HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 2A DATE: February 19, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-061 - Proclaiming February 18, 2008, through February 22, 2008, as "FFA (FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA) WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Susan Snedeker, Treasurer of the St. Lucie FFA Alumni, has requested that this Board adopt a resolution proclaiming February 18,2008, through February 22,2008, as "FFA (Future Farmers of America) WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-061 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-061 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: :P(1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Do as nderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: q [if Review and Approvals ManageTIen~ & Budget Purchasing Originating Dept. Otb.er: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy aLly, if applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER Approved 4-1 Grande - NO ,lty Attomey Originating Dept.: Finance: Agenda Request Item Number Date: 5A 2/19/08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ X ] Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Petition of Lennar Homes Inc. for a 12-Month Extension of the approved Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan known as Silver Oaks PUD located at the southeast comer of Tilton Road and Silver Oaks Drive (File No. BCC 120081382). On December 21,2007, St. Lucie County received a request from Lennar Homes Inc. for a 12 month extension of the approved Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan for the development of 325 dwelling units on 155.76 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Tilton Road and Silver Oaks Drive, for the project known as Silver Oaks PUD. The applicant has provided written documentation stating that delays in their development are related to delays in the Lennard Road extension project that will provide access to the Silver Oaks PUD development. The County Engineer has indicated that the Lennard Road extension project is moving forward with the project going out to bid; construction is projected to occur in the Fall 2008. The proposed site plan extension would be the second and final extension to the site plan provided for under Land Development Code Section 11.02.06(B)(3)(d). If the extension is not granted the Silver Oaks PUD project will expire on March 1, 2008. N/A On February 6, 2007, this Board, through Resolution 07-018, granted a one year extension to the Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan approval for the project known as Silver Oaks PUD. On March 1, 2005, this Board, through Resolution 05-021, granted Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan approval for the project known as Silver Oaks PUD. Staff recommends adoption of Draft Resolution No. 08-012, which would grant a 12- month extension to the Silver Oaks Final PUD. The new date of expiration of this project would be March 1, 2009. D DENIED uglas M. Anderson County Administrator ~/ Coordinationl Signatures Mgl. & Budget: Environ. Res. Dep\.: ~ County Engineer: ~ 9#/~ Purchasing: Road & Bridge Division: County Surveyor: To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Agenda Request Item Number Date: 58 02/19/2008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ " ] Quasi-JD [ " Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department Presented By .~~~ ro h Management Director The petitioner, Community Savanna Club Joint Venture, is requesting a continuance of Agenda Item 5B to the March 4, 2008 Board of County Commissioners public hearing. The applicant needs additional time to revise the Site Plan and Landscaping Plan to be in compliance with the Land Development Code. Due to the fact that this project is a Development of Regional Impact (DR I), the advertising and noticing requirements for a minimum of 60 days have been met. However, the required modification could not be completed in time for the February 19,2008 public hearing. A letter from the petitioner's legal counsel is attached for your review. The requested action to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on March 4, 2008 is to consider the petition of the Community Savanna Club Joint Venture for an Amendment of Resolution Number 82-058, approving a seventh Amendment to the Amended Development Order to the Development of Regional Impact known as the Savanna Club to re-designate the land use from residential to commercial on three lots of land situated within the Savanna Club PUD, Phase VI - VIII, for the project to be known as Savanna Club Sales Center, located on the east side of Crabapple Drive, directly north of the Golf Pro Shop and Maintenance Facility. Draft Resolution No. 08-002. In 1982, Waterwood Homes, Inc., filed with the St. Lucie County an application for Development Approval of Development of Regional Impact, in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statues. The project proposed at that time was a 2,560 unit adult mobile home project with a recreational complex on a total of 783 acres. The Development Order for the project was approved on April 27, 1982, via Resolution 82-058. Since that time, the original Development Order was amended via Resolution Nos. 82-074, 82-151, 82-165,85-248, 86-110, 87-062, 90-338, 98-011,03-184 and 04-019 to reflect changes in the market and economic conditions. These changes included a reduction in the total number of units from the original 2,560 units to the current authorization of 1,937 mobile homes units. Currently 1,862 units within the Savanna Club development have been built or have had permits issued for construction, leaving 75 lots available for sale, of which three subject lots are included. A determination has been made by the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), together with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) that this request does not warrant a substantial deviation from the previously approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Development Order. Therefore, pursuant to Section 380.06(19)(e)2.1 of the Florida Statutes (F.S), St. Lucie County does not have to process the proposed change to the DRI "Map H" through the Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) process. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TlON: Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District Future Land Use: RU (Residential Urban - 5 du/acre) Total Area of Savanna Club PUD Phase VI- VIII: 148.76 acres Area of proposed Amendment: 0.44 acres Area of Proposed Real Estate Office Building: 1,936 square foot N/A N/A Staff recommends this Item be continued to the March 4, 2008 Agenda at the request of the applicant to allow the necessary time for the applicant to revise the site plan and landscaping plan in accordance with code requirements. Staff has no objection to the request. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER Approved 5-0 FORM NO. 07-07 !\'ttomey Ig Dept.: Finance: ~ Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budge!: Environ. Res. Dept. 1~i"4."¡",~; MVP -- Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Purchasing: Road and Bridge Div. C.O,SIl1V'\'10f: ¡Ç//'4 Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 50 02.19.08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Quasi-JD [x] TO: SUBMITTED BY: ~~aø~ /Mark Satterlee Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Petition of F.P. Groves. LLC for preliminary site plan approval and change in zoning from the AG~1 (Agricultural- 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the PCS (Planned Country Subdivision) Zoning District Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department BACKGROUND: The requested action is for a change in zoning of the subject parcels from the AG-1 (Agricultural- 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the PCS (Planned Country Subdivision - 1 du/acre) Zoning District, for the purpose of subdividing the property into 77 %- acre lots for a density of approximately 1 dwelling unit per acre. The three parcels total approximately 77.72 acres of property located in the TVC Overlay Zone on the west side of Johnston Road, approximately % mile north of Indrio Road and approximately 1· mile east of Interstate 95. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 17, 2008, the St. Lucie County Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners for the requested action. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution 08-008 with the included conditions. [K] APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED D uglas M. Anderson ounty . Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney ~. E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: ~/ . / Mgt. & Budget: - Public Works: _Jln/p Other: Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: Other: f'¿,,/ Form No. 07-07 Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 5D 02/19/2008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ l [ Xl Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department Pres Jfúzt1 , Growt an gement Director The request of LID Real Estate 'Partnership for a waiver from the Comprehensive Plan Policy to allow the construction of an access roadway which will directly impact 0.36 acres ill a Category 1 wetland and for a waiver of Policy to allow 0.04 acres encroachment into the required minimum 50 (fifty) foot buffer required between the wetland and the residential development. This waiver. if granted will (a) allow for ingress and egress to the subject property, (b) permit the approval and development of the proposed Minor Site Plan to be known as Pelican Reef, located on the east side of South Ocean Drive, on South Hutchinson Island, and (c) allow for the residential units to be setback 25 feet from the required Dune Preservation Zone. Draft Resolution No. 08-011 (MNSP-05-002) The proposed Pelican Reef Subdivision consists of 7 (seven) single family residential lots east of the 1988 Coastal Construction Control Line. The subject property is zoned HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) and the future land use designation is RU (Residential, Urban). The proposed Minor Site Plan is located on a 6.824 acre parcel on the east side of South Ocean Drive. approximately 2,500 feet south of the Watersong Development's south entrance, on South Hutchinson Island. The developers of this subdivision are requesting that the Board grant a waiver from Comprehensive Plan Policies and The referenced St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan states that, "the County shall not permit development in a Category I or II wetland or any wetland buffer associated with these wetlands". In accordance with the provisions of Policy, Conservation Element, of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, the Board of County Commissioners may waive any provision of the Comprehensive Plan or the Land Development Code related to the preservation of a Category I or II wetland that precludes all reasonable economically viable use of the property or would prohibit a reasonable public use of the property and which if applied would result in a compensable taking of the property, to the extent necessary to provide minimum reasonable use, public or private, of the property. The road proposed to provide access to the project will directly impact 0.36 acres of a Category I wetland. The applicant has stated that due to the size of the wetland, impacts from the ingress-egress road are unavoidable. The wetland extends north and south across the property boundary. To minimize impacts to the wetland, the roadway alignment was placed on top of an old mosquito control berm. The applicant will provide culverts in the berm which will reconnect the wetlands to the Indian River Lagoon, restoring the historical water flow and allowing for mosquito control management, and will provide native planting along the berm. Through the Army Corps of Engineers avoidance and minimization process, the applicant has agreed to (a) provide wetland preservation land which will be dedicated to the County and the Corps by a Conservation Easement, (b) remove exotics and provide native plantings, and (c) purchase wetland mitigation credits. The applicant has reserved one mitigation credit from St. Lucie County's Bear Point Mitigation Bank. This credit represents 3 times more mitigation than impact. N/A SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: Form No. 07-07 RECOMMENDATION: On July 24, 2007, this Board approved the Credit Reservation Agreement with L-D Real Estate Partnership for the mitigation of impacts to wetlands for the Bear Point Mitigation Bank. Attach to this staff report is the consent agenda item presented by the Mosquito Control Director to the Board of County Commissioners. The County accepted twenty-four thousand five hundred and 00/100 dollars ($24,500.00) from the Developer for the reservation of one credit. As a Minor Site Plan the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan Policy does not require a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff recommends approval of the Minor Site Plan known as Pelican Reef contingent upon the Board of County Commissioners' approval of the requested waiver for 0.36 acres in a Cateqory 1 wetland that is required to provide access to the site and 0.04 acres of encroachment in the wetland buffer from the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan Policy and Policy as may be allowed by Comprehensive Policy and the Land Development Code. PREVIOUS ACTION: COMMISSIO ~ APPROVED D OTHER DENIED Approved 5-0 C) Coordinationl Sig~n'tf:.S VA E.R.D.: ftC-- AN P .ñ.~~. Other: (' J County Administrator Cty. Surveyor: other: 2/// County Attorney Cty. En!) ineer: Form No. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~:-~ t:1: ~'¡ 1: DATE: February 19, 2008 E: [) REGULAR [) Ii r b PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PREsENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 08-010 - TVC Comprehensive Plan Amendments; Stipulated Settlement Agreement (Brown Ranch) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, adopt Ordinance No.08-010 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Ordinance No. 08-010. COMMISSION ACTION: Do as Anderson County Administrator X] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Settlement Agreement Approved 5-0 Ordinance No. 08-010 ), Approved 5-0 '/ ~/ County Attorney: , Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dlr County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-2.A Date: February 19,2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP) - Partial Release of Mortgage, Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement and Consent and Joinder to Water and Wastewater Supply Agreement for Madison Cay, Ltd. BACKGROUND: See CA No. 08-0266 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Partial Release of Mortgage, Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement, and Subordination Agreement and the Consent and Joinder to Water and Wastewater Supply Agreement for Madison Cay, Ltd., and authorize the Chairman to sign the documents. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: r<J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: 01. V . /<..¡, r-- Coordination/Sil!natures Mgt & Budget: , /"? ,¿:;( If Other: -.5:?:>.L Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, ifapplicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C.l.R Date: February 19,2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Bear Point Mitigation Bank - CGW Mitigation Bank - Credit Purchase Agreement with CG W Mitigation Bank BACKGRUUND: See CA No. 08-0235 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. oftransaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Credit Purchase Agreement with CGW Mitigation Bank, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. P<¡ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dougl . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney q Lit iijff Coordination/Si!matures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: '(:.Originaling Dept.: Other' Other: Finance (Check for Copy only. if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST 'q:';;)~~~~¡;¡¡ ITEM NO. C- 2 - C DATE: February 19, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): County Attornev Mark Godwin SUBJECT: Requesting approval for the purchase of one computer for the new St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program. The current computer is one that was borrowed from the I.T. Department and cannot be upgraded due to its age. The new computer would be used in the office to register, monitor and track criminal defendants on global position satellite (hereinafter GPS). This computer would also be used for accessing data base information on defendants via the World Wide Web. Furthermore, this approval will authorize Budget Amendment (BA08-013) allowing the purchasing of the computer. BACKGROUND: On November 1, 2005, the County contracted with an entity to implement and provide global position satellite electronic monitoring (hereinafter "GPS") for pretrial release. In May 2007 the St. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program was authorized by the Board to oversee the responsibilities of supervising/monitoring pretrial defendants. Furthermore, this approval will authorize Budget Amendment (BAOS-013) allowing the purchasing of the computers. FUNDS AVAIL: The funds for this purchase are designated in "machinery and equipment" account: 107- 2360-564000-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: None for FY07/0S RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept and approve Budget Amendment BA08-013 and Equipment Request EQ08-301 to purchase a desktop computer for the 81. Lucie County Pretrial Release Program. COMMISSION ACTION: DOUg,;,? M~nder:on Þ(l APPROVED [] DENIED [ l OTHER: County Administrator Approved 5-0 '11 ,I ;'d County Attorney:_X t../ Management & Budget_X Originating oepartmen0lll1JlltVt."'; Other: Finance: Check for copy only, if applicableX Coord i nati on/SiQ natu res Purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 2D DATE: February 19, 200S REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNìY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney J oAnn Ri ley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Florida Communities Trust Heathcote Botanical Park I FCT Project 04-045-FF4 Decloration of Restrictive Covenants BACKGROUND: Please see an attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: April 27, 2004 - Board of County Commissioners outhorized staff to submit a Grant Application to Florido Communities Trust for the Heathcote Botanical Park project. December 21,2004 - Board of County Commissioners outhorized the Chairman to sign and transmit the Grant Controct to Florida Communities Trust, March 20, 2007 - Board of County Commissioners approved an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, and Heathcote Botanical Gordens ond the Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase with the City of Fort Pierce. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, authorize the Chairman to execute the Covenants and direct staff to record the Covenants in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ~, APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 [XX] County Attorney' , U-, ,1" '<1 Review and Atlprovals ] Environmental Resources: ] County Engineer: [XX] Originating Dept : Jl{è~ ] Road & Bridge: JOMB G:\ACQ\ WP\J oAnn\Envlronmentel\Heethcete Betenical Perk\Decleretian of RestrictIVe Convenants Agenda Request.wpd AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C.Z.E Date: February 19, Z008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Humane Society of St. Lucie County, Inc. - First Amendment to October 1, 2006 Agreement to Add Spay/Neuter Clinics BACKGROUND: See CA No. 08-0242 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): Account No. 102-6240-534000-600 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed First Amendment to the October 1, 2006 Agreement with the Humane Society of St. Lucie County, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Coo rdin ation/Sil!.natu res Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Other: Other: Finance (Che AGENDA REQUEST rJ ITEM ~O. 2 r DA TE: February 19, 2008 REGULAR [ PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x.] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-046 - Reducing the Speed Limit on Prima Vista Boulevard from 40 Miles Per Hour to 35 Miles Per Hour Beginning at the Intersection of RioMar Court, East to the Intersection of US 1 in St. Lucie County, Flori da. BACKGROUND: Please see attachcd Memorandum Number 08-0212. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A TlON: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-046 as drafted, i><l APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-1 Grande - NO COMMISSION ACTION: Dou" as nderson County Administrator County Attorney: (l , :l' IV Review and Approvals Management & Budget Publlc Wo::-ks: ~'Þ~ . ( ?urchasing :___ Engmeer: _AA V ? Originat~ng Dept. ?ona~ce: (Check fo::- Copy only, if applicab"e)___ Eff. 5/96 ITEM NO. C3A- DATE: Feb 19, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) PRESENTED BY: ~~~t~~ Public Works Director SUBJECT: Request Board approval for WA # 2 with Creech Engineers, Inc. for Professional Continuing Consultant Services for FEMA Countywide Community Rating System Annual Recertification. BACKGROUND: Public Works Staff is working with Creech Engineers, Inc. to upgrade our Countywide Community Rating System (CRS) for FEMA Flood Insurance Rates. Work Authorization No.1 included the preparation of our annual report and required documentation to obtain CRS Annual Recertification through FEMA, including various meetings to prepare for an audit. Pursuant to our discussion with FEMA personnel during audit process, several additional functions and documents were identified that could provide the County with a higher score on the Countywide Rating. Higher scores on the CRS Rating equate to lower flood insurance rates for all citizens of St. Lucie County. Public Works Staff wishes to pursue the additional functions and documents that will increase our Countywide Rating Score. The attached Work Authorization No.2 from Creech Engineers outlines the work that is required to achieve greater scores on our Annual Recertification by FEMA. These services include items such as: ~ Updating elevation certificates for building permits issued over the last 5 years. ~ GIS mapping of repetitive loss (flood prone) properties. ~ Coordination with Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Committee. ~ Land Development Code amendments to address FEMA requirements. ~ Update website and public outreach programs to include FEMA information for CRS rating system. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds for these additional services are available in 102001-3725-531000-42512- Drainage Maintenance MSTU - Stormwater Management. PREVIOUS ACTION: 10/2107: BOCC approved WA #1 with Creech Engineering, Inc. for Professional Continuing Consultant Services for the FEMA Annual Re-certification and to use on a case by case basis, not to exceed $43,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for WA # 2 Creech Engineers, Inc. for Professional Continuing Consultant Services for FEMA Countywide Community Rating System Annual Recertification, Not to exceed $72,000.00 and authorization for signature by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: /~/ iv' [ l County Attorney Dept. Public Works .-à(Q. LJ Project. Manager { I /?!: [ l Road & Bridge -. l Other i(l APPROVED [ l OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED [ ] MgL & Budget J}- i)' ;~ [] Originating [l Budget & Rev. Coor. [] Purchasing Dept. [l ERD [Xl Copy to Finance [ ( '\ I ITEM NO. C - 3b DATE: February 19, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] , " TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS nrv~ .K SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Kings Highway Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway - Change Order No.1 to the contract with Johnson'Davis, Inc. in the amount of $23,700.00 for additional culvert replacement under Kings Highway. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Transportation Capital- Local Option - Culvert Replacement in account 316001-41131-563000-1902. PREVIOUS ACTION: October 10, 2006 - Board approved Work Authorization No.3 in the amount of $36,641.84 to Stanley Consulting Engineers for Construction Management Services. February 6, 2007 - Board approved award of Bid #07-021 for the Kings Highway Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway project to Johnson-Davis, Inc. in the amount of $249,684.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve Change Order No.1 to the contract with Johnson-Davis, Inc. in the amount of $23,700.00 for additional culvert replacement under Kings Highway for the Kings Highway Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway project and authorization for the Ch . to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER /1 Approved 5-0 ~ D gl sAnderson JL /' '. ",.' County Administrator [xl County Attorney , ' <.l. bcl Mgt. & Budget ". r-\- [xl Proj. Man. ." :- [xl Ongmatmg Dept. Public Works ~. bcl Exec. AsSlS. '·'.,r\ \~ 0 Purchasing COl ITEM NO. cð C- OATE: February n 12008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) PRESENTED BY: ~t-~L Public Works Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request Board approval of 2nd Amendment to Work Authorization No.3 with Hazen & Sawyer Engineering for Design and Permitting modifications and time extension for Platt's Creek Mitigation Area and Stormwater Management Facilities. BACKGROUND: In December of 1999, the County began design of a Mitigation Bank and Stormwater retention pond on the 102 acre Platt's Creek site. Permits were obtained in April of 2003 from the SFWMD. In April of 2004, the County started construction of the $2.8 million Platt's Creek Stormwater Project. The Project consists of a 16 acre wet detention pond and stormwater pumping station. The system provides stormwater management and water quality treatment for the 1 ,OOO-acre mixed use drainage basin tributary to Platt's Creek. Several private mitigation banks have been developed over the last few years that are currently meeting the demand for wetland credits. Based upon the high startup costs and the lack of need for a Government-run mitigation bank, the County has decided not to pursue the development of the Platt's Creek property as a mitigation bank facility. The remaining 80 acres of vacant property could be developed as a Restoration Project and/or Environmental Education Facility. A development of this type will be more eligible for grant funding, as mitigation banks are not eligible for grants. The Platt's creek permits expire in April, 2008 and must be amended to obtain approval for future permit extension. Additionally, the Stormwater Project will be modified to include a chemical injection system to provide for a higher level of water quality treatment. FDEP grant funds are available to help pay for the chemical injection system. The attached Work Authorization No.3 with Hazen and Sawyer Engineering provides for the necessary design and permitting modifications to obtain a permit extension for Platt's Creek. The permit can be extended for another five (5) year term that will provide for the time needed to develop the remaining 80 acres of vacant land. Likewise, the proposal includes the design and permit modifications necessary to construct the chemical injection system. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 102001-3725-563005-3112, Drainage Maintenance MSTU, Stormwater Management PREVIOUS ACTION: 7114/9B-Board approved a conceptual mitigation plan and authorized the expenditure of $2,000,000 from the ESL Fund for the project. 8/11/9B-Board directed staff to seek an alternative funding source. 9/2219B-Board approved work authorization for Hazen & Sawyer to prepare and present conceptual plans for the Platt's Creek Mitigation & Stormwater Improvement project to the St. Lucie River Issue Team. The Board also gave authorization to apply for St. Lucie Issues Team Grant Funds in the amount of $1 ,000,000 for the purchase of the 102 acre site. 121B/9B-Board approved an engineering contract with Hazen & Sawyer for conceptual design in the amount 01$7,020. 12/7/99-Board purchased the 102 acre site in the amount of $1,070,000. 12114/99-Board approved an engineering contract with Hazen & Sawyer for design plans and permitting in the amount of $156,500. 01l00-Board approved authorization to apply for St. Lucie Issues Team grant funds in the amount of $760, 1BO for construction of stormwater improvements. 6/25/01-Board approved authorization to apply for EPA Section 319 Grants in the amount of $380,000 for stormwater improvements. 6/25/02-Board approved authorization to apply for additional EPA Section 319 Grants in the amount of $150,000 for stormwater improvements. On April 13, 2004, the BOCC awarded the construction of the Platt's Creek Stormwater Project to WPC Industrial Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,745,740. On May 25, 2004, the Board approved Platt's Creek Stormwater Project - Work Authorization No.5 (C03-1 0- 686) for Soil Testing Services with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. On October 11, 2005, staff recommended the Board approve Platt's Creek Stormwater Project - First Amendment to Work Authorization No.5 for Soil Testing with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing Inc. for the Platt's Creek Stormwater Project in the amount of $25,000 and extending the contract to January 31, 2006. On October 18, 2005, the BOCC approved Change Order No.1 in the amount of $26,340.75 for modification to the Platt's Creek Stormwater Management Facilities project. The proposed modifications will improve the connection between the existing drainage facilities constructed in 2000 with the newly constructed stormwater management facilities. On December 20, 2005, the BOCC approved a reduction in the overall retainage of the Platt's Creek Stormwater Management Facilities project with WPC Industrial Contractors, Ltd. from ten percent (1 0%) to five percent (5%). On February 7, 2006, the Board approved Change Order No.2 for a time extension to the Platt's Creek Stormwater Management Facilities project and approved a reduction in the overall retainage of the project with WPC Industrial Contractors, Ltd. from five percent (5%) to one percent (1%) for the remainder of the contract. On February 28, 2006, the BOCC approved Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $248,485.00 for improvements to the Platt's Creek Stormwater Management Facilities project. On October 9, 2007, the BOCC approved Change Order No.4 in the deductive amount of ($44,520.00) and approved final acceptance of the Project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No.3 with Hazen & Sawyer Engineering for Design and Permitting modifications for Platt's Creek Mitigation Area and Stormwater Management Facilities in the amount of $29,900.00 and extending the contract to December 31, 2008. k] APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Review and~rovalS . I 1YY.11A/Ì ./ (X]O,'."'"" ,,"ph (ÞUb~,Wk'},J. ~ [X]Cou.1y AlIomey, ;. [X]M"'gem..' ..II lIu....' ...!Jif----I-l!~ [X]Purchasing: ~ J -at? 0 Parks & Recreation: 0 Environmental Lands: I [] Other [Xl Finance: Check for copy only, If applicable: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Commuruty Services Manager at (561) 462- 1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. SECOND AMENDMENT TO WORK AUTHORIZATION NO.3 C03-05-395 W.A.3 PROJIPROG #3112 Engineering Services Related to Stormwater Management PLA TT'S CREEK MITIGATION AREA & STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES Second Amendment to Work Authorization No.3 between St. Lucie County (the "County") and Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. (the "Engineer") for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management (the "Agreement") dated May 13, 2003, is hereby amended to include a time extension through December 31, 2008 and an increase of $29.900.00, as described in the attached Exhibit "A". All other terms and conditions of Work Authorization No.3 (C03-05-395) shall be the same and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Second Amendment to Work Authorization No.3 (C03-05-395) to be executed and delivered on the dates below. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: BY: CHAIRMAN DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY DATE: HAZEN & SAWYER, P.c. WITNESSES: BY: (Type or print name/position) DATE: ITEM NO C4 DATE February 19, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ERD/OXBOW Sandra Boqan Ed & Outreach Manaqer SUBJECT: Request approval of First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.2 (C06-08-758, Engineering Services for Parking Lot Design) for an extension of time to December 30, 2008 with Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the design and permitting of a low-impact parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center located on S1. James Drive No funds are associated with this request BACKGROUND: On January 21. 2007, the BOCC approved the engineering services from Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the design of a low-impact parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are encumbered on Purchase Order 2711613; from 316-7912-563005-7134 and 310002-7912- 563005-7134 PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 17, 2007, the Board approved Work Authorization No.2 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, I nc for the design and permitting of a low-impact parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center located on 8t James Drive In the amount of $69,525.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization ~Jo. 2 (C06-08-758, Engineering Services for Parking Lot Design) for an extension of time to December 30, 2008 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the design and permitting of a low-impact parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center located on S1. James Drive. ~] APPROVED [ J OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Comm. Services. Ow Mgt. & Budget ~ Fiscal Coordinator [ . ] Exec Asst. [ ] Originating Oept. ERD IÌ County Attorney :i ~.. Project. Manager \,~C' . (Check for copy only if applicabieJ - Purchasing Dept ~ ~~ - - J = :: ITEM NO. c-5 A DATE: 02/19/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: Third Amendment to Contract C06-03-164 with Clear Channel Radio for Radio Advertising Services - Solid Waste Department BACKGROUND: Please see the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #401-3410-548010-300 (Promotional Advertising) PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 13, 2007 the Board approved the second amendment to the contract exercising the first renewal option. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the third amendment to contract C06- 03-164 with Clear Channel Radio to exercising the second renewal option and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: k) APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. ( ) ~/ /.d' Iv Mgt. & Budget (X) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) ~. Other ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ~ ~~ - J '::: ':' ITEM NO. C· 5'·B DATE: 02/19/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to Contract C06-01-041 with Hennis Construction Co., Inc. for Quarterly Maintenance for High Security Doors at Rock Road Correctional Facility BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account # 107-1940-546000-100 (Jail Maintenance/Equipment Maintenance account) PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 24, 2006 the Board awarded the Contract to Hennis Construction Co., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first amendment to contract C06- 01-041 with Hennis Construction Co., Inc. to exercise the first renewal option, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: :t<.) APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney (X) J1/ Coordination/Siqnatures Mgt. & B"dg,t (X) ~'iJf Other ( ) Purchasing (X) ~ ~ , Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) 6t9Ji~II:1¡¡¡"'::Jlliir'.~'''· ."~Iit;¡;idi"!"<i«iik ., 'ii¡ll ;.'"if " î:~l~\1:¡';-'\~.p'~r~'~¡';·!(dr", ~ "\;ff~ ,~:¡::\ .. ·,ol"""',-, ,-, " . .~;¡ ~"'('_" ", o¥-.:....·· '. ,~~ ~"""1'-i! ITEM NO. c-5·c DATE: 02/19/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: Second extension to Contract C04-01-034 between St. Lucie County and Oglesby Construction, Inc. for Striping and Pavement Markings as needed for St. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: Please see the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #101003-41137-546200-4910 Maintenance Improvement Projects PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 22, 2006, the Board approved the first extension to contract C04-01-034 extending the term through January 26, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the second extension to Contract C04-01-034 between St. Lucie County and Oglesby Construction, Inc. for striping and pavement markings, and authorize the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~) APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER D ANDERSON Approved 5-0 COUNTYADMINISTRATOR County Attorney (X) 01 /<1 l Coordinatio n/S iq natures Mgt. & Budget () ^' iO ~. Purchasing (X) ~ Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. c~D DATE: 2/19/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Approval of the first amendment to contract C07-12-695 with DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. d/b/a Aquagenix for Aquatic Vegetation Control Services BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various Departments - Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 18, 2007 BOCC approved the award of Bid #07-115 to Aquagenix RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the first amendment to Contract C07-12-695 with DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. d/b/a Aquagenix for Aquatic Vegetation Control Services and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (>; ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) L/d/ Road & Bridge () Doug s . Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Sianatures '"" A L- Mgmt & Budget (X) JJ!(:'-77J!VV Purchasing (X) _ ~ Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-6 A DATE: Feb. 19,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Dooleymack Constructors of South FL, LLC / #C07-04-195 Havert L Fenn Center-Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium Change Order No.3 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001405-1930-562000-2614 (State Grant-Bldgs.) 316-1930-562000-2614 (FEMAllns.-Bldgs.) 001417 -1930-562000-2614 (State Grant-Bldgs.) 316-1930-563000-2614 (FEMA/lns.-Infrastructure) 129-1930-562000-2614 (MSTU Funds-Bldgs.) PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 8, 2008, the Board approved Change Order No.2 to #C07 -04-195, to increase the contract sum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No.3 to #C07-04-195, Dooleymack Constructors, Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium, to increase the contract sum by $310,677.31: the new contract sum will be $13,243,131.67, and increase the contract time ten (10) days; the new date of substantial completion will be September 28, 2008. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: Þi APPROVED [] [ ] OTHER: DENIED Dou Änderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 J-k".. County Attorney: ~ OriginatingO;;pl: . Mgt. & Budget Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only. if Applicable) Eft. 1197 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-261 DOOLEYMACK CO-3.DQC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-6 B DATE: Feb. 19,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Approve Facilities Use Agreement Girl Scouts of Palm Glades Council, Inc. BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Facilities Use Agreement between St. Lucie County and the Girl Scouts of Palm Glades Council and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] [ ] OTHER: DENIED Approved 5-0 D g Anderson County Administrator I.J/ County Attorney: V" Originating~\ ~^~ Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only. if Applicable) Eff. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-262 GIRL SCOUTS AGREEMENT.DOC