HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 11-23-2004
Date: November 23, 2004 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 10: 01 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Paula A.
Lewis, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Rec. Director, Jack Southard, Public Safety Director,
Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Marie Gouin,
M & B Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Randy Stevenson, Growth
Management, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
A. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve
the minutes of the meeting held November 15, 2004, and November
16, 2004 and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. The County Administrator introduced the new Strategic and Special
Projects Director, Michael Brillhart.
B. The County Administrator announced the Employee of the Quarter
and made a presentation to Ralph Hannas.
C. A presentation was made by the Master Gardeners and Jr. Master
D. The County Administrator read upcoming events.
E. A presentation by SLC TV Continuation of “September to
Remember”, Rebuilding St. Lucie County” video.
Ms. Susie Caron, 8500 Indrio Road, addressed the Board regarding Emerson Estates (see
attached comments).
Com. Coward requested this issue be added to the end of the agenda for discussion.
Mr. Edmund LaPlum, Hutchinson Island addressed the Board regarding the Ocean Bay
Condominium project. He advised the Board the water from the project egresses onto his
condominium’s property to a Mosquito Control impoundment and asked what they intend
to do about the problem.
The County Administrator advised Mr. LaPlum that these questions could be better
addressed by the Mosquito Control Director, however, he is in a meeting out of the
It was the consensus of the Board to pull this item (C-2H) until the concerns are
Mr. Mark Keen, White City Improvement Club, addressed the Board requesting a
structure in White City be kept as a historical structure.
Staff was directed to visit the structure and return with a recommendation.
Mr. Larry Clancy, representing the Exchange Club and the Chili Cook Off event,
addressed the Board regarding the Civic Center. He asked the Board consider repairing
the Civic Center as noted on the agenda.
Mr. Charles Grande, President’s Council, addressed the Board and thanked them for
pulling the Ocean Bay item.
Mr. Jack Kelly, Port St. Lucie City Council member, congratulated the new Board
members as well as the re-election of Com. Lewis. He also expressed his support to the
Board in working with them on County/City issues.
Mr. Howard Specor, TC Opera Society, addressed the Board and asked for their support
in funding and asked the Board consider repairing the Civic Center.
Com. Coward wished to make everyone aware the Board fully supports the Arts in St.
Lucie County.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent Agenda,
with item C-2 H pulled and to be re-agendad, and; upon roll call, motion carried
The Board approved Warrant List No.8.
A. Right of Way Donation- Future Right of Way of Kings Highway-
Resolution N0. 04-274- The Board accepted the Warranty Deed,
authorized the Chairman to execute Resolution No. 04-274 and
directed staff to re-record the Warranty Deed and Record Resolution
No. 04-274 in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
B. Resolution No. 04-348 Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances; and Resolution No. 04-349 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution
Nos. 04-348 and 04-349 and authorized the Chairman to sign the
C. Revocable License Agreement- Environmental Compliance Service,
Inc.- The Board approved the Revocable license Agreement,
authorized the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement
and instructed Environmental Compliance Services, Inc., to record the
Revocable License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie
County, Florida.
D. Sixth Addendum to Shopping Center Lease- Village Green- The
Board approved the Sixth Addendum and authorized the Chairman to
sign the Sixth Addendum.
E. Ordinance No. 05-001 News racks on Public Right of Way- The
Board approved advertising proposed Ordinance No. 05-001 for public
hearings before the Local Planning Agency on January 21, 2005 and
the BCC on February 1, 2005 and February 15,2005 beginning at 6:00
p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
F. Interlocal Agreement with South Florida Water Management District-
Deed of Conservation Easement- Certification of Lands- Reimbursed
for the Hall Parcel- Tract No. FG 100-051- The Board approved the
Deed of Conservation, authorized the Chairman to sign the Deed of
Conservation and Certification of Lands, directed staff to record the
Deed of Conservation in the Public Records of St. Lucie County,
G. Contract for Sale and Purchase- Lennard Road MSBU- Dybra PSL
Development LLC- The Board approved the Contract for Sale and
Purchase, authorized the Chairman to sign the contract for Sale and
Purchase, accepted Resolution 04-352 and Resolution 04-353 for the
10 ft. Permanent Slope Easements and directed staff to record the
documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
H. Ocean Bay Villas- Permanent Easement for Stormwater Drainage
Connection to Mosquito Control Impoundment No. 9- This item was
A. Transformer for Adams Arena at Fairgrounds- The Board approved
payment to FP & L for a transformer in the amount of $7,245.00 for
the Adams Arena located at the Fairgrounds.
B. Request approval to serve consume alcohol at the Ft. Pierce
Community Center- The Board approved the Cultural Affairs request
to serve alcohol during its annual award ceremony on December 16,
2004 at the Ft. Pierce Community Center.
C. Emergency Fire Alarm System for the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds,
Equestrian & Event Center- The Board approved the Emergency Fire
Alarm System for the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds Equestrian Center
in the amount of $16,508.86 and approved the use of 1 Fire and
Security who submitted the lowest quote to install the system.
D. Purchase of Transportation Bleachers and Showmobile Extensions-
The Board approved piggybacking of Bid # 04-003 for the purchase of
a set of TSP300 transportable bleachers from Century Industries in the
amount of $38,087. The Board also approved the purchase of the
Showmobile extensions from Century Industries in the amount of
$4,095 and approved Equipment Request No. 05-132 and 05-133.
E. Modification of Equipment Request –5-157 and 05-158 and Budget
Amendment 05-105- The Board approved the modification of
Equipment Request 05-157 in the amount of $18,000 , Equipment
Request 05-158 in the amount of $23,000 and Budget Amendment 05-
F. Approval of Work Authorization C03-12-762 with Edlund Dritanbas
to provide a feasibility study for construction of a building at the
Lawnwood Complex- The Board approved Work Authorization C03-
12-762 and authorized the Chairman to sign. The Board approved the
use of $12,000. from contingency to pay for the study and approval of
Budget Amendment No. 05-104.
G. Donation from the United States Tennis Association- The Board
approved Budget Resolution No. 04-344 to accept the $2,000.00
donation from the US Tennis Association-Florida Section.
H. St. Lucie County Fairgrounds Equestrian Event Center Arena Floor
Bid Waiver- The Board approved waiving the bid process for
installation of the Bud Adam’s Arena floor at the Fairgrounds
Equestrian and Event Center and authorized staff to utilize Haverland
and Blackrock Corporation to complete the project in the amount of
$41,863. The Board also approved an additional $9,863 from Park “B”
impact fees to fund the completion of the project.
A. Contract Change Order # 6 to Contract C03-06-452- Administration
Building Addition/Barth Construction Inc.,- The Board approved
Change Order # 6 to Contract No. C03-06-452 Barth Construction to
increase the contract amount by $49,296.00 and contract time an
additional 30 days for a completion date of February 2, 2005 and
authorize the Chair to sign the contract change order as prepared by
the County Attorney.
B. Acknowledgement of Mosby & Associates, Inc., name change- The
Board approve the acknowledgement of Mosby Moia Bowles &
Associates, Inc., and authorized the Chair to sign the
Acknowledgement as prepared by the County Attorney and allow for
C. Acknowledgement of MMG Holdings, LLC Lease- The Board
approved the Acknowledgement of MMG Holdings,LLC Lease and
authorized the Chair to sign this acknowledgement as prepared by the
County Attorney and allowed for execution.
The Board approved the termination of the billboard lease on the Bolin property (122
acres) that was acquired by the County in June, 2004 and approved the revised first
amendment on the cattle leases for 2005.
A. Amendments # 1,2 and 3 to the South Florida Water Management
District grant in the amount of $860,000 for Taylor Creek Dredging –
The Board approved Amendments 1, 2 and 3 and authorized the
Chairman to sign,
B. Solid Waste Division- The Board approved Budget Resolution No.
04-346 .
C. Solid Waste Division- Non-Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste and
Recyclable Material Collection Service Agreements for World Waste
Services Inc.- The Board approved the Non-Exclusive Commercial
Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Collection Agreement for World
Waste Service and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A. Approved Budget Resolution # 04-340 in the amount of $70,981 for
the Edward Byrne Memorial Grant from the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement Office of Justice Programs- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 04-340 in the amount of $70,981 to recognize
and expand funds.
B. Budget Amendment # 05-107 in the amount of $2,107 for
Commissioners and Administration Portraits - The Board approved
Budget Amendment # 05-107.
A. Acceptance of the grant award of the FY04 Service Development
Grant from the State of Florida DOT, approval of Resolution No. 04-
350- The Board approved accepting the grant and authorized the
Chairman to sign all documents necessary to execute the grant and
approved Resolution No. 04-350.
B. Grant Extension for a Florida Dept. of Transportation Joint
Participation Agreement for transit marketing grant- The Board
authorized the Chairman to sign the grant extension for the FDOT
Joint Participation Agreement for a transit marketing grant.
Request approval of State Aid to Libraries Grant- The Board authorized the Chairman of
the Board to sign two copies of the application for the State Aid to Libraries Grant
Application for submittal and approved the Library’s annual plan of service.
A. Federal Aviation Administration Grant (12-0023-E1-2005) for the
replacement of the Instrument Landing System at the St. Lucie County
International Airport- The Board approved the FFA grant in the
amount of $195,000 for the replacement of the Instrument Landing
System and authorized the Chair to sign and execute the grant.
B. Runway 14-32 Rehabilitation Change Order # 1-Removal of
Contaminated Soil- The Board approved Change Order # 1 for a
decrease of $14,678.65 to the Dickerson Florida Inc., contract for the
removal of contaminated soil for the runway 14/32 rehabilitation bid #
03-078 at the St. Lucie County International Airport.
C. Airport West Commerce Park Project- Permitting, mitigation and
utility services Scope of Work- The Board approved Work
Authorization # 5 and the scope of services from PBS&J in the amount
of $122,705. for permitting, mitigation and utility services associated
with Airport West commerce Park at the St. Lucie County
International Airport.
A. Permission to advertise a Request for Proposal or developing and
implementing a Guidance and Interpretive Signage Placement Plan-
The Board approved advertising a RFP.
B. Approval of Bid Waiver and Ratification of Emergency Purchases
from Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne - The Board approved 1)
ratifying the County Administrator’s order effective September 3,
2004 at 5:00 p.m. and September 24, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. 2) approved the
waived of sealed bids as a result of the declared emergency 3) ratified
the County Administrator’s approval of the list of emergency
purchases orders and authorized the Chairman to sign contracts as
prepared by the County Attorney.
Right of Way Abandonment – Portion of Silver Oak Drive- Consider staff
recommendation to approve Resolution No. 04-351 authorize the Chairman to execute a
Quit Claim Deed in favor of the State of Florida, by and through its Board of Trustees of
the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, instruct staff to publish the final Notice of
Abandonment and record Resolution No. 04-351, Proof of Publication of the Notice of
Intent to Abandon, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing and the Proof of
Publication of the Notice of Abandonment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County,
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation and approve Resolution No. 04-351, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Landfill Gas Agreement- Tropicana Manufacturing Company- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Agreement and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Request for Board approval of Civic Center repair plan- Consider staff recommendation
to approve the plan to replace the roof of the Civic Center, remove the roof top air
conditioning units, install a chiller air conditioning system and modify the Civic Center to
allow for using portable seating and stage.
Com. Coward stated he felt they needed to deal with the roof today. This was the main
issue. The stage, air conditioning and campus plan are issues which need further
discussion. He is not sure where the best location would be for the chillers.
He asked to move forward with the roof and discuss the other issues when more
information is obtained.
The County Administrator stated the roof was the most important issue due to the
possibility of further damage. They will come back and look at the cooling system both
Com. Coward commented on the potential use of the property on 23 St. as well as the
dangerous intersection (23 and Virginia) which should be built into the campus plan.
The County Administrator stated they will bring back the chiller system item as well as
possibly aligning 23 St. which was part of their original plan.
Com. Lewis stated she felt they needed to move forward with the repairs of the Civic
Center due to time constraints and the need for a special needs facility for the next
Hurricane season.
The County Administrator advised the Board he would be bringing back two proposals
one, for inside installation of the chiller system and one for outside.
Mr. Gary Wilkerson, Wilkerson Engineering addressed the Boards’ question regarding
installing the chiller in the parking area and if it could be designed and brought back to
the Board.
Mr. Wilkerson stated they were looking at various alternatives and explained the
desirable and undesirable locations.
Com. Lewis asked options be brought back to the Board for their review.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff
recommendation and bring back a contract on December 7, 2004 with a scope of services
and options for the Board to review and, upon roll call; motion carried unanimously.
Com. Coward asked it be made clear that a decision on the existing stage has not been
Appointment for the Corridor Advocacy Committee (Com. Craft volunteered) and Com.
Hutchinson requested to stay in the Sunrise Board.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the above
appointments; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Interlocal Agreement- City of Ft. Pierce- Transfer of Right of Way- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign
the Agreement.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft to approve the Interlocal
Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
Com. Coward wished to point out that he was the only Commissioner on the Board to
vote against this project. However, he stated he did not agree with # 1 of the hardships
listed. The County does not make it a practice of picking up the cost of studies that
private citizens which to have done.
Com. Coward stated on # 2 , the Land Use Compatibility, he agrees to the flip flop of the
developing, however, since the Board chose to approve the plan, he is not sure the Board
has the ability to modify it.
The County Attorney advised the Board they could speak with the developer about
modifying the plan.
Com. Coward commented on the buffer and since the distance in the public records by
the developer is not accurate, he felt the issue needs to be further reviewed. Also the
hours of operation need to be met by the developer and if violations exist, staff needs to
pursue the violation. On the stormwater issue, he is not sure how this occurred but
requested information.
The County Attorney stated they need to have a factual summary of the issues and have
staff evaluate the problems and come back to the Board.
The Asst. Community Development Director stated they were dealing with the developer
and Code Enforcement Officers have been sent to the location to monitor the hours of
operation. He will obtain more information and return to the Board with a report on
December 7, 2005.
It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to agenda this item for further Board
discussion on December 7, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible with a
presentation of facts by staff and also with a notice to the developer of the December 7
meeting with the request that the developer attend.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court