HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 05-10-2005
Date: May 10, 2005 Convened: 9:05 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:35 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Paula A.
Lewis, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director,
Don West, Public Works Director, Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Paul Phillips, Airport
Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Susan Kilmer, Library Director, Dennis Grim,
Code Compliance Manager, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano,
Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-029)
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held May 3, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 05-130 Proclaiming May 21, 2005 through May 22,
2005 as “Wings N Wheels Air, Military and Vehicle Show Weekend
in St. Lucie County.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Resolution No. 05-
130, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. Resolution No. 05-182 Proclaiming Saturday May 14, 2005 as “Zora
Neale Hurston Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 05-
182, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C. Update on Permitting by Dennis Grim
D. The County Administrator made a presentation of the Employee
Appreciation Day Event Trophies.
E. The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Ms. Dorothy Davis, Spanish Lakes Community representative, addressed the Board
regarding the permitting process.
Ms. Davis stated she is extremely pleased with the way the Permitting Department has
addressed her complaint regarding the issuing of permits taking a long time.
Ms. Helen Dufae, employed by an aluminum company, thanked the Board and the
permitting department for taking the measures they have in order to make the issuing of
permits a smoother process.
Mr. Jim Menton, police officer who house is located on the Lawnwood stadium property,
addressed the Board regarding the problems he is having in finding a contractor move his
home from the stadium grounds as requested by the Parks and Recreation department.
The Parks and Recreation Director advised the Board that due to the department hiring
Park Rangers, he felt there was no longer a need for the officer to reside on premises.
Officer Menton advised the Board of the many situations he has handled on the property
after the Park Rangers have left. He asked the County provide more time for him to find
a location and someone to move his trailer.
The Parks and Recreation Director stated they could give him an additional six months or
so if it meets with the Boards approval.
Com. Hutchinson stated she would like for his time to be extended. She is aware of the
many problems people are having trying to find contractors.
Com. Hutchinson requested if in the budget sessions, the Parks and Recreation staff could
give an overview of the plans for the Lawnwood stadium.
Mr. Bob Bangart, area resident addressed the Board regarding the many signs on the right
of ways. He asked the county to enforce the sign ordinance.
Mr. Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser, addressed the Board regarding his meeting with the
Department of Revenue regarding hurricane related issues. He stated 30% of his man
hours are being used to handle hurricane related issues. He advised the Board that Senate
Bill 1194 was put together that said in affect they would go away from the percentage of
value and go to the percentage of size. The compromise was 110%. If the replacement
structure does not exceed 110% of the old structure, then he would place the structure
back at the old cap value on the roll and there would be no loss of homestead protection
and as long as they replace it with something of similar size as before they would not
have an issue with his office.
He also commented on the rebate issue. He stated the state approved 100% of what they
Mr. Rick Langdon, Indian River Drive resident, read the attached comments into the
The County Engineer addressed Mr. Langdon’s comments and stated with regard to the
punch list issue they are working with the contractor to complete the punch list. With
regards to phase 1 of the embankment project, does not include asphalt, striping or any
roadway work. This project is strictly embankment, so those items mentioned by Mr.
Langdon are not part of the project. The repaving and the reconstruction will be done
through subsequent years of their resurfacing program. They will repair the areas where
the road has been damaged due to the equipment, until phase 1 and phase 2 are completed
the road will remain closed and before it is opened, Public Works staff will go out and
look at the road and make the improvements that need to be made.
Sheriff Mascara presented the Board with a FEMA reimbursement check in the amount
of $1,035,000.00.
4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-3417)
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent
Agenda with the amended language on item C2-E, and; upon roll call, motion carried
The Board approved Warrant List No. 32.
A. Resolution No. 05-192 and Resolution No. 05-193- The Board
approved Resolution No. 05-192, extending the State of Emergency
for Hurricane Frances and approved Resolution No. 05-193 extending
the State of Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne.
B. Escrow Monies- The Board authorized the return of Escrow Monies.
C. Resolution No. 05-180 – The Board approved Resolution No. 05-180
reducing the speed limit on Juanita Avenue beginning at a point of
4,224 feet west of the intersection of 25 St., o a point of 1,890 feet
west to the end of the school zone for the Kilpatrick Christian
Academy of Excellence, Inc., which School Zone shall have a speed
limit of 20 miles per hour on school days in St. Lucie County.
D. Agreement of Resignation, Appointment and Connection- The Board
approved the Agreement of Resignation, Appointment and Connection
and authorized the Chairman to sign.
E. Road Construction Agreement- Atlantic Title Company of Orlando,
Inc.- The Board approved the Road Construction Agreement as
amended to include the language requiring a bike path in the plan and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
F. Revocable License Agreement- James P. Covey and Judy K. Covey-
The Board approved the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the
Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and directed
James and Judy Covey to record the Agreement in the Public Records
of St. Lucie County Florida.
A. Concession Services –Fairgrounds RFP No. 05-031- The Board
authorized staff to negotiate with the top ranked responsive,
responsible proposer, Professional Concessions, Inc., approved the
contract as drafted by the County Attorney, and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
B. Request for approval to serve alcohol at Pepper Park- The Board
approved Lincoln Park Academy Class of 1995’s request to serve
alcohol at Pepper Park during the reunion on July 17, 2005.
C. Golf Course Designer/Fairwinds Golf Course Expansion RFP No. 05-
022- The Board approved awarding RFP No. 05-022 to Tommy
Fazio, LLC as recommended by the Selection Committee, approved
the contract to be drafted by the County Attorney as funds are
determined to be available anticipated to be on or after the new fiscal
year begins, October 1, 2005, approved the contract as drafted by the
County and authorized the Chairman to sign.
D. Resolution No. 05-175 (Revised Rates and Fees for the Port St. Lucie
Pool at Revenswood) – The Board approved Resolution No. 05-175
revising the admission fees for the Port St. Lucie Pool at Ravenswood.
E. Authorization to purchase a storage shed for Open Space Park- The
Board approved the purchase of a storage shed ($4,120.00) to
safeguard the ground maintenance equipment at Open Space Park.
F. Open Space Pool Construction- Change Order No. 1 to Contract C04-
05-415 awarded to RDC, Inc., by $4,402.78 to cover the permit fees.
A. Environmental Hearing Board- The Board ratified the at large
appointment of Ralph Fogg to the Environmental Hearing Board.
B. The Board ratified Com. Cowards’ appointment of Matthew Walter to
the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
C. The Board ratified Com. Craft’s appointment of Gary Manzo to the
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
D. The Board approved the changes to the Board of County
Commissioners scheduled meetings for 2005.
E. The Board ratified Com. Smith’s appointment of Eddie Whitfield to
the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
F. The Board ratified Com. Smith’s appointment of Majorie Harrell to
the Historical Commission.
A. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-178- The Board adopted Resolution
No. 05-178 establishing the budget for the St. Lucie County Indian
River Lagoon Shoreline Restoration Grant.
B. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-179- The Board adopted Resolution
No. 05-179 establishing the budget for the Shoreline Stabilization and
C. Budget Amendment No. 05-137 - The Board approved Budget
Amendment No. 05-137 reflecting the correction of a scrivener’s error.
A. FY2004/05 Community Services Block Grant Modification - The
Board approved the proposed Modification Agreement with the
Florida Department of Community Affairs for the FY 2004/05
Community Services Block Grant, and approved Budget Resolution
No. 05-187 and authorized the Chairman to sign all documents
necessary for acceptance of the modification.
B. Request for Board approval- The Board approved applying and
accepting the Rural Capital Assistance Support Grant, in addition,
authorized the Chair to sign Resolution No. j05-190 and other
documents associated with the grant application and grant contract.
A. Permission to Advertise- The Board approved advertising for
proposals for Auditing Services.
B. Permission to Advertise- The Board approved advertising an Invitation
to Bid for a Tensioned Fabric Structure.
C. Invitation to Bid No. 05-038-Purchase of one 55’ trailer- Reject all
bids- The Board rejected all bids.
D. Second Amendment to Contract No. C03-04-294- with Dickerson
Florida Inc.,- The Board approved the Second Amendment to Contract
No. C03-04-294 with Dickerson Florida, Inc., (secondary vendor) for
the purchase of Asphalt Type S3, Type S1 and Asphalt Stickler for the
patching and repairing of public roads in St. Lucie County and
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
E. Second Amendment to Contract No. C03-04-295 with Ranger
Construction Industries, Inc.,- The Board approved the second
amendment to Contract No. C03-04-295 with Ranger Construction
Industries, Inc., for the purchase of Asphalt Type S3, Type S1, and
Asphalt Stickler for the patching and repairing of public roads in St.
Lucie County and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as
prepared by the County Attorney.
F. Award of RFP No. 05-021- Architectural Services Continuing
Contract- The Board approved awarding RFP 05-021 Architectural
Services Continuing Contract to the following short listed firms: 1.
Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, 2. Architects Design Group, 3.
GLE Associates, Inc., 4. Schenkel Shultz Architecture; and approved
the Chairman signing the contracts as prepared by the County
G. Permission to Advertise- The Board granted permission to advertise
and Invitation for Bid for Construction of a 4-Bay Maintenance
Building (3250 s/f) and an attached 3-Bay Pole Barn (1800 s/f).
H. Permission to advertise- The Board approved advertising an invitation
for bid for repair of the press boxes, concessions and re-roof the
pavilion with a metal roof at Elks Park.
I. Permission to advertise - The Board approved advertising an
Invitation for Bid for Removable Floor Covering for the Adams Ranch
Equestrian Arena.
A. Approval of nominated citizens- The Board approved the nominated
citizens to serve on the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
B. Approve EQ No. 05-323 for a Dell Laptop and EQ No. 05-324 for a
Dell Projector- The Board approved EQ 05-323 and EQ-05-324.
Centex Rooney Schekel Shultz Design/Builders, L.C.- Rock Road Jail Expansion
Project- The Board approved releasing the retainage one half of all retainage withheld in
the amount of $487,355.00 to Centex Rooney for the design and construction of the Rock
Road Jail Expansion.
A. Engineering Division- Platt’s Creek Storm Water Retrofit Project-
The Board approved the extension of the DEP grant Agreement No.
B. Engineering Division- One year extension to the Consultant
Agreements for Professional Engineering Services Construction
Management- The Board approved the one year extension to the
consultant agreements for construction management with American
Consulting Consultants of Florida LLC, Kimley Horne Associates and
LBFH, Inc. and authorized the Chairman to sign.
C. Engineering Division- One year extension to Consultant Agreement
for Professional Engineering Services Stormwater Management- The
Board approved the one year extension to the consultant agreement for
stormwater management with Kimley Horne Associates, PBS&J,
Hazen & Sawyer, P.c. and Bowyer-Singleton & Associates and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
D. Harmony Heights Stormwater improvements- Phase 1- The Board
approved signing the South Florida Water Management District, Local
Governmental Agreement No. 0T 050698 to accept the funding of
$336,780 for Harmony Heights Storm Water improvements project
phase 1.
E. Paradise Park Storm Water Improvement Project-Phase 1- The Board
approved signing the South Florida Water Management District, Local
Governmental Agreement No. 0T050699 to accept the funding of
$224,596 for Paradise Park Storm Water Improvement project.
F. Engineering Division- Approval of Work Authorization No. 2- The
Board approved Work Authorization No. 2 with Inwood Consulting
Engineer, Inc., for the Survey and Preliminary Design of the Angle
Road Sidewalk project in the amount of $49,920.55.
G. Engineering Division- Budget Resolution No. 05-185 – The Board
approved Budget Resolution No. 05-185 to accept funds in the amount
of $16,424.00 from River Oaks at Ten Mile Creek, LLC for the
construction of their right turn lane into their subdivision in
conjunction with the S. 25 St. Widening Project and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
H. Engineering Division- Lake Drive MSBU- Potable Water
Improvements- The Board approved advertising the initial public
hearing to be held on June 7, 2005 to consider creating the Lake Drive
I. Environmental Resource Division-Oxbow Eco-Center- The Board
approved for the Ft. Pierce Jazz Society to serve wine and cheese
during Natural Jazz Concert Series on May 21, July 23, and
September 24 2005.
J. Engineering Division- The Board approved the consultant agreement
with John Frank P.E. to provide civil engineering and project
management services for a six month period with optional six month
extension and authorized the Chairman to sign.
K. Building and Zoning Division- The Board approved the new position
of Permitting Systems Trainer with a salary range of $12.71 to 19.39
an hour.
L. Engineering Division- Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing
Engineering Services with LBFH, Inc., in the amount of $117,955.00
to provide surveying services and authorized the Chairman to execute.
M. Engineering Division- Grey Twig lane MSBU- Approve Work
Authorization 2- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 2 to
the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with LBFH, Inc.,
in the amount of $6,400 for additional Construction Administration
Services, and authorized the Chairman to execute.
N. Engineering Division- Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 1to the Agreement for Continuing
Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of
$73,880.00 to provide assessment services and authorize the Chairman
to execute.
O. Engineering Division- Harmony Heights MSBU- Approve Work
Authorization No. 2- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 2
to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with Camp,
Dresser & McKee in the amount of $75,480.00 to provide assessment
services, and authorize the Chairman to execute.
P. Engineering Division- Lennard Road 1,2 and 3 MSBU- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 3 to the Agreement for Continuing
Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of
$49,410.00 to provide assessment services and authorized the
Chairman to execute the Work Authorization.
Q. Engineering Division –Reallocation of funds in the amount of
$326,316. to increase the S. 25 St., Widening Project budget- The
Board approved the reallocation of $326,316.00 in additional funding
from Impact Fee Zone 4 to complete the right of way purchases for the
St. 25 St. widening project.
R. Engineering Division- Indian River Estates 2 MSBU- Potable Water
Improvements SLC/FPUA- The Board approved advertising the initial
public hearing to be held on June 7, 2005.
A. Change Order No. 2- Florida Industrial Electric- The Board approved
Change Order No. 2 to Florida Industrial Electric in the amount of
$257,019.28 for the Rehabilitation of Airfield Lighting Project at St.
Lucie County International Airport.
B. Wings and Wheels Air Military and Vehicle Show, Airport Use
Agreement Amendment- The Board approved he Use Agreement
Amendment with Treasure Coast Victory Children’s Home, Inc., to
conduct a Wings and Wheels Air Military and Vehicle Show at the St.
Lucie County International Airport on May 21 and 22 2005.
C. Permission to sell alcohol- Wings and Wheels Air Military and
Vehicle Show- The Board granted permission to the Treasure Coast
Victory Children’s Home Inc. to sell alcoholic beverages at the Wings
and Wheels Air Military and Vehicle Show at the St. Lucie County
International Airport on May 21 and 22 2005.
D. Shadow Study/Line of sight Analysis/PBS&J for $60,000.00 – The
Board approved Work Authorization No. 8 with PBS&J for
$60,000.00 for the preparation of the Shadow Study/Line of sigh
Analysis for the proposed parallel runway at St. Lucie County
International Airport.
Reallocation of budgeted IFF funds: The Board approved accepting the low bidder
Siemens Building Technologies/BID No. 05-033 for work to be done at the St. Lucie
County Emergency Operations Center Phase II , authorizing the Chair to sign the contract
as prepared by the County Attorney. In addition the Board approved reallocating the
above listed Investment for the Future Funds in the amount of $59,000.00 to assist with
completing the scope of work as outline in Bid #05-033.
Hurricane Frances and Jeanne compensation for exempt employees of Code Compliance-
The Board approved the compensation for exempt employees of Code Compliance.
5.A No Public Hearings
Interlocal Agreement for the Transfer of Sunrise Boulevard to the City of Ft. Pierce-
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Interlocal Agreement and authorize the
Chairman to sign.
Ms. Julianne Roddenbury, area resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the City’s
plan to construct a round about at the intersection. She expressed her concern with the
Fire Trucks, people with boats and trailers attempting to maneuver their way around the
round about. She also expressed her frustration with the fact that the city has not asked
the residents their opinion on this project.
Ms. Roddenbury stated she was not against the county transferring the road to the City,
but was opposed to what the city planned for the road.
The Road and Bridge Manager stated the funds the county had for re-surfacing would be
turned over to the city.
Mr. Hector Arias, Ft. Pierce City Engineer, addressed the Board regarding the project and
stated at this time the city has not budgeted any funds for this project due to the fact they
do not have the right of way property from the county. He advised the Board there are
10,000 cars utilizing the intersection on a daily basis.
Mr. Andrews also from the City of Ft. Pierce advised the Board they have a special
program developed in order that Fire Trucks and boats etc., would not have a problem
maneuvering in the round about. The Fire Department will be reviewing this plan.
Mr. Arias stated the city would be having public meetings on this issue and stated this
area has been neglected for 25 years and this would be a great improvement. He does not
believe the city would be doing anything against the citizens.
Com. Smith questioned the length the time the roads are resurfaced.
Mr. Arias stated the city resurfaces the roads every 10-15 years.
Com. Hutchinson stated this is an issue that is dear to her heart, the roads. There is lack
of coordination and communication between the entities and she is not sure where the
lack of communication and coordination lies whether it be at the staff level or what.
She stated the joint planning agreement signed last week, she hopes it will help, but this
is an example of the lack of communication. She would have a better comfort level if she
in fact they had worked with the County in preparing this, not to say the County has the
last say, but at least if there is coordination in regards to the driveway cuts etc., in fact
you will be affecting a county road. There needs to be a better coordination of when the
city approves or changes things when it affects the county. She won’t be approving the
transfer of this road for that reason. She feels the citizens are not being treated as
city/county residents.
Com. Coward requested clarity on all the properties listed on the map and asked if they
were all annexed and in the city and if it affected any properties.
Mr. Arias stated they would not be cutting any driveways, so it would affect any
Mr. Arias questioned why the residents called the county and not his office for
information. He is willing to address any concerns or questions.
Com. Coward stated he has mixed feelings about this project. One of his concerns is the
lack of public involvement. He suggested having the public meeting before approving
the transfer of the road to the city.
Com. Craft asked if this can be placed as a condition. He would prefer this not come
back to the Board.
Mr. Arias stated this would be acceptable.
Com. Smith expressed his concern with approving the transfer prior to the public hearing.
He would like to know how the citizens feel before approving the transfer.
Com. Hutchinson stated this may be an issue to discuss (the entire road system) in the
upcoming joint meeting with the city.
Com. Lewis stated she had concerns on this issue and how the road would work without a
stop and how these residents are going to get out of their driveway. She would like to
hear public in put and would like this stipulation in the motion.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the transfer with the
condition that the city has a public workshop, and; upon roll call the vote was as follows:
Nay’s: Coward, Smith, Hutchinson Aye’s: Craft, Lewis; motion denied by a vote of 3 to
It was moved by Coward, seconded by Com. Smith to have the public involvement
meeting, address the issues, and then come back to the Board for the potential transfer,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
7.Ordinance 05-016- Stop Gap Ordinance- North County Charrette- Based on prior
direction from a majority of the Board, staff recommends that the Board grant permission
to advertise Ordinance No, 05-016.
The County Attorney addressed the Ordinance and stated it may be August before it
comes back to the Board.
Com. Coward stated he wanted to be extremely cautious and clear that this Stop Gap
Ordinance as drafted is intended to deal with speculative development interest they have
experiencing in North County and not take away property rights.
Com. Hutchinson stated she would not be supporting this Ordinance for the reasons
previously stated in prior discussions. She believes this Board would continue its ground
as they have in the past if any project came forward. She does not see where it will gain
them anything.
Com. Hutchinson asked to have a list of projects already in the pipeline clearly defined
and also an update to the Comprehensive Plan 10 year density analysis.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to approve advertising this
Ordinance, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Com. Craft, Lewis, Smith,
Coward; Nay: Hutchinson, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court