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Art in Public Places Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bill Ward called the meeting to order at 3:38 P.M.
Members Present: Jack Connolly, Bill Ward, Joe Holiday, Jon Ward, T.A. Wyner, James Gibson, Coach
Havert L. Fenn
Members Absent: Gail Forrestor, Bob Hood
Staff Present: Jody Bonet, Suzanne Antonetti, John Hayes, Heather Lueke
Public Present: Kelly Holiday
The March Minutes were read. Jon Ward made a motion to accept the minutes. Joe Holiday seconded
and the motion was passed.
WoW 2 Wrap Up
Jody Bonet stated that the tour of sculptures took longer than expected. Joe Holiday suggested that there
be a tour that originated from south county to see the sculptures in Fort Pierce and north county. It was
suggested that the tour start at Morningside. John Hayes suggested contacting Chuck at St. Lucie County
Parks and Recreation for one or two of their van. The symposium tour had 70 participants in 42-seat bus
and two county vans. Jody Bonet noted that Acadian Tour bus company has a 23-foot bus with a lift that
might work these tours.
Jack Connolly and T.A. Wyner stated that some people didn’t know where to go for the event or didn’t
know about the event. John Hayes informed the committee that press releases were sent out by the county
and the event was publicized in the paper four times. There was no advertising budget and only one small
ad in the Hometown News. He also noted that there was a lot going on in the county that weekend. T.A.
Wyner stated that she met people who went to the library and the staff was not able to tell them what was
going on. With the library being a source of many of the activities going on in the area, she suggested the
committee ensure that the library staff be better informed. John Hayes stated that 700 invitations were
sent out and there were 200 people at the Opening. In his opinion this was a great turn out.
Bill Ward informed the committee that there would be a follow-up meeting on the symposium and he
invited the committee to prepare for the meeting with suggestions for future improvements.
CAC Director’s Report
Jody Bonet updated the committee on the county’s budget cuts for the Cultural Affairs Department and
Council. She noted that the county administration suggested that the $1,000,000 AiPP funds be utilized
for other county projects, i.e. landscaping. She suggested that the committee consider purchasing art for
inside the buildings such as a Historical Museum exhibit on the Highwaymen. Jon Ward cautioned the
committee that purchased art should not be used to decorate individual government offices. AiPP funds
are for the public area. Jody Bonet suggested that the new Clerk of Courts building be considered for
public art on the walls. Due to the lack of security and easily touchable areas, the art would need to be
children’s art or less valuable art.
T.A. Wyner stated that the economic and comprehensive plan states this and that people who seek
economic development, seek art and culture as an intricate part of both tourism, and quality of life.
Bill Ward asked the committee if it would like to bring in these artists to do educational programs. John
Hayes stated that this is in the ordinance, not only bringing in art, but also for educational programs. The
committee will begin working setting this up.
Lincoln Park Main Street/Avenue D Roundabouts
Jody Bonet has been in contact with Elise Rollins, program director of Lincoln Park Main Street. She has
taken a tour of the existing sculptures. John Hayes had conversations with Elise Rollins and she said she
like several of the pieces currently in the WoW2 exhibit and he suggested jumping ahead and putting a
concrete pad in the roundabout now. Jon Ward warned to be very conscience of the traffic issue. Pat
Cochran’s piece in the roundabout on Indian River Drive was discussed as a possibility. Ms. Rollins like
the marble piece on the river and the stainless steel piece in front of city hall.
Jon Ward explained the city is currently looking at putting a park in a lot on the southwest corner that was
the site of an old gas station across from Avenue D and 15 Street roundabout. This area would be a nice
area for a major piece with benches and would not be in the traffic lane. FPRA is currently pursuing this
lot and intends to own this lot and design an art park. Right now the city is doing a Phase 1
environmental study to determine the extent of damage from the former gas station. Jon Ward warned
that there is a significant vandalism problem in the area. While he likes the pieces with handmade glass,
the expense of repairs must be considered. The committee must consider the construction and the ability
of the piece to survive a lot of abuse when placing art in all areas. He states it needs to be a piece you can
“set it and forget it.”
The Linear Park
T.A. Wyner asked about the linear park. Jon Ward said there are great areas in the linear park for several
pieces of art along with a future $3 million bus station planned for the area. He suggested the committee
look at the new bridge at 8 Street as an example of the bridges that will be going over Moore’s Creek.
The park is designed and the city is ready to move on it. The power plant will be decommissioned in
May. He is working to get the natural gas line shut down and as soon as that is completed, the city will
move forward. He estimates that it will be 1 to 1 ½ years before the committee can put a piece of art
T.A. Wyner gave an update on the meeting of the Avenue D subcommittee’s call for artists. T.A. asked
Jon Ward if there would be additional monies for more than one piece at Avenue D and 15 Street. Jon
responded that the city would put art where appropriate.
Coach Fenn said he is going to participate in whatever level he can and also he will be speaking with
Commissioner Joe Smith but he is going to limit his participation on the subcommittees to the Ave D
project area.
Lawnwood – Coach Fenn Building
Joe Holiday updated the committee on the members of the subcommittee. He has asked Michelle Berger,
a member of City Council to be on the subcommittee.
Call to Artist
Bill Ward outlined the process of selecting a piece and asked for the subcommittees to have a first
meeting before the end of the month. Each subcommittee would get together, get to know each other, and
tour the proposed site. The call for artists goes out and the subcommittees meet again once the artists’
submissions have been received. Three of the best artists are selected. AiPP pays the artists a small
stipend of $600 to cover their cost of materials and their time to create a model. The subcommittee then
meets again to review the models and choose one. The choice is presented to the county commissioners.
Upon approval, contracts are drawn up and the artists receive an initial payment with a second during the
process and a final payment after the piece is installed. And then will have a reception.
Bill Ward discussed the new members and returning members to each subcommittees. He suggested
holding off on the call for artist until the committee had a good list of artists. Then advertise it in Art in
America and Art News. He suggested finding out each publication’s deadlines. Jack Connolly asked if
the committee was considering Indian River Magazine. Bill Ward stated that the committee needed to
wait until the committee had clear instructions for the artists, as some may not submit because poor
advertising has stung them in the past. Bill Ward asked for a site plans for the proposed sites and Jody
Bonet stated she would provide them to the committee. Bill Ward stressed the importance providing
information on the various sites so that there is good communication on the layout and design.
T.A. Wyner asked if the artist of the original Avenue D model had been paid. Heather Lueke stated that
there was never a signed contract and no payment for development of the entire sculpture. Jody reported
that the Avenue D model was paid for - $600. Bill Ward suggested to the committee that it might want to
think about upping the $600 model fee in the future.
Bill Ward suggested that AiPP general meetings be suspended during the two months of the summer
while the subcommittees focus on review of the call to artists proposals.
WoW2 Tours Subcommittee
Jody Bonet asked if AiPP wanted to create a subcommittee to address art tours. The committee discussed
of the time and logistics. The WoW2 symposium tour took 3-hour and might be broken into different
routes. Jon Ward suggested a tour from southern part of the county where there are only 2 sculptures. He
suggested that Port St. Lucie Art Association might want to sponsor the tour. The committee discussed
the limitations of the using the current county and city buses.
Historical Museum Sculpture Event
Jody Bonet told the committee that she is in discussion with Robin Poyner to return to St. Lucie County
and do another presentation at the Historical Museum around the 3 sculptures at the museum. John Hayes
noted that two of the artists do drumming and storytelling and would also like to come. Jon Ward
suggested getting a grant from the Humanities Council for the event.
The committee expressed its appreciation to the City of Fort Pierce for its contribution to the WOW2
symposium. The meeting adjourned at 4:35 PM. Next regular meeting is scheduled May 15, 2008 at
3:30 PM.