HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 02-24-2004
Date: February 24, 2004 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1,2 Adjourned: 10:40 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, John D. Bruhn, Cliff Barnes,
Doug Coward, Frannie Hutchinson
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community
Development Director, Pete Keogh, Parks & Rec. Director, Don West, Public Works
Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services
Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held February 17, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 04-62- A Resolution proclaiming the month of March,
2004 as ”Indian River Community College Swimming and Diving
Month” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve Resolution No.
04-62; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jerry Mock, IRCC Asst. Dean of Research was present to accept the proclamation.
B. The County Administrator read upcoming events and meetings.
Mr. Bill Hearn, Indrio Road resident, questioned being able to bring back a matter for
reconsideration by the Board.
The County Attorney addressed his question.
Mr. Hearn asked the Board to re-consider the industrial light rezoning which was
approved at last week’s meeting.
Ms. Michele McGovern, Aide to Representative Nelson, addressed the Board and advised
them that Mr. Nelson office would be located in the building today for any concerns or
Ms. Julie Orben, Lakewood Park resident, addressed the Board regarding questions she
previously had regarding mounds of dirt being placed in her area.
The Public Works Director addressed her question and stated it was presently being
handled through the County’s Code Enforcement Office and they would be reporting
back to him.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Consent
Agenda as amended to include the additions CA-1; and, upon roll call, motion carried
The Board approved Warrant List No. 23.
Building and Zoning- The Board approved the purchase of two F-150 Extended Cabs to
replace vehicles ID # 40-3526 and ID# 40-3527 and approved Budget Amendment # 04-
136 and Equipment Request No. EQ4-239 and EQ04-240.
A. Request approval to serve/sell at South County Stadium- The Board
approved the City of Port St. Lucie’s request on behalf of the United
Third Bridge to serve/sell alcohol at South County Stadium during its
San Juan Festival on June 26, 2004.
B. Request for approval to serve/sell alcohol at the St. Lucie County
Fairgrounds, Equestrian and Events Center- The Board approved the
St. Lucie County Fair Association’s request to serve/sell alcohol
during the St. Lucie County Fair dates of February 27, 2004 through
March 7, 2004 at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds.
A. First Extension to Contract No. C02-03-295 with Hennis Construction
Co. ,Inc., - The Board approved the first extension to contract C02-03-
295 with Hennis Construction Co., and authorized the Chairman to
sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
B. Permission to advertise invitation for Bid for the Abandonment of
Artesian Wells – The Board approved the request to advertise and
Invitation for Bid for Abandonment of Artesian Wells.
C. Bid # 04-021- I. Louis Ellis Memorial Park Concession Restroom
Building (Re-bid)- The Board approved awarding Bid # 04-021 to the
lowest bidder Hennis Construction for $139,500 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
D. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for lease of Airport property-
The Board approved the request for permission to advertise an
Invitation for Bid for lease of the Airport property located at the
northwest corner of US1 and 25 St.
E. Pay Telephone Services- The Board authorized the County
Administrator or his designee to execute agreements on behalf of the
County for Pay Telephone Services and install courtesy phones in
appropriate locations with local calls only.
F. Bid Waiver and Piggyback Bid # 03-020 Cat Model 12H Articulated
Motor Grader and Light Package- The Board approved the waiver of
the bid process and permission to piggyback award of Bid # 03-020 to
Kelly Tractor Company for the Articulated Motor Grader $161,412
and light package $1,845.25 equipment request EQ04-176.
G. Second Extension to Contract # C00-03-232 - The Board approved
the second extension to contract C00-03-232 with Inwood Consulting ,
Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by
the County Attorney.
H. Second Extension to Contract No. C00-03-233 with Camp Dresser and
McKee- The Board approved the seconded extension to contract C00-
03-233 with Camp, Dresser and McKee for continuing professional
engineering services and authorized the Chairman to sign the
extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
I. Second Extension to Contract No. C00-03-234 with LBFH, Inc., - The
Board approved the second extension to contract C00-03-324 with
LBFH for continued professional engineering services and authorized
the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County
J. Second Extension to Contract C00-03-235 with Post, Buckley, Schuh
& Jernigan, Inc., - The Board approved the second extension to
contract C00-03-325 with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan for
continuing engineering services and authorized the Chairman to sign
the extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
K. Second Extension to Contract C00-03-236 with Masteller & Moler,
Inc., - The Board approved the second extension to contract C00-03-
326 with Masteller & Moler for continuing professional engineering
services and authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared
by the County Attorney.
L. Resolution No. 04-66- Amending the St. Lucie County Manual of
Purchasing Regulations- The Board approved Resolution No. 04-66
amending the paragraph 2 and paragraph 6 of Section 4.10 (Travel
Cards) in order to expedite the payment process for the purchasing
A. Change Order No. 1 to contract C03-11-763 Property Solutions/Rock
Road Correctional Facility- The Board approved Change Order No.1
to Contract No. 03-11-763 with Property Solutions to increase the
contract amount by $9,636.00 and time an additional 20 days and
authorize the Chairperson to sign the Change Order as prepared by the
County Attorney.
B. Award the Juanita Avenue over Taylor Creek Bridge Repair project,
Bid No. 03-088- The Board approved awarding the bid to Sieg &
Sons, Inc., the lowest bidder, in the amount of $36,470 establish the
project budget as outlined in the attached memorandum and
authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
C. Request for Work Authorization with Hazen & Sawyer Contract No.
C03-02-235/Savannas Campground Pavilion and Lift Station- The
Board approved the use of Hazen & Sawyer through a Work
Authorization to construct a new pavilion and installation of a grinder
type wastewater lift station and forcemain n the amount of $22,682.00
at Savannas Campground and authorized the Chairman to sign the
Work Authorization as prepared by the County Attorney.
A. South 25 St. Roadway Widening- Midway Road to Edwards Road-
Temporary Construction Easement- The Board approved accepting
the Temporary Easement, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution
No. 04-63 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
B. South 25 St., Roadway Widening- Right of Way- The Board
approved the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Gary Brown, et al,
in the amount of Five Thousand Five Hundred and 00 dollars as shown
on the attached map, and authorized the Chairman to execute the
Contract and directed staff to close the transaction and record the
documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
C. Ordinance No. 04-017- Permission to advertise- The Board approved
advertising Ordinance No. 04-017 for a public hearing on March 16,
2004 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
A. Resolution No. 04-64 to appropriate $29,740 received from Adams
Ranch, Ltd, - The Board approved Resolution No. 04-64.
B. Budget Amendment BA04-135 transferring funding to cover purchase
orders that were rolled over from fiscal year 2003 and t cover salaries
for the Inmate Attorney position- The Board approved Budget
Amendment 04-135.
C. Request for authorization to submit an electronic application for the
State Criminal Alien Grant 2004- The Board approved the electronic
submission of the 2004 State Criminal Alien Grant Application, and
authorized the County Administrator to sign the application.
D. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Mini Grant Awards- The Board
approved the awards of grant funds as stated on memorandum 04-46;
changing the award date this year to March 15 instead of January
15; and authorizing the County Attorney’s Office to draw up the
appropriate contracts for the Chairman’s signature.
Request Board to apply for two United States Fish and Wildlife Service South Florida
Coastal Program grants to assist with invasive plant removal at the Savannas Recreation
Area and restoration of the Williams parcel on Ten Mile Creek- The Board approved
submitting the applications to the US Fish and Wildlife Service South Florida Coastal
Request Board approval to apply to U.S. Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women
Office for a grant under the Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange
Program for FY 04-06 on behalf of Exchange Club Castle Grant- The Board approved
the submission of the grant application, authorized acceptance of the grant and authorized
the Chairman to execute the application.
Installation of Video Conferencing System between St. Lucie County Courthouse and
Rock Road Jail- The Board approved the purchase of the Polycom system by Call One,
Inc., State of Florida Contract No. 250-000-03-1 at a cost of $70,418.96.
CA-1 St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District- Donation of Property- The Board
approved accepting the donations by resolution, subject to completion of the required due
diligence and authorized the Chairman to sign the resolutions. The Board authorized the
County Administrator to send a letter to the FDEP notifying FDEP of the County’s
5.A First Public Hearing for FFY 04 Community Services Block Grant (CDBG)
Application- Consider staff recommendation to receive public comment as required prior
to application of the CDBG.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to proceed with the second
public hearing; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Port St. Lucie Annexations- Staff requesting Board direction on how to proceed.
The County Attorney made opening remarks regarding this issue and read the following
memo addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, dated February 18, 2004.
On February 3, 2004 the Board adopted Resolution No. 04-55 and 04-56 initiating
conflict resolution on the proposed annexations of the Kenco and Lennar parcels by the
City of Port St. Lucie. A map identifying the two parcels is attached to this
memorandum. At the Board’s direction, the Community Development Director and the
County Attorney appeared at the February 9, 2004 Port St. Lucie City Council meeting
and requested that the City Council not proceed with adopting the ordinances authorizing
the annexation of the Kenco and Lennar parcels and engage in conflict resolution with the
County. The City Council declined to engage in conflict resolution and determined to
proceed with the public hearings to consider the adoption of the two annexation
At the public hearings, the County Attorney placed in the record copies of certain
relevant cases and statutes, the Community Development Director summarized his
written report and opined that the proposed annexations created pockets and enclaves and
were not contiguous. The developers of the Kenco and Lennar parcels were represented
by Robert Klein, Esquire, and Michael Houston, a local planner. Mr. Klein presented
legal argument and Mr. Houston opined that the annexations were contiguous and
reasonably compact and otherwise met the requirements of state law. At the conclusion
of the public hearings, the Port St. Lucie City Council voted 5-0 to approve both
annexation ordinances.
Since the Port St. Lucie City Council voted to adopt the annexation ordinance, the
County has two potential options: (1) appeal the adoption of the ordinances by filing a
petition for certiorari in St. Lucie County Circuit Court (Appellate Division) within 30
days of the adoption of the ordinances or (2) do nothing. If the County determines to file
a petition of certiorari, a three judge panel will review the petition and determine the
following: (1) whether the City afforded the County procedural due process (i.e. notice
and an opportunity to be heard) (2) whether the City observed the essential requirements
of law and (3) whether the City’s decision is supported by competent, substantial
evidence. If the County determines to do nothing, then absent an appeal by an affected
party other than the county, the annexations will become final at the end of the 30 day
appeal period.
In reviewing the record, it appears that the County’s best change of success on appeal
would be to use the maps, the testimony and the cases submitted by the County to argue
that the City failed to observe the essential requirements of law in approving the Lennar
and Kenco annexation ordinances. With regard to the Lennar parcel, one possible
argument would, based on Mr. Murphy’s testimony, focus on the fact that access to the
Lennar parcel can only be achieved through the unincorporated County- not the City.
Another possible argument would be to use the maps and cases to argue that the Lennar
and Kenco annexations create pockets and de facto enclaves.
The City will focus on the testimony of Mr. Houston and Mr. Murphy and argue that
competent, substantial evidence exists in the record to support the City’s decision to
adopt the annexation ordinances. They will use the legal arguments outlined in the letters
sent by the lawyers retained by Lennar and Kenco to argue that the City complied with
the essential requirements of the law and provided the County with procedural due
In my opinion, for the County to succeed in an appeal of the annexation ordinances, the
County will have to overcome the conflicting testimony in the record and convince the
three judge panel that the City failed to comply with the essential requirements of the
law. Reported case law is very fact specific.
I believe that the County has a legitimate argument to present in this regard. But, because
of the conflicting evidence and case law, achieving success on appeal will be
Staff recommends that the Board determine whether to authorize the County Attorney to
file petitions for certiorari appealing adoption of the Lennar and Kenco annexation
Respectfully submitted
Dan McIntyre, County Attorney
Mr. Robert Simons, Mystic Way resident, addressed the Board and requested they oppose
the annexation.
Mr. Chuck Ray, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board regarding the cost of
litigation and how it would affect both the residents of the city and the county.
Mr. Bill Hammer, Reserve resident, urged the Board to move forward with the process in
order to bring a sensible solution to the development problem in the area.
Mr. Carl Rivasi, Reserve resident, addressed the Board and stated he felt the city of Port
St. Lucie was demonstrating “abusive powers”.
Ms. Peggy Halusa, Pony Pines resident, addressed the Board regarding the annexation
and stated the area cannot hold additional traffic.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Board and asked them to file the
writ and take the lead since the City refuses to compromise.
Com. Bruhn asked what the county’s argument would be once they are before the 3 judge
The County Attorney stated they would focus on the maps, the statutes and the argument
would be that they failed to meet the requirements of the law.
Com. Hutchinson questioned what she had heard regarding the city moved forward with
obtaining an outside attorney for litigation purposes.
The County Attorney stated this was true and they apparently anticipate litigation.
Com. Coward commented on what he felt was “contract zoning” in the city. His concern
was that developers were cutting a check to the city for unrelated improvements in order
for them to receive substantial land development concessions in return. He perceives this
and felt this leads to back room deals being cut and wonder if this should not be part of
the county’s efforts as well.
Com. Barnes addressed the comments received from the Port St. Lucie residents
regarding the gridlock of traffic, schools and the affects on all residents. He supports the
Com. Lewis stated when municipalities go to Court, no one wins and would prefer
mediation. However, what mainly bothers her is that they failed to meet the essential
requirements of law and she cannot get past this and will be agreeing to move forward
with this matter.
Com. Bruhn stated he would feel more comfortable if he had the opportunity to speak
with the city before moving forward with litigation possibly at the March 4 joint meeting.
Com. Lewis stated the city indicated they did not want to discuss this issue with us and
they intended to proceed and she was not aware of this being an issue to be discussed at
the joint meeting with all three entities and the School Board.
Com. Hutchinson stated the county lobbyist brought up the issue of annexation issues
being discussed at the state level. She asked the public to come forward and ask the state
delegation to address these problems at the state level.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson to authorize the county to file petitions for certiorari
on both annexations ordinances as well as Com. Cowards contract issue request;
seconded by Com. Barnes; and, upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Bruhn;
Aye’s: Coward, Barnes, Hutchinson, Lewis; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Com. Barnes commented that the City of Port St. Lucie is looking to stop collecting
impact fees. He asked if a report could be compiled by staff to advise the Board what
authority the county has and if the city would not collect them how they would go about
imposing them and collecting the fees.
Com. Barnes had to leave the meeting at this time.
Purchase of Harbor Branch Shrimp Property- Consider staff recommendation that we
allocate $10,400 from Contingency to perform appraisals and due diligence as the first
step in acquiring this property. Staff is recommending that we allocate an amount from
Contingency not to exceed $10,400 to perform the appraisals and title work on this
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve staff
recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
8. Bi-Weekly Committee by the Board
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court