HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-13-2004
Date: January 13, 2004 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 10:45 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward, Cliff Barnes, Frannie
Hutchinson, John D. Bruhn, absent
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community
Development Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services
Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Paul Hiott,
Veterans Services Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Jack Southard, Public Safety
Director, Pete Keogh, Parks and Rec. Director, Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager,
Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held December 19, 2003 and January 6, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
A. Ms. Rebecca Rizio, of Safe Space Shelter, made a presentation to the
Code Compliance Division in appreciation for all the gifts donated to the six
families sponsored by the Code Compliance Division this Christmas.
B. Captain Jim Barnes, U,S. Navy Retired, made a presentation and gave
an update on the Navy Seals Museum.
C. The County Administrator read upcoming events and scheduled
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island resident, addressed an article in the newspaper
concerning city’s interest in Hutchinson Island and the boundaries for service in the area.
Mr. Grande stated he believed the city’s only interest was for annexation purposes and
reminded the Board that the residents paid for the water plant not the city and it should
not have anything to do with FPUA.
The County Administrator stated the South Hutchinson Island south proposed the county
take over the line and the water main north of the power plant belongs to FPUA. He was
not sure if the residents of Hutchinson Island had signed annexation agreements.
Mr. Grande advised the County Administrator that the developer had signed annexation
agreements but then sold the property and the new residents did not sign such an
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Consent
Agenda; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 17.
A. Permission to file suit against Jay R. Jill to require the removal of
junk, trash and debris at 3402 Avenue R.- The Board granted
permission to allow the County Attorney to file suit against Jay R. Hill
to require the removal of junk, trash and debris at 3402 Avenue R.
B. Partial Release of Lien for St. Lucie County Code Enforcement Board
Order Imposing Fine/Lien in Case No. 96010070 dated May 1, 1996
and Case No. 96030052 dated June 5, 1996- The Board approved the
Chairman signing the Partial release of lien.
C. Consent to Merger of Florida Recycling Services with Capital
Environmental Resources, Inc.,- The Board approved the merger and
authorized the County Administrator to write a letter acknowledging
the Board’s consent.
D. Eckers Lawn & Tree Service- The Board approved terminating of
contract # CO1-10-080 with Eckers Lawn & Tree Service and
authorized the Purchasing Department to go out for bids on the work.
E. Indrio North Savannas- The Board approved the Work Authorization
Number 12 and authorized the Chairman to sign the work
F. Emerson Estates- The Board approved the proposed Subdivision
Improvement Agreement with 256 Emerson Avenue, L.L.C., and Port
Richey Village Investments, LLC for Emerson Estates and authorized
the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to the execution of a
Developer Water and Wastewater Service Agreement for the project.
A. Road & Bridge- The Board approved accepting the roads for
maintenance in Midway Industrial Park Subdivision and waiver of the
Maintenance Bond requirement.
B. Equipment Request EQ04-232- The Board approved the emergency
purchase of a new ice machine to fill Equipment Request EQ04-232
for an amount not to exceed $6,000 for the Road and Bridge
C. Road and Bridge- Equipment Request EQ04-213 and Budget
Amendment BA04-112 for the purchase of a van for the Traffic
Operation Unit.- The Board approved the Equipment Request and the
Budget Amendment and the purchase of the van in the amount of
$18,851.00 from the Florida Sheriff’s Association, using available
funds from the JPA Grant 101215.
D. Solid Waste Division- Revised Equipment Request- The Board
approved the revised equipment request # EEQ04-197 allocating
additional funds for the purchase of 4-800 Mega Hertz Radios,
Equipment Request # EQ04-198 and Equipment Request # EQ04-199
allocating funds for the purchase of two Gator Utility Vehicles.
E. Building and Zoning Division- The Board approved the request for an
extension for the removal or repair of unsafe structure at 2205
Elizabeth Avenue , Ft. Pierce- The Board approved the requested
extension until June 1, 2004 for the removal or repair of the unsafe
structure at 2205 Elizabeth Avenue.
F. Building and Zoning Division- The Board approved the request to
accept the Improvement Agreement and post bond in the sum of
$77,071.00 for Al’s Motor Home & Trailer Sales Inc.,.
Equipment Request # 04-229 for the purchase of a 15 passenger van and Budget
Amendment # 04-121 for an interest free loan from the BOCC General Fund
Contingency- The Board approved the Equipment Request and the Budget Amendment
and the agreement with the United Veterans of St. Lucie County.
A. Amendment of Contract # C03-11-723 to Ace Electrical Service, Inc.,
-Fairgrounds Lighting Phase II- Capital Project No. 03-084- The
Board approved amending the contract; increased it by $2,094.00 and
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as drafted by the
County Attorney.
B. Addition to Fairgrounds Rental Fees and approval of Resolution
No.04-33- The Board approved Resolution No. 04-33 adding the
Equestrian Arena at $2,000/day and the Outdoor Arena at $500./day to
the Fairgrounds rental rates.
C. Amendment to Equipment Request # EEQ04-140 & Budget
Amendment BA04-118 (South County Stadium Ticket Booths) - The
Board approved amending Equipment Request EQ04-140 and Budget
Amendment BA04-18 in order to proceed with the purchase of 2
portable ticket booths for South County Football/Soccer Stadium.
D. Award of Bid # 04-010- Purchase of one 90 Horse Power Tractor
(Equipment Request # EQ04-090- The Board approved purchasing
the tractor from Sunrise Tractor and Equipment Inc., at a cost of
E. Request for Higher Purchase Limit for Callaway Golf and Taylor
Made Golf, Inc.,- The Board approved raising the purchase limit to
$25,000 for Callaway Golf and Taylor Made Golf Inc., for FY03-04.
F. Award of Bid #04-009- To Seebreeze Janitorial to clean Thomas J.
White Stadium- The Board approved and awarded the contract to
Seebreeze Janitorial and authorized the Chairman to sign it as drafted
by the County Attorney.
G. Purchase of infield tarp for the Main Field at Thomas J. White
Stadium( EQ 04-234 and Budget Amendment 04-122- The Board
approved to procure the tarp, and Budget Amendment in the amount of
Usage of Government Day Funds- The Board approved utilizing the 1994 Government
Day funds for the County’s Annual Picnic and approved the Check Request to disburse
A. Permission to Authorize payment to 1 Fire and Security for
Supervisor of Elections Security and Fire Alarm System in the amount
of $31,980.- The Board authorized the Purchasing Department to
waive the bidding and contract procedure cur an after the fact purchase
order and authorized the payment to the 1 Fire & Security in the
amount of $31,980.
B. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Installation of Bleachers
at South County Stadium- The Board approved the request for
permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for installation of Bleachers
at South County Stadium.
C. First Amendment to Contract No. CO3-04-294 with Dickerson Florida
Inc.,- The Board approved the first amendment to Contract CO3-04-
294 with Dickerson, Florida, Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign
the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
D. First Amendment to Contract No. C03-04295 with Ranger
Construction Industries Inc.,- The Board approved the first
amendment to contract C03-04-295 with Ranger Construction
Industries Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as
prepared by the County Attorney.
E. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Waste Collection and
Recycling at County Facilities- The Board approved the request for
permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Waste Collection and
Recycling at County Facilities.
New Editing Workstations for Media Relations- The Board approved Budget
Amendment # 04-123 and Equipment Request # 04-233 in the amount of $9,500 from
Operating Supplies to Machinery and Equipment for the purchase of two editing stations.
Change Order with Speegle Construction II, Inc. - The Board approved the Change
Order with Speegle Construction II, Inc., for the installation of a jib crane foundation at
he North Hutchinson Island WWTP in the amount of $8,141.34.
A. Request to approve Equipment Request # EQ4-215 for two Dell
Laptop computers- The Board approved EQ04-215.
B. Approval of Budget Amendments BA04-124 and BA04-125 to
transfer budgeted funds into the appropriate accounts. The Board
approved EQ04-230 and EQ04-231 for the purchase of additional
software licenses and support for the permitting software system.
C. Request of Brandon Capital Corporation Inc., for final plat approval
for Phase II of the project known as The Sands- PUD - The Board
approved Phase II of the final plat of the Sands PUD and authorized its
final execution.
D. Resolution No. 04-004 approving the request of Atlantic Truss
Company, Ltd., for Major Site Plan Approve for the project to be
known as Atlantic Truss Company- The Board approved draft
Resolution 04-004 subject to the one condition.
A. Grant Application for the Museums for America Grant- The Board
approved the County Administrator or the Cultural Affairs Director to
sign the application and assurances for the Museums for America
B. Request for Board Approval to apply for a Florida Department of State
Cultural support grant in the amount of $67,000 to further Cultural
Programming- The Board authorized staff to submit a grant
application to the Florida Department of State in the amount of
$67,000 for Cultural Programming.
C. Request for Board Approval to submit a grant application to the
National Recreation and Park Association and the United States
Tennis Association for up to $5,000 to pay a temporary tennis
specialist who will assist in coordinating Junior Team Tennis
Tournaments during the summer 2004- The Board authorized the
County Administrator to submit the grant application to the
Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. C02-070561 with Norment Security Group, Inc.,
Rock Road Jail Security System Upgrade- The Board approved Change Order No. 2
to the Contract to increase the contract sum by $44,122.07 and extended the contract
time 100 days for a completion date of April 22, 2004 and authorized the Chairman to
sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney.
Approval granting request for $221,863 from Detention Impact fees to purchase a
new jail Management System- The total cost of the Jail System is $294,000 he has
secured a grant for $72,137- The Board approved the request.
Work Authorization for Glatting Jackson, Inc. to develop the Lakewood Park Florida
Communities Trust Management Plan- The Board approved using the services of
Glatting Jackson, Inc., to develop a Management Plan, through a Work Authorization
as prepared by the County Attorney in an amount of not to exceed $25,000 and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
Ordinance No. 03-37 amending Section 1-15 Article II Parks and Recreation of the Code
of Ordinances and Compiled Laws by providing for Twenty-four hour access to all
beaches and parks- Consider staff recommendation based on the Recreation Advisory
Board’s recommendation, that Ordinance No. 03-37 Section 1-15 Article II of the Code
of Ordinances not be amended to provide for 24 hour access to any beaches or parks.
Com. Barnes suggested having one park open on North Hutchinson Island and one on
South Hutchinson Island.
Com. Lewis expressed her concerns when the turtle nesting season opens and the general
public being in the area at that time.
Com. Barnes stated that he was aware of the fact that the eggs were mostly disturbed by
Racoons and not people.
Com. Coward stated he concurred and felt there should be select areas which ca be
opened and asked this be reviewed further.
The Parks and Recreation Director stated he would like the Park Rangers to patrol the
areas and would be happy to return next week with recommendations on which suggested
It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to bring this back next week with
7. PURCHASING (1-147)
Notice of Appeal- St. Lucie County Request for Proposals 03-101 (Mulching Services) –
Consider staff recommendation to uphold the Purchasing Director’s decision.
Mr. Trimeyer, attorney for Consolidated Resource Inc. referenced their protest letter and
pointed out what they felt were problems with the selection process.
Mr. Trimeyer stated they felt there were two procedural errors made by BP Technologies
and did not meet the initial requirements of the RFP.
The Purchasing Director advised the Board that he would follow up on the issue of the
potential savings was an ultimate part of his recommendation, on that the county would
save residents money because of the difference in the proposals.
The Solid Waste Manager addressed Com. Coward’s question on the gas contract which
BP Tech did not complete.
Mr. Richard Schroeder, BP Technologies addressed the Board’s question on the gas
contract. He stated the landfill and his company both mutually agreed to end that
contract, it was not by default.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve staff
recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Cultural Affairs- St. Lucie County Historical Museum Mission
Statement and Strategic Plan- Consider staff recommendation to
approve the SLCHM Mission Statement and Strategic Plan.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Barnes, to accept the Mission
Statement and the Strategic Plan; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. Treasure Coast Opera Society- Consider staff recommendation to
consider the TCOS request for financial assistance.
Com. Coward suggested doubling the grant funding to the Cultural Affairs Council to
assist with these types of requests. At this time they are only receiving $20,000. He
suggested taking an additional $20,000 from contingency.
Com. Barnes concurred and stated the Cultural Affairs Council would determine how to
distribute the additional funds.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to allocate $20,000 in
additional funding from contingency to the Cultural Affairs Council for their mini-grant
program; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C. Bi-Weekly Committee Reports- The Board provided updates.
Interlocal Agreement; Bulk Service Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and
the City of Ft. Pierce- Consider staff recommendation to approve the form of the
Interlocal Agreement, Bulk Services Agreement and map, direct staff to attempt to
conclude negotiations with the FPUA and the City of Ft. Pierce based on the form of the
agreements and map and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements upon successful
conclusion of the negotiations.
The County Attorney addressed the agreement and the map and advised the Board of the
The Landfill and the Tropicana area has been excluded. With regard to the White City
area, Citrus Avenue, Oleander this has been included due to the fact the UA has
substantial lines in the area and wants to continue providing retail service in this area.
The Indian River Estates has been identified as a county service area however, it is a
potential issue with the city of Ft. Pierce. He believes the Utility Authority is willing to
sell bulk water to the county without annexation. The city may or may not be willing to
do this. They have consistently requested that this area be provided with retail service by
the Utilities Authority with a 15 year deferment on it for annexation and have agreed
through the UA to contribute substantial dollars in order to lower the annual assessment.
The Board is aware that they have previously entered into a conceptual agreement with
the City of Port St. Lucie for water through a bulk service agreement. It is his
understanding that last evening the city of Port St. Lucie terminated the bulk service
With regard to the Hutchinson Island service area, the original map showed it as being in
the county service area, below the city limits. The UA pointed out that in the 201
facilities plan, the county does serve sewer in that area, they only agreed to transfer the
water line south of the power plant, not north of the plant. The UA wishes to continue to
provide water to those north of the plant.
Mr. Koblegard, attorney for FPUA addressed the Board and advised them their plan is to
present this agreement to their Board and hopefully they can present it to the City
Commission once his Board approves it. He believes the UA will be pleased with the
present agreement that is before the BCC today.
Com. Coward asked if there were any substantial changes in the proposal as opposed to
what was discussed in the prior workshop in November.
Mr. Koblegard stated the box had changed but not a substantial amount. Exhibit 4 has
changed, again not substantially over the original agreement, only a multitude of minor
Mr. Bill Theiss, FPUA, addressed the question on South Hutchinson Island service area.
He stated that 201 area 17 south of the power plant would be turned over to the county at
some time, however it was not defined in the resolution.
County staff and the FPUA worked out to go ahead and make that turnover south of the
plant. They want to turn that over and go from retail situation to bulk rate which would
make it much lower.
The County Attorney stated there was nothing on annexation in the interlocal. The
agreement with the city had annexation issues through it. We deleted them per Board
direction because the Board does not want to acknowledge or necessarily contest
annexation. This was intended to be a service area agreement not intended to support the
city’s existing annexation policy or oppose it. It’s intended to be a bulk service
agreement that identifies retail service areas.
The County Administrator commented on a possible future partnership with the city of
Ft. Pierce.
Com. Lewis read the small print on the maps.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the form of the
interlocal agreement , Bulk Services Agreement and map and directed staff to attempt to
conclude negotiations with the FPUA and the City of Ft. Pierce and authorized the
Chairman to sign the agreements upon conclusion of the negotiations and continue on to
phase 2; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
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