HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 12-02-2003 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: December 2, 2003 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Tape: 1-3 Adjourned: 11:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, Cliff Barnes, Doug Coward, John D. Bruhn, absent Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director, Pete Keogh, Leisure Services Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Bill Blazak, Utilities Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES (1-0115) It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 25, 2003; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 2A. The County Administrator read upcoming events and scheduled meetings. 2B. The County Administrator made a presentation to Bud Adams from the Adams Ranch in appreciation for his contribution to the Equestrian Center. 2C. COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 03-319- Finance Portion of Equestrian Center- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 03-319 as drafted. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Resolution No. 03-319; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2D. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION (1-468) Request for Board Approval to accept donation of $350,000 from Bud Adams for the Fairgrounds Equestrian Center- Consider staff recommendation to accept the donation of $350,000 from Bud Adams and provide for naming rights for the Fairgrounds Equestrian Center, additionally the Board approved Budget Resolution No. 03-318 establishing a Budget for these funds. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to accept the donation and also approved Budget Resolution No. 03-318; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2E. PURCHASING (1-497) RFP # 03-061 Construction of a Design/Build Equestrian Center for the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds- Consider staff recommendation to approve the short listed firms for RFP No. 03-061, Construction of a Design/Build Arena. Staff also requested permission to enter into a contract with the top ranked firm Ahrens Companies for a not to exceed amount of $1,071,164.00 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. 1 It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the short listed firms and also granted permission to enter into a contract with Ahrens for a not to exceed amount of $1,071,164,000; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS (1-510) Mr. Chris Humphreys, Sandlewood Estates resident, addressed the Board regarding the continuing noise level coming from the skating rink in the area. He stated when staff visited the rink to measure the noise level, it came to just under the nuisance level according to the ordinance. Mr. Greg Rossolow, area resident, also addressed the noise problem coming from the rink and asked the Board consider modifying the ordinance to be the same as if a boom box were playing from an automobile. Com. Barnes questioned the different criteria for automobiles, barking dogs and music from such a facility. Mr. George M. Baker, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the increase in impact fees and the use of the funds for a boardwalk at John Brooks Park. He suggested the money be utilized at Fredericks Douglas Park. Mr. Charles Crook addressed the Board regarding a complaint received last week about his dogs continually barking. He advised them that the dogs have been moved. Mr. Bill Casey, Indian River Estates resident, addressed the Board requesting stop signs be placed along Bartow St. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-434) It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 11. 2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT rd A. The Board approved the final plat of Prima Vista Crossings S/D –3 Re-Plat and authorized its execution. B. Mirabella Yachts, Inc.,- The Board approved amending the JGIG contract between the County and Mirabella Yachts, Inc., to increase the job creation from 10 to 13 and require a minimum average hourly rate of $18.00 per hour. 3. CENTRAL SERVICES The Board approved the request to advertise an Invitation For Bid for the site preparation and park development of Ancient Oaks, as specified in our Grant Agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection FRDAP Program. 4. AIRPORT The Board accepted the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement and authorized the Chairman to execute the JPA and Resolution No. 03-316 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement, for the design and rehabilitation of crosswind runway 14/32 at St. Lucie County International Airport. This JPA provides for an additional $55,554 of the $1,388,886 necessary for the project. This is a 5% matching fund JPA with the FDOT. 2 5. PURCHASING A. Bid # 04-002 Temporary Personnel Services- The Board awarded Bid # 04-002 Temporary Personnel Services to Kelly Services for the clerical workers, T & C Staffing for the Industrial workers and authorized the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. B. RFP # 03-098 Professional Engineering Services for Bridge Evaluation & Design- The Board approved negotiating with the top two ranked firms, Kimley-Horn & Associates and Jenkins & Charland, Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. C. Bid # 04-006, Construction of Dune Crossover at John Brooks Park- The Board awarded Bid # 04-006 Construction of Dune Crossover at John Brooks Park to Summerlin Seven Seas Inc., at $120.00 per linear foot for a total project cost of $26,400 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. 6. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Air Charter of Florida Inc.,- The Board approved the ground Sublease between Air Charter of Florida and Albert M. Hartnett for Hanger 3968. B. Florida Communities Trust- The Board approved the Florida Communities Trust Grant Contract for the Ten Mile Creek West project 03-079-FF3 and authorized the Chairman to sign and transmit the Grant Contract to Florida Communities Trust. C. Florida Communities Trust- The Board approved the Amendment 1 to the Grant Award Agreement, for Sheraton Plaza Preserve FCT Project 01-067 FFI and authorized the Chairman to sign and transmit the Amendment to Florida Communities Trust. D. Florida Communities Trust- The Board approved the Florida Communities Trust Grant Contract for the Capron Trail Park Project 03-069 FF3 and authorized the Chairman to sign and transmit the Grant Contract to Florida Communities Trust. 7. UTILITIES A. Work Authorization with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.- The Board approved the Work Authorization with Camp Dresser & McKee for engineering services for the South Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $39,240. B. Work Authorization with LBFH, Inc., - The Board approved the Work Authorization with LBFH for the update of the Utility Master Plan in the amount of $63,500. C. Work Authorization with LBFH,Inc.,- The Board approved the Work Authorization with LBFH, Inc., for periodic inspections and preparation of an annual report. The lump sum not to exceed $17,000. D. Work Authorization with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.- The Board approved the Work Authorization with Camp Dresser & McKee for 3 preparation for the preparation of the Holiday Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant Interim Capacity Analysis reports in an amount not to exceed $22,000. E. Work Authorization with Masteller & Moler, Inc., for Engineering Services- The Board approved the Work Authorization with Masteller & Moler,Inc., for the preparation of the Holiday Pines Water Treatment Plant Interim Capacity Analysis reports in an amount not to exceed $17,850. 8. PARKS REFERENDUM Work Authorization # 2 to Contract # C0 3-02-269 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.,- The Board approved Work Authorization # 2 to Contract # C03-02-269 with Kimley Horn and Assoc., for inspection, design and preparation of construction specifications for the repair/restoration of the Lawnwood Stadium bleachers for the sum of $40,000 and authorized the Chairman to sign the work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney. REGULAR AGENDA 7. PUBLIC WORKS Road & Bridge- Consideration of establishing a multi-way stop at Bartow and Myrtle. The Road and Bridge Manager addressed the Board’s questions regarding the placement of the requested stop signs and suggested a plan for the entire development area be done and brought back to the Board for their review. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to proceed with the overall plan and come back with a report for the Boards’ review and also for staff to decide where to place the stop signs on Bartow St., and place them as soon as possible. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve the placement of stop signs on Bartow St., in the Indian River Estates ; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. The County Administrator advised the Board that the signs would be placed by this weekend. 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (1-780) A. Consider Resolution No. 03-240 granting approval to the petition of 250 Emerson Avenue LLC through agent Houston-Cuozzo Group) for a change in zoning from AG-1 to PUD Emerson Estates and for Final Planned Unit Development approval for the residential project to be known as Emerson Estates and authorizing the final execution of the plats located east of Emerson Avenue, ¼ mile north of Indrio Road. The Community Development Director gave an update on this issue. Com. Barnes advised the Board of his conversation with Susan Caron regarding this project and the issues brought forth at the previous meetings. Com. Lewis advised the Board of her conversation with Bobby Klein, attorney for the developer. Com. Coward commented on the staff report and stated the language in the document is not consistent with the description as given by the Community Development Director. 4 Mr. Bobby Klein, attorney for the developer addressed the Board on this issue and stated for the record, “ for this record they adopt all matters in county files that are applicable to what they are discussing tonight as a part of the permanent record”. He stated he agreed with Com. Coward’s comments that the condition as written is not consistent with the Community Development Directors’ interpretation of it and he would also say that their understanding of it, is different from the Director’s interpretation. He believes that this condition has not been changed from the Preliminary approval and it’s clear that this development may have an impact that would require a traffic signal if and when the county for FDOT would deem it warranted. At that time this development should be only required to pay its fair share, the county has done this many other times”. Mr. Richard Stevens, President of Corporation, addressed the concurrency needed to be in place for public safety. Mr. Klein stated as he understands his clients comments, they are agreeable to modifying the condition with the proviso that they are entitled to re-coop whether in the form of impact fee credits or building permits or reimbursements from others, he believes they can work out the language between staff and himself. Com. Coward stated he still remained concerned with the compatibility of the south western area to its single family neighbors to the south with regards to density and use. Mr. Klein stated with their discussion and reiterating what staff had said that the application for the final PUD approval and the final plat does meet all the requirements of the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations and the Comprehensive Plans and will state for the record that they accept the conditions and that consistent with his previous discussions with Com. Coward, they would modify # 10 to conform to their discussion. Mr. Robert Caron, 8500 Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the approval of Emerson Estates due to what he felt were false reports. Mr. Bill Stone, 6504 Ft. Pierce Blvd., addressed the Board in opposition to the development. Ms. Patricia Boddy, 7101 Cabana Lane, addressed the Board in opposition to the project. Ms. Susan Caron, 8500 Indrio Road, addressed the Board in opposition to the project . Mr. Frank Stewart, 5001 E. Seminole Road, addressed the Board in opposition to the project. Ms. Nadine Stewart, 5001 E. Seminole Road, addressed the Board in opposition to the project due to what she felt would be a loss of property value . Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island, stated he concurred with the concerns of the residents in the area regarding density, traffic and property value. Ms. Julie Orben, 6603 Donlon Road, addressed the Board in opposition to the project and the congestion it would bring to the area. Mr. Cliff Norris, Feeder Road resident, addressed the Board and stated he felt there was nothing wrong with what the petitioner was trying to accomplish, business is business. Mr. Klein stated they used the best information provided for the traffic report. County staff reviewed it as well as the petitioners engineers and both came to the same conclusion, there is ample capacity to accommodate this project. Mr. Michael Houston- Cuozzo/Houston Group, addressed the Board and provided the information on what changes were made in order to accommodate the neighbors including the 100% opaque buffer. 5 Com. Coward expressed his concerns with the capacity when the future Regional Park project is completed. The Community Development Director presented an aerial view of the area per Com. Barnes’ request. The future benefits were disclosed, i.e. utilities available in the future for Lakewood Park, Environmentally sensitive areas preserved, etc. Com. Barnes stated he wished to reassure those in Lakwood Park and the county that this project has been well thought and planned and the planning is not a hap-hazzard project. The County has not approved every development which has come before them, they have examined this development and there have been changes in this development to accommodate county concerns, environmental concerns, neighbors concerns and he is not sure this message has been getting out. Those who have problems with the views, he believes the developer has done something to mitigate this concern. Com. Lewis stated she concurred with Com. Barnes’ comments and stated she would like to make clear that this is not an extension of the Urban Services Boundary, it has not been moved. Com. Coward stated he would like to incorporate this project into the Charrette and would like to see it held off until it is completed to see how it fits into the scheme. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No. 03-240 subject to the two conditions: 1. intersection improvements be in place to maintain public safety and concurrency. 2. providing a 100% opaque buffer to help with the compatibility issues Mr. Klein stated they were acceptable and also the reimbursement or credit should they pay beyond their fair share regarding the signalization. And, upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Coward; Aye’s: Hutchinson, Barnes, Lewis; motion carried by a vote of 3 to 1. Com. Lewis asked the current procedure under the traffic issue, be brought back at a future date. 5.B COUNTY ATTORNEY Petition for Abandonment- Abandon West Avenue C Resolution No. 03-312 and Resolution No. 03-313 – Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolutions instruct staff to publish the Final Notice of Abandonment and record the resolutions. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No. 03-312 and No. 03-313; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Consider draft Ordinance No. 03-025 creating a Countywide Law Enforcement Impact Fee, to be effective October 1, 2003- Consider staff recommendation to approve draft Ordinance 03-025 with an effective date being February 1, 2004. Staff advised the Board that at this point they have not reached an agreement in principal from the City of Port St. Lucie, negotiations are still on, however, they have received 6 such agreements with the City of Ft. Pierce and St. Lucie Village. Absent the agreement, staff has requested the Board continue this issue. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to continue this item on December 16, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Consider Draft Resolution No. 03-242- approving the request of Teamsters Local Union # 173 for a change in zoning from AR-1 zoning district to the CO zoning district for property located at 3498 West Midway Road . It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve Resolution No. 03-242; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.E Consider Draft Resolution No. 03-241 approving the request of Reitano Enterprises, Inc., for a change in zoning form AG-1 zoning district to the CG zoning district . The Community Development Director suggested holding off on this parcel until what is developed as a community interest for that area. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to continue this hearing on February 17, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible; and, upon roll call motion carried unanimously. 5.F Resolution No. 03-243 Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting the request of Centerline Homes for a variance from the provisions of Section 6.02.02 (B)(1) to permit the construction of an access roadway and stormwater retention areas lacking 75 feet of the shoreline setback and a 300 foot waiver to the 300 foot shoreline setback. Mr. Kevin Stinette, Indian River Keeper addressed the Board with no objections to the project. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Resolution No. 03-243; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 6. COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-2839) A. Port St. Lucie Yacht Club- Consider staff recommendation that the Board determine whether to continue the existing lease with Yacht Club or terminate the lease. Mr. Saul Schwartz, Commodore, addressed the Board’s questions regarding the lease history. Mr. Ted Guy, attorney for the Yacht Club members, addressed then Board and provided a handout for the Board to review. He stated in looking at club it looks as if the Yacht Club is doing a good job in maintaining the club and is working well with the county. Ms. Gloria Decker, accountant, addressed the profit and non-profit status of the club. The following members of the Yacht Club addressed the Board in favor of maintaining the lease in place: Jack Johnson, 123 S.E. Sonata Court James Crosslin, 1862 S.E. Beving Ave. Lee Primerano, 323 Holly Ave. Gordon Phail, 1969 N/W Palmetto 7 Mr. David Kaplan, 410 S.E. Naranja Ave., would like the club to be put to its best use and be utilized by the general public for parties etc. Ms. Laura Kaplin, 410 S.E. Naranja Ave., addressed the Board in favor of the club being opened for public use and various programs, not just for members. Mr. William Childs 12136 Riverbend, addressed the Board and stated they needed more information to review regarding this issue. Mr. Walter Deemer, Friends of the Marina, addressed the Board in favor of utilizing the club for public purposes and stated the figure given as what it would be to run the building are not accurate. He addressed the different status of the club (profit- not for profit) issue, he believes the change warrants a breech of contract. Ms. Susan Scherer 102 N.E. Jardain Rd., VP River Park Marina, addressed the Board and asked that the future potential use of the club be for all residents and not just for the club members. Ms. Bobbie Deemer , 151 N.E. Naranja Ave., addressed the Board regarding the general attitude of the club members when the general public approaches them for use of the facilities ie. restrooms. Com. Coward stated he appreciated the efforts put forth by the Friends of the Marina, but, he respectfully disagrees with the comment that this is a county building, a county park. This is not painting an accurate picture. This is a county park done through an agreement with an existing organization who has invested over $100,000 into that building under certain lease term agreements. He believes the for profit status was an error on their part. He has a problem altering this agreement and felt they should continue with the existing lease and should resort into full public hands after the 13 remaining years of the lease has ended. He does not see additional comments needed and they should uphold the existing lease. Com. Hutchinson stated it seems both the Yacht Club and the Friends of the Marina are working toward a common goal. She asked the Board be informed by a survey of the area to see what other programs are of interest. Staff was directed to do a survey to see if more public access is requested and work with Ms. Preimerano on the results of her newsletter and the item will be reviewed at budget sessions if not before. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ________________________ Chairman _________________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 8