HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-23-2005
Date: August 23, 2005 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:15 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Commissioners Present: Frannie Hutchinson, Chairperson,
Paula Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Heather Young, Asst. County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Jack
Southard, Public Safety Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Marie Gouin
OMB Director, Ed Parker, Purchasing, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Dennis Grim,
Code Compliance Manager, Dennis Bunt, Code Compliance Asst. Manager, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held August 16, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 05-320- Proclaiming the month of September, 2005 as
“Florida Industry Appreciation Month: and designating September 22,
2005 as “Business and Industry Appreciation Day”.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 05-
320, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. Recognition of Doreen Hernandez/Hard Knox Softball Team- Bronze
Medal Winners for Women’s Fast Pitch Softball at the “2005 World
Master Games” in Alberta Canada.
C. The County Administrator introduced Diana D. Lewis, the new St.
Lucie County Airport Director and Debra R. Brisson, the new St.
Lucie County Cultural Affairs Director.
D. Avenue D and Angle Road presentation was made by Dennis Bunt,
Assistant Code Compliance Manager.
Staff was directed to return to the Board with recommendations in order to resolve the
Code Enforcement issues on problem properties. Recommendations to be presented at
the September 13, 2005 BCC meeting.
E. A presentation was made of the new lay-out of the Code Compliance
Web Site by Dennis Bunt, Assistant Code Compliance Manager.
F. A presentation of the St. Lucie River issues was made by Carol Wehle,
Executive Director South Florida Water Management District.
G. The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines resident, addressed the Board regarding the Island Pines
Golf Club. He stated there are huge piles of debris on the golf course and the course had
been cited a month ago and still has not been scheduled to come before the Code
Enforcement Board. He asked the Boards’ assistance in speeding up the process.
4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-2642)
It was moved by Com., seconded by Com. to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 47.
A. Resolution No. 05-321 Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05-322 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne - The Board approved Resolution
No. 05-321 and Resolution No. 05-322 and authorized the Chairman to
B. Permission to Advertise- Ordinance No. 05-032 MSBU Financial
Hardship Assistance Program- The Board granted permission to
advertise proposed Ordinance No. 05-032 for Public Hearing on
September 20, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be
C. Lake Drive MSBU Interlocal Agreement with FPUA and the City of
Ft. Pierce- The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement and
authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement.
D. Revocable License Agreement- Ft. Pierce Utilities Gas Line along
County owned property located at 435 N. 7 St.- The Board approved
the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chairman to sing
the Revocable License Agreement and direct Ft. Pierce Utilities to
record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County,
E. Subdivison Improvement Agreement- Tract B-1 Bent Creek- The
Board approved the proposed Subdivision Improvement Agreement
with Lennar Homes, Inc., for Bent Creek Tract B-1 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the Agreement.
F. Parcels owned by St. Lucie County- The Board retained ownership of
Tax I.D. Nos. 1311-221-0002-0001, 1313-411-0002-000-0, 1428-701-
0009-000-2 and 1432-330-0001-000-1 based upon Memorandums
dated May 6, May 20 and August 5, 2005 from the Airport and
Environmental Resources Division.
G. Property Donation- Midway Properties of St. Lucie County, L.C. Ron
Thomas Jones and Anne Cody Jones- Part of Tax I.D. No. 2431-411-
0001-0009 Resolution No. 05-328- The Board accepted the Special
Warranty Deed, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 05-
238 and Budget Amendment BA 05-177 and directed staff to record
the Resolution and Special Warrant Deed in the Public Records of St.
Lucie County, Florida.
A. Fixed Asset Inventory- Property Record Removal- Clerk of Court- The
Board authorized staff to remove the attached records from the fixed
asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners.
B. Bid Waiver and sole source declaration to contact with General
Materials Recovery, LLC for acceptance/purchase of mixed rigid
plastics from Solid Waste Department- The Board approved the bid
waiver and sole source declaration to contract with General Materials
Recovery LLC for acceptance/purchase of mixed rigid plastics from
Solid Waste Department.
C. First Amendment to Consultant Agreement C05-03-067 with David
Shapiro Disaster Planning & Recovery Consultants- The Board
approved the First Amendment to the Consultant Agreement and
authorized the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the
County Attorney.
D. Fixed Asset Inventory- Property Record Removal- BCC - The Board
authorized staff to remove the records from the fixed asset inventory of
the Board of County Commissioners.
E. Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal County Health Dept.-
The Board approved removing the records from the fixed asset
inventory of the Board of County Commissioners.
Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal- Tax Collector- The
Board approved removing the records from the fixed asset inventory of
the Board of County Commissioners.
Invitation for Bid(IFB) No. 05-084 Baling Wiring Reject all bids- The
Board approved rejecting all bids and granted permission to re-
advertise the IFB.
Permission to advertise an invitation to bid for a Glideslope for St.
Lucie International Airport- The Board approved advertising an
invitation for bid.
Permission advertise an RFP for I.T Support Services for Mets Games-
The Board approved advertising a RFP for I.T. Support Services for
Mets Games.
Bid Waiver and sole source declaration for the purchase of fertilizer
from Pro Source One for the Parks and Recreation Dept. Parks
Division- The Board approved the bid waiver and sole source
declaration for the purchase of fertilizers from Pro Source One for the
Parks & Recreation Department, Parks Division.
Fifth Amendment to Contract No. C0-11-124 with Aquagenix- The
Board approved the Fifth Amendment to the contract with Aquagenix
and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Award Bid No. 05-076 Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service,
Inspections and Load Bank Testing- The Board awarded Bid No. 05-
076 Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service Inspections and
Load Bank Testing to Genset Services, Inc., per the attached service
First Amendment to Contract C03-10-692 with Dickerson Florida, Inc.,
and Contract No. C03-10-695 with Overland Services, Inc. for Material
Hauling- The Board approved the first amendment for Material
Hauling to Contract C03-10-695 with Overland Services, Inc.,
(Primary Contractor) and Contract C03-10-692 with Dickerson Florida,
Inc. (Secondary Contractor) and authorized the Chairman to sign the
amendments as prepared by the County Attorney.
Permission to advertise an invitation to bid for Hurricane Shutters-
The Board approved advertising an invitation for bid for Hurricane
A. Fairgrounds rental fees increase and Resolution No. 05-281- The
Board approved adopting Resolution No. 05-281 and its exhibit (the
buildings/grounds rental fates and fees).
B. Contract renewal of Julius Management Group (Contract No. C02-08-
616) – The Board approved the extension of the no-rent clause in
Contract No. C02-08-616 to November 13, 2006 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the amendment as drafted by the County Attorney.
C. Purchase of a Liquid Chlorine Feeder System for the Paradise Park
Pool Equipment Request No. 05-178 and Budget Amendment No. 05-
178- The Board approved Equipment Request No. 05-178 and Budget
Amendment No. 05-178.
D. Release of Retainage to Rodda Construction- The Board approved the
release of retainage to Rodda Construction in the amount of
E. Purchase of air compressor Equipment Request No. 05-365 and
Budget Amendment No. 05-179 – The Board approved Equipment
Request No. 05-365 and Budget Amendment No. 05-179 for the
purchase of a new compressor for the maintenance section of the Parks
Divis8on at a cost of $1,698.00.
F. Change Order No. 2 to Contract C04-05-415- Open Space Pool
Construction Equipment Request No. 05-371 and Budget Amendment
No. 05-184 - The Board approved Equipment Request No. 05-371 and
Budget Amendment No. 05-184 and the allocation of $25,435.00 from
Parks Impact Fees “A” amending Contract Co4-05-415 awarded to
RDC for: additional landscape, upgrade to a new 400 amp electrical
service, relocation of the water line to the existing restroom and
upgrade to a liquid chlorine feeder system.
G. Request for approval to serve alcohol- The Board approved the
Teamsters Local # 769’s request to serve alcohol at Indrio School
House Facility/Park during its picnic on October 22, 2005.
The Board approved the final cleanup phase of the diesel spill located at the EOC not to
exceed the amount of $17,890.00 and also approved Budget Amendment No. 05-136.
A. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-324 to increase the budget for the
FDLE Byrne-Intoxilyzer 8000 Phase III Grant- The Board approved
adopting Budget Resolution No. 05-324 to increase the FY05 budget
for the FDLE Byrne Intoxilyzer 8000 Phase III Grant by $1,588.
B. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-240 to establish the budget for a
FDOT Intermodal Facility Grant- The Board adopted Budget
Resolution No. 05-240 to establish the budget for the FDOT
Intermodal Facility Grant.
Proposed to Fill Growth Management Positions- The Board approved entering into an
agreement with Colin Baenziger and Associates to recruit applicants for the Growth
Management Director and Assistant Growth Management Director and Planning
Manager positions in the Growth Management Department.
A. Code Compliance Division/Purchase color printer- The Board
approved the purchase of a color printer for the Code Compliance
Department Administration, approved Equipment Request EQ 05-354
and Budget Amendment BA 05-173 a total cost of $1,199.00.
B. Code Compliance Division- The Board approved increasing the base
amount of the Code Compliance (Permit Dept.) cash drawer from
$100.00 base to $250.00 .
C. Code Compliance Division- The Board approved the purchase of a
Kronos time management system to track employee time and
attendance- Equipment Request # EQ 05-368 and Budget Amendment
BA 05-182 a total cost of $10,995.00.
D. Code Compliance Division- The Board approved paying invoices #
3060, 3161 and 3164 and approved the addendums to contract # C03-
02-208 for a total amount of $30,200.00.
E. Building and Zoning Division- 11091 Ridge Avenue Ft. Pierce Fl.-
The Board approved permitting the Code Enforcement Division to
place 11091 Ridge Avenue on the condemnation list and follow
through those procedures and post the property as uninhabitable.
F. Taylor Engineering Contract- The Board approved the revised rates
for Taylor Engineering Services Contract to become effective
G. Code Compliance Division- 118 Jardain Road Ft. Pierce, Fla.- The
Board approved permitting the Code Enforcement Division placing the
property located at 118 Jardain Road., on the condemnation list and to
follow through with the procedures and post the property as unsafe and
H. Code Compliance Division- 2206 34 St., Ft. Pierce, Fla.,- The
Board approved permitting the Code Enforcement Division placing the
property located at 2206 34 St., on the condemnation list and to
follow through with the procedures and post the property as unsafe and
I. Engineering Division- Professional Engineering Services Stormwater
Management- Work Authorization No. 20 with Hazen and Sawyer
Engineers, P.C. for Garrison Lane Drainage Improvements- The
Board approved Work Authorization No. 20 with Hazen & Sawyer
Engineers, P.C. in the amount of $17,600.00 for Garrison Lane
Drainage Improvements and authorized the Chairman to sign.
Permission for Bear Point Mitbank to Bid- Reference FDOT Competitive Solicitation of
Mitigation Bank Credits- The Board approved the Bear Point Mitigation Bank to
respond to the FDOT bid for the purchase of twenty Mitigation Bank credits from the
Bear Point Mitbank, in the amount of $87,600.00 per credit for a total of $1,752,000.00
approved the Reservation/Purchase Agreement and other bid agreements pending County
Attorney review and approval, and authorized the Chairperson to execute the agreements
as required by the bid process and the mitigation bank process.
A. Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the St. Lucie River
Issues Team program for funding of $100,000 to be utilized to
construct a classroom addition to the Oxbow Eco-Center - The Board
authorized the submittal of the grant application to SLIRT for the
classroom addition to the Oxbow Center and acceptance of the grant if
B. Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the St. Lucie River
Issues Team program for funding of $75,000 to be utilized to develop
and construct an educational exhibit at the Oxbow Center. The Board
approved the submittal of the grant application to SLRIT for the
development and construction of the Oxbow Eco-Center exhibit and
the acceptance of the grant if awarded.
C. Authorize the submittal of a grant application, in an amount not to
exceed $200,000 to the St. Lucie River issues team - The Board
approved the submittal of the grant application in an mount no to
exceed $200,000 to the St. Lucie River Issues Team and the
acceptance of the grant if it approved to help fund the White City
Canal D flood protection and water quality improvement project.
Approve Resolution No. 05-123 to establish a grant budget for the FDOT- The Board
approved Resolution No. 05-123 to establish a grant budget for the DOT to provide
Intermodal Improvements to the downtown Ft. Pierce Intermodal Center (New Clerk of
Court Building).
Air Conditioning Replacement HVAC Airport Administration Building- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-052 to Flo-Rite Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of
$38,000 for the St. Lucie County International Airports Administration Building’s HVAC
and approved the Chair to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
A. Purchase of 2 Dell workstations- The Board approved the purchase of
Equipment Request No. 05-344 and Budget Amendment No. 05-167
for the purchase of Dell workstations for the Mapping Technicians.
B. Purchase of an HP Plotter- The Board approved the purchase of
Equipment Request No. 05-366 and Budget Amendment No. 05-180
for the purchase of the HP Designjet 5500 for the GIS personnel in IT.
C. Purchase of a Map Touch Software system and hardware- The Board
approve the purchase of Equipment Request No. 05-367 and Budget
Amendment No. 05-181 for the purchase of the Map Touch system for
the public access in Growth Management.
D. Request of Frank Silva for final plat approval for the project to be
known as Silva Riverfront Estates Subdivision. The Board approved
the final plat of Silva Riverfront Estates Subdivision and authorized its
final execution.
E. Request of Lennar Homes, Inc., for Final Plat approval for the project
to be known as Bent Creek Tract A-1 The Board approved the Final
Plat of Bent Creek Tract A-1 and authorized its execution.
5. Ordinance No. 05-028- Creating Chapter 1-19 Treasure Coast Education
Research and Development Authority- Consider staff recommendation to approve
Ordinance No, 05-028 and authorize the signing of the Ordinance.
The Asst. County Attorney advised the Board of a Scribner’s error in the ordinance.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Ordinance No. 05-
028 as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Cultural Affairs Council appointment- Consider staff recommendation to select one at
large appointment from the candidate applications submitted.
Upon tally of the votes, the Board appointed Mr. Les Sadzeck.
Special Needs Shelter Location- Consider staff recommendation to approve that the St.
Lucie County Fairgrounds be designated as the site for the Special Needs Shelter and that
the County submit an approved Mitigation Program Grant Application in the approximate
amount of $500,000 to be used towards funding the facility.
The County Administrator addressed the Board on this issue. He stated the reason for this
issue being brought before the Board today was to be eligible for the $2.5 million dollar
funding the county needs to have a certificate of occupancy no later than May 15, 2008
and for the $1,250,000., a certificate of occupancy must be received by October 1, 2007.
To receive this funding the county is under a tight time frame.
Com. Hutchinson stated she was under the impression there are regulations regarding the
nuclear plant where they needed to be outside of the 10 mile radius which the fairgrounds
The County Administrator stated they are also in need of a new emergency operations
center. This has to be out of the 10 mile radius.
The Public Safety Director stated the special needs shelter should be placed outside the
10 mile EPZ. Otherwise they will need to file for an exemption from the state.
Com. Craft stated they should be looking at a facility that would have daily uses and also
can be used as a special needs shelter. It does not make sense to spend any more money
on the fairgrounds when they need a building of this magnitude in the community urban
Com. Coward stated he had clearly stated to staff he objected to the fairgrounds location
and the fact the Board has not had the opportunity to make this decision. The Board has
never had a healthy discussion about an appropriate location for the facility, nor about
alternative locations and uses. He requested information about alternative locations.
Com. Lewis stated she is one Commissioner who has always supported this location and
was not aware there was opposition. She does not recall this issue being brought forward
when discussing the legislative priorities.
The County Administrator stated Com. Coward had expressed his objection to this site in
the past.
Com. Craft stated this location was furthest from any hospital in the county and it would
take longer to have the power back on in this area and they are compounding problems
instead of thinking smart.
Com. Coward stated he is not trying to say he is for or against this specific location. He
is objecting to the fact they have not had a discussion. This site was tagged early on and
he was assured the Board would have ample time to discuss alternatives. This may be the
best location, but he would like a comfort level that they have looked at all possibilities
and have decided after a thorough review of existing structures, other alternatives, other
locations that this is the best one.
Com. Hutchinson stated she did not have a problem delaying this as long as everyone is
aware this issue is time sensitive.
The County Administrator stated staff is recommending that item 7 be deferred and
number 9 which relates to funding for this item until a future meeting when all the
information is received and reviewed.
Com. Craft requested looking at something at either city, that would make more sense
financially and have more than one use and used more than 12 weekends a year.
Com. Smith stated he felt the fairgrounds is a good location but is willing to review
alternative sites.
Com. Hutchinson stated she would not be supporting any location within the 10 mile
Mr. Tom Christopher, Radiological Coordinator, addressed the Board and stated since
they are looking to make this a regional facility, they need a back up plan if this facility
will be housing neighboring residents after a hurricane. He felt they should build a few
facility opposed to retrofitting an existing one.
It was the consensus of the Board to defer this issue until September 13, 2005.
Florida Communities Trust- Ten Mile Creek West/FCT Project 03-079 FF# Option
Agreement for Sale and Purchase-Varn Groves, Inc.- Consider staff recommendation to
approve the option agreement for sale and purchase of the Varn Groves parcel for
$450,000 as shown and authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement and direct staff
to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie
County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff
recommendations, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve amending the Disaster Initiative Community Development Block Grant by
deleting the Housing Activity and reallocating the balance of funds available after the
South 26 St., project costs are determined. The balance of funds designated for the
Special Needs Shelter an will be at lest $1,250,000 - Consider staff recommendation to
approve amending the Disaster Initiative Community Development Block Grant by
deleting the Housing Activity and reallocating the balance of funds available after South
26 St., projects costs are determined.
The Community Services Director addressed the Board and advised them the City of Port
St. Lucie had utilized their portion of funds received to strengthen the community center
(special needs facility). She advised the Board of her contact with the State advising
them how the county would be utilizing the balance of the funds from this grant for the
special needs shelter and the state did not have a problem it. If the county will be
utilizing these funds for this purpose, she felt they needed to work quickly. The City of
Ft. Pierce utilized their portion of funds for housing.
Com. Coward stated he would like to see alternate funding sources for the shelter. He
would rather utilize the money for housing for that purpose and asked input from the
Housing Task Force.
It was the consensus of the Board to defer this issue until September 13, 2005.
10. AGRICULTURE (2-1146)
Resolution No. 05-318 Amending Resolution No. 05-080 to allow for two additional
positions to the Treasure Education, Research and Development Authority Board and
appointing members to fill those positions- Consider staff recommendation to approve
Resolution No. 05-318 establishing two positions on the Treasure Coast Education,
Research and Development Authority Board. Staff further recommends the Board
appoint Jose Farinos and Gerri McPherson to fill those positions.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 05-
318 and Resolution No. 05-080 and approved the appointment of Jose Farinos and Gerri
McPherson as recommended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court