HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 11-09-2004
Date: November 9, 2004 Convened: 6:05 p.m.
Tape: 1,2,3, Adjourned: 9:05 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Paula Lewis, Chairman; Doug Coward, John Bruhn, Frannie Hutchinson,
Cliff Barnes
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator; Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator;
Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator; Dan McIntyre, County Attorney; Randy Stevenson,
Growth Management Director; David Kelly, Planning Manager; Scott Herring, Road & Bridge
Manager; Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager; Beth Ryder, Human Services Director; Becky
Padrick, MSBU Coordinator; Joanne Riley, Acquisitions Manager; Susan Kilmer, Library Manager;
Marie Gouin, Director, Management & Budget; Deputy Williams; Lauri Heistermann, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson and seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the
minutes of the meeting held November 2, 2004; and, upon roll call, motion carried
A. Resolution No. 04-326- Proclaiming the week of November 7, 2004, through
November 13, 2004, as “Veterans Awarness Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. -
The Board approved staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 04-326 as
It was moved by Com. Coward and seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve
Resolution No. 04-326; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
The Resolution was presented to Mike Seniuk, Veterans Services.
B. Update by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council on the North County
It was moved by Com. Coward and seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve the
modified master plan for the North County Charette.
C Presentation of the “Roy F. Kenzie Award’ given by the Florida Redevelopment
Association, for Zora Neale Hurston Dust Tracks heritage Trail.
John Ward, Director of Cultural Affairs explained the background of the award to the
D. Reading of the announcements by the County Administrator.
Bob Baggart voiced his concerns with campaign signs and advertising. He also
commended John Bruhn and Cliff Barnes, welcomed Joe Smith and Chris Craft and
congratulated Paula Lewis.
Susie Carin congratulated all of the commissioners and stated that she was proud to
be a St. Lucie County resident.
Roger Sharp addressed resolution No. 04-338, stabilization of the Indian River Drive
bank. He stated that this resolution should be approved and requested that it be
mailed to the residents of Indian River Drive.
Richard Langden stated that he was in favor of resolution No. 04-338.
Charles Ewing stated that he was in favor of rebuilding Chucks Seafood.
Judith Lennox stated that Chucks Seafood should be allowed to rebuild with a second
floor and a pier.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, and seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the consent
Agenda; excluding item number C3A; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve the addition
of the consent agenda item Resolution No. 04-348; and upon roll call motion carried
The Board approved Warrant List Nos. 59 and 6.
A. Resolution No. 04-330 Extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane
Frances; and , Resolution No. 04-331 Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Jeanne – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve
Resolution No,. 04-330 and Resolution No. 04-331 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the Resolutions.
B. Record Destruction – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve
the destruction of the records as requested
C. Airport Industrial Park – First Amendment to Contract for Sale and Purchase
with Pai-Lar, L.LC. – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve
the proposed First Amendment to the Contract for Sale and Purchase with
Pai-Lar, L.L.C. and Authorized the Chairman to sign the First Amendment.
D. South 25 Street Roadway Widening – Midway Road to Edwards Road –
Temporary Construction Easements – Ronald M. Dillon – Tax I.D. No.
2433-221-0005-040/2 – Parcel 735 – Cesar Cumerma – Tax I. D. No. 2433—
221-0005-070/1 – Parcel 736 – The Board accepted the Temporary
Construction easements; authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution Nos. 04-
327 and 04-328 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
E. South 25 Street Roadway Widening - Midway Road to Edwards Road –
Temporary Construction Easements – Bobby and Patricia Shaw – Tax I.D.
No. 2428-331-0001-150/0 – Parcel 720 – The Board approved staff
recommendation to accept the Temporary Construction Easement,
Authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 04-332 and directed staff to
record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
F. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. IA040560-A01 between the South
Florida Water Management District and St. Lucie County – The Board
approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. IA040560-A01 between the
South Florida Water Management District and St. Lucie County, authorized
the Chairman to execute the Amendment and forward to the South Florida
Water Management District.
G. Surplus Property – Bid 04-085, Cortez Boulevard – Tax I.D. No. 2421-500-
0061-020/5 – The Board approved staff recommendation to reject all bids
received in response to Bid 04-085 and dispose of this parcel pursuant to
Florida Statute 125.35(2).
A. Request permission to make appropriate changes to the various Board
Committees – The Board pulled this item for separate discussion.
The five committees recommended by staff to be abolished are as follows:
Ft. Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee
High Speed Rail Committee
Bicycle Advisory Committee
Technology Committee
Manatee Protection Committee
Council of Local Stormwater Management for the St. Lucie River and the
Indian River Lagoon
Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated staff recommended that the
Board should defer any committee meetings of the Ft. Pierce Harbor
Advisory Committee until port development.
Com. Barnes suggested that the new Board approve staff recommendation on
the Ft. Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee. He also stated that the Bicycle
Advisory Committee is needed now more than ever.
Com. Hutchinson stated that she thought, on the technical side of the MPO,
a citizen member sat on the committee which represented the bicycle
Randy Stevenson, Growth Management Director stated that the
bicycle/pedestrian coordinator had not met in some time and there is a
representative on the MPO Board.
Scott Herring, Road and Bridge Manager stated that he was the Chair of the
Technical Advisory Committee of the MPO and they have a member of the
Technical Advisory Committee who is specifically for bicycles and
pedestrians. Also there is a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee of
the MPO for bicycles and pedestrians.
Com. Hutchinson stated that she did not agree with Com. Barnes on the
Bicycle Advisory Committee. She stated that the areas of concerns are being
covered on a County wide level and working in conjunctions with the Cities
through the MPO.
Com. Barnes stated that he would not only focus on bicycle lanes on
highways, but also off road. He stated that he did not want to vote on the
Harbor Advisory Committee.
Com. Coward concurred with Com. Barnes on the Bicycle Advisory
Committee. He stated that this Committee should be expanded and not
abolished. He stated that the role of the Harbor Advisory Committee should
be defined and that he had no problem holding off on voting on this
Mary Chapman Harbor Advisory Committee addressed the Board. She
stated that the charter of the Harbor Advisory Committee was to review and
make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on harbor
related projects, environmental issues etc. She informed the Board that only
1% of cargo coming in is being inspected.
It was the consensus of the Board to continue the Harbor Advisory
Committee review to a later date.
Com. Lewis stated that the Board needs to be very specific as far as what they
want the Committees to do. She stated that the charter of the Harbor
Advisory committee should be revised. She stated that she had no problem
pulling the Harbor Advisory Committee and the Bicycle Advisory
Committee for further discussion.
Com. Huthinson concurred. She asked if there was any input from Ms.
Butcher, Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator.
Randy Stevenson, Growth Management Director stated that Ms. Butcher was
the individual who had informed staff that the Bicycle Advisory Committee
had not met. Staff will instruct her to work more closely with this
Com. Bruhn stated that he felt the Harbor Advisory Committee should not be
Com. Coward stated that the Board needs to give more specific direction to
the Harbor Advisory Committee.
It was moved by Com. Coward and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve this
item with the exclusion of item #1, Harbor Advisory Committee and #3,
Bicycle Advisory Committee, which will be brought back to the new Board for
further discussion; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
B. Citizen’s Budget Development Committee – The Board approved staff
recommendation to ratify Commissioner Coward’s appointment of Mr. Toby
Philpart to the Citizen’s Budget Development Committee.
A. Engineering Division – Twenty-three (23) Public Hearings – The
Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise
twenty-three (23) public hearings stating the County’s intent to use the uniform
method of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments which may be levied
by the corresponding municipal service benefit units. In the opinion of staff,
the public hearings are recommended to be held on December 14, 2004,
which is a day Board Meeting.
B. Solid Waste Division – CDM proposal for professional services related to the
design, permitting, bidding and construction services for a Scale House Facility
at the Glades Road Baling Facility – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve the CDM proposal for professional services
related to the design, permitting, bidding and construction services for a Scale
House Facility at the Glades Road Baling Facility. This project includes the
design and construction of a new Scale House and modifications to the
existing Scale House at the St. Lucie County Glades Cutoff Road Baling
Facility for a lump sum of $136,300.
C. Engineering Division – Indian River Estates MSBU – (Potable Water –
SLCU) – Approval of Work Authorization No. 25 to the Agreement for
Continuing Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Incl., in
the amount of $910,330.00 for the design of the project to provide potable
water improvements – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve
Work Authorization No. 25 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering
Services with Camp, Dresser and McKee Inc., in the amount of $910,330.00
for engineering design, surveying, construction management and assessment
D. Request for a Public Hearing on Carlton Road (Dickerson) Mining Permit
Application – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve for a
public hearing to be held on December 7, 2004 or soon thereafter to
consider the request of the Carlton Road (Dickerson) Mining Permit
E. Road and Bridge Division – Upgrading the Field Foreman position to
Foreman III – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the
upgrade of the vacant Field Foreman position in the Road & Bridge
Draionage3 Operations Section to Foreman III.
A. Authorize the submittal of an Innovative Recycling grant application to the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the
acceptance of the grant if it is approved for funding. Grant funds in an
amount equal to $200,000, to be matched by St. Lucie County with an
amount not to exceed $450,000, will fund the initiation of a gypsum
wallboard-recycling program at the St. Lucie County Solid Waste Baling &
Recycling Facility – The Board approved staff recommendation to
authorize the submittal of the grant application and the acceptance of the
grant if it is awarded for funding.
B. Authorize the submittal of a grant application for an amount equal to
$35,000 to the Institute of Museum and Library Services Museums for
America Grant Program and the acceptance of the grant if the grant
application is approved for funding – The Board approved staff
recommendation to authorize the submittal of the grant application to the
Museums for America Program and the acceptance of the grant if it is
approved for funding.
Sheriff’s Department Second Request for Advance for Hurricanes Frances
and Jeanne – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve an
advance of $230,850.03 (see Memo attached) to the Sheriff and approve
budget amendment for fiscal year 2003-2004.
A. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal of all Assets from $750.00
to $999.99 – The Board approved staff recommendation to authorize staff
to remove the assets from $750.00 to $999.99 from the fixed asset inventory
of the Board of County Commissioners.
B. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal – The Board approved staff
recommendation to authorize staff to remove the attached records from the
fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners.
C. Permission to advertise Invitation for Bid for a Metal Maintenance Building
at the Savannas Recreation Area – The Board approved staff
recommendation to advertise Invitation for Bid for a Metal Maintenance
Building at the Savannas Recreation Area.
D. Bid Waiver and sole source with FilterOne USA for the Parkson Aqua
Guard Screen repair and parts – The Board approved staff recommendation
to approve the request for bid waiver and declare FilterOne USAS a sole
vendor for the repair and parts for the Parkson Aqua Guard Screen
E. Approval of Bid Waiver and Ratification of Emergency Purchases from
Hurricane Frances/Jeanne – The Board approved staff recommendation to:
(1) Ratify the County Administrator’s Order effective September 3, 2004 at
5:00 p.m. and September 24, 2004 at 9:00 a.m., (2) Approve the waiver of
sealed bids as a result of the declared emergency, (30 Ratify the County
Administrator’s approval of the list of emergency purchases, and authorized
the Chairman to sin contracts as prepared by the County Attorney.
F. Permission to hold Sidewalk Sale for surplus furniture and equipment being
stored at the Village Green Annex. – The Board approved staff
recommendation to authorize staff to hold Sidewalk Sale at a date to be
determined later.
G. Permission to advertise invitation for Bid for a Biofilter Odor Control
System for the South Hutchinson Island Water Reclamation Facility – The
Board approved staff recommendation to approve permission to advertise an
Invitation for Bid (IFB) to solicit bidders for a Biofilter Odor Control System
for the South Hutchinson Island Water Reclamation Facility.
Engineering Division – Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements
Project (Phase II) – Amendment to Work Authorization No. 4 with BCI
Engineers for services related to St. Lucie River Issues Team Grant
Preparation and Presentation – The Board approved staff recommendation
to approve the Amendment to Work Authorization No. 4 with BCI in the
amount of $1,737.26 for the Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements
Project, and authorized the Chairman to sign.
Randy Stevenson stated that 5A, B and C were all part of the same project and
applicant, however, the presentation would flow better if they would do 5B and 5C
first and then come back to 5A.
Consider DVA-04-002, approving the request of Gary Smiegel, Smiegel
Partners IX, Ltd. For a Development Agreement regarding a project know as
Orange Avenue Commercial Development for property located on the south
side of Orange Avenue, approximately 340 feet west of the intersection of
Sandalwood Drive and Orange Avenue – No Action Required. This is the
first of two required public hearings.
Larry Stevenson addressed the Board. He outlined the specifics with the
There was no public comment.
The second public hearing will be held November 15, 2004.
Consider Draft Ordinance 04-035, approving the application of Gary Smiegel,
Smiegel Partners IX, Ltd. For a Change in Future Land Use Designation from
COM (Commercial to RM (Residential Medium) for Property located on the
south side of Orange Avenue, approximately 340 feet west of the intersection
of Sandalwood Drive and Orange Avenue – No Action Required. This is the
first of two required public hearings.
David Kelly, Planning Manager outlined the specifics with the Board.
The applicant, Don Quazo gave a presentation to the Board, which outlined
their specific plans.
The second public hearing will be held November 15, 2004.
Joan Williams questioned the commercial aspect of draft ordinance 04-035.
Com. Coward informed the property owner that the land swap will be more
favorable for the property owners, which would keep commercial away from
After a lengthy conversation between Ms. Williams and David Kelly, he did
inform her that commercial would not be backing up to her property.
Consider Draft Ordinance 04-036, approving the application of Lennar
Homes, Inc., for a Change in Future Lange Use Designation from RM
(Residential Medium) to COM (Commercial) for property located on the
northwest corner of the intersection of Peterson Road and Hartman Road –
No action required. This is the first of two required public hearings.
David Kelly, Planning Manager outlined the specifics with the Board.
The applicant , Don Quazo gave e a presentation to the Board, which outlined
their specific plans.
The second public hearing will be held on November 15, 2004.
There was no public comment
Consider approving the application of South 25 Street LLC, for Preliminary
Planned Unit Development Approval for the project know as Oak Alley, for
property located on the west side of South 25 Street, immediately north of
Canal No. 102/Devine Road, south of the Palm Lake Gardens PUD – Since
this item was just heard on October 28, 2004, the applicant has requested a
continuance of this item to the November 15, 2004 Special Board of County
Ccmmissioners Meeting at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to allow
staff time to complete the meeting minutes from this item.
David Kelly, Planning Manager advised the Board that this was a joint request
between County Staff and the applicant.
There was no public comment.
It was moved by Com. Coward and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve the
continuance of this item to November 15, 2004.; and upon roll call motion
carried unanimously.
This item will be continued on November 15, 2004.
Engineering Division - South 26 Street MSBU – Initial Public Hearing –
Wastewater Improvements – FPUA – Consider staff recommendation to
adopt Resolution No. 04-320 creating the South 26 Street Municipal Services
Benefit Unit; approve the preparation of an Interlocal Agreement with the City
of Fort Pierce and the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority; and authorize the
County Engineer to proceed with the engineering and design of the project.
Becky Padrick, MSBU Coordinator reviewed the history of the project. She
informed the Board that this was the first of two public hearings required in
the MSBU process. The purpose of the meeting is to continue with the
engineering design. The estimated project cost is 1.3 million dollars. She
advised the Board that staff needed to find an alternate funding source in the
event a grant could not be obtained. The Board allocated $118,000 from
County Contingency to fund a portion of roadway restoration and an
additional $100,000 from F Y 05/06 Budget. The City of Ft. Pierce and
FPUA will make recommendations to make funding available October, 2005
in the following amounts. The City of Ft. Pierce would contribute
$250,000.00 and FPUA would contribute$100,000.00 If the City of Ft. Pierce
and FPUA approve the contributions it would bring FPUA’s total funding to
$370,000.00, the City of Ft. Pierce would be $250,000.00 and the County ‘s
total funding would be $315,761.00. This would lower the project cost from
1.3 million to $650,000.00, which would result in a $8,200.00 assessment.
The County will need to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Ft.
Pierce and FPUA. She also advised the Board that ship funding would be
available to individuals that met certain criteria.
William Lange addressed the Board. He stated that he has no problem with
his septic tank and is against the MSBU.
Sharon Gudikunst addressed the Board. She stated that she supported the
Com. Coward requested that Mr. Moses address the Board. He informed the
public that Mr. Moses was the Environmental Manager for the Health
Mr. Moses summarized the issues that were being dealt with in specific detail.
Com. Hutchinson commended Becky Padrick.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve
the South 26 Street MSBU and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Acceptance of Budget Resolution 04-329 to increase the Sanitary Land Fund
– Consider staff recommendation to approve budget resolution 04-329 to
increase the Sanitary Landfill Fund by $2,000,000. Approve equipment
EQ05-264 and EQ05-265; approve Positions POS-5-065, and POS05-066.
Marie Gouin, Director, Management & Budget addressed the Board. She
informed the Board that the City of Ft. Pierce changed their disposal site from
Okeechobee to St. Lucie County, which increased the baling facility an
additional 200 tons per day.
Com. Hutchinson asked if we had an agreement with the City of Ft. Pierce.
Leo Cordiero, Solid Waste Manager addressed the Board. He outlined the
Specific effects on the landfill currently and the increase due to the hurricanes.
He stated that the County would be obtaining an agreement with the City.
Com. Hutchinson voiced her concerns with not having an agreement with the
City of Ft. Pierce .
Leo Cordiero, stated that the County will aggressively pursue an agreement
with the City of Ft. Pierce similar to the agreement that the County has with
the City of Pt. St. Lucie.
Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated that he would recommend that
we not hire anyone or do anything until the County obtains an agreement.
The positions can be posted, however, no funds will be spent.
There was no public comment.
It was moved by Com Barnes and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve
budget resolution No. 04-329; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Com. Coward asked the status of the JPA agreement.
Dan McIntyre, County Attorney stated that the main component was
communication on development approvals. Conceptually the City of Ft.
Pierce is in favor of that as well. He informed the Board that there was some
language that needed to be modified because the City Attorney had some
issues. He stated that he felt that it should move forward pretty smoothly.
Com. Coward also questioned the White City Land Use Plan.
Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated that it had been discussed and
the City of Ft. Pierce stated that they were very supportive.
Solid Waste Division – Staff request approval of CDM proposal for
professional services related to the conceptual design and permitting of the
Class I disposal area (Phase 5) at the Baling and Recycling Facility – Consider
staff recommendation to approve the CDM proposal fro professional services
related to the conceptual design and permitting of the Class I disposal area
(Phase 5) at the Baling and Recycling Facility. The scope of services also
includes the analysis of impacts to the existing site infrastructure, Class I
disposal volumes, landfill life expectancy, ERP permit modification s (major
modification), Operations Permit modifications and storm water modeling for
a lump sum cost of $159,900.
Leo Cordiero, Solid Waste Manager addressed the Board. He outlined the
specifics with the Board. He stated that because the prior item was approved
that this item is now budgeted. He informed the board that this will bring the
life of the landfill back up to about 40 years.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn and seconded by Com. Coward to approve the
CDM proposal for professional services related to the conceptual design and
permitting of Class I disposal area (Phase 5) at the Baling and Recycling
Facility and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Solid Waste Division – CDM proposal for professional engineering services
related to the design, permitting, bidding and construction of Cell 3B for Class
I waste – Consider staff recommendation to approve the CDM proposal for
professional engineering services related to the design, permitting, bidding and
construction of Cell 3B for Class I waste. The scope of services includes liner
system, leachate collection and removal system, storm water management,
preparation of biddable plans, contract document and services during
construction for a lump sum of $595,000.
Leo Cordiero, Solid Waste Manager addressed the Board. He informed the
Board of the specifics of this item. He stated that due to the hurricanes and
the City of Ft. Pierce coming back to our facility it has stepped up the process
, however the revenue from the City of Ft. Pierce allowed it to happen a year
Com. Barnes asked how much of the landfills space was taken up by hurricane
Leo Cordiero, Solid Waste Manager stated that it was about 1 ½ to 2 years life
lost due to the 2 hurricanes.
It was moved by Com. Barnes and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve the
CDM proposal for professional engineering services related to the design,
permitting, bidding and construction of Cell 3B for Class I waste and upon roll
call motion carried unanimously.
Staff requests Board direction concerning the Leasee’s request to expand the
County owned Chuck’s Seafood Restaurant and construct a walkway/dock –
Consider staff recommendation for Board direction. Options include: (1)
Reconstruct chuck’[s Seafood on existing footprint with no second level,
allowing for a public walkway along the water. 92) Reconstruct Chuck’s
seafood on existing footprint with the addition of a second level, allowing for a
public walkway along the water. (3) Don’t rebuild the restaurant and convert
to a park facility. (4) Construct a dock and walkway as an accessory to the
restaurant facility.
Doug Anderson reviewed the summary packet provided to the Board
members. He informed the Board that there was a general consensus to
continue operating the restaurant. Staff recommendation consisted of the
1) Reconstruct Chuck’s Seafood on existing footprint with no second
level, allowing for a public walkway along the water.
2) Reconstruct Chuck’s Seafood on existing footprint with the addition of
a second level, allowing for a public walkway along the water.
3) Don’t rebuild the restaurant and convert to a park facility.
4) Construct a dock and walkway as an accessory to the restaurant facility.
Com. Barnes stated that the Board is aware of what Mr. Barton, Owner,
wants. He would like to know what the City would like to see.
He stated that per a conversation with Mr. Trios, Mr. Trios stated that he
would like to see the water front preserved and allow a second floor to the
west of the restaurant which. Mr. Trios was also interested in a boardwalk for
the publics use, but that the restaurant could access. He also stated that his
interpretation from the meeting on the charette, the public was very interested
in having Chuck’s remain. The city needs to indicate what they would like to
see there.
Com. Hutchinson stated that there was concern with public access. She
stated that she was under the impression that any re-zoning would fall under
the City of Ft. Pierce and they would approve any site plan or building
changes, not so much the County.
Com. Barnes stated they he felt the Board needed to either agree or disagree
with Mr. Barton, owner. Com. Barnes stated that he would like to see more
input from the City.
Com. Hutchinson stated that the only City Commissioner she recalled being
at the meeting was the Mayor.
Com. Barnes stated that he felt the Board needed to give staff direction and
Mr. Barton, owner could take that to the City.
Com. Bruhn concurred .
Com. Lewis stated that she did not see this as a final determination. She
stated that it needed to go to the City from here.
Com. Coward stated that he agrees that this Board needs to work with the
Leasee with what the Board is comfortable with, although the City’s input is
needed as well. He stated that he was in full support of expanding the
sidewalk for public access. He questioned the use of the second floor and
voiced his concerns with it possibly being used as a private studio. He also
voiced his concerns with the addition of the second floor and the impact on
Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated that staff had been informed
that they would be given plans for the proposed changes to the facility, which
had not been received yet. If the restaurant seating is expanded that would
require additional parking places, which would require renting additional
property to Chuck’s Seafood. Until the County receives the plans for the
facility, it is very difficult to address any specific concerns.
Com. Barnes stated that the improvements done by the property owner
would benefit the public, i.e. such as restrooms, boardwalk, etc. He asked
Mr. Barton, owner, if he was happy with the lease strictly as a restaurant.
Mr. Barton, owner stated that he had no intentions on using the property for
anything other than a restaurant. He stated that there had been discussion in
reference to the use of the second story, but nothing specific had been
Com. Barnes asked if Mr. Barton, owner, had met with Mr. Trios.
Mr. Barton stated that he had met with the City four times.
Com. Barnes asked what Mr. Trios stated that he would like to see.
Mr. Barton thanked the Commissioners and staff. He also stated that when
he met with Mr. Trios, Mr. Trios suggested that Chuck’s develop as a water
front restaurant in the park. He stated that the plans he had provided to the
Board was a foot print of the plans, which resulted from the four meetings he
had with Mr. Trios. He stated that Mr. Trios had requested more of an area
for open dining in the front of the restaurant. Mr. Trios’ Recommendation
was to set the restaurant back from the water front and put in a walkway in the
front, extend it to the west . Mr. Barton, owner stated that he designed the
plans with a 20 foot deck/patio, which he also extended 40 – 50 feet beyond
the existing building to the east and put in a 6 foot sidewalk from that point to
the fire station. Mr. Barton, owner stated that when he presented this plan to
Mr. Trios he requested that the patio/deck be changed to 25 foot wide all the
way to the fire station and to the western end of the proposed new restaurant.
He stated that he would propose that they build a retaining wall for the deck,
which the owner would pay for. He stated that he would build it the way the
plan shows and put a beach and palm trees in front of the wall. This would
restore the beach and the retaining wall would be part of the patio. He stated
that Mr. Trios supported the plan that had been presented to the Board as
outlined above. The second level would be a banquet meeting room facility.
He stated that he would modify item number 2. This would consist of
modifying the footprint to include a second level with a 25 foot public walkway
in front of the facility. He stated that item number 4 would not include a
board walk. He stated that Mr. Trios stated that he would prefer to see a
concrete deck/patio to extend all the way to the pier. Mr. Barton, owner
stated he would only commit to extending it to the west end of the proposed
building. He stated if the Board approved the footprint then he could design
the proper building. One addition that he would like to add, which changes
what is being done, under item number 4 referring to the dock. He informed
the Board that the dock would only have 1 mooring. The approved
dock/pier approved by DEP only has one boat mooring at it. He stated that
he only wanted to build a pier that boats can pull up to for a couple of hours.
He provided the Board with the State of Florida Department of
Environmental Protection emergency authorization for the repair and
replacement and restoration due to hurricane Jeanne. He stated that this
authorizes what he has outlined, with the Board. He stated that they can
rebuild back the beach frontage. He informed the Board that he only had two
weeks left to apply for the permit, under the emergency order. He would like
to add this as an addition under item number 4. He requested that the Board
give him authorization permit the entire park from the Fire Station to the Boat
Com. Barnes stated that the permit should be applied for even if it can not be
done immediately.
Com. Coward stated that a concrete wall is not replacing what was there. He
stated that he would be uncomfortable approving a concrete patio/walk. He
stated that the public would probably like to see a more natural component.
Com. Barnes concurred. He stated that he would be ready to make a motion
that would allow it to be figured out by the engineers, the City and by the
Mr. Barton, owner stated that if the Board did not want the wall he would be
pleased not to have to spend the money.
Com. Coward stated that he is not comfortable with an extended concrete wall
along the causeway.
Brad Culverhouse stated that if the County can apply for the permits, the land
owner can put it back to the way it was before it was damaged. This preserves
the County’s right.
It was moved by Com. Barnes and seconded by Com. Bruhn to approve staff
recommendation of item number 2 as modified. Reconstruct Chuck’s
Seafood on the existing footprint with an expansion to be determined with the
addition of a second level, for restaurant use only. Allowing for a public
walkway along the water, type to be determined after negotiation with the City
and permitting agencies. With the condition that the tenant construct, at his
expense, the restroom and public walkway that is determined. Also notify the
state that the County is approving the permit for the pier/dock, which is being
built over the preexisting structure and would allow temporary dockage, but
would not allow permanent leases. He also stated that the County needed to
work with the City and the tenant to have a joint use parking lot that is better
for the public. The parking would be for everyone. The County /Tenant
would apply for the permit to rebuild the beach back to the way it was before
the hurricanes; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Barton stated that once the County and the particular parks department
work with him, he has the funds to improve the beach and benefit the public.
Florida communities Trust – Paleo Hammock Addition/FCT Project 904-
044-FF4-FCT 50% - SLC 50% - Contract for Sale and Purchase Robert E.
Teague, Jr. – Consider staff recommendation to approve the Contract for Sale
and Purchase of the Robert E. Teague, Jr., Inc. parcel for $2,250,000.00 as
shown on the attached map, authorize the Chairman to execute the Contract
and direct staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
Joanne Riley, Acquisitions Manager addressed the Board. She outlined the
Specific background with the Board. She also informed the Board of the
various vegetation and wild life throughout the Paleo Hammock Addition.
Vanessa Bessey, Environmental Resource Manager gave the Board a brief
presentation on the Teague addition.
It was moved by Com, Bruhn and seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve
the sale and purchase of the Robert E. Teague parcel and authorized the
Chairman to execute the Contract and directed staff to close the transaction
and record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County and
upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
North County Charette - Interlocal Agreement implementing North County
Charette – Consider staff recommendation to approve the Interlocal
Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement.
Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, outlined the proposed Interlocal agreement
with the Board.
Com. Hutchinson voiced her concerns on the time frames and requested
specific dates. She asked that if November 23, 2004 the dates and
times would be set.
Michael Busha stated that they had planned a presentation. He stated that the
team will be meeting with County staff on November 23, 2004. He invited
the Commissioners to attend because they will be addressing specific dates
and time frames in this meeting. He also invited the Commissioners to
attend the meeting in Tallahassee. He also stated that there was an item
missing from the scope of work. He stated for this to work and work well they
would need land owners in this area to be involved. He informed the Board
that they would like to establish a land owner steering committee that could
meet monthly.
Com. Coward stated that this is a tremendous accomplishment made with the
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. He questioned the alternative
growth management strategy being applied to the entire unincorporated
county. He stated that the way the scope is written that it is not anticipated to
modify the code for it to apply County wide.
Com. Barnes stated that there are individuals living rural life styles east of US 1
who do not want to see high density urban.
Michael Busha stated that in task 2D and 2E, one has to do with the zoning issues and
the other has to do with draft plan amendments. Both recognize what gets done in
the north county, if the Commission chooses to, it could serve as a model.
Com. Coward stated that he prefers an incentive based process rather than a
regulatory process. He stated that in the instances that we have land owners and
developers who are committing to work with the Commissioners on this new concept,
we have raised the bar. He stated that we should try and provide rewards for them to
try and do the right thing for this community.
Michael Busha concurred with Com. Coward.
Com. Barnes concurred with Com. Coward.
It was moved by Com. Bruhn and seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve the
Interlocal agreement implementing the North County Charette; and upon roll call.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Chairman, Board County Commissioners
Clerk Circuit Court