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Agenda & Minutes 01-10-2008
.-f/J FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVISORY CONNlnEE Meeting Held On January 10, 2008 ~~m.WA'~"""~'_""_"~"'~'~_~"'"'¥'~'~~O_.A"~~'-'-~~__._,,_.~__¥.,.. .,.~~"'.m'_~"~~~"'.""'WM~_.~~~·'·^' Convened at 3:03 p.m. Adjourned at 3:43 p.m. "-,,~¥""-"~~'~~-''''''''~~'''''''"''~'¥'-~'''~~-''--'==---'~~-'--'''''''''''~'~~ This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 3:03 p.m. in Conference Room #3 on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was tal?en. Member. Pre..nt. Howard Conl?lin, Chairman Mary Chapman, Vice Chairman Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft's Appointee Cerald Kul?linsl?i, Commissioner Crande's Appointee David Souza, St. Lucie Village John Holt, Commissioner Smith's Appointee Pieter Stryl?er Alt. Pre.ent. Heather Young, SLC Assistant County Attorney APPROVAL OF IHE MINUIES. The minutes from the December 13, 2007 meeting were unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS. Howard Conl?lin informed those who were not present at the December 13th meeting that the RFQ had been discussed. Based on the two possible bidders, they were concerned about the Bell property and the infrastructure. The committee recommended at that meeting the possibility of putting in a boat ramp and inexpensive pavilions so the public could use the area. NEW BUSINESS. Jerry Kul?linsl?i nominated Howard Conl?lin as the new Chairman and Pieter Stryl?er seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously carried. Mary Chapman stated, "I am delighted that Howard has decided to do this and it's been a real pleasure worl?ing with him and all of you for that matter. It's been frustrating the last couple of years. Commissioner Coward was here a little bit ago and he said, 'Lool?s Iil?e a really short agenda.' What I didn't say, although I had to bite my tongue, was 'Yeah 1 got tired of items being removed that we fought to get on and you get here and the most important bit of business has simply been removed'. If that had happened once that was one thing but it's happened many times. We can bring up under new business whatever we want." · Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee January 10, 2008 Page 2 Howard ConRlin nominated Mary Chapman as the new Vice Chairman the motion was carried unanimously. Howard ConRlin oSRed if there is existing monitoring of the sea levels at the Port in terms of average highs and lows. Mary Chapman said there are sensors at the Port; Jim David has given Mary this information. Jim Eagan from Marine Resources would be doing a presentation on this topic at Harbor Branch. There was a brief discussion on global warming. Commissioner Coward spORe about the Sustainability Committee. They have taRen a position to advocate that the County Commission become an official green county. Mary Chapman stated the Smart Growth Committee is 100Ring at 50 years from now. Commissioner Coward informed the committee that the Board of County Commissioners at staffs recommendation rejected the RFQ for the docR. Howard ConRlin spORe about the possibility of developing a policy so that the docR could be rented upon inquiry rather than a formal distribution. Howard ConRlin stated, "I agree that the public purpose probably should be given priority but in times when it's sitting there unoccupied, in view of budget crunches that are coming, I thinR the County should maximize it's revenue potential where possible. A lot of the boats that would be using it would be paying big docR per day rentals. It's a beautiful spot for a mega yacht that's in transit for a day or two or three. It's a high docR that wouldn't be conducive for smaller boats" Commissioner Coward was not completely against the concept. Mary Chapman stated the Fort Pierce City Marina would liRe to maRe a presentation to the committee on the Fort Pierce City Marina design. Pieter StryRer stated he and his neighbors test the lagoon every Sunday morning and the water is coming up pretty positive lately, possibly due to the IOCR of lORe discharge and local rainfall. There was a brief discussion on the windmill proposal. Heather Young stated ChucR's Seafood was still going bacR and forth with the City on the site plan for the property. ChucR's has been told that once they get the permit, if it goes that way, then they can aSR for a fine reduction. Heather Young has not heard of any new developments with the Bell property. AD,OURNMENI, At 3:43 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building. Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVI.ORY COMMlnEE "2008 'checlule- 2nd Thur.clap of Ever, Monlh @ 1.00 p..... In Conference Room I · Januarp 10 · Februa.. 14 · March II · AprlllO ~ · Map 8 r ~ft> ~ · June 12 · Julp 10 · Augu.114 · 'epte...ber" · Oelober 9 · Nove...ber II · December II Douglas Anderson, County Administrator ©J1~IJ.s!Z JAN 0 2 20011 CO. ADMIN. OFFICE FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Janua.. 10, Z008 At 1.00 P.M. In C."le,e",e ...", . on the .,11 "tlll' .I,IIe AtI",I"I",.,I." BIIIIIII". I. Roll Call z. App.oval of the minutes f.om the Decemlle. 11th meeting I. Olcl Business 4. New Butlness. . Elect New Chal. for the Committee s. Pullllc Comment 6. AdJou.nment ©ŒO'Yl JAN 0 2 200b CO. ADMIN. OFFICE