HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-20-2008 ~~~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING March 20, 2008 Roger Poitras Building, Conference Room 3 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL Chair, Brad Keen, called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Roll Call: I) ~~ Members Present: Brad Keen, Gabriele Klaesen, Rick Gosser. (Christifor Cinord arrived late.) Members Absent: Excused - Eric Martin and Albert Scoggins Brad noted that a quorum was not present but asked that the meeting proceed. No formal actions will be allowed. Joe Greco, Program Director of 19 Sports, was introduced and gave a presentation on recreational sports programming for government parks & recreation agencies. He is doing a flag football pilot program at South County Stadium this summer and response has been good. A Q&A followed. Debra said contracted services through reputable providers could be a good opportunity for us to provide programs without adding staff. Brad said as a pure rec league he thinks it's a good idea and asked to go on record: "1 think that is something that this county has had a problem with in the past - 1 would hate to see yet another organization try to come in and provide a program that is already established and being provided by established, competitively if you will, whether it be Little League, USSSA, or Babe Ruth or Pop Warner or whatever the league is." He added some additional comments and wished Mr. Greco success and endorsed adding rec leagues as a good thing to have. Brad thanked Mr. Greco for his presentation. New Business: Welcome New Board Member - Christifor Cinord arrived and was introduced as the new RAB member appointed by Comm. Smith. Brad then declared a quorum was now present and asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of 11/7/07. Rick made the motion, it was seconded by Gabriele, all in favor. BOCC StrateJ!Ïc PlanninJ! & 2008-09 BudJ!et - Debra said that county administration 'and staff recently met with elected officials for the annual strategic planning session. Debra said the Commissioners worked diligently to discuss difficult issues. Staff presented policy questions to assist them in reducing the expected budget deficit over the next 2 years with as little impact to services as possible. Some proposed strategies include limiting pools to open only for a summer schedule; exploring ways to have the School Board cover more of the actual cost of using our facilities; considering a regional park concept recommended by Glatting Jackson's analysis, and divesting ourselves of neighborhood parks and community centers to cities, or through various other means, instituting non-resident fees, etc. Brad stated for the record that, "I would be opposed to selling any parks properties." He added, "as a citizen of this county, as a native of this county, and a former employee of SLC government, I would like to make my opinion known that 1 think it would be a grave mistake and a disservice to the residents of this county, not withstanding the financial dilemma that you're in, if you got rid of properties. I'm not talking about the divestment of certain properties or facilities to other agencies, but selling off properties that are owned by SLC right now. It would be a huge () I" . . .) 9 »:~ 6 ~ ,~ $. C ',;;1 Z :jU 6~':::::~ "TI <:::)'~ ::!! ~ (') m C::~'''.::J mistake." Debbie replied that selling of parks properties is not on the table right now. She said staff is very much thinking out of the box to figure out ways to continue providing quality facilities and services with as little impact on the community as we can. Rick proposed offering our facilities for tournaments, at little or no cost, because of their economic impact on the community. Debra advised the committee that the Treasure Coast Sports Commission assists groups who are interested in providing tournaments. Mr. Gosser dismissed the Sports Commission, saying that he wants it handled within the County. Debra reported that P&R is down 21 positions, or 20%, since the hiring freeze went into effect. We are holding the line on expenses for next year, but it's possible that we may have to reduce our budget again. Future MeetinJ! Dates for RAB - Brad said he would be available again for Wednesday meetings starting in May 2008. Debra mentioned that one of the policy questions being considered deals with limiting board/committee meetings at county facilities after hours. Debra said we might have to meet in April on some issues from Strategic Planning regarding fee increases. The BOCC asked that they be rev.iewed by RAB. Old Business: - Deferred. Capital Improvements Update - Debra Brisson: A re-opening ceremony will take place for the newly constructed basketball cover at Ilous Ellis Park on Saturday, AprilS, 10; 15 a.m. in conjunction with the Lincoln Park Community Awareness Day festivities. Information will be sent toRAB members (emailed to Christifor). The Skate Park construction is ahead of schedule. We anticipate a grand opening event between now and 6/1. Team Pain made some modifications in the field to make the course more exciting than the original design. We have to thank the commissioners for funding the project. The Fenn Center is on schedule for a September opening. Some Parks & Recreation staffwill be located on site. Debbie discussed hours of operation. Lakewood Park Regional Park is complete for public use. Some ADA, wetland and drainage issues continue to be addressed. ' There was a discussion about the new background check requirements. It has worked extremely well for the user groups, but there were some issues with Pop Warner Football that we will have to monitor closely. She thanked RAB for their support of this new screening process. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. (Prepared by Barbara Heck) 2