HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 04-11-2006
Date: April 11, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:45 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft,
Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye
Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Don West,
Public Works Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director,
Michael Brillhart, Special Projects, Paul Hiott, Veteran Services
Director, Millie D. Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve
the minutes of the meeting held April 4, 2006, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 06-089 Proclaiming April 19, 2006
as “Patriots Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve
Resolution No. 06-089, and; upon roll call, motion carried
B. Resolution No. 06-114 Proclaiming April 23, 2006
through April 28, 2006 as “Crime Victims’ Rights
Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to
approve Resolution No. 06-114, and; upon roll call, motion carried
C. A presentation was made by the Veteran’s Services
Director of the United Way of St. Lucie County
Circle of Honor Award.
D. Commissioner Joseph Smith, Chairman of the Public
Safety Coordinating Council addressed the Board
regarding the recommendations of the Council.
The recommendation was as follows: The Council asked the
Board to seriously consider finding the resources to hire 13
deputies and open at lease half of Pod 2 to relieve some of the
crowding of the jail, sleeping on the floors and under stairwells, as
expeditiously as possible and moving forward on the other options:
Rocket Docket, Work Camp/Day Sentence, other options for
Mental Illness/Substance Abuse inmates by working with New
Horizons, Alternative Sentencing, look at funding additional
Public Defender and State Attorney staff and streamlining paper
flow and Case Management between the Clerk of Court, Judges,
Public Defender and State Attorney in an effort to create a total
package the Board of County Commissioners could support.
Mr. Quam, New Horizons, addressed the Board regarding the
availability of beds at the facility and also the cost of treating
mentally ill inmates. The cost would be approximately $33.00 per
day versus incarceration at $75.00 per day due to the necessary
The County Attorney recommended the Board direct Mr. Quam to
put together a proposal regarding short term and long term care
and return to the Board for their review.
The County Administrator requested the Board not take any action
on the additional deputies or pod 2 until all the information is
received and reviewed.
Com. Coward stated he would like to review any information
regarding a potential partnership with New Horizons regarding the
mental health issue. He stated he was not averse to hiring more
deputies, but would like to see the figures. He is more inclined to
move the mentally ill inmates as opposed to hiring more deputies.
Com. Hutchinson stated she would like to see funding mechanisms
for the programs. She too did not have a problem with adding
deputies but would like to see the figures.
Com. Lewis stated she had always been in favor of increasing the
number of deputies and supports the extra positions, but would like
to review the figures for the opening of pod 2 and where the
funding would be coming from.
Com. Craft stated he would prefer to work on the bond issue for
those who cannot afford bonding and would prefer to move the
mentally ill and this would provide more beds at the jail.
Mr. Rusty Akins, Defense Attorney advised the Board of the under
staffing problems at the Public Defender’s office. He stated there
were several areas that needed to be looked at such as a meaningful
pre-trial program and also drug court.
Staff was directed to further scrutinize the packet of
recommendations and come back to the Board with resolutions at
an upcoming scheduled meeting for this specific purpose.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to
approve the Consent Agenda with item C10-I pulled and item
C6C placed on the regular agenda for discussion, and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 27.
A. Resolution No. 06-119 extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Wilma- The Board
approved Resolution No. 06-119.
B. First Retroactive Extension of Contract with Glatting
Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopes Rinehart, Inc. - The
Board approved the first retroactive extension of the
contract and authorized the Chairman to sign.
C. Ordinance No. 06-016- Waterstone Community
Development District-Permission to Advertise – The
Board approved advertising the Ordinance .
D. Interlocal Agreements with St. Lucie Village-
Hurricane Debris Removal- The Board approved the
three Interlocal Agreements with St. Lucie Village
regarding hurricane debris removal.
E. Permission to advertise- The Board approved
advertising a public hearing for the petition to
abandon a portion of a 60 ft. platted right of way
known as Flotilla Terrace along with two 30 foot
A. Building and Zoning Division- 12035 S. Indian
River Drive, Ft. Pierce, Fla.- The Board authorized
Code Enforcement to place this property on the
condemnation list and follow through those
procedures and post the property as inhabitable.
B. Building and Zoning Division- 2933 Harson Way-
The Board reaffirmed its previous order on
September 21, 2004 and authorized staff to proceed
with the removal of his unsafe structure and to assess
the costs associated with this removal against the
real property on which this structure is located.
C. Engineering Division- Agreement with H.W.
Lochner, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services
for the four laning of Midway Road from East of the
Turnpike Bridge to S. 25 St- The Board approved
the agreement in the amount of $1,718,442.90 for the
design, permitting and land acquisition for the four
laning of Midway Road.
D. Work Authorization No. 6 to the Contract for
Professional Services related to Stormwater
Management with Bowyer-Singleton & Associates
for services on Solida Drive Drainage Pipe
Replacement project in the amount of $24,380.00-
The Board approved Work Authorization No. 6 to
the contract and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A. Parks and Recreation- Fairgrounds Storage Building-
The Board approved the use of $246,488.00 from
miscellaneous IFF and General Fund projects
funding balances for the purpose of constructing a
storage building at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds,
approved Budget Amendment No. BA06-139 and
approved staff’s request to go out to bid for a 6000
square foot storage building to be located at the
B. Parks and Recreation- Fairgrounds Water Plant
Capacity Expansion- The Board approved
reallocation of $180,000 IFF dollars from the
Ravenswood Splash Park Project to the Fairgrounds
water treatment plant expansion project and granted
permission for staff to go to bid for the Fairgrounds
water treatment expansion project.
C. Parks and Recreation- Ravenswood Slash Park
Design/Construction Documents- The Board
approved the Agreement with Edlund Dritenbas in
the amount of $94,749.00 for the Ravenswood
Splash Park design services and construction bid
document preparation and authorized the Chairman
to sign the Agreement as approved by the County
A. Purchase of a 6x8 shed for the Ft. Pierce Little
League at Elks Park- The Board approved the
purchase of a 6x8 utility shed in the amount of $
1,215.00., including anchoring for the Ft. Piece
American Little League.
B. Purchase of a 6x4 Gator for the Savannas Recreation
Area- The Board approved the purchase of a 6x4
Gator utility cart for the Savannas Recreation Area at
a cost of $6,805.00.
C. Permission to advertise for bids to replace the
Savannas Mobile Home- The Board granted
permission to advertise for bids for the purchase of a
replacement mobile home at the Savannas
Recreation Area the Board also approved the
removal of the existing mobile home and its
associated parts from the County’s Fixed Asset
D. Open Space Pool Splash Park Design/Construction
Documents- The Board approved the Agreement
with Edlund Dritenbas in the amount of $30,519.00
for the Open Space Splash Park design services and
construction bid document preparation and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement as
approved by the County Attorney.
E. Paradise Park Rooms and Recreation Building Roof
Repair- The Board approved the amendment to
contract C05-08-415 changing the guarantee
completion date to on or before February 22, 2006
and authorized the Chairman to sign the change
order as drafted by the County Attorney.
F. Electrical Service for Lawnwood Soccer Field
Lighting- The Board approved the use of
$45,462.34 from the Park “A” Impact Fees to fund
FPUA’s installation of the underground service, a
transformer and turn-on the service for the new
soccer field lights.
A. Approval of application for the FY06/07
Trip/Equipment Grant with the Commission for the
Transportation Disadvantaged for trips for our
transportation disadvantaged citizens and Resolution
No. 06-111.- The Board approved Resolution No.
06-111, approved the application and contract for the
grant, acceptance of the grant and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
B. Approval of two Grant Agreements between St.
Lucie County and (1) Pregnancy Care Center of Fort
Pierce, (2) Care Net Pregnancy Services of the
Treasure Coast; for programs that adhere to the
guidelines of the Choose Life License Plate Program
as designated in F.S. 320.08058(30)- The Board
approved and accepted the agreements and
authorized the Chairman to sign all necessary
C. This item was moved to the regular agenda.
D. Request for Board approval of Amendment # 2 and
extension of the Rural Transit Grant ANN08 to
utilize the remaining $10,000 grant funds to
purchase an Economy Passenger van for transport of
transportation disadvantaged passengers- The Board
approved Equipment Request # EQ 06-248 and
authorized the Chair to sign any grant documents
associated with the amendment and extension and
authorized the Purchasing Department to purchase
an Economy Seven Passenger van through the State
Contract # 070-300-230.
E. Approval of the Agreement with FPL to administer
the Care to Share Program which provides assistance
with electric utility payments for FPL customers in
times of hardship- The Board approved participation
with FPL in the Care to Share program and the
Salvation Army and authorized the Chairman to sign
the agreement and other documents as necessary for
the program.
A. Permission to Advertise Public Hearing- The Board
authorized the Office of Management and Budget to
schedule and advertise a public hearing to amend the
B. Budget Resolution No. 06-115- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 06-115 recognizing revenue
from the Federal Emergency Management Agency
and the State for Hurricane related expenses.
Retainage Release of Final Payment to American Athletic Courts
Inc., for the Lawnwood Rubberized tract- The Board approved
releasing the retainage and making the final payment to American
Athletics Courts Inc., in the amount of $19,435.00.
Accept Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with the
FDOT and approve Resolution No. 06-117 for the proposed
parallel runway 9L/27R design construction- The Board accepted
the FDOT’s JPA in the amended total amount of $215,890 with
FDOT funding $107,945 and a local match of $107,945 for the
design and construction of proposed parallel runway 9L/27R and
authorized the Chair to execute the JPA and Resolution No. 06-
A. Permission to Advertise an Invitation for Bid for the
installation of sewer hook ups, grind pumps, dump
stations, and lift stations at the Fairgrounds- The
Board granted permission to advertise and IFB.
B. Permission to Advertise and Invitation for Bid for
Naming Rights for the Swine Building at the St.
Lucie County Fairgrounds- The Board granted
permission to advertise and IFB for the naming
rights of the Swine Building.
C. Award Bid No. 06-036- Fire Sprinkler System
Inspection, Testing, Testing, and Maintenance for
County Facilities- The Board approved awarding
Bid No. 06-036 to the lowest bidder, Life Safety
Systems Inc., per the tabulation sheet and authorized
the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
D. Award Bid No. 06-040 Sheet Metal Work for the St.
Lucie County Walton Road Annex, 2 floor build
out- The Board approved awarding bid No. 06-040
to the sole bidder, Sea Coast Air Conditioning for
the total amount of $73,100 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
E. First Amendment to Contract C01-02-349 with
Lance, Inc., for providing food in vending machines
at the South County Annex/St. Lucie West
Courthouse, Ft. Pierce Courthouse, Village Green,
Juvenile Court Facility, and the Civic Center- The
Board approved the First Amendment to Contract
C01-02-349 which extends the contract until March
31, 2011 and authorized the Chairman signing the
amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
F. First Amendment to Contract C03-12-802 with
Calvin, Giordano & Associates for Professional
Engineering Services (Midway Road PD&E Study )
- The Board approved the First Amendment to
Contract C03-12-802 which amends the estimated
completion date of May 30, 2007 and authorized the
Chairman to sign the Amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
G. Permission to advertise IFB for the River Park
Marina Project- purchase and installation of Riprap,
a fishing dock, boating docks, landscaping and
signs/kosk at River Park Marina- The Board
approved advertising the Invitation for Bid for the
River Park Marina project.
H. Approval of Budget Amendment # 06-141 and
Equipment Request EQ 06-262 to purchase a folding
machine for the Material Center- The Board
approved Budget Amendment # 06-141 and
Equipment Request EQ06-262 to purchase a folding
machine for the Material Center.
I. This item was pulled.
J. Permission to Advertise an IFB for Prequalification
of Fencing Contractors, Furnish, install and repair
fencing as needed- The Board approved advertising
an IFB.
K. Permission to Advertise an IFB for Rental of
Construction and Industrial Equipment- The Board
approved advertising an IFB.
A. The Board approved the submittal of a grant
application to the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, Invasive Exotic Plant
Removal Grant Program for an amount not to exceed
$110,000 for assistance in controlling invasive
exotics plant species at Blind Creek Park and
acceptance of the grant if awarded.
B. The Board authorized the submittal of the grant
application to the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services , Urban and Community
Forestry Grant program for $25,000 for assistance in
reforestation to control invasive exotic plant species
at Blind Creek Park and acceptance of the grant if
awarded . The Board also authorized Resolution 06-
118 authorizing St. Lucie County to enter into an
Urban and Community Forestry Grant Memorandum
of Agreement with the State of Florida, Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of
The Board approved utilizing Park “B” Impact Fees for parking
area improvements located at Rive Park Marina and approved
Lozano Builders d/b/a Curbs 4-US at $30,000 to assist with the
expansion of the parking area to accommodate boat trailers, and
authorize the Chair to sign the contract as prepared by the County
A. Resolution No. 06-120 Amending Resolution No.
86-173 to incorporate changes to the Employee
Handbook attached hereto and incorporated herein.
This resolution shall be effective for all non-
bargaining unit employees on the date of adoption-
The Board approved Resolution No. 06-120.
B. Creation of two computer positions for Court
Administration- Titled Senior Network Support
Analyst- Salary Range $46,232.99 to $73,462.90
from the State of Florida, Court System. April
Adjustments continued- The board approved the
upgrades, title changes and one time increases
effective April 2, 2006.
The Board approved signing Amendment No. 2 to Contract #
OT050694-A02 Simple Stormwater Education Project with South
Florida Water Management District.
The Board approved the correction to the interim advertising
agreement with Simple Success to extend the time period to April
30, 2006. The advertising dollars were planned and budgeted in
2005/2006 .
Progress of the FEMA Emergency deployment and storage site-
Consider staff recommendation to continue to develop and enhance
partnership with FEMA to develop an emergency deployment and
storage site.
Mr. John Franklin, Housing Manager for St. Lucie County,
Community Services, addressed the Board on this issue.
Mr. Franklin advised the Board of the location of the site, and the
fact there will be 150 trailer/mobile homes for staging and
deployment for FEMA.
Mr. Dave Golden 4900 Indrio Road resident addressed the height
of the berm. He stated he was informed it would be 15 feet in
height and felt it was nowhere near the proposed height. He also
questioned if the trailers would be tied down should a hurricane be
forecasted to hit our area. He expressed concern on how the area
would look with trailers at an eyes view.
Mr. David Crow, area resident also addressed the berm and stated
he would be able to see the trailers from his property. Mr. Crow
stated he felt utilizing the fairgrounds would deface the property.
Mr. Brian Green, Indrio Road resident also expressed his concerns
with the trailers and their placement should a hurricane approach
the area.
Ms. Rosemary DeMarco, Indrio Road resident, addressed the
Board and expressed her concern with the berm not covering the
Com. Coward brought forth three points he felt should be required
by the Board.
1) the berm should be properly landscaped
2) the west end marsh area should have additional
buffering i.e. berm and hedge so that the trailers
cannot be seen
3) the trailers should either be tied down or moved
before an approaching storm/hurricane
4) road impact safety issue
The FEMA Representative addressed the Board and indicated they
would be placing a berm at the west end and are waiting for the
contracting to be approved by Washington. Also they were
planning on making the berm 15 ft. high plus the vegetation. The
entrance will need to remain large due to the size of the trailers and
needing the room to move them in and out of the area. The trailers
will be moved at least 3 days before a Hurricane approaches the
area. At this point they do not have any equipment available to tie
them down and this work would take some time to accomplish.
Mr. Joe DiAngelo, contractor and Unit Manager addressed the
security issue and advised the Board they would be working the
hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and the lighting at night can be
minimized in order not to affect the residents.
The road impact safety issue was a concern for the Board.
Mr. Franklin stated the Road and Bridge Department is aware of
the project but has not reviewed the issue.
The Public Works Director advised the Board they would be
reviewing this project for traffic impact and report to the Board.
None scheduled
Petition by Smith, Akins & Associates, as representative for the
proposed Sunset Lakes PUD, requesting a waiver to the
requirements of Stop-Gap Ordinance No. 06-012. A conceptual
PUD site plan has been prepared for the proposed Sunset Lakes
development located at the northwest corner of Johnston Road and
Canal No. C-25 within the TVC area boundaries- Consider staff
recommendation to deny this petition for a waiver until such time
that the applicant has effectively addressed the mater site plan
concerns raised by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council.
Mr. Chad Williard, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Board
on this item.
Mr. Williard stated they felt they meet certain criteria of the North
County Charrette regarding the roadway contribution that is
required for Kings Highway, Engle Road and Johnston Road.
They are also contributing to the School District with impact fees
and additional donations and will continue dialogue with them.
The Board was advised the Regional Planning Council felt this
project does not meet the TVC criteria.
Com. Hutchinson questioned what it was exactly they felt they
could not meet.
Mr. Williard stated the applicant’s position is they filed this
application in January of 2005 and felt this application met certain
aspects of the North County Charrette, and according to the RPC it
does not meet the major components of the TVC, however
basically this is the site plan the application brought forward and
the applicant feels it meets enough criteria of the North County
Com. Coward stated there was nothing about this site plan that
furthers the principals of the North County Charrette. This needs
to be revised and encouraged the applicant to work with the
Regional Planning Council and staff that are both recommending
denial and make improvements to the site plan. He felt there was
need for flow way systems, open space, street networks and the
definition of neighborhoods, none of these have been incorporated.
Com. Smith stated the issue for him is looking at it from the
general broad aspect of development, he felt this would need work.
He would like to see the work product before making a decision on
the project and whether or not to grant a waiver.
Mr. Willard stated they believed they cannot meet a lot of the
criteria the Regional Planning Council set forth since it is a small
piece of property. They feel they cannot provide the open space,
flow ways, walkways and do not want to be led down that path.
They think it’s a good plan and possibly with some messaging they
would like the opportunity to continue and with that they need the
waiver to continue working with staff and come back and present a
third presentation.
Com. Craft questioned if they were requesting a waiver or an
exemption from the TVC. It seems to him they are requesting for
an exemption and they are requesting not to have to follow the
TVC criteria.
Mr. Williard stated they have been waiting for a year and a half to
be told how to move forward with the project.
Com. Coward stated they were given specific recommendations by
the RPC on how to modify the plan so that the project can be
consistent with the overall goal of the community and your client
chose to ignore those.
Com. Hutchinson stated her concern is the time frame issues on
such requests and staff delaying the process.
Com. Coward stated he recalled the majority of the Board giving
staff direction that they should not be processing application to
increase densities within the TVC area for projects that are not
consistent with the those overall goals and this is in a section of the
Stop Gap Ordinance.
Com. Hutchinson stated the applicant has letters dated back for
some time and he was told this would be heard in January and it is
now April.
Com. Lewis stated she concurs that this site has specific
constraints and is concerned with the road networks, the open
space and configuration. She felt these areas need to be looked into
more thoroughly before moving forward.
Com. Smith stated letters needed to be written to applicants
advising them of any delays in bringing projects to the Board for
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to deny the
request as recommended by staff, and; upon roll call, the vote was
as follows: Aye’s: Com. Hutchinson stated aye, due to the fact this
is not a site plan she would have wanted to see, and the request
should have been for an exemption rather than a waiver; Com.
Smith, aye, concurs with Com. Hutchinson and did not see a
reason to receive a waiver, Com. Craft, aye, Com. Coward, aye;
motion carried by a vote of 5 to 0.
Consider approval of the contract to participate in the National
Association of Counties Prescription Discount Drug Card
Program- Consider staff recommendation to approve participation
in the NACo Prescription Drug Discount Card Program and
authorize the Chairman to sign the contract and other documents as
necessary for the program.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to
approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Energy Bill Policy Opposition- Consider staff recommendation to
oppose the Energy Bill Policy as outlined in House Bill 1473 and
Senate Bill 888.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis to
approve staff recommendation and to send a letter to legislation
advising them of the same, and; upon roll call, motion carried
The Board and staff was advised the Criminal Justice Workshop
would be scheduled for May 12, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of Circuit Court