HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02-17-2008
February 17, 2008 * 3:00 PM * Commission Chambers
MEMBERS: Eric Winterstein, J.P. Gellermann, Robert Tabor, Doug Coward, Allen Gilbert,
Leon Camarda,
SLC STAFF: Sandra Bogan
PUBLIC: Katherine Hensley, Michael Lannon, Marty Sanders, Russ Foster, Kamm
Engineering, Jen Howard, Robert Cannellos, other members of the public
The meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Ad Hoc Committee was called to order at 3:05.
JP Gellerman introduced our speakers, and asked members to save all questions until the end of
the presentations.
Katherine Hensley, School Board Member, opened the presentations by sharing what the SLC
school district is doing to be more sustainable. Jose Murguido from Zyscovich Architects gave a
presentation on ‘High Performance Schools’. Sam Ferreri from Schenkel & Shultz Architects
then shared the design of the TC High School as well as other SLC schools.
Following the presentations, the board members asked several questions regarding green building
and green development. Of primary interest was the question as to whether or not it is necessary
to get buildings certified, complete with a plaque by the FGBC or USGBC. Jose Murguido said
that it depends on the community and their interest; That the important part is setting an example
for the community and that it’s not just the business end that you’re after but the private sector as
well; Setting the guidelines and showing how public buildings are green is an important first step.
Sam Ferreri generally agreed with Jose that the County would have to review the benefits or
reasons to have the green stamp of approval. He further pointed out that there may be some
advertising issues as far as having the national standard and there may be a value for the county to
pursue full certification to enhance its promotion for businesses and high-tech industry.
The speakers were thanked for their presentations, with kudos to the school district for leading the
way on green practices.
The meeting then turned back to committee business.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2008 minutes,
without changes. It was unanimously passed.
Sandy let the members know that the entire committee was surveyed, and the third Thursday of
the month was amenable to all. She asked the group if they would like to hold it a 3:00 or 3:30.
The 3:00 timeslot was preferred.
She said there was also discussion at the last meeting as to the location, but that we should wait
until more members were present to have a full discussion. She announced that the next meeting
will be held in the Commission Chambers on April 17 at 3:00 pm.
Sandy went on to say that the group had identified at least 2 topics that they would like to learn
more about: 1) Incentives to encourage green development and 2) Low impact development
concepts. She will have a speaker at the April meeting discuss incentives and ordinances that
have been implemented in other areas of the state. She reminded members that if they know of a
speaker that has expert knowledge on any of the issues we are addressing, to please let her know
and she will contact them for future meetings.
Robert Tabor brought up the wind turbine issue going to the board later in the week, and he felt
that this group should have discussed this issue and came to some consensus to guide the board in
their decision making. He wants this committee to be tackling issues of immediate importance so
that it has a significant and timely impact on the county.
Commissioner Coward pointed out that the committee had looked at all the priority issues and
green technologies / alternative energy was not at the top of the list. Therefore, with respect to the
committee’s decision, we have not delved into alternative energy as a group as of yet.
Sandy offered that at the next meeting, we look over the list of priorities, to review and discuss
them. Since the committee has had a few presentations already on Green Building / Development,
it may be time to move onto another priority issue. If at that time, the group would like to add
items to the priority list or re-organize them based on what they have already learned, the group
could decide to do that.
The committee agreed that it would be a good idea to review the priorities at the next meeting.
Sandy reminded everyone that there is a free presentation by Ed MacMahon from Urban Land
Institute to be held at the FAU Jupiter campus on April 24th at 7:00pm. Bob Tabor is interested in
attending and wants to know if anyone would like to carpool (772-465-5729).
Sandy updated the committee on the Local Green Government certification process. She told
them there will be a meeting of all department directors on April 23 to begin the initial baseline
analysis. Allen Gilbert recommended that the County begin with the ‘low-hanging fruit,’ the
things that are done easily and inexpensively that can save the county money in the short term.
Sandy updated the committee that the Board approved the Change a Light St. Lucie Campaign,
which encourages our citizens to go on-line and commit to changing at least one bulb to an
energy efficient one. The County will also invite businesses, organizations, schools and
municipalities to sign up as a pledge driver under our umbrella and the site will track all that St.
Lucie is doing to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:40