HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 4A DA TE May 13, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SL13JECT: Resolution No. 08-154 - Proclaiming the week of May 18,2008, through May 24,2008, as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: The Florida Department of Health (DOH), Division of Emergency Medical Operations, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), has requested that this Board proclaim the week of May 18,2008, through May 24, 2008, as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-154 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-154 as drafted. [X APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Do 1 Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals Cou~ty Attorney: , , ',í;, ;,.,.' Management & Budget Purchaslng Originating Dept. Other: Ot:oer: Finance: (C~eck for Copy only, if applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 4B DA TE May 13, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-167 - Proclaiming May 10,2008, through May 18, 2008, as "Tourism Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Odaly Victorio, St. Lucie County Marketing & Public Relations Specialist, has requested that this Board proclaim May 10,2008, through May 18,2008, as "Tourism Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-167 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOM1vÅ’NDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-167 as drafted. [>I: APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dougl' Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: J Review and Approvals Ma~agement & Budget Purchasi;r9 Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if app~icable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B1 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNn' COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney DanielS. McIntyre SUBJECT: Merigold Investments, Inc. Road Impact Fee Agreement BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A nON: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Road Impact Fee Agreement with Merigold Investments, Inc. [ ] APPROVED [] DENIED [~ OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Pulled prior to meeting " " Review and Approvals County Attorney: ;,/ Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6.B.2 Date: Ma'l1 3, 2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) - Lease Agreement with St. Lucie County Fire District BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 08-0729 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/ A): N/ A RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed lease agreement with the St. Lucie County fire District for the Aircraft Rescue and fire Firefighting facility (ARfF), and authorize the Chairman to sign the lease agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] APPROVED [] DENIED [><: OTHER: Pulled prior to meeting Douglas M ¡:ð.nderson County Administrator County Attorney: . ìh r I' ~- r-- ,--..... ^ Originating Dept.: j/ ~ Coordinationl Signatures ¿t~ &BU~ x. Other: . \ Purchasing: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B3 DA TE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONsENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNn' COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Authorized Dealer/Contact List BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that the Board approve the addition of JP Morgan to the authorized dealer/contact list to replace Bear Stearn. ÞÍ'~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: u as Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: E: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: ;~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Warks Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 ITEM NO. C1 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 5/13/08 STRATEGIC PLANNING POLICY ITEM REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT; Resolution No. 08-122 - Amending the Purchasing Manual authorizing the County Administrator to approve change orders for time; establishing revised sections 9.5b, Contract Change Order, 9.7 Work Authorizations, adding section 9.8 Amendments to Work Authorizations, and moving Bonding and Insurance Requirements from the original section 9.7 to the new section 9.9. Strategic Planning Item No. II-A1. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to adopt proposed Resolution No. 08-122 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: ~) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) Sf¡ 1/ (/ þ'-- ~. Coord inati on/Sia natu res Administration (X~ Other Purchasing (X) ~'1 Department () Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C2 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 5/13/08 STRA TEGIC PLANNING POLICY ITEM REGULAR ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-123 - Amending the Purchasing Manual section 9.5 Contract Change Order, and section 9.6, Contract Amendment, authorizing the County Administrator to approve contract change orders up to $25,000 or 10% of the total contract price not to exceed $50,000 (cumulative). However, no change order shall exceed the original budget as agreed to by the Board without additional Board approval. Strategic Planning Item No. II-A2. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to adopt proposed Resolution No. 08-123 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: þ~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) (1 / 'It·~ Department () CONCURRE.N,CE: // ÁI£~ Dóugla . Anderson County Administrator Coord i nation/SiQ natu res Administration (yt.otP Other Purchasing (X)h~?/ Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C3 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 5/13/08 STRATEGIC PLANNING POLICY ITEM REGULAR ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-124 - Amending the Purchasing Manual section 8.3a and 8.3b, Contract Preparation, and section 8.4, Contract Execution, increasing the threshold for mandatory contracts from $15,000 to $25,000. Strategic Planning Item No. II-A3. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: NJA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to adopt proposed Resolution No. 08-124 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: fî ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) Þ91/ Department () D ug a . Anderson County Administrator Coord i nation/S jq n atu res Administration (X)v-ù([) Other Purchasing (X) h~ Finance (J lor copy only il applicable) ITEM NO. Ct.J. DATE: 05/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR () PUBLIC HEARING ) CONSENT X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for Tree removal and Trimming Services. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101002-4110-534000-400 - Contracted Services. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for Tree Removal and Trimming Services. ~) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Road & Bridge C?}, (X) VI (X~~ Coord i nation/SiQnatu res County Attorney Mgmt & Budget () Purchasing (X) :M-- Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. CS DATE: 05/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid to construct an off site force main to serve the wastewater needs of the Airport West Commerce Park. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140-4220-563000-48004 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid to construct an off site force main to serve the wastewater needs of the Airport West Commerce Park. COMMISSION ACTION: f<) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney J~/ (X) , í"' I (X)'" )0~~_/ , Airport Doug . Anderson County Administrator Coord i natio n/SiQnatu res Mgml & 8'dg,1 (X) ~ P''''ha';"g (X) ;,ý'J Other . Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C6 DATE: 05/13/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel, Director SUBJECT: Fifth Amendment to Contract C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services for Pest Control Services BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 107-712-534000-1645 (Other Contractual Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 6, 2008 the Board approved the fourth amendment to Contract C06-07 -407 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the fifth amendment to contract C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services and authorization for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. ~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED Du ANDERSON COUNTY ADM I N I STRA TOR COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. ( ) ;4 Coord i natio n/Siq natu res Mgt. & B"d9't.IXØ Other ( ) Purchasing (X) ?fiT - Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ,t,;,O. " :1,:"" .., r. . - , :. -. _' '. "I ~ ITEM NO. C? DATE: 05/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Award of Invitation to Bid #08-034, Sale of One (1) Caterpillar D6M Dozer to the highest responsive, responsible bidder, Marcel Equipment, L TO for the price of $36,666.00. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: BOCC permission to advertise, 3/18/08, Agenda Item H1. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-034, Sale of One (1) Caterpillar D6M Dozer to the highest responsive, responsible bidder, Marcel Equipment, L TO for the price of $36,666.00, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney J~ (X)~ (X) _ Solid Waste Dou as . Anderson County Administrator C oordination/Sia natures Mgmt & Budget () ~. Purchasing (X) Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. CO DATE: 05/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the construction of a 16" force main from Taylor Creek to the Fort Pierce Utility Authority lift station A. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 479-3600-563000-3642; Infrastructure, US 1 Force Main Extension PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the construction of a 16" force main from Taylor Creek to the Fort Pierce Utility Authority lift station A. COMMISSION ACTION: r) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) ¡,~-- (X)~ Utilities Dou a . Anderson County Administrator Coord ¡nation/Sian atu res Mgmt & Budget (X) m ~ Other Purchasing (X) ~f.~ Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. C9 DATE: 05/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Award of Invitation to Bid #08-026 Garbage Collection and Recycling for St. Lucie County facilities to All Haul per the attached unit price list. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various department accounts. PREVIOUS ACTION: Board permission to advertise 2/12/08, Agenda item C3-E RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-026 Garbage Collection and Recycling for St. Lucie County facilities to All Haul per the attached unit price list, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: f<) ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) ~/ /).¡ Other () Dou as . Anderson County Administrator Coord i nation/S iQ natures Mgmt & B"dg,t (X) ~ P"mh..iog (X) .K Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) _ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # 01 DATE: 5/13/08 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources 1 Risk Management SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Aggregate Cap & Psychotropic Drug Invoices. BACKGROUND: Medical care for incarcerated jail inmates provided off-site (outside the jail) are paid under contract by Prison Health Services (PHS) and reimbursed by the County according to contract including psychotropic drugs. GENERAL NOTES: Our contract with PHS requires that the aggregate cap invoices be reimbursed per fiscal year quarter. This request is for invoice number PHS0003720 for FY 06 - 07 (late incurred invoices) in the amount of $94,317.12. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Funds are available in: 001-2300-531300-200. PREVIOUS ACTION: First, second, third, and fourth quarter FY 06-07 invoices have been paid. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends payment of PHS invoice number PHS0003720 in the amount of $94,317.12 per contract agreement. / / / COMMISSION ACTION: OE: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Do glas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: ;31-- ~ Review and Approvals ,. . Î\ Management & Budget: ~~ Other: Purchasing: \ S:ì0 Originating Dept. Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # 02 DATE: 5/13/08 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources / Risk Management SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Aggregate Cap & Psychotropic Drug Invoices. COMMISSION ACTION: [X APPROVED [] DENIED Approved 5-0 [ ] OTHER: Motion to approve payment for the first half of this item, (the PHS Invoice number PHS0003932 in the amount of 5359,013.10) and give Ms. Outlaw the opportunity to iook at the contingency fund and do an anaiysis as to where they will be at the end of the year and then come back to the Board for the iater portion of the item. This would leave the contingency at a $200,000 and Ms. Outlaw felt this may an issue of concern. l1 ~/ Kevlew and Approvals hA'. J County Attorney: [1/ Management & Budget: ~ I r It~ Originating Dep\. ~ Other: BACKGROUND: GENERAL NOTES: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Medical care for incarcerated jail inmates provided off-site (outside the jail) are paid under contract by Prison Health Services (PHS) and reimbursed by the County according to contract including psychotropic drugs. Our contract with PHS requires that the aggregate cap invoices be reimbursed per fiscal year quarter. This request is for second quarter invoice number PHS0003932 for FY 07 - 08 in the amount of $359,013.1 O. Funds are available in: 001-2300-531300-200. First quarter FY 07-08 invoice has been paid. Staff recommends payment of PHS invoice number PHS0003932 in the amou nt af $359,013.10 and approval of Budget Amendment # BA08-023 per contract agreement. BA08-023 is required for anticipated increased third and fourth quarter invoices due to higher inmate population and rising medical costs. Do glas M. Anderson County Administrator ~r\ Purchasing: \. ',- Othe~: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicablel_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # 03 DATE: 05/13/08 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources 1 Risk Management SUBJECT: All County Ambulance, Inmate Medical Care Invoice GENERAL NOTES: While in the process of committing a felony, Robert Gonzalez was injured by a St. Lucie County Sheriff's K9, he required emergency trauma services and was transported by ambulance from lawnwood Regional Hospital to St. Mary's Hospital in West Palm Beach where he underïNent emergency optical surgery. State Statute 901.35 requires that the County reimburse medical expenses for inmates injured during arrest and prior to booking after all avenues of reimbursement by the inmate have been exhausted. All searches for assets for Robert Gonzalez have been exhausted and none have been found. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Funds are available in: 001-2300-531300-200. NIA Staff recommends payment of All County Ambulance invoice in the amount of $930.00 per State Statute. COMMISSION ACTION: [>1= APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Dou las M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: ~' Review and Approvals Purchasing: ~ Other: Originating Oep!. ~ Management & Budget: . Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)_ ITEI\II NO: E1 DATE: May 13, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBUC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Lawnwood Sports Complexl Water Fountain/Equipment Request 08--316 /Budget Amendment 08--023 BACKGROUND: When the soccer fields at Lawnwood Sports Complex were built, no provisions were made for water fountains near the facilities. Current facilities are being utilized. Recreation staff would like to install a water fountain at the fields so that people using the fields, primarily kids, won't have to walk across the street to the softball fields or to the football stadium to get a drink of water as this presents an unsafe situation. A suitable water fountain has been identified at a cost of $2075. Because it was not included in the original FY 07-08 budget, Board approval is needed to purchase the fountain. Funds will also have to be transferred into the proper capital account for record keeping purposes. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The Budget Resolution will make funds available in 001-7216-564000-7103 (Recreation, Sports and Athletics, Machinery and Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests approval of Equipment Request 08-316 and Budget Amendment 08--023 for the purchase of a water fountain for the Lawnwood Sports Complex soccer fields in the amount of $2075. . '[><] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED E: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Do A erson County Administrator ~ Coordin~t ion/Signatllres Mgt & Budget: ~ M~--- Purchasing' Public Works: Other: ~'ft-- County Attorney: Originating Dept: ,J , . Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) ITEM NO: E2 DATE: May 13.2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ l PUBLIC HEARING [l CONSENT [Xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: South Causeway Park Design Plan/Approval of the 30% Schematic Plans BACKGROUND: On January 23,2007, the BOCC approved Work Authorization NO. 09 (C01-05-497) with Glatting Jackson to provide professional landscape architectural services for the South Causeway Park project. The $685,550 funding for the design, construction documents, permitting fees and impact fees is being shared by St. Lucie County, Ft. Pierce Redevelopment Agency and a Find Grant (breakdown attached). In cçnsideration of Glatting Jackson's presentation today of the 30% schematic plans and the information contained herein, staff is requesting that the Board approve the schematic plan and direct Glatting Jackson to prepare final construction drawings based upon same. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the 30% schematic plans for the South Causeway Park project and direct Glatting Jackson to continue its work øn the project. L >1 APPROVED [ l OTHER: [ l DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dou A erson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Coordin ation ISiqnatures ns~\.- County Attorney: ,~ Originating Dept: ø Purchasing: Other: Mgt & Budget: Public Works: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. E-3 DATE: 5-13-08 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [xx] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Debbie Brisson, Director SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation/Recreation Division SUBJECT: Approve Equipment Request No. 08-317 BACKGROUND: In the FY 2008 budget, $20,000 was budgeted (EQ08-194) to purchase a riding floor scrubber to clean the gymnasium floors in The Fenn Center. Utilizing a state contract, we can purchase the riding floor scrubber for $11,747.45. Staff is requesting to utilize the savings to purchase a smaller walk- behind scrubber, which can be used to clean the multi-purpose rooms and other smaller spaces at a cost of $7892.45. The cost for both machines is $19,639.90, which is less than the original amount budgeted. Because the smaller machine was not approved in the original budget, Board approval must be obtained at this time. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-7510-564000-700 (Fenn Center, Machinery and Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests approval of EQ# 08-317 to purchase a walk-behind floor scrubber for The Fenn Center, in the amount of $7892.45. [>r APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug as M. Anderson County Administrator Originating Dept. ~ 0r \, -'~ iU~'í V Other: Review and APprovals Management & Budget ~~/ ~haSing: County Attorney: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. E-4 DATE: 5-13-08 ~-,...' '.'''''''.~.' ¡ :-~:~~t ,-', >" _~, ~" ~ ' .,' <~, / '¡u., " ,," _,;IÌrJ:~' \i)"k '. J. _. - ,Ii' W!J '.,' , II,,,.. REGULAR 0 PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [xx] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Debbie Brisson, Director SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation/Recreation Division SUBJECT: Approve Equipment Request# 08-318 - Funbrella for Lakewood Park Pool BACKGROUND: Staff is requesting approval to purchase a shade structure for the Lakewood Park Regional Park pool. Patrons are complaining that the only shade available is under small umbrellas affixed to the picnic tables. A larger shade structure will afford more patrons the opportunity to sit in a chair or chaise lounge and be out of the sun. Staff is proposing to purchase a structure 20' in diameter, which is the same as we previously bought for the Port SI. Lucie and Open Space pools. Staff will be using funds in the pools' Equipment and Machinery account. EO 08-161 was approved for $3000 for the purchase of (2) lifeguard chairs. One has been purchased at a cost of $1315. A second one is not needed at this time, leaving a balance of$1685 available. EO 08-163 was approved for a Deck Star-away for $1800, which is notas important as the shade structure. The total of funds from these two Equipment Requests is $3485, which will cover the cost of the shade structure. However, because it was not approved in the original budget, Board approval is needed at this time. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-7216-564000-7106 (Recreation, Aquatics Section, Machinery and Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests approval of EO 08- 318 for the purchase of a shade structure forthe Lakewood Park Regional Park pool in the amount of $3485. COMMISSION ACTION: þJ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Dougl s . Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: Review and Approvals _ ^.. I^ Management & Budget ~ ('j~urchasing: Other: Originating Dept. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. F DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Odaly Victorio SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration Douglas M. Anderson, County Administrator SUBJECT: Authorization to advertise a request for proposals for a booking engine (reservation system). BACKGROUND: The tourism website currently lacks a reservation system. This request for proposal seeks to obtain a system. FUNDS AVAILABLE: None. PREVIOUS ACTION: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners authorize advertising the request for proposals. Stf.PPROVED [] OTHER: [] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and App~alS County Attorney: ~ Management & Budget: Originating Dept: _ Other: _ Finance: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. G DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County SheriWs Office PRESENTED BY: SheriWs Office SUBJECT: Authorization to apply for the 2008 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant (BVP). BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County SheriWs Office is requesting authorization to submit an electronic application to participate in the 2008 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant (BVP) offered annually by the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs (USDOJ/OJPIBJA). BVP is a retroactive reimbursement grant awarded to our agency for the purchase of 42 BuUetproofVests. This grant will reimburse the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office up to 50% for the purchase of new and/or replacement bullet proof vest during fiscal year 2008-2009. The projected budgeted vest replacement cost is estimated to be $27,258.00. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The cost for replacement of expired bullet proof vests is budgeted annually. St. Lucie County SheriWs Office budget fund number 115. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the submission of the 2008 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant (BVP) electronic application on behalf of the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office [>1 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED NCE: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug Anderson County Adoúnistrator County Attorney: ~ Coordination/Signatures Management & Budget: ~rChaSing: Public Works: Other: Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) ....¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. H DATE: May 13,2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING [ CONSENT [ X ] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution 08-160 recognizing revenue from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State for hurricane related expenses for the Special Needs Shelter. BACKGROUND: As a result of the damages caused by Hurricane Frances, Jeanne, and Wilma the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Community Affairs have agreed to fund eligible hurricane damage expenses. Previously the budget reflected $7,341,852 expected to be paid by FEMA and the State. The attached resolution establishes the budget for an additional anticipated reimbursement related to the Special Needs Shelter totaling $3,703,596. .-.,==--=" FUNDS A V AlLABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 19,2004, the Board approved a disaster rel1effunding agreement for Hurricane Frances. On November 2,2004, the Board approved a disaster relief funding agreement for Hurricane Jeanne. RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends approval of resolution # 08-160 recognizing revenue from FEMA and the State for hurricane related expenses. [~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County Attorney:xx I~ Coordination/S i gnatures M"',"g=ent & Budget ~urch'Ûng, P bl' k l_:) u Ie Wor s: Other: Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) ---1-. G:\BUDGET\WP\AGENDA'S\AGE:--IDA08\OS'13 '2008SNSFEMA. DOC ITEM NO. I DATE: 5/13/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) &JiL/ PRESENTED BY: /;3 V Leo J. Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Department SUBJECT: '. Staff r~quests Board approval of Equipment Request # EQ08-313 for the purchase of a Compactor ($478,705) and Equipment Request #EQ08-314 for the purchase of a Dozer ($433,547.84) for a total cost of $912,252.84. Both pieces of equipment will be purchased through the Florida Sheriffs Association Contract 07-15-0827. Staff also requests approval of Budget Amendment #BA08-021. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-564000-300 Machinery & Equipment Budget Amendment BA08-021 moving funds from Reserves 401-9910- 599300-800 to Machinery & Equipment 401-3410-564000-300. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of Equipment Request # EQ08-313 for the purchase of a Compactor ($478,705) and Equipment Request #EQ08-314 for the purchase of a Dozer ($433,547.84) for a total cost of $912,252.84. Both pieces of equipment will be purchased through the Florida Sheriffs Association Contract 07-15-0827. Staff also recommends approval of Budget Amendment #BA08-021. (>4 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Coordination/Sianatu~", I Mgt. & Budget (x) ~ Purchasing (x) I.T. ( ) Other ( ) 7;P County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. J- DATE: May 13, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval for Second Amendment to the PBS&J Work Authorization NO.9 for Construction Phase Services for the Customs and Border Protection Facility Renovations project extending the time for completion to October 31, 2008 at no change in cost. BACKGROUND: On June 28, 2005, the Board approved Work Authorization NO.9 to Contract C03-1 0- 646 with PBS&J for the Design and Construction of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Facility Renovations project. On June 20, 2006, the Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.9 extending the time to December 31, 2007. The construction portion of the project (funded by FOOT 80% grant for $96,000 and 20% local match of $24,000) went out to bid twice due to companies not meeting the bid requirements. The actual bid and award was not approved until June 26, 2007. In November of 2007, the construction company, T&G Constructors, Inc., requested a revised notice to proceed (NTP) start date due to building permitting issues that were delayed the start of the project. A revised NTP was issued for a start date of November 7, 2007 with a tentative completion date of April 5, 2008. It was anticipated that the project would have been completed by April 2008. However, additional delays due to manufacturer lead times, corrections to submittals, and disputes between the Consultant and the Contractor have caused the project to be delayed. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140-4210-531000-400 Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: Design/bidding services were approved by the Board on April 12, 2005. On May 24, 2005, the budget resolution for the JPA with FOOT for the grant on this project was approved by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Second Amendment to the PBS&J Work Authorization NO.9 for Design and Construction Phase Services for the Customs and Border Protection Facility Renovations project, extending the time for completion to October 31, 2008 at no change in cost, and authorize Chair or designee to execute same. COMMISSION ACTION: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 DO NDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept (LX-··;r:L- n CQ I-- Coord inatio n/SiQ natu res Mgt & Budget ( ) ~ L~~ Other ( ) Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Finance (check for copy, only if applicable) _ ITEM NO. J-l DATE: May 13, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: AI RPORT DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval to submit grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for Phase 2 Construction for the Parallel Runway 9L127R and Taxiway Project at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: The Runway 9L-27R and Parallel Taxiway project has been funded with grants over multiple years. Currently, Phase I of the construction of this project is in progress, which involves the clearing and grubbing of the project site. Phase II of the construction, which includes the paving, electrical work and addition of the service road is out to bid in anticipation of receiving a FAA grant in August 2008. The FAA requires obtaining bids in order to get a true construction cost rather than using an engineer's estimate. This request is for Board authorization to submit the grant application to the FAA for completion of the runway project. It is estimated that the total project cost will be $5,192,207 for the Phase II proJect, with 95% funding from the FAA of $4,932,682. The grant application will be written, however, based on the actual bids along with consultant construction administration costs. The FOOT, in anticipation of the FAA funding, already submitted a Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (SJPA) which was accepted and approved by the BOCC in February 2008. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds for this phase of the project have already been established in FOOT grant fund 140335-4220-563000-48006 Infrastructure and in the Airport's Local Match Infrastructure account # 140-4220- 563000-4804. PREVIOUS ACTION: FAA Grants were accepted by the Board in August 2004, August 2005, August 2006, and August 2007. Supplemental FOOT JPAs were accepted by the Board in October 2004, in June 2005, in April 2006, in April 2007, and in February 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to submit a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration for Phase 2 of the construction for the Parallel Runway 9L127R at the St. Lucie County International Airport. COMMISSION ACTION: (;ry APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 DOUG DERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ~ County Attorney () . t· . Mgt. & Budget ( ) ~ Originating Dept. (L)' '.:: Other ( ) \ Finance: (check for copy. only if applicable)_ Coord i nation/S ia natu res i"f,\ Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. J-3 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport PRESENTED BY: Diana Lewis. Airoort Director SUBJECT: Request that the Board approve Change Order #4 for Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc. increasing the contract amount by $5, 574.76 for a new total of $2,345,575.48, for the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) at the S1. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: On August 22, 2006, the Board awarded the ARFF construction to Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $2,298,498 This project has a $1,393,600 grant from FDOT with the local share being paid by the S1. Lucie County Fire District under an Interlocal Agreement. Change Order #1 was approved by the Board on November 27,2007, for $30,040.25 and added 81 days to the contract time for a new substantial completion date of January 8, 2008. On February 12, 2008, the Board approved Change Order #2 for additional signage, relamination work, ductwork painting, data/cable certification, and cord reel extensions. This resulted in a time extension of 23 days, changing substantial completion to January 31, 2008, and increased the contract amount by $11,462.47. Change Order #3 was approved by the Board on April 22, 2008 for a time extension to change the substantial completion to February 22, 2008, and final completion to May 8, 2008. Change Order # 4, the final change order, will increase the contract amount by $5, 564.76 to $2,345,575.48, with no additional time. This change order would be subject to approval of the Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the Fire District increasing the change order amount to not exceed $50,000. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: Funds are available in 140341-4220-562000-4611 (Buildings) upon receipt of Fire District's payments as invoiced. Budget Resolution 07-393 was approved on December 18, 2007 establishing the fund for the Fire District to reimburse for up to $45,000 in change orders PREVIOUS ACTION: Change Order #1 approved on November 27, 2007. Second Amendment to the Fire District Interlocal approved November 20, 2007. Budget Resolution 07-393 approved December 12, 2007. Change Order #2 approved on February 12, 2008, and Change Order #3 was approved on April 22, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #4 for Ocean Gate General Contractors, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $5,574.76 for a new contract amount of $2,345,575.48, for the construction of the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) at the 51. Lucie County International Air, subject to the approval of the Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the Fire District, and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: ~APPROVED [] DENIED Approved 5-0 [] OTHER: Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget: ~ I,M Originating Dept: ,,_ Other: ~ Finance: (ChëCkfor Copy only, if applicab~ ' . Purchasing: Other: ITEM NO. J-4 DATE: May 13,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request approval of Third Amendment to Work Authorization #15 for PBS&J to prepare an update to the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) for the S1. Lucie County International Airport, to extend the time of completion to September 30, 2008, with no change in cost. BACKGROUND: On May 9, 2006 the Board of County Commissioners approved Work Authorization #15 for PBS&J to complete the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Update. The ALP was submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for their review on September 4, 2007, after a review of the submitted information, a request for revisions was received from the FAA on October 31, 2007. The FDOT also requested changes on November 28, 2007. The revised ALP was re-submitted to the FAA and FDOT on February 21, 2008. Comments have been received from the FDOT but the FAA final review is still on-going; therefore, this Agenda Request is to extend the time for Work Authorization #15 to September 30, 2008, at no additional cost. to ensure there is adequate time to respond to any issues. FUNDS AVAILABLE: FAA grant funding 95% is available in 140132-4220-531000-48001 and FDOT grant funding 2.5% (with Local match of 2.5%) is available in 140349-4220-531000-48001 - Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board approved Work Authorization 15 in May 2006. The First Amendment was approved July 24, 2007, extending the time to September 30, 2007. On August 28,2007, the Board approved Resolution 07-227 adopting the ALP. The Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization 15 extending the time to March 31, 2008, on November 20,2007. In December 2007, the Board approved Resolution 07-392 adopting the revision to the ALP. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Third Amendment to Work Authorization #15 for PBS&J to update the Airport Layout Plan for the St. Lucie County International Airport extending the time of completion to September 30, 2008 at no additional cost, and have the Chair or designee execute the same. (>; APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER DOUG AN ERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 '\ \.h C oordi nation/SiQ natures ~~~r~ ~Udget ( ) ~ ~~rx Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( i) .' ~.. ~-~ , ,., r-.-- _____- Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: K1 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [Xl TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants I Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Bill Hoeffner SUBJECT: Approve a change in schedule for the Weatherbee/Midway sidewalk program. Currently, Safe Route To School grant funds for design and engineering ($153,273) of the Weatherbee/Midway sidewalk project are allocated in the FDOT budget to be spent in FY 2008-2009 and funds for construction ($1,104,422)are allocated to be spent in FY 2009-2010. Potential right-of way issues and the complexity of designing the Weatherbee/Midway sidewalk to FDOT standards raise concern about the probability of completing design and engineering in one year. Under the current schedule, if the County is not able to complete construction by the end of FY 2009-2010, the funding for construction would be lost. Staff discussed scheduling concerns with FDOT and it has been recommended that funding for construction be delayed to FDOT FY 2010-2011 budget, thereby allowing two years for design and engineering. Under this proposed schedule, which extends the project to 2010-2011, if design and engineering are completed in less than two years and St. Lucie County desires to immediately initiate construction, the County could proceed with construction with an understanding that reimbursement of construction expenses could not be requested from FDOT until FY 2010-2011. The Board is being requested to approve the revised budgeting schedule with FDOT. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAIL.: The Safe Routes To School Grant provides 100% funding for the Weatherbee Sidewalk project. No County expenditures are anticipated. PREVIOUS ACTION: On 4/3/2007, the Board approved the submittal of a grant application to the Safe Routes To Schools Program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the change in schedule. [ 'X. [ ] APPROVED OTHER: DENIED derson Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County Attorney. originating Dept. Finance: JJ/ Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget: ~~ Pub~ic Works. ( . purChasing: Other. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.K-2 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [J CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene/Ken Justice SUBMITTED BY (DEPT) :Grants/Disaster Recovery Grants/Resource Developers SUBJECT: Submittal of no more than eight individual applications to the State Department of Emergency Management under FEMA's Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program and authorization to sign the electronic applications in the Chairman's name. BACKGROUND: The Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Pilot Program was authorized to provide funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Under various conditions and qualifications, the program will either elevate the structure, or acquire and relocate or demolish. If the land is acquired, it must remain in open space in perpetuity. The guidance provided indicates that FEMA would provide 75% or 90% of the cost, and the homeowner would be obligated for the remaining 25% or 10%. The State is the Applicant, the County is the Sub-applicant, and the County is preparing all 8 applications for those homeowners who have expressed an interest in applying. FEMA has provided a list (Attached) of 9 such properties in St. Lucie County, 8 of which fall under the County and one under the City of Fort Pierce. Of the eight properties, three are located in Venture Out on South Hutchinson Island, one is located in Thumb Point on South Hutchison Island, and four are located near the confluence of Ten Mile Creek and Five Mile Creek. The results of a Benefit/Cost Analysis on each property will form the basis for determining which method of mitigation the home would receive. If the homeowner receives a mitigation offer from FEMA and chooses not to accept it, his flood insurance rates will increase. The County would be responsible for managing the elevation, relocation or demolition of these structures, for which FEMA would allow a 5% charge. FUNDS AVAIL.: No County cash funds would be required. However the County would provide project management and fiscal oversight. FEMA will provide 5% management and oversight reimbursement to the County. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval for the submittal of no more that eight individual applications to the State Department of Emergency Management under FEMA's Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program and authorization to sign the electronic applications in the Chairman's name. [>4 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 ..41 / County Attorney: LJI~ Originating Dept, ~~ Finance: (copies only): Dougla Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgt "Budget: ~ ~~ Purchasing: Public Works: _____ ~ Other: AGENDA REQUEST -.,I ITEM NO. K-3 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene, Grants/Resource Developer TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants SUBJECT: Submittal of a grant application to the Florida Communities Trust (FCT) in an amount not to exceed $600,000 for funds to assist with acquisition of a 13+/-acre tract of environmental land along Ten Mile Creek off of Selvitz Road consisting of two parcels to be known as Becker Preserve. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this acquisition and the anticipated benefits to the community are to protect wildlife habitat; expand a greenway/wildlife corridor; provide for educational and passive recreational opportunities; conserve and restore valuable wetlands necessary to improve water quality of surface waters, and to conserve habitat. Ten Mile Creek is a channelized black-water stream that serves as the major tributary to the North Fork ofthe St. Lucie River. The Ten Mile Creek Basin is a significant source of freshwater discharge and pollutants into downstream waters, including the North Fork of the St. Lucie River - much of which is a State Aquatic Preserve. The proposed project improvements will eliminate a pollutant source, reduce freshwater loadings, and filter contaminates before they reach Ten Mile Creek and the downstream North Fork of the S1. Lucie River Aquatic Preserve and estuaries. This acquisition will protect sensitive land and Ten Mile Creek from encroaching development, provide a passive recreation area for the neighborhood community and add to the North Fork Greenway Trail and the trails in the North Fork St. Lucie River State Park. The Land Acquisition Selection Committee (LASe) has endorsed the project. FUNDS AVAIL.: A match is required with the larger ranges scoring more points toward securing funding. Matching funds of 51 % will be made available in Account Number 382-3915-561000- 1905, Environmental land Capital (Fund 382). PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval for the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Communities Trust (FCT) in an amount not to exceed $600,000 for funds to assist with acquisition of a 13+/- tract of environmental land along Ten Mile Creek off of Selvitz Road consisting of two parcels. A~p((Ned I) ~ Dougl County Coordination/Signatures ^--(" ^ vM~ Mgt " Budget: ¡",L Ii· ¡ r flC7 Public works: COMMISSION ACTION: [Xl APPROVED OTHER: DENIED County Attorney: .)~ Originating Dept: It Finance: (copies only) : Purchasing: ~ _ð _ Other: 6Lt~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. L-1 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: GLE Associates, Inc. / #C05-05-282 Work Authorization for Architectural & Engineering Services St. Lucie County Logistics Center BACKGROUND: SEE A TTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1930-562004-1650 (Bldgs./Architectural) PREVIOUS ACTION: To further assist with implementation of storage space at the SLC Logistics Center, on December 18, 2007, Item #C-4A, the Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of fencing with gate, shelving, and stackable wire containers. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Work Authorization through #C05-05-282, GLE Associates, for Architectural & Engineering Services in the amount of $112,115.00 for the St. Lucie County Logistics Center interior renovation and design. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ou nderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: k OriginatmgD~~\~ Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eff. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-278 GLE W.A.-SLC LOGISTIC CENTER.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. L-2 DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects and Associates Ninth Amendment to September 1, 2003 Agreement (#C03-08-520) Downtown Chiller Plant and Sally Port BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 4,2008, Item No. C-5C, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Eighth Amendment to #C03-08-520, Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, to provide additional services for the western extension of the Sally Port. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Ninth Amendment to the September 1, 2003 Agreement (#C03-08-520) with Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, to extend Architectural Services through December 31st, 2008 for the Downtown Chiller Plant and Sally Port project, and authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [>J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: t/Y '''''>\CiA. Ù Á. 9 Doug nderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing Mgr.: Originating De¡.¡l. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eff. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-279 EDLUND DRITENBAS NINTH AMEND..DOC ITEM NO. M DATE: May 13,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSENT(X) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: ERD/Oxbow Eco-Center ."" -"i Sandra Boqan, Education & Outreach Manaqer'- Authorization to Cancel Contract # C-06-08-758/ PO #P2711613 with Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. for the design and permitting of a parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center. On January 23,2007, the Board approved contracting the services of Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. for $69,525 for the design and permitting of a parking expansion at the Oxbow Eco-Center. The total anticipated construction cost for the parking area was expected to be approximately $358,000, which was funded through impact fees. The parking area was designed to address current and future needs at the Oxbow and to ensure consistency with PSL land development codes In conjunction with the planned Lecture Hall addition. Since that time, use of impact fees has been placed on hold due to the litigation with the City of Port SI. Lucie. In addition, the Lecture Hall design and construction were cancelled due to funding shortfalls, which eliminates the immediate need for the expansion of parking. BACKGROUND: As a result, staff is requesting to cancel the Kimley Horn & Associates contract at this time, leaving a balance of approximately $25,000 on the contract. The remaining balance will be reallocated to balance the general fund. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Approximately $25,000 remains on the contract from accounts 316-7912-563005-7134 (CIP 122 - Improvements other than buildings/consulting engineer) and 310002-7912-563005-7134 (Parks B Impact Fees - Improvements other than buildings/consulting engineer). PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 23, 2007, the Board approved Work Authorization # 2 I Contract #06-08-758 With Kimley Horn & Associates for $69.525 for the design and permitting of a parking lot expansion at the Oxbow Eco-Center On February 19, 2008, the Board approved an amendment to Work Authorization #2 to extend the time to December 30, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the SI. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners authorize cancellation of Contract #06-08-758 I PO#2711613 with Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. for the design and permitting of a parking lot expansion at the Oxbow Eco-Center. COMMISSION ACTION: (>1: APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER DOU ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Approved 5-0 Purchasing ( Other ( ) tI.ï·t County Attorney (X) I~SL- ~ Mgt. & Budget ( Originating Dept. (X)"" '& Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) _ ITEM NO. Iv I DATE: May 13, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Midway Road and Okeechobee Road Intersection - Work Authorization No.2 to the contract (C07-07-383) with Miller Legg for a Signal Warrant Analysis in the amount of $3,900. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available from Reserves 101006-9910-599300-800. $134,255 was transferred into Reserves from the Indrio Road & US 1 project. Funds will be made available in 101006-4116-563005-76550 ($3,900) Engineering. PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve Work Authorization No.2 to the contract with Miller Legg for a traffic signal warrant analysis at the intersection of Midway Road and Okeechobee Road in the amount of $3,900, and authorize the Chairman to sign. [ ?J< APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: ou as Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 D Proj. Mgr. c.r->. iller Legg WA2 Road.ag n ures [X]Exec. Asst. ßPtr\ [xl County Attorney ,(/-4" [x]Orig. Dept. Public Works Midway and Okeechobee (]Prop. Acquisition AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ;/ d--- DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Angle Road Sidewalk Project - Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization 5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. to perform contamination site assessments. It is to develop construction procedures forthe contractor in the amount of $24,190.00, and also a time extension through June 30, 2009 is requested. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in 101002-4112-563021-4702 Reimbursables. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 10, 2005 - The Board approved award of Work Authorization NO.2 to Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $49,920.55, for the survey and preliminary design of the project. July 25,2006 - The Board approved award of Work Authorization No.5 to Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $102,795.00, for the final design of the project. April 24, 2007 - The Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $7,500.00, for the additional engineering services required for a signal warrant study at Angle Road and Avenue Q. September 4,2007 - Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $3,890.00, for the preparation of a Local Agency Program Categorical Exclusion report and checklist for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project, for a total design cost of $114,185.00. March 18, 2008 - Board approved the Third Amendment to Work Authorization NO.5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers Inc. for a time extension through December 31, 2008 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project. May 6, 2008 - Board approved staff's request to pursue breaking this project into two parts: 53rd Street to Avenue Q, and Avenue Q to Orange Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. to perform contamination site assessments to develop construction criteria in the amount of $24,190.00, and also approve a time extension through June 30, 2009, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [;}:: APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 Dougl Anderson County Administrator [xl County Attorney [xl Project Manager [ ] Road & Bridge Angle Sidewalk wa 5 amend 4.ag ~/ Coordination/Sianatures cTß [xl Mgt & Budget ¡t:.:Ço ~ ~ [xl [xl Exec. Asst 6iìt1 ~ [ ] [J MSBU Coordinator [ ] Originating Dept PUbli.C Works ~. , Purchasing Dept (Check for copy only, If applicab e) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: ð 01 DATE: May 13,2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING¿ CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department SUBJECT: : John Franklin Housing Manager Permission to Advertise - Ordinance No. 08-023 Amending Chapter 1-10.5 (Housing) of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws to Provide for the Creation of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. BACKGROUND: Please see Memorandum No. 08-147 FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 08-023 for public hearing on May 27,2008 at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. [)<] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: x ~. Originating Department: x 10 d.... Doug s MAnderson County Administrator Coordi nation/Sig nature~ Management & Budget xJ?fLe~ Purchasing: Other: ~ Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: êL CJ 1- DATE: May 13, 2008 PRESENTATION [ ] REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY Community Services PRESENTED BY: Beth Ryder, Directoræt1 SUBJECT: Approval of two (2) Grant Agreements between St. Lucie County and (1) Pregnancy Care Center of Fort Pierce; (2) Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast; for programs that adhere to the guidelines of the Choose Life License Plate Program. BACKGROUND: 1999 Legislation designated each County as the entity that would distribute the funds collected from the sale of Choose Life license plates sold in the County. St. Lucie County was allocated $24,859.36 and determined both agencies responding to the RFQ as eligible and will share in the proceeds for an amount of $12,429.68 each. FUNDS AVAIL: 001-6420-534000-69001 Choose Life License Plate Program - $24,859,36 PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board approved issuance of an RFQ to all eligible agencies in St. Lucie County at the board of County Commissioners meeting held January 22, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval and acceptance of the Agreements and authorization for the Chairman to sign all documents necessary. L >l APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug s MAnderson County Administrator County Attorney: x '~t'0~ Originating Department: x Coordination/Si gnatures M'",g,m,oI& Bcdg,1 ,I\'i~ Other: Purchasing: x ~ Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: <0- 0 3 DATE: May 13,2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT SUBJECT: John Franklin Housing Manager Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-168 to budget the funds from the My Safe Florida Home grant. PRESENTED TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department RECOMMENDATION: The My Safe Florida Home Program was created by Florida Statute 215.5586 to assist Floridians strengthen and/or harden their homes in preparation for natural disasters and to prevent property losses. The My Safe Florida Home Program is being implemented by the Florida Department of Financial Services. 001432-6420-334695-600 (My Safe Florida Home) On October 23, 2007 the Board approved applying for the My Safe Florida Home grant. On January 15, 2008 the Board approved the grant agreement between the Department of Financial Services and St. Lucie County for the My Safe Florida Home grant. Staff recommends approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-168 to budget the funds from the My Safe Florida Home grant. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAIL: PREVIOUS ACTION: [>1 APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: x~ Originating Department x ' Douglas MAnderson County Administrator coordination/S~ign ture, Management & Budget x Purchasing: , Other: Other: Approved 5-0 Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO:<tJ-. 0 <-I DATE: May 13, 2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [Xl !m§. !¡( i '1' . '. i.: '. \1.' '..'.:..' iI' \~,:::/ ,......".y TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Community Services Division John Franklin, Housing Manager SUBJECT: Approval to execute an interlocal agreement with the City of Port St. Lucie in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Recovery Program funding in the amount of $4,221,157.79. BACKGROUND: Florida Department of Community Affairs recently announced the Action Plan for the Use of Supplemental Disaster Recovery Funds. Housing for the low-to-moderate income residents is required to be 70% of the total allocation. FUNDS AVAIL: No match required PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 26, 2008 the Board authorized the execution of a contract with the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program grant in the amount of $4,221,157.79. On September 11, 2007 the Board authorized the submittal of a grant application in the amount of $4,221,157.79 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative for funds to assist with various eligible CDBG Housing Activities such as rehabilitation, and replacement and allow St. Lucie County to enter into an interlocal with the Cities of Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie to receive this funding. St. Lucie County will receive $1,488,198.67. RECOMMENDATION: Approval to execute an interlocal agreement with the City of Port St. Lucie in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Recovery Program funding in the amount of $4,221,157.79 and authorize Chair to sign any necessary documents. [>l APPROVED [] DENIED [ ) OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney; x ~ tv- 0 d7"I Originating Department: x G!Ý-- Coo rdinatio niSi l!:na tu res PH f 6J\X ~- Management & Budget x~ Purchasing: x Other: Other: Finance; x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM No:ð- C) S- DATE: May 13, 2008 Regular [ I Public Hearing [ I Consent [Xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: --;.(/ /*.'... ,/..'.. '-¡< .. .. , ;\ I 1 , I·.J ( ! i (../1 1 ..j SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Community Services Division John Franklin, Housing Manager SUBJECT: Approval to execute an inter local agreement with the City of Fort Pierce in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Recovery Program funding in the amount of $4,221,157.79. BACKGROUND: Florida Department of Community Affairs recently announced the Action Plan for the Use of Supplemental Disaster Rccovery Funds. Housing for the low-tn-moderate income residents is required to be 70% of the total allocation. FUNDS AVA TL: No match required PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 26,2008 the Board authorized the execution of a contract with the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program grant in the amount of $4,221,157.79. On September 11, 2007 the Board authorized the submittal of a grant application in the amount of $4,221,157.79 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative for funds to assist with various eligible CDBG Housing Activities such as rehabilitation, and replacement and allow St. Lucie County to enter into an interlocal with the Cities of Fort Pierce and Port S1. Lucie to receive this funding. S1. Lucie County will receive $1,488,198.67. RECOMMENDA nON: Approval to cxecute an interlocal agreement with the City of Fort Pierce in order to administer the Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Recovery Program funding in the amount of $4,221,157.79 and authorize Chair to sign any necessary documents. þ< APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dougla M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: x '1'Þ r Q S....... Originating Depanmclt: x. 06- Coordination/S Ïl:matu res MOO'"~'''""'''~)( '""""','" ~ OtllCI Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO:C) ~ 0(., DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT -- [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department ED BY: John Franklin Housing Manager SUBJECT: Request approval of Change Order NO.2 in the amount of $10,962.00 for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) rehabilitation project (C07-11-604). BACKGROUND: Change Order No.2 in the amount of $10,962.00 is for the installation of a complete septic system with a lift station. FUNDS AVAIL: 001404-6420-549605-600 (CDBG DRI) PREVIOUS ACTION: On November 14, 2007, the Board approved the award of this contract to SDZ Construction, LLC for the CDBG DRI Housing Rehabilitation program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval and authorize the Chair to sign Change Order NO.2 in the amount of $10,962.00 for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) rehabilitation project (C07- 11-604). [>1 APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER CONCURR CE: Ij COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Dou s MAnderson County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Management & Budget x.t2k Q ^ 1\< Other: ~ Purchasing x: ~ County Attorney: x 1)ð';? ~ Originating Department: x . Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. P DATE: May 13, 2007 REGULAR 0 PUBLIC HEARING 0 CONSENT [Xl SUBJECT: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council ò:mÍprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee. Commissioner Coward is requesting ratification of his appointment of Jose' Vazquez to the CEDS Committee. TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Administration BACKGROUND: NJA FUNDS AVAILABLE: NJA PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board ratify Commissioner Coward's appointment of Jose' Vazquez to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee. COMMISSION ACTION: ø<APPROVED o OTHER: o DENIED CONCURREN.ei: þ-# r 7 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: _ Finance: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C A \ DATE: May 13, 2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department PRESENTED BY: Jo n Franklin Housing Manager SUBJECT: Request approval for Assignment of AgreementS' (see attached) between SI. Lucie County, Alton Silver III Homes, E.O. Koch Construction Co., and the homeowner (Griffin, Sims, and Taylor). BACKGROUND: Due to inability to perform, Alton Silver III Homes will be unable to finish three of his current projects (Griffin, Sims, and Taylor, and has requested three of his current projects be assigned to E.O. Koch Construction Co. FUNDS AVAIL: 001404-6420-549605-600 (CDBG DRI Program Domestic Subsidy) PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 18, 2007, the Board approved awarding the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative Bid #'s 11 (Griffin), 12 (Taylor), and 15 (Sims) to the lowest bidder, Alton Silver Homes. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Assignment of Agreements and authorize the Chair to sign all necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: [><J APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER County Attorney: x 'I~ r ø J'l""\ /;4 ð- Originating Department: x ~ Doug MAnderson County Administrator Coord i nation/Sig natu res Management & Budget x~ Other: ~ .. tJ'· Purchasing x: ~_. - Approved 5-0 Other: ITEM NO. ....ß DATE: Mav13. 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: (X) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-BldCl & ZoninCl Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 118 NE Jardain Road, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 118 NE Jardain Road, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on July 6, 2005. A compliance date of July 27, 2005 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on August 3, 2005. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5000.00) plus a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board as they felt the property to be unsafe and to pose a threat to neighboring properties and to human life. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to S1. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: /Î 6?%E Doug as ~nd~' County Administrator . ~PPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Approved 5-0 C}¡ Review and ADDrovals 1\:\.1 j L c County Attorney: ;./0' 0 Management and Budget: {S.f..fl t~purchaSing: Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS( ~ EJ Other: 0 Other: C Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. --ª DATE: Mav 13. 2008 REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( X ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-Blda & Zonina Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 2206 S. 34TH Street, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 2206 S. 34th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on July 6, 2005. A compliance date of July 27, 2005 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on August 3, 2005. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5000.00) plus a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board. Code Enforcement brought another case against this property to the Board on February 7, 2007 and a fine hearing on April 4, 2007. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) plus a one hundred seventy five dollar ($175.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: ~PPROVED 0 DENIED [ OTHER: Approved 5-0 o County Attorney: Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS-} ~ . 0 Other: )J Review and ADDrovals J\ll)\ / o Management and BUdget:~~ Y'{\I ~urchasing: [ Other: o Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: ITEM NO. .....,Ç DATE: Mav13. 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( X ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-Bldq & Zoninq Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 2110 Saint Lucie Blvd, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 2110 Saint Lucie Blvd, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on April 5, 2006. A compliance date of April 27, 2006 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on May 3, 2006. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) plus a one hundred twenty five dollar ($125.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board as they felt the property to be unsafe and to pose a threat to neighboring properties and to human life. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: ~PPROVED 0 DENIED ] OTHER: Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Q / Review and ADDrovals n County Attorney: vI..r 0 Management and Budget: ~~ ~urChaSing: Originating Dept: (P~b. WkSY~ . 0 Other: [ Other: [] Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: ITEM NO. --º DATE: May 13. 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( X ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-Blda & Zonina Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 5030 Edwards Road, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 5030 Edwards Road, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on September 6, 2006. A compliance date of October 6, 2006 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on November 1, 2006. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) plus a one hundred twenty five dollar ($125.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board as they felt the property to be unsafe and to pose a threat to neighboring properties and to human life. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: ~PPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Approved 5-0 91 ./ Review and Aoorovals '" /h II 11. A o County Attorney: /-.r- D Management and Budget: ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept:(Pub. WkS} ~ . c Other: 0 Other: [! Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. -É. DATE: Mav13. 2008 REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( X ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-BldCl & ZoninCl Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 2516 Rolyat Street, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 2516 Rolyat Street, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on January 3, 2007. A compliance date of February 9, 2007 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on May 7, 2007. A fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) plus a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board as they felt the property to be unsafe and to pose a threat to neighboring properties and to human life. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: . ~APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Approved 5-0 o County Attorney: Originating Dept: (Pub. Wksì~- ~ Review and Approvals r'\, ..LAMVI. . J1 o Management and Budget: ~ Purchasing: o Other: o Other: [ Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO...£ DATE: Mav 13. 2008 REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( X ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-BldQ & ZoninQ Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 1910 N. 13th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 1910 N. 13th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. . The property was brought before the Code Enforcement Board for a Violation Hearing on August 2, 2006. A compliance date of September 8, 2006 was given by the Board. There was no compliance and the case went before the Code Enforcement Board for a fine hearing on October 4, 2006. A fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) plus a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) prosecution fee was imposed by the Board as they felt the property to be unsafe and to pose a threat to neighboring properties and to human life. FUNDS AVAilABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCutCE' h- Douglas Anderson County Administrator ~ APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Approved 5-0 n County Attorney: Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS} ~ élV Review and Approvals ~ o Management and Budget: ~~ 0 Purchasing: o Other: o Other: o Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ..Q DATE: Mav 13. 2008 REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: (X) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-BldQ & Zoninq Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to demolish a damaged structure at 3355 Johnston Road, Fort Pierce, Florida and which has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance. BACKGROUND: The building at 3355 Johnston Road, Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. The property was cited on February 7, 2008 for unsafe structure and junk, trash and debris. The property still remains damaged and unsafe and constitutes a nuisance'at this time. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 8, 2008 the BOCC gave permission to advertise a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board determine the structure is unsafe and determine if the structure is not taken down and property cleaned by June 20, 2008, the Board give the Code Enforcement Department permission to proceed to use the lowest bidder to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris, and assess the entire cost of such demolition against the real property which shall constitute a lien payable to St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: ~PPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Motion to ~ive homeowner 90 davs to tea:; structure down or submit p~rmit application by August 12, 2008, Dougl nderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Yl ~ 'Review ana Äoorovârs o County Attorney: J~ J Management and Budget: R1f vY1 ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS.}~~~D Other: 0 Other: [J Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: <-:> ITEM NO. 6 DATE: May 13, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ x] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [J TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Midway Road and Okeechobee Road Intersection - Work Authorization NO.3 to the contract (C07-07-383) with Miller Legg for the design of a Median Opening at Peacock Road in the amount of $15,845. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available from Reserves 101006-9910'599300-800. $134,255 was transferred into Reserves from the Indrio Road & US 1 project. Funds will be made available in 101006-4116-563005-76550 ($15,845) Engineering. PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve Work Authorization NO.3 to the contract with Miller Legg for the design of a Median Opening at Peacock Road in the amount of $15,845 for Midway Road and Okeechobee Road Intersection Improvement project, and authorize the Chairman to si n. [ry APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 / coordinati~n/Si~_ [x] County Attomey ~/... [XI Mgt. & Budget l~ i;[:.J Y ,,~ec. Ass\.-"\~ [x]Orig. Dep\. Public Works 0 Proj. Mgr. DProp. Acquisition Midway and Okeechobee S· nal Mi er Legg WA3 Road.ag ,-" ITEM NO. + DATE: 5/13/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel. Director SUBJECT: First amendment to contract C06-06-425 with Marine Resource Council - Environmental Education & Wildlife Surveys/Tours BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: #145-6230-534000-6906 (Aide to Private Orgs) #145-9910-599300-800 (Reserves) PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 27, 2006 the Board awarded RFP No. 06-077 and subsequent contract to Marine Resources Council RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board the first amendment to contract C06-06-425 with Marine Resource Council extending the contract through June 26, 2009, and grant permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (><1 APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER 7E: DOUG ANDERS(j¡-;J- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Approved 5-0 Coord ination/Siqnatu res Coooty AUomey (X) (j Mgt. & Bodget (X) ~ tvl/itfr& Mosquito Control (X) ~ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Purchasing (X) ;.;?It Other ( ) AGENDA REQUEST /--;-) ITEM NO. ,..L! Date: May 13, 2008 TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: ¡tLi~v:L {~.~l)\¿;L Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Work Authorization NO.8 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. for a time extension to the project schedule. BACKGROUND: On May 23, 2006 the Board approved W.A. No. 08 with Taylor Engineering to undertake the necessary tasks to complete the General Re-evaluation Report (GRR) as agreed upon by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). This action was taken by the Erosion District as result of the inaction of the Corps to complete the GRR after several unsuccessful commitments. To minimize confusion with the Corps higher authority, the GRR was further divided into a simplified GRR and a Limited Re-evaluation Report (LRR). Work on the LRR was recently approved by Corps and an amended PCA Agreement is nearing completion. On February 27,2007 the Board approved the first amendment to this contract granting a time extension for work associated with the LRR. Efforts are now re-focused on completing the GRR. Due to unanticipated delays during the review process we are recommending approval of a second time extension to Work Authorization #8 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. for work associated with the GRR. FUNDS: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 23, 2006: Board Approved Work Authorization NO.8 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. February 27, 2007: Board Approved First Amendment to Work Authorization NO.8. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board approval of the Second Amendment to Work Authorization #08 (C-04-11-622) with Taylor Engineering, Inc. and signature of said agreement by the Chairperson. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED ~ Dóuglas Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 [x]County Attorney [x]Origlnating Dept. Public works~ ' --.4. . 'l~" Coordination/S 10 natures [ ]Mgt. & Budget [x]Erosion District \'1'~ [x]Executive Assistant ßA t'\ [x]Finance Department (Grants) (COpy)