in the development of this site due to changes in market conditions, extensive coordination between the developer and the Florida Department of Transportation regarding South US Highway 1 improvements and the inability to contract a tenant for the parcel which is directly impacted by the roadway construction. The resolution approving the project included two conditions, one condition requiring final plat approval to be obtained has been met, and the second condition, as follows, shall remain in effect: Prior to the issuance of the first Cerlificate of Occupancy for the project, 1,493 inches of native trees shall be delivered and accepted by the Environmental Resources Deparlment to the Sf. Lucie County Jail Nursery. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: N!A On November 29, 2005, this Board granted Major Site Plan approval through Resolution 05-389, with two limiting conditions. RECOMMENDATION: On November 29, 2005, the Board granted final plat approval for the project known as Pine Summit Replat No, 1 subdivision. Adopt Resolution No. 07-284 granting a 12 month extension to the Pine Summit Commercial Major Site Plan Project 3D APPROVED __J OTHER D DENIED uglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Coordination! Signatures County Attorney ,,9)/ E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer:AW~ Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: Other: Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: /?rlH Other: FOIm No. 07-07 INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-8A DATE: November 6,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Approve First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1/Contract (C05-05-282) for Architectural Services GLE Associates, Inc. - SLC Fairgrounds New Offices and Concession Bldg/Restrooms BACKGROUND: On March 28, 2006, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Work Authorization to GLE Associates Inc. in the amount of $76,780.00 to provide architectural and engineering services for the construction of the SLC Fairgrounds new offices, Arena Concession Bldg and Restrooms. In order to meet SFWMD's requirements for design and permitting of the proposed utility service to the new office building, staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization No.1 (Contract# C05-08-473) with GLE Associates, Inc. to complete the additional design services needed and approve the use of Investment for the Future Funds, currently budgeted for this project, in the amount of $5,340.00. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: 316-7420-562004-76550 (IFF-Bldgs-Architectural Services- Fairgrounds Improvement Project) RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization No.1 (Contract# C05-08-473) with GLE Associates, Inc. to complete the additional design services needed and approve the use of currently budgeted Investment for the Future Funds in the amount of $5,340.00. [ * APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug aerson County Administrator County Attorney: Originating Dept: Mgt & Budget: k"'1è Public Works: Coord ination/Siqnatu res H\~ Other: Purchasing: ~ INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-8b DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: SLC Fairgrounds Arena Concession/Restroom & Office Buildings/ Water & Sewer/ Fire Sprinkler System Service-AWM Change Order No.1 Contract (C07-08-440) BACKGROUND: On August 14, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners awarded Bid # 07- 079 (SLC Fairgrounds Arena Concession/Restroom & Office Bldg Project) to AWM Construction, Inc. in the amount of $799,495.00. As a result of the St. Lucie County Fire District Plan Review, AWM is required to install a fire sprinkler system for the new Arena Concession/ Restroom at a cost of $27,125.00. Additionally, AWM is required to excavate and install new water & sewer lines to the office building at a cost of $10,750.00. (See attached change order request). Staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve AWM Change Order No.1 and approve the use of Investment for the Future Funds budgeted for this project in the amount of $37,875.00, to cover the installation of the water & sewer extension and the fire sprinkler system for SLC Fairgrounds Arena Concession/Restroom and Office Buildings Project. The new contract amount is $837,370.00. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: 316-7420-562000-76550 (IFF- Parks-Buildings-Fairgrounds Improvements) RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve AWM Contract (C07 -08-440) Change Order No.1 in the amount of $37,875.00 and approve the use of budgeted Investment for the Future (IFF) Funds to cover the installation of the water & sewer extension and the fire sprinkler system for the SLC Fairgrounds Arena Concession/ Restroom and Office Buildings Project. COMMISSION ACTION: (>'; APPROVED (] DENIED [ ] OTHER: NCE: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: Originating Dept: iv Coord ination/Sia natu res Mgt & Budget' 1l"\C'j ~ Public Works: Purchasing: Other: /Jr" Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) '\ Agenda Request Item Number Date: C-g 11/6/2007 ~ Consent Regular Public Presentation Leg. [ [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Tourism Presented By /lJ~~i%P Michael Brillhart, Economic & Strategic Development Director Award of RFQ 07-073 and Contract with Blair and Associates for Tourism Advertising Services for the recommended activities to be provided under Exhibit A of the attached contract. This is a two-year contract with funding during FY 07/08 in the amount of $50,000. To: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Please see the attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account 611-5210-534000-500 (Contracted Services) for $50,000. Services will be provided under a monthly retainage of $4,167. PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 11, 2007, the Board granted permission to negotiate a contract with Blair Advertising, the #1 ranked firm that submitted to RFQ 07-073. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Board approval to enter into a two-year contract for Tourism Advertising Services with Blair Advertising, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $50,000 per year. [K] APPROVED D OTHER o DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Coordinationl Signatures X County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: .~~. X Mgt. & Budget: ßq X rnYY~x Purchasing: Other: Other: ;!if (insert file ref) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C lO-A DATE: November 6, 2007 CONSENT [X] REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD. [ TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a request to the FDEP, Florida Renewable Energy Technologies Grant Program for funding in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 to assist with engineering for design and permit preparation, and the cost of equipment to mine the existing landfill. This request increases the amount of the County's cash match from $400,000 in a prior agenda item to $407,000 BACKGROUND: Through a course of study over the last two years, SLC staff has determined that plasma arc gasification, could greatly reduce andlor eliminate landfill disposal needs within SLC. Plasma gasification is an environmentally friendly process that destroys waste while producing energy. A new Plasma Arc Facility would be built and operated on a County-owned 8-acre site located adjacent to the County's existing solid waste landfill. The Facility will use a plasma arc gasification process to treat and destroy all of the County's municipal solid waste delivered to the facility and will begin to process and eliminate the landfill itself. The plasma arc gasification process will generate a gas, which will be used as fuel in a combustion turbine to generate electricity to operate the gasification facility, and the excess will be sold commercially. In order to implement this technology, and prior to construction and full-scale operations, a number of design and permitting issues must be addressed, and agreements must be executed with various entities. The proposed funding would pay for (1) the consulting engineering services necessary to support the design efforts and to apply for and obtain several permits identified by the plasma arc team, in order to facilitate implementation of the program; and (2) the purchase of three off-road 40-ton articulating dump trucks and 2 excavators to mine the existing landfill for plasma arc gasification processing. Additional engineering and permitting efforts may be required once the overall implementation design progresses and all aspects are fully identified. Actual permit fees will not be reimbursed through this funding source. FUNDS AVAIL.: As part of the evaluation criteria, this grant provides points in relation to the percentage of match provided by the applicant and partners. In addition to in-kind services, St. Lucie County would provide $407,000, instead of $400,000 in cash from Account #401-3410-599300-300, Operating Reserve. PREVIOUS ACTiON: An agenda item was approved by the BOCC on October 17, 2007 with a $400,000 County match RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the submittal of a request to the FDEP, Florida Renewable Energy Technologies Grant Program for funding in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 to assist with engineering for design and permit preparation, and the cost of equipment to mine the existing landfill, This request increases the amount of the County's cash match from $400,000 in a prior agenda item to $407,000. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ['.;( APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED l)r County Attorney: originating Dept: í~ Finance: (copies only): coordination/Signatu~ Mgt ~ BUdget~ \¡Y\ri PublJ.c works: purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-IO-B DATE:November 6, 2007 CONSENT [X] REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD. [ TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/Disaster Recovery SUBJECT: PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Regional Incentive Program for FY08/09 funding of $2,500,000 to assist with acquisition of the right-of-way along the roadway intersection of Kings Highway (SR713) and Indrio Road (SR614). The adopted comprehensive plan identifies the Kings Highway corridor as a principal arterial serving regional industrial, commercial, and residential based traffic movement. Until the highway is improved and intersections constructed, area economic development is limited. This Indrio Road intersection serves as the major intersection in north St. Lucie County and distributes regional commercial, industrial, and residential traffic. Adjacent land uses support this intersection as a Village Center as part of the Towns, Villages and the Countryside settlement pattern plan amendment. The partnering of the University of Florida, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and St. Lucie County to develop the Treasure Coast Research and Education Park has accelerated the immediate need for the widening of Kings Highway. Rapid growth and development activity in northern and central St. Lucie County also markedly contributes to congestion and poor traffic flow and the need for improvement. In order to facilitate the project, St. Lucie County has begun the design of intersections along the corridor. We are in the second year of the design of the Indrio Road intersection, and design costs are fully funded. Right-of-way acquisition is necessary before construction can begin. St. Lucie County continues to partner with local developers for construction costs associated with widening and improvement of the Kings Highway corridor and intersections. FUNDS AVAIL.: This grant requires a 1: 1 match. Matching funds of $2.5 million are available in Account # 318-4113-563000-44001 (Infrasatructure). PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Regional Incentive Program for FY08/09 funding of $2,500,000 to assist with acquisition of the right-of-way along the roadway intersection of Kings Highway (SR713) and Indrio Road (SR614). COMMISSION ACTION: DENIED [X] APPROVED ['] OTHER: ApProved S-o Dou a Anderson County Administrator Jf/ County Attorney: ~ originating Dept: f, Finance: (copies only) : Coordination/Signatures ~_ Mgt " Budget: J:.:.~ VY\. rf\. ~I Public Works: Purchas ing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C 1 DC DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants I Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant application to St. Lucie County Cultural Affairs Council on behalf of In The Image of Christ Inc., a non-profit organization, for funding to promote the Kwanzaa - A Unique Celebration of Cultural Pride Program for all residents of St. Lucie County, BACKGROUND: In The Image of Christ Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 corporation, founded in 2001 to provide comprehensive charitable outreach services. The founder, Hazel Hoylman, is recognized not only locally but also by the State as a leader in this field. The program is located at 115 North 8th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950. The proposed Kwanzaa - A Unique Celebration of Cultural Pride Program, a much-needed development, is aimed to promote and redirect positive self-awareness to the African American Community, but encourages participation by all ethnic groups. Cultural lessons, speakers, and activities will occur over a period of seven days, in observance of one principle per day, ending with an enriching festival. This project has received full support by various local businesses and organizations If awarded, this competitive grant would provide funds that encourage the African American Community, and attendees, to focus on traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. It is highly estimated that the project will introduce St. Lucie County residents to Kwanzaa's seven guiding principles, institute an exceptional non-religious African American holiday, and allow the opportunity for all nationalities to re-focus on the value of individual, family, and community. Grant funds to be requested is $2,000 with no financial or service obligation to the County. These funds would cover the overall cost of the project. FUNDS AVAIL: There is no financial obligation to St. Lucie County. PREVIOUS ACTION: There has been no previous action on this project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to St. Lucie County Cultural Affairs Council. X APPROVED ] OTHER: DENIED Anderson Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: originating Dept: ~ Finance: (copies o61y) : k Mgt ¡; Budget: Public Works: Purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-11 A DATE: Nov. 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Dooleymack Constructors of South FL, LLC / #C07-04-195 Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium Change Order No.1 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001405-1930-562000-2614 (Bldgs.) 316-1930-562000-2614 (Bldgs.) 001417-1930-562000-2614 (Bldgs.) 316-1930-563000-2614 (Infrastructure) 129-1930-562000-2614 (Bldgs.) PREVIOUS ACTION: . March 27, 2007, Item No, c 14-A, the Board approved award of Bid #07-025, to Dooleymack Constructors for the Special Needs Shelter and Auditorium Project. . September 11, 2007, Item No. c 6-D, the Board approved Amendment No.1 to#C07-04-195, Dooleymack Constructors. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No.1 to #C07-04-195, Dooleymack Constructors, Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium, to increase the contract sum by $164,879.68; the new contract sum will be $12,885,512.68 and increase contract time fourteen (14) days; the new date of substantial completion will be September 18, 2008. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chairto sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED D g nderson County Administrator Purchasing Mgr.: .t;....> County Attorney: " Originating De~ctl.v\ QJ... J;( Other: Other: (Parks & Recreation) Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 H,\AGENDA\AGENDA-237 DOOLEYMACX CO-l.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-11 B DATE: Nov. 6,2007 -;",.~,.,.,·.'[":,,·.,...;.c -, "'-"'.'..;..-. ":,:,,:.:r.::~;.-':,':j REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I. PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects & Associates Second Amendment to Contract No. C03-12-761 Courthouse/Clerk of Court Buildings Monumental Stair and Modification of Sally Port Drive BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 316-1930-562004-15022 (Building-Architectural Service) f PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 12, 2006, Item No. c-11A, the Board approved the First Amendment to #C03-12-761 , Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects to change the Construction Phase-Completion Date on the Project Timeline to December 31, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve a Second Amendment to #C03-12-761, Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects to increase the Architect's compensation by $65,585; the new compensation combined with reimbursable expenses will be $173,913. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the county Attorney. MISSION ACTION: . [>( APPROVED [] DENIED [ J OTHER: Approved 5-0 County Attomey: ¡ Originating De~ "Ll ~ Purchasing Mgr.: -' Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-238 EDB AMEND NO. 2 TO MON. STAIR.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ! l- L DATE: Nov. 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: New Clerk of Court Building Fort Pierce Utilities Authority-Utility Easement For Water Line BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the City of Fort Pierce utility easement for water line for the use and benefit of the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority for the New Clerk of Court Building, authorizing the Chair to sign the Easement. MISSION ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [] [ ] OTHER: DENIED Approved 5-0 Dou derson County Administrator ~/ K County Attorney: I'~ Originating De~¡\Þ~,~-.~ . Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: j'tycl- (Joann Riley-Property Acquisitions Mgr.) Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 H:\AG~A\AGENDA-240 NEW C.O.C. UTILITY EASEMENT-WATER.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C12 DATE: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY, Env;ronmental Resources PRESENTED BY, Vanessa BessevyJß SUBJECT: Approval of the first amendment to the State Inmate Work Program Contract BACKGROUND: On February 22, 2005, the BOCC approved the implementation of the State Inmate Work Program. The program's work squad is being used on a rotation basis by all of Parks & Recreation's divisions and has been successful. Also, the program was a great asset to the County after Hurricane Wilma. The Environmental Resources Department which manages the County's 7000 + acres of Environmentally Significant lands requested that the Board approve the use of state inmates to aid in restoration/management projects as part of our 2007 budget process. PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 13,2007 the Board approved the contract for the State Inmate Work Program FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 001-3920-534000-300 Contractual Services RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the BOCC approve the first amendment to the contract for the State Inmate Work Program in the amount of $55,777 to pay for labor costs that covers the (5) inmates and (1) correctional work squad officer for a period starting February 15, 2007 and ending February 14,2009, between the State & the County as approved by the County Attorney, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract. COMMISSION ACTION: ['X¡ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Coo rd i n atio n/S i Ç natu res County Attorney: Originating Dept: Mgt & Budget: Public Works: Purchasing: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) TO: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C13 DATE: November 6, 2007 Board of County Commissioners REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] /PR7SENTED ~Y: './ / Q.... SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: gAPPROVED D OTHER: Approved 5-0 Correction to statement made in the ecor by the County Administrator at the October 23,2007 Board of County mission meeting on agenda item number seven. N/A N/A After votes were tallied County Administrator read votes aloud stating that Behncke received 5 votes, Corrick received 4 votes, Lannon received 4 votes and Lawless received 1 vote. The top three ranked applicants would be forwarded to the Governor for consideration. After the meeting Comm. Lewis questioned the reading of her vote and it was discovered that Mr. Anderson had miss counted the votes and the votes were as follows: Behncke received 5 votes, Corrick received 4 votes, Lannon received 3 votes and Lawless received 2 votes. This does not change the applicants sent to the Governor for consideration since the original three selected still have the highest amount of votes. Staff recommends approval to correct for the record the votes stated at the meeting by the County Administrator to reflect the following vote tally: Behncke received 5 votes, Corrick received 4 votes, Lannon received 3 votes and Lawless received 2 votes. D DENIED Douglas . Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-A1 DATE: Nov. 6, 2007 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [ ] [ ] [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Increase Project! Emergency Operations CenterlFairgrounds Facility/Emergency Bid WaiverlApprove Contract with Ditchdiggers, Inc. BACKGROUND: In 2006, the Board of County Commissioners approved the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds for location of the County's new Emergency Operation Center (EOC). In order to accommodate the wastewater needs of the new facility; as well as, those of the current and anticipated future needs of the facility including the campgrounds and new concessionlrestroom addition at Adams Arena, the Board approved funding to increase the wastewater treatment plant capacity from 16,250 GPD to 32,500 GPD with related modifications andlor additions to the pump station and effluent disposal bed. Masteller & Moler, Inc., .the engineering firm contracted by the County estimated the cost of the project to be $453,600. The cost of the project is being shared by the Parks & Recreation Department (55%) and the Emergency Operations Center (34%) based on maximum projected usage. The Fair Association is also contributing $50,000 (11%) towards the project. The Board contracted with Ditchdiggers, Inc. in the amount of $98,000 to complete the RV sewer connection portion of the project and are almost finished. If the plant expansion project is not complete by Fair -time in February, the RV park will not have wastewater services available. The Public Safety Department has expressed concerns that the EOC won't be up and running prior to the 2009 hurricane season. The Utilities Department has expressed concerns that due to the fact there is no way to lock off the risers to prevent the RV's from connecting to the system In the event that the RV's hook-up illegally, the existing wastewater treatment plant will experience an overload of approximately 4,000 gallons per day which will have no where to go except on the ground. The County could be assessed substantial fines from FDEP if this should occur. There are also health concerns associated with this type of spillage. After much discussion with the Fair Association and the departments that are depending on this project continuing with no further delays, the time constraints involved in completion of this project, the possible health issue outlined above, and the fact that Ditchdiggers, Inc. is mobilized on-site; staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners waive the bid process on an emergency basis and approve the contract with Ditchdiggers, Inc. as drafted by the County Attorney for an amount not to exceed $400,000. PREVIOUS ACTION: Please see background FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN: 316- 7420-562000-7655 (IFF-Infrastructure) $299,376 001419-2510-562000-7655 (EOC-Grant Funds-Building) $154,224 (Fair Association $10,OOOx 5 yrs-will be used to reimburse the County) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners waive the bid process on an emergency basis for the Fairground's Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Increase project due to time constraints and approve the contract with Ditchdiggers, Inc. as drafted by the County Attorney for an amount not to exceed $400,000. Authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [}4 APPROVED [] [ ] OTHER: DENIED County Attorney: Originating Dept: Doug n rson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Coord i nation/Sia natures gt & Budget: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2A Date: November 6, 2007 TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: c:RJo-~'c~~ cL Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION 3710 SUBJECT: Contract extensions for Professional Marine and Engineering Consulting Services associated with the Artificial Reef program BACKGROUND: The original Consultant Agreements for the St. Lucie County Artificial Reef Program, approved by the Board on November 22,2005, included separate contracts with Taylor Engineering, Inc., Lee Harris, P.E., Ph D. and Marine Resources, Inc. These contracts will expire on November 22,2007 but include the option to be extended for two additional periods of one year each have the option to be extended for two additional periods of one year each. These extensions are needed to provide the consultant services that have helped to re-establish the program during the last two years. Attached for Board consideration are contract amendments with each of these firms providing a one-year extension. Each of these firms has provided updated rate schedules that have been included as an exhibit in the proposed contract amendments. It should also be noted that the purchase of Marine Resources, Inc. by Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. is addressed within that specific contract amendment. FUNDS: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: September 27,2005: Board approved the ranking of the three top firms (Taylor Engineering, Inc., Lee Harris, P.E., Ph D., and Marine Resources, Inc.) for RFP #05-086. November 22, 2005: Board approved Consultant's Agreements with the three top ranked firms. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board approval of the attached contract amendments, providing for one-year extensions with Taylor Engineering, Inc., Lee Harris, P.E., Ph D., and Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. (formerly d/b/a Marine Resources, Inc.) and execution of said contract amendments by the Chairperson. M APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED . COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 :r--- Douglas Anderson County Administrator [x]County Attorney (x]Originating Dept. Public wOrXs~ ~ COordlnation/Slanat~ . ~ j [x]Mgt. & BUdge~ ' ~ [x]Marine Res. Coor ¿&a [x Fiscal Coordinator ~f\\"'\ NfinanceDepl. r ;r.({.}Jv\ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2B Date: November 6, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION 371 0 ~~~.{ - ~~ Don B. West, P.£. . Public Works Director SUBJECT: Artificial Reef Grant Program: Enter into Work Authorization No. 12 (C-05-11-619) with Lee E. Harris, P.E., PhD, in the amount of $4,205.00, to perform monitoring and assessment of the County's artificial reef sites deployed from August through September of 2005. BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Artificial Reef Program deployed 2 artificial reefs in the summer of 2005. These reefs are required to be monitored annually for 2 years as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's artificial reef permit No. SAJ-2004-1769. The attached work authorization with Mr. Lee E. Harris, P.E., PhD, incorporates a scope of work to meet the monitoring requirements depicted within this permit. FUNDS: Funds ($4,205.00) will be made available in Account #184-3710-563005-39003: Erosion District - Artificial Reefs - Engineering PREVIOUS ACTION: August 19 and September 30,2005: Various artificial reef deployments for St. Lucie County. November 22, 2005: Board approved the selection of Mr. Lee E. Harris as artificial reef consultant August 22, 2006: Board approved Work Authorization 5 with Mr. Lee E. Harris to perform annual monitoring on the 2005 artificial reef deployments. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board approval of Work Authorization No. 12 (C-05-11-619) with Lee E. Harris, P.E., PhD, in the amount of $4,205.00, and execution of said agreement by the Chairperson. COMMISSION ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCZ ~ , - Approved 5-0 Douglas Anderson County Administrator [x]County Attorney ~/ [x] Erosion District Manager ") "v, \.....?'> [x]Mgt. & Budget [x]Marine Resource Coord:!""'>,/] [x)Executive Assistant~ ~FlnanceDept. Cøf1. j