HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-27-2005
Date: September 27, 2005 Convened: 9:05 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Frannie Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph
Smith, Chris Craft, Doug Coward absent on county business
Others Present: Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Ed Parker,
Purchasing Director, Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Director, Mike Pawley,
County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1. MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the minutes of the
meetings held: September 15, 2005 – Tentative Budget Public Hearing, September 20,
2005, Regular Board meeting, September 22, 2005 Final Budget Public Hearing,
September 22, 2005 Special Public Hearing, and; upon roll call, motion carried
A. A presentation by Colonel Carpenter of the Army Corps of Engineers
on the management of Lake Okeechobee and discharges from the
B. An update on Indian River Drive was presented by Mike Powley,
County Engineer and Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources
The County Engineer advised the Board they are hoping to open the Drive to the general
public by January, 06.
C. Resolution No. 05-369- Project H.O.P.E- Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 05-369.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 05-
369, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
D. The Board congratulated the St. Lucie county Balefill Construction
and Demolition Recycling Facility for receiving the Honorable
Mention Award in the Environmental Category of the Engineering
Excellence Awards from the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers.
E. The Board congratulated Tommy owes and staff on winning the 2005
Florida State League Commendation Award.
F. The Asst County Administrator read upcoming events.
Mr. Robert Bukus, North Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board regarding what
he felt were antiquated codes in the County. He lost his home during the last two
hurricanes and would like to rebuild. He is having a problem with the fact that FEMA
must follow the level requirement of 17 feet above sea level in order to rebuild. He stated
our codes do not have storm serge language. His homeowners association has a height
restriction and he felt it would not be in his best interest to rebuild if the home was to be
destroyed by another hurricane. He asked the Board to consider an ordinance addressing
storm serge and initiate a committee for land use who can start a plan.
Com. Craft stated he had contact with this resident earlier and asked him to address the
Board. He asked for review of possible safer codes to be implemented in the future to
assist the barrier island residents when rebuilding.
The Chairperson asked for clarification from the County Attorney’s office on this issue
upon return to the Board for review due to some legal issues concerning homeowners,
deed restrictions and property rights.
Com. Christine Coke, City of Ft. Pierce, addressed the Board and stated the Commission
is looking forward to making south beach what it once was. She does not oppose the
rebuilding of Chuck’s Seafood and asked the Board of County Commissioners to assist in
making the restaurant as beautiful as it should be. She also addressed the compliance with
the codes and they are placing fines on property the County owns. She asked the
County’s assistance in bringing this property up to compliance. She stated the City is
waiting for the county’s approval on the rebuilding plan and if they could work together
on the code violations the City would appreciate it.
It was moved by Com. Lewis seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent Agenda,
to include CA-1, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 52.
A. Resolution No. 05-365- Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances and Resolution No. 05f-366 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution
No. 05-365 and Resolution No. 05-366.
B. Resolution No. 05-371 MSBU Financial Hardship Assistance
Program- The Board approved a correction of scrivener’s error and
renumbering of Resolution No. 05-347 MSBU Financial Hardship
Assistance Program to Resolution No. 05-371.
C. Airport Industrial Park- Release of Reverter in October in October 10,
1962 Deed from St. Lucie County to Ft. Pierce Port and Airport
D. Teamsters Local Union No. 769- Collective Bargaining Agreement-
The Board approved the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement
with Teamsters Local Union No. 769 and authorized the Chairman to
sign the agreement, subject to ratification of the proposed agreement
by the bargaining unit.
E. Weekend Work Program- Fourth Amendment to March 4, 1997
Interlcoal Agreement with the Sheriff- The Board approved the
proposed Fourth Amendment and authorized the Chairman to sign the
A. Code Enforcement Division- The Board approved accepting the
proposal from Municipal Software not to exceed $37,240.00 and
approved Equipment Request No. 06-208, Budget Amendment BA06-
100, and the proposal from Municipal Software to pay for the
Collection of County Impact Fees from the City of Port St. Lucie.
B. Engineering Division- Public Hearing- Florida Rock Mine- South
Plant mining permit application Renewal- The Board approved a
public hearing for November 1, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. to consider the
request of the Florida Rock Mine- South Plant mining permit
C. Engineering Division- Award construction materials testing to
Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for the Indian River Drive II
Project- The Board approved awarding the material testing to
Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for the Indian River Drive Phase
II project in the amount of $90,098.00 and authorized the Chairman to
sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
D. Engineering Division Work Authorization No. 3- Contract No. C03-
09-708 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc., - The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 3 with Inwood Consulting
Engineers, Inc., for engineering services for the Weatherbee Road and
U.S. 1 intersection improvements project in the amount of $6,600.00.
E. The Board approved Resolution No. 05-370 Equipment Request No.
05-377 and Budget Amendment No. BA05-194 to purchase a 2006
Freightliner Dump Truck from Freightliner for $89,761.58 for the
Road and Bridge Drainage operations section.
A. Catastrophic Inmate Medical Expense Payment- The Board approved
Resolution No. 05-360.
B. October Cost of Living increase- The Board approved the 3% increase
effective October 2, 2005 for non-bargaining and bargaining full time
and part time with limited benefits employees.
A. Purchase of third baler for the Solid Waste Baling & Recycling
Facility as a sole source from Sierra International Machinery, LLC-
The Board approved the purchase of the 3 baler for the Solid Waste
Baling & Recycling Facility as a sole source from Sierra International
Machinery, LLC. This item was approved in the 2005-06 budget
process. The total cost of the bailer is $1,208,362.00.
B. The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to the CDM proposal for
professional services related to the design, permitting and construction
services for the Scale House at the Glades Road Bailing Facility. The
original agreement is revised from a cost of $136,300.00 to a lump
sum of $555,000.00.
State Aid to Libraries Grant- The Board authorized the Chairman to sign two copies of
the application, at the time of approval, for the State Aid to Libraries Grant Application.
Approved the library’s FY05/06 annual plan of service.
The Board approved the purchase of a new van to be used by Information Technology
Department ( 2005/06).
A. Award Bid No. 05-088- Savannas Maintenance Building- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-088 to Hennis Construction Company,
Inc., for a total amount of $149,000. and granted permission for the
Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
B. Bid No. 05-094- Subdivision No. 1 Mowing Contract- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-094 Subdivision No. 1 Mowing
Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Accolades
Services for a total amount of $76,750. and authorized the Chairman to
sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
C. Bid No. 05-095 Subdivision No. 2 Mowing Contract- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-095 Subdivision No. 2 Mowing
Contract to the lowest responsive bidder Accolades Services for a total
amount of $205,000. and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract
as prepared by the County Attorney.
D. Award RFP No. 05-070- Space Needs Study- The Board approved
awarding the RFP to the highest rank firm Institute for Law & Policy
Planning for an amount not to exceed $130,000.
E. Bid No. 05-096 Subdivision No. 3 Mowing Contract- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 05-096 to the second lowest bidder,
Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for a total amount of $189,150.00 and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
F. Bid Waiver and sole source declaration for the purchase of Southeast
Eagle Blend Seed from Lesco Inc., for the Park and Recreation
Downtown Judicial Complex Chiller plant- Edlund Dritenbas Binkley C03-08-520-
Amendment No. 2 to Work Authorization No. 10- The Board approved Amendment No.
2 to Work Authorization No. 10 C03-08-520 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, for
services of Carter & Associates, Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors, for additional
engineering and surveying services for the Clerk of Courts Chiller Plant at a cost of
$11,750. and authorized the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County
A. Early Redemption of Special Assessment Improvements Bonds-
Becker Road MSBU Series 1996, King Orange MSBU Series 1996,
South Hutchinson Island- North District Wastewater System Series
1998, South Hutchinson Island North District Wastewater System
Series 1998A- The Board approved the early full and partial
redemption of the following:
1. $1,860,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment Improvement
Bonds, Series 1996 (Becker Road MSBU)
2. $14,920,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment Improvement
Bonds, Series 1998 South Hutchinson Island Wastewater System
3. $910,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1998 A
South Hutchinson Island North District Wastewater System
4. $230,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment Bonds Series 1996
(King Orange MSBU)
At par, recommended by RBC Dain Rauscher, Mr. Nate Eckloff, Managing Director and
Mr. Weiss Bradish, Associate Legal Advisor to the County and as outlined above.
B. Purchase of Microsoft Enterprise License for Courts Administration
for $106,445.00- The Board approved the purchase of the Microsoft
Enterprise License for Courts Administration in the amount of
A. Lease Agreement – Katherine England/Savannas Recreation Area-
The Board approved the first amendment to the lease agreement with
Katherine England for living space at the Savannas Recreation Area
and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment.
B. 28 National Bike Round Up- St. Lucie County Fairgrounds- The
Board granted a special permit for the relief of the noise and the
vibration limits in Chapter 1-13 St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances
for the 28 National Bike Round up to be held at the Fairgrounds for
the period July 31, -August 6, 2006 based upon the following findings:
1. activity will be of temporary duration and cannot be done in a
manner that would comply with Chapter 1-13 and 2. no other
reasonable alternative is available.
A. Approve First Amendment to Contract No. C04-03-132 with Craig
Richardson and Clarion Associates- The Board approve the First
Amendment to Contract No. C04-03-132 to the consulting agreement
with Clarion Associates and authorized the Chairman to sign the First
B. Request of Brant Shirard, Jr., for final plat approval for the project to
be known as Shirard Estates Subdivision, Phase II.- The Board
approved the final plat of Shirard Estates Phase II S/D and authorized
its final execution.
Children’s Services Council- The Board approved the submission of two additional
applicants (Toby Philpart and Queen Townsend) to the Office of the Governor, for
consideration for the Children’s Services Council appointment.
Planning and Zoning Commission Appointment- The Board ratified Commissioner
Smith’s appointment of Mr. Craig Mundt to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
5.A No public hearings scheduled.
Resolution No. 05-368- Adopting Impact Fees Report by James C. Nicholas, Ph.D –
Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No, 05-368 and authorize the
Chairman to sign the resolution.
The County Attorney addressed the Board on this issue. He advised the Board that at the
request of Mr. Santos, they have considered attempting to provide a waiver process for
those people who have construction contracts and loan agreements prior to the effective
date of the ordinance that was adopted and this has been put in place. The Board
approved a phasing in of the fee even though the fee exists today, they have gone back
for the next 6 months at least, and reduced the fee to $800. for roads instead of the $2,000
basically the amount they have collected. This is a substantial reduction than what was
placed in the ordinance. In addition, they have added a 10% discount for people who pay
The Public Works Director addressed the road section and informed the Board why it was
revised. They modified the proportionate share that would be funded out of zones 3 and
4 from the Port St. Lucie area. The total to the Port St. Lucie area has been modified
according to the 60/40 split.
The County Attorney advised the Board of the typos in the first sentence and he advised
the Board of the revisions. The ROC means the rest of the County including Ft. Pierce.
Ms. Nancy Aufed ,(unintelligible last name) Government Affairs Specialist for the
Treasure Coast Builders Association., addressed the Board and stated they do not have a
copy of the most revised document and to her knowledge it was not available to the
public. Section 2 of the resolution states the county adopted the ordinance on September
6 referring to and including Dr. Nicholas’s report all dated July 2005. They would like
to state for the record that this was a draft. R. Nicholas’ study was not and has not been
adopted to their knowledge and is still doing revisions as the County Attorney stated.
The County Attorney stated this was the final and there were some revisions based on the
Public Works Director’s revisions and the purpose of tonight’s meeting is to finalize the
draft. He stated he would provide the copy to the representative of the Builder’s
Association if the adopts it as finalized.
Ms. Aufed (unintelligible last name) suggested it is still in draft form until it is adopted
today, however, they have not had the benefit to review it and there are several comments
Mr. Santos had mentioned were of importance to him. She asked the Board to wait
before adopting this revised report since they have not had the opportunity to review it.
She stated in Com. Hutchinson’s letter she did confirm the July, 2005 report was a draft
study. She asked the Board not pass this resolution with the inclusion of section 2. and
believes if section 2 were to be removed (it not being factual) the resolution could stand
short of the fact that staff is now saying it is adopting Dr .Nicholas’ report which they do
not believe has been properly reviewed by the public.
The County Attorney stated the fees have not been changed and did not use study to
increase or decrease the fee. He recommended moving forward with section 2 included.
The Treasure Coast Builders Association stated they were opposed to the passing of
Resolution 05-368 with the inclusion of section 2.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution 05-368 as
amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 05-120- Utility Consolidation Resolution – Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 05-120 as drafted.
The County Attorney addressed the changes made by the Bond Counsel.(attached)
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 05-
120, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Update was given by the Assistant County Attorney on the Code Violations issued by the
City of Ft. Pierce on Chuck’s Seafood.
The County Attorney advised the Board of two violations being abated, however, there
are outstanding fines which remain. The issue of the fines and signage will be presented
before the City of Ft. Pierce on October 19, 2005 .
Com. Hutchinson stated she would like to see Chuck’s Seafood rebuilt, her only concern
is there does not seem to be an end to the code violations and she felt as the owners of the
property the fines would ultimately be the county’s if this was not addressed.
Com. Lewis suggested a 30 day notice. She does want to use public funds to pay for
someone else’s violations.
It was the consensus of the Board to send a 30 day notice of default to the tenant.
Com Hutchinson brought to the attention of the Board of the need for one temporary
representative for the Canvassing Board for the September 30 meeting.
Both Com. Smith and Com. Lewis would be available.
The Chairperson also asked the Board to approve her being present at the elections center
site the night of 10/18/05.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve this request.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meting was
Clerk of Circuit Court