HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-13-2008 FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Held On March 13, 2008 Convened at 3:05 p.m. Adjourned at 3:47 p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 3:05 p.m. in Conference Room #3 on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was taRen. Member. Pre.ent. Mary Chapman, Vice Chairman Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft's Appointee Cerald KURlinsRi, Commissioner Crande's Appointee John Holt, Commissioner Smith's Appointee David Souza, St. Lucie Village Pieter StryRer Alto Pre.ent. Heather Young, SLC Assistant County Attorney Katherine MacRenzie-Smith, SLC Assistant County Attorney Bob Bangert APPROVAL OF THE MINUTE', The minutes from the February 14, 2008 meeting were unanimously approved. OLD 8U.INE", Heather Young said ChucR's Seafood is 100Ring into aSRing the Fire District for six (6) additional parRing spaces. The City of Fort Pierce is aSRing for the County to get the parRing issue resolved before they'll taRe any further action on the reViewing of his plans. The City of Fort Pierce has approved the building construction plans but not the parRing lot. Jerry KURlinsRi stated he heard Indian River Terminal has requested the inlet be dredged. Pieter StryRer aSRed how much it would cost the County to dredge the inlet. Pieter stated, "If the inlet was originally derived to be 28', is there some real reason why we should object other than the County's financial obligation to maintaining the depth of 28'?" Mary Chapman stated 28' was in the Port Master Plan five (5) years ago. Bill Thiess aSRed if anybody Rnew what the depth requirements were for the ships currently using the port. Mary Chapman stated, "Alii Rnow is what was in the Comprehensive Plan when we worRed on that six (6) years ago and that was 28'." John Holt suggested the Coast Cuard might have a record of the depths. Bill Thiess stated, "Everything at this point seems to be hear say and it seems Rind of premature to taRe a position on something that's not on the record yet." Heather Young said she would find out if Indian River Terminal is planning on going before the Board on the dredging issue. Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee March 13, 2008 Page 2 Mary Chapman stated, "There is a proposal being made about sand transfer, taRing some of the north beach and leading it into south beach." Mary aSRed if anyone Rnew anything about sand transfers. Bill Thiess stated it would have a recreational impact on parRs, surfing, swimming, diving, etc. John Holt stated there is normally 100,000 cubic yards of sand that move south every year. There was continued discussion on beach renourishment. NEW BU,INESS. Jerry KURlinsRi stated, "Taylor CreeR dredging, I guess there's a possible, I don't Rnow if it's temporary or permanent, spoil site on US Highway 1." Bill Thiess stated he spORe with Don West and Don said it was one (1) of five (5) parcels that the County is 100Ring into. Bill understands that it's being considered as a temporary spoil site. Pieter StryRer aSRed if anybody or the County ever 100Red any further into the Airport venue as a spoil site. Heather Young stated all of the property at the Airport was either donated originally from the Federal Covernment or has been purchased with State or Federal dollars, which usually have restrictions limited to an aviation use or something that supports the Airport. Pieter would liRe for someone to 100R into aSRing the Federal Covernment for help, perhaps they would allow a spoil site on the property. Jerry KURlinsRi stated there are several barges in the tuming basin area that are extremely close to the grass beds. Jerry would liRe to Rnow who gave them a permit to be there. Mary Chapman aSRed if Jim Oppenborn would come to the next meeting to give the committee an update on the Artificial Reef program. Mary Chapman felt there were several issues discussed throughout the meeting where Commissioner Eddie Becht was needed. Heather Young announced Katherine MacRenzie-Smith would be taRing over the meetings for her due to a scheduling conflict. ADJOURNMENT. At 3:47 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building. Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush