HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-09-2005
Date: August 9, 2005 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1 Recessed: 10:30 a.m.
Reconvened: 1:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 3:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Frannie Hutchinson, Chairman, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis,
Joseph Smith, Chris Craft
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Susan Kilmer, Library Director, Ed Parker,
Purchasing Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held August 2, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. Charles Grande, Environmental Defense, addressed the Board regarding the Indian
River Lagoon crisis. He requested the Board ask staff to watch the legal side of this
Com. Smith requested the Human Resources Director review the pay study listed as item
The Human Resources Director reviewed the study and advised the Board of the addition
to the study as presented (see attachment). He also proposed to the Board the 230
employees whose positions do not move up in the pay range, be given a 2% increase
retroactive to April 1, 2005 and in conjunction on October 1 all those employees would
also be eligible for a cost of living increase percentage.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the Consent Agenda,
to include the added item on C9, and; upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 45.
A. Resolution No. 05-312- Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05-313 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution
No. 05-312 and Resolution No. 05-313.
B. Art in Public Places- Agreement for Art Services with Michael J.
McLaughlin for Walton Road Annex Sculpture- The Board approved
the Agreement for Art Services with Michael J. McLaughlin.
C. Ordinance No. 05-028- Creating Chapter 1-19 Treasure Coast
Education Research and Development Authority Permission to
advertise- The Board approved advertising the ordinance for public
hearing on August 23, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may
be heard.
D. Art in Public Places- Agreement for Art Services with Mid Ocean
Studio, Inc.. for Recycling Sculpture- The Board approved the
agreement with Mid Ocean Studio Inc.
E. Revocable License Agreement- Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Crawford- Install
a shed in a platted 85’ drainage easement- The Board approved the
Revocable License Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign
and directed Mr. & Mrs. Crawford to record the document in the
Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
A. FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement for Hurricane
Repairs Budget Resolution No. 05-303 at the St. Lucie County
International Airport- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 05-
303 for the Supplemental JPA from the FDOT Joint Participation
Agreement for Hurricane Damage Repairs at St. Lucie County
International Airport. This FDOT grant provides for $95,000 of the
$118,750.00 required for this project.
B. Superior Roofing Systems, Inc., Hurricane Frances Roof Repair- The
Board approved final payment to Superior Roofing in the amount of
$21,487.25 and authorized the Chairman to execute the contract with
Superior Roofing Systems, Inc., for the St. Lucie County International
C. Kimley Horne Scope of Services for Perimeter Security
Communications System and Master Plan- The Board approved
Kimley-Horn’s scope of services (Work Authorization 19) in the
amount of $181,885.00 and authorized the Chair to execute the
agreement for the St. Lucie County International Airport’s security
communication master plan and design.
D. PBS&J Change Order to Reduce Contract Amount- The Board
approved the change order to reduce the PBSJ contract $32,130.00
making the new contract total $59,670.00 for the St. Lucie County
International Airport.
E. Budget Resolution No. 05-314 for Proposed Parallel Runway 9L/27R
FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement- The Board
approved Budget Resolution No. 05-314 in the amount of $66,962.00
for design and construction.
F. Award RPR Services & Construction Administration Airport West
Commerce Park to PBS&J- The Board approved PBS&J Work
Authorization No. 11 in the amount of $140,000 for construction
administration and RPR services for the St. Lucie County International
Airport’s West Commerce Park and authorized the Chair to execute
the agreement.
A. Emergency Repair- River Park Place at Merritt Ditch, Culvert
Replacement- The Board approved declaring the River Park Place at
Merritt Ditch, Culvert Replacement project an emergency, waive the
formal bidding procedure and authorized staff to contact vendors for
written quotes for the appropriate repairs.
B. Environmental Resources Division- Change Order No. 1 in the amount
of $3,500.- Indian River Drive Phase II Revegetation Project- The
Board approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,500. for the
Indian River Drive Phase II Revegetation project and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
C. Engineering Division- The Board approved a reduction in retainage
from ten percent ($977,798.78) to two percent ($195,559.76) for
Dickerson Florida, Inc., for the Indian River Drive North Project.
D. Solid Waste Division- Non-Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste and
Recyclable Material Collection Service Agreement- The Board
approved the Non-Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste and Recyclable
Material Collection Service Agreements for Affordable Containers and
Palm City Roll-Off Inc., and authorized the Chairman to execute.
E. Solid Waste Division- Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C04-03-
102- CDM- The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Contract No.
C04-03-102 between St. Lucie County and CDM for the proposed
Treasure Coast Regional Wastewater Sludge Management Facility
reducing CDM’s Contract from $1,126,040.00 to $470,000.
F. Solid Waste Division CDM-Engineering Services- The Board
approved the April 8, 2005 proposal from CDM for engineering
services to assist St. Lucie County with annual water quality
monitoring, analysis and report for both the Glades Road Landfill and
Fairwinds Golf Course annual aerial survey and financial
responsibility update, Glades Road Landfill annual leachate collection
pipes survey and evaluation, Title V reporting and continuing
consulting service for year 6 through 10 for an annual amount of
G. Solid Waste Division- Professional Engineering Services - The Board
approved the July 20, 2005 proposal from CDM for professional
engineering services to assist St. Lucie County with the
implementation of a Gypsum processing facility at the St. Lucie
County Balling & Recycling facility. The scope of services includes
design, permitting, bidding and construction services for a limp sum of
H. Solid Waste Division- The Board approved the purchase of scales as
an emergency sole source from Gulfstream Scale Company due to the
latest report on the condition of the present scales and approved
Equipment Request No. 05-365. The cost of the scales is $205,444.00.
A. Permission to Advertise- The Board granted permission to advertise
an IFB for Lease of 750 Acres of Cattle Land at the Airport.
B. Permission to Advertise- The Board granted permission to advertise
an invitation for bid for Elevator Repair and Maintenance for County
C. Bid No. 05-072 Sale of Two Case 721C Loaders- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-072 Sale of Two Case 721C Loaders to
the highest bidder, Dixie Surplus Machinery, Inc., for a total amount
of $85,356.00.
The Board approved the submission of the FY 05/06 applications to the State of Florida
Department of Community Affairs for the Community Services Block Grant Allocation
and Resolution No. 05-306 , authorized accepting the grant and authorized the Chairman
signing all documents necessary to execute the application .
A. State Inmate Work Program (Equipment Request EQ 05-356 and
Budget Amendment BA 05-170) - The Board approved the purchase
of a work squad vehicle mounted radio in the amount of $4,169.00 in
support of the State Inmate work program.
B. Paradise Park restrooms and recreation building roof repair- The
Board approved awarding the contract to East Coast Aluminum to
restore the roofs on the restrooms n the recreation building at Paradise
Park to their pre-storm condition, in the amount of $16,130.00 and
authorize the Chair to sign the contract as drafted by the County
A. Approve Budget Resolution No. 05-311 in the amount of $38,431.00
for the FDLE Livescan Workstation Grant- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 05-311 in the amount of $38,411. for approval
to establish a FY05 budget for the FDLE Livescan Workstation Grant.
B. Adopt Budget Resolution NO. 05-309 to establish the budget for the
Martin County reimbursement of Professional Services regarding St.
Lucie County and Martin County’s MPO- The Board adopted Budget
Resolution No. 05-309 to establish the budget for Martin County
C. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-308 to establish the budget for the
FTA Section 5303 Planning Grant - The Board adopted Budget
Resolution No. 05-308.
D. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-307 to establish a budget for the FTA
Section 5307 Operating & Capital Assistance Grant- The Board
adopted Budget Resolution No. 05-307.
E. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-310 to increase the FY 2004/05
Metropolitan Planning Organization grant- The Board adopted Budget
Resolution No. 05-310 to increase the MPO award.
Approval of the pay study conduced by Cody & Associates- The Board approved the pay
study conducted by Cody & Associates retroactive to April 1, 2005 and approved the
First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 (C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting
Engineers, Inc., for additional survey and engineering for the repair of Prima Vista Blvd.-
The Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 C03-09-708 with
Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc., for additional survey and engineering for the repair
of Prima Vista Blvd., between U.S. 1 and Rio Mar Drive in the amount of $27,849.00.
Piggyback contract with City of Ft. Pierce- The Board approved entering into a time and
material arrangement to include provisions for “an amount not to exceed” as requested by
the County Attorney) with Burkhardt Construction, currently under contract with the City
of Ft. Pierce at a cost of $57,754.50 for the selective demolition needed for the design
phase of the judicial chiller plant, authorized the Chair to sign, and upon completion,
reimburse the City of Ft. Pierce for this work.
Appointment to Committee- The Board ratified Com. Lewis’ appointment of Peter
Wittkuhns to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
Request Permission to Advertise- The Board granted permission to advertise for an RFP
for the Greenways and Trails/Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Engineering Division- Award of Bid No. 05-044 Carlton-Adams Culvert Crossing over
Canal C-59 Culvert Replacement- Consider staff recommendation to approve awarding
Bid No. 05-044, Carlton Adams Road Culvert Crossing Over Canal C-59 project to,
Johnson-Davis, Inc., in the amount of $353,500.00, establish the project budget as
outlined in the attached memorandum, and authorize the Chair to sign the contracts as
prepared by the County Attorney.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Interlocal Agreement for the Transfer of Sunrise Blvd., to the City of Ft. Pierce-
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Interlocal Agreement and authorize the
Chairman to sign the interlocal agreement.
Com. Hutchinson requested it be placed in the Interlocal staff will have the ability once
the plans are complete they would be allowed to provide input .
Mr. Jack Andrews, City of Ft. Pierce addressed the Board and stated they would be happy
to review and receive input from St. Lucie County staff.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Interlocal
Agreement, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Children’s Services Council- Consider staff recommendation to select three nominees
for submission to the Office of the Governor for consideration for the Children’s Services
Council appointment.
Upon tally of the votes, the following individuals were nominated for submission :
Mr. R. Duke Nelson
Mr. Michael Goforth
Ms. Judy S. Hayes
Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., Final Plat approval for the project to be known as Fairways
at Savanna Club being a Replat of Tract B, according to Eagle’s Retreat at Savanna Club
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Final Plat and;
upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Margaret Borland, Inc., for final plat approval for the project to be known as Borland
Tract Subdivision. This project is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of
Peterson Road and South 37 St., in the RS-3 zoning district- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the final plat of Borland Tract S/D and authorize its final
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Troy Rice, Director Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program gave a briefing
on the Southern Indian River Lagoon and the St. Lucie River Estuary.
Com. Hutchinson asked for clarification on whether the Board should send a letter or
draft a resolution on the issue and since they are meeting with Sen. Nelson is on the 18 ,
she would like to know before hand.
The County Administrator advised the Board that staff is prepared to draft a resolution
Com. Hutchinson stated this was what she wanted clarified, do they draft a resolution to
be presented at the Board meeting prior to the 18 or a letter. Also, she commented on
a plan being put together as soon as they know who would be interested in going to
Washington, either as a single representative or as a group.
Com. Craft recommended doing this as a group to show anyone who is responsible in the
decision making that they are united on the issue.
Com. Coward suggested staff layout more specifically what can be done and stated he
was interested in sending a letter to Sen. Frisk asking Senate Bill 728 get its day on the
floor but agreed to direct staff to work on the layout.
The County Administrator stated he would work with the Chair on this direction.
Reconvened: 1:35 p.m.
The County Administrator gave a background on this issue. He stated during the budget
workshops it was discussed opening Pod 2. There are two pods under construction. The
estimated cost to open Pod 2 was 2.5 million dollars and half a years cost for operating
and staffing was 1.4 million dollars. At that point, the Board decided not to open Pod 2
but rather take $500,000 of the $1.4 million and set aside towards the GPS monitoring
system for inmates that the County is planning on implementing later on in the year. At
the same time, they set aside $900,000. to be designated at a future point for capital needs
or some other need.
Following the 911 Board of Governor’s meeting, he and the Asst. County Administrator
had a meeting with the Sheriff whereby the Sheriff came up with another suggestion and
this is part of the Sheriff’s presentation this afternoon.
Com. Coward questioned what part of the $1.4 million had been spent to date.
The County Administrator stated the $1.4 million is in the new budget effective October
1, 2005.
Sheriff Mascara gave a power point presentation on the issue.
He stated today’s population at the jail is 1201 which poses a liability and danger to his
Sheriff Mascara gave an update on the storm damage to the tents and reviewed the
handout attached.
Upon conclusion of his presentation, Sheriff Mascara recommended the Board approve
the hiring of 13 detention deputies to open one half of Pod 2, this would address the Fire
Marshals capacity order . There may not be a need for the other half of Pod 2 if Dr.
Kalmanoff’s recommendations continue to be implemented.
Com. Coward questioned in going back to the discussion of the expense of the Pods, it
was his understanding they would attempt to maximize the number of Federal inmates in
Pod 2 and his only reluctance is that he is not hearing how they will be bringing in that
revenue stream and not only look at Federal inmates, but also at other counties.
The Sheriff stated today’s proposal was only to address today’s occupancy needs and
they would need to hire the 13 additional deputies to address those needs of Pod 2.
Com. Coward stated he understood, however they would also have a revenue stream
coming in and he would like to see those numbers and what they equate to and see how
much they can re-coop from the investment they have made.
The County Administrator stated during the budget workshops they discussed opening
Pod 2 for a cost of $2.3 million of which $1.4 million was going to be for the first 6
months to gear up and then the remainder of the money ($900,000) to operate the
remaining six months cost would be covered by Federal inmates. This is why they
budgeted the $1.4 million in startup costs. After this amount they would have the Federal
inmates cover the balance of the 6 months.
Com. Coward commented on 33 other county jails in the state being overcrowded as we
Sheriff Mascara advised the Board that his staff will be meeting with the U.S. Marshal to
submit the application for the Federal inmates and the only thing they need to do is
negotiate the final number on how much they will pay us per inmate.
The Assistant County Administrator advised the Board the U.S. Marshal Service stated
we could expect 40 inmates on an annual basis at $60-65 per day per inmate.
Com. Hutchinson questioned if there was a way to obtain standards for St. Lucie County
at least to have a starting point. The classification is left to those who are putting the
people in jail this is what she has seen on the web site.
The Sheriff stated he has hired someone from Broward County to do classifications at the
jail and this person has nine years experience. He hopes to leave today’s meeting
knowing that the Fire Marshal has set a limit on how many people can be in the jail and
knowing that he believes St. Lucie County wants to be in the forefront in meeting the
standards of the Fire Marshal and they cannot do this with tents but can accomplish this
by opening Pod 1 and Pod 2.
Com. Coward stated since they are very close to the figure needed he does not see the
urgency in making a decision to open Pod 2 until they have a more comprehensive
understanding of other inmates coming into that and he does not believe they should do
this piece meal but should make a decision on 2 and fully implement this one way or the
other. The piece that is missing is the Kalmanoff study. If they are right at the number
with the 10% factor being weighed in and if the study can be implemented and show
some efficiency factor, he cannot imagine this would not help trim off some people until
they can figure out a more comprehensive approach on Pod 2.
The Sheriff advised the Board they have more maximum security inmates than minimum
security inmates and Pod 2 is not a maximum security cell, Pod 1 is.
Com. Craft stated he felt it would take approximately 6 months to get the programs
implemented. He would prefer to raise the funds through the federal inmates to open the
second jail pod as opposed to utilizing the citizens of our county.
The Sheriff stated he felt they needed to come up with an answer today and not six
months down the line. He are responsible for housing inmates and he is not sure when
the Fire Marshal will tell them when they need to answer to the overcrowding.
Com. Lewis commented on the fact the large expenditure had been made in building the
buildings. She does not think they can just let a building sit and on the other hand say
they want Federal prisoners to help cover the cost, they need to open the second pod to
have that revenue stream.
Com. Lewis stated no one has told her these programs were going to be implemented in
ninety days. She does not believe it will happen this quick due to the system. It is going
to take time and in the mean time you have inmates sleeping on the floor and she cannot
see a judge looking lightly to an empty building and agree we are okay keeping these
people where they are. She would like to see a plan to have the building in use in maybe
4 to 5 months.
The Sheriff stated his recollection was not to build two pods and having one pod house
federal inmates. The recommendation was to build two pods for a capacity of 1370 and
when they would open the two pods and the current jail facility, they would have in
excess of 150-175 beds to rent out for inmates.
Com. Coward suggested having preliminary conversations with 4 or 5 of the counties that
have over 1000 over capacity and say “we are seriously contemplating opening up and
hiring staff to open a second pod, but before we make that investment we would like to
know if there is or is not a likelihood that you would participate with us. This would give
us preliminary indication if they are interested.
The Sheriff stated today’s discussion was not about making money, but how they answer
to the capacity load placed upon him by the Fire Marshal and today’s recommendation is
to do that. What the Board decides to do about making money and opening pod 2, he
would leave that up to the Board.
Com. Craft stated his concern was if he opened the beds, the judicial system would fill
The Sheriff asked he not be punished for the judicial systems decisions.
Com. Coward stated he would like to know what programs are being implemented and
how soon before making a decision on pod 2.
The County Administrator gave an overview of their goal and implementing the
After continued discussion, Com. Hutchinson stated there was not a question about
opening Pod 1, however the Pod 2 issue she believes given the opportunity to implement
some of Dr. Kalmanoff’s recommendations is going to show an affect.
The Sheriff stated he had asked about a time frame for the implementation of the GPS at
the Public Safety Coordinating Council and he was told they were not even thinking
about a time frame.
Com. Coward stated if they bring the judicial system in as well as Dr. Kalmanoff’s study,
and if they get a 10% increase in efficiency or even a reduction of inmates, they would be
really close. He felt they should bring in the judicial system and have a discussion with
them and other counties and once they have that information they would have a more
comprehensive approach. To approve opening the second pod today is premature.
The Sheriff stated he cannot be left holding the bag and needs relief. He needs something
to tangibly look at either take the inmates away or open up the pod. He asked the
Chairperson what time frame they have to the reduction of the inmate population to fall
within the guidelines set forth by the Fire Marshal.
Com. Coward stated it did not have to be done today. There is other information that is
relevant and he is willing to have another workshop within the next few days to obtain
the information.
Com. Hutchinson stated they needed to approach the judicial system and ask them to
work with the Board and the Sheriff.
Com. Hutchinson requested a consensus.
Com. Lewis stated she would support opening pod 1 and felt making a decision is not
being done in haste. This is a problem that has been around for a while. She does not
remember building the pods to avoid costs. It was done because they thought they were
going to need it. This is why she approved building the second pod.
Com. Hutchinson stated there seems to be a consensus to open pod 1 when it is ready
about 3 weeks. Also the second consensus she is hearing is to set up a meeting with the
judicial system and Judge Roby.
Com. Smith stated he would like to see the judicial branch in a workshop with the Board.
Staff was directed to schedule a workshop meeting with the judicial system and Judge
Roby in the near future.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court