HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-2007 Signed Agendas AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 5.A Date: December 4, 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [X] Consent [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Diana Lewis Airport Director SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 07-051 - Amending Chapter 1-2.3 (Airports and Aircraft) by adopting Primary Guiding Documents, Airport Rules and Regulations, and General Aviation Minimum Standards for the St. Lucie County International Airport BACKGROUND: See c.A. No. 07-1843 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve proposed Ordinance No. 07-051 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: E: þ<J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Camm. Smith absent) Dou M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: (Jy/ Coordination/SÍlmatu res Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other, Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. t5b DATE: December 4,2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 07-013 - Providing the Terms and Conditions for Installing, Constructing and Maintaining a Communications Facility in the County's Public Rights-of-Way for the Provision of Communications Service BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: This is the first of two public hearings. No action is required at this time. The second public hearing will be December 18, 2007. COMMISSION ACTION: E: ug sAnderson County Administrator [)d APPROVED [ ] DENIED ( ;:r OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) Motion to hold the 2nd hearing on January 22nd at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works D,r: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c; DATE: 1~/lf/07 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR [Xl PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: ~~~,.~'-- (Don West' f Public Works Director SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) SUBJECT: Multi-way stop signs at Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection. BACKGROUND: The Indian River Drive Freeholders Association has requested consideration by the BOCC of installation of stop signs at Walton Road and Indian River Drive Intersection. The attached letter from the Sheriff dated April 24, 2007 recommends installation of the signs and requests County Staff to evaluate the feasibility. The attached memo dated October 23, 2006, gives the results of a speed study that was conducted by Road and Bridge Staff. The attached memo dated May 16, 2007 gives the results of a stop sign study that was also performed by Road & Bridge Staff. Based upon our analyses, the requested stops signs do not meet the warrants as specified in the Manual of Unifonn Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The BOCC has the authority to regulate signage on County roads perthe Florida Statutes. Installation of the requested signs is purely a local decision, even though State and Federal technical criteria are used as a guideline to evaluate appropriate locations. The MUTCD is a nationally recognized technical manual that provides criteria that are used by FOOT and County Staff to evaluate traffic signals and signage. The technical criteria provide an objective means of evaluation as to whether or not a regulatory device or sign meets the specified warrants. The attached Resolution NO. 07-344 provides for the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Walton Road and Indian River Drive Intersection. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff is requesting Board Consideration to approve the attached Resolution No. 07-344providing for the installation of stop signs at the Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection. M APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) COMMISSION ACTION: fli County Attorney U Project. Manager LA D_..... __ D.vI..... ~ )J II Originating Dept Public Works {- .-h.~~ . II Purchasing Dept. __. rV1 ,............. .... C'i......._ r 11"\th_ <~--~ II Mgt. & Budget II Budget & Rev. Coor. r , I:Dn AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. R Al DATE: December 4,2007 REGULAR [X] ADDITIONS PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-390 - To Support Maintaining the Indian River Lagoon Blueway Project on the "A" Acquisition List under the Florida Forever Program. BACKGROUND: Mr. Troy Rice, Director of the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Prograrn, has requested that this Board support maintaining the Indian River Lagoon Blueway Project on the "A" Acquisition List under the Florida Forever Program. The attached Resolution No. 07-390 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 07-390 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: p<J APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) Dougla: Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: Å , Review and Approvals Management & B~dget Purchasing Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2 ,t"'-~·- ',:;,....-..........- DATE: December 4, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Third Amendment to Agreement with Clarion and Associates BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-2007 RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board approve Third Amendment and authorize the Chairman to sign. þ:] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) Dou sM. Anderson County Administrator [Xl County Attorney: Ch, iv/~ Review and Approvals ]Management & Budget, [ ]Purchasing' [ ] Road & Bridge., [ ) Parks & Recreatian Director [ ] Saiid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 ITEM NO. C-3A DATE: December 4,2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval for Work Authorization #7 for LPA Group to provide consultant services to remove exotics on a 12.13 acre mitigation site at the St. Lucie County International Airport, for a lump sum cost of $32,000. BACKGROUND: As a condition of approval of the Vegetation Removal Permit for the Fixed Based Operator Ditch Relocation Project adjacent to Jet Service Center, the Environmental Resources Division (ERD) requested the removal of exotics on a 12.13 acre site at the corner of US 1 and 25th Street. The site was previously set aside as mitigation for the removal of trees on the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility. Approval of the Work Authorization will include the exotics removal and a follow-up maintenance event for a cost not to exceed $32,000. This work will be incorporated under an existing 80% grant from the Florida Department of Transportation. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140334-4220-563005-400 Infrastructure Cons. Eng. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Work Authorization #7 for LPA Group to provide professional services to remove exotics at the 12.13 acre site on the corner of US 1 and 25th Street for a total lump sum cost of $32,000, and the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) DO ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coord inatio nlS ianatures ~ County Attorney ( ) ~ Originating Dept. ( ) ~ Mgt. & Budget ( ) ~ ~ Other() ~ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. (-3 B DATE: December 4, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMI1TED BY: Airoort Diana Lewis. Airoort Director SUBJECT: Request that the Board approve Change Order#1 for Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc., for an additional cost of $30,040.25, changing the contract amount from $2,298,498 to $2,323,538.25 and add 32 days to the contract time, changing the substantial completion date to January 8, 2008, for the construction for the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: On August 22, 2006, the Board awarded the ARFF construction to Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $2,298,498. This project has a $1 ,393,600 grant from FDOT with the local share being paid by the St. Lucie County Fire District. This first change order includes modifications required by FPUA, revisions to the landscape plan, hardware changes, mechanical chase additions, changes to the generator door opening, electrical changes, bio hazard reconfiguration, kitchen range changes, and hose bib additions. The total for Change Order #1, which has been approved by the Fire District, is $30,040.25. The time requested to add to the contract is 32 days for a new substantial completion date of January 8, 2008. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: Funds will be made available in 140341-4220-562000-4611 (Buildings) upon receipt of Fire District's payments as invoiced. St. Lucie County Fire District is responsible for these funds. PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approved the First Amendment RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #1 for Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc., for an additional cost of $30,040.25, changing the contract amount from $2,298,498 to $2,323,538.25 and adding 32 days to the contract time, changing the substantial completion date to January 8, 2008, for the construction for the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) at the St. Lucie County International Airport, and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: gAPPROVED [] DENIED Approved 4-0 [] OTHER: (Comm. Smith absent) Review and A roval ~ i~¡'" County Attorney: Management & BUdget: ~ . Originating Dept: t.ii1' Other: _ Finance: _ (Chec for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C- q DATE: :December 4, 2007 REGULAR [ J PUBLIC HEARING [ J CONSENT [xJ PRESENTED BY: A TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 .E. SUBJECT: Professional Engineering SeNices Stormwater Management - First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 with PBS&J for a time extension through August 31, 2009 for Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase II to assist St. Lucie County throughout our construction phase. There are no funds associated with this item. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds were encumbered on P2513559 and will be reopened on a 2008 purchase order. F,unds are available in Drainage Maintenance MSTU-Stormwater Mgt.: 101002-3725-563012-42511 - $8,934.00 - Improvements olt Bldg. - Inspection Fees PREVIOUS ACTION: April 2, 2002 - Board approved Paradise Park Phase I Drainage Improvements. September 20, 2005 - Board approved Work Authorization No.1 with PBS&J, in the amount of $208,411.45, for Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.1 with PBS&J, for a time extension through August 31, 2009 for Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase II, and authorize the Chairman to sign. [x]County Attorney ~ r on" [xJOriginating Dept. Public WOrks~ paradise park ph ii wa 1 amend1 rSJ.a1.dOC Do as Anderson County Administrator --,~~Jt [x]Mgt. & Budg [x]Exec. Ass!.. 13~ [x]ProJ. Mgr I. S []Other COMMISSION ACTION: kJ APPROVED [ J DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) ITEM NO. C-.ý A- AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 1210'1107 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasina Director SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: Please see the attached Property Disposition forms from various St. Lucie County BOCC departments with regard to removal of inventory items. These items will be disposed of as surplus. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners. COMMISSION ACTION: CE: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) Do Anderson County Administrator Coordination/SiQnatures County Attorney, ( X) ~ Mgt. & Budgel:(l() ~~ Purchasing Dir.: (X) ~ Originating Depl: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Other: Other: /?evls~d ;'·2,·~ ,', ITEM NO. C5-B DATE: 12/04/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR () PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-005, Construction of the St.Lucie County Skateboard Park to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, AWM Construction, Inc., for the cost of $545, ~ 5.00. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 129-7210-563000-760077 - (MSTU) $437,000 129201-7210-563000-75009 (FRDAP Grant) - $108,515 PREVIOUS ACTION: At the FY 06/07 Budget Review, the BOCC approved $500,000 for construction of a Skate Park. On September 12, 2006, the BOCC approved resolution #06-273 establishing a Skate Park Design Advisory Ad Hoc Committee ("committee") for the proposed Skate Park at Lawnwood Complex. On March 13, 2007, the Board entered into contract #C06-08-473 with Glatting Jackson for $66,979 to complete the Skate Park Master Plan and Design documents based on input from the "committee" RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-005, Construction of the St.Lucie County Skateboard Park to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, AWM Construction, Inc., for the cost of $545, .1""15.00, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. ~) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) ou . Anderson County Administrator Parks & Recreation ~',!v'\\ i'\. Purchasing (X)' ,~ County Attorney " ., .~ Finance ('-I for copy only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-6 A DATE: Dec. 4, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Bid Waiver and Sole Source Declaration Millennium Marble & Tile, Inc. Sealant restoration of existing granite façade panels on the exterior of the downtown Courthouse Annex Building BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAil: 001-1930-546200-1531 (Maintenance Improvement Projects) PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 3,2006, Item No. c-4, the Board approved an Emergency Bid Waiver for Millennium Marble & Tile to repair and replace the existing granite façade panels on the exterior of the downtown Courthouse Annex Building. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the bid waiver and sole source declaration to Millennium Marble & Tile for the sealant restoration of existing granite façade panels on the exterior of the downtown Courthouse Annex Building at a cost of $167,700, and authorize the Chair to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: f1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) o . g Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County AttomeY~ Od"f"1. Originating Dept. Mgt. & Budget: PUrchasing Mgr~ Other: Other, Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-6 B DATE: Dec. 4, 2007 REGULAR [ ] ¡-:- ¡O" ':.:·'~i.'·' .'...... oj :" t~ PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: David Brooks Enterprises / Contract #C05-12-636/ Change Order No.8 Construction of the New Clerk of Courts Building to include only Phase I construction of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel. This project is of high priority, as itwill provide immediate relieftothe current space needs with additional courtroom space and will be connected to the New Clerk of Courts Building. Also, the current Builders Risk Insurance will be extended on the New Clerk of Courts Building. Estimated cost to complete Phase I is $4,830,368 and approval and implementation of this Change Order (No.8) will: · Save proiect time: By approving David Brooks Enterprises, already on site with construction ofthe New Clerk of Court Bldg., construction ofthe Chiller Plant, and the window repair and resealing of the exterior limestone panels on the Old Clerk of Court Bldg., to move forward with Phase I. · Savinas in project costs: By utilizing the Direct Material Purchase option (tax exempt purchases/sales tax savings) already in place with David Brooks Enterprises for the construction of the New Clerk of Courts Building. · This Change Order is for Phase I construction only. BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1930-562000-15010 (General Fund-Bldgs) 1316-1930-562000-15010 (County Capital-BIdgs) 001-1930-562000-FE003C (Bldgs-FEMAJIns.) / 316-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) 310003-1930-562000-16012(Buildings) I 316-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) 317-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) 1315-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 23,2007, Item No. c-8, the Board approved a conceptual of Change Order #8 to #C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, to include construction of Phase I of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No.8 to #C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, to include only Phase I construction of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel project at a cost of $4,830,368, and authorize the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. Originating Dept MISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Camm. Smith absent) County Attomey' Purchasing Mgr.' - Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C7 DATE: December4,2007 REGULAR II PUBLIC HEARING II CONSENT [Xl TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant application to Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County on behalf of In The Image of Christ Inc., a non-profit organization, for funding to promote Kwanzaa - A Unique Celebration of Cultural Pride Program for all residents of St. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: In The Image of Christ Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 corporation, founded in 2001 to provide comprehensive charitable outreach services. The founder, Hazel Hoylman, is recognized not only locally but also by the State as a leader in this field. The program is located at 115 North 8th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950. The proposed Kwanzaa - A Unique Celebration of Cultural Pride Program, a much-needed development, is aimed to promote and redirect positive self-awareness to the African American Community, but encourages participation by all ethnic groups. Cultural lessons, speakers, and activities will occur over a period of seven days, in observance of one principle per day, ending with an enriching festival. This project has received full support by various local businesses and organizations If awarded, this competitive grant would provide funds that encourage the African American Community, and attendees, to focus on traditional African values offamily, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. It is highly estimated that the project will introduce St. Lucie County residents to Kwanzaa's seven guiding principles, institute an exceptional non-religious African American holiday, and allow the opportunity for all nationalities to re-focus on the value of individual, family, and community. Grant funds to be requested is $5,000 with no financial or service obligation to the County. These funds would cover the overall cost of the project. FUNDS AVAIL: There is no financial obligation to St. Lucie County. PREVIOUS ACTION: There has been no previous action on this project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the submittal of the grant application to Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County. r;:::] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) County Attorney: ~~ Originating Dept: (¡A:: Finance: (copies tJ-lY) : Dou as Anderson County Administrator Mgt .. Budget: Public works: Purchasing: Other: ITEM NO. C8 DATE: Dec. 4. 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Laurie Case Utility Director SUBJECT: Staff requests approval of a Work Authorization with CDM, Inc. for engineering services related to the water, wastewater and reclaimed water rate and connection fee study in the amount of $49,700.00. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 471-3600-531000-300 (professional services) PREVIOUS ACTION: Board of County Commissioners approved continuing contract #C05-04-188. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the Work Authorization with CDM, Inc. for engineering services related to the water, wastewater and reclaimed water rate and connection fee study in the amount of $49,700.00. ~ APPROVED ::J OTHER: o DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) D 91 sAnderson County Administrator Review and Approvals o County Attorney: o Management and Budget: o Purchasing: Q Originating Dept: o Parks & Rec: o Other: Q Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable): Anyone with a disabi/íty requiring accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or ITO 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. ITEM NO. 9A December 4, 2006 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration SUBJECT: AG PUD Steering Committee - Cattleman's Association would like to appoint Jim Russakis as their representative on the Agricultural Development Steering Committee. BACKGROUND: On October 23, 2007 Resolution No. 07-316 was approved by the Board of County Commission to create the AG PUD Steering Committee. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board ratify the appointment of Jim Russakis as the representative for the Cattleman's Association to the Agricultural Development Steering Committee. COMMISSION ACTION: 8APPROVED[] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) Doug as M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Aøørovals County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~ DATE: December 4, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Art in Public Places Committee Commissioner Craft has requested that Mr. Havert Fenn serve as his appointee on the Public Art and Design Committee. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board ratify Commissioner Craft's appointment of Mr. Havert Fenn to the Art in Public Places Committee. COMMISSION ACTION: 8APPROVED [] OTHER: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) [] DENIED _C7-. --'- " Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Aoorovals County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 ITEM NO. CA-1 DATE: 12/4/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #07-111 Construction of the Emergency Operations Center to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc. for the amount of $8,552,000.00. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001419-2510-xxxxxx-2615-Department of Community Affairs 107001-2510-562000-2615 -911 WirelWireless funding 316-1930-xxxxxx-2615- County Capital/Insurance 316-1930-xxxxxx-2615-Fire District 316-1930-xxxxxx-2615-FP&L 316-1930-xxxxxx-2615-Equipment PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #07-111 Construction of the Emergency Operations Center to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc. for: 1. The amount of $8,552,000.00,2. Authorize staff to reduce the amount of the award for County purchased bid items and alternates not used, and 3. Authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. r1 APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED CQ.!!Ç7CE: ./ --r.- - Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Camm. Smith absent) Public Safety Coordination/SiQnatures . ~\ \ ) Mgmt & Budget (X) ~ ~~ Purchasing (X) ~ Other Finance (" for copy only if applicable) County Attorney AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. CA-2 DATE: December 4, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [Xl TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Bill Hoeffner Director SUBJECT: Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Project Completion and Certification Report for Hurricane Irene (Disaster 1306) This report certifies that all FEMA projects resulting from Hurricane Irene have been completed, that all costs claimed are eligible in accordance with the FEMÞ~ grant conditions, and that all costs claimed have been paid in full. BACKGROUND, Hurricane Irene struck St. Lucie County as a Category: storm during October 1999. St. Lucie County incurred $3,373,102.78 in da~ages reimbursable by FEMA involving 28 separate projects. A grane was given by FEMA to provide financial assistance for the recovery projects. All recovery prcjects have been completed and reimbursement ~as been received from FEMA according to the condiLions of the grant. FUNDS AVAIL. , N¡,l\~ PREVIOUS ACTION: In 1999, :he Board approveè Lhe grant conLract with FEMA RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign the Feèeral Emergency Management Agency Project Completion and Certification Report for Hurricane Irene. [ Xl APPROVED [ 1 OTHER: DENIED CONCk ~, . Anders= County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 (Comm. Smith absent) County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance, (copies cnly) ;j/ Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget: t1..L\k Public Works: ~~ Purchasing: Other: