HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 05-24-2005 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: May 24, 2005 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:15 a.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith, Chris Craft Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Rec. Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Ed Parker, Purchasing Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Paul Phillips Airport Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Edwin Fry, Clerk of Courts, Christann K. Hartley, Finance Director, Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Dennis Grim, Building Official, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk ________________________________________________________________________ 1. MINUTES (1-026) It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the minutes of the meeting held May 17, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMATION/PRESENTATIONS A. The Clerk of Circuit Court provided the Board with the technology update he is proposing for the Clerks offices. B. The County Administrator read upcoming events and meetings. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. William Sietz, area resident, addressed the Board regarding what he felt was Potential County Savings and Correctness of Permit Process Information. Com. Coward directed staff to look into the issues Mr. Sietz had presented. Mr. Dennis Grim, St. Lucie County Building Official and Code Compliance Manager, addressed Mr. Sietz’s comments and advised the Board he is still presently dealing with Hurricane efforts and at this point the system they currently have does not enable the public to access the information because anyone can change the information. They are presently working on upgrading the security of the system. Ms. Pamela Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Board regarding the installation of a right hand turn lane off the 1-95 exit to the Reserve and asked the Board’s assistance in having this project completed. She also commented on item 9 and asked the Board delay action until she has the opportunity to review what is coming before the Planning Board. Mr. William Sharmer, Port St. Lucie resident and a member of the Florida Native Plant Society addressed item 7 regarding Indian River Drive shoreline revegetation. The Board directed Mr. Sharmer to contact Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Manager for information. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (1-1355) It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1 1. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 34. 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Resolution No. 05-226 Extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05-227 Extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution No. 05-226 and 05-227. B. Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc.,- Tenth Amendment to June 12, 1990 Facilities Use Agreement- The Board approved the Tenth Amendment to the June 12, 1990 Facilities Use Agreement between the County and D.A.T.A and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. C. Bent Creek Master Plat- Subdivision Improvement Agreement- The Board approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. D. First Lease Amendment Fort Pierce Forestry Station- The Board approved the First Lease Amendment and authorized the Chairman to sign the Amendment. E. Street Re-Naming- Founder’s Square to Tradition Square- Resolution No. 05-228- The Board approved Resolution No. 05-228 for the proposed street re-naming of Founder’s Square to Tradition Square, as shown on the attached map, directed staff to notify the appropriate Utilities, the U.S. Postal Service, the Property Appraiser, the Supervisor of Elections, the City of Port St. Lucie and the St. Lucie County Sheriff and record the Resolution in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. F. Oceanique Development Company, Inc.- Acceptance of Conservation Easement- The Board accepted the conservation easement from Oceanique Development Company, Inc. 3. PUBLIC WORKS A. Solid Waste Division- Staff requests Board approval of Non- Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Collection Service Agreement- The Board approved the Non- Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Collection Service Agreement with Donald Mooney Container Systems, Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign. B. Solid Waste Division- The Board approved Equipment Request No. EQ05-325 for the purchase of eight mobile radios ($1,668.55 ea) from Motorola for a total amount of $13,348.40, Equipment Request No. EQ05-326 for two Intec Camera Package ($1,246.00 ea.) to be installed on the Caterpillar 930 Loaders from Container Systems and Equipment Co., in the amount of $2,492.00 and Equipment Request No. EQ 05-327 for the purchase of two light plants from Kelly Tractor ($7, 303.00 low quote) in the amount of $14,606.00. Funds are available in the Machinery and Equipment amount due to management decision not to purchase EQ 05-243 and EQ05-244 (55’trailer) in the amount of $24,100. each. C. Engineering Division-Amendment No. 9 Inwood Consulting Engineers - The Board approved Amendment No. 9 to the consulting 2 Engineers to provide additional right of way services and inspections, th as needed through December 31,2008 for the S. 25 St.. Roadway Widening Project in the amount of $12,000 and authorize the Chairman to sign. D. Engineering Division- Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $70,155.68 for improvements to the Edwards Road at Selvitz Road Intersection Improvements project.- The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $70,155.68 for a total contract price of $592,598.88 to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc., for design modifications and improvements of the Edwards Road at Selvitz Road Intersection improvements project. E. Engineering Division Green Acres MSBU- Interlocal Agreements with the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Ft. Pierce to provide potable water to the Green Acres MSBU and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. 4. AIRPORT A. Budget Resolution for the FDOT Pre Qualified Joint Participation Agreement for $1,200,000.00- Construct Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Facility- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 05-229 for the Florida Department of Transportation Pre-Qualified Joint Participation Agreement for the construction of the ARFF Facility. This FDOT grant provides for the $960,000.00 of the $1,200,000.00 project total. B. Budget Resolution for the FDOT Pre Qualified Joint Participation Agreement $542,000.00 – Construct Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Access Roads- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 05-230 for the FDOT Pre-Qualified Joint Participation Agreement for the ARFF Facility access roads. This FDOT grant provides for the $433,600. of the $542,000.00. C. St. Lucie County Fire District Interlocal Agreement- Airport Rescue Fire Fighting Facility funding- The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County Fire District to accept the $348,400 as the 20% local match requirement for the pre-qualified Joint Participation Agreements for the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Facility at St. Lucie County International Airport. D. Airfield Pavement Marking Rehabilitation Award of Bid- The Board approved awarding Bid 05-019 to Hi-Lite Markings, Inc., for the Rehabilitation of Airfield Pavement markings at the St. Lucie County International Airport in the amount of $53,707.20. 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES Approval of Resolution No. 05-223 and authorization to apply and accept the 2004/05 grant- The Board approved the Sub-grant agreement with the Council on Aging for the implementation of the program and approved the grant application and Resolution No. 05-223 accepting the FTA grant . 6. HUMAN RESOURCES Prison Health Service Contract Amendment No. 2- The Board approved Contract Amendment No. 2 with Prison Health Services, Inc. 3 7. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Contract amendment for QVC-Job Growth Investment Grant- The Board approved amending the JGIG contract between the County and QVC and authorized payment. 8. PURCHASING A. Approval of Hurricane Related Purchases- The Board approved the attached list of hurricane related purchases. B. Permission to advertise a Request for Proposals for Horseback Riding on the Beach at Frederick Douglas Park- The Board approved advertising a RFP for Horseback Riding on the Beach at Frederick Douglass Park. C. Second extension for the suppliers listed on the attached Bid Award Form to Furnish and install fencing - The Board approved the second extension to the contacts with the suppliers listed on the attached Bid Award Form to furnish and install fencing and authorized the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County Attorney/ D. Second extension with the suppliers listed on the attached Bid Award Form for Rental of Construction Industrial Equipment and authorized the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County Attorney. E. Water Main Extension, State Road 5 (US 1) from Easy Street North to Ulrich Road, bid waiver, award from quotations- The Board declared this work an emergency, approved a bid waiver and awarded the bid to the low quote from Ditchdiggers, Inc., in the amount of $301,056.55 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. F. Invitation to Bid No. 05-018- Clerk of Courts Office Building- Reject all Bids- The Board approved rejecting all bids and approved permission to revise specifications and re-advertise the invitation for bids. 9. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-224 to establish the budget for HUD Shelter Plus Care grant for tenant rental assistance- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 05-224 to establish the budget for the HUD Shelter Plus Care Grant. 10. PARKS AND RECREATION Equipment Requests EQ 05-329, EQ05-330 and Budget Amendment N0. BA05-158- The Board approved the budget amendment and the equipment requests. 11. CENTRAL SERVICES A. Amendment No. 4 to Contract No, C04-04-323-Centex Rooney/Schenkel Shultz Design/Builders, LC- The Board approved Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. C04-04-323 to change the plastic laminate counter tops to concrete in the dayroom at the Rock Road Jail, authorizing the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the Attorney. Total cost for this change will be $23,041.00, however, the cost of this change of scope would be absorbed from the Sales Tax Savings Program. 4 B. Lease Extension & Modification at Orange Blossom Business Center C04-09-380- The Board approved extending the Lease Agreement between Desantis Commercial, Inc., and St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners for an additional two years and upon the Attorney’s review and approval of this lease, authorize the Chair to sign. 12. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE Central Services- Approval to use Central Services Capital Project Reserves for in-house renovation & remodeling of Public Works office space and the UDT Seal Museum- Consider staff recommendation to approve the use of Central Services Capital Project Reserve funds in the amount of $35,000.00 for the renovation and remodeling work to be done at the Engineering Division and the UDT Seal Museum. 13. GRANTS Approve additional requested grant funds and additional math funds for a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application to construct drainage improvements for the subdivision of Lakewood Park- The Board approved the submittal of the grant application to the HMGP requesting $1,266,000.00 in funding authorized the required match funds of $422,000.00 and the acceptance of the grant if it is approved for funding. 14. UTILITIES Work Authorization with LBFH Inc.- North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant- The Board approved Work Authorization with LBFH, Inc., for engineering and surveying services related to the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion alternatives evaluation in the amount of $32,200.00. 15. ADMINISTRATION A. Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee- The Board ratified Com. Smith’s appointment of Ms. Thomas to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee. B. Florida Communities Trust- Paleo Hammock Addition/FCT Project - The Board authorized the County Administrator to send a letter to Florida Communities Trust authorizing the transfer of $45,867.38 from the Heathcote Botanical Park project to the Paleo Hammock Addition project and to execute the necessary documentation to and including an Amendment to the Grant Contract. 16. PARKS REFERENDUM Lakewood Regional Park Sports Field Lighting- The Board approved piggybacking off of the City of Jacksonville’s Bid SC-0549-03 and proceed with the sport field lighting segment of the Lakewood Park development project at a cost of $919,800.00. REGULAR AGENDA 5. NO PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED 6. ADMINISTRATION (1-1468) Staff requests the Board consider the request of the City of Port St. Lucie to reallocate $2.1 million, which was to be spent for enhancements to Lennard Road and Walton Road. The City has requested that $2.1 million in advance funding be reallocated to the West Virginia Road Project- Consider staff recommendation to authorize staff to work with the FDOT to allocate $1.9 million in advance funds in FY2010 to Port St. Lucie, to the West Virginia Project, and to authorize the Chair to prepare and sign a letter to the City Council members, in response to Mayor Minsky’s May 10, 2005 letter. 5 Com. Coward commented on the Lennard Road project and the funding from the CRA that comes from the County and this makes the County the largest contributor to the CRA. He is disappointed when he hears from the City that the County is not helping them when in fact, they have helped with the special assessment district as well as this segment they have passed on to the city. The County has gone out and received advanced funding in excess of $15 million dollars for the remainder of Lennard Road as well as Walton Road. Com. Craft stated he expressed his concern with the fact that this issue is not about Lennard Road or Walton Road, but is about the funding for the West Virginia Corridor and he is not sure what the County’s commitment is at this point to that corridor. The County Administrator could not recall the commitment amount. Com. Craft stated, the West Virginia Corridor is one of the most important projects to happen in the future for South County and he would like to see the County step up to the plate and assist in the project more, CRA aside, Walton and Lennard Road aside, this is an important project and the County should step up financially. Com. Coward stated he recalled in the year 2000, the County attempted to get funding for the Corridor from the state. However since the road was taken off the state system to try to advance it locally, this made them ineligible for the state funding. The Assistant County Administrator stated they are still receiving state and federal funding for the area (for the bridge) however, he believes there were other reasons for the denial of funding from the State and it may have related to the dollars not being available. He gave a history of the request for funding and how the program (FDOT) lost funding and he believes the program no longer exists. Com. Coward commented on the fact he has received correspondence from many residents who do not want the Lennard Road project to the North and asked if funds from that project could be transferred to the West Virginia Corridor project, meet state thresholds and allow for development to be approved in this area to continue to proceed through the MSBU and other means so that they are not pulling the rug out from those developers. The Asst. County Administrator stated they can take the $15 million and transfer it to another project and it would require FDOT approval. Com. Hutchinson stated she does not want to put the cart before the horse. There have not been any public hearings and is leery to jump out without having had a finalized plan and a cost figured. Com. Coward stated he was not suggesting to make a decision today , only to look at the possibility and is it legal, does it make sense and would like a legal opinion. He concurs with Com. Craft’s comments that the need in the South County is greater for the West Virginia Corridor as opposed to Lennard Road, but he thinks he would like to have more information before making a drastic move. Com. Lewis stated she would like more information also. She is aware they have approved developments with the construction of this road in mind and she is not sure to what extent this would affect that development ongoing. Also she seems to recall we had to stop acquiring right of way to comply with the terms of this funding and there has been right of way proceedings so she is not sure these funds can be shifted. She agrees they need more information at this point. Com. Hutchinson she too agrees with what was said, but wants to compare apples to apples and that they are not stepping over and crossing legal issues. It is her understanding with the DRI there was some payment made by the developer for certain things. Those developments were approved with traffic trips that would be generated with Lennard Road going through. She would like to know and have a comprehensive 6 look at both the Lennard Road issue vs. the West Virginia and at what point and what part of those monies if it goes to West Virginia, what phase of it would be used for federal grants, federal monies because she believes it is broken into sections. The Asst. County Administrator stated staff would put together a report for the Board. Com. Coward questioned still providing the minimum improvements on Lennard along with the bike paths and sidewalks and if these improvements would still remain if they shifted some of the funds. The Asst. County Administrator stated it would still remain. Com. Smith asked what the $1.9 would do as far as the improvements. The Asst. County Administrator stated the there was a change from open swale design to a curb and gutter design, this would be the most expensive part of the project. The city has also integrated a lighting system which is expensive as well. Also the landscaping enhancements would be more costly. The most expensive element is the curb and gutter concept. Com. Smith stated if we can provide the citizens of the county with what they need without the pretty lights and the curb and gutter then he believes this is something they can look at. However looking at the letter it seems we won’t be able to do all. Com. Lewis stated she did not believe this would be problem in the long run since they have done the same in Prima Vista. Com. Hutchinson stated, no action required at this time, however staff was directed to send a letter to the Mayor to advise him of today’s discussion. Com. Coward stated they should go forward and approve this today and if they decide to make another decision in the future they can do so independently. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the request to allocate $1.9 million in advance funds in FY 2010 and send a letter to the Mayor regarding today’s discussion to be signed by the Chair, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC WORKS Environmental Resources Division-Consider staff recommendation to Award Bid No. 05-045, Indian River Drive Phase II Shoreline Revegetation to Vila & Son Landscaping Corp., in the amount of $5,145,212 establish the project budget and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Auditor Selection Committee- Consider the Auditors Selection Committee’s recommendation to extend the contract with the current auditing firm for one year. If it is the pleasure of the Board to extend the contract, staff recommends that the Board give the County Administrator permission to negotiate price with Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve the extension of the contract for one year, 7 Com. Craft stated he was concerned with contracts that have a date certain and the reason for the date certain is so they have the opportunity to guarantee to the taxpayers they are getting the best service for their dollars. He wants to make sure the committee is working with the firm to make sure they are getting the services. The Clerk of Courts addressed the Board on this issue and requested he be included in the price negotiations along with the County Administrator to make sure the goal of obtaining the services for the dollars is obtained. Com. Coward amended his motion to include the Clerk of Courts to be present at the negotiations. Com. Hutchinson stated she would be voting in favor of this item however, her only concern is that when they have done extensions, other than the CPI increase, she does not recall going back out and renegotiating and this is her discomfort and stated she would be watching this issue closely and what the figure will be when presented. Upon roll call, motion to approve the extension of the contract and to include the participation of the Clerk of Courts in future negotiations carried unanimously. 9. GROWTH MANAGEMENT (1-3439) Request of Arcadis for final plat approval for the project known as Third Replat in PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve. The project is located on property on the southeast corner of the intersection of Reserve Boulevard and Champions Way- Consider staff recommendation to approve the Third Replat of the PGA Commerce Centre at the Reserve and authorize staff to complete the final processing of this Plat. The Planning Manager addressed the Board’s questions on this issue. Com. Coward stated he spoke with Ms. Hammer previously and she had a concern that this plat may or may not be consistent with the original approval. Based on what the Planning Manager described, the replat would. He understands it would need to be fully consistent with any prior approval, its not a changing it is a piece of the previously approved plat. The Planning Manager stated what is being done is the drawing of lines as in any development would have to have to be consistent with the overall Reserves DRI’s and PUD’s . Com. Smith stated since Ms. Hammer is the representing the property owners of the Reserve, he suggested pulling this item and bringing it back, this was his suggestion. Com. Hutchinson stated her concern was the how long it would take to come back to the Board. Com. Lewis stated since the Kolter representatives are not here, it does not seem to be a matter of great concern and if there is a desire to hold off until they are sure, she does not have a problem with it. Com. Coward questioned what was proposed for this site. The Planning Manager stated for the western side, a hotel has been proposed. Com. Coward stated he did not like to pull issues for speculation purposes. If there was a specific issue that raises a red flag he would not have a problem, however this is not the case. He felt this is a mundane issue and should move forward. There is a need for another hotel in the county and unless there is a good reason for its delay, he would not vote in favor of it. 8 Ms. Hammer stated her concern was when she went to Growth Management she wanted to know what was approved and what they were planning to do now, she just wanted to know the difference. There is a reason why they wish to change it and she wants to know what it is. The Planning Manager stated this was a minor change. The hotel is slightly different from the previous hotel plan. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward to continue this item on the Consent Agenda June 7, 2005 meeting, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 10. GROWTH MANAGEMENT (2-250) Request of Lennar Homes, Inc., for final plat approval for the project to be known as Bent Creek. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft to approve the final plat approval for the project known as Bent Creek, and authorized its final execution, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 11. ADMINISTRATION The Board gave updates on the Committee’s and Advisory Boards on which they serve. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ Chairman __________________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 9