HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 4C DATE May 27, 2008 REGULAR [X] PllBLlC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITIED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-170 - Requesting the Florida Congressional Delegation to encourage the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to realize the national strategic importance of maintaining spaceflight expertise at the Kennedy Space Center and ensuring that future crew and cargo logistic missions to the International Space Station use domestic capabilities. BACKGROUND: Commissioner Charles Grande has requested that this Board adopt a resolution requesting the Florida Congressional Delegation to encourage the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to realize the national strategic importance of maintaining spaceflight expertise at the Kennedy Space Center and ensure that future crew and cargo logistic missions to the International Space Station use domestic capabilities. The attached Resolution No. 08-170 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-170 as drafted. ~,APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Do glas Anderson County Administrator , \ \,' v·~ Cou~ty At~orney: Management & 3udget Originating Dept. Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ Review and Approvals Purchasing Other: 3f=. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 4D DATE May 27, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COM1v1ISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-171 - Proclaiming the month of May, 2008, as "Foster Care Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Rossana Gonzalez, Foster Care Recruiter for Hibiscus Children's Center, Foster Care Resource Unit, has requested that this Board proclaim the month of May, 2008, as "Foster Care Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-171 has been drafted forthat purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-171 as drafted. ~<1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: Do gl Anderson County Administrator County Atto::::-ney:  Review and Approvals ~anagement & Budget Purchasing Orlgi~aticg Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicab~e)___ Eft. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 4E DATE May 27, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attomey SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-189 - Proclaiming the month of June, 2008, as "Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROlTND: Ms. Marie T. Ronnlof, President, Greater Florida Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc., has requested that this Board proclaim the month of June, 2008, as "Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month" In 51. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 08-189 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 08-189 as drafted. r] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: - COMI\USSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 County A:tornGY: q .}- ~, 'i Review and Approvals Managerne~t & Budget Pl.::::-c~as ing Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: {Check for Copy only, if applicable.\_ ~f:_ 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B1 DA TE: May 27, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. Mclntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Budget Amendment Number BA08-024 requesting the transfer of $75,000.00 from Contingency (Account No. 001-9910-599100-800) to Professional Services (Account No. 001-1410-531000-100). BACKGROUND: Please see attached Memorandum No. 08-0808. PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 11, 2008, this Board approved the transfer of $150,000.00 from Contingency to Professional Services needed to pay additional funds for litigation unanticipated at the time of Budget Preparation. Due to the increased litigation this fiscal budget year, it is necessary to request an additional $75,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the transfer of $75,000.00 from Contingency to Professional Services as requested. [ ><] [ ] APPROVED OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 ou a-S Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: J4 Review and Approvals )\anagement & Budget Rtf ~ Purchasing Originating Dept. Ot:~er : Other: Finance: ¡CheCK tor Copy only, lt applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B2 DATE: May 27, 2008 REGULAR [) PUBLIC HEARING [) CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Mark Godwin Criminal Justice Coordinator SUBJECT: Approval of "MEDTOX" Laboratories, Inc. to provide double confirmation drug screening services on positive drug tests BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds for this program are designated in the Drug Lab Account: 001-2360-534000-2053. Referring agencies or the individuals (other than County employees) who are tested with this double confirmation process will also be billed for the testing. PREVIOUS ACTION: On March 24, 2008, the Board approved the implementation of the St. Lucie County Drug Lab. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Agreement with "MEDTOX" be approved as a sole source vendor (due to a low utilization threshold, which is in compliance with County procedure.) COMMISSION ACTION: Xl APPROVED [l DENIED [ 1 OTHER: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: y~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6B3 DATE: May 27, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNiY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc., West Midway Road Right-of- Way Dedication/Road Impact Fee Credit Request BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement subject to the applicant providing the County with a Warranty Deed in recordable form along with proof (1) of unencumbered title; and, (2) that the right-of-way is not contaminated. [ ] APPROVED [] DENIED i<l OTHER: Do glas Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: B3-Pulled prior to meeting. County Attorney: Jr. Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only. if applicable) Eff. 5/96 "I L-Î ITEM NO. DATE: May 27, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITIED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) PRESENTED BY: ~~~~~~L- ,n;;;;- West Public Works Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request Board of County Commission approval oftbe Interlow Agreement between St. Lucie County, St. Lucie COUDty Health Department, and the University of Florida Iøstitute for Food and Agricultural Science (IFAS), in regards to the mutual benefit of reducing costs for laboratory analysis and to assist the County with technical interpretation of data coUeded from the North Fork of the St. Lucie River for the National PoUutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. BACKGROUND: In September of 2003, the COUDty obtained 5 year permit coverage under Phase II of the FDEP administered, National PoUutant Discharge Elimination System. The County bas successfully fuifiUed its obligations and has applied for and received a new 5 year permit to discharge Stonnwater to Waters of the State. In July of 2005, the St. Lucie County Health Department began a monitoring program of the River and Estuaries in effort to better inform the public of hazards associated with poUuted Stonnwater runoft'. Budget issues will require this project ~:~::,::.I,:!fIY' 2008. In March of~his year, ~ AS-In~ian River ~earch and ,Education Center.com.P.k~c()l!5tru~on of a . . nèW labóratory to better prOVide analytical services and technical expertise to the commumty. ___H Section 303(d) ofthe Oean Water Act requires States to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (see attached) for water bodies which are listed 'impaired'. The North Fork of the St. Lucie River is so listed. A Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) is being developed as part of the TMDL process in which the County, as a permitted discharger, is allocated a portion of the established load. Water quality monitoring is paramount for both the County and Health Department in: coUecting data on current Stormwater improvement projects (to meet TMDL), to obtain data for locations where future projects may be constructed to meet the goals of TMDL's not yet determined, and to continue to provide a high level of service for the protection of public health. This request for an interlocal agreement will be for one year and an amount not to exceed $20,000. Grant assistance will be applied for during this year for future funding of this program past July 2009. FUNDS A V AILABLE: Funds are available in Stonnwater MSTU Capital Budget NPDES Account #-102001-3725- 563006-42512 NPDES Phase II - Drainage Maintenance MSTU - Water - Quality Testing. PREVIOUS ACI'ION: 7/14198-Board approved a conceptual mitigation plan and authorized the expenditure 01$2,000,000 from the ESL Fund for the project. 8/11/98-Board directed staff to seek an alternative funding source. 9/22/98-Board approved work authorization for Hazen & Sawyer to prepare and present conceptual plans for tbe Platt's Creek Mitigation & Stormwater Improvement project to the St. Lucie River Issue Team. The Board also gave authorization to apply for St. Lucie Issues Team Grant Funds in the amount of$l,OOO,OOOforthe purchase of the 102 acre site. 12/8/98-Board approved an engineering contract with Hazen & Sawyer for conceptual design in the amount ofS7,020. 12/7/99-Board purchased the 102 acre site in the amount of $1 ,070,000. 12/14/99-Board approved an engineering contract with Hazen & Sawyer for design plans and permitting in the amount of $156,500. 01/00...Board approved authorization to apply for St. Lucie Issues Team grant funds in the amount of $760,180 for construction of stonnwater improvements. 6/25/01-Board approved authorization to apply for EPA Section 319 Grants in the amount of $380,000 for stonnwater improvements. 6/25/02-Board approved authorization to apply for additional EPA Section 319 Grants in the amount of $150,000 for stonnwater improvements. On April 13, 2004, the BOCC awarded the construction of the Platt's Creek Stonnwater Project to WPC Industrial Contractors, IDe. in the amount of $2,745,740. On May 25, 2004, the Board approved Platt's Creek Stonnwater Project- Work Authorization No.5 (C03-10-686) for Soil Testing Services with Dunkelberger Engineering.& Testing, Inc. On October 11, 200s, staff recommended the Board approve Platt's Creek Stonnwater Project - First Amendment to Work Authorization No.5 for Soil Testing with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing Ine. for the Platt's Creek Stormwater Project in the amount of $25,000 and extending the contract to January 31, 2006. On October 18, 2005, the BOCC approved Change Order No.1 in the amount of $26,340.75 for modification to the Platt's Creek Stonnwater Management Facilities project. The proposed modifications wiD improve the connection betweeu the existing drainage facilities constructed in 2000 with the newly constructed stonnwater management facilities. On December 20, 2005, the BOCC approved a reduction in the overall retainage of the Platt's Creek Stonnwater Management Facilities project with WPC Industrial Contractors, Ltd. from ten percent (100/.) to five percent (5%). On February 7, 2006, the Board approved Change Order No.2 for a time extension to the Platt's Creek Stormwater Management Facilities project and approved a reduction in the overall retainage of the project witb WPC Industrial Contractors, Ltd. from five percent (5%) to one percent (1 %) for the remainder ofthe contract. On February 28, 2006, the BOCC approved Change Order No.3 in the amount of $248,485.00 for improvements to the Platt's Creek Stonnwater Management Facilities project. On October 9, 2007, the BOCC approved Change Order No.4 in the deductive amount of(S44,520.oo) and approved final acceptance of the Project. RECOMMENDATION: : Staff recommends Board of County Commission approval of the Interlocal Agreement between St. Lucie County, St. Lucie County Health Department, and the University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricultural Science (IF AS), in regards to the mutual benefit of reducing costs for laboratory analysis and to assist the County with technical interpretation of data coUected from the North Fork of the St. Lucie River for the National PoDutant Discharge E6mination System (NPDES), in the amount not to exceed $20,000, and for the Chairm n's signature. COMMISSION ACfION: CON ?f<] APPROVED ( ] OTHER Approved 5-0 I ] DENIED ÞCJ County Attorney I<J Executive Secretary (ENG) I ] Road & Bridge ~ Douglas derson County Administrator ( ]Originating Dept. Public Works --M~. ~tt'M (lGPurchasing Dept. -jkL. ( '_M Mgt. & Budget fl....-:{c (X] Copy to Finance ( ] Other fV1~ ITEM NO. (! ;ì. DATE: May 27, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMmED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.1 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. (C07-07-416) to provide Roadway and Intersection Design services for road reconstruction improvements associated with River Branch Estates. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 101003-4113-563005-4119 Transportation Trust-Local Option. PREVIOUS ACTION: nla RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Work Authorization No.1 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., in the amount of $40, 118 for Roadway and Intersection Design services for River Branch Estates, a ignature by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 [ ] OTHER [xl County Attorney Jy ,\ [xl Originating Dept Public Works h.~~ River Branch WA1 c&t road.ag.d~ ¡ Dougl Anderson County Administrator [xl Exec. Asst. 6A-r\ [I Other ITEM NO. (-3 DATE: May ~;J, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMIlTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) PRESENTED BY: ~~~-~ (Don West Public Works Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: : Approval from the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Taylor Creek Phase 3 Dredging project; and for final payment and release of retainage in the amount of $193,297.59; to Ranger Construction, Inc. (Contact #-07-08-398). BACKGROUND: : Taylor Creek/C25 Dredging Restoration Project involves the dredging of Taylor Creek from the C-25 spillway and Ft. Pierce Farms Canal No 1 to the Indian River Lagoon Intra-coastal Waterway. The project wl1llnvolve the removal of approximately 210,000 cubic yards of muck sediments to restore Taylor Creek to original design depth or hard sand bottom. The accumulation of sediments over the past 40 years represents a threat to the health of the seagrasses in the Indian River Lagoon Estuary. Once the sediments are removed, Taylor Creek will function as a silt trap to accumulate silt before it is discharged to the Indian RIver Lagoon. In addition, the navigation channel will be restored to its full depth to benefit the public. Phase I involved the dredging of the navigational channel between the Intra Coastal Waterway and the FEe Railroad Bridge, east of US Hwy 1. A total of 94,767 cubic yards of muck sediments was dredged from the channel. A 16 acre spoil containment area was constructed on the Port property, as part of the Phase I Project. The muck sediments were dried and hauled to the St. Lucie County Landfill for disposal. Currently, Phase 1 and 3 of the project have been completed. Phase 3 construction includes stabilization of the shoreline and the banks of Taylor Creek at selected locations. Limits of Phase 3 are between the spillway structure and the shoreline stabilization. Phase 3 was substantially completed on March 31,2008. Change Order # 1 extended the time on the Phase 3 contract and increased the contract amount by $n,331.79. The Phase 3 Project has been inspected and certified as completed. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Port! Maintenance Dredging account #'s-140344-4315-546350- 4657, 140800-4315-546350-4657, and retainage account #'s-140800-4315-2051 00-4657, 14~" -4315-2051 00- 4657. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: : Staff recommends the Board accept the Taylor Creek Phase 3 Dredging project and release retainage and final payment to Ranger Construction, Inc in the amount of $193,297.59. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED r 1 OTHER Approved 5-0 [X] County Attorney LJ Project. Manager [ ] Road & Bridge [ ] DENIED Douglas Anderson County Administrator IV Y [Xl Mgt. & Budget ~riglnatlng Dept. Pu [ 1 Budget & Rev. Coor. [l Purchasing Dept. [ 1 ERD [Xl Finance (Check for co yonly, AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. t ~ DATE: May 27,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: SR 615 S. 25th Roadway Widening (Midway Road-Edwards Road) Third Amendment to Work Authorization No.1 (C03-05-645) with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., for continuation of construction engineering and inspection services (CEI) in the amount not to exceed $200,000. This extends the contract through December 31, 2008. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. Funds will be made available in 101006-4116-563012-4108 Transportation Trust/Impact Fees- Inspection. PREVIOUS ACTION: 6/28/05 - Board approved Work Authorization NO.1 with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $1,635,290, to provide construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road). 5/22/07 - Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $450,290.00, to provide additional construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), and contract extension through September 30, 2007. 11/6/07 - Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization NO.1 with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $490,240.00, for the rendering of services to provide additional construction engineering and inspection for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), contract extension through June 30, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $200,000, for continuation of construction engineering and inspection services for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road-Edwards Road), contract extension through December 31, 2008, and authorization for the C . an to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED {<] OTHER: C4 - Pulled prior to meeting. [x]County Attorney 1/ "1i [x)Originating Dept. Public Works ...ß~. S. 25th Widening CEI K-H WA1 ~c Dou as . Anderson County Administrator CoordlnationlSlanatures I\. f1./ (x]Mgt. & Budget i,(::~~C mL I\J (x)Exec. Asst.í3r-w~ (x)Proj. Mgr. C. ß [ lather Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: D OS/27/08 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ I [Xl [ ] [ ] Quasi-J D [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners "7.;//_. Presented By Growth Management Department ,~~ Gfuwt Management Director Interlocal Agreement between St. Lucie County and the S1. Lucie County Sheriff's office for the use of the County's bicycle trailers and equipment. In past years, the Growth Management Department employed a Bike-Pedestrian Coordinator, whose primary responsibility was to provide bicycle/pedestrian training to local schools. The program was initiated in 2000 and continued until the last Coordinator resigned in 2007. There was a series of three grants written over a period of three years that paid for partial salary, supplies and equipment for this position. The grants did not restrict use on the bicycles, trailers, or other equipment. On April 16, 2008, the Growth Management Department received a letter from the St. Lucie County Sheriff's office requesting the use of the trailers. The Sheriff's office will be using the trailers and equipment for periodic events geared towards child safety throughout the County. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: N!A PREVIOUS ACTION: N1A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached Interlocal Agreement as prepared by the County's Attorney Office for the use of one bike trailers and equipment by the S1. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. COMMISSION ACTION: I >< ·1 APPROVED U DENIED D OTHER Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney Ctv EnQineer: ~y; / .".J' Coordination! Signatures E.R.D.: Other: Ctv. Surveyor: Other: Form No. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM E DATE 05/27/2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY Carl Holeva, Director Human Resources SUBMITTED BY (DEPT) Human Resources SUBJECT Request for Board approval to offer severance pay to those employees who volunteer- to be laid off dur'ing the month of June, 2008, and are approved at the discretion of the County Admrnlstrator Irl accordance with Employee Handbook Policy 202, and as amended by Resolution No 08-156 BACKGROUND Resolution No. 08-156 approved on 04/22/2008, established the ability to offer severance pay pursuant to County Ordinance No. 08-0118. GENERAL NOTES See attached memo and summary of cost savings due to staff r'eductlons FUNDS AVAIL N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION Agenda #9 dated 04/22/2008, authorizing the payment of severance pay in IleL of notice when a reduction in staff is approved by the Board. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Board approval to pay severance pay to those employee::. who volunteer to be ¡aid off during the month of June. 2008. Approved 5-0 CO:¡&CE Douglas MAnderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Review and Approvals m~ c'llrchaslIlg County Attollley '~ i"" "J:r-h Management & Budget Other CYhel Origltl8tlng Dep1 ___ .<;~ Fil13rce. 'Check for COOy only If appllcaOle)~ ITEM NO. r- DATE: May 27, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSENT(X) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: ERD/Oxbow Eco-Center Sandra Bocan. Education & Outreach Manaqer BACKGROUND: Correct sCrivener's error from May 13. 2008 Consent Agenda Item 'M' from cancellation of contract #CD6-08-758 to cancellation of Work Authorization #2 / PO #P2711613 with Kimley Horn & ASSOCiates, Inc. for the design and oermlttíng of a parking lot at the Oxbow Eco-Center. On the May 13, 2008 consent agenda item 'M', staff requested and acquired BOCC approval to cancel Contract # C-06-08-758 with Kimley Horn & Associations, Inc. This was a scrivener's error, and should have been a request to çancel Work Authorization #2/ PO #P2711613. The contract is a continuing contract and snould remain In place. As a result. staff is requesting to retract approval of the cancellation of the Kimley Horn & Associates contract, and authorize cancellation of Wo rk Authorization # 2 ! PO # P2711613. reallocating the remaining oalance of approximately $25,000 to the general fund. FUNDS AVAILABLE: ApprOXimately 525,000 remains on the contract from accounts 316-7912-563005-7134 (CIP 122 -Improvements other than buildings/consulting engineer) and 310002-7912-563005-7134 (Parks B Impact Fees - Improvements other than puildings/consulting engineer). PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 13, 2008 Board approved consent agenda item 'M' for the cancellation of contract # C- 06-08-758 and PO # P2711613 with Kimley Horn & Associates On January 23. 2007 the Board approved Work Authorization # 2 / Contract #06-08-758 with Kimley Horn & Associates for $69,525 for the deSign and permitting of a parking lot expansion at the Oxbow ::co-Center. On Feoruary 19. 2008. the Board approved an amendment to Work Authorization #2 to extend the time to December 30. 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the BOCC to retract approval of the cancellation of the Kimley Horn & ASSOCiates contract for design and permitting of a parking lot expansion at the Oxbow Eco- Center. and authorize cancellation of Work AuthOrization # 2 / PO # P27 1 COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED (~DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Coord i nation/SiQnatu res Mgt. & Budget ( ) A'40 ~x Other ( ) DO G ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 4;s)--CountYAttorney (Xl ~~ Originating Dept. (X) -j//; /7)(,( ,L , / ' Finance ¡check for copy,';~Jnly if applicaple)_ Purchasing ( Other ( ) To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: I ;:,.; I APPROVED D OTHER Agenda Request Board of County Commissioners Economic Development Manager Item Number Date: G 5/27/2008 Consent Regular Public Presentation Leg. [ [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Presented By Approval of the Letter of Intent and the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement between SI. Lucie County and Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. The Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. is expanding it's current location at 2901 Industrial Avenue 3 by 14,400 sq fl. This addition will result in a new investment of $700,000 and the creation of 30 jobs. This new investment becomes the basis for an estimated Ad Valorem Tax Abatement of $15,814 over a five year period. Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. will create 30 new jobs at a wage rate of over $16.00 per hour. The County agrees to hold a public hearing to consider adopting an ordinance that will provide an Ad Valorem Tax Abatement for the investments. The total estimated Abatement dollars is $15,814. The Ad Valorem Tax Abatement will be reflected as a reduction in the company's property tax bill. N/A Staff recommends that the Board approve the Letter of Intent and agree to hold a public hearing to consider the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement at the appropriate time. D DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: Coordination/ Signatures ;8.. Mgl. & Budget: Oth er: , Douglas M. Anders County Administrator Purchasing: Other: (insert fiie ref) ITEM NO. H DATE: Mav 27,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: (X) SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): UTILITIES DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: /j " ') V . i) ,1,' . . .' 1'7 ' ' . '( (¡LA/),\.) " 'I .I -, J i jÓ '. .' f (,.1..,..- ___.t..". ,'-,or __, lautie Case Utility Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: S1. Lucie County Water and Sewer District Annual Comprehensive Report for Fiscal Year 2006/2007. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Board of County Commissioners' adoption of Ordinances 04-023 creating the 81. Lucie Water and Sewer District and approved Resolution 07-153 adopting the FY 2005/2006 Report. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the board approve the adoption of Resolution No. 08-140 ratìfying and accepting Fiscal Year 2006/2007 St. Lucie County Water and Sewer District Annual Comprehensive Report. COMMISSION ACTION: CJ APPROVED [] DENIED H - Pulled prior to the meeting. Douglas Anderson County Administrator ~~ OTHER: iunty Attorney: I ¿riginating Dept: ,i Review, Coordination and Approvals º Management and Budget: o Purchasing: }t., ;, Q!. º Parks & Rec: º Other: º Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable): Anyone with a disability requiring accommoda tions to attend this meeting shouid contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772·462-1777 or ITO 772-462-1428, at/east 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: 'íA- DATE: May 27,2008 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [ 1 [Xl [ 1 ~f\ IJ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department SUBJECT: .- PRESENTED BY: John Franklin Housing Manager Ordinance No. 08-023 Amending Chapter 1-10.5 (Housing) of the S1. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws to Provide for the Creation of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. BACKGROUND: Please see Memorandum No. 08-160. FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 13, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved permission to Advertise - Ordinance No. 08-023. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of proposed Ordinance No. 08-023. COMMISSION ACTION: E: [;<] APPROVED [ 1 DENIED [ 1 OTHER Approved 5-0 Douglas MAnderson County Administrator County Attorney: x ~ r I)"""'" /- Originating Department: x ~~ Coord ination/Sig natu res Managel.~' e udggeett_ Other:~ Purchasing: Other: Finance: x Check for copy oniy, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 76 DATE: May 27, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ x] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: 2110 St. Lucie Blvd. - Unserviceable Vehicle and Abandoned Property BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize a 30 day notice be sent to the property owners ordering them to remove unsightly and unsanitary conditions or St. Lucie County will have it cleared and place a lien on the property. COMMISSION ACTION: E: E'~] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator j i ··V [X] County Attorney: i ."'-.,) Review and Approvals [ JManagement & Budget: [ JPurchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. DATE: May 27, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Lot Next to 3609 Avenue S, Fort Pierce; Tax I.D. No. 2405-601-0109- 000-8; Unsightly and Unsanitary Conditions BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize a 30 day notice be sent to the property owners ordering them to remove the unsightly and unsanitary conditions or St. Lucie County will have it removed. COMMISSION ACTION: Douglas Anderson County Administrator P"'] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only. if applicable) Eff.5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 'ð DATE: May 27,2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT 0 TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Board of County Commissioners Administration SUBJECT: St. Lucie County Contractors Certification BACKGROUND: Due to the resignation of Fred Vaughn the St. Lucie County Contractors Certification has an at large vacancy. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board vote and appoint one at large member from the applications submitted to the St. Lucie County Contractors Certification Board to fill the vacancy. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: CON:R£ Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 4-1 Roger Hudspeth appointed. Review and Approvals County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 ITEM NO.9 DATE: 5/27/2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: rè~l~\l(,L- Public Works Director SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (4117) SUBJECT: Conceptual approval of Dredging Spoil Site to be located at the Ridgehaven property on the SLC Airport. BACKGROUND: In 1998 the County began the planning and design of a Port Project to dredge the muck sediments from Taylor Creek, at the North boundary of the Port of Fort Pierce. The initial spoil site was located at the Port of Fort Pierce on Mr. Lloyd Bell's property. Phase I of the Project was completed in December, 2006 and it involved the dredging of muck between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Railroad Bridge. Approximately 95,000 cubic yards of muck was removed in Phase I. Phase 3 of the Project involved the stabilization of the banks of Taylor Creek, to help control the source of sediment. The banks of the Creek were lined with a stone revetment. Phase 3 of the Project was completed in February of 2008. In June 2007, the spoil disposal site on Mr. Lloyd Bell's property was disassembled. Currently, the County is working to implement Phase 2 of the Taylor Creek Project. This involves dredging of an additional 100,000 cubic yards of muck sediments, upstream of the Railroad Bridge. The County initiated a spoil site selection process in August 2007. To date, a total of 7 properties have been evaluated as potential spoil sites. Based upon a preliminary evaluation report prepared by Dredging and Marine Consultants and Engineering, LLC. (see attached copy) Staff is recommending the Ridgehaven property at the SLC Airport. Several factors need to be considered by the Board in evaluating a decision to use the Ridgehaven property as a potential spoil site: (1) The primary environmental issue is gopher tortoise relocation. Approximately 28 gopher tortoise burrows have been identified in the field and plotted on a site map. Relocation permits and a management plan will be necessary. (2) The FAA and the FDOT must approve the use of the land as a dredge spoil site. Release of the land from the Airport Master Plan will need to be approved by the FAA and the FDOT, as well as the BOCC. (3) A monetary exchange for use of the property will need to be negotiated between the Port, Airport, and the FAA/FDOT. Portions of the Ridgehaven property were previously purchased using FAA/FDOT grants funds. A lease agreement for use of the property will need to be approved by the BOCC. (4) The BOCC will need to approve conceptual use of the Ridgehaven Site by May 27th, 2008, to be eligible to receive FSTED grant funds in the amount of $1,950,000, for spoil site construction. (5) A wildlife management plan will need to be prepared for the spoil site, to control bird activity in the Airport flight path. This plan will need to be approved by the FDOTIF AA to allow use of the spoil site on Airport property. (6) DMC Engineering has prepared a conceptual site plan and location drawing (copy attached) to establish a boundary for purposes of preparation of a property appraisal and boundary survey. (7) The attached rep'ort prepared by DMC, Engineering describes the evaluation of 7 properties that are located in and around Taylor Creek, including the Ridgehaven Site. The final version of the report will be issued after May 23rd. FUNDS A V AILABLE: Funds are available in Taylor Creek New Spoil Site Grant account #-140353-4315-546350-4657 for Maintenance and Dredging. PREVIOUS ACTION: 3/9/99: Approval of Work Authorization #11 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of 11,000 for preparation of FIND Grant. 5/4199: Approval of Work Authorization #12 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $25,220 for spoil site selection process. 2/15/00: Approval of Work Authorization #13 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $86,900 for sediment testing and analysis. 3n/00: Approval of Work Authorization #14 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $32,200 for a hydrogeologic study of the groundwater at the Seminole property. 5/1101: Approval of Work Authorization #1 with BCI in the amount of $137,000 for design and permitting of Taylor Creek Project. 2/5102: Approval of Work Authorization #2 with BCI in the amount of $33,050 for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. 3/5/02: Approval of Work Authorization #3 with Bel Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $17,500 for cost analysis and grant application preparation and submittal to FIND and SJRWMD. 8/22/03: PO #2313380 for Arc Surveying for Hydrographic Survey in the amount of $18,500. 8/22/03: PO #2313388 for Elab for Analytical Services in the amount of $18,894.00. 8/22/03: PO # 2313379 for Scientific Environmental Services for Soil Sampling in the amount of $10,050.00. 9/30/03: PO #2313589 for Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc. for Grant Coordination and Permit Finalization in the amount of $19,990.00. 2/04/04: Approval of contract with DMC Engineering in the amount of $24,970.00 for preparation of bid documents & specifications. 2/17/04: Approval of Work Authorization #4 with BCI in the amount of $7,494.00 for design of spoil site. 3/16/04: A ward of Construction Contract for Phase I Dredging of Taylor Creek in the amount of $2,485,820.00. 6n/05: Approval of time extension extending project to September 30,2006. 1/9/06: Board accepted the Taylor Creek Phase 1 Dredging project and released retainage and final payment to Lake Michigan Contractors, Inc in the amount of $648,315.65. 9/19/06: Approval of time extension, extending FSTED grant contract to September 30, 2008. 5/2/06: Board approved the Taylor CreeklC25 Dredging Restoration Project Phase 3 to Dredging and Marine Consultants, Inc in the amount of $107,500.00. 03/27/07: A ward of Construction contract to Sheltra Construction, Inc., in the amount of $185,406.00 for removal of Spoil Site. 04/17/07: Spoil site removal at the Port of Fort Pierce. Approval of contract with Dredging and Marine Consultants, LLC., for Engineering Design and Construction management services. W A #4. 04/24/07 Approval of Amendment of W A # 3 with DMC, Inc in the amount of $7,725.00 for permitting of Spoil Site removal. 06/26/07: Approval of Change Order No.1 with Sheltra Construction Inc., in the amount of $121,392.00 for removal of Spoil Site. 08/14/07: Approval of W A # 5 with Dredging and Marine Consultants, LLC., for Spoil Site Assessment Study. 08/14/07: Approval of Taylor Creek Restoration Project Shoreline Stabilization, Phase 3 to Ranger Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,108,736.00. RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends BOCC Conceptual approval of Dredging Spoil Site to be located at the Ridgehaven property on the SLC Airport, and authorization for the County Administrator to pursue additional grant funds for the Taylor Creek Project from the Florida Ports Council (FSTED). COMMISSION ACTION: þ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 C;:¡tCE'_ Douglas Anderson County Administrator )ðCounty Attorney 'li';J t' )cst"l [] Executive Secretary (ENG) [ ] Road & Bridge []Originating Dept. Public Works .-h..t""· ~ M~_ v,JPurchasing Dept. ~í M Mgt. & Budget [X] Copy to FinaiIce [ ] Other AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 ITEM NO. /0 DATE: May.,.l.~ 2008 REGULAR [x J PUBLIC HEARING [ J CONSENT [ J ~ Xeriscape landscaping opportunity within the limits of the Florida Deparbnent of Transportation's ongoing rehabilitation project on South A 1A. FOOT will require the County to assume the maintenance obligation. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAJL n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n1a RECOMMCNDAnON: Staff is requesting Board's direction on how to proceed. £QINISSI~ ACTION: 1<J APPROVED [ J OTHER: [x)County AIlomey, ~ -tv' l)ð'~ [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 Staff directed to meet with FDOT on landscaping plans that will have no residual cost. -- ~ [x Originating Dept. Public Wortcs~ . [ ]Finance SR A1A.lI l·JVV.Iõ;,IID [x]Ell8c. Aut.~ [x)Raaclf Bridge~ t~.1 ~~ Agenda Request ~ Item Number þ.L- Meeting Date: 05-27-2008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ l [ ] [Xl [ l Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: ~ P sented By G h Management Director Petition of Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. for a Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan approval of a 14,400 square foot addition to an existing 20,700 sq. ft. manufacturing facility, to be known as Bluewater Sportfishing Boats Inc. Major Site Plan, Draft Resolution No. 08-094. (File No.: MJSP-1120071360) Board of County Commissioners Growth Management'Department SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: · On February 5, 1999 The Community Development Director issued CD-99- 001 granting Minor Site Plan approval to Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. to construct a 31,650 sq. ft. sport fishing boat manufacturing facility in two phases. Phase one consisted of two warehouses totaling 20,700 sq. ft. and was thereafter completed. · On July 18, 2000 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 00-26 granting an exemption from certain Ad Valorem taxes to Bluewater Sportfishing Boats, Inc. · The original Minor Site Plan approval included a phase two totaling 10,950 sq. ft., which has not been built. Due to expansion of the business, the applicant is requesting an increase in building size of 14,400 sq. ft.. Therefore this petition is presented as a Major Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan. The requested expanSion triggers the Major Site Plan threshold. RECOMMENDATION: A Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan does not require a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 11.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 08-094, subject to a limiting condition, granting a Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan for the project to be known as Bluewater Sportfishing Boats Phase II Major Site Plan. County Attorney Originating Dept: Finance: q, ~,<l' .l.l/ -It Coortlinaöonl Signatures , MØ·&B~g~: ~ Environ. Res. Division: Road & Bridge Division: CONCURRENCE: £' / /' ./' -- Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator .' COMMISSION ACTION: I A I APPROVED 0 DENIED D OTHER Approved 5-0 /I.' Purch=~~ í:~ ~ ~t.'& C''-''7Y£·Ac:..e:yù(, - R Ä Agenda Request Item Number ~ Meeting Date: May 27,2008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ) [ l [Xl [ l Quasi-JD To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department SUBJECT: Growth M ag ment Director SOCC action agreeing to a request from the City of Fort Pierce asking the FDOT, via the S1. Lucie TPO, to transfer funds from the US 1 widening project to the ongoing SR A1A project. At the May 7, 2008 S1. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) meeting, representatives of the City of Fort Pierce requested the TPO formally agree to request the Florida Department of Transportation move design and right-of-way purchase funds from the US 1 6-laning project (Midway Road and Virginia Avenue) to the State Road A 1 A project currently underway within the City. Members of the TPO generally agreed in concept, but also agreed to allow the City of Fort Pierce and the SOCC have further discussion at the May 13, 2008 joint meeting. At the joint meeting, the two Commissions generally reached consensus on the proposal and the SOCC agreed to take formal action on the request at an upcoming Board meeting and forward that action back to the TPO. BOCC action will be forwarded to the TPO at the joint S1. Lucie TPO and Martin MPO meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 28,2008. At that meeting, the TPO will formally request the FDOT to reallocate the funds to help Fort Pierce complete the State Road A1A project. N!A BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: None Staff recommends the BOCC agree to move the subject funds per the request of the City. However, staff would also advise the Board to reserve the right to formally request that future FDOT funds be identified to replace those being reallocated should that project remain a priority for St. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: I )<. I APPROVED U DENIED D OTHER County Attorney Ctv. EnQineer: ¡JJ- ~;¿ENCE - Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Coordination! Signatures E.R.D.: Other: Cty. Surveyor: Other: Form No. 07-07 ~,:,.,~~ ,~,~ "lli! """"",', I-'-'~-----'-'---------'--! AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. B· Date: May 27, 2008 '~, REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT PRESENTED BY: ~e~f-~ Public Works Director SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION 3710 SUBJECT: Request permission to advertise for proposals from qualified marine contractors to provide General Marine and Artificial Reef Contracting Services related to artificial reef deployment pursuant to the St Lucie County Purchasing Manual and the Florida State Statutes. BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Erosion District through the Artificial Reef Program has enjoyed renewed success in deploying artificial reefs over the last 33 months. In that time 17 new artificial reefs have been deployed, providing 3.75 acres (163,275 square feet) of hardbottom habitat for 84 species of fish and numerous other marine organisms. The contract with the current marine contractor is set to expire June 14. Staff is requesting permission to initiate the RFP process. FUNDS: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Erosion District Board approval to advertise for bids from qualified marine contractors to provide artificial reef deployment services. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: é{¿ Douglas Anderson --.., County Administrator þ<] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Ie. [xlCounty Attorney \( Coordination/Siq natures OMgt. & Budget ~ /':' ./.: /J / -1::. / [.]F"œ' Coo"",." ~ [xlPurchasing Department [xl Erosion District Manager ~ ~/ [xl Marine Resource Coordinator H:\Contracts\Request to Adver~ise for Proposals 52708.doc