HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-13-2005
Date: September 13, 2005 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-3 Adjourned: 1:15 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Frannie Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward,
Joseph Smith, Chris Craft
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Ed Parker, Purchasing Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Roger Shinn, Central
Services Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-027)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held September 6, 2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The County Administrator read upcoming events.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent
Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 50.
A. Resolution No. 05-345- Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances; and, Resolution No. 05-346 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution No.
05-345 and 05-346.
B. Pending TICOR Claim No. 149868- The Board approved the
proposed settlement by TICOR.
C. Auditor Services- First Amendment to August 20, 2002 Agreement
with Berger, Toombs, Elam Gaines & Frank, CPA’s PL Fiscal Year
2004-05 Audit- The Board approved the First Amendment and
authorized the Chairman to sign the First Amendment.
D. Partial Release of Lien for St. Lucie County Code Enforcement Board
Order Imposing Fine/Lien in Case No. 25481 dated August 4, 2004-
The Board authorized the Chairman to sign the attached Partial
Release of Lien.
A. Engineering Division- Lake Drive MSBU- Interlocal Agreements
with the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector- The Board approved
the interlocal agreements and authorized the Chairman to sign the
B. Navajo Avenue South MSBU- Interlocal Agreements with the
Property Appraiser and Tax Collector- The Board approved the
Interlocal Agreements and authorized the Chairman to sign the
Request Board approval of Budget Resolution No. 05-325 establishing the budget for the
United States Department of Agriculture/National Resource Conservation Service
Wetland Reserve Program funds to be used to restore the Teague Property which is part
of the Paleo Hammock Addition Project- The Board approved Budget Resolution No.
Request to approve the purchase of two servers, software, training and tapes for the
GIS/Mapping System in the amount of $47,450.00 - The Board approved the purchase of
the two servers, software, training and tapes to be used with the new mapping system in
the amount of $47,450.00. Also approved Equipment Request # EQ05-374 and Budget
Amendment # 05-188.
A. Permission to advertise an invitation to bid for Waste Tire Removal
for Solid Waste Department- The Board granted permission to
advertise an Invitation for Bid for Waste Tire Removal for Solid
Waste Department.
B. Authorize Parks and Recreation to participate as a co-sponsor with
Reiss Ranch and Approval of a rate reduction for use of the
Fairgrounds Equestrian Arena- The Board authorized Parks and
Recreation to co-sponsor the Reiss Ranch Clinic and to approve the
reduction of fees to a flat $2,000 for the two day event.
C. UDT Seal Museum repairs- Budget Amendment No. BA05-190- The
Board approved BA05-190 using $3,382. from the General Fund
Contingency to repair the pool at the UDT Museum prior to the
November 2005 Muster.
A. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-343 to establish the budget for a
Hurricane Housing Recovery Plan Grant- The Board adopted Budget
Resolution No. 05-343 to establish the budget for the HHRP Grant.
B. Adopt Budget Resolution No. 05-344 to establish the budget for the
Green Acres MSBU project- The Board adopted Budget Resolution
No. 05-344 establishing the budget for the Green Acres MSBU
A. Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to execute
the Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement, including
Addendum to Grant Award Agreement Number SC615 and Restrictive
Convenants, accepting the $350,000 grant- The Board approved
accepting the $350,000 grant from the Florida Division of Historical
Resources and authorized the Chairman to execute the Grant Award
Agreement including Addendum to Grant Award Agreement Number
SC615 and Restrictive Covenants.
B. Request for approval to host a cocktail party for the Florida Trust for
Historic Preservation at the St. Lucie County Historical Museum on
October 26 and to serve alcohol- The Board approved the request
from the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation to host a cocktail party
and to serve alcohol at the Historical Museum 10/26/05 from 5:30 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m.
A. Disbursements from Law Enforcement Impact Fees- The Board
approved the Sheriff’s budget amendment and transfer of funds in the
amount of $360,099.00.
B. Distribution from LET Funds- The Board approved the Sheriff’s
budget amendment and transfer of funds in the amount of
2005 Economic Development Exemption Application- Scripps Treasure Coast
Publishing Company- Consider staff recommendation to accept the report of the
Property Appraiser and grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 05-034 for a public
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis to grant permission to advertise
Ordinance No. 05-034, and accept the report and; upon roll call, motion carried
2005 Economic Development Exemption Application- Atlantic Truss Co., Ltd.-
Ordinance No. 05-035- Consider staff recommendation to accept the report of the
Property Appraiser and grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 05-035 for a public
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to grant permission to advertise
Ordinance No. 05-035, and accept the report and; upon roll call, motion carried
2005 Economic Development Exemption Application- Tropicana Products, Inc.-
Ordinance No. 05-036- Consider staff recommendation to accept the report of the
Property Appraiser and grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 05-036 for a public
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to accept the report and grant
permission to advertise Ordinance No. 05-036, and; upon roll call, motion carried
9. PUBLIC WORKS (1-400)
Grey Twig Lane MSBU Final Hearing Public Water Improvements- Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 05-339 approving the Final Assessment Roll
for the Grey Twig Lane Municipal Services Unit.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 05-
339, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Draft native Tree Mitigation Bank Agreement – Flagler Development Corporation-
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Draft Native Tree Mitigation Bank
Agreement with Flagler Development Corporation and authorize the Chair to sign the
Mr. Dobbins, Flagler Development Corporation addressed the Board.
Com. Coward stated it may be more advantageous for the County to purchase the
property if the Developer does not wish to maintain it.
Mr. Dobbins stated it would not be pall able for the developer to donate the property and
also assist in maintaining it.
The Environmental Resources Director stated she could work with Mr. Dobbins on the
language for the management of the property and return to the Board.
Com. Coward stated he was interested in the possibility of a portion of the revenues
coming to the county.
Com. Lewis stated she would lie to have more research done however, she does not wish
to lose this opportunity.
Com. Coward stated his wishes are not for the deal to go away, but simply would like a
better deal. He also questioned the clause regarding the annexation (# 10) and would like
this language reviewed.
Mr. Dobbins stated the annexation language can be removed if it was the pleasure of the
It was the consensus of the Board to table this item until more information can be
Draft Resolution No. 05-150 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project to be
known as Capron Trail Park- Lakewood Park for property located on the east side of
Emerson Avenue north of Waterstone FKA Emerson Estates PUD- Consider staff
recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 05-150 granting Major Site Plan
approval for the project to be known as Capron Trail Park subject to 1 limiting condition.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve Resolution No. 05-
150 subject to the 1 limiting condition, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Impact Fees - Interlocal Agreements with the Town of Lucie Village- Impact Fees-
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Interlocal Agreements and the
Memorandum of Understanding.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the Interlocal
Agreement and the Memorandum of Understanding, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Impact Fees – Interlocal Agreements with the City of Port St. Lucie to collect Fire/EMS
and Library Impact Fees- Consider staff recommendation to approve the Interlocal
Agreements and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the interlocal
agreements, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Impact Fees- Interlocal Agreements with the City of Ft. Pierce- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the Interlocal Agreements and authorize the Chairman to
sign the Agreements.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Interlocal
Agreements, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Special Needs Shelter Location- Staff is requesting direction on the location of the
Special Needs Shelter.
The County Administrator addressed the Board and stated they were in a time frame to
accept the $2.5 million state funding.
The Public Safety Director reviewed the 5 options he presented to the Board.
Ms. Kimberly Knapp, area resident, addressed the Board in favor of the fairgrounds
location due to its location, the size of the area and it’s convenient location to the
Mr. Duke Nelson, City of Ft. Pierce Commission, addressed the Board in favor of
utilizing the Human Development Resource Building on 29 and Avenue D. He asked
the Board to join the City of Ft. Pierce with their plans and select the Resource Building
as the special needs shelter.
Mr. Dennis Beach, City Manager, addressed the Board and asked the County to consider
an urban area when making a major investment.
Mr. Larry Lee, Jr., on behalf of the Human Development Resource Center addressed the
Board concerning the residents who cannot afford to find a way to leave the area and this
would be an ideal location as a shelter for the poor.
Mr. Edward Egars, area resident, addressed the Board and stated he did not believe the
29 and Avenue D location was a good location due to the size. He stated 6 acres was
not enough to house superdome capacity.
Ms. Arlene Goodman, 490 Oleander Avenue resident, addressed the Board and read a
letter from the White City Improvement Club for the record (see attached) in favor of the
fairgrounds location due to the fact the county already owns the land and there is plenty
of space for all emergency vehicles and emergency personnel.
Mr. Jack Cahill, City of Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board and asked them to
consider the City residents when making their decision and also consider there are those
who need help beyond medical needs.
Mr. John Ferrick, read a letter from the North Fork Property Association and addressed
the Board in favor of the fairgrounds location and would like the Board to accept the
money before we lose it.
Ms. Rosalie Hawkins, area resident addressed the Board in favor of the fairgrounds
location and stated having crucial personnel in one location is essential. Ms. Hawkins
questioned the flood zones in the county.
Mr. Christopher, Emergency Management, addressed the flood plane requirements.
Mr. Duke Nelson, City Commissioner advised the Board the City has 3 million dollars
allocated for reconstruction of the 29 St., location and the county can add on or redesign
if necessary.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Board and stated the county is in
desperate need of a special needs shelter for the entire county and stated she was in favor
of the fairgrounds location due to its size.
Mr. Don Rosenthal, resident, addressed the Board and stated 10 miles will not make a
difference and stated both facilities should be considered.
The County Administrator advised the Board they will have the 2.5 million if the Board
decides to move forward with accepting the money and they will be researching other
funding sources for the balance.
Com. Hutchinson stated she felt the fairgrounds was a prime location for the special
needs facility. She stated this was not an every day shelter but was for specific medical
needs that needed electricity for example and this would be provided by generators.
Com. Lewis stated her concern with the fact that during the time of the second storm
approaching, there were fewer residents at the shelter due to the fact they were afraid of
being moved to a out of county location. She stated there was a small percentage of the
population requiring special needs and these are the people the shelter would be built to
accommodate not the general population.
Com. Craft stated what leads him not wanting to place such a facility in a rural area is the
size of the building. He felt the primary use should be a daily use especially if they are
going to be spending the amount of money mentioned. This building should be near
restaurants and generate traffic locally but not sprawl. He felt this is not a convenient
location because there are only two roads to this location.
Com. Smith stated after reviewing the details further he felt the fairgrounds was not the
proper location for the shelter. He supported the shelter being located at the 29 and
Avenue D location. He stated he found in the city of Ft. Pierce the residents would be
closer to medical aid, whether it be the hospitals or a walk in clinic. A shelter at the
fairgrounds should be utilized as a shelter for disaster and hurricanes for the general
Com. Smith questioned the American Red Cross Standard and asked if we had spoken to
anyone from the Red Cross.
Mr. Christopher, Public Safety, stated the State of Florida, Dept. of Community Affairs,
Emergency Management, has adopted Article 44-96 as their standards for shelters. This
Article has nothing to do with the Red Cross. This is their acceptance at the State level as
to where shelters should be located.
Com. Smith asked if there was a county within the 100% flood plain would they be able
to have a special needs shelter?
Mr. Christopher stated, according to the way this is written, no sir.
Com. Smith stated he did not believe this was their intention and would like someone to
contact the state or who ever we need to give us firm answers on this issue.
The County Administrator stated they would request a waiver should the Board elect to
place the shelter in the city of Ft. Pierce. If they cannot get the waiver he would return to
the Board.
Com. Coward concurred with Com. Craft. He stated the key issue is where to locate the
shelter. This area is outside the urban service area. This is a rural area and this is why he
is concerned about placing the shelter in this area, however, he does not have a better
location because staff has not presented alternatives for consideration. He is disappointed
in the process and stated the 10 mile was the driving force throughout the whole process
for the past 6 years. Now we are told it is not even an issue.
Com. Coward stated he would not vote to jeopardize $2.5 million.
The Public Safety stated what was before the Board today was acceptance of the money.
The County Administrator stated the confusion seems to lie where it is noted the county
must have a certificate of occupancy by 2008. To get building design and get it built
takes a while this is why they are pushing a deadline.
Com. Lewis stated she had a concern accepting the money not knowing what she will be
doing with it not knowing what the other financial contribution should be.
It was moved by Com. Craft, to send a letter saying yes we will accept the money for the
special needs shelter, seconded by Com. Coward,
Com. Coward stated he would like to put a time frame on this issue and stated would like
information on the alternative sites that that he can make an informed decision and if they
cannot find other locations, he would support the fairgrounds. He states, as it relates to
the Ft. Pierce site, there is an issue of the flood plain and there is some discussion as to
whether or not it can be placed at this location. He suggested calling the state for
information and whether the waiver can be achieved. The second issue is the flood plain
maps and whether they are conceptual. They need to be homed in on site specific basis
and need to find out where the flood plain relates to this project.
Com. Coward also stated the City of Port St. Lucie did not have time to respond and they
need to be given that time.
Com. Hutchinson stated she was not willing to put this decision off any further.
And; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Hutchinson asked if there would be anyone willing to make a motion regarding the
location of the special needs shelter.
Com. Craft stated he would like to find out the particulars regarding the flood plain and
the development center on Avenue D and find out if that truly is in the flood plain or if
the map is truly conceptual.
It was moved by Com. Craft to direct staff to investigate the particulars regarding the
flood plain regarding the location of the development center on Avenue D, seconded by
Com. Coward requesting a letter be sent to the City of Port St. Lucie so that they can
provide any final plans for us to consider, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Com. Coward requested the information come back within a couple of weeks minimum.
Com. Lewis stated she voted for this only because she wanted to move forward.
16. COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-2137)
Chuck’s Seafood Inc.- Proposed Leasehold improvements- Staff recommended that the
Board of County Commissioners determine whether to grant conceptual approval to the
improvements proposed by Chuck’s Seafood, Inc., subject to approval by the City of Ft.
Pierce and entry into an amendment to the April 21, 1998 Restatement of Lease
Agreement to increase the leasehold to include the additional property to the west of the
existing leasehold.
The Assistant County Attorney gave a history on this issue and stated Mr. Barton has
submitted a site plan to the city of Ft. Pierce and it is scheduled to go before their
Planning and Zoning Commission tonight. There are also staff comments from the City
to the Planning and Zoning Commission recommending approval with certain conditions
related to proof of an executed agreement between the County and Chuck’s regarding the
parking which is one of their code requirements. In order to accommodate the required
parking for the proposed expansion, he is proposing to expand the parking into the
existing park facility.
The petitioner is proposing to have a dining area of approximately 3,000 square feet to
replace the covered canapy dining area to the north of the area, a banquet room of 3,000
square feet, office space 2,084 square feet and a kitchen facility of 2,084 square feet. The
free standing bar 3,764 square feet, a pier, an elevated boardwalk, two public bathrooms,
and, an additional 79 parking spaces.
The Assistant County Attorney stated it may be feasible to look at the fair market rental
rate now. There are also some outstanding code violations that should be resolved with
the city.
The Planning Manager addressed the proposed expansion. Staff is concerned with the
fact there seems to be excessive vehicular access onto to A-1-A that can be determined
unsafe. Also they are concerned with giving up 400+ feet of the public park onto the
beach that is used by many residents.
Staff recommended not extending the lease.
Com. Coward questioned the large amount of office space being requested. He believed
the Board has consistently supported restoring the restaurant back, but the Board also
recognized they wanted to work within the existing foot print and they were gracious
enough to allow the petitioner to have additional development potential on the second
story. This is a very substantial increase in square footage as presented.
Com. Coward requested an update by the Asst. County Attorney on the code violations.
The Asst. County Attorney advised the Board of the code violations both resolved and
Mr. Barton addressed the code violation regarding the removal of the sea grapes.
Mr. Barton stated he had a permit to remove the sea grapes from the city and when the
piping was placed more sea grapes were removed than anticipated. This issue has been
resolved, he replanted the sea grapes.
Also, in reference to the trailer, he was permitted to place the trailer after the hurricanes.
The permit was given to him until June 15 and prior to June 15 he had reapplied for the
permit and the city decided not to extend the permit until he had a construction permit to
tie it to. He applied for the construction permit then, the city decided they were not going
to issue the permit until the Board voted on the major project. He stated there are many
inconsistencies and he is not violating all the codes. He also explained the reason for the
2,000 sq. ft. in office space. The city did not want him to classify the space as a lounge
and asked he classify it as office space.
Mr. Dave Knight, Knight McGuire & Associates, addressed the Board and asked he be
made aware of what improvements would be permitted. He advised the Board of the
plans for the property and stated all improvements will meet current building codes.
Mr. Jack Cahile, Ft. Pierce addressed the Board and stated 175 parking spaces is not in
accordance with the size of the building.
Ms. Jean Hearn, County resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the expansion and
stated the site plan does not conform with the area.
Mr. Bob Bangert, Conservation Alliance, addressed the Board in opposition to the
proposed site plan.
Mr. Edward Egars, area resident, addressed the Board in favor of the expansion.
Ms. Adrina Barton, addressed the Board and noted the improvements that will be made
and asked for the Board’s approval.
Ms. Jane Morrell, area resident, addressed the Board and stated her opposition to the
county relinquishing public property for private use.
Ms. Arden Peck, South Beach Association Parks Committee, addressed the Board in
opposition and asked the Board contact the city regarding the code violations she feels
still exist.
The Operations Manager for Chuck’s Seafood addressed the Board and stated the
additional space is needed for the servers to provide better service.
Mr. Craig Mundt, Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the
Ms. Eldie McCurdy, Hostess for the restaurant, addressed the Board in favor of the
Mr. David Moore, employee, addressed the Board in favor of the expansion.
Ms. Fitzgerald employee addressed the Board in favor of the expansion and commented
on Harbor Isle and the impact .
Com. Hutchinson stated the Board did not make the decision on Harbor Isle, the City of
Ft. Pierce did.
Ms. Joan Attwood, Bartender at Chuck’s addressed the Board in favor.
Com. Craft stated he would like to see Chuck’s expand according to prior foot print
submitted and also would like to be made aware of the city’s concerns. He also asked if
Mr. Barton could obtain a letter of credit to show the funding is there.
Mr. Barton suggested suspending the cracker bar, suspend the canapy over the existing
area and this can reduce a lot of space. The kitchen is the one thing that is important it is
an old kitchen and it is very small.
Com. Coward stated his main concern was the expansion and he does not mind the
expansion without taking public property and he is pleased with Mr. Barton’s
concessions to the plan, but does not want to approve a plan that was just decided on 30
seconds ago.
Com. Hutchinson the growth management staff for the County as well as the City’s
growth management staff need to work together with Mr. Barton. She will not move
forward into any type of an agreement so long as there are code violations pending and
have not been addressed.
Com. Smith thanked Mr. Barton and his staff for coming out and presenting the plan.
Com. Lewis stated they need to consider a formalized agreement with shared parking and
plan ahead and how this will be dealt with and would like to see how the joint use will be
Com. Craft stated they needed a revised site plan and all the code violations addressed.
Com. Coward advised the petitioner he can expand up, but not out and this is what the
Board is saying.
It was the consensus of the Board to call the City of Ft. Pierce and advise them what the
BCC ‘s position is today or place it in writing so that Mr. Barton may present the Board’s
position to the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight.
Shinn Road Development LLC vs. St. Lucie County- Settlement Proposal- Based on the
circumstances set out above, staff recommends that the Board approved the Mediation
Settlement Agreement and authorize the County Attorney to sign the Agreement.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board discussed the scheduled meeting for October 12, 2005 with FPL. It was the
consensus of the Board to reschedule this meeting for October 25, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court