HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NQ. 4A DATE April 15, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SlJBJECT: Resolution No. 08-121 - Proclaiming April 19,2008, as "Patriot's Day" in S1. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Mr. Hall Riediger, of the Friends of the American Revolution, has requested that this Board proclaim April 19, 2008, as "Patriot's Day" in 51. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-121 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-121 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Doub Änderson County Administrator Co~nty Attorney: (1 '/I // r.' >, ,!-" ,..... Review and App~ovals Management & Buõget Purchasing Crigina~~ng ~ept. Other, Otcer: ?:nanc~; (Check for Copy only, if appllcable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B1 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney J oAnn Ri ley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: South 25th Street Roadway Widening Midway Road to Edwards Road - Permanent Easement Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church of Fort Pierce, Florida, Inc. Parcel I.D. No. 2428-232-0001-000-0 - Parcel 804 - Resolution No. 08-126 BACKGROUND: Please see an attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 101006-4116-561007-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact R/W) and 101006-4116-561002-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact Abstract/Title) PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - Board of County Commissioners approved Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construct the South 25th Street widening, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Permanent Easement, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No, 08-126 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ~ J APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dougla derson County Administrator Review and Aotlrovals [XX] County Attorney: -i"'; 'r- i1 j- ,'" [XX] Public Works Director: . /:"'''' -Vldl [XX] County Engineer: ,"I'f·if¿ ¡'IVr [XX] Originating Dept.: (.,' ,.I ,l'¡\..f>.-- [ ] Road & Bridge: [ 10MB: G:\ACQ\ WP\JoAnn\25th Street\Covenant Reformed\Agenda Request.wpd AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B2 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [xx] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: South 25th Street Roadway Widening Midway Road to Edwards Road Contract for Sale and Purchase - Thompson Parcel LD. Nos. Part of 2429-444-0014-000-8 and 2432-111-0001-000-1 BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in 101006-4116-561007-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact R/W) and 101006-4116-561002-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact Abstract/Title) PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - Board of County Commissioners approved Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construct the South 25th Street widening. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Gloria Thompson for $13,100.00, authorize the Chairman to execute the Contract and direct staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: Douglas Anderson County Administrator f:(] APPROVED [ ] DENIeD [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals [XX] County Attorney: :y"", 't":"')\,"" "'"'í' ¡ [XX] Originating Dept.: ,J {i1,I_ ] Environmental Resources: I" / [XX] County Engineer: "'·1, ,/-(;;¡¡ ¡dill' ] Road & Bridge: [ lOMB: G:\ACQ\ WP\JoAnn\25th Street\ Thompson\Agenda Request,wpd AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B3 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: South 25th Street Roadway Widening Midway Road to Edwards Road - Temporary Construction Easement James P. Raab, as Trustee of the James P. Raab Trust dated June 22, 2000 Tax I.D. No. 2428-233-0002-000/0 - Parcel 740 - Resolution No. 08-127 BACKGROUND: Please see an attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 101006-4116-561007-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact R/W)and 101006-4116-561002-4108 (Transportation Trust/Impact Abstract/Title) PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - Board of County Commissioners approved Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construct the South 25th Street widening. November 25,2003 - Board of County Commissioners approved the Purchase Agreements for a Permanent Easement and Temporary Construction Easement. February 3, 2004 - Board of County Commissioners accepted the Permanent Easement and Temporary Construction Easement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Temporary Construction Easement, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-127 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. [t..,1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dougl A derson County Administrator Review and AÞorovals [XX] County Engineer: :i;"// ,::~:" /;í,}) .¡ I 'Î""""" [XX] County Attorney: ' \',:, I~~ ..1 [XX] Originating Dept.: ...' )\·,t- ] Public Works Director: ] Road & Bridge: [ JOMB: G,\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\25th Street\Raab\Agenda Request Accept Temporory Construction Easement.wpd ITEM NO. C I DATE: April 15, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Agreements with Westside Baptist Church, Inc. on Edwards Road to pay fee-in-lieu-of for constructing a turn lane and concrete sidewalk on Jenkins Road related to the expansion of their property. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Agreements to pay fee-in-lieu-of for constructing a turn lane and a concrete sidewalk associated with Westside Baptist Church, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign. [,d APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dougla derson County Administrator [x] County AnUr"",y CoordinationlSiQnatures [] Mg!. & Budget i{1Exec. Assl. -SR"""'- » [x] County surveyorfdd ~nv. Resourë!. j, . to pay fee in lieu of .ag Ix] Orig. Depl. Public Works Weslside Baptist Church, In AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C 2. DA TE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Road Improvement Agreement with NNN/1031 No. 16 SR 70 Jenkins LLC, developers of Okeechobee Crossings for public roadway improvements related to the construction of a Walgreens on the northeast comer of Okeechobee Road and Jenkins Road. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Road Improvement Agreement with NNN/1031 No. 16 SR 70 Jenkins LLC, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. {~.o:] APPROVED [ ] OTHER APProved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Doug s nderson County Administrator /' Coordination/Sianatures [x] County Attorney , . [] Mg!. & Budget [ ]Exec. Ass!. ~~ [x]Orig. Dept. Public WOrkS~' ¡x] County Surveyor ¡fl/tI [x]Env. Resources road improvement agreemel Ok~e Crossing.ag AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-3 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX ] SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DEPT PRESENTED BY: 1~~. tNL- ~ (Michael Powley, .E. 1".... County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Lennard Road 1, 2, and 3 MSBU Approve Work Authorization NO.1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc., in the amount of $59,960.00, to provide additional assessment services for the Lennard Road 1, Lennard Road 2, and Lennard Road 3 MSBU projects. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAIL: Lennard Road 1-Public Works Engineering 396-4115-563005-4502 - $29,980.00 -Imp OIT Bldgs-Cons Eng Lennard Road 2-Public Works Engineering 397-4115-531000-38003-$14,990.00 -Professional Services Lennard Road 3-Public Works Engineering 398-4115-531000-38004-$14,990.00 -Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: June 6, 2000-Board created the Lennard Road 1, Lennard Road 2, and Lennard Road 3 MSBU Projects. May 10, 2005-Board approved Work Authorization with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. in the amount of $49,410 to provide assessment services. February 12, 2008-Board approved Budget Resolutions 08-064, 08-065 and 08-066 and authorized MSB to drawdown interim financing for subject work authorization. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Work Authorization NO.1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc., in the amount of $59,960.00 to provide additional assessment services, and authorization for Chairman to execute the Work Authorization. COMMISSION ACTION: r':l APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-1 Grande - NO Douglas . Anderson County Administrator [ ]Finance ~ V ~~ f Coordinatlon/Sianatures I ^ [x]Mgt. & Budget /, tJ IVV~ [x]MSBU Caar 12 p [X ]PUrChaSin+- (xJCounty Attorney [x]Public Works Dir ! I ITEM NO, C -J DATE: April 15, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ J PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [xJ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) /;/ /~" //- / r /;"e ..,;;:'¿./ / /""<v¿ ." ._ _ --f . "'-';-:"",.,- "CJ- Michael V. Powley, P.E. County Engineer SUBJECT: Approve Change Order No.1 and Final in the amount of ($3,368.40); accept the project; release retainage in the amount of $25,355.26 and make Final Payment in the amount of $25,355.26 to Johnson- Davis, Inc. for the Kings Highway Canal Culvert Replacement at Lakeland Blvd. project. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Retainage account 101109-0000-205100-1902 in the amount of $20,284.21 and account 316001-0000-205100-1902 in the amount of $5,071.05. PREVIOUS ACTION: October 10, 2006 - Board approved Work Authorization No.2 in the amount of $26,520.37 to Stanley Consulting Engineers for Construction Management Services. February 6,2007 - Board approved award of the project to Johnson-Davis, Inc. in the amount of $256,921.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Change Order No.1 and Final in the amount of ($3368.40); accept the project; release retainage in the amount of $25,355.26 and make Final Payment in the amount of $25,355.26. [ J OTHER Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: FJ APPROVED [ ] DENIED r'. [x] County Attorney ", ¿: [xl Origmating Dept. Public Works . ~r' , l¡ . [xl Mgt. & Budget '1 jtio ~~ J Proi. Man. [xl Exec. Assist. fI.~ t1 ~~urChaSing Dougla :Anderson County Administrator ~ ITEM NO. C -.; DATE: April 15, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) J --""::> / //,>/) // /':"~. '., :76,",··((. ',.,,,¿ Michael V. Powley, P.E. County Engineer SUBJECT: GT Greens, LLC - Partial Release of :Surety in the amount of $110,135.00. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: April 20, 2007 - BOCC approved the Road Improvement Agreement with GT Greens, LLC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the partial release of surety for GT Greens, LLC, and authorize the Chairman to sign. [>} APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Douglas nderson County Administrator lXJ Gounty Attorney ~ r"~"'" [x]Orig. Dept. Public Works ~i\ . S. Market Ave, partial releas of sur ty.ag coordij:tiOn/SiQnatures [xl Finance rf' \ [x]Exec. Asst. BIT [x] County Surveyor I~, J..J. H I [x]Env, Resourcesz¡e AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. .'J::; DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR 0 PUBLIC HEARING 0 CONSENT [Xl TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration SUBJECT: Polling Place BACKGROUND: Supervisor of Elections has requested Fort Pierce Community Center be used as a Polling place FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Fort Pierce Community Center be designated a Polling Place. ;B APPROVED o OTHER: o DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 ITEM NO. E1 DATE: 4/15/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the sale of the incinerator located at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the sale of the incinerator located at the St. Lucie County International Airport. COMMISSION ACTION: (";;) APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 I 'c t A (X1t'; L rJ( S 1- oun y ttorney ) .~ Airport (X) CONCURRENC / / Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coordi nation/Sia natures () ~~"",,--1fu1¡r:. Mgmt & Budget ~\J ~ ~ Purchasing (X)j}');- Other Finance U for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. E2 DATE: 04/15/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( PUBLIC HEARING ( CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: Board approval to 1. Terminate all negotiations and the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for RFP #07-083 Code Compliance Software for Permitting and Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) replacement; and 2. Board permission to upgrade the current IVR system. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 491-2415-568000-200- Software PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approval of the shortlist and contract negotiations 1/22/08, Agenda item C7E RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to: 1. Terminate all negotiations and the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for RFP #07-083 Code Compliance Software for Permitting and IVR replacement; 2: Board permission to upgrade the current IVR system with Vetrol Data Systems, Inc., for the cost of $15,875, and 3: Authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ ) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 :}$3~ County Attorney (X) fflL I Code (X) /~ I..,f Enforcement UI//{./ Coordination/SiQ natures Mgmt & Budget (X) ~ . Purchasing (X)-;jì.. Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. E3 DATE: 4-15-2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Approval of Work Authorization No. 11 for Contract C07-08-543 with Miller Legg BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-3920-534000-300 [Other Contractual Services] PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 28, 2007 the Board approved the award of RFQ # 07-048 General Planning Services and a continuing contract to Miller Legg RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of Work Authorization No. 11 to Contract C07-08- 543 with Miller Legg in a total amount not to exceed $51,603.80, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 ,Ins J.County Attorney C>í<'1l, r L ¡ ~. Administration (X) (;f~ . -- ---.J Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coordi nation/SiQnatu res Mgmt & Budget (X) 4' (V1~ Purchasing (X) ,;:JJZ- Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. F-' DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Genset Services, Inc. Third Amendment to #C05-08-485 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1925-546000-100 (Equipment Maintenance) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Third Amendment to Contract #C05-08-485, Genset Services, for the addition of two generators located at the St. Lucie County Logistics Center to the "Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service, Inspections & Load Bank Testing" contract, and authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. County Attorney: , c) ~,,/¡ .;( (~~Q C;U~E: Doug Anderson County Administrator coordination/Si:;';~~~ M9t.&BUdget:~ 711¡~ Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: MISSION ACTION: (t:':] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: APProved 5-0 Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-271 GENSET SERVICES-AMEND. NO. 3.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. F-2 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: David Brooks Enterprises, Inc. Change Order No. 23 to #C05-12-636 Change Order No. 24 to #C05-12-636 Construction of the New Clerk of Courts Building, Downtown Chiller Plant and Phase I of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1930-562000-15010 (General Fund-Bldgs) / 316-1930-562000-15010 (County Capital-Bldgs) 001-1930-562000-FE003C (Bldgs-FEMAlIns.) /316-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) 310003-1930-562000-16012(Buildings) / 316-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) 317-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) /315-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 12, 2008, Item No. c-13B, the Board approved Change Order No. 22 to #C05-12-636, to increase contract time for the Chiller Plant and the Old Clerk of Court Remodel Projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve: . Change Order No. 23 to #C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, Chiller Plant, to increase contract time four (4) days, changing the date of substantial completion to July 27,2008. . Change Order No. 24 to #C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, Old Clerk of Court Remodel-Phase I, to increase the Owner Direct Purchase Order Allowance $300,000, decreasing the original contract sum from $18,079,848 to $17,779,848. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Change Orders as prepared by the County Attorney. County Attorney: ( « Originating ~"LÙ ~~- Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Appiicable) CONCU:;N::L- _ Doug Anderson County Administrator MISSION ACTION: [":.;] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other. Eft. 1197 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-272 DAVID BROOKS c.o. 23 & 24.DOC Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 7A 04.15.08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. I ] [ ] [ ] IX] Quasi-JD [ X ] SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners '--n .#'. Pres1!1ted~y~ ( Growth Management Department / ~~ Growth anagement Director Petition of Plantation Acres, LLC that the Preliminary PUD approved through Resolution No. 06- 052 and amended by Resolution No. 08-089; be extended for a period of 12 additional months from its date of scheduled expiration of April 18, 2008. Inclusive of the petitioner's request for a 12-month extension, is the Petitioner's request for additional time to complete their due diligence regarding design and concurrency issues addressed by this Board at the August 7. 2007 public hearing on the matter of their Final PUD Site Plan Approval. File No. PUD 06-26!RZ 06-037. To: Submitted By: BACKGROUND: Plantation Acres, LLC, has applied for Final Planned Unit Development Site Plan approval for a project to be known as Plantation Acres - PUD. The petitioner is proposing a residential development of 46 single-family dwelling units on 46.28 acres, for property located on the west side of Koblegard Road, approximately 0.5 miles north of Indrio Road, at a proposed density of 1 dwelling unit per acre. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A On April 18, 2006, this Board, through Resolution 06-052, granted approval of a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural 1 Dwelling Unit per Acre) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development - Plantation Acres) Zoning District and Preliminary Planned Unit Development for the project known as Plantation Acres - Planned Unit Development. Plantation Acres, LLC, subsequently applied for Final Planned Unit Development Site Plan approval. At the August 8, 2007 public hearing, Staff recommended approval of Draft Resolution No. 07-040 to deny Final Planned Unit Development Site Plan approval for the project. Staff had determined that the proposed submittal had not satisfied the conditions of approval set forth at the April 18, 2006 BOCC hearing for Preliminary Planned Unit Development Site Plan approval, Resolution No. 06-052. Staff determined that the petition did not meet the standards of review set forth in Sections 11.02.05.B and 11.02.10 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and had been found to be in conflict with the goals, objectives, and polices of the St. Luce County Comprehensive Plan. Following considered discussion this Board voted to continue this item to a date uncertain with a not to exceed time table of 6 mon1hs for the TVC requirements. Further, the Applicant agreed to pay for the re-advertising of the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Petitioner's request for a 12-Month extension of the Preliminary PUD and approval by this Board granting additional time for completion of their work. COMMISSION ACTiON: D APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney Cty. Engineer: ¿(;.l;/ u9J Coordination! Signatures' E.R.D.: e.-YY\~ Other: Cty. Surveyor: Other: /" / Y/-I/7. Form No. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ß DATE: April 15,2008 REGULAR kJ PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ J Quasi -JD [ J CONSENT [ 1 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS A V AILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [ *APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [x] County Attorney: [x] Originating Dept: ~ :r :..~/ ")riel'- Contracts for Sale and Purchase Harmony Heights StOImwater Improvements JRG Holdings - 14:;1 802 OeZ2-066/~, 1431-703-0136-000/7, 1431-703-0134- 000/3,1431-703-0155-000/6 Johnson-1431-703-0154-000/9, 1431-703-0135-000/0, 11318029929999/5 Smith - 1431-701-0149-000/5 SKD Financial, Inc. - 1431-703-0152-000/5, 1431-703-0153-000/2 .JRgnllH 1131 gg2 8021-888/2, 1431-i63-ôlLì-öOôil, 1431-)63-5113-866/8 Hélferstorfer - 1431-701-0151-000/2 Please see attached Memorandum Funds will be made available in: Harmony Heights SLC Stormwater Imp. - Storm water Management 102804-3725-561007-42507 -Harmony Heights Stormwater N/A Staff recommends the Board approve the Contracts for Sale and Purchase from the above-mentioned property owners, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contracts, direct staff to proceed with the closings and record the Warranty Deed in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. [ ] DENIED ---:> Review and Approvals [x] Engineering: fiJ.¡'1(' ..Ç_ At (,/,ð [x] Public workS:~' - I ~" .. i AGEJ\TIA REQUEST ITEM NO. 9 DATE: April 15, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT 0 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SGBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [::::f.:APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 /' .j¡ .iJ: [x] County Attorney: r ~ [ x] Originating Dept: J ,,"'- JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager Contract for Sale and Purchase Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Dyanne Krane-Parcel ill 1431-701-0276-000/4 Please see attached Memorandum Funds will be made available in: Harmony Heights SLC Stormwater Imp. - Stormwater Management 102804-3725-561007 -42507 -Harmony Heights Stormwater N/A Staff recommends the Board approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase from the above-mentioned property owner, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract, direct staff to proceed with the closings and record the Warranty Deed in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. [ ] DENIED E: gl s M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals [x] Engineering: CPII ~ ,l1'Jv/, [x] Public Works: ,;".,.,1.// ~~D~