HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing Minutes 10-18-2004
Date: October 18, 2004 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Tape: 1-3 Adjourned:9:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, John D. Bruhn, Cliff Barnes,
Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Randy Stevenson, Community Development Director, Don West, Public
Works Director, David Kelly, Planning Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy
The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. John Ferrick, addressed item # 5 and stated he was in favor of a new location for the
Civic Center.
Ms. Arlene Goodman, White City resident, addressed the Board in favor of finding
another location for the Civic Center.
Mr. Howard Spector, TC Opera Society, addressed the Board with his concerns as to
what the organizations would do during the time of construction of new facility.
Consider whether or not to adopt the Becker Holding Corporation’s amendment to the
Future Land Use Map. Adoption of the amendment would change the future land use
designation on 72 acres located along Ten Mile Creek. Approximately 41 acres inside
the 100 year floodplain would change from RS to RC and 31 acres outside the 100 year
floodplain would be changed from RS to RU- Consider whether to adopt, not adopt or
continue the Becker Holding Corporation’s amendment to the Future Land Use Map.
Com. Coward stated he supported the general concept of this issue, however, he advised
the applicant that he did not intend to vote for the PUD if their intention was to build in
the RC areas.
Mr. Jim Orr, LBFH Engineering stated they were working on the site plan and that the
majority of the building would be outside the flood plain.
Mr. Al Brodeur, Thomas Lucido and Associates, addressed the 50% site residential
conservation the developer has proposed.
Ms. Ethel Rolan, area resident, addressed the Board and stated the area was totally
flooded and concurred with the fact that there should not be any building in the RC area.
Mr. Jim Boyer, area resident, addressed the Board and expressed his concern with the
excess fill that would be placed and if that fill would run into the flood plain and cause
more problems for those in the area, however, he does support the concept.
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island, concurred with Com. Coward’s comments and
stated there should be a PUD before the concept is approved.
Ms. Betty Lou Wells, Jasmin Avenue resident, addressed the Board and suggested the
area be made Conservation Public.
The County Attorney commented on this suggestion and advised those present that the
property would need to be under government ownership.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, Reserve resident and a member of the P & Z Board, asked the
Board to not rush through this especially since many ideas have been proposed .
Ms. Arlene Goodman, stated there are too many questions being asked which need
answers before this can be decided and asked this be reviewed further.
Mr. Bill Blazak, Culpepper & Terpening addressed the Board and stated he agreed that
no building should be permitted in the RC area, however, he felt that there was a
difference between a floodplain and floodways.
Com. Lewis stated this issue has been discussed at least 4 times since June and she does
not want to lose the re-designation at this point. She likes what she sees and would like
to move on and hold judgment on the PUD on November 15, 2004 as scheduled.
Com. Hutchinson concurred and stated she felt it was unfair to the other applicants to be
placed on hold and that she was sure staff would advise Planning and Zoning of what was
discussed tonight.
Com. Coward concurred with Com. Lewis.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded to by Com. Bruhn to approve the
amendment and to send a letter to the DCA with additional language stating not only that
this is an approval but to add that no permitted residential construction in the RC land use
design and that there is to be a transfer of units outside the flood plain; and, upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Consider adoption of Ordinance 04-030 approving the BJK, Inc. application requesting a
change in Future Land Use designation from RS to RU. The 48.72 amendment site is
located on the south side of Okeechobee Road (SR 70) approximately ½ mile west of the
Florida Turnpike - Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance 04-030 approving
the BJK Inc., request for a change in Future Land Use designation from RS to RU.
Ms. Maureen Dwyer, representing the applicant addressed the Board regarding this issue
and advised everyone present that the applicant did not received denial of this request
from any agency. There are several questions by other agencies which have been
addressed and are being addressed in the PUD also.
Mr. Mike Houston, Houston/Cuozzo, addressed the Board on this issue and the land use.
Com. Coward stated he was pleased that public access was being provided.
Mr. John Ferrick questioned the draining of this parcel into Ten Mile Creek and if it
would drain before or after the attenuation facility.
Mr. Bill Blazak, stated it would drain at the attenuation facility currently the 400 acres
drain into the creek. They are upstream of the controlled structure so their discharge is at
a class 3 waterway which is right there.
Mr. Ferrick stated he felt it would go into the creed without going into the attenuation
It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Ordinance No.
04-030; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider adoption of Ordinance 04-032 approving the Home Dynamics Inc., request for a
change in Future Land Use designation from COM and RU to RM and RH for 34.5 acres
located on the southwest corner of Edwards Road and South 25 Street. - Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Ordinance 04-032 approving the Home Dynamics Corporation
petition for a change in Future Land Use designation from COM to RM and RH.
A petition with 87 signatures objecting to this Ordinance was submitted.
This petition was sent to the DCA for comments.
Com. Barnes commented on a report regarding Home Dynamics construction of homes at
developments known as Liberty Bay and Liberty Isle in West Palm where when
Hurricane Frances came through that area many of these new homes had water inside due
to the expansion joints. He expressed his concern with this type of building and stated if
staff had not researched these problems, he would not be voting in favor of this request.
Com. Coward advised the Board that he has had a meeting with the developer this
afternoon where he expressed his reservations to the developer.
Com. Lewis, Com. Hutchinson and Com. Bruhn advised the Board they too had met with
the developer.
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, attorney for the applicant addressed the Board and stated the
focus should remain on the land use.
Com. Coward expressed his concerns with this being too intense and not in character
with adjoining areas.
Mr. John Ferrick 25 Street resident, addressed the Board and concurred with Com.
Cowards comments that 15 units per acre is too high a density.
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the density issue in the area
and stated he felt this development would not pay the capital costs they would require.
Mr. Frank Blackburn, area property owner, addressed the Board in opposition and stated
he density was outrageous for the area.
Mr. Joe Workman, Edwards Road resident, addressed the Board and expressed his
concerns with the infrastructure, i.e. schools and roads .
Mr. Ferguson addressed Mr. Workman’s comments and stated the developer is proposing
turning lanes on 25 St. and Edwards Road.
Com. Hutchinson stated he did not have a comfort level and does not have an idea when
this would return to the Board. She was under the impression that this application was
going before the P & Z this Thursday and now she is being told it will not and no one
came forward to correct this error.
Com. Coward expressed the same reservations.
Com. Lewis stated she had concerns with the DCA’s objections with the transportation
facilities which have not been addressed.
It was moved by Com Barnes, seconded by Com. Coward, to deny this petition for lack
of compatibility with the surrounding area; and, upon roll call, motion carried
Consider Ordinance 04-031 adopting the Lucie Rock, LLC request for a change in Future
Land Use designation from RS to MXD Orange Ave- Consider staff recommendation to
adopt Ordinance No. 04-031 approving the Lucie Rock, LLC request for a change in
Future Land Use designation from RS to MXD Orange Ave.
Com. Barnes advised the Board that he had a conversation with the attorney for the
Mr. Lee Dobbins, attorney for the petitioner addressed the Board on this issue.
Mr. Ken Nattoli, Houston/Cuozzo Group addressed the Board on the uses for the area and
stated they are still in the process of putting the plans together. He stated they are
looking at heavy industrial uses for the area near the jail and as they move towards the
interstate (95) they are looking at showcase/showroom warehouse and possible
residential towards the west.
Mr. Steph Mathis, Culpepper and Terpening addressed the calculations for traffic caps.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve staff
recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Staff request for the Board to approve Hurricane related legislative issues- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the attached After-Action Reports and forward a letter to the
Local Legislative Delegation and the Florida Association of Counties asking that the
attached outlined requests be considered in future State Legislation.
Under discussion the Board wished to delete the last issue listed:
Destroyed homes with insurance coverage should have a portion of the claim placed in an
escrow account should the property not be rebuilt to pay for demolition.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the after action
reports and forward the letter to the Local Legislative Delegation and the Florida Assoc.,
of Counties deleting the last issue; and upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Civic Center Status- Staff is seeking direction on whether the County should replace the
roof, air conditioning and stage at the Civic Center or begin planning towards a
replacement facility at a location to be determined.
The County Administrator stated that in 1999 they had the roof reinforced and the frame
held during the storm at a category 3. It is the material that has been damaged. At this
point there is no temporary fix for the surface. The first estimate given over 3 years ago
was over $300,000 and this was not including the air conditioners which is a very
expensive project.
They are currently getting new estimates.
All future events have been cancelled through 2006.
Com. Barnes commented on the fact that statistics show the center loses over $400,000 a
year and would prefer to demolish the center. The City and the future Board must decide
what they want to build.
They will have 1.5 million dollars in the bank for the Civic Center. The question is do
they re-build or do they repair.
Com. Hutchinson asked whether FEMA would permit a new structure.
The Assistant County Administrator who has been working very closely with FEMA on
this issue stated FEMA would allow them to use the money to repair the Civic Center to
pre-disaster condition or as an option they can do an alternate project. However, there is
a penalty to do it as an alternate project (build a new building) . Some funding would be
Com. Hutchinson stated she would like to see something brought forward in the way of
ideas rather than making a decision tonight.
Com. Lewis expressed her concern with having to send special needs residents
somewhere else due to not having a facility to house them.
The County Administrator requested permission to keep on the track he is on, pursuing
the funding from the state for a new special needs facility as well as a new Emergency
Operations facility. However, this facility will not be used for special events.
Com. Coward commended the Civic Center staff for their support and for doing a great
job under stressful conditions.
Com. Coward questioned when the Sunrise Theatre is scheduled to open.
Com. Hutchinson stated she would be attending a meeting in the near future and would
get that information for the Board.
Com. Coward questioned the cost of a new Civic Center and stated it was difficult to
make a decision without all the necessary information. He asked staff to work with Port
St. Lucie in an effort to combine the EOC’s and also work in conjunction with the Fire
District before considering the Fairgrounds.
Com. Barnes commented on initiating a Hurricane impact fee which will assist with this
Com. Coward stated he does not support a Civic Center in a pasture or an Agriculture
area such as the Fairgrounds and would prefer for it to be in the Urban area.
No action taken at this time more ideas to be submitted.
Com. Hutchinson requested an updates on the Midway Road corridor study and also the
North County Charrette update requested previously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court