HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 04-06-2004 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: April 6, 2004 Convened: 3:00 p.m. Tape:1-4 Recessed: 4:30 p.m. Re-convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned: 9:38 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, John D. Bruhn, Cliff Barnes, Doug Coward Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Jack Southard, Public Works Director, Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES ( 1027) It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 16, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. Resolution No. 04-125- Proclaiming April 5, 2004 through April 11, 2004 as” National Public Health Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve Resolution No. 04-125; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Diane Walgren, Health Department was present to accept the proclamation. B. Resolution No. 04-122- Proclaiming April 18, 2004 through April 24, 2004 as “St. Lucie County Crime Victims’ Rights Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve Resolution No. 04-122; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Chief Deputy, Gary Wilson Sheriff’s office, was present to accept the proclamation. C. The County Administrator read upcoming events and scheduled meetings. RA1. PROCLAMATION Resolution No. 04-129- Proclaiming April 11, 2004 through April 17, 2004 as “Public Safety Telecommunications Week” in St. Lucie county Florida. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No. 04-129; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Capt. Ken Merrick, SLC Fire District was present to accept the proclamation. 1 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Mark Orr, attorney for the Migrant Workers families who were in a fatal crash this past week, addressed the Board and requested the Board consider waiving the cost of the Fairgrounds for a fundraiser for the families this Saturday. Ms. Linda Tapia, Gomez Productions, addressed the Board and provided information on the community support as well as individual agencies support, i.e the Sheriff’s office, the Mayor of the City of Ft. Pierce, Southern Eagle, and Circle H Citrus. Mr. Bobby Rodriguez, Director of the Latin Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Board and asked their support for this request. Letters of support were submitted for the record. Com. Hutchinson stated she was in support of this request because it was a tragedy which occurred in our back yard. Com. Coward stated he too was in support of waiving the fee. Com. Lewis expressed her concern with waving the fee since there is a policy in place for not for profit organizations. Com. Barnes stated he shared the same concerns as Com. Lewis and wasn’t sure where to draw the line if this was approved. Com. Coward suggested staff possibly pursuing assistance from the private sector to pay the fee. Com. Bruhn stated he had a difficult time charging families for any of the facilities in their time of need. Com. Hutchinson suggested staff review alternatives for the funding and bring the results back to the Board at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Carl Benkert, Lakewood Park resident, addressed the Board regarding the Oakland Estates development which is now in the planning and zoning stage. He expressed his concerns with the density in the Lakewood Park area. Ms. Susan Caron, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board regarding her home and the view from her back yard where it shows the proposed Emerson Estates development and the affect it would have in the surrounding area. Ms. Julie Orbin, Lakewood Park resident, addressed the misunderstanding regarding the second well at Holiday Pine to accommodate Potorfino Shores. The County Administrator stated at this point they are not sure whether or not they will be building a second well, their priority is to get the existing water treatment plant off line. Ms. Orbin asked if any new developments could be pulled off the agenda until it is known what would be done in the area. Com. Lewis stated she believed this could not be done. There are many legal issues i.e. advertising and codes and regulations have not been set as yet with regard to the Charrette. Com. Coward stated there is zoning in place and anyone who requests developing that is consistent with their current zoning would be permitted to move forward. The issue is that there is a speculative developing interests coming in who are buying up agricultural land outside the urban service boundary in hopes that they would give the similar 2 approach in developing as the City of Port St. Lucie has which would give them new development rights. These are the developments which should be put on hold until to do a plan on how the region should be built out and we move forward with the Charrette. Com. Barnes stated they could not take away existing rights and there is a misconception on what the County can do by the people and the developers. The County must comply with existing laws since the Charette laws have not been written to this point. It does not mean they give away rights they don’t have, but the county must follow the rights they have right now. Mr. Grant Dunn, Lakewood Park offered $300.00 on behalf of his wife and himself against the fee for the Fairgrounds to assist the fundraiser for the migrant workers killed in the car accident. Ms. Eileen Novak, Lakewood Park resident, addressed the Board regarding the dirt piled on Palimar Road. She also commented on the proposed single family homes which to her estimation would be 5 feet apart from each other. Ms. T.A. Weiner, Okeechobee Road resident, addressed the Board on the growth and the environmental impact and the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager advised Ms. Weiner that the Stipulated Agreement has been approved so, they in fact have a new Comp Plan. 4. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Consent Agenda with the corrections and additions as noted ; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List Nos. 27,28 and 29. 2. PUBLIC WORKS A. Lennard Road 1 MSBU- Paving & Drainage (SLC) - The Board approved Amendment No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 8 to the Agreement for Engineering Services with Culpepper & Terpening Inc., for Task 10, Surveying Services, and Task 13, Fencing in the amount of $11,940.00 for Acquisition purposes. B. Harmony Heights M.S.B.U.- Potable Water Improvements FPUA- The Board approved advertising for Initial Public Hearing- The Board accepted the petitioning ballots and granted permission to advertise the Initial Public Hearing to be heard on May 4, 2004 which is a night Board meeting. C. Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 04-106, Equipment request EQ04-245- and Budget Amendment BA 04-141- The Board approved Resolution No. 04-106 establishing the budget for the Florida Department of Agriculture Grant, Equipment Request EQ04-245 for the purchase of a watering truck and Budget Amendment No. BA 04- 141. D. Amendment No. 1 to the Grant Agreement with DEP for the River Park Baffle Boxes- The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to the Grant Agreement with the DEP for the River Park Baffle Boxes, E. Request for a Public hearing on St. Lucie Citrus Mining Permit Application- The Board approved a public hearing to be held on May 3 4, 2004 or as soon thereafter as possible to consider the request of the St. Lucie Citrus Mining Permit Application. F. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $18,744.02 for modifications to the South Jenkins Road Extension project- The Board approved and authorized the Chairman to sign Changer Order No. 2 in the amount of $1,666,718.94 to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc., for design modifications and additions made to the plans to increase safety awareness to the traveling public and carry out several construction activities. G. Change Order No. 6 for Wharton-Smith to decrease the amount by $42,688.00 for the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds- The Board approved with the Chairman’s signature, Change Order No. 6 for Wharton-Smith to decrease the amount by $43,688.00 for the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds. H. Amendment No. 7 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood th Consulting Engineers for S. 25 St. Roadway Widening Project- The Board approved Amendment No. 7 to Inwood Consulting Engineers th Consultant Agreement for S. 25 St., at the intersection of Midway Road in the amount of $51,796.65 and authorized the Chairman to sign. I. Request for Third Amendment to Contract # C02-01-258 entered into between St. Lucie County and CEM Enterprises, Inc., to provide Enhanced Swale Maintenance services for the Road & Bridge Division of Public Works- The Board approved the Third Amendment to the Contract and increased the contract total amount to $550,000.00 per year, and authorized the Chairman to sign. 3. UTILITIES A. Changer Order with Astaldi Construction Corp. for construction services related to the Seminole water line extension in the amount of $23,807.18 - The Board approved the Change Order with Astaldi Construction Corp. for construction services in an amount of $23,807.18. B. Change Order for Speegle Construction II, Inc., for additional controls and equipment to improve the operation of the reclaimed water pumping system at the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Facility in the amount of $9,182.31- The Board approved the Change Order with Speegle Construction II, Inc. C. Work Authorization with LBFH Inc., for engineering services for the preparation of a Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Amendment in the amount of $41,120.00 - The Board approved the Work Authorization with LBFH Inc. 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES A. Resolution No. 04-113 and the 2003/04 application for the U.S.C. 5307 Federal 4 Transit Administration Grant- The Board approved the grant application and Resolution No. 04-113 accepted the grant and authorized the Chairman to sign all documents necessary. B. Approval of Amended Contract between the State of Florida Department of Health and St. Lucie County for Operation of the Health Department and approval for the Health Department to purchase a vehicle for $20,000 with funds from the allocation approved by the Board for FY04 budget- The Board approved the amended contract between the State of Florida Department of Health and the County, approved used of 20,000 of the $863,000 approved budget allocation to purchase a vehicle and authorized the Chairman to sign all pertinent documents necessary and to approve EQ04-251. C. Acceptance of the grant award of the Fy03 Rural Area Capital Equipment Support grant from the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and approval of Budget Resolution No. 04-123- The Board approved accepting the grant, approved Resolution No. 04-123 and authorized the Chair to sign all documents necessary to execute the grant. D. Appointment of members to the Treasure Coast Community Services Tripartite Board for the St. Lucie/Martin/Okeechobee County Community Action Agency- The Board approved the re-appointment of the current representatives for St. Lucie County to the Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Board. E. Approval of Contract with Nancy Phillips & Associates L.C. to provide professional services to plan and write the FY04 Community Development Block Grant Program- The Board approved the contract with Nancy Phillips & Associates L.C. 5. PURCHASING A. First Extension to Contract No. CO03-04-293 with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc.- The Board approved the First Extension to contract C03-04- 293 with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc., for the purchase of asphalt millings and authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. B. First extension to Contract No. 03-04-294 with Dickerson Florida Inc.,- The Board approved the first extension to contract C03-04-294 with Dickerson Florida, Inc., (secondary vendor) for the purchase of Asphalt Type S3 and Asphalt Sticker for patching and repairing of public roads in St. Lucie County and authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. C. First Extension to Contract C03-04-295 with Ranger Construction Industries Inc.,- The Board approved the first extension to contract C03-04-295 with Ranger Construction Inc., (primary vendor) for the purchase of Asphalt Type S3 and Asphalt Stickler for the patching and repairing of public roads in St. Lucie County and authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. D. Bid Waiver and Piggyback Martin County Auction Services Contract- The Board approved the waiver of the bid process, awarded contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. E. Award Bid # 04-26 Media Equipment for TV Studio - The board approved awarding Bid # 04-026 Media Equipment for TV Studio to the lowest bidders, B & H Photo Video-$53,323.50 Digital Video Systems- $2,606.61 and Encore Broadcast Equipment Sales- $8,895.00. 5 F. First Extension for suppliers listed on the Bid Award Form to Furnish and Install Fencing- The Board approved the first extension to the contracts with the suppliers on the Bid Award Form to Furnish and Install Fencing and authorized the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County Attorney. G. First Extension with the suppliers listed on Bid Award Form for Rental of Construction and Industrial Equipment- The Board approved the first extension to the contracts with the suppliers listed on the Bid Award Form for Rental of Construction and Industrial Equipment and authorized the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County Attorney. H. Software (Intangible Assets) Removal- The Board approved the removal of the asset numbers from the Software Intangible Asset Inventory of the BCC. I. Bid # 04-030 Weatherbee Road and U.S. 1 Intersection Improvements- Reject bid- The Board approved rejecting Bid # 04-030 Weatherbee Road and U.S. 1 Intersection Improvements and directed staff to revise the plans and bid document and re-bid this project in anticipation of receiving lower bids. J. RFP# 04-017- Design/Build for Open Space Pool- The Board approved negotiating with Recreation Design & Construction Inc., for Design/Build for Open Space Pool and bring back to the Board an acceptable negotiated price. K. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for the installation of Bleachers at South County Stadium- The Board approved the advertising of Bleachers at South County Stadium. L. Bid # 04-013 Purchase of 1 Vibratory Soil Compactor w/smooth Drum- Cancel award to Nortrax Equipment Co. and reject all bids- The Board approved the request to re-bid the equipment. 6. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Bear Point Mitigation Bank-Work Authorization No. 5 (03-05-395) with Hazen and Sawyer Engineers, P.C. for Additional Performance Verification and Construction Certification Services- The Board approved the proposed Work Authorization No. 5 with Hazen & Sawyer Engineers, P.C. for the Bear Point Mitigation Bank and authorized the Chairman to execute. B. Revocable License Agreement- URS Corporation-Monitoring Well on Old Dixie Highway- The Board approved the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chairman to execute the Revocable License Agreement and instructed URS, Corporation to record the Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. C. Airport Industrial Park- Contract for Sale and Purchase with Arthur Hungerford- The Board approved the proposed Contract for Sale and Purchase of five Airport Industrial Park lots with Arthur Hungerford and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract. th D. South 25 St. Roadway Widening-Midway Road to Edwards- Temporary Easement- Jerry and Margaret Davis- The Board accepted the Temporary Construction Easement, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 04-126 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 7. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE A. Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $1,984 for the Orange Avenue Canal Starr Farms culvert replacement project- The Board approved and 6 authorized the Chairman to sign Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $1,984 for the Orange Avenue Canal Starr Farms culvert replacement project for a total contract of $205,239. B. Change Order No. 1 to Contract # 03-12-744- Summerlin Seven Seas, Inc./John Brooks Park- The Board approved Change Order No. 1 with Summerlin Seven Seas, Inc., to increase the contract amount by $12,850.00 and authorized the Chairperson to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. C. Change Order No. 2 to Contract # 03-11-763- Property Solutions/Rock Road Correctional Facility- The Board approved Change Order No. 2 with Property Solutions to increase the contract amount by $12,649.00 and contract time an additional 10 days and authorized the Chairperson to sign as prepared by the County Attorney. 8. AIRPORT A. Security Coverage/Fencing Budget Resolution- The Board approved the Budget Resolution No. 04-116 for the Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement $60,000 grant for security coverage/fencing at the St. Lucie County International Airport. B. Budget Resolution for the Benefit/Cost Analysis for proposed parallel runway- The Board approved the Budget Resolution No. 04-117 for the Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement $8,333 grant for benefit cost analysis/fencing at the St. Lucie County International Airport. C. Benefit Cost Analysis scope of work- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 with PBSJ for $165,740 for the preparation of the Benefit/Cost Analysis for the proposed parallel runway at St. Lucie County International Airport. 9. GRANTS Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program- This grant will provide $267,000 for the dredging of Taylor Creek- The Board approved the submittal of the grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District and approved the attached Resolution No. 04-124. 10. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Scenic Highway Corridor Management Entity Agreement- The Board approved the Corridor Management Entity Agreement. B. Ratification of the Tourist Development Council’s decision to approve a $2,000 Special Event Grant Application for the Wings N Wheels Event organized by the Victory Children’s Home, funding from the County’s Tourist Development Council’s grant agreement- The Board approved the proposed Special event Grant Agreement and application in the amount of $2,000 to Victory’s Children’s Home/Wings N Wheels as drafted by the County Attorney and authorized the Chairman to sign. C. The Tourist Development Council would like to institute a St. Lucie County Hotel Survey Cash Contest that will run for one year. Quarterly winners to receive cash prize of $250. Total winnings for the year will amount to $1,000 and will come out of Tourism revenue- The Board approved using $1,000 from Tourism revenues for cash prize of $250 each for this survey contest. 11. ADMINISTRATION 7 A. Central Florida Foreign Trade Zone Board of Directors- The Board approved ratifying Mr. Rudy Howard to the Central Fla. Foreign Trade Zone Board of Directors. B. Environmental Advisory Committee- The Board ratified the requested appointments to the Environmental Advisory Committee. ADDITIONS CA-1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Board approved the Final Record Plat approval for Parcel 21 @ The Reserve (Briarcliff) and authorized staff to complete the final processing of this Plat. CA-2 UTILITIES The Board approved the first Payment request to FPUA for the North County Districts bulk interconnection with FPUA in the amount of $163,795 and also approved the interfund loan from the General Fund Reserves to be repaid with interest at 2%. CA-3 The Board approved the selection of Sun Trust Bank as the successful bidder for a $10 million line of credit to provide financing for the acquisition of land in St. Lucie County for a new Research and Education Center and approved to have the County Administrator sign the commitment letter. 6. COUNTY ATTORNEY Landfill Gas- Memorandum of Understanding Between Tropicana Products, Inc., and St. Lucie County- Consider staff recommendation to approve the MOU and authorize the Chairman to sign the MOU. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation and authorized the Chairman to sign the MOU; and, upon roll call motion carried unanimously. Recessed: 4:30 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA Re-Convened 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS CONTINUED (Tape 2) Mr. Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines, addressed the Board regarding the growth and accommodating this growth, increases in density, and utilities. Mr. Alex Brown, 13939 Indrio Road, addressed the Board in the timing of the growth and the Regional Planning Commission’s plan. Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce addressed the Board and read the “Did You Knows” from a brochure. The County Administrator advised the Board that Core Communities will be funding the fee in its entirety for the Fairgrounds . Any additional funds received will be given to the families of the migrant workers . 8 5.A PUBLIC WORKS Lebanon Road MSBU- Continuation of Initial Public Hearing Potable Water Improvements FPUA- Consider staff recommendation to not approve Resolution No. 04- 065 creating the Lebanon Road M.S.B.U. The M.S.B.U Coordinator addressed the Board and read a letter received from Kathleen Humphrey stating her request to withdraw the petition in favor of the project. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.B PUBLIC WORKS (2-1789) Revels Lane 1 MSBU- Second Public Hearing to amend the Project Boundary and approve a Preliminary Assessment Roll- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 04-115 amending the project boundary and approve a revised preliminary assessment roll for the Revels Lane 1 Municipal Services Benefit Unit. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to adopt Resolution No. 04-115; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.C COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-1920) Petition for Abandonment- Abandon the Avenue C, West of Angle Road, a 25ft. platted right of way, in Home Acres Unit 2 Resolution No. 04-118- Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 04-118, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Mr. Steve Tierney, attorney for the petitioner, advised the Board he was present to answer any questions the Board may have. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.D COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-11065) Consider Draft Ordinance 04-007 Amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code by Amending Section 1.13.01 to Provide for Clarification of Board Enforcement Responsibilities; Deleting Section 11.13.03 Enforcement Procedure; and Amending Section 11.13.04 Other Penalties and Remedies to Clarify the Initiation of Other Enforcement Proceedings- Staff has no recommendation at this tine. This meeting is for the purpose of public comments and testimony providing any direction to amend or otherwise modify this draft ordinance. The second public hearing on this matter will be held on April 20, 2004 or as soon thereafter as possible. No action required. 5.E COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-11126) Ordinance No. 04-016- Creating Section 7.10.24 Land Development Code, to Establish Height Limitation- this is the first of two required public hearings on Ordinance No. 04- 016 and no specific action is required at this time. Mr. Lloyd Bell, Port property owner addressed the Board and stated his formal objection to any proposal to discriminate against the activities or intermodel method of utilization of a modern Port. 9 The Asst. County Attorney stated this would only take affect in the unincorporated areas only. Mr. Craig Munt, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board in opposition to any type of increase in container heights in the county. No action required at this time. 5.F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (2-11596) Consider the application of Lucie Rock, LLC (Continued from March 16, 2004) requesting a Change in Future Land Use Classification from RS to MXD-Orange Avenue for 94.34 acres located on Rock Road, approximately .5 miles north of Orange Avenue, on the southwest side of I-95- Consider staff recommendation to approve the transmittal of Lucie Rock, LLC petition for a change in Future Land Use Classification from RS to MXD Orange Avenue to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Board members disclosed their discussions with the petitioner and the attorney with the exception of Com. Barnes who was on vacation. Mr. Bobby Klein, attorney for the petitioner addressed the Board and was available for any questions. Ms. Valentine Serman, President of the Homeowners Association of Timberlake Estates, addressed the Board in opposition to this change in future land use. Mr. Kline advised the Board that the sand pit Ms. Serman spoke of was not their property and is not subject to this hearing. Com. Hutchinson addressed the notification process. The Community Development Director advised the Board of their process and how it has been expanded. Com. Coward stated he was not interested in any more billboards being placed in this location and he wanted to make it clear for the PUD that he will not support any billboards. Mr. Kline stated there is an existing billboard and there is no ability under the county’s rules to place a billboard anywhere on the property. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.G COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (2-12882) Consider the Petition of Mark Pye to define a Class “A” Mobile Home as a detached single family dwelling unity to be placed on 26.63 acres of land located at 8630 Carlton Road in the AG-5 zoning district, Draft Resolution No. 04-023- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 04-023 to define a Class A Mobile Home as a Detached Single Family Dwelling Unit. Mr. Phillip Stickles area resident addressed the Board in favor of this petition. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 10 5.H COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (2-12700) 1.) Consider approving draft Ordinance 04-005 formerly Ord. 03- 025 creating a Countywide Law Enforcement Impact Fee- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Ordinance 04-005 imposing a Countywide Law Enforcement Impact Fee. If approved the fee will become effective July 1, 2004. 2.) Consider approving Interlocal Agreements between St. Lucie County, the Town of St. Lucie Village, the City of Port St. Lucie and the City of Ft. Pierce in regard to the collection of Countywide Law Enforcement Impact Fee and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. Mr. Craig Munt, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board in favor of this issue. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Ordinance 04-005; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Note: item 2 is not a public hearing but has been included in this part of the board agenda for consolidation purposes. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Interlocal Agreements; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Consider transmittal of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The amendment provides for a change in Future Land Use Classification from RE to RU for 47.96 acres located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Indrio Road and Emerson Avenue—Consider staff recommendation to Deny the request of Glassman Holdings LLC for a change in Future Land Use classification from RE to RU and extension of the Urban Service Area Boundary Line. This item was postponed per the request of the petitioner. 5 J. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (2-12954) Consider Draft Resolution 04-078 approving the request of Reitano Enterprises, Inc., for a change in zoning from the AG-1 zoning district to the CG zoning district for property located on the east side of Koblegard Road, approximately 330 feet north of the intersection of Indrio Road and Koblegard Road- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 04-078. Mr. Joe Fresha, agent for the petitioner addressed the Board and noted he was available for any questions. Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, questioned if this request conforms with the Charrette. She was advised this was not the statement made and this was not a new re-zoning. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Resolution No. 04-078; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 11 5.K COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- (2-1349) Consider application of BJK Inc., (continued from March 16, 2004 for a change in Future Land Use Classification from RS to RU for 48.72 acres located on the south side of Okeechobee Road (SR70 approximately ½ mile west of the Florida Turnpike - Consider staff recommendation to approve the transmittal of the BJK Inc., petition for a change in Future Land Use Classification. All Board members disclosed their contact with the petitioner . Com. Coward also met with the engineer. Mr. Michael Houston, Houston, Cuozzo, representing the petitioner, addressed the Board on this issue. Ms. Pamela Hammer, The Reserve addressed the Board regarding giving increased density and what the residents will receive. Her main concerns were the schools and the impact it would have. She would like to see a number of acres given to the School District as well as the Fire District. Mr. Butch Terpening, Culpepper and Terpening, advised the Board of what the developers have addressed concerning agreements sent to the respective Boards, i.e. School Board and Fire District. Ms. Ethel Sullivan, resident, addressed the Board regarding density in her area and asked smaller lots be required which would decrease the density. She would like to see the area kept as a greenbelt with smaller houses. Mr. Paul Gagion, resident and adjacent property owner, expressed his support with the development in his area . Ms. Julie Orbin, Lakewood Park addressed the over crowding of schools and the transporting of the children to schools which she felt was an accident waiting to happen. Com. Hutchinson stated the BCC does not have jurisdiction as to where the School Board decides to build their schools and in speaking with the School Board, they have advised her that they do not want a school in that area. Com. Coward stated there needs to be closer communication with both the developers and the School Board regarding the schools and the impact the development will have on the schools. Com. Hutchinson would like for the public to understand that the BCC does not have the authority to tell the School Board where to place the schools or how large to make them. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BJK USB extension- Applicant submitted a letter withdrawing the request for Amendment to the existing Urban Service Boundary Lines. 5.M PUBLIC WORKS( 3-1277) Continuation of the request for Florida Rock Mine – North Plant (Ft. Pierce Quarry) to increase their hours for crushing operations from 6:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.- 12:00 a.m.- Consider staff recommendation to approve the increase in hours for crushing operations under the existing permits subject to the listed special conditions. 12 Com. Lewis advised the Board that she has received notification from the following persons that they are not in favor of this project. Mr. Brunklebank and Arthur and Monica Elliott . Ms. Tracy Hayden, representing Florida Rock addressed the Board regarding the blasting and the procedure for advising the residents of when the blasting would take place. Mr. Jeff Straw, VP Gerysonics, addressed the Board regarding the noise and stated that the noise measures well within the county’s established guidelines. Mr. Kenny Smith, Plant Manager advised the Board the cost of bringing in another crusher was too high. Mr. Smith requested the times of the operation be adjusted to the following: Monday thru Wednesday- 5:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday – 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday- 6 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Com. Bruhn and Com. Coward advised those present of the crusher not being operable when they visited the site. Com. Lewis and Com. Hutchinson stated the crusher was operating when they visited. Com. Lewis stated the noise was not intolerable. Ms. Sara Worsham, attorney for the TC Airpark Homeowners Assn., addressed the Board and stated this operation had an adverse impact in the community. Com. Barnes stated he felt there was more of a noise impact from the private planes in the area than the mine crusher. Mr. Phillip Stickles, area resident advised the Board that more materials being taken out would mean more trucks. Mr. Jeff Kenworthy- Sky King Drive addressed the Board and read his letter into the record requesting this petition be denied. Mr. Rene St. June, area property owner stated the sound measurement taken was in the daytime and this was not offensive, the evening is what he is more concerned about. Mr. Al Weinberg, area resident, gave a history of the blasting and the actual impact. Com. Coward stated he had met with Mr. Weinberg. Mr. Darren Brown, 35 year area resident, stated his opposition to his petition. Ms. Stacey Brown area resident addressed the Board regarding the blasting and stated her opposition to the extended hours. Ms. Elliott, TC Airpark resident addressed the Board in opposition to the extended hours and operation and would like to keep the area quiet. Ms. Diane Boswell, TC Airpark resident, addressed the Board and stated she would like to keep the piece and quiet in her area for as long as possible. Com. Barnes stated he would consider Mr. Smith’s proposal of the adjusted hours and it be on a temporary trial period. Com. Coward stated he was standing with the neighbors. This is a short term solution and the pieces do not fit together. 13 Com. Bruhn stated he had a difficult time extending the hours since he was not able to hear the crusher operating. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the request for the adjusted hours as stated by Mr. Smith for the trial period of 6 months; and also attempt to convert the diesel pump to electric pump also the breaking of the haulers will be corrected and the crusher be below grade; and, upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Hutchinson, Barnes, Lewis; Nay’s: Bruhn, Coward; motion carried by a vote of 3 to 2. 5.N. PUBLIC WORKS Applicant has submitted a letter requesting this agenda item be pulled from the agenda. It will be re-noticed and rescheduled for a future Board meeting. – Capron Trails Mine. PHA-1 COUNTY ATTORNEY Consider Draft Ordinance No. 04-018- Regulations for properties and facilities owned or leased by St. Lucie County by regulating the areas available for golf activities, prohibiting the distribution of park lands and correction of the Director’s title. Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Ordinance 04-018 and authorize the Chairman to sign the ordinance. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Ordinance No. 04-018; and, upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Bruhn; Aye’s: Coward, Hutchinson, Barnes, Lewis; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ______________________ Chairman ______________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 14