HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 06-22-2004
Date: June 22, 2004 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1 Adjourned: 10:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, John D. Bruhn, Doug Coward,
Frannie Hutchinson, Cliff Barnes
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Roger
Shinn, Central Services Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Jim David,
Mosquito Control Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Beth Ryder, Community
Services Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-025)
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held June 15, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. The County Administrator read upcoming events
Mr. Kevin Stinette, Indian River Keeper, addressed the Board regarding a meeting in
Martin County entitled “ Call to Action” on the 29 of June. He asked the Board to
consider sending a representative to this meeting.
Mr. W. Chesley, area resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the proposed
additional $25,000 homestead exemption. He asked the county provide him with
brochures to distribute at various meetings stating how this proposed petition can hurt
various counties and increase other taxes to make up the difference.
Ms. Melissa Litke, Deland Ave., resident, addressed the Board regarding development
and how affordable housing is being eliminated in the county. She also addressed
various programs which can be initiated in the county utilizing grants .
Mr. Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser, advised the Board of the tax roll which has increased
25% over last year bring the roll to $13.5 billion.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Consent
Agenda; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 40.
A. Job Title change from Heavy Equipment operator I to Foreman I- The
Board approved the position reclassification RC)4-060 changing one
vacant Heavy Equipment Operator1 to a Foreman I. This change had
no budgetary impact.
B. Request for approval to serve alcohol at Pepper Park- The Board
approved Berger & Tombs request to serve alcohol during its annual
company picnic on July 17, 2004 at Pepper Park.
A. Solid Waste Division- Change Order No. 1 for Continental Biomass
Industries, Inc., for the C & D Debris Processing Facility- The Board
approved Change Order No. 1 for Continental Biomass Systems, Inc.
This will increase the Contract by $16,795 making the new contract
amount $616,911.80 and extend the Contract time by 21 days.
B. Approval from the BCC for final payment in the amount of $1,812.30;
accept the project- The Board approved accepting the project and
released retainage and final payment to Carlton Paving in the amount
of $1,812.30 and signed by the Chairman.
C. Engineering Division- Property Acquisitions Funding for the Midway
Road Widening Project from the Turnpike to S. 25 St.,- The Board
approved staff’s request to proceed with the property acquisition
funding of the Midway Road Widening Project and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
D. Engineering Division- Professional Engineering Services for
Stormwater Management- Work Authorization No. 2 with Bowyer,
Singleton & Associates- The Board approved Work Authorization No.
2 with Bowyer, Singleton & Associates, Inc., for the Culvert
Replacement at Sunrise Blvd., in the amount of $31,378 and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
A. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Disposal of Scrap Metal
at the Bailing and Recycling Facility- The Board approved the request
for permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Disposal of Scrap
B. Bid Waiver and sole source declaration for service and purchase of
parts for certain County Equipment- The Board approved the bid
waiver and sole source declaration of Volvo heavy equipment parts
and services to Flagler Construction Equipment.
C. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for the sale of two surplus
copiers- The Board approved issuing an invitation to bid for the sale
of two surplus copiers, a Savin 9550 PR# 403548 and a Canon C6080
PR# 403557.
D. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Signal Maintenance and
Master Construction Contract – The Board approved the request for
permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for Signal Maintenance and
Master Construction Contract.
E. Request of the Supervisor of Elections to install Signage to include:
the building, entrance sign to the complex and on the entrance
window/door also blinds for the windows- The Board approved
installing signage from Sign Connection in the amount of $14,245. and
the blinds from Astro Vertical Blinds in the amount of $895.72.
F. First Amendment to Contract No.C03-09-573 with Tony’s Tree
Service, Inc.,- The Board approved the first amendment to contract
C03-09-573 with Tony’s Tree Service, Inc., as the primary vendor and
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
G. First Amendment to Contract No. C003-09-548 with Tri Brothers Tree
& Landscaping Inc.,- The Board approved the first amendment to
contract C03-09-548 with Tri Brothers Tree & Landscaping as the
secondary vendor and authorized the Chairman signing the amendment
as prepared by the County Attorney.
H. Second Amendment to Contract No. C02-02-298 with Port
Consolidated, Inc.,- The Board approved the second amendment to
contract C02-02-298 with Port Consolidated and authorized the
Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
I. Second Extension to Bid # 02-028, Purchase of Bailing Wire- The
Board approved the second extension to Bid # 02-028, Purchase of
Bailing Wire to Cavert Wire Company, Apex Pinnacle, and L & P
Wire Tie Systems.
J. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid to furnish and install sod-
The Board approved the request for permission to advertise an
invitation to furnish and install sod.
Contract Change Order # 3 to Contract # C03-06-452 Administration Building
Addition/Barth Construction Inc., - The Board approved Change Order No. 3 to Contract
No. C03-06-452- Barth Construction, to increase the contract amount by $36,627.00 and
contract time an additional 10 days for a completion date of November 28, 2004 and
authorized the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney.
A. Adopt Budget Resolution No.04-181- Accepting Donation- The
Board accepted the donation from the Ginn Company for the
Fairgrounds arena in the amount of $66,540 and approved Budget
Resolution 04-181 accepting the donation.
B. Approve Resolution No. 04-183 amending Resolution No. 04-163 and
04-115 to correct scrivener error – The Board approved Budget
Resolution 04-183 amending Budget Resolution 04-163 to correct a
scrivener error in the assigned resolution number.
A. South 25 St. Roadway Widening-Midway Road to Edwards Road-
Temporary Easement- The Board approved the Purchase Agreement
with Mr. Viens in the amount of Four Hundred and no dollars as
shown on the sketch and legal description, authorized the Chairman to
execute the Purchase Agreement and directed staff to close the
transaction and record the documents in the Public Records of St.
Lucie County, Florida.
B. South 25 St. Roadway Widening-Midway Road to Edwards Road
Right of Way- The Board approved the temporary easement
agreement with Alfred R. Johnson, et al, in the amount of $590.00 as
shown on the attached sketch and legal descriptions, authorized the
Chairman to execute the Purchase Agreement and directed staff to
close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Records
of St. Lucie County, Florida.
C. South 25 St. Roadway Widening- Midway Road to Edwards Road –
The Board approved the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Bonnie
Schwarz in the amount of $52,150.00 as shown on the attached map,
authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract and directed staff to
close the transaction and record the Agreement in the Public Records
of St. Lucie County, Florida.
D. Florida Communities Trust- Capron Trail Park/FCT Project 03-069-
FF3- Grant Award Agreeme4nt- The Board approved the Grant
Award Agreement, authorized the Chairman to execute the Agreement
and directed staff to record the Agreement in the Public Records of St.
Lucie County, Florida.
E. Purchase Agreement with New Hope Power Partnership for purchase
of wood waster material- The Board approved the purchase agreement
with New Hope Partnership and authorized the Chairman to sign the
purchase agreement.
A. Request of Culpepper and Terpening, Inc., for final plat approval for the
project to be known as Las Tortugas at Hutchinson Island (FKA Riverside @
Island Dunes Subdivision). The Board approved the final plat of Las Tortugas
at Hutchinson Island and authorized its final execution.
B. Temporary office space for Wal-Mart Distribution Center- Memorandum of
Understanding - The Board approved the first amendment to the
Memorandum of Understanding between Wal Mart and St. Lucie County for
temporary office space and authorized the Chair to sign the first amendment to
the MOU and process for payment.
Siemens Building Technologies- Contract # C04-01-104 Change Order No. 1- St. Lucie
County Courthouse A/C System- The Board approved use of Central Services Reserve in
the amount of $18,000 for Siemens to provide the A/C system modifications to St. Lucie
County Courthouse at a cost of $15,490.00 and extension of Contract No. C04-10-104
sixty days and authorized the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County
Bay St. Lucie Property Owner’s Association Request- The Board approved sending a
letter to Port St. Lucie not objecting to the City providing water service to Bay St. Lucie
Property Owner’s Association.
Contract Amendment to Agreement No. C04-03-157 for Exotic Control Services- The
Board approved Amendment No. 1 of C04-03-157 and authorized the Chairman to
execute the Amendment.
FY 2003/2004 Community Services Block Grant Modification of Agreement with Fla.
Dept. of Community Affairs and Budget Resolution No. 04-184- The Board approved
the proposed Modification Agreement with the Florida Dept. of Community Affairs for
the FY 2003/04 Community Services Block Grant, Budget Resolution No. 04-184 and
authorized the Chairman to sign all documents necessary for acceptance of the
CA-1. Strategic and Special Projects- The Board approved the Federal Functional
Classification for those roadways in St. Lucie County outside of the Federal Highway
Administration’s approved Urban Area Boundary for the St. Lucie MPO and authorized
the Chairman to sign the maps indicating said approval.
CA-2. The Board approved canceling the July 20, 2004 Board of County Commissioners
CA-3. Request acceptance and approval of RFP# 04-064- St. Lucie County’s Research
and Education Park needs assessment- The Board approved allocating $29,700 from
Economic Development Professional Services budget and enter into a contract with
Hammer Siler George Associates to perform a needs assessment for the research and
education park- RFP# 04-064.
5. A Ordinance No. 04-022- Providing for Additional Court Costs- Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 04-022 as drafted.
Mr. Harold Melville, Legal Aid Society member, addressed the Board in favor of the
Mr. Jim Walker, Attorney, addressed the Board in favor if the ordinance.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve Ordinance No. 04-
022; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
5.B Ordinance No. 04-024 Assessment of Additional Surcharge on Non-Criminal
Traffic Infractions- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 04-024 as
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Ordinance No.
04-024; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
6. COUNTY ATTORNEY ( 1-1272)
Law Enforcement Impact Fee- Memorandum of Understanding with Town of St. Lucie
Village- Consider staff recommendation to approve the Memorandum of Understanding
and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Memorandum
of Understanding and authorize the Chairman to sign; and, upon roll call, motion carried
7. PUBLIC WORKS (1-1378)
Engineering Division – Approval of the revised Indian River Estates MSBU Mail out
Package- Approval of the revised Indian River Estates MSBU Mail-out Package and
signature by the Chairman.
Com. Coward requested language be amended in the letter.
It was moved by Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the amended Indian River
Estates MDBU Mail out package and authorized the Chairman to sign; and, upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
Local Option Gas Tax Division of Proceeds Beginning September 1, 2004- Consider
staff recommendation that the Board determine whether to approve the annual
redetermination set out in the attached memorandum and direct the County Attorney to
notify the Department of Revenue of the redetermination by July 1, 2004.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the annual
redetermination and directed the County Attorney to notify the Department of Revenue
by July 1, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 04-025 Providing for a five dollar surcharge on parking fines to fund
school crossing guard programs- permission to advertise Ordinance No. 04-025.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve the request for
advertising of Ordinance No. 04-025 for an upcoming day meeting; and, upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Proposed Increasing of Homestead Exemption- Consider staff recommendation to adopt
Resolution No. 04-174 opposing a Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to increase
the Homestead Exemption by $25,000.
The County Administrator advised the Board of the estimated loss the county would
incur should this additional exemption pass. He stated the estimated loss would be 10.3
million dollars annually.
It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to adopt Resolution No. 04-
174; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
11. Bi –Weekly Reports
The Board provided updates on the Committees and Board they serve on.
Com. Barnes requested a special meeting be held to discuss and approve the hiring of a
consultant firm to provide a plan for the jail system.
It was the consensus of the Board to schedule a special meeting for 4:00 p.m. on June 29,
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court