HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-10-2008
Meeting Held On
April 10, 2008
Convened at 3:00 p.m. Adjourned at 3:53 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Thursday,
April 10, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room #3 on the 3 floor of the Administration
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Members Present:
Mary Chapman, Vice Chairman
Bill Thiess, Commissioner Craft’s Appointee
Gerald Kuklinski, Commissioner Grande’s Appointee
John Holt, Commissioner Smith’s Appointee
David Souza, St. Lucie Village
Also Present:
Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, SLC Assistant County Attorney
Charles Grande, County Commissioner District 4
Jim Oppenborn, Marine Resources Coordinator
Larry Storms, Smart Growth
Bob Bangert
The minutes from the March 13, 2008 meeting were unanimously approved.
Jim Oppenborn, SLC Marine Resources Manager:
The existing nearshore site is located 6.2 nautical miles out and the existing offshore site is
located 11.0 nautical miles out.
The proposed nearshore site will be 5.6 nautical miles out and the proposed offshore site will
be 14.0 nautical miles out.
The Fish Haven Site is 1.5 square miles. The reef site is located 1.5 miles north of the Fort
Pierce Inlet and one mile offshore. The water depth is 30 to 40 feet.
Nearshore Site is 1.3 square miles. The reef site is 5.5 to 6.0 miles east south east of the Fort
Pierce Inlet. The water depth is 50 to 60 feet.
Offshore Site is 4.5 square miles. The reef is located 12 miles east south east of the Fort Pierce
Inlet. The water depth is 80 to 200 feet.
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
April 10, 2008
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2005: 780 tons of materials were placed at the Nearshore site
2006: 2,100 tons of materials were placed at the Nearshore site
2007: 1,094 tons of materials were placed at the Nearshore site and 3,010 tons of
materials were placed at the Offshore site, totaling 3,104 tons
2008: So far there have been 1,000 tons of materials placed at the Offshore site
Between 2005 and 2008 there has been 6,984 tons of material deployed
Mary Chapman asked what the nature of the material being deployed was. Jim
Oppenborn stated the material consisted of barges, concrete culverts, concrete light poles,
concrete railroad ties and concrete pipes.
Between 2007-2008:
Two (2) deployments were made to the Civic Center Reef
Four (4) deployments were made to the Amazone Reefs
Two (2) reefs were created at 120’ and two (2) reefs were created at 140’ with
roughly 1,000 tons of material on each of the reefs
Dimensions of the Civic Center Reef:
Bottom depth is 57’
Top of the barge is 47’
Top of peak one is 35’
Top of peak two is 31’
Amazone Reefs (Deployed June 2007):
Midway Reef’s maximum profile is 12’
North Reef’s maximum profile is 18’
Southeast Reef’s maximum profile is 15’
Southwest Reef’s maximum profile is 18’
120’ and 140’ Reefs (Deployed in December 2007 & February 2008):
120’ Reef’s maximum profile is 19’
140’ Reef’s maximum profile is 18’
Currently there are approximately 81 species found on the St. Lucie County Artificial Reefs.
The Tug Lee is a 49’ tugboat that is being donated to create a dive attraction. The cleanup
of the Tug Lee is being done at Andros Fisheries on the North Causeway. Mr. Oppenborn
has been coordinating with the FWC, USCG and USEPA to make sure they are in
compliance with all the necessary regulations.
There have been several cash donations made to help with the Artificial Reef Program, as
well as material donations from municipalities, private contractors, public utilities, FEC
Railroad, FPL and FPUA. The County annually funds $50,000 and since 2005 there has
been a grant every year from FWC for $199,000.
Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
April 10, 2008
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Bill Thiess asked what the best way is to stay up to date on the coordinates of the reefs. Mr.
Oppenborn stated anyone could email him at oppenborj@stlucieco.gov and he would be
happy to send the coordinates as well as deployment material. You can also find the
coordinates by going to www.stlucieco.gov, located under Public Works you will see
“Artificial Reef Program”.
Jerry Kuklinski asked if the County shared the cost of disposal with the people donating
material. Mr. Oppenborn stated that currently the County does not, but he has thought
about it. He said so far the County has never had a shortage of funds. Mr. Oppenborn
doesn’t want to discourage people from bringing their materials, but on the other hand he
has started requiring people to give him receipts for the total amount of funds they spent
delivering the materials. Mr. Oppenborn stated he is always present to make sure the
materials they receive are good.
Jerry Kuklinski asked if the saltwater affects the concrete items over a long period of time.
Mr. Oppenborn stated most of the concrete is secondary concrete, which is better and
suggested by the Army Corp. of Engineers. The secondary concrete is good because the ph
more closely resembles the natural ph of the seawater; it also lasts longer than steel.
Jerry Kuklinski asked how much longer the staging area would be at Harbour Pointe. Mr.
Oppenborn stated as soon as he is asked to stop, he will stop. He also thanked everyone for
allowing him to use the area. He has been preparing for the day when he won’t be able to
use it anymore.
Katherine Mackenzie-Smith stated the Fire District turned down Chuck’s Seafood’s request.
The Fire District suggested Chuck’s Seafood go to the City for a variance for additional
parking, that way they can have less parking than they are requiring.
Mr. Anderson will be attending the July 10, 2008 meeting to discuss potential spoil sites.
There was a brief discussion about the charter boat that was asked to leave the City Marina
because they were running topless charters. The charter boat is now located at Harbortown
At 3:53 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 8,
2008 at 3:00 pm in Conference Room 3, on the third floor of the Administration Building.
Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Bush