HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 03-15-2005 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: March 15, 2005 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Tape; 1 Adjourned: 6:55 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Joseph Smith, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, (absent ) Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES (1-021) It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 8, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS The County Administrator read upcoming events and scheduled meetings. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS (1-035) Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board regarding the lack of manatee awareness demonstrated by boaters. Mr. Siegfried Crisim, County resident, addressed the Board regarding the lack in housing in the County. He has been a tenant in an apartment complex which is now turning into condos. The lack of housing in the county due to the Hurricanes has made it very difficult for many residents in the county. He advised the Board of an ordinance based on a Florida Statute. The County Administrator stated the county is heading for a crisis situation due to the lack of housing. There are people living in temporary housing such as FEMA trailers and after the 18 months of allotted time, he does not know where these people will turn to. It was the consensus of the Board to schedule this item for discussion at a workshop. Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board regarding A-1-A. Ft. Pierce has a plan as part of the CRA to pave their portion. The road is deteriorating rapidly and he is aware it is a State Road, but hopes it will be repaired as quickly as possible. Mr. Grande complemented staff on their efforts to complete the dune project. Mr. Jim Piowaty, Indian River Drive resident, addressed the Board regarding the Indian River Drive project and objected as to why they were excluded from the project. Mr. Steve Dale, lot owner on the Drive addressed the Board and expressed his concern with the de-valuation of his property due to not having armoring done on his property and how his property continues to erode. He suggested boulders be utilized as an option to the armoring which are suitable for steep inclines. He also requested the county remove the hurricane debris from the area and they be given the full benefit of the project. 1 Mr. Craig Hauschild, Engineering Division, gave an update on the project. Mr. Ken Fukes stated the area should be re-evaluated and the county received monies to do 15 miles not 13 miles. He does not know where the photos came from and there are 30 people who did not want any of the part of the project. He asked where the share of the funds were used. Mr. Dale commented on the pile of boulders being placed and proposes this to be a good solution. The County Administrator stated he had asked the Federal Govt. for additional funding however they were pretty adamant on the amount of the budget and does not have a problem with attempting to continue the effort to obtain additional funds. Mr. Mark Tayton, Indian River Drive resident, addressed the Board and stated he had contacted the county for 6 years regarding the embankment going into the water before any of the hurricanes hit, however, nothing was ever done. Com. Hutchinson stated staff is waiting until all the change orders are totaled after which they will know if any funds are left over. Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident suggested mangroves be planted in place of armoring. Com. Coward commented on the funding for the vegetation replacement. He asked those who addressed the Board today not give up on the Board they are waiting for more information and will then address the funding issue. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-1158) It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 24. 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 05-018- and Resolution 05-109- The Board approved Resolution No 05- 108 extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05-109 extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne and authorized the Chairman to sign the Resolutions. 3. PUBLIC WORKS th A. South 26 St. MSBU- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 4 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with LBFH, in the amount of $57,605.00 for surveying, design, and bidding phase services. B. Work Authorization No. 1- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 with LBFH, Inc. to provide Construction, Engineering & Inspection Services for the Edwards Road at Selvitz Road intersection improvements project in the amount of $57,535.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign. C. Sunland Gardens Phase 2 MSBU- The Board approved Interlocal Agreement with the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreements. 2 th D. South 26 St. MSBU- The Board approved the Interlocal Agreements with the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreements. E. Request for Public Hearing- The Board approved a public hearing to be held on April 19, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or soon thereafter to consider the request of the Fort Pierce South (Florida Resources LLC) Mining Permit Application. 4. UTILITIES A. Consultant Agreement for Howard C. Osterman, Inc.- The Board approved the Consultant Agreement for Howard C. Osterman, Inc., to provide Utility Consulting Services not to exceed $150,000. B. Request to declare an emergency- The Board approved declaring an emergency and the request for a bid waiver per the Purchasing Manual Section 5.5 to approve the quote from Danella Companies, Inc. for the repairs to the wastewater and reclaimed force mains at Little Mud Creek in the amount of $23,311.44. 5. GROWTH MANAGEMENT A. Budget Amendment No. 05-142 The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 05-142 to allocate $2,000 from Contingency Funds to complete the last task for updating the St. Lucie County Unified Local Mitigation Strategy. B. Approval to contract with EDSA for the Research and Education Park Master Plan- The Board approved the contract with EDSA for a total amount of $91,200 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. 6. CENTRAL SERVICES A. Purchase motor for St. Lucie County Oil Spill Board- The Board approved the purchase of engine, parts and labor for the repair work on the spill boat in the amount of $7,449.00and pumping out of fuel tank at a charge of $1.99 per gallon to dispose of contaminated gasoline/fuel. The Board further approved Budget Amendment No. 05-143 and Equipment Request No. 05-306 in the amount of $7,500. B. Permission to go with the low bidder-Spade Contracting - The Board approved the low bidder, Spades Contracting at a cost of $55,900 to remove carpet, ceiling tiles and wall covering at the Clerk of Court Building (Old Courthouse) and authorized the Chair to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. 7. ADMINISTRATION Request for Board approval for the 48 month lease- The Board approved the 48 month lease of a Pitney Bowes Bowers DM 1,000 mailing system under a Florida State contract for 48 months at $769 per month. 8. GRANTS Acceptance of addition funding/Emergency Watershed Protection Program- The Board authorized the acceptance of these additional funds offered under the Emergency Watershed Protection Program grant. 9. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT 3 Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement/Florida Alcohol Testing Program- Intoxilyzer 8000- The Board approved the Sheriff’s office request to accept the FDLE Intoxilyzer 8000 Phase III grant and authorized the Chairperson to sign the required Certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award, the Board also approved Budget Resolution No. 05-110. 10. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE Location of space to renovate for the expansion of Growth Management- The Board approved the use of available IFF funds in the amount of $12,000 for the expansion of the Tourism Division of Growth Management. 11. PARKS AND RECREATION Acceptance of Dominick Collura’s withdrawal as the County’s Concessionaire- The Board approved accepting the withdrawal as the County’s concessionaire, terminating concession lease agreements C02-06-442 and C00-10-035 and authorized staff to proceed with RFP to include all county owned properties and facilities that utilize concessionaire services. Also authorized staff to proceed with a separate RFP from the other facilities due to the uniqueness of the Fairgrounds facility, to better meet the needs of the facility and the request of its users. REGULAR AGENDA 5.A COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 05-001- Newsracks on Public Right of Ways- Consider staff recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 05-001 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board and asked Newsracks not be placed on the sidewalks but instead be placed on a separate concrete slab. The County Attorney suggested the following language to Page 7, paragraph F, subparagraph 1-A, “ newsracks shall be parallel and adjacent to sidewalks. No newsracks shall be placed on the sidewalks.” It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Ordinance No. 05- 001 as amended by the County Attorney, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.B GROWTH MANAGEMENT (1-1499) Consider the request of Richard Gallacher for a 12 month extension from the date of expiration contained within Resolution No. 04-084, Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan Approval to allow the operation of a household good warehousing and storage Mini-warehouse facility to be known as Cutting Edge Self-Storage in the CG zoning district. Consider approval of Draft Resolution No. 05-024. Mr. Gallacher addressed the Board and advised those present of his donation of 13 ft. to the DOT. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the 12 month extension and Resolution No. 05-024, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5.C GROWTH MANAGEMENT (1-1620) Consider Draft Resolution No. 05-023 granting approval to the petition of Kolter Property Company for a change in zoning from AR-1 to PUD – Island Club, Parcel 34E, for a clubhouse and associated amenities to be known as Parcel 34E at the Reserve. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Craft to continue this petition on April 19, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 4 6. AIRPORT (1-1649) Airport West Commerce Park Award of Base Bid and Alternate 1 to Dickerson Florida- Consider staff recommendation to approve the award of bid and alternate one , engineers letter to recommendation and authorize the Chair to execute the $4,016,490.43 contract with Dickerson Florida for the construction of the Airport West Commerce Park at St. Lucie County International Airport. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7. AIRPORT (1-1704) Award of Construction Phase Services for Airport West Commerce Park to PBS&J- Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization # 7 with PBS&J for $422.910 for construction of Phase Basic Services for the construction of the Airport West Commerce Park at the St. Lucie County International Airport. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ___________________________ Chairman ____________________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 5