HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 04-20-2004
Date: April 20,2004 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Tape: 1-3 Adjourned: 9:45 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, John D. Bruhn, Frannie
Hutchinson, Cliff Barnes, Doug Coward (absent)
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community
Development Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held April 13, 2004; and upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 04-120- Congratulating Nora Porter on winning the St.
Lucie County Scripps Howard Spelling Bee at the Port St. Lucie
Community Center on Thursday, February 12, 2004 and wishing her
success in the National Competition to be held in Washington D.C. in
May, 2004.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve Resolution No.
04-120; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. A presentation was made by Ken Gioeli, Natural Resources Agent
UF/St. Lucie County Cooperative Extension Office, congratulating the
winners of the Natural Resources Photo Contest.
C. Maxine Green and her group, “Granny’s Gang” made a brief
presentation of their concerns.
Various members of Granny’s Gang addressed the Board requesting they consider
constructing sidewalks in the Angle Road area close to the schools. They also expressed
their concerns with the crime in the city of Ft. Pierce (Lincoln Park area) as well as
requesting a four way stop sign in front of Westwood High School.
The Board stated they would look into the matter.
D. The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. Peter Polizatto, 6034 Indrio Road, addressed the Board and read the attached letter.
The County Attorney addressed the County’s zoning laws.
Mr. Phillip Stickles, Carlton Road resident, addressed the Board regarding their decision
to postpone action on the mine issue until further information could be obtained. He
stated his opposition to any more mines being located in the area.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the Consent
Agenda and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 31.
A. White City Drainage Project- Canal D- The Board approved the
Contract for Sale and Purchase with Ms. Hancock and Ms. Robinson,
approved the resolution and authorized the Chairman to execute
Resolution No. 04-133 and instructed staff to record Resolution No.
04-133 in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
B. White City Drainage Project- Canal F- The Board approved the
Contract for Sale and Purchase with Mr. Arline, authorized the
Chairman to execute the agreement, directed staff to close the
transaction and authorized the Chairman to execute Resolution No. 04-
135, and instructed staff to record Resolution 04-135 in the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
C. Indrio North Savannas- First Amendment to Work Authorization No.
12- Boundary Surveys and Wetland Mapping- The Board approved
the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 12, and authorized
the Chairman to sign the amendment.
D. Release of Lien for St. Lucie County Code Enforcement order to
impose fine/lien in Case No. 99120064 dated June 7, 2000- The Board
authorized the Chairman to sign the Release of Lien.
E. Resolution No. 04-119- Commending Kevin M. Gillette of Troop 405
for achieving the Rank of Eagle Scout- The Board approved
Resolution NO. 04-119 as drafted.
F. Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program- Interlocal Agreement with
Martin County, City of Stuart and the University of Florida Institute of
Food and Agriculture Services, Florida Cooperative Extension
Service- The Board approved the proposed Interlocal Agreement with
the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program, and authorized the
Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Understanding.
Simple Success Marketing Advertising Invoices- The Board approved payment of the
Resolution No. 04-132- The Board adopted Resolution No. 04-132- St. Lucie County
Local Housing Assistance Plan for Fiscal Years 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, State
Housing Initiative Partnership Program.
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity- Permission to advertise for Public
Hearing- The Board approved advertising for Public Hearing for the CON We Care, Inc.
for Class B to be held at 9:00 a.m. on May 11, 2004.
A. Utility Consulting Services- The Board approved for Anthony L. Elia
to provide Utility Consulting Services in connection with the North
County Utility District in the amount of $65,000.
B. Payment Request for FPUA- The Board approved the second Payment
Request for FPUA in the amount of $1,320,000 for the North County
District’s bulk interconnection and the interfund loan from the General
Fund Reserves to be repaid with interest at 2%.
A. Draft Ordinance No. 04-007- Amending the St. Lucie County Land
Development Code by amending Section 11.13.01 to Provide for
Clarification of Board Enforcement Responsibilities; deleting Section
11.13.03 Enforcement Procedures; and amending Section 11.13.04
other penalties and remedies to clarify the initiation of other
enforcement proceedings- Consider staff recommendation to approve
Ordinance No. 04-007 as drafted and authorize the Chairman to sign.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve Ordinance No.
04-007; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. Draft Ordinance No. 04-016 Creating Section 7.10.24 Land
Development Code to Establish a Height Limitation for Outside
Storage of Intermodal Containers- Consider staff recommendation to
determine whether a height limitation for the outside storage of
Intermodal containers is appropriate and to adopt Ordinance No. 04-
016 as drafted. Staff changed their recommendation to continue this
hearing for two weeks in order to answer concerns expressed from a
previous meeting.
Mr. Lloyd Bell, Port property owners, addressed the Board and stated this ordinance is
very broad, it does not appear to be well thought out and affects everyone in the county.
He asked if these are intermodel containers, what about the aircraft containers. Does this
only apply to ship containers or all intermodel transportation and what do you do about
the railroad.
He stated he would consider any action an act of bad faith at a time when they fully
expect to bring some resolution to the desires for the utilization of the port and the mega
yachts. It was his understanding that he would cooperate with the county as long as the
county cooperated in good faith and he would consider this a breech of good faith.
Com. Barnes stated this does not apply to the Port because it is within the city limits.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to continue this item for two
weeks, May 3, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C. GROWTH MANAGEMENT- Draft Resolution No. 04-080- Request
of Robert Rigel for a Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan
approval to allow for the construction of 49,820 sq. ft. mini-
warehouse/self-storage facility, and 3,750 sq. ft., of general office
space to be known as Hutchinson Island Storage and Office Complex-
Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 04-080 as
Mr. Roger Bayber, CSM Engineers, representing the petitioner, was available for
Mr. Charles Grande, Presidents Council, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board in favor
of the project.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
04-080; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
D. Draft Resolution No. 04-077- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Resolution No. 04-077 approving the Petition of Travis E.
Murphy, Jr., as amended for a change in zoning from CN to CO.
Mr. Howard Sercy, business partner, addressed the Board regarding his petition.
Ms. Christa Storey, area resident, addressed the Board and stated staff has addressed her
concerns. Wanted to confirm exhibit A map will be corrected.
Staff advised her that the map would be corrected.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve Draft
Resolution No. 04-077; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
E. Draft Resolution No. 04-076- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Resolution No. 04-076 the request of Cheryl and Mark Griffin
for a Conditional Use Permit to allow landscaping and horticultural
services in the AR-1 zoning district for property located at 9290
Orange Avenue.
Ms. Cheryl Griffin stated she had received 2 waivers from two surrounding residents and
also advised the Board that one resident decided to remain neutral. She does not wish to
build a wall barrier.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to continue this hearing on
May 3, 2004 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible; and, upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
F. Draft Resolution No. 04-082- Consider granting Final Planned Unit
Development approval for the project to be known as Palm Breezes
Club, Planned Unit Development and a change in zoning from the
PUD zoning for property located on the north side of Orange Avenue.
The Planning Manager advised the Board on condition # 4, they would like to add
language that would require a transit stop be included.
Mr. Butch Terpening, Culpepper and Terpening, addressed the Board and stated they
have reviewed the conditions with staff and they concur and also concur with the addition
of the transit stop.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve Resolution No. 04-
082 subject to the 5 conditions and the addition of language; and, upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
G. Draft Resolution No. 04-079- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Resolution No. 04-079 granting the petition of Patricia Griffin
Lowe for a Conditional Use permit to allow the operation of a riding
school as an accessory use to a residential unit on property located at
7001 Gullotti Place in the AR-1 zoning district.
Ms. Patricia Griffin Lowe, petitioner, addressed the Board this issue.
Mr. Jeffrey Shoenfield, property owner within 100 feet of said parcel, expressed his
concerns if there would be a commercial stable, what is the limit of horses, how big a
barn etc. His concern was if this would lower the value of his property.
The Planning Manager, stated there were no limitations on the animals, however, a barn
is not permitted.
Ms. Lowe addressed Mr. Shoenfield’s questions. She stated she would not have more
than her two existing animals and will not be constructing a barn and will not be boarding
Mr. Shoenfield withdrew his objection.
Unidentified gentleman, addressed the dirt road and who will be maintaining the road if it
is used for commercial purposes.
Ms. Lowe addressed the egress and ingress issue.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
H. Consider the application of Home Dynamics Corporation requesting a
change in Future Land Use Classification from COM to RU to RH for
34.5 acres located on the southwest corner of Edwards Road and South
25 St.
The Planning Manager advised the Board of the concern regarding density expressed by
the P & Z Board. The applicant came back with a proposal limiting the density and staff
provided a simpler solution.
Mr. Mark Mathis, representing the applicant, addressed the Board on this issue. Their
goal is to develop 360 units.
Mr. John Ferrick, area resident, addressed the Board with his concern of placing a
residential high in this area. He does not have a problem with residential urban.
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island, stated this plan came before the P & Z Board and
denial to transmit was recommended. He stated if the Board was not going to follow the
recommendation of the P & Z Board that the very least, he suggested with the new plan
or the modifications, the applicant should be sent back to the P & Z and get a new
recommendation from that Board.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, P & Z Board member, addressed the Board and stated a member
of the School Board stated in the proposal that children would be able to walk to school,
however, one of the schools would not be in their zone and requested this be taken out
from the proposal. The 15 units per acre constitutes 3 times the number of kids in our
schools. She asked the Board to turn this down and send it back to the drawing board.
Ms. Kim Hopkins Willis, resident of Edwards Road, addressed the Board and requested
they not change her community.
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, attorney for petitioner, addressed the Board and stated and
introduced into the record six letters that were mailed to the surrounding property owners.
He advised the Board that they did not receive comments or calls from those residents.
Mr. Ferguson stated the applicant is trying to provide mixed housing needs for the area.
Mr. Ferguson stated they did not disagree with the Planning Manager’s characterization
that the 3 land use categories is overly complicated and would like to drop back down to
an earlier request that the 300 feet on the east of the property as it boarders 25 St., be
designated RH and the remainder of the property be designated RM. This would be 8
and ¾ acres RH and remainder 26 + acres RM. This would be a maximum of 370 units,
however, he does not believe they would complete 370 units.
Ms. Rona Perry, White City, stated her opposition to the developing of this many units in
one area. She would prefer ranchettes and would like for them to look at other means of
Com. Barnes stated he felt this needed more work and would like some guarantees. He
would like to see the developer approach the School Board and see if they could use more
property and also would like to see if there are plans to restore the flood planes. He
would like to see more though going into this development. He does understand that with
it now being commercial, they could wind up with a huge shopping center with much
more traffic and he would rather see residential development.
Mr. Alejandro DelFino, representing the developer addressed Com. Barnes questions on
the quality of the homes and stated the pricing of the homes would depend on the market.
There will not be any rentals, these homes are to be purchased.
Com. Hutchinson stated she met with the representative a couple of weeks ago. Her one
concern is everything else being considered in that area is of less density and this would
change the flavor of the neighborhood also the fact there are no red lights other than
Sunrise and Oleander. She would have a better comfort level if she knew what they were
going to contribute.
Com. Barnes asked if staff had reviewed any of the previous communities built by this
Staff stated they had not.
Mr. Ferguson stated the developer had a website the Board and staff could review.
It was moved by Com. Barnes to transmit the requested 300 ft. RH and balance of 26+
acres RM; but, also along with the transmittal that staff research what this developer has
done in other communities and if it not to their liking they would reserve the right to
review it again and deny it; seconded by Com. Hutchinson, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
I. (a) Consider approving the petition of Reserve Homes Ltd.,
through Resolution 04-081 amending the existing Development
Order for the Reserve a Development of Regional Impact and;
The Community Development Director reviewed the changes and amendments to the
project and also their discussions with the city of Port St. Lucie regarding the “Fields of
Dreams” project.
A review of the request of the connecting access in the Saddlebrook Drive area was
discussed and it was concluded that this access would not be paved or opened to general
traffic, but would utilized for emergency access only.
The second access connection, Parcel 34 (the Lakes at PGA Village) was discussed and it
was the consensus that this connection would be used for an interim period of two years,
acceptable for the limited use of a connection from Parcel 34 into the city of Port St.
Lucie. The developer will be constructing Commerce Center Drive from the Golf
Learning Center down to and across the C-24 canal connecting to Village Parkway (aka
Commerce Center Drive) as it comes up from the Tradition Development.
The plans are, that roadway will be built within the next two years which will then allow
for the construction of a new entrance point into the PGAVillage development in the city
allowing for the closure of connecting point of Parcel 34 and the City of Port St. Lucie.
The internal bridge will be opened to vehicular traffic.
The Community Development Director read the change in language amending the Final
Development Order for Parcel 34.
(b) Consider approving Resolution No. 04-083 amending the
Final Development order for Parcel 34 (The Lakes @ PGA
Village) and;
(c) Consider approving Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 04-
002 between St. Lucie County and the Reserve Homes Ltd.,
In consideration for the expansion of the interstate Ii-95 and St.
Lucie West/Reserve Blvd., interchange and the associated
improvements to St. Lucie West/Reserve Blvd., between
Reserve Commerce Center Drive and Peacock Blvd.
Com. Hutchinson requested in item (a) the habitat mitigation/preservation issue be
The Community Development Director stated, by agreeing to this, it does not go
anywhere near approving anything in regards to the Fields of Dreams at this time and
also, our environmental staff has gone through the site with the Reserve environmental
staff and they are satisfied with the level of protection.
Mr. John Sapo, Coltier Company, concurred with the Community Development
Director’s comments. They have addressed the issues of concern, i.e. the two vehicular
connections between the Reserve DRI and the PGA DRI. They have also withdrawn
their request for parcel 38, which was to be 6 lots in the back section of the Reserve and
have agreed not to go forward with that in the future.
The Community Development Director stated that within Resolution 04-081, there will
have to be some additional clean up for some of the paragraph numberings. The final
will be adjusted slightly for the correct numbering of those paragraphs.
Mr. Norman Oak, Kings Mill section of the PGA Village, thanked the Board for their
efforts in what has been established today. He is pleased with the 2 year agreement and
he asked that it be noted in the resolution that Coltier will utilize a contractor’s entrance
and only use the connector road when necessary. He has also requested a 4-way stop
sign be placed within Champion’s Way and Commerce Roads.
Mr. Sapo stated the 4-way stop is something they would be willing to do if the County
would approve it.
The Community Development Director stated there was a 4 way stop sign sometime ago.
It was removed because Commerce Center Drive is an arterial roadway and they cannot
permit stop signs along an arterial roadway. He does not believe this could happen.
Mr. Jim Lamar, Property Owners of the Reserve, stated they are withdrawing their
objection to the connector road and parcel 38 as they have come to an agreement as
previously stated.
Mr. Bill Kannel, Reserve Homeowners Association, expressed his concerns with the
following: he requested seeing the exact location of the recreation area and the Fire
Department land. In the resolution where it mentions the 81 acres for the Field of
Dreams Park, he requested the 81 acres be deeded to the county and not to the city.
Mr. Kannel stated they were pleased with the 2 year agreement and asked for guarantees
from the developer that they will route construction traffic around the neighborhood
whenever possible. Also, in the staff memo it stated that Village Parkway will not be
completed for at least 2 years. He asked it be started as soon as possible and begin the
entrance into the north parcel without waiting until 2006. They would also like a
guarantee that construction traffic will be blocked from access in the old original Kings
Mill neighborhood. Also a legal interpretation of paragraph B in the Champion’s Way
resolution and tighten this paragraph.
He asked that since Parcel 38 and Saddlebrook are not on the agenda tonight and asked
the Board to seal this agreement on parcel 38 by putting it into a recordable instrument
for everyone’s protection. He asked the minutes include the agreement between the
Reserve and Coltier and perhaps the language on page 3 of the staff memo could be
adopted as part of resolution 04-081 (see Resolution 04-081 amended findings of fact
attached as Exhibit A).
Mr. Kevin Maculiff, area resident, concurred with the comments concerning the 4 way
stop requested.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, resident of the Reserve, addressed the Board that thanked them for
their efforts on the roads and the solutions brought forth.
Ms. Hammer stated, that during the negotiations, the developer stated construction traffic
would go around on Village Parkway as long as possible then they would have to stop to
do some of the paving and this is understood. Also, in staff’s memo it stated they would
open the road once it was all done down and across the bridge. This is not correct, they
were to open the Village Parkway as fast as they could get it designed and built and have
the entrance into the new PGA Village South/ North Parcel from Village Parkway
hopefully less than two years. The construction traffic has to be prohibited from going
into the “Spy Glass “ neighborhood.
Dreams Park is something they know is coming, and there are conditions they can live
with, however, there is one they cannot. When it comes time to take that land, they insist
it must come to the County Commission, they cannot afford to have this land go to the
city due to their past problems. They are also asking the 8 acres of recreation be
illustrated on a map.
Ms. Hammer in closing commended the developer.
The County Attorney addressed the questions directed and stated that regarding parcel 38
there be language placed stating that there was an application which has been withdrawn
and there was a representation that it would not be re-filed. Also, on the contractor’s
entrance, it would seem appropriate to memorialize what the developer has agreed to in
some fashion.
The County Attorney suggested directing staff to place the appropriate language
restricting construction traffic as indicated and incorporated in the resolution along with
language concerning parcel 38 and also incorporate the suggested amendment to
resolution 04-83.
The Community Development Director stated there are some corrections in the packet
given to the BCC. The east and west notations were mixed up and part of exhibit B,
should be vice versa, this will be corrected. Also it needs to be noted that there are
certain improvements that are required by the city of Port St. Lucie which are beyond the
impact scope of the Reserve and Reserve will eligible for up to 100% credit of these
The Chairperson stated she would prefer the backup be changed to numbers as opposed
to letters.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve items 5I a,b,c to
include the changes and amendments; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation
to move forward with the design/build expansion of the St. Lucie County Correctional
Facility by Centex-Rooney/Schenkel Shultz at a cost of $ 18,995,000.
Staff recommended tabling this item until April 27, 2004 until more information is
obtained .
It was the consensus of the Board to re-agenda this item for April 27, 2004.
Consider staff recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize a
formal public hearing to consider the revocation of a previously issued Conditional Use
Permit authorizing the operation of an air curtain incinerating on property located on the
south side of Orange Avenue.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to authorize a public hearing be
scheduled with a date to be advised; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court