HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-02-2005
Date: August 2, 2005 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Tape: 1-3 Adjourned: 10:25 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, Doug
Coward, Joseph Smith, Chris Craft
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Susan
Kilmer, Library Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held July 26, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Florida Trust For Historic Preservation- A presentation was made by
the County Administration for the Florida Preservation Award 2005 to
Susan Kilmer, Library Director and Jody Bonet, Transit Manager in
recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the field of Preservation
B. The County Administrator read upcoming events
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Port property.
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board and stressed the “Quality of
Life” and the North County Charrette. Ms. Caron also commented on the water quality
of the Estuary.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent
Agenda, with item C-6 pulled and the addition of CA-1, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 44.
A. Resolution No. 05-304- Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05-305 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution
Nos. 05-304 and 05-305 and authorized the Chairman to sign the
B. Development Agreement with Johnson Road Development Group,
LLC Rocking Horse Ranch- The Board granted permission to
advertise the public hearings.
Approval of Selection of a Grant Administration Consultant for CDBG Disaster Initiative
Grant- The Board authorized staff to enter into negotiations with the highest ranked firm.
A. Authorize the acceptance of a grant from the U.S. Natural Resources
Conservation Service Wetland Reserve Program in the amount of
$178,121 for restoration of the recently acquired 316 acre Teague
property- The Board approved acceptance of the grant from the
Natural Resources Conservation Service.
B. Authorize the amendment of Contract C05-02-085- The Board
approved the amendment to Contract C05-02-085 with Guidance
Group to increase the maximum Contract payment from $30,000 to
$35,000 and to allow work to be completed under this contract to be
for educational, interpretive, directional and entrance signage at
Pepper Park Riverside, Wildcat Cove Preserve and Indrio Blueway
Request approval to serve Alcohol at Pepper Park- The Board approved the Hicks
family’s request to serve alcohol during their event on August 7, 2005 at Pepper Park.
6. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Webmaster position- This item was
Emergency Repair- Hidden River Estates Drainage Outfall Structures- The Board
declared Hidden River Estates Drainage Outfall Structures Repair project an emergency,
waive the formal bidding procedure and authorize staff to contact vendors for written
quotes for the appropriate repairs.
Approval to reject all Bids- Bid No. 074-0-2005 For the Construction of the Clerk of
Court Office Building Parking Lot- The Board approved rejecting all bids for this
Permission to advertise a Request for Proposals for Air Quality Consultants for the
review of documents pertaining to the FPL Coal Fired Power Plant- The Board approved
advertising an RFP for Air Quality Consultants for the review of documents pertaining to
the FPL Coal Fired Power Plant.
Ordinance No. 05-004- Signs- Consider staff recommendation to approve Ordinance No.
05-004 and authorize the signing of the ordinance.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Ordinance No. 05-
004, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 05-003- Historic Preservation Ordinance- Consider staff
recommendation to approve proposed Ordinance No. 05-003 to be effective January 1,
The Asst. County Attorney addressed the changes made to the Ordinance per previous
direction given by the Board.
Mr. Ramon Trias, Florida Avenue resident, addressed the Board and expressed
congratulations for moving forward with what he felt was for the betterment of the
county. He encouraged implementation of the ordinance with appropriate staffing.
Mr. Bill Blazak, Senior Project Manager, Culpepper & Terpening addressed the list being
part of the basis for the ordinance. He stated being on this list would cost property
owners money.
The Assistant County Attorney addressed Mr. Blazak’s concerns and advised him there
were two separate lists.
Mr. Michael Brindle, Indian River Drive resident, addressed the Board regarding the
ability to do what he sees fit with his property and asked he be taken off the list.
Mr. Bill Furst, Holiday Pines asked the Board clarify the “opt out” clause in the
The Assistant County Attorneys stated the “opt out” comes into play when the Board is
considering designation of a certain property. Under this proposed Ordinance there are
currently no properties on the list with historic designation. It would need to be
designated an exceptional historic resource, for a property owner not to be able to opt out.
Mr. Furst stated he would like to know how to get off the list.
Mr. Jay Maycumber, Indrio Road resident, thanked the Board for the ordinance and
preserving the buildings the residents feel are historical and want to keep them in their
Ms. Audrey Mullen resident and property owner questioned if she would be able to build
a new home next to an old home.
The Asst. County Attorney addressed Ms. Mullen’s question and stated it would be
Ms. Cindy Snay, resident, questioned the historical group’s review and if a property
owner requested to opt out, how this would work.
The Assistant County Attorney stated if the structure is determined to be historic, it is
then taken to the historical commission and they either sign off on it or attempt to work
with the property owner to come up with an alternate solution.
Ms. Lucille Wright, Stuart resident, owns a townhouse on North Beach, questioned if we
had a requirement to move a historical structure if they property owner does not want to
keep it.
The Asst. County Attorney stated there is nothing specific of that nature in the ordinance.
However, if it was proposed for demolition then the new emergency action section would
kick in to have the Board to review to see if the designation process should be initiated.
Mr. Jim Piawatty, Indian River Drive resident, questioned what would happen to those
individuals who cannot afford to maintain and repair the property should it be classified
The Asst. County Attorney stated there was a provision in the ordinance under section 1-
10.2-23 which allows the person to provide proof of economic hardship they could apply
to have the criteria of the ordinance not apply to the construction or repair permits they
might need. Also, once the ordinance is adopted, the county will be able to apply for
state and federal funding and these funds would be placed in the trust fund established for
this purpose.
Mr. Bill Blazak, stated he was in the process of moving an old house and they would
gladly work with the county in the placement of the house. He also stated he would like
to see the county work with the property owners who wish to be taken off the list that is
being created and the cost associated such as an Archeological survey.
Com. Craft stated he did not wish to tie the list in any way to this ordinance.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to know how they incorporated our list into their
requirements before requesting anything be removed. She would like to look into this
further before a letter is sent.
Com. Coward stated what he was recommending was sending a letter with a cautionary
statement the inventory was done on a broad brush fashion which may include a structure
due to age but not necessarily of archeological significance.
Ms. Lisa Nelson, White City resident, addressed the Board and stated there are three
issues in favor of the public; the economic hardship is the first, an “opt out” clause, and
the exceptional designation.
Mr. Tommy Carter, property owner addressed the Board regarding the ordinance and
stated he had attempted to rebuild an old structure that is falling apart and is historical
and was denied the permits.
Com. Hutchinson stated she was not sure why he was denied the permits.
The Asst. County Attorney stated the property was not designated historical under this
ordinance and although she is not familiar with the circumstances she stated the Land
Development Code does require review of the older structures and it may have gone to
the Historical Commission for review and it was denied. There may have other factors
why it was denied. She advised him his house has not been designated and no one would
be designated until after January 1, 2006. She recommended he meet with the building
staff to find out the reasons for the denial but he can reapply for the demolition permit.
Com. Hutchinson commented on page 17 under Sec. 1-10.2.14 number 3 and asked if
they could add the language, “ based upon written recommendation from local, state or
national historical”. She would like a paper trail.
The Asst. County Attorney stated this was the intent.
Com. Craft thanked and commended staff on the creation of the ordinance.
Com. Hutchinson advised staff this was the consensus of the entire Board.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis to adopt this ordinance with the
added language as stated by the Chair, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Hutchinson addressed a letter received from Mr. Calvin Giordano, Consultant for
the PD&E Study of the Midway Road project and asked it be made part of today’s
Com. Hutchinson asked the Board if they wished for the letter to come back for the
Board to review.
Com. Coward stated he felt they did not necessarily need to read through the letter and
they should be sending notification to the State that they did not intend the inventory to
be used itself as a list for designation of historical structures. It was a cursory inventory.
The County Administrator stated he would draft the letter.
Com. Hutchinson requested before sending the letter, a draft be given to each
Commissioner for their perusal.
Ordinance No. 05-14- Amending Occupational License Fees to provide for a 5% increase
in the fee schedule- Consider staff recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No.
05-14 to increase the occupational license fees by five percent or rounded down to the
nearest nickel, whichever is less, to be effective October 1, 2005.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 05-
14, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 05-027- Solid Waste Assessment- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Ordinance No. 05-027 and authorize the signing of the Ordinance.
Com. Coward wished to clarify for the record that this is not intended to go back
retroactively to former contracts, the liens and former issues. This is for the current
contract as well as future contracts.
Com. Smith stated he had a problem with the delinquent fees clause (item B) if they did
not know how they were going to pay in the first place.
The County Attorney stated he concurred with Com. Smith’s concern. If the county
missed it and it was through no fault of the property owner, it seems inappropriate to
charge delinquency fees. He believes they were trying to collect charges for services that
were provided.
The County Attorney suggested passing this ordinance with specific instruction to staff
not to charge delinquency fees in those instances where a property owner was missed by
no fault of their own in a fairness stand point.
The Board concurred.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Ordinance No. 05-
027 as amended ( with the added language as stated by the County Attorney, “which shall
only apply to those cases where a property owner had prior notice and knowledge of the
fee and failed to pay”), and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Lewis,
Coward, Craft, Smith; Nay: Hutchinson (her vote to be consistent with her opposition to
the assessment; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Ordinance No. 05-131- Amending Chapter 1-7 “Courts” - Consider staff
recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 05-031 and authorize the signing of the
Mr. Jim Walker, Trustee for the Rupert J. Smith Law Library made a presentation on the
revenues that would be generated through this ordinance.
Mr. Walker stated the proposed generated revenues would be short $67,424 in the budget
and the Law Library would be able to add the monies to the budget from their funds for
approximately 2 to 3 years from their cash reserves. After this period of time they would
come to the county for assistance in funding.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Ordinance No. 05-
131, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 05-026 Teen Court Fees- Consider staff recommendation to adopt
Ordinance No. 05-026 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 05-
026, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
5.G- UTILITIES (2-100)
Establishment and adoption of Consolidation Rate Tariffs, Consolidated Utility Service
Policy, Consolidation Extension Policy and Resolution No. 05-277. Consider staff
recommendation to approve the Consolidation Rate Tariffs, Consolidated Utility Service
Policy, Consolidation Extension Policy and Resolution No. 05-277 with the proposed
consolidation of the following County Utility districts: North Hutchinson Island, North
County, H.E.W. Lakewood Park and the Airport.
Mr. Howard Ostermann, Utilities Consultant addressed the Board and gave an overview
on this issue.
Mr. Tony Ellia, Consultant, addressed the Board regarding the rate structure.
Com. Craft questioned the cost of utilities for our area. He stated we are 40-60% higher
for water and sewer. He questioned the amount of reclaimed water available for
Mr. Ostermann stated in North County they do not have reclaimed water available.
Com. Craft stated he had a problem with the county penalizing those residents of North
County for utilizing the water for irrigation purposes or telling them they need to dig a
well. He does not like either of the two options.
Mr. Ostermann stated they have a plan that will call for alternate sources of water by the
utility made available to the new developing areas so that they can get on to a non potable
water source. This source would be phased out when the reclaimed water becomes
available. He does not know what the future will hold and explained the alternate
possibility, i.e. a horizontal well.
Com. Coward explained what he felt may be our goal.
Com. Craft requested this item be tabled until Monday after the meeting with the City of
Ft. Pierce is concluded. He felt this document is not appropriate with this meeting being
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward to approve Resolution No. 05-
277 and the Consolidation Rate Tariffs, Consolidated Utility Services Policy,
Consolidation Extension Policy, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Craft;
Aye’s: Lewis, Coward, Smith, Hutchinson, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 05-023 granting approve to the petition of Kolter Property
Company for a change in zoning from the AR-1 to PUD Island Club zoning district and
Final Planned Unit Development approval for the project know as Parcel 34 E @ The
Reserve Island Club a 19,172 square foot clubhouse with a swimming pool, basketball
court, and tennis court- Staff has not received any additional information since April 19,
2005 on the location of the Island Club. Given this and as staff is also in the process of
reviewing other issues related to the Reserve DRI, it is recommended the BCC continue
the hearing to a date certain.
Mr. Steve Zacaron, property owner in PGA addressed the Board in favor of the Island
Ms. Lane, property owner in PGA addressed the Board and to what she felt was the lack
of clarity on this issue. She is in favor of the Club House and bought their home because
of the Club and stated certain property owners do not speak for those who are in favor of
the Club House. She questioned who was opposing the project.
Com. Coward stated the Board has not been reviewing this project for several years. It
has come to the Board once or twice and had insufficient information. The developer sent
out fliers stating this project was near completion when it had not even been presented to
the Board for review. He is not opposed to the project.
Com. Smith informed the public of the Sunshine Law process.
Mr. Davidson, Senior Project Manager, PGA Village, addressed the Board’s questions.
Mr. Davidson stated he joined the company at the first presentation in March. His
recollections of the discussion were issues related to traffic and some suggestions that
they look at alternative sites. He was not under the impression that it was their obligation
to come back to staff or the County Commission to address specifically alternative sites
otherwise they certainly would have done so. He stated in meeting with the
Commissioners and staff he is not sure there is an alternative location for the Club.
Mr. Davidson stated they never took direction or interpreted comments in their
appearances before the Commission that they were told emphatically to look or come
back with an alternative location. They think the location previously proposed is the best
location for the Club. In April 03, Parcel 34E received preliminary PUD approval and
was labeled as a future recreation site. The Kolter Organization was clear and understood
they had to come back before the Board to present a final site plan and a facility plan.
Com. Coward stated he has not received any information since their last meeting.
Mr. Davidson stated he had attempted to meet with Com. Coward six days ago, however
they had conflicting dates, but he was able to meet with the balance of the Board
members, the Planning Manager and the County Administrator.
Mr. Davidson stated they would like a date certain for this issue to be heard. He felt they
would have the issues concerning the Island Club addressed and resolved prior to
September 27, 2005.
The County Administrator stated he met Mr. Davidson for the first time on the day. He
stated he discussed with him the outstanding issues and that the staff was going to
recommend a continuance and he said based on the staff meeting Thursday morning there
were many questions and he could not support a recommendation to the Board and this
was the first Mr. Davidson had heard about this and he did lay out some of the issues that
needed to be addressed.
Ms. Carolyn Neimzek, Crooked Way resident for 5 years, addressed the Board in favor of
the Clubhouse and its location.
Mr. Peter Perry, PGA Village resident, addressed the Board in favor of the Clubhouse.
Mr. David Mulligan, One Putt Place, PGA Village, addressed the Board in favor of the
Club and stated he does not see where else the club could be located.
Mr. Joe Schriver, Green Briar, PGA Village addressed the Board in favor of the
Clubhouse and stated the facility should be placed on the fast track and the other issues
can be addressed at a later date.
Com. Craft requested clarification of the other issues.
The County Attorney clarified the approval process issues with other regulatory agencies
and he believes the developer was not aware of these issues until last week. They are not
sure there are issues although other residents feel there are. There are regulatory agencies
that will weigh in with such issues as mitigation.
Com. Coward stated the developer needs to comply with the original development order.
They must prove they are meeting the development order so that they can continue with
the project.
The Assistant County Administrator stated they are not in the position today to state the
developer has met the Board’s direction. There are too many unanswered questions at
this point and she would not be in a position to recommend to the Board to do anything
but allow the time to get definitive answers and bring them back to the Board as well as
the resident.
Mr. Valmer Forche, PGA property owner, addressed the Board in favor of the facility. He
purchased his property on Champion Way because the facility was to be placed across the
Com. Hutchinson advised Mr. Forche there were issues brought up recently that the
developer, herself and the balance of the Board were not aware of.
Mr. Brian Oleshan, Champion Way, addressed the Board in favor of the facility.
Mr. Fred Boch, Champion Way, addressed the Board and stated the people who
purchased homes due to this facility being built should not be held hostage to other
matters people bring up.
Mr. Glen Lane, Putt Place resident, addressed the Board and asked who brought up these
The Assistant County Administrator stated when the resolution was being addressed they
received a list of questions or concerns from some of the residents in the Reserve about
the conditions of the DRI. Those issues led to other questions particularly about the
preserves and the acreage required.
Com. Smith stated the issue was brought up to the Board that the DRI was not being
followed and he knows Mr. Davidson will work diligently to get the Board the
information needed, but they need that information before they can make a decision.
Mr. Leo Neimzek, Crooked Stick, stated why not just close the project and not let them
build another building what it being done does not make sense to him.
Mr. Jay Maycumber, Indrio Road resident, address the Board and stated their anger is
misdirected. It is Kolter’s responsibility to have all the information.
Ms. Patricia (unintelligible last name) new resident asked the Board to work a little faster
in resolving the questions and informing the developer what is needed so that the project
can proceed.
Ms. Carolyn Neimzek, Crooked Stick, addressed the Board and stated she could not
believe the extensive hearing process before issuing permits. These issues should have
been resolved in the beginning before all road approvals and dedications were given.
The Board discussed the date of the continuance of the meeting.
Com. Hutchinson clarified the issues pending and asked the petitioner to make sure they
address these prior to the set date. The issues are traffic and alternative sites.
Com. Coward commented on the issues. The new issue of the development order needs
to be addressed. They need to show they are meeting the order. This information needs to
be provided to the Board prior so they can make a sound decision not only on the site but
also the development order.
Com. Lewis disclosed she had met with the developer, Quasi-Judicial.
Com. Hutchinson advised the Board she too had met with the representative and the
balance of the Board stated the same.
Com. Lewis commented on the DRI and the changes made. She advised those present
the statute reads that if the requirements of the DRI are not met, she cannot approve new
development as well as the other Board members.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to continue this item on
October 4, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 05-016- Stop Gap Ordinance- North County Charrette- No action is
required at this time. A second reading of the proposed Ordinance is scheduled for
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.
The County Attorney addressed the Board on this item and advised the Board of the
added language (“not withstanding section two above the Board may consider the
application and after a public hearing grant a waiver”.) this may accomplish the
disconnect. Also the time section, 180 days, he felt the words “earlier” can be added
which was suggested, “of a period of 180 days or the effective date of the Comp Plan
Ms. Noreen Drwyer, attorney for property owner, Dale Horton Inc., addressed the Board
on this issue, and commented on waiving the Stop Gap Ordinance for someone who is
meeting the TVC today.
Com. Coward addressed Ms. Drwyer’s comments and stated he did not wish to delay the
process for any developer who wishes to do the right thing he wants to pull them along
with him as rapidly as they can and say to them, “if you do the right thing you will be
rewarded and those that choose not to follow the TVC Ordinance will stay back in the
place they were before with the exact rights they have today. He would like to create
language that allows this to happen and if they can, he would not have a problem moving
Mr. Paul Scholl, Realtor, addressed the Board in opposition to the Ordinance and stated
in his opinion this could be considered a “moratorium”. He also gave his opinion on
what he felt was the “quality of life”.
Mr. Paul Direlli, attorney for applicant who has property in the TVC area, addressed the
Board and concurred with Ms. Dwyer’s comments and asked how long it would take for
the process of the waiver and asked more detail be placed on the waiver procedure.
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island addressed the Board on the term used,
“moratorium” and stated he disagreed. He stated we needed to take the time to work out
the TVC element so that we do not do what Broward County has done. He is in favor of
the Stop Gap Ordinance being put in place.
Mr. John Martin, Johnston Road property owner stated this is more like a “moratorium”
because nothing is moving and nothing is being done. He asked if this was going to be
last Stop Gap measure they would be looking at.
Com. Craft addressed Mr. Martin’s question and stated he hoped this would be the last
Stop Gap measure, however he cannot guarantee it.
Ms. Cynthia Angelos, attorney, stated her client would like to extend their appreciation in
the Board’s preservation of existing property rights and understands the rationale behind
the ordinance and supports it.
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, thanked the Board for preserving her “quality of
life” and commented in favor of the ordinance.
Mr. Jay Maycumber, Indrio Road resident, thanked the Board and was pleased to hear
there were developers who are willing to work within the ordinance and suggested
expanding the area.
The County Attorney advised the Board he would start the process of drafting additional
concurrency language on what was discussed and requested.
Ms. Dwyer questioned the ordinance to plat outside the urban service district.
Com. Coward clarified by stating, “ he said there were exceptions to that but largely that
is true. This is a mute issue in the sense that if the project in its entirety that crosses
those lines is consistent with the Charrette then they will consider moving forward with
No action required.
Request of Robert Trenary for final plat approval for the project to be known as First
Replat in Jana Park Subdivison- This project is located at the southeast corner of the
intersection of Orange Avenue and I-95.- Consider staff recommendation to approve the
final plat of First Replat in Jana Park S/D and authorize its final execution.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider staff recommendation to consider installing tents previously purchased at the
jail facility to house inmates - this item will be discussed on Tuesday, August 9 at 1:30
p.m. staff was directed to provide information on the legality of where the different
levels of inmates must be housed.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court