HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-04-2005
Date: January 4, 2005 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Paula A.
Lewis, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks & Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie
Gouin, Management/Budget Director, Ed Parker, Purchasing Director, Ed Cox, Growth
Management Director, David Kelly, Planning Manage, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy
1. MINUTES (1-029)
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held December 21, 2004, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. A presentation was made by Ken Gioeli and Bill Overholt on the
Biological Control for the Brazilian Pepper Trees.
B. The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. Chris Humphreys, Sandlewood Estates addressed the Board regarding the vibrating
noise from the neighboring skating rink. He requested the Board require volume control
of the music being played past midnight.
Com Hutchinson stated she would investigate the complaint further with the Code
Enforcement Board.
Ms. Melissa Litsky, area resident, addressed the Board regarding the County’s Comp
Plan and requested clarification of the plan.
The Planning Manager gave a history on how the County’s Comp Plan was written and
stated the plan had been constructed with various residents input throughout the process.
Mr. Jim Piowaty, resident, Indian River Drive, addressed the Board and stated he
appreciated the funds provided by the State, however, he still had some concerns
regarding the wash outs of the road in some areas should it rain for any length of time.
There have been some improvements since he wrote his last letter. He also advised the
Board of 23 new washouts that occurred since yesterday.
Mr. Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines, addressed the Board and commented on Ms. Litsky’s
complaints regarding density in St. Lucie County and the Comp Plan. He requested the
Plan be placed on the County’s Web Site for the general public to educate themselves on
the Plan and any updates.
Ms. Arlene Goodman, White City resident, addressed the Board regarding items C-7.
Ms. Goodman advised the Board of her opposition to request a 32% above the minimum
for pay grade 15. She requested this item be re-evaluated.
Ms. Pam Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed Ms. Goodman’s comments and supported
the increase. Ms. Hammer stated quality applicants should be paid accordingly.
Com. Lewis expressed her concern with this request and stated it may cause compression
by those who hold a similar position in pay grade 15 and have held this position for
sometime not being paid the equivalent of this applicant.
Com. Hutchinson concurred with Com. Lewis’ concerns and stated she preferred to wait
until the New Pay Plan has been completed before considering any applicant being
brought in above the salary range.
Com. Coward stated he concurred with both Commissioners comments and felt it was an
equality and fairness issue. He stated, “ If salaries are not in line, then the entire slate
should be reviewed.
Com. Smith stated he appreciated everyone’s comments but, felt his candidate was worth
the amount he had chosen for his aide.
Com. Smith requested the Human Resources Director advise the Board of the salary
range for this position.
The Human Resources Director stated pay grade 15 starting salary is $27,829.78, mid
point $35,320.18 max $42,826.58.
Com. Smith stated 32% above the starting salary for the credentials the applicant has is
worth it.
Com. Lewis stated her comments were not directed at Com. Smith’s choice. She had
spoken to Ms. Smith in her current capacity. It is not the qualifications. It would be
inappropriate for her to second guess his choice.
Com. Lewis stated she is simply looking at the hiring process and felt this was an
organization and the hiring is within the organization.
Com. Hutchinson reviewed the salary survey results and how the employees received
increases due to their job titles.
The County Administrator advised those present how the plan was initiated throughout
the year.
Com. Coward stated he agreed with Com. Lewis’ comments and agrees this person is
very qualified however, it is an issue of the salary and the impact on the other employees
and this is something they must consider.
Com. Coward stated he would like to discuss a possible compromise. If there is a way to
bring this person in at a comparable level of the other employees, in fairness to them,
then everyone would be happy. Possibly bringing the person in at the mid level. It is
exceeding the salary of the present aides who have comparable education and more
experience, he believes this is where the issue lies.
Com. Coward stated he would support a salary up to and comparable to the minimum
salary that is in place for someone at this time, he would have a problem exceeding it.
The County Administrator advised the Board that a 5% increase would be added after a 6
month introductory period.
Com. Smith stated he did homework on this issue utilizing Monster .com and came up
with the following salary structures at our zip code area of 34982. He looked at the titles
of Executive Assistant and Administrative Assistant, and came up with the following:
Medium range in St. Lucie County for the position of Executive Assistant is $39,541,
25 percentile is $35,455 and the 75 percentile is $ 44,019 and for an Administrative
Assistant low end $32,657, medium $35,842 and 75 percentile is $39,687.
The County Administrator advised Com. Smith he was able to authorize 10% over the
starting range. He stated, “the mid range is $35,000 unless the Commission wishes to
change it however, this will affect many people”. He suggested the Board wait until the
pay plan has been completed.
Com. Smith stated his option would be to speak with the applicant and the Human
Resources Department however, he is looking for direction from the Board members at
this point so they he can take an offer to the applicant.
The County Attorney stated what he understood Com. Coward’s comments were that he
is willing to support a budget of the mid range or slightly above the lowest existing salary
so that that amount would be approved and Com. Smith can hire anyone he would like to
consider rather it be the applicant or a new applicant.
The County Administrator recommended 19% over the salary would be $33,117 and at
the end of the 6 months, 5% increase it would be $34,773 this is slightly less than the
most recent hire at $35,010.00.
Com. Coward concurred with this recommendation.
Com. Smith stated he looked forward to going back to the applicant with a new number
should the Board be inclined to approve it and see if she is comfortable with the figure.
Com. Hutchinson requested the applicant be informed of the pay study currently in the
RFP process.
Com. Hutchinson stated, “If the numbers Com. Smith read off are true numbers for the
salaries with regard to the Monster .com site within St. Lucie County and we are that far
behind it will show in the pay study and she will fight very hard because there is not a
price she can place for her aide.
Com. Lewis stated, “ We need to pay for good people if we intend to keep them”. If
there are salary adjustments needed to be made, she certainly will be behind anyone who
felt the changes were warranted. Her concern at this time was the process at this point
and time and felt it would be too premature to make a change right now.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the pay grade as
recommended by the County Administrator of 19% over the base with a potential 5%
which would bring the applicant in below the mid grade and below the minimum amount
if of an existing aide with experience, and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-1778)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda
to include CA-1 and CA2; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 13 and 14.
Resolution No. 05-001- Extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Frances and
Resolution No. 05-002 Extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The
Board approved Resolution No. 05-001 and 05-002.
Work Authorization No. 4- Contract C03-05-235 with Hazen & Sawyer P.C.
Environmental Consulting for the Golf Course- The Board approved Work
Authorization No. 4 in the amount of $6,800.00 .
4. Solid Waste Division- Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $20,475.50
making the total contract price $1,558,480.45 and Pay Request No. 7 to Urban
Building Systems Inc., in the amount of $198,042.29.- The Board approved
Change Order No. 2 and Pay Request No. 7.
Permission to Advertise Public Hearing- The Board authorized the office of
Management and Budget to schedule and advertise a public hearing to amend the budget.
Revision to Fleet Replacement Program- The Board approved not pursuing the purchase
of a “live” broadcast van due to the overwhelming cost of $250,000 . The Board
approved the revision of the Fleet Replacement Plan to change the Cargo Van for Media
Relations to a Ford Expedition SUV at a cost of $21,720.00to be purchased through the
Florida Sheriff’s Association.
Salary Adjustment- This item was pulled for separate vote.
The Board authorized the signature of the transmittal letter/title page by the Chair and to
allow staff to submit one grant to the Florida Department of Community Affairs
Emergency Management Residential Construction Mitigation Program.
The Board approved the Sheriff’s request of one-sixth of his total budget for January .
5. No Public Hearings Scheduled
Consider the acceptance of an Emergency Watershed Protection Program grant from the
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service for funding in an amount not to exceed
$3,375,000 for the benefit of landowners along Indian River Drive and to be used for the
provision and installation of native vegetation to establish cover, slow run-off, prevent
erosion and protect the river bank.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the acceptance of
the Emergency Watershed Protection Program grant, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Resolution No. 05-008- Consider staff recommendation to adopt the attached Resolution
as drafted urging the Army Corps of Engineers to fund the Biological Preservation
component and not defer the Natural Storage and Muck Removal component of the
Indian River Lagoon and direct the County Administrator to send a copy of this
resolution to Mr. Joseph Redican of the Army Corps of Engineers, and Mr. Juan Diaz
Carreras of the South Florida Water Management District.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft to approve Resolution No. 05-
008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
RA-1 Discussion of Ft. Pierce Annexation Issues- Staff Direction has been requested.
The County Administrator advised the Board of the result of the public hearing held at
the City of Ft. Pierce Chambers on December 20, 2004. The Growth Management
Director and the Asst. County Attorney represented the County and requested the City
delay annexations for future discussion at the joint County/City meeting scheduled for
January 14, 2005. The City chose to move forward with the annexations approving the
In the newspaper there were several areas within the unincorporated area advertised,
where the city indicated their intention to take action. The first public hearing was held
last night to annex these additional areas. A map was presented to the County by the
City, where by the City is asking for legislative approval to annex a certain area of the
unincorporated area of the County. These are the issues.
The County Attorney gave what he thought was the City’s perspective for consideration
by the Board.
The County and the City of Ft. Pierce and the Ft. Pierce Utility Authority, had enterd into
an interlocal agreement early last year, 2004. It identified a service area for the FPUA, it
set out some agreements related to the purchase of bulk water and sewer outside the
service areas. It talked about a joint planning agreement that we unfortunately have yet
to obtain, it talked about a vote in Indian River Estates which we have done which
resulted in a vote where the County will be purchasing bulk water from the FPUA and
providing retail to the Indian River Estates. The City’s perspective is how they annex
property is through their utility services. In order to get utility services from the city, you
must sign an annexation agreement other wise you will not get the service. They use
these agreements when the people become contiguous to the boundaries and then adopt
ordinances, which ultimately result in the annexation of those properties.
The County Attorney gave an overview of the city’s attempt to annex the Airport
The City at this point has adopted all the ordinances. The re-zonings are effective as well
as the annexation ordinances. The County had requested they defer action until the
meeting scheduled for January 14, 2005.
The Growth Management Director, Ed Cox presented three maps depicting the areas
under consideration to be annexed in December, 2004. He also noted the area being
forwarded to the legislative for consideration.
Com. Hutchinson stated she had received phone calls from residents in the proposed
annexed area and they want answers to what the future intentions are of the city .
The County Attorney stated he felt it was made clear by the Board when they adopted
the interlocal agreement that there was no waiver on the part of the Board as to future
annexations. The Board would still have the ability to look at those annexations on a
case by case basis.
Com. Hutchinson stated she questioned the sincerity of this agreement. She sees
absolutely nothing getting accomplished.
Com. Craft stated he was at the meeting in a different capacity and as he recalls, the city
could continue to go about their annexations the way they have been and the county
would not interfere, this was his understanding. In looking at the map, contiguous
maybe, compact no, on all the properties of annexations because this is the way the city
has always done it and at this point, he felt they are continuing to do their business the
way the always have by continuing to use the water and sewer as leverage for annexation.
They have always done it this way and this is why they have the mess they have at the
moment and this was the agreement that was struck in City Hall.
Com. Hutchinson stated there were three Commissioners at the meeting the other two
were not invited.
Com. Coward stated that clearly their ongoing process is not what the Board considers
the letter of the law and he agrees that the agreement reached with the city and the FPUA
dealt primarily with the service area which is the utility component which has a direct tie
with their annexation procedure and this is why they had to address the issue. What he
understood the agreement to be and what he voted for was that they told the city was they
would not get in the way of their annexations within that service area unless we felt there
were close violations of law. The one issue in the agreement that he is very disappointed
about is they have not achieved the Joint Participation Agreement originally proposed.
Com . Lewis stated she recalled the Board strongly indicated they wanted the language in
which stated the Board was not giving up their rights with regard to contesting future
annexations, they wanted the language to remain and since it has been removed, and the
Board has not received the letter they were promised that would guarantee them the rights
separately from the agreement. She feels it places her in a bad position with the residents
in not being able to answer their questions and concerns. She felt the compactness issue
and the fact that there are service delivery issues it creates concern and confusion for the
residents. She stated, “These are the issues which need to be addressed and if a JPA is
going to fix this fine, but this has not been taken care of either”.
Com. Lewis stated she supported Com. Hutchinson ‘s direction.
Com. Hutchinson stated if there was another alternative she would be opened to it,
however, she does not see one short of going into Conflict Resolution once again and
hopefully it can be worked out at the meeting scheduled for the 14 of January.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward for discussion, based on the
circumstances presented, in view of the annexations and the unfortunate failure to reach
agreement on a Joint Planning Agreement and in view of the city’s action in not honoring
the Board’s request to defer action on these issues until the 14, the Board would initiate
Conflict Resolution through Resolution, waive the return of the Resolution and directed
staff to immediately send out the Resolution to the City staff;
Com. Coward stated he was more concerned with the JPA.
Com. Hutchinson stated she is a sworn officer of the State and will follow the letter of the
Com. Craft stated he does not see a reason to contest the annexation. His issue is he
would like to move forward with the JPA and if they move forward with the Resolution it
may draw people away from the table. He would like to go into the meeting on the 14
with a positive attitude.
Com. Coward stated they could discuss this issue again on the 18 of January after their
meeting on the 14; and still meet the deadline to file the Resolution.
Com .Lewis stated she had concerns with waiting for the Resolution to be filed on the
18 of January.
Com. Hutchinson stated they could drop the Conflict Resolution after the meeting on the
14 should they not come to some conclusion.
Com. Coward stated, although he seconded the motion for discussion, he will not be
voting in favor of it . He would like to wait until they have the face to face meeting with
the City Commission and make a decision on 18.
Com. Smith stated his issue is the City of Ft. Pierce has not kept their word and have not
sent us the letter. He hopes they understand the Board is serious about discussing these
issues on the 14. He suggested the County Attorney work on the drafting the Resolution
to be prepared in case they do not come to a conclusion.
Clarification of the motion: To initiate Conflict Resolution and, upon roll call, the vote
was as follows: Nay’s Coward, Craft, Smith; Aye’s: Lewis, Hutchinson, motion denied
by a vote of 3 to 2.
The City of Ft Pierce is requesting Legislative Delegation approval for their annexation
The County Attorney stated if special act was adopted, on the effective date, the
properties noted would become part of the city .
Com . Lewis stated she would object to involuntary annexations.
It was moved by Com.Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to object to the proposed
special act being sent to the Legislative for approval of their annexation boundaries, and
upon roll call the vote was as follows: Nay: Craft; Aye’s: Coward, Smith, Lewis,
Hutchinson; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court