HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 02-03-2004 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: February 3, 2004 Convened: 7:00 p.m. Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 9:25 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, John D. Bruhn, Cliff Barnes, Doug Coward Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES (1-027) It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 27, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS The County Administrator read upcoming events and advised those present that a joint meeting between Ft. Pierce, Port St. Lucie and the County will be held on March 4, 2004 from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS (1-1132) Mr. Bill Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Board regarding development and annexation. He asked the Board to vote in favor of invoking the conflict resolution. Mr. Bill Hearn, Indrio Road, questioned item C2C and asked if the firm doing the specifications would be bidding on the dredging itself. The County Administrator advised Mr. Hearn that they would not be bidding on the dredging. Ms. Alice Syndyk – PGA Village resident, addressed the Board and asked they invoke the conflict resolution. Ms. Janet Deering, Reserve resident, addressed the Board in favor of invoking the conflict resolution. Mr. Ed Vasco, PGA Village resident, addressed the Board in favor of the conflict resolution. Mr. Berry Moyer, PGA Village, advised the Board of his concurrence with the previous speakers. Mr. Robert Caron, 8500 Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board regarding the increased density in his area and disputed the figures previously given by staff. Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island President’s Council, addressed the Board regarding the City of Ft. Pierce City Council meeting which he attended and stated there were many misunderstanding comments made. He asked the annexation issue be first on the agenda at the scheduled joint meeting. 1 Ms. Susie Caron, 8500 Indrio Road, addressed the Board regarding Portofino Shores and the increased density. Ms. Sandra Woodham addressed the Board in favor of invoking the conflict resolution. Mr. Gordon Case, Holiday Pines resident, expressed his disappointment on the decision/s the Board has made. Mr. James Stacker, student, addressed the Board in favor of invoking the resolution. Ms. Julie Orbin, Lakewood Park resident, addressed the Board regarding the availability of water in the area. Ms. Jean Hearn, Indrio Road resident, expressed her disappointment with the Board and stated she was embarrassed about the water situation. 4. CONSENT AGENDA(1-1278) It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the Consent Agenda to include the modification of item C-6A; and, upon roll call motion carried unanimously. 1. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 20. 2. PUBLIC WORKS A. Permission to Advertise- The Board granted permission to advertise for proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide St. Lucie County with general engineering services related to Dredging/Disposal Site Design under the limitation of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual and the Florida State Statute. B. Work Authorization No. 1 with Taylor Engineering, Inc., for a Seagrass Survey at Ft. Pierce Harbor- The Board approved the Work Authorization with Taylor Engineering Inc., in the amount of $14,997.00 for a seagrass survey at Ft. Pierce Harbor and authorized the Chairman to sign. C. Engineering Services Contract with Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc., for preparation of bid specifications and documents for Taylor Creek Dredging- The Board approved waiving the RFP process for professional services, and approved the contract with DMC Engineers in the amount of $24,970.00 for preparation of bid specifications & documents for the Taylor Creek Dredging Projects and authorized the Chairman to sign. D. South Florida Water Management District- The Board approved the Grant contract with with SFWMD in the amount of $500,000 for Paradise Park Stormwater Improvements and authorized the Chairman to sign. 3. AIRPORT A. Budget Resolution for security coverage at St. Lucie County International Airport- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 04- 35 for the Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement $57,375 grant for security coverage at St. Lucie County International Airport. B. Accept grant for security coverage at St. Lucie County International Airport- The Board approved accepting the FDOT Joint Participation 2 Agreement and authorized the Chairman to execute the supplemental JPA and Resolution No. 04-49 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement, and accept the FDOT $60,000.00 supplemental grant for security. C. Accept the grant for the Benefit/Cost Analysis for proposed parallel runway- The Board approved accepting the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement and authorized the Chairman to execute the JPA and Resolution No. 04-50 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement, and accept the FDOT $8,333.00 grant for security coverage at the St. Lucie County International Airport. D. Budget Amendment for the purpose of movable stairs- The Board approved budget amendment (Resolution No. 04-120) for $1,825.00 to purchase PNX-FIS106 movable stairs from Phoenix Metal Products, Inc., for safe access to storage area in maintenance building at St. Lucie County International Airport. E. Resolution No. 03-326 for Florida Dept. of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement funding for Airport Runway 14/32- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 03-326. 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. White City drainage project- Canal D- Contract for Sale and Purchase of 15 ft. Right of Way on Citrus Avenue- The Board approved the Contract with Mr. & Mrs. Rowe, authorized the Chairman to execute the agreement and directed staff to close the transaction authorized the Chairman to execute Resolution 04-47 and Resolution No. 04-48 instruct staff to record the Resolutions in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. th B. South 25 St. Roadway Widening- Midway Road to Edwards Road- Temporary Easement- The Board approved the Purchase Agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis in the amount of five hundred and eighty and no/100 dollars as shown on the attached sketch and legal description, authorized the Chairman to execute the Purchase Agreement and directed staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Record of St. Lucie County, Florida. th C. South 25 St. Roadway Widening- Midway Road to Edwards Road- Temporary Easement- The Board approved the Purchase Agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Passman in the amount of $5,175.00 as shown on sketch and legal description and authorized the Chairman to execute the Purchase Agreement and directed staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. th D. South 25 St., Roadway Widening- Midway Road to Edwards Road- Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements- The Board accepted the Permanent Easement and Temporary Construction Easements, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution Nos. 04-51 and 04-52 and 04-53 and directed staff to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. E. Lennard Road Widening Project- FDOT Parcel No. 100 for Lennard Road Right of Way- The Board approved the 10’ Utility Easement in favor of Florida Power and Light Company, authorized the Chairman to execute the Easement and instructed staff to record the Easement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 5. PARKS AND RECREATION 3 Roof replacement at the Ft. Pierce Community Center- The Board approved the reprogram of the leftover $34,514.00 from the Recreation Division office improvement project to the Ft. Pierce Community Center to replace the roof. The Board approved advertising for bids for the roof replacement. 6. CENTRAL SERVICES A. Release of Retainage- TECO Energy Services, Inc- The Board approved final payment of retainage in the amount of $267,263.60 to TECO Energy Services, Contract No. C01-09-590. B. Re-bid Wastewater Screening Facility at Rock Road Jail- The Board approved rejecting the two bids submitted and re-bid with modifications to the original design and specification. 7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Twisted Oak Estates Subdivision- Final Plat Review- The Board approved the Plat for the “Twisted Oaks Estates Subdivision” and authorized staff to complete final processing of this plat. B. Resolution No. 04-010- The Board approved the request of Frank Vega, for a Major Site Plan Approval to allow the construction of a 162,841 square foot truck storage and distribution facility and approved Resolution No. 04-010 subject to the conditions contained within the resolution. 8. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE Re-allocation of budgeted funds- The Board approved the reallocation of funds from the Lakewood Park Library Maintenance Projects to the Courthouse Annex Maintenance Projects from the Investment for the Future Funds in the amount of $15,000.00. 9. GRANTS Request to submit two grants to the Florida Department of Community Affairs Emergency Management Grant Program- The Board authorized the Chairman to sign the transmittal letter/title page and staff to submit two grants to the Fla. Dept., of Community Affairs Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program to establish a Citizens Emergency Response Team and for a Communications Vehicle. REGULAR AGENDA (11260) 5. NO PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. ADMINISTRATION Development of a Research/Education Park in St. Lucie County- Consider staff recommendation to allocate 30,000 from contingency to perform the appraisals and due diligence as the first step in acquiring these properties. Staff is also recommending the Board allocate an amount not to exceed $20,000 from contingency to prepare a campus site plan. Staff also requested authorization to go out for Requests for Proposals to perform a needs assessment for the planned research park. Mr. Brian Scully, University of Florida, addressed the Board. Dr. Tim Gutwal, U.S.D.A. addressed the Board on this issue. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 4 7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (1-1829) Consider comments to a series of proposed amendments to the Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan Amendments- Consider staff recommendation that the County submit comments to the Dept. of Community Affairs and the City of Port St. Lucie. The Community Development Director addressed this issue . 8. Port St. Lucie Annexation Ordinance No. 04-04,04-08,04-09- Consider initiating Conflict Resolution proceedings pursuant to Chapter 164 Florida Statutes- Consider staff recommendation not to initiate the Conflict Resolution with the City of Port St. Lucie, however, request that the City provide the County the opportunity to be a full review and comment agency for any development proposal that may be filed on the properties associated with these annexations. The Community Development Director reviewed the following petitions: The Rich Rubin parcel The Lenar Parcel The Kenco Parcel An assessment of the three parcels was done by the Community Development Department and concluded that they are marginal at best in conformance to annexation criteria. The Rich Rubin parcel is the one which seems to be consistent with state law. The other two are more problematic, the Lenar parcel is contiguous to the city of Port St. Lucie, in the southerly area, Kenco is contiguous to the LTC Ranch. These appear to be areas of concern since they seem to start the creation of enclaves and pockets. The County Attorney advised the Board that these are voluntary annexations and the city is not forcing the annexations on its own. These are property owners/developers who have requested on their own to annex into the city. The state provides the guidelines and the county does not have any authority to legislate on this issue. The County Attorney advised the Board that if the county decides to object, the staff would need to appear before the City Counsel and state our objections. Com. Lewis stated she would like to proceed with the objection since she felt the Lenar and the Kenco parcels attempt to create pockets. Com. Coward commented on the 12 amendments. He stated 10 of those 12 have no major objections. There are two however, which raise red flags. Com. Bruhn stated he concurred with the comments made and felt they needed to speak to the City about Lenar and Kenco. The County Attorney advised the procedure in initiating the conflict resolution, however, he did advise them that there were no guarantees that this action would stop the city from proceeding forward. The County’s objections would need to be entered into the record at the city’s next meeting otherwise it would not go into court sessions. Com. Barnes stated these problems are the same problems high growth communities have faced. These problems will continue as long as land prices increase and the pressure is on for development. If we challenge this, it will make some people happy, however, it may jeopardize ongoing relations with the city on other issues. Com. Coward commented on establishing a “joint planning agreement”. Com. Barnes stated it was a good idea, however, he does not believe any of the cities would come forth with such an agreement. 5 The Community Development Director stated they had drafted an agreement and sent them back and forth, however, they died for lack of response. Ms. Pam Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Kenco parcel and the land use classification. The Community Development Director addressed Ms. Hammer’s comments. Com. Coward stated that Kenco, under the county ‘s land use would be allowed 124 units, under the land use amendment under the City of Port St. Lucie, they would be permitted to build 1,265 units, 1000% increase. There are state laws that come with that voluntary annexation which deal with contiguity, compactness and preventing enclaves and other issues which need to be dealt with. Com. Hutchinson stated she has struggled with the decision pertaining to the conflict resolution. She stated the pressure needs to be put on by the public and the businesses to the cities to push for this joint planning agreement . Mr. Fred Thompson, Savanna Club, asked that the Rich Rubin parcel be included in the conflict resolution. Com. Lewis explained this parcel was not included due to the reduction in trips. Item 7- It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes to submit county comments to the DCA and the City of Port St. Lucie with the supplemental language about a Joint Planning Agreement ; and, upon roll call motion carried unanimously. Item 8- It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to enter into conflict resolution process with the City of Port St. Lucie with regard to Ordinance No. 04-08 and 04-09 with a comment on 04-04; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 9. UTILITIES This item was pulled. ADDITIONS Tape 2 RA-1 UTILITIES Staff recommends that the Board declare an emergency and approve extending the current contract with Astaldi Construction Corporation for he installation of water and wastewater transmission lines from the existing Holiday Pines water and wastewater plants. Installation includes Masteller & Moler, Inc., engineering, plans, design, permits, inspections, survey, as builts, and installation. Transmission lines will extend approximately 7 ½ miles at a cost not to exceed $2,692,800. – Consider staff recommendation to declare an emergency and approve the piggyback contract with Astaldi Construction Corp. for the installation of water and wastewater transmission lines. The County Administrator gave a history as to why we are where we are today. The County Administrator advised the Board of the following pertaining to Holiday Pines plant: Presently there are two wells, one is an operating well, the other is a redundancy well. They are planning to put in a third well as the redundancy well and then utilize the second well. To have this new well in operation will take about 4 months. The wastewater at Holiday Pines plant will be expanded on a temporary basis. They will be sighting a regional wastewater treatment plant facility, this will take about 3 years, afterwards the Holiday Pines plant will be placed off-line, it will not be there anymore. 6 The County Administrator advised the Board there will be a loan given with 2% interest and will be repaid by the developers and rate payers not the tax payers. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. RA-2. Work Authorization with Camp Dresser & McKee,Inc., for the site analysis of a future wastewater plant in St. Lucie County in the amount of $56,550. Consider staff recommendation to approve the Work Authorization. It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ______________________ Chairman ______________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 7