HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: 4A DATE: May 6, 2008 PRESENTATION [X] REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT D TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS l· .... SUBMITTED BY DEPT: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams Transit Manager Bike Safety Rodeo and presentation of Pedestrian Safety Poster award winners. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County Community Traffic Safety Team hosted their 2nd annual bike safety rodeo on April 12, 2008. The CTST is comprised of staff from the St. Lucie County BOCC, St. Lucie County Sheriff Department, Florida Department of Transportation, Port St. Lucie and Fort Pierce Police departments, Epilepsy Foundation of Florida and Florida Department of Health. This annual event was geared towards elementary and middle school students between grades three to eight. This year, the committee added a new component that encouraged students to display both their creative and artistic abilities by illustrating pedestrian safety. On April 12, 2008 St. Lucie County Commissioner Paula Lewis presented prizes to winners of the Individual and Group categories. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: None. N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners hear the Bike Safety Rodeo presentation and acknowledge the winners of the Pedestrian Safety Competition. COMMISSION ACTION: [>a APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent C oGrd InalloniS'Qnatu res CGU:1ty Attorrey· x ,'~\ j-l.·) J / .~ Management & Budget x i\ (I' PurchaSing: Originating Department: Other Other 0l..__1. . ;_~ ___. ~.~I. :+ _~~I:.__l..l_ AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 4B DA TE \llay 6, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ J CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-166 - Proclaiming May 10,2008, as "Lupus Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Kathleen Laca, Director of Community Relations, Lupus Foundation of America, Southeast Florida Chapter, Inc., has requested that this Board proclaim May 10,2008, as "Lupus Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-166 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-166 as drafted. [>1 APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Counëy Attorney: +-~.. Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing Origi~ating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicablel___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT}: County Attorney SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: COMMISSION ACTION: ITEM NO. 6B1 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Interlocal Agreement - Villa Vizcaya Community Development District - Two Lane Construction - St. James Drive See attached memorandum CA No. 08-0656 Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. [>'iÌ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent .-'/r, - / ¡ . l·"··' ~j<->' . [X] County Attorney: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, If applicable) Review and Approvals ]Management & Budget: Douglas Anderson County Administrator [ ]Purchasing: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr Effective 5/95 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 6.B.2. Date: May 6, 2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Humane Society ofSt. Lucie County, Inc. - Revised First Amendment to October 1,2006 Agreement to Add Spay/Nemer Clinics BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 08- Ofi66 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/ A): Account No. 102-6240-534000-600 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the revised First Amendment to the October 1, 2006 Agreement with the Humane Society of St. Lucie County, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. [>1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Douglas 1 . Anderson County Administrator "f . -'11 ,/l' County Attomey:._----=::' Coordination/Sienatures ~: Other. - ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, ¡fapplicable): AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 6.B.3. Date: May 6, 2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [XI TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Treasure Coast Sports Commission. - First Amendment to September 20, 2007 Contract BACKGROUND: See c.A. No. 08-0667 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): Account No. 611-5210-582000-500 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed First Amendment to the September 20, 2007 Agreement with the Treasure Coast Sports Commission, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. [>1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: E: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou as . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: C\ II I \ . /-:..' f"'" /.... Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Other· Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6 B 4 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC ?EARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT) : County Attorney Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator SUBJECT: Acceptance of grant award (Substance Abuse & Drug Trust ?und)in the amount of $40,800.00 from St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. BACKGROUND: On March 18, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved the establishment of the St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab. The Lab will serve offenders who are participating in the Mental Health Court, Drug Court, ?retrial Program, General Criminal Courts (misdemeanor & felony), Juveni~e and Family Courts (dependency, delinquency, family and domestic violence). The lab will also be available to test employees who work at a "drug free work place", such as St. Lucie County. Furthermore, the lab would not charge for testing County employees, therefore, reducing the budge~ costs for this service. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 100% funded by the County Mini-Grant and revenue from the State Department of Children and Families and Defendants, with no match required. The Drug Screening Lab Fund is 001-2360-389700-2053. PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 18, 2008, the Board approved the establishment of the lab. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance of the $40,800.00 grant award from the Alcohol/Drug abuse mini grant Program. Staff also recommends the approval of Budget Resolution 08-163, authorizing the expenditure of the grant funds for this program. COMMISSION ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED . Anderson Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent CJ1 Coordination/Siqnatures ~ L--!-- ll\fI County Attorney: X I/~ Management & Budget:_X_~~\ Purchasing: Originating Department:x_~~ Other: Finance: Check'f~;" Copy only, if applicable x Eff: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 665 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: 800 MHz - Frequency Reconfiguration Agreement with Nextel South Corp. - First Amendment BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum CA No. 08-0689 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the First Amendment to the Reconfiguration Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment. [.xl APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: E: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Douglas . Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: / ,~ [ ]Management & Budget: [ ]Purchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Soiid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B6 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Florida Communities Trust Heathcote Botanical Park I FCT Project 04-045-FF4 Amendment I to the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants BACKGROUND: Please see an attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: April 27,2004 - Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to submit a Grant Application to Florida Communities Trust for the Heathcote Botanical Park project. December 21, 2004 - Board of County Commissioners authorized the Chairman to sign and transmit the Grant Contract to Florida Communities Trust. March 20, 2007 - Board of County Commissioners approved an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, and Heathcote Botanical Gardens and the Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase with the City of Fort Pierce. February 19,2008 - Received Board of County Commission approval authorizing the Chairman to execute and record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Amendment I to the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, authorize the Chairman to execute the Amendment, transmit to Florida Communities Trust and record the Amendment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. [ ;J< APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent .~ [XX] County Attorney: Y Review and Approvals ] Environmental Resources: ] County Engineer' .,' II [XX] Originating Dept.: :: r~!- 1 Road & Bridge: 10MB: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 G:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\EnvironmentoJ\Heothcote Botanical Park\Amendment I Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Agenda Request.wpd AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO, (p6"7 Date: May 6, 2008 Regular r~ '] Public Hearing [ Consent IXJ.. TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney I-leather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Allied New Technologies, Inc. - Rangeline Road Buffer Landscaping Agreement and Escrow Agreement BACKGROUND: See CA No. 08-0682 FUNDS A V AIL-(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDA nON: Subject to the adoption of Resolution No. 08-095, staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Landscaping Agreement and Escrow Agreement with Allied New Technologies, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. 1}.;1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou as . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney' G.:l:...f) .' Originating Oep!.. /-\ (.-t>~ 1<-., " Coordination/Shmatures ~J~ Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): Mgt & Budget: Purchasing: Other: Other: ITEM NO. C-1 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval of Resolution 08-100 accepting the Florida Department Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) #424452-1-94-01 in the amount of $3,948 for 2.5% FDOT share with a matching local share of $3,948 for a total project cost of up to $157,896, for the installation of perimeter fencing at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: The Board has approved previous fencing projects at St. Lucie County International Airport designed to secure airport property. This JPA supports a $150,000 entitlement grant for perimeter fencing from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is anticipated to be received in September 2008. This JPA will enable the Airport to continue installation of fencing, gates and culverts for the perimeter security fencing. The local match for this grant is $3,948 and the FDOT JPA is for $3,948, for the project total of up to $157,896. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Fund to be determined with the Budget Resolution. PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approved this project as part of the Airport's FY2008 Capital budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 08-100 accepting the Florida Department Transportation Joint Participation Agreement #424452-1-94-01 in the amount of $3,948 for 2.5% FOOT share and a local share of $3,948 for a total project cost of up to $157,896, for the installation of perimeter fencing at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize Chair or designee to execute same. (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER o DERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent County Attorney ( ) Jr. CoO"';"";o"'s;,"a,"~ ^ Yl Mgt. & Budget ( )~ ~ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Other ( ) - /) ~ ." -/-. Originating Dept. (I/) ìo/-·-> Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) _ ITEM NO. C-2 DATE: May 6, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval for the First Amendment to Work Authorization #7 for LPA Group to provide consultant services to remove exotics on a 12.13 acre mitigation site at the St. Lucie County International Airport, for a lump sum cost of $32,000. BACKGROUND: As a condition of approval of the Vegetation Removal Permit for the Fixed Based Operator Ditch Relocation Project adjacent to Jet Service Center, the Environmental Resources Division (ERD) requested the removal of exotics on a 12.13 acre site at the corner of US1 and 25th Street. The site was previously set aside as mitigation for the removal of trees on the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility. The Board approved Work Authorization 7 for LPA Group to complete this project. A notice to proceed was never issued on the project because ERD suggested changes in the scope without changing the $32,000 cost of the project. The scope was revised and has now been approved by ERD but Work Authorization 7 needs to be amended to reflect the current scope. This work will be incorporated under an existing 80% grant from the Florida Department of Transportation. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140334-4220-563005-400 Infrastructure Cons. Eng. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the First Amendment to Work Authorization #7 for LPA Group to provide professional services to remove exotics at the 12.13 acre site on the corner of US 1 and 25th Street for a total lump sum cost of $32,000, and the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: (>1 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent ~ County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. (¡,¡--J~ _./ DOU A ERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coordination/Sic natu res Mgt. & B,dget( )~~ Other(1IÍ ~~C> . Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) ITEM NO. C-3 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval for Work Authorization #5 for DMJM Aviation Inc. to provide professional airport engineering services for the design and construction management services of the Phase 2 Access Control System for a total lump sum amount of $149,788 at St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: For the FY 2008 Capital Budget, the second phase of the security access control project was approved with a project cost of $1,545,648, with a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) grant of $1,236,518 and a local match of $309,130. The initial FDOT Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) funding that was approved by the Board In September 2007 (Resolution 07-021) reflected a project cost of $929,000 with FDOT grant of $743,200 and a $185,800 local match for the first half of the grant In April 2008, the Board approved resolution 08-098 accepting an FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (SJPA) of $536,800 for 80% of the $671,000 supplemental cost for the second half of this project. This FDOT SJPA also increased the total project cost from the original $1,545,648 to $1,600,000 ($1,280,000 FDOT and $320,000 local match) to allow for the Phase 2 design and installation of the security access control system at the Airport. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140351-4220-563005-4803 Infrastructure-Consulting Engineer PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board accepted the FDOT JPA and approved Resolution 07-271 for the second phase in September 2007. In November 2007 the Board approved Budget Resolution 07-341. In April 2008, the Board approved resolution 08-098 and accepted an FOOT SJPA for the second phase of the project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Work Authorization #5 for DMJM Aviation Inc. to provide professional airport engineering services for the design and construction of the Phase 2 Access Control System at St. Lucie County International Airport for a total project cost of $149,788, and the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: I (~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent DO A ERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. (d;;ê- ¡~ Coordi nation/S iQ natures Mgt. & Budget ( ~ m~ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. C-4 DATE: May 6,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request for approval of the First Amendment to Kimley-Horn and Associates Work Authorization No. 21, Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permitting, extending the time to complete until to February 1, 2008, with no change in cost. BACKGROUND: In anticipation of development, St. Lucie County International Airport contracted with Kimley-Horn to test, permit and remove gopher tortoises from the area west and north of the Jet Service Center including the Airport Rescue Fire Fighting Facility. Kimley-Horn also had to address issues with scrub jays on site, delaying the start of the FBO Ditch Relocation project. Kimley-Horn needed to remove gopher tortoises from the area but delayed it until all other permitting and approval processes had been complete. Kimley-Horn used the remaining professional hours allowed under Work Authorization 21 to oversee the task and invoiced for these services. While these services were included under Work Authorization 21, the time for the completion had past. Being a grant funded task, the purchase order had been rolled each year. The request with this amendment is to extend the time of the Work Authorization 21 to February 1, 2008 to cover these services. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140334-4220-563005-400 Infrastructure - Consulting Engineer - No additional funding is required, this is to extend time only. PREVIOUS ACTION: Kimley-Horn's Work Authorization #21 was approved by the Board in November 2005 to provide environmental services for the relocation of the gopher tortoises. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Kimley-Horn's First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 21, Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permitting, ext nding the time to complete to February 1, 2008, with no change in cost, and to authorize the Chair or desi to execute same. COMMISSION ACTION: ( ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent I DO DERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept ( Coord ination/Sianatu res Mgt & Budget ( ) ~ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. C-5 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT PRESENTED BY: DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval for Work Authorization #10 for LPA Group to provide consultant services to perform the baseline monitoring for the 120.12 acre mitigation site at the St. Lucie County International Airport, for a lump sum cost of $49,996. . BACKGROUND: As a condition of approval of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) Permits issued for the construction of the new runway and taxiway, a baseline mitigation monitoring is required. This baseline monitoring requires the monitoring of 30 transects, seven staff gauges, and 20 permanent photo stations. LPA Group will locate and mark the transects and the 20 photo stations. The seven staff gauges will be located under a separate surveying task. In addition, a vegetation survey will be made at each transect as well as observations of wildlife indicators. This task will be funded with the balance remaining on an existing Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) 80%/20% grant, FDOT Project No. 412398-1. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140334-4220-563005-400 Infrastructure Cons. Eng. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Work Authorization #10 for LPA Group to provide professional services to complete a baseline mitigation monitoring for the 120.12 acre mitigation site at St. Lucie County International Airport for a lump sum cost of $49,996, and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: '(>1 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent ~..- County Attorney ( ) Vet: Originating Dept (07.it~J DO DERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coord ination/Sianalures Mgl. & Budget ( ) ~ Other ( ) Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: ,]) 05/06/08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. I ] IX] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD I SUBJECT: Presented By . -. f ~ ) G(ow Management Director Petition of Allied New Technologies, Inc. to request approval of an adjustment to the Landscaping Plan modifying conditions of approval. This Agenda Item has a tandem Agenda Item containing the Landscaping Agreement, including a $315,300 escrow deposit, to be established for the project known as Allied New Technologies (flkla Miami Tank/Chem-Tex). Growth Management Department To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners BACKGROUND: This facility includes the previously expanded 55,444 square foot facility which provides for the manufacturing operation that will supply water treatment plants with necessary treatment chemicals to create potable water. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: The applicant has petitioned for an adjustment to the Landscaping Plan which has caused the requirement for a Landscaping Agreement, including a $315,300 escrow deposit, to be established. N/A October 16, 1984 original approval by the SOCC under Resolution 84-157; which was amended on August 13, 1985 under Resolution 85-171. April 17, 1990 under Resolution 90-100. July 24, 2007 under Resolution 07-135: Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan. September 4, 2007 under Resolution 07-274, a Development Order Amendment to modify conditions of approval. RECOMMENDATION: As proposed, the Growth Management Director recommends approval of the request for modifications to the Landscape Plan and conditions of approval which require a Landscaping Agreement. Staff recommends adoption of Draft Resolution NO.08-095. COMMISSION ACTION: i X I APPROVED U DENIED D OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent c::n /' . County Attorney ~ t Ctv. Enqineer: J4I ~hv£l , County Administrator Cty. Surveyor: Other: ,eJI Coordinationl Sig.f~~r~s E.R.D.: ~ Other: Form No. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.-E I DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ) PUBLIC HEARING [ ) CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS DEPT (4117) SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution #08-157 in the amount of $90,000 from Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration - Spoil Site Evaluation & Design Project. BACKGROUND: In 1998, the County initiated the Taylor Creek Dredging and Restoration Project, to remove the muck sediments from Taylor Creek. Removal of muck sediments from the tributaries to the Indian River Lagoon is a goal of the IRL National Estuary Program. In 1999, the County initiated a spoil site study, to select a location for the Taylor Creek Project. A total of 13 sites were evaluated for feasibility as potential dredge spoil disposal sites. In December of 2000, the County selected the "Seminole Property" as a potential permanent spoil site. In early 2001, the City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie Village objected to the use of the "Seminole Property" as a permanent spoil disposal site. The County proceeded with selection of an alternate location to be used as a temporary spoil site. The Port Property was determined to be the best location for a temporary spoil site, due to the fact that it was previously built out of dredged fill material. In September of 2003, Mr. Lloyd Bell granted the use of his Port Property as a temporary spoil site. In April of 2004, the County commenced construction of Phase 1 of the Taylor Creek Dredging Project. A 16 acre spoil disposal site was constructed for handling the muck sediments. The Project was completed in June of 2005, and the spoil site was removed from Mr. Bell's property in April 2007. The Phase 1 Project resulted in the removal and disposal of 94,767 cubic yards of muck sediments. Phase 2 involves the dredging of Taylor Creek in the upstream reach between the railroad and the C25 spillway structure. This phase will require dredging of an additional 100,000 cubic yards of muck sediments. A new spoil site must be located that can accommodate the processing of the muck sediments. FUNDS AVAIL: See attached Budget Resolution #08-157. PREVIOUS ACTION: 02/12/2008 - Approval of JPA with Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration - Spoil Site Evaluation & Design Project and Resolution # 08-050. FSTED's contribution is in the amount of $90,000 (75%) towards an estimated total project cost of $120,000. 12/12/2006 - Approval of Amendment #5 for 2nd Installment of $267,000 from SFWMD/FIND and time extension to September 1,2007. 01/27/2006 - Approval of Amendment #4 for time extension to March 1,2006. 11/23/2004 - Approval of Amendments 1, 2 and 3 to SFWMD grant for Taylor Creek Dredging. 03/5/2002 - Approval of Work Authorization No.3 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $17,500 for cost analysis and grant application preparation and submittal to FIND and SJRWMD. 02/5/2002 - Approval of Work Authorization #2 with BCI in the amount of $33,050 for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. 08/14/2001 - Approval of grant application submittal to FSTED in the amount of $700,000 for Taylor CreeklC25 Dredging and Restoration Project. 05/1/2001 - Approval of Cooperative Agreement between the County and SFWMD. 05/1/2001 - Approval of Work Authorization #1 with BCI in the amount of $137,000 for design and permitting of Taylor Creek Project. 03/7/2000 - Approval of Work Authorization #14 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $32,200 for a hydrogeologic study of the groundwater at the Seminole property. 02/15/2000 - Approval of Work Authorization #13 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $86,900 for sediment testing and analysis. 05/4/1999 - Approval of Work Authorization #12 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $25,220 for spoil site selection process. 03/9/1999 - Approval of Work Authorization #11 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $11,000 for preparation of FIND grant. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of Budget Resolution #08-157 in the amount of $90,000 from Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration - Spoil Site Evalu tion & Design Project. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent o gl sAnderson County Administrator Review a~provalS [X]O"g,.atl.g D.pt' i.,.b. Wk'.l~· (X]Co"'ty Alt.'"'~ (X]M~"ge_.t ".. B'd9'''~ [X]Purchasing: \. ~~ [] Parks & Recreation: [] Environmental Lands: [] Other [X] Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact tbe St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462- 1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) bours prior to tbe meeting. ITEM NO. E 2. DATE: May 06, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [ 1 CONSENT [xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Road Improvement Agreement with 84 Lumber Company, LLC, developers of the site on DiGiorgio Road, west of Enterprise Road. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Road Improvement Agreement with 84 Lumber Company, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. / COMMISSION ACTION: ['1; APPROVED [ 1 OTHER [ 1 DENIED Approved 4-0 l Commissioner Lewis Absent .~ [xl County Attorney I. i""", [x]Orig. Dept Public Works road Improvement agree nt 84 umber.ag ~. Coordination/S ianatu res [] Mgt. & Budget []Exec. Asst. 'S, 4~ [x] County Surveyor ¡(7.¡;../ [x]Env. Resources ¿,.¡ ¡./ r-;..A.,l/.ry ITEM NO. E3 DATE: May 6,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Second Amendment to the Agreement with H. W. Lochner, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Four- Laning of Midway Road from East of the Turnpike Bridge to South 25th Street. This amendment will provide for additional design work and field analysis in the amount of $190,470.02. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in: 101006-4116-563005-4118 and 101006-4116-563021- 4118 TransportationTrusVlmpact Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: July 26, 2005 - Board approved the short-listing of the three selected firms and authorized staff to request proposals from the firms. November 22,2005 - Board authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, H.W. Lochner, Inc. April 11 ,2006 - Board approved the agreement with HW. Lochner, Inc., in the amount of $1,718,442.90 for the design and permitting for the Four-Laning of Midway Road from east of the Turnpike bridge to South 25th Street. May 82007 - Board approved the First Amendment to the Agreement with HW. Lochner, Inc., in the amount of $188,052.04, for additional work associated with Canal 103 related to the design for the Four-Laning of Midway Road from east of the Turnpike bridge to South 25th Street. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with H.W. Lochner, Inc., in the amount of $190,470.02, for additional design work and field analysis related to the design for the Four-Laning of Midway Road from east of the Turnpike bridge to South 25th Street, and auth . the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] DENIED [~J APPROVED [ ] OTHER Dougl s A derson () Appro:ed 4-0 co. untYfl;inistrator e/ ,-CommIssIOner Lewis Absent <..:1b rl\( [xl County Attorney l^J ,..".. _ dudget ' , \~ [X]Exec. Asst. B.Pt t1 [xl Originating Dept. Public Works [xl Proj Mgr. fY\ I-l [ lOther Midway Widening contract second en ent.åg.doc ITEM NO. E4 DATE: May 6, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ l PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Approve Work Authorization NO.1 to Contract C07-07-381 with Boyle Engineering Corp. for Continuing Professional Roadway Design Services for the White City Drainage Improvements project for Citrus and Saeger Avenues in the amount of $109,000. This will be a cost share project 50/50 with South Florida Water Management District The County's share will be $54,500. The District's share will be $54,500. All work is to be completed on or before July 31, 2009. BACKGROUND: See attached Engineering Memorandum No 08-101 FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in the amount of $9,200 for Survey in Fund Number 102810-3725-563003- 4258 SFWMD White City Drainage Improvements Stormwater Management, in the amount of $93,000 for Engineering in Fund Number 102810-3725-563005-4258 SFWMD White City Drainage Improvements Stormwater Management, and in the amount of $6,800 for Reimbursables in Fund Number 102810-3725- 563021-4258 SFWMD White City Drainage Improvements Stormwater Management. PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 1, 2006, the Board approved Work Authorization NO.5 (C03-09-767) with LBFH, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services related to White City Drainage Improvements Project to Citrus and Saeger Avenues in the amount of $ 84,220.00 for the production of 30 percent plans and a presentation before the Indian River Issues Team for a grant match. On November 6, 2007, the Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 (C03-09-767), Engineering Services for White City Drainage Improvements to Citrus and Saeger Avenues Design) for an extension of time to December 31, 2007. On March 25, 2008, the Board approved a Local Government Agreement with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in the amount of 54,500 for the White City Drainage Improvements - Citrus and Saeger Avenues and Resolution #08-053 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Work Authorization No. 1 to Contract C07-07-381 with Boyle Engineering Corp. for Continuing Professional Roadway Design Services for the White City Drainage Improvements project for Citrus and Saeger Avenues in the amount of $109,000. Approved 4-0 :::ommissioner Lewis Absent l^J .....vl"ll.u, r-'.........~:J o t~ [Xl Mgt & Budget [X] Exec. Assista nt [X] Grant Specialist .1/^~[X] ~-[:'] ¡t. " COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ l OTHER [ l DENIED Originating DePt, Public Works ~.lJ\. Purchasing Dept (Check for copy I approval only, if applicable) [X] Project Manager t.] Finance L..... ITEM NO. E5 DATE: May 6,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [ 1 CONSENT [xl SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Approve Work Authorization NO.1 to Contract C07 -07 -459 with Nodarse & Associates for professional services for the Lennard Road 1, 2, and 3 Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) projects to perform additional work to provide geotechnical data in the amount not to exceed $10,000. The additional geotechnical information will supplement our bidding documents, which should result in very competitive bids. BACKGROUND: The Lennard Road MSBU projects entail: Lennard Road MSBU 1 for paving and drainage; Lennard Road MSBU 2 for Water; and Lennard Road MSBU 3 for Sewer. Work Authorization No.1 to Contract C07-07-459 with Nodarse & Associates is for additional geotechnical information. See attached Memorandum Number 08-107 for additional information. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Fund No. 396-4115-563005-4502. PREVIOUS ACTION: 0n June 6,2000, the Board created the Lennard Road MSBU projects 1,2, and 3 for paving and drainage, water, and sewer improvements, respectively. On September 26, 2000, the Board approved Work Authorization Numbers 8, 9, and 10 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. to design and permit the Lennard Road MSBU projects 1 (paving and drainage), 2 (water), 3 (sewer), and Environmental for the entire Lennard Road project in the amounts of $294,870 and Work Authorization No. 11 for Surveying Services for Land Acquisitions for the Ultimate (4-lane) segment of Lennard Road in the amount of $175,680. On April 3, 2001, the Board approved the First Amendment to WA No 8 for the removal of Environmental Assessment and Permitting services in the deductive amount of ($6,020). On August 26,2003, the Board approved the Second Amendment to WA No 8 for additional services: Task 8 - Wetland Delineation and Task 9 - Gopher Tortoise Blood Sampling in the amount of $4,600 both related to Environmental Assessment and Surveying Services relative to the boundaries within the project On April 6, 2004, the Board Approved the Third Amendment to WA No 8 for additional services: Task 10- Surveying Services, Task 11 - Design and Permitting Modifications, Task 12 - Landscaping Services, and Task 13 - Fencing in the amount of $11,940 all for acquisition purposes. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Work Authorization NO.1 to Contract CO?- 07-459 with Nodarse & Asociates, Inc. for Continuing Professional Engineering Services for the Lennard Road 1,2, and 3 Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) projects in the amount not to exceed $10,000. COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 3-1 Commissioner Grande NO [ ~k APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Commissioner Lewis Absent [x] County Attorney [x] Project. Manager [.'.] Comm. Services Dir 0t UJ. [x] Mgt. & Budget ~4p fÝÌ~ [] Fiscal Coordinator I2e.. [x] MSBU Coordinator _ [x] Originating Dept. Public Works ~~\Ñ' [~] Purchasing Dept Ç+ o (Check lor copy only, il applicable) ITEM NO. E6 DATE: May 6, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Approve Change Order NO.4 in the deductive amount of ($5,568.01) to the South 26th Street Area Improvements project, Contract No. C06-11-782 with Ric-Man International, Inc. for adjustments to quantities and modification to the plans. In addition to the change order staff requests of the Board a reduction in the retainage from 5% to 1 % from the amounts of $110,160.92 to $22,032.18, respectively, to assist the Contractor to finalize the project BACK.GROUND: This project entails the installation of a sanitary sewer and storm water systems within the existing South 26th Street Area neighborhood. See attached Memorandum 08-096 for additional information FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Fund Numbers: 001404-6420-563000-600, Infrastructure - CDBG Streets, 001404-6420-563034-600, Infrastructure - CDBG Streets, 001404-6420-534025-600, Infrastructure - CDBG Sewer, and 001404-6420-534210-600, Infrastructure - CDBG Sewer. PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 4, 2006, the Board approved the Inter-Local agreement with the City of Fort Pierce and FPUA for the South 26th Street Area Community Development Block Grant On November 11,2006, the Board approved the award of Contract C06-11-782 to Ric-Man International, Inc., in the amount of $1,963,687.00. On March 20, 2007, the Board approved Change Order NO.1 to Ric-Man International, Inc., in the amount of $422,400.00, outside of contingency funds, for construction of individual residential sanitary sewer connections, and approved Budget Resolution No. 07-098 to accept the grant award amendment On April 24, 2007, the Board approved Change Order NO.2 to Ric-Man International, Inc., in the amount of$18,88410 for installation of rip-rap rubble and canal side slope stabilization. On September 25, 2008, the Board approved Change Order NO.3 to Ric-Man International, Inc. in the deductive amount of ($25,392.00), for adjustments to quantities and modification to the plans as well as a reduction in the retainage amount by half (from 10% to 5%) from $210,860.19 to $105,430.09. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Change Order NO.4 in the deductive amount of ($5,568.01) for adjustments to quantities and modification to the plans for a total contract price of $2,373,971.09 and reduce the retainage amount from 5% to 1% from the amounts of $110,160.92 to $22,032.18, resp ively for the South 26th Street Area Improvements project, Contract NO.C06-11-782 with Ric-Man International nc/ COMMISSION ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED /' Dou anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent [x] County Attorney [x] Project. Manager [] Comm. Services. Dir 0./ I/o:{ ,'h,-'l [x] Mgt. & Budget :&i( \\ì~[X} [} Fiscal Coordinator f!e- [.] [xl MSBU Coordinator _ [] Originating Dept. Public Works -1:..~\"". Purchasing Dept i i (Check for copy only, if applicab ) CÔUNTY ""' FLORIDA AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. E 7' DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Indian River Drive Shoreline Restoration (Hurricane Repairs) - Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 13 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for a time extension in which all work shall be completed on or before December 31,2008. No additional funding required. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. Funds encumbered on P2611242 - 101003-4113-531000-1902 - Local Option Transportation Trust Hurricane Jeanne PREVIOUS ACTION: On OctQber 15,2004, bids were opened for Indian River Drive-North Project. The low bidder is Dickerson Florida, Inc. in the amount of $9,134,025.89. On October 14, 2004, bids were opened for Indian River Drive-South Project. The low bidder is Hubbard Construction in the amount of $6,937,205.95. On October 15, 2004, bids were opened for Indian River Drive-Middle Project. The low bidder is Ranger Construction in the amount of $8,944,151.47. October 22,2004 - Award construction materials testing to Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for the Indian River Drive North, South, and Middle Projects in the amount of $1,139,939.44. September 20,2005 - Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 13 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing extending the contract to December 31, 2005. April 18, 2006 - Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No. 13 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for the purpose of extending the contract to December 31, 2006. No additional funding required. May 1 , 2007 - Board approved the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 13 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for a time extension in which all work shall be completed on or before December 31,2007. No additional funding required. These projects are a result of hurricane damage. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Fourth Amendmentto Work Authorization No. 13 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for a time extension in which all work shall be completed on or before December 31,2008. No additional funding required. Authorization for the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [":J:: APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent )llJvUUlllY.M.llUIIIt:y [x]Originating Dept. Public Works wa 13 amend 4 dunkelberger Indi Riv r Drive.ag CoordinatlonlSianatures [ JMgt. & Budget [x]Project Manager fY\ l-r [x]Exec.Asst. .B1ì t1 [ ]Other_ ITEM NO. £Sš DATE: May 6, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Seminole Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway - Change Order No.2 to the contract with Johnson-Davis, Inc. for installation of aluminum handrail in the amount of $6,120.00. The date of completion is May 30, 2008. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in 101003-41131'563000-43039 Transportation Trust-Local Option-Culvert Replacement. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 25, 2007 - Board approved award of Seminole Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway to Johnson-Davis, Inc. in the amount of$152,615.00. February 26,2008 - Board approved Change Order No.1 to the contract with Johnson-Davis, Inc. for a time extension only for the Seminole Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends BOCC approve Change Order No.2 to the contract with Johnson-Davis, Inc. for installation of handrail in the amount of $6,120.00 for the Seminole Canal Culvert Replacement at Winter Garden Parkway, and authorization for the Chair to sign. [;-;~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: [x] County Attorney [x] Originating DepL Public Works Seminole Canal Culvert Rep. @ WI ter G Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent 6~ \tß [xl Mgt. & Budget I-iJrJ 'Yi LxI Proj. Man. . [xl Exec. Asst. e> Prt'\ [ ] Purchasing den C02.ag Dou la Anderson County Administrator ~111 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. E9 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: £; /LLI/:o~ Michael Powley, P.E. County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Change Order No. 10 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., in the amount of $191 ,460.24 for SR 615/S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road). This Change Order is primarily for signalization at the new Ft. Pierce Central High School. The school board is responsible for all costs related to this work. Some drainage pipe unrelated to the school has also been incorporated into this Change Order. Additionally, we are requesting approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-165. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. Funds will be made available in 101001-4115-563000-4108 Transportation Trust Interlocals Eng-Public Works - $175,000. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - BOCC approval of Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construct the South 25th Street widening. June 28, 2005 - Board approved award of SR 615 S. 25m Street to Dickerson Florida, Inc., in the amount of $18,457,554.79. November 8,2005 - Board approved Change Order NO.1 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), in the amount of $49,349.55, for modification of plan quantities to facilitate construction. December 20, 2005 - Board approved Change Order NO.2 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), for modification of plan quantities in order to ensure the safety of the public (and will not change the contract dollar amount). April 25, 2006 - Board approved Change Order No.3 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 251h Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), for modification of plan quantities and safety enhancements in the amount of $408,525.26. This also includes Midway Road and Selvitz Road Intersection Improvements. Jul~ 18, 2006 - Board approved Change Order No.4 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25t Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), for modification of plan quantities, improvements, and additional safety features. This will not increase the overall project cost. February 13, 2006 - Board approved Change Order No.5 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), for additional services, to modify project quantities in the construction plans, and an additional 39 days. February 27,2007, the Board approved a Joint Site Agreement with St. Lucie County School Board accepting $168,287.50 to redesign and construct intersections and entrances to the new Ft. Pierce Central High School at S. 25th Street. March 27, 2007 - Board approved Change Order NO.6 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), in the amount of $463,711.49, to modify project quantities and signalization, and will require an additional 7 days. July 3,2007 - Board approved Change Order NO.7 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), in the amount of $201 ,485.08, to modify project quantities, including Ft. Pierce Central High School, and will require an additional 33 days. Au~ust 7, 2007 - Board approved Change Order NO.8 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615 S. 25t Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road), to reduce the contract amount by $717,084.95. April 1 ,2008 - Board approved Change Order NO.9 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615/S. 251h Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) in the amount of $182,175.25, approve a reduction of retainage from ten percent ($1,651,316.29) to five percent ($825,658.14). March 25,2008 - Board approved Resolution No. 08-112 and First Amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT. April 22, 2008 - Board approved the redistribution of project fundin~ for SR 615/S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) and Midway Road Widening (S. 25 h St.-Turnpike bridge), RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order NO.1 0 to the contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for SR 615/S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) in the amount of $191,460.24 and Budget Resolution No. 08-Ib5, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: [x)Originating Dept. Public Works [ ]Finance S. 25"' Widening Dickerson C01 .ag.doc Do la . Anderson County Administrator CoordinationlSianatuf!! ~ r1 .-/ [x]Mgt. & Budget ¡( -1?....--.( III ~ [x]Exec. Asst.. e,¡:..y\. [xJProg. Mgr. C 'ß []ather Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent I;sV· [x]County Attorney Ii-/:- 1"(:~.'t'li'A~.~)if.l!W.~~~1)r.~;;q~Jf:D~a~r~:=~~~3:~ià "~,:::~,1fl'l-~,W1il~éiif¥i;::;:::¡::¡::qQ:i;~t:i~J\~J]"'';:~~i~1¡'i., ,:¡¡- ,~,;j~j;~#~~'~i{I\ih!\i;Irrl1:'\.~,P" i2:~'i\ ,iJ~~~w'~'ð',J~''" -,'" i~~Jli';~~æ·~-·"1·"-"'· ITEM NO. F1 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: Fourth Amendment to Contract C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services for Pest Control Services BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 107-712-534000-1645 (Other Contractual Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 8, 2008 the Board approved the third amendment to Contract C06-07-407 adding the New Clerk of Courts Building. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the fourth amendment to contract C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~.«) APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent DO NDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coordination/S iqnatures County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. ( ) !V Mgt. & Budget (X~ Purchasing (X) \,\¿ ~ Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. F2 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Approval of Work Authorization No. 16 for Contract C04-11-622 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102111-3920-563000-300 (Improvements other than Buildings) PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 4, 2007 the Board approved the contract and grant with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (2006-0114-006) for the 81. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements in the amount of $200,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of Work Authorization No. 16 to Contract C04-11- 622 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $117,774.00, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney. ~'1 ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED ou a . Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Environmental Resources Div. (X) ~ (X)#- CoordlnationlSi Purchasing (X) '\ ~\i. County Attorney Mgmt & Budget (X) Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) t-......_,--~ ':,- - J:=:: ITEM NO. F3 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Professional Surveying Services Contracts BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the First Amendment to the Professional Surveying Services Contracts and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: -- Þ<l APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Com' . mlSSlOner Lewis Ab sent Coord ination/Siqnatures County Attorney (X) ¡31- Engineering (X) -.&\vt) Mgt. & Budget (\ Purchasing (X) ~ Other ( ) 'f/&I Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ (!"cx...'--ry .;f...,;l.~7'o/Z ITEM NO. F4 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT[X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Professional Utility Engineering Services Contracts BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that· the Board approve the First Amendment to the Professional Utility Engineering Services Contracts and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: [:1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou s . Anderson County Administrator Coordi nation/S iQnatures County Attorney (X) !.2r Mgt. & Budget ( Other ( ) ~ \ \ Purchasing (X) _ ì I \ Utilities (X) irK1.,/ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. F5 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: Second Amendments to Contracts C06-05-290 with Dickerson Florida, Inc. and C06-05-293 with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. for the purchase of asphalt BACKGROUND: See the attached memo FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #101002-4110-553200-400 (Road Material) PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 8, 2007 the Board approved the first amendment to contracts C06-05-293 with Ranger Construction and C06-05-290 with Dickerson Florida Industries, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the second amendment to contracts C06-05-290 with Dickerson Florida and C06-05-293 with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. and permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney's office. COMMISSION ACTION: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou A erson County Administrator County Attorney (X) ,0v' ,P Coordin ation/SiQn atures Mg!. & 8"dget (X~ Other ( ) Purchasing (X) \ \:f\ ..~-~. ... Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. F6 DATE: 05/06/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: Please see the attached Property Disposition forms from various Sf. Lucie County BOCC departments with regard to removal of inventory items. These items will be sold as surplus at auction. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCU~NCE: / þ(J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou Anderson County Administrator Coordi nation/SiQnatures County Attorney: ( X) tJJ: Mgl. & Budget:{ ) Purchasing Dir.: (X) \~Q~ Other: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (Check lor Copy only, il Applicable) ITEM NO. F7 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: First amendment to contract C06-08-446 with SchenkelShultz Architecture, Inc. for the design of the Emergency Operations Center BACKGROUND: Please see the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001419-2510-562004-2615 PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 15, 2006, the Board approved contract #C06-08-446 with SchenkelShultz Architecture, Inc. for the design of the Emergency Operations Center RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the first amendment to contract C06-08-446 with SchenkelShultz Architecture, Inc. in the amount of $ 4,339.00 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (}1 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent ,)Y County Attorney 2-:~ J Public Safety cf..~":::;' Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Coordination/Siqnatures ~ ·1 / /¡ . Mgt & Budget (X) .~-vJ) ~f~ Purchasing (x)L Other ( ) ITEM NO. Fa DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: First amendment to contract C06-06-369 with F.H.S. Incorporated for cleaning services for Solid Waste Department BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account # 401-341 0-534000-300 (Contracted Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 20, 2006 the Board approved the award of the contract for cleaning services to F.H.S. Incorporated RECOMM EN DATION: Staff recommends Board approve the first amendment to contract C06-06-369 with F.H.S. Incorporated extending the contract term trough June 19, 2009, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney COMMISSION ACTION: ( ) APPROVED () DENIED ( >f. OTHER Pulled Prior to Meeting !ft~ County Attorney (X) e Mgt. & Budget ( ) Solid Waste (X) Ø- Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Coordination/Siqnatures Purchasing (X) l.~ ~ Other ( ) ITEM NO. F9 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: First amendment to contract C06-06-414 with Walsh Environmental Services, Inc. for Water and Sewer Monitoring Services BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Account #001-7210-534000-700 (Other Contractual Services) Account #001-7420-534000-700 (Other Contractual Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 6, 2006 the Board awarded the contract to Walsh Environmental Services for the Water and Sewer Monitoring Services RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the first amendment to contract C06-06-414 with Walsh Environmental Services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent NDERSON COUNTY COMMISSION ACTION: ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney (X) ,Jr" Coordi nation/Siqnatures Mgt. & B"dget (X)~ Originating Dept. ( ) Purchasing (X) \ ~ C', . Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. F10 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: Second Amendments to contracts C05-06-304 with Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc., C05-06-305 with ADAPCO, Inc., C05-06-306 with Golf Ventures, Inc., C05-06-313 UAP Timberland, LLC, C05-06-314 with Helena Chemical Company, C05-06-315 with Univar, USA, and C05-06-320 with Red River Specialties, Inc. for Bid #05-039 - Purchase of Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers BACKGROUND: See Attached memo FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various department operating budgets. PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 20, 2006 the Board approved the first amendment to the contracts for Bid No. 05-039, Purchase of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Second Amendment to contracts C05-06- 304 with Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc., C05-06-305 with ADAPCO, Inc., C05-06-306 with Golf Ventures, Inc., C05-06-313 UAP Timberland, LLC, C05-06-314 with Helena Chemical Company, C05-06-315 with Univar, USA, and C05-06-320 with Red River Specialties, Inc. for Bid #05-039 - Purchase of Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (>1 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Coord ination/Siqnatu res County Attorney (X) 7'/ ¿ r Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) \..\~, Other ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. F11 DATE: 05/06/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: First amendment to contract C06-06-351 (Accurate Tennis Courts), C06-06-373 (Commercial Fence Contractors), C06-06-332 (Martin Fence Company), C06-06- 327 (Quality Fence Contractors) and C06-06-325 (Stuart Fence Company) for Continuing Contracts for Fencing Contractors BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various Department Accounts. PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 20, 2006 the Board awarded five (5) contractors continuing contracts for Fencing RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the first amendment to contracts C06-06-351 (Accurate Tennis Courts, Inc.), C06-06-373 (Commercial Fence Contractors), C06-06-332 (Martin Fence Company), C06-06-327 (Quality Fence Contractors) and C06-06- 325 (Stuart Fence Company) for Fencing Contractors, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (>i APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Do g Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Coord i nation/Siqnatu res County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. ( ) W' Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing (X) \\.~Q . Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST t~1::.:t'l¡N..~~J' 1:1.tr,·~r-t<~tf'~ ¿~ ."~ <:'S"'m.{ ">~ ~'\l. ITEM NO: G1 DATE: May 6, 2008 _' "Î(.~ '" r',,'r-1.:;.~ :'~.: ," ':;1' 1, .' ~' ':.:" . REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] SUBMITTED BY DEPT: " ~~...J Carine C. Williams Transit Manager SUBJECT: Application forthe FY08/09 Trip/Equipment Grant with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged for trips for our transportation disadvantaged citizens and Resolution No. 08-158. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO: Community Services PRESENTED BY: BACKGROUND: Yearly the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) allocates funds to each Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for non-sponsored trips for the transportation disadvantaged. The allocation for St. Lucie County for State FY08/09 is $360,182 and requires a local match of $40,020. The project dates are 07/01/2008 - 06/30/2009. This grant is used to purchase trips for the transportation disadvantaged whose transportation needs are not provided under another program. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The 10% Local Match will be paid from the St. Lucie County MSTU. PREVIOUS ACTION: Annually, the Board appropriates the match, approves and accepts the Trip/Equipment Grant with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged. RECOMMENDATION: Annually, the Board appropriates the match, and applies for the Trip/Equipment Grant with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and approval Resolution No. 08-158. COMMISSION ACTION: CONl.,;U K ['fAPPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: u~s M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent coOrdinatiOn/Siq~natures , Management & Budget x . . Other Purchasing: County Attorney: ~ ~ v " .,...., I Criginating Department: Other: Finance: x Check far copy only, if appiicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO:G2 DATE: May 6,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY DEPT: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams Transit Manager Approval to submit an application for the State FY08/09 Shirley Conroy Rural Capital Assistance Grant with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and Resolution 08-159. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County received funds from the rural Capital Assistance Grant program to purchase a less than 30 foot bus. If funds are granted they will become available July 1,2008. Community Services and Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. have determined that this grant request should be for a transit bus less than 30 foot to assist in transporting residents located outside the fixed route zone. The total project cost is $99,000 and requires a 10% match of $9900. The project dates are 7/1/2008- 6/30/2009. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: The 10% required match will come from the SLC Public Transit MSTU. Annually, the Board appropriates the match, approves and accepts the Shirley Conroy grant with the Transportation Disadvantaged. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the application and contract for the grant, authorization for the Chairman to sign and approval of Resolution No. 08-159. COMMISSION ACTION: Pi APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent County Attorney: x ""'" ,"'1 Coordi nationl Siona lures Management & Budget x '~. r \.¡'.:(\ r ' ,. " " Purchasing: Originating Department __._ Other Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: G-3 DATE: May 6,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT pP{] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ;' SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department PRESENTED BY: John Franklin Housing Manager SUBJECT: Request approval to reject Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Bids 18, 19,20 and 21; and permission to re-bid Housing Rehabilitation Bids 18,19,20 and 21. BACKGROUND: On April 3, 2008, CDBG Housing rehabilitation bids 18-21 were opened. After the bid opening, Housing staff determined a change in bid scope was necessary. FUNDS AVAIL: 001404-6420-549610-600 (CDBG DRI 2004) 001184-6420-549610-600 (CDBG DRI 2005) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to reject Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Bids 18, 19, 20 and 21; and permission to re-bid Housing Rehabilitation Bids 18, 19, 20 and 21. COMMISSION ACTION: [>i APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER County Attorney: x ')\::1 i~!\~?'" './_,:/~- Onglnating Department: x '.2' , Dougla M Ander~on County Administrator Coord ination/Sig natu res f.lQ j --;", Management & Budget xl \ , Purchasing ~~ APproved 4-0 . . ner Lewis Absent CommlsS10 Other' Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: G L{ DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT J~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department PRESENTED BY: John Franklin Housing Manager SUBJECT: Request approval to reject all proposals for RFP #07-056 due to incorrect advertising; and permission to advertise for grant administration and project delivery services for grant contract numbers 07DB-3V-10-66-01-Z04 and 08DB- 03-10-66-0 1-A05. BACKGROUND: The Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Community Development Block Grant Program Disaster Recovery Initiative consists of funds to assist with various eligible CDBG Housing Activities such as new construction, rehabilitation, and replacement FUNDS AVAIL: NJA PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 15, 2006, the Board authorized the Chair to sign the grant application to submit a $1,332,433 funding request to Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative for funds to assist with various eligible CDGB Housing Activities such as new construction, rehabilitation, and replacement and allow S1. Lucie County to enter into an interlocal and sub recipient agreements with the Cities of Fort Pierce and Port S1. Lucie to receive this funding, S1. Lucie County to receive $466,322. On November 14, 2006, the Board approved the advertisement, bid selection, award, and to enter into a contract with the highest ranked firm for Project Delivery Services and Administration for the FY06 Florida Community Development Block Grant Program Disaster Recovery Initiative. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to reject all proposals for RFP #07-056; and permission to advertise for grant administration and project delivery services for grant contract numbers 07DB-3V-10-66-01-Z04 and 08DB-D3-10-66-01-A05. County Attorney x '~, f.-- OD'-! . " "...., f':'! Originating Department: x ¿~_. .','- oug s MAnderson County Administrator Coord i nation/Signatures Management & Budget xACf.i ~~ Other: COMMISSION ACTION: E: [~1 APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Purchasing x , A/.~ ~)- Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. H DATE: May 6,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: David Brooks Enterprises, Inc. Change Order No. 25 to #C05-12-636 Construction of the New Clerk of Courts Building, Downtown Chiller Plant and Phase I of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1930-562000-15010 (General Fund-Bldgs) / 316-1930-562000-15010 (County Capital-Bldgs) 001-1930-562000-FE003C (Bldgs-FEMA/Ins.) / 316-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) 310003-1930-562000-16012(Buildings) / 316-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) 317-1930-562000-16012 (Buildings) /315-1930-562000-16014 (Buildings) PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 15, 2008, Item No. F-2, the Board approved Change Order No. 23 & No. 24 to #C05-12-636, to increase contract time four days for the Chiller Plant and increase the Owner Direct Purchase Order Allowance for the Old Clerk of Courts Remodel Projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No. 25 to #C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises. Change Order No. 25 will increase the contract by $279,062; the new contract sum will be $18,058,910. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the Count Attorney. MISSION ACTION: þ-{J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ou Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent v~ County Attorney: . Originating o;;;-::t "OU vA .j)~ Coordination/Si Mgt. & Budget: ¡(:çÐ Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Elf. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-276 DAVID BROOKS C.O. 25.DOC ITEM NOJ:1 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: May 6,2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [Xl TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants I Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Permission to accept grant agreement, and Budget Resolution 08-161, for funding from the State of Florida E911 (Enhanced 9-1-1) County Grant Program Office- Department of Management Services for funding to purchase an improved 911 Phone System. Funding received will be utilized for purchase and installation of an effective E911 system that includes recording, generator(s), and customer premises equipment, in an effort to upgrade St. Lucie County Public Safety in the amount of $1,019,393.06. BACKGROUND: The purpose of the E911 State Grant Program is to assist counties with the installation of Enhanced 911 systems and to provide "seamless" Enhanced 911 throughout the State of Florida. The grant provides funds that will be utilized to replace the County's 911 system and upgrade to E911 equiptment that is compatible with the modern use of text, data, images, and video that are increasingly common in personal communications and are critical to future transportation safety and mobility advances. Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL: There is no match required by the County. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 22, 2008, the board approved submitting the application to the State of Florida E911 County Grant Program. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the grant agreement, and Budget Resolution 08-161, between the State of Florida E911 County Grant Program - Department of Management Services and St. Lucie County in the amount of $1 ,019,393.06. [)..;] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Douglas Anderson County Administrator Purchasing: Other, County Attorney: Originating DePt'--l~ Finance: (copies onl : JJ/ Mgt &: Budget: Public Works: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.I2 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants I Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Permission to accept grant agreement, and approval of Budget Resolution 08-162, for funding from the State of Florida E911 (Enhanced 9-1-1) County Grant Program Office - Department of Management Services for funding to purchase an enhanced database management and call routing system for E911 Telecommunications, in an effort to upgrade the St. Lucie County Public Safety, in the amount of $50,000.00. BACKGROUND: The purpose of the E911 State Grant Program is to assist counties with the installation of Enhanced 911 systems and to provide "seamless" Enhanced 911 throughout the State of Florida. The grant provides funds that will be utilized to replace and upgrade to much needed database equipment to effectively store data / records. Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL: There is no match required by the County. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 22, 2008, the board approved submitting the application to the State of Florida E911 County Grant Program. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of the grant agreement, and Budget Resolution 08-162, between the State of Florida E911 County Grant Program - Department of Management Services and St. Lucie County in the amount of $50,000.00. [>1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent County Attorney: ~ Originating Dept, ~ Finance: (copies onltþ : Dougl derson County Administrator purchasing: Other. Mgt ¡¡ Budget: Public Works: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO:-I.3 DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XI TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice SUBJECT: Permission to accept grant agreement, and approval of Budget Resolution 08-164, from the Major League Baseball Charity, Inc. - Baseball Tomorrow Fund Program for baseball field renovations at Martin Luther King Jr. - Dreamland Park. BACKGROUND: The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association that was established in 1999 through a $10 million commitment by Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association. The mission of BTF is to promote and enhance the growth of youth participation in baseball and softball throughout the world by funding programs, fields, coaches' training, and the purchase of uniforms and equipment to encourage and maintain youth participation in the game. FUNDS AVAIL: The County's match of $25,800 is in the 2007-2008 Parks and Recreation Budget (# 310002-7210-563000-7697) for Martin Luther King, Jr. - Dreamland Park. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 22, 2008, the board approved submitting the application to the Major League Baseball Charity, Inc.- Baseball Tomorrow Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of the grant, approval of the letter of agreement (including BOCC Chairman signature), and Budget Resolution 08-164, between the Major League Baseball Charity, InC.-Baseball Tomorrow Fund in the amount of $39,000. [ >-<l APPROVED [ l OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Dou a Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: (copies ~ H~-- only': Coordination/Si Mgt & Budget: ~~ Public Works: Purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. J DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration TO: Board of County Commissioners SUB1ECT: Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regiona BACKGROUND: See attachments FUNDS AVAILABLE: None PREVIOUS ACTION: See attachments RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends sending the attached letter to the Governor notifying him the County will not underwrite their office costs for rental space. COMMISSION ACTION: ÞkAPPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved 4-0 . Commissioner LeWIS Absent Review and Approvals County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: (Clleck For Copy only, IF applicable) Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. K I DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [XI TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Environmental Resources Dep1. PRESENTED BY: Amy Mott, Environmental Regulations Manager SUBJECT: Approval of budget resolution #08-153, to set up grant account for the S1. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements (FL) (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation No. 2006-0114-006). The budget resolution includes $200,000 grant funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. No S1. Lucie County matching funds are required. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN: 102111-3920-563000-300 (Improvements other than Buildings) PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 4,2007 the Board approved the contract and grant with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (2006-0114-006) for the S1. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Budget Resolution #08-153, request for the Board budget resolution #08-153, to set up grant account for the S1. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements (FL) (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation No. 2006-0114-006). [>4 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Doug s M. Anderson County Administrator /1 ,L/J County Attorney: ,'-. -'- Management & Budget Originating DeptJra..9.- Public Works: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) _. Coordination/SÍ!:!l1atures . 1'1'·" ~j'.. !~'Purchasing:~ Other: ITEM NO. K2 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Environmental Resources Dept. Sandra BOQan. Education & Outreach Manaqer SUBJECT: Bicycle, Pedestrian, Greenways & Trails Master Plan BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No funding is requested. PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 9, 2005 the Board granted permission to advertise for a Bicycle, Pedestrian, Greenways & Trails Master Plan RFP. On November 22, 2005 the Board granted permission to negotiate with the top-ranked firm Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin, Inc. (GJKA). On April 18, 2006, the Board approved Budget Amendment BA06-102 to take $70,000 from General Fund Contingency to increase the budget for the Master Plan. On May 9, 2006, the Board approved the agreement with (GJKA) and On October 10, 2006, the Board approved the First Amendment to Agreement C06-05-362 with Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin, Inc. On March 27, 2007, the Board approved the Second Amendment to the Agreement C06-05-362, extending the time of completion to September 27, 2007. On December 11, 2007, a presentation and copy of the draft Master Plan was given to the Board for review and feedback. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the St. Lucie County Bicycle, Pedestrian, Greenways & Trails Master Plan dated March 2008. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approv«l 4-0 (Cocom. ~Mò51\~"'tì DO G NDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coordination/SiQ natu res Mgt. & Budget ( ) Other ( ) Purchasing ( County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. (X) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST "",';', ...~.. ]"1 II TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney ITEM NO. '16.- DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [x] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Petition for Abandonment 5-feet of a 60-foot Drainage Easement in Holiday Pines Resolution No. 08-l28 BACKGROUND: Please see attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Resolution No. 08-128 instruct staff to publish the final Notice of Abandonment, record Resolution No. 08-128 Proof of Publication of the Notice of Intent to Abandon, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Abandonment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Douglas . Anderson County Administrator [x] County Attorney: ~/ Revie~ and Aoorovals [x] Road and Bridgé~ [x] Engineering:~ [x] Originating Dcpt: Sr.I K. [xJ Public Works:~, [ ] Purchasing: To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: o APPROVED D OTHER Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: Iß 5/6/08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Quasi-JD [ x ] ~en dBy . ç- G wth Management Director Petition of Angle Road Investment Company for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) and IX (Industrial, Extraction) Zoning Districts to the PUD (Planned Unit Development - Millers Plantation) Zoning District and Final Planned Unit Development Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Millers Plantation - PUD. Draft Resolution No. 08-090. (File No.: PUD RZ 72007-1279.) Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department The petitioner is proposing a residential development of 404 dwelling units (308 single family units and 96 multiple-family dwelling units) on 202.35 acres for property located on the south side of Angle Road, approximately 1/4 mile west of Kings Highway. N/A At the May 18, 2006, public hearing on this matter, the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0 with two members absent (Mr. Knapp and Mr. Trias), recommended approval of the requested amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning and preliminary planned development site plan with conditions. At the June 20, 2006 public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 06-161 which granted Preliminary PUD Site Plan approval for the project known as Jonette Acres- PUD. At the March 25, 2008 public hearing, this petition was continued to a date certain to allow the County Attorney to review the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement that accompanies this application. Staff recommends adoption of Draft Resolution 08-090 which grants approval of an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning to PUD and grants Final PUD Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Millers Plantation. D DENIED uglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent County Attorney ER.D.: Cty. Engineer: Form No. 07-07 Ji/ Coordinationl Signatures Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: Other: Mgt. & Budget Public Works: Other: To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: LRI APPROVED D OTHER Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: ~1(' /~- 5/6108 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Quasi-JD [ x ] Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department Petition of Angle Road Investment Company, LLC for a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement for transportation facilities to serve the project to be known as Millers Plantation - PUD. Draft Resolution No. 08-143. (File No.: PUD RZ 72007-1279.) The petitioner is proposing a residential development of 404 dwelling units (308 single family units and 96 multiple-family dwelling units) on 202.35 acres for property located on the south side of Angle Road, approximately 1/4 mile west of Kings Highway. N/A At the May 18, 2006, public hearing on this matter, the SI. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0 with two members absent (Mr. Knapp and Mr. Trias), recommended approval of the requested amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning and preliminary planned development site plan wi:h conditions. At the June 20, 2006 public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 06-161 which granted Preliminary PUD Site Plan approval for the project known as Jonette Acres- PUD. At the March 25, 2008 public hearing, this petition was continued to a date certain to allow the County Attorney to review the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement that accompanies this application. Staff recommends that this item be continued to a date certain to allow time to finaiize the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement regarding the cost of intersection improvements on Kings Highway. D DENIED ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: Form No. 07-07 ~/ MV~ Mgt & Budget: Public Works: /J{V~ Cß ~ Other: Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: 4N'# Other: Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: {J)_ 05.06.08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Quasi-JD [x] TO: SUBMITTED BY: Board of County Commissioners Growth Mana~ement Department BACKGROUND: Petition of Indrio Groves, LLC for preliminary site plan approval and change in zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural- 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the PCS (Planned Country Subdivision) Zoning District The requested action is for a change in zonil'lg of the subject parcels from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 dulacre) Zoning District to the PCS (Planned Country Subdivision - 1 dulacre) Zoning District, for the purpose of subdividing the property into 78 halt- acre lots for a density of approximately 1 dwelling unit per acre. The property totals approximately 78.4 acres of property located in the TVC Overlay Zone on the west side of Johnston Road, approximately 2 miles north of Indrio Road and approximately 1 mile east of Interstate 95. SUBJECT: FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 20, 2008, based on the request from staff, the St. Lucie County Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously voted to continue this item to their next regularly scheduled meeting on April 17, 2008. On April 17, 2008, the St. Lucie County Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously voted to forward a recommendation of approval with conditions to the Board of County Commissioners for the requested action. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution 08-015 with the included conditions. I >~I APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED uglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney JËr,.., E.R.D.: Cty. Engineer: Mgt. & Budget Public Works: Other: Purchasing: Cty.SuNeyor. h?~,1 Other: Form No. 07-íJ7 Agenda Request -,---- /~ May 6. 20UII Item Number Meeting Date: 6T~I!@lí@lj~' ' COUNTY FLORIDA Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg [ I I I [ I ( X) OU3si·J 0 I To: Submitted By: SUBJECT BACKGROUND FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION RECOMMENDATION' Board of County CornrlllsslOners Growth Management Department J;1:BY Mark Salt ee. Management Growth Director Ordinance No. 08,014 of the Board of County Commissioners of 51. LUCIe County. Flonda adopting the Public School Facility Element as part of tile SL Lucie County Comprehensive Plan to provide for public school concurrency and planning: provldmg lor filing with the Flomta Department 01 State: proViding lor lhe transmission of the Public School Facility Element to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section t63.3177. Florida Statutes: providing far conflict: proViding far severability: fJrovlding an effective date: and prOViding lor adoption State law reqlllres lhallocal governments adapt a PubliC School Fae;i1ity Element as a part of their comprehensive plans to establish a framework for the planning of publle; schools (Section 163.317ï. Florida Statutes) Local govemmenls were granted approximately Ihree years 10 adapt a public school facilities element. As directed hy the legislation, Ihe Flonda Department of Community Affairs has established a phased schedule fOf adoption at Ihe elements with each local government adopting no later than December 1, 2008.This schedule establishl'!d due dates which are staggered IhrougllOutthe course of the 2008 calendar year In addition, Ihe Legislature established enfarcement mechanisms should a local government and school district fail to adopt a public school concurrency program NiA At Ihe March 20. 2008 Planning & ZOrllng Commission meeting the Commission voted to recommend Ihat the Board of County Commissioners approve Ordinance No. 08-014 with the provisions that Growth Management meet with Ihe Schaal Board, annually, to review and assess thelf concurrency data and analYSIS, establish c:rítena far school site selection when outside the Urban Service Area and site selection criteria as il may relate 10 Counly historical poliCies The motion carried unanimOUSly (6-0). On January 14. 2008. the Board 01 County Commissioners held a 10lnt workshop wllh Ihe Planning and Zoning Cornmlsslon/Local Plallrllng Agency an School Concurrency Management Strategy presented by Gene Bales. AICP, with the Center for Building Better Communities - University 01 Flonda Staff recommends the Board approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 08-014 for transmittal to Ihe Department of Community Affairs APPROVED COMMISSION ACTION: D DENIED D [gJ OTHER Pulled prior to Meeting County Attorney Clv, Engineer' }/~ County Admlllislrator Coordinationl Signatures E.R.D.. Cly Surveyor' OIher: Otllor ITEM NO. 7P DATE: Mav 6.2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: (X) CONSENT: ( ) SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): UTILITIES DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: L' ¡ì /' 1 ' . 'I(¡ A",,·" i" '11! //"(/(. f.( U C C))., ..,..~ Laurie Case Utility Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 08-013 of the Board Of County Commissioners, amending the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan by amending the Future Land Use Element; amending the Potable Water Sub-Element; amending the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element; amending the Conservation Element; amending the Capital I mprovements Element; adopting the 10- Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan; and providing for filing with the Florida Department Of State; and for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: The Elements were revised January 6,2004. At the March 20, 2008 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the board approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 08-013 amending the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan by amending the Future Land Use Element; amending the Potable Water Sub-Element; amending the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element; amending the Conservation Element; amending the Capital Improvements Element; adopting the 1 O-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan; and providing for filing with the Florida Department Of State; and for transmittal to the Florida Department of Communit Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. o I sAnderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent Review. Coordination and Approvals ~ounty Attorney: 'µ1j 1"00'\. / ~l\ !§:' Originating Dept: '-íí\ -' \f º Management and Budget: g_ Purchasing: D Parks & Rec: º Other: º Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable): Anyone with a disability requiring accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Sf. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or TTO 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. Agenda Request Item Numbel Meeting Date: 7\/1 (- V 0510812008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ ] I 1 [ Xl Quasi-JD [ X J To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department J4;~ Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Petition of The Mellon Patch Inn for a Conditional Use Permit for a Four-Room Tourist Court with limited Special Events in the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District for property located at 3601 N A1A, North Hutchinson Island (File No.: CU 320081432). BACKGROUND: An existing Bed and Breakfast, the Mellon Patch Inn has operated since 1993 under a Conditional Use in the HIRD Zoning District. After issues related to neighborhood complaints regarding noise and overflow parking, the Board of County Commissioners revoked the Conditional Use permit on November 6, 2007. The applicant has submitted a new application for Conditional Use, as follows: Modification of an existing business: from Bed and Breakfast with Special Events which is no longer permitted, to a Tourist Court (Hotel) with limited Special Events, defined by: · All events ending by 9:00PM · No outdoor lighting · Proposed 18-car parking lot · Small family functions · Will comply with SLC Noise Ordinance FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A On November 24, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners after a public hearing adopted Resolution 92-254, granting Conditional Use approval to Andrea I. Mellon to operate a Bed and Breakfast Inn in the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District, (hereinafter referred to as HIRD). On April 17, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing regarding possible modification or revocation of the Conditional Use Permit for the Mellon Patch Inn. The Public Hearing was continued to May 15, 2007 when the Board agreed to have Chairman Craft meet with the business owner and the neighbors. On November 6,2007, the Board of County Commissioners, after a public hearing, adopted Resolution 07-054 revoking the Conditional Use Permit for the Mellon Patch Inn, effective May 5, 2008, finding that there was a complaint and proof of adverse effect on adjacent properties, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, noise and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. On April 17, 2008 the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a Public Hearing, voted in favor of a recommendation for approval with limiting conditions, 7-2, with Mrs. Hammer and Mr. Culverhouse dissenting. Form No. 07-07 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution No. 08-093. which would grant a conditional use permit to allow for a Four-Room Tourist Court with limited Special Events in the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District for property located at 3601 N A 1A, North Hutchinson Island with conditions approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, enclo CONCU E Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: I X I APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER Approved 4-1 Grande NO r- tf· 1fe¡/;j b.. Coordinationl Sig~"~^ County Attorney, ERD.: ~ Cty. Engineer: Other: Cty. Surveyor: Other: ¡f1¡-/ I Form No. 07-fJ7 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. -!! DATE: May 6, 2008 REGULAR [x] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMllTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Angle Road Sidewalk Project Update (Orange Avenue to 53rd Street) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are encumbered on P2713129 and P2612930 in 101006-4116-563005-4702 and 101006-4116-563021- 4702 Transportation Trust/Impact Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 10, 2005 - The Board approved award of Work Authorization NO.2 to Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $49,920.55, for the survey and preliminary design of the project. July 25, 2006 - The Board approved award of Work Authorization NO.5 to Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $102,795.00, for the final design of the project. April 24, 2007 - The Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $7,500.00, for the additional engineering services required for a signal warrant study at Angle Road and Avenue Q. September 4,2007 - Board approved the Second Amendrnent to Work Authorization No.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $3,890.00, for the preparation of a Local Agency Program Categorical Exclusion report and checklist for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project, for a total design cost of $114,185.00. March 18,2008 - Board approved the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers Inc. for a time extension through December 31 , 2008 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board allow staff to pursue breaking this project into two parts: 53rd Street to Avenue Q, and Avenue Q to Orange Avenue. COMMISSION ACTION: reo] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 Douglas Anderson County Administrator CoordlnationlSianatures ~-{XI County Attorney fLl~ [xl Project Manager :... ß [ ] Road & Bridge Angle Sidewalk Update.ag r I Mgt & Budget [x] Exec. Ass!. -l~~ [] MSBU Coordinator [x] OriginatingDep!.PublicWorks ,Â~~. [J Purchasing Dept t=t== [] (Check for copy only. if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. A DATE: May 6,2008 TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION 3710 ~~~ Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager SUBJECT: Authorization for Marlowe & Company to coordinate with our Congressional Delegation to include language in the next Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) Bill for the Fort Pierce Beach project. BACKGROUND: The original federal approval for the Fort Pierce Shore Protection project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1965. The federal project life expired in 1985 and was reauthorized by Congress (WRDA, 1996) to the year 2020. Congress also directed (WRDA, 1996 and 1999) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to prepare a General Re-evaluation Report (GRR). The revised draft GRR identifies a new 50-year project life that includes structural alternatives to supplement beach nourishment with a 4-year nourishment cycle. The purpose of the attached WRDA language for the Fort Pierce Beach project is two fold. First, there is specific language directing the Corps to reimburse the County for costs associated with various activities and tasks such as the GRR, permitting, monitoring, etc. All of this work was accomplished with Erosion District and FDEP Grant funds. Secondly, once the GRR is completed by the Corps, there is specific language directing the Secretary to provide a Chief of Engineers Report for consideration of Congressional approval. This approval would provide for a new 50-year project authorization as supported by the GRR. We request Board's consideration for Marlowe & Company to coordinate with our Congressional Delegation to submit language in the next WRDA Bill for the Fort Pierce Beach project FUNDS: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Legislative language related to Fort Pierce Beach was included in the previous WRDA Bill but was removed prior to the final approved Bill. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board approval for Marlowe & Company to coordinate with our Congressional Delegation to submit the attached language in the next WRDA Bill for the Fort Pierce Beach project. Xl APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 4-0 Commissioner Lewis Absent [x]County Attorney [x Originating Dep1. Public work~ . ;J5" Coordination/S ianatures [ ]Mg1. & Budget [ ]Executive Assistant [x]Grants/Disasler (coPv) []Finance Department (Grants)