HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08-2008 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEsT ITEM NO. VI.B.1 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONsENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-207 - Amending the In-House Revolving Loan Program Policy BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 08- 207 and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08- 207. COMMISSION ACTION: [Xl APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Douglas Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: () '; j V '/""-¡ Review and AP;~ ^ d\ Management & Budget s· ~rchQSlng: Public Works Dir: (-¥'J4.. MSBU Coord,: Originating Dept. !/2() Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff, 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 662 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: COMMISSION ACTION: [X] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [Xl County Attorney: ,-'"' ~21/ [ ] Road 8: Bridge.: [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable I Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney Ordinance No. 08-024 - Allowing Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators to live not closer than 2500 feet from specified locations in unincorporated St. Lucie County - Permission to Advertise See CA No. 08-0373 Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 08-024 for a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on August 19, 2008. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals [ ]Management 8: Budget: [ ]purchasing: [ ) Parks 8: Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr . Effect ive S /96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 6B3 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney loAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of-Way Y orkridge Properties, Inc. 10 feet on Glades Cut-Off Road Resolution No. 08-212 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: The Site Plan for Centaur Manufacturing, was conditioned upon the dedication of an additional 10 feet of right-of-way on Glades Cut-Off Road to St. Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Statì recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-212 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. [)( APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals [ ] Mosquito Control: [x] Public Works~. [x] Engineering: å'lv? [xl County Attorney:' ~ fn?J'" [x] Originating Dept: JI~r- [ ] Road and Bridge: AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 6B4 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement James & Becky Herrick 247 N.E. Mainsail Street River Park - Unit 9 - Part 'C' BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and direct Mr. & Mrs. Herrick to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. [~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 . COMMISSION ACTION: Dou as M. Anderson County Administrator n Â-/ [x] County Attorney: i./ .... [x] Originating Dept: 'rr.\Ç... Review and Approvals [x] Road and Bridge: [x] Engineering:i Nf) [x] Public works:~' [] Purchasing: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ÚJß!j-- DATE: Ju ly 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Mark Godwin Criminal Justice Coordinator SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution No.08-239 to the budget from the State (Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant). BACKGROUND: Please see attached Memorandum CA No. 08-1059. FUNDS AVAIL: Funds will be made available in 107206-2360-599330-200. State awarded $688,572 to the County over three years with $229,524 of that total grant amount being awarded beginning State fiscal year 2007-2008. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-239 to budget the funds from the State (Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant). COMMISSION ACTION: DCJ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dougla M. Anderson County Administrator [X] County Attorney: Ii c;tL V 1. Review and Aoprovals [x ]Management 8: Budget: [ ]Purchasing: [ ] Road 8: Bridge,: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ I Solid Waste Mgr Effective 5/96 [ ]Finance:{check for CODY only, if applicable) v ITEM NO: C \ DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director Parks & Recreation SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation/Fenn Center SUBJECT: Approval of Equipment Request No. 08-326 and Budget Amendment No. 08-029 to Purchase a Portable Stage for the Havert L. Fenn Center BACKGROUND: In the Fenn Center's FY 07-08 budget, $30,000 was budgeted in 001-7510-551200-700, Equipment < $1,000 to purchase a portable stage. The Finance Department has identified the stage as a capital equipment expense because the total cost for all components of the stage exceeds $2,500. As such, funds must be transferred into the Fenn Center's Capital Machinery & Equipment account 001-7510-564000-700 and the Board must also approve an equipment request. Approval of Budget Amendment No. 08-029 will transfer the funds into the appropriate account and approval of Equipment Request No. 08-029 will properly categorize the equipment as capital equipment. A formal bid was advertised in April and the Board awarded the bid to LRl, LLC on July 1,2008. The stage is made of aluminum 4' x 8' components and it can be configured into various sizes and shapes for use in the gymnasium and the multipurpose rooms. The stage will be available for county programs and can be rented for events at the Fenn Center. PREVIOUS ACTION: Please see background. FUNDS A V AILABLE: 001-7510-564000-700 (Fenn Center, Machinery and Eql1ipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Equipment Request 08-326 and Budget Amendment 08-029 for the purchase of a portable stage for the Havert L. Fenn Center in the amount of $28,780. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCUj' ^ Dóuglas OM. Anderson County Administrator [Xi APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 ,>sICounty Atto";ey, ~ Originating Dept: Review and APProv~ Mgt & BUdget:~D rn Purchasing: A·;r Other: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2 DATE: July 8,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director Parks & Recreation SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation/Fenn Center SUBJECT: Approval of Equipment Request # 08-327 to Purchase a Scorer's Table for The Havert L. Fenn Center Gymnasium BACKGROUND: Staff is requesting approval of Equipment Request # 08-327 in the amount of $2,495 to purchase a scorer's table for the gymnasium at the Havert L. Fenn Center. The table will be utilized at basketball games in conjunction with the permanent scoreboards. It provides an area for the officials who are scoring and running the time clock for games. Because the table was not approved as a capital purchase in the Fenn Center's FY 07-08 budget, Board approval is needed at this time. Funds are available as a result of savings from other purchases in account 001-7510-564000-700, Fenn Center Machinery & Equipment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-7510-564000-700 (Fenn Center, Machinery and Equipment) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board of County Commissioners approval of Equipment Request# 08-327, for the purchase of a scorer's table for the Havert L. Fenn Center Gymnasium in the amount of $2,495. Dt APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: Dougl s M. Anderson County Administrator fhl..t:ounty Attorney: Originating Dept. Review and Approvals Management & BUdget~purchaSing: -~ Other: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: DI DATE: July 8, 2008 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Stefanie MyerS,,~ Assistant Directór SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approve purchase of an LCD projector and laptop computer for the Community Services Department, using grant funds. BACKGROUND: For the past two years, Community Services had maintained a contract with S1. Lucie I NT ACT to provide program and case management services. These services often require presentations to organizations to inform them about INTACT programs as well as the provision of education on recovery, mitigation, and preparedness to residents and volunteers. FUNDS AVAIL: 001424-6420-564000-600 (Department of Financial Services-Machinery & Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 11, 2007 the Board approved an amendment to the contract with ST. Lucie INTACT for $135,000 to continue providing recovery and mitigation services to County residents. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Equipment Request #EQ08-333 and Budget Amendment BA# 08-032 for an LCD projector and Computer. ~ COMMISSION ACTION: CONCUR~ p(j APPROVED [] DENIED ?"'- /' ~ [ ] OTHER: Douglas M. Anderson Approved 5-0 County Administrator County Attorney; x 'í~71~'" Originating Department: ~ purChaSing;~ Other Other: .. Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable ---..."...-- AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: DI DATE: July 8, 2008 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Stefanie Myers, .}r Assistant Directór SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approve purchase of an LCD projector and laptop computer for the Community Services Department, using grant funds. BACKGROUND: For the past two years, Community Services had maintained a contract with St. Lucie I NT ACT to provide program and case management services. These services often require presentations to organizations to inform them about INTACT programs as well as the provision of education on recovery, mitigation, and preparedness to residents and volunteers. FUNDS AVAIL: 001424-6420-564000-600 (Department of Financial Services-Machinery & Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 11, 2007 the Board approved an amendment to the contract with ST. Lucie INTACT for $135,000 to continue providing recovery and mitigation services to County residents. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Equipment Request #EQ08-333 and Budget Amendment BA# 08-032 for an LCD projector and Computer. -= COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURL P'J APPROVED [] DENIED ~/- [ ] OTHER: Douglas M. Anderson Approved 5-0 County Administrator County Attorney: x 0~ ~5l'I Originating Department: ûð., Management & Budget purChaSlng:~ Other Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: D"¡ DATE: July 8, 2008 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] Stefanie Myers,A-- Assistant Director TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Acceptance of Modification #1 and approval of Budget Resolution #08-220 to encumber and expend additional allocated funds in the amount of $2,960.00 as per contract C07 -08-517 (Community Services Block Grant) with the Florida Department of Community Affairs. BACKGROUND: See attached Memo 08-192. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001195-6420-331691-600 (Department of Health & Human Services PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board of County Commissioners approved submission of the application on AUgUst 28~ 2007 and apþròvèdsu15mission of the Modification April 22, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of Modification #1 and approval of Budget Resolution # 08-220 and authorization for the Chair or designated representative to sign all necessary documents. (Xj APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: Coordination/Sionatures Management & BUdget~ Other _ \j Purchasing: County Attorney: x 'l'l\) ~~ Originating Department: . Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO:lì3 DATE: July E( 2008 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [Xl Stefanie Myer~ iw Assistant Dire~; TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approve the submission of the FY200812009 application to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Community Services Block Grant Allocation and Resolution No. 08-217. BACKGROUND: See attached Memo 08-193. FUNDS AVAIL: S1. Lucie County's required 18% in kind match will be provided with a portion of the salary of the Community Services Assistant Director (001-6420- 512000- GOO) and the 2% cash will be a portion of the Utilities (001-1925- 543000-100) for the Community Services office. PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of submission of the proposed application and agreement with the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the FY2008/ 2009 Community Services Block Grant and Resolution No. 08-217. pq APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 C:CU7CE: Óouglas M. AnderSõrt-- County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: x 'ì~d Originating Department: Management & Budget Purchasing: other Other: Finance: x Check for copy only, if applicable TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PR.ESENTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [Xl [ ] APPROVED OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED AGENDA ITEM REQUEST E/ ITEM NO. DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR: [] PUBLIC HEARING: [] CONSENT: [X] Board of County commissio~~~Z£ Grants/Disaster Recovery~~ Bill Hoeffner, Grants/Dis ster Recovery Director Authorize a letter to Congressman Mahoney to request his support of a study to examine the feasibility of capturing and reclaiming water from the C-25 Canal. The estimated cost of the study is $300,000. C-25 Canal waters discharged to the Indian River Lagoon negatively impact the fragile ecology of the Lagoon and near- offshore reefs. The discharged waters are also lost to tide and thus constitute a waste of a precious resource needed by residents of our community. See attached memorandum and letter. N/A. N/A. Staff recommends the Board authorize the letter to Congressman Mahoney. Doug as M. Anderson County Administrator ~/ 4&;t> County Attorney: originating Dept: Utili ties: Coordination/Si~natures Mgt ¡¡, Budget: Public Works: Environmental Resources, Purchasing: Mosc;¡uito Control: rp 9 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. E2 DATE: July 8,2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] IQ.: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice, Grant Resource Developer SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management for funds not to exceed $20,000, from the State Emergency Response Team- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Subgrant. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: See Attached Memorandum. A match is not required for the grant. On 2/3/2005 (FY2006), the BOCC approved the submittal and acceptance of a grant in the amount of $29,000 to initiate the CERT Program. On 2/14/2006 (FY 2007), the BOCC approved the submittal and acceptance of a second grant in the amount of$12,000 to continue the CERT Program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal ofthe State Emergency Response Team - CERT Program Sub grant Application for the continuation of the CERT Program. Review and A County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: _ CO~UR7E r "--' Douglas M. Anderson County Administr tor M.n'~~dget Þ Other. ." (Chec r,Copy only, i applicable) - COMMISSION ACTION: lJ.,APPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 ITEM NO. F DATE:J'Jl y 8, 2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Watersong South Subdivision - Release of surety BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 6,2005 the Board granted final PUD approval of Watersong South PUD (Resolution 05-468). On March 21,2006 the Board approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Ginn-La St Lucie L TD, LLP for Watersong South PUD. On April 18, 2006 the Board approved the final plat of Watersong South PUD. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the release of surety for Watersong South PUD Subdivision, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: D<I APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~1'- ~ Doùg1'ás Anderson _____ County Administrator [xl County Attorney 'ì\11 ~ t),:-..... [xJOrig, Depl Public works~ WATERSONG South releas(sure~ag CoordinationlSianatures [ ] Mgt. & Budget [ JOther ¡x] Co. Eng. Nt V Þ [x]Env. Resources-bdt, I IC#iI . Page 1 of 2 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # G DATE: 7/8/08 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources I Risk Management SUBJECT: Addition of Medical Examiner's Office to BOCC Group Health Plan and to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance Coverage. BACKGROUND: The Medical Examiner's Office has resided at Indian River Community College for approximately eighteen years under an Interlocal Agreement. Under the Interlocal Agreement, employee's of the ME's Office were covered by the college employee benefit package for group health, worker's compensation, general liability, and routine office functions such as payroll, and human resource services. FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: While conducting an audit in May of this year the IRCC Risk Management Consortium determined that no employee I employer relationship existed between the college and the ME as the ME's Office is funded by St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River, and Okeechobee Counties. The audit resulted in the determination that the college could no longer provide employer services to the ME's Office. As the Medical Examiner's Office resides in St. Lucie County, the Board of County Commissioners has been approached to provide group health and worker's compensation coverage for the ME's employees. NIA, St. Lucie County BOCC will invoice ME for services provided. NIA GENERAL NOTES: Staff recommends approval of the addition of the Medical Examiner's Office to the BOCC Group Health Plan and to provide Worker's Compensation Coverage. County Attorney: ¡A: co;rE / ............... Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ~] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals Management & BUdget:.JJ¡r:J Other: Purchasing: ~ , Originating Depl. Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicablel_ ITEM NO. H1 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 08-192 - A resolution amending the St. Lucie County Manual of Purchasing Regulations by amending; Section 8.2, Contract Requirements, for Professional Services contract requirements adding liquidated/delay damages based upon approval of the County Attorney and a determination of the Purchasing Director; Amending section 7.10, Requests for Qualifications, adding a selection committee composition requirement and clarifying the County selection committee policy; Amending section 5.7, Purchase Of Goods, Equipment, And Contractual Services From Other Governmental Bids, (Piggybacking), clarifying what constitutes a valid piggyback, and listing those types of contracts that would not constitute a valid piggyback. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to adopt proposed Resolution No. 08-192 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: ~~ APPROVER () DENIED OTHER 'lúlkd priC( to ml'.t~;~ County Attorney (X) ),1;) f^o'h Department () Douglas M. Anders County Administrator Coord i nation/SiQ n atu res Administrati(f~+~. --:> Jj) Other Purchasing (X) ,J~ Finance (J for copy only if applicable) Page 1 of9 ITEM NO. H2 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal for the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser BACKGROUND: Please see the attached Property Disposition forms from the Property Appraiser with regard to removal of inventory items. These items were a part of this years Auction. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Doug Anderson County Administrator Coordination/SiQnatures County Attorney: ( X) q, ,v~ Mgt. & Budget( ) Purchasing Dir.:~ Originating Dept Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Other: Other: ITEM NO. H3 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #08-039, Rental of Construction and Industrial Equipment according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidders in order of primary, and then first, second and third alternate bidders. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funding will come from individual departments based upon needs. PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITS) #08-039 Rental of Construction and Industrial Equipment according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidders in order of primary, and then first, second and third alternate bidders, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 ~ ( ) APPROVED () DENIED OTHER County Attorney (X) ,L",z}/ Coord ination/SiQnatu res Mgmt & Budget () Purchasing (X) ~ Department () Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. H4 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ) CONSENT X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, PurchasìnQ Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for airfield electrical vault improvements at the S1. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum, FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140352-4220-562005-4806 (Infrastructure-Consulting Engineer). PREVIOUS ACTION: Budget Resolution Number 08-173 for this project was approved by the Board on May 20, 2008, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for airfield electrical vault improvements at the St. Lucie County International Airport. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) (l ;L/:<~~ ..../, --~ Airport (X) ", !~~.>'-~ CJCE~ Douglas M. Anderson '""'- County Administrator coordination/Sic,"atu~~s )~ Mgmt & Budget (X) !z.'f·u f Purchasing (X) ..:;;J/L _ Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. H5 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the purchase of concrete and metal culvert pipe and metal bands Igaskets that will be needed for the Paradise Park Drainage Improvement Project-Phase 2. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102809-3725-563000-42511 Storm water improvements Paradise Park Phase 2 (grant). PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITS) for the purchase of concrete and metal culvert pipe and metal bands Igaskets that will be needed for the Paradise Park Drainage Improvement Project-Phase 2. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) J1.-' (X)~ Road & Bridge CON~ ¿ Douglas M. Anderson ...... County Administrator Coord ination/S ia n atu res Mgmt & Budget () Purchasing (X) ~ Other Finance (I for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. H6 DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the purchase of sod, installed and uninstalled. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102001-3725-553200 Road Materials PREVIOUS ACTION: Prior contract awarded 10/19/04, ITB# 04-106 agenda item C-8A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the purchase of sod, installed and uninstalled. COMMISSION ACTION: Q() ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) ~. (X)~~ Road & Bridge CONCURRENCE: ~/ - o uglas M. Anderson County Administrator --... Coordi n alia niSi CI nalu res Mgmt & Budget () Purchasing (X) ~ Other Finance (J for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. H7 DATE: 07108108 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the demolition of buildings located at 1910 N 13 street, FT. Pierce, FL. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001184-6420-549605-600; Domestic Subsidy, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approval to demolish buildings, 5/13/08, agenda item "F". RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the demolition of buildings located at 1910 N13 street, FT. Pierce, FL. COMMISSION ACTION: 00 ( ) APPROVED OTHER () DENIED Approved 5-0 ksV County Attorney (X) ~ - ~f~' ( Public Works (X) CONCURRENCE: ~L ___ D'óuglas M. Anderson -- County Administrator Coordination/5ianature~^~('ft J\ Mgmt & Budget (X) fi9:,,/J fl~ Purchasing (X) ;;;I(J.-' Administration (X)~ Finance (J for copy only if applicable) Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: I . 1 0710812008 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Environmental Resources Department Presented By AmyMott ~ Environmental Regulations ager SUBJECT: Donation in the amount of $1800 from Bryn Mawr Ocean Towers Condominium Association to reimburse the County for expenses related to sea grape trimming and exotic removal on County property (parcellD # 1414-220-0003-000-1) BACKGROUND: Bryn Mawr Ocean Towers Condominium Association is donating $1,800 to the County for expenses related to sea grape trimming and exotic removal by East Coast Tree Company. See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Funds will be made available in 102-3920-546300-300 (Grounds Maintenance) Board approval of Budget Resolution 08-214 accepting the $1,800 donation from Bryn Mawr Ocean Towers Condominium Association for sea grape trimming and exotic removal on County property by East Coast Tree Company. COMMISSION ACTION: [!] APPROVED U DENIED U OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ¡~L ---...., Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator :), County Attorney: ~k' Orig Dept: elf ~ Management & Budget: Purchasing: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) PWorks: Other: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the SI. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or ADD 772-462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: 12 07/08/2008 Consent Regular Public Hearing leg. [ ] [X ] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Environmental Resources Department Presented By Amy Molt ~ Environmental Regulations Manager SUBJECT: Request authorization for the Chairman to execute the Environmental Resources Permit application to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for the Ten Mile Creek Preserve parcel. BACKGROUND: The County has received a SFWMD Environmental Resources Permit application package that was prepared by EW Consultants, Inc. for the property known as the Ten Mile Creek Preserve llC (Tax 10 No. 2326-421-0002-000-4), which was donated to the County in May 2007. The application requires the County's signature as the permittee because the County is now the owner of the subject property. The ERP will allow the developer to receive mitigation credit for wetlands proposed to be impacted on the Eagle Bend project site Environmental Resources Department has reviewed the application and recommends the Chairman be authorized to execute the application. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: May 15, 2007 BOCC accepted, by Resolution 07-192, the warranty deed to the Ten Mile Creek Preserve parcel. Staff recommends the Chairman execute the Environmental Resources Permit application to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for the Ten Mile Creek Preserve parcel. PREVIOUS ACTION: COMMISSION ACTION: [K] APPROVED !~ DENIED D. Approved 5-0 OTHER CONCURRENCE: YlL t/ ~ Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attomey Cty. Enqineer: JV Coordination/ s~ E.R.D: Other: Cty, Surveyor: ~ Other: 'Nt: ¿~ A-., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. J DATE: July 8,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Approve bid waiver and sole source declaration to R.K. Davis Construction for the Service Station roof replacement. Reallocate IFF Funds in the amount of $26,000 to accomplish specific projects at various locations: Service Station, S.C. Annex and the Sheriff Hangar. Use remaining funds in the amount of $2,450 from the Port St. Lucie Library roof project to paint the interior of the Port St. Lucie Library BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1931-546200-15009 (Maintenance Projects-Fort Pierce Library) 001-1931-546200-7506 (Maintenance Projects-Port St. Lucie Library) FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVIAL: 001-1931-546200-1525 (Service Station-Maintenance Projects) 001-1931-546200-150067 (S.C. Annex.Maintenance Projects) 001-1931-546200-150047 (Sheriff Hangar- Maintenance Projects) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the following: · Sole source and bid waiver to R.K. Davis construction Corporation for the Service Station roof replacement project. · Reallocate IFF Funds in the amount of $26,000 to accomplish specific projects at various locations: Service Station-roof replacement ($6,000), S.C. Annex-electrical work ($10,000), and Sheriff Hangar- manual override system ($10,000). · Utilize available IFF Funds in the amount of $2,450 that remain from the Port St. Lucie Library roof project. These funds will be used for painting the interior of the Port St. Lucie Library. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 NCE: Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: ~ ~\1 >r q;ff' Originating D~ Finance: (Check for Copy only. if Applicable) Mgt. & Budget: {l/fJ ouglas M. Anderso County Administrator fN~ '"'"''';"'"''~/ Other: Other: Elf. 1/97 .. \ ..................\ ...,,""".......... '")nf'l 'O'C'lITTr"l("'lr..,.'Il' T'C'l:' WTTNn.I;l_VA'RIOUS PROJECTS.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. K-1 DATE: July 8,2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJ ECT: Purchase and installation of an exterior camera system at the State Attorney's offices to provide increased safety for the employees and the public. Board approval to piggyback off the St. Lucie County School District contract #07-285, Jiffy Photo, and approval of Equipment Request #EQ08-328 and Budget Amendment # BA08-030. BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAIL: 107-1931-564000-1519 (Machinery & Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase and installation of an exterior camera system at the State Attorney's offices through a piggyback of the St. Lucie County School District contract #07-285 with Jiffy Photo. Costs associated with this are $38,125 and staff is seeking approval of Equipment Request #EQ08-328 and Budget Amendment # BA08-030. MISSION ACTION: [XJ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 County Attomey&þo"....." Originating Dep.~ Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) ." &8"'''' !- iO· \i\~ Other: Coordination/Signatures Purchasing Mgr.:/~ Other: Eff. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-289 STATE ATTORNEY SECURITY.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. K-2 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Dooleymack Constructors of South FL, LLC / Change Order No.7 to#C07-04-195 Project: Havert L. Fenn Center-Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 001405-1930-562000-2614 (State Grant-Bldgs.) 316-1930-562000-2614 (FEMAllns.-Bldgs.) 001417-1930-562000-2614 (State Grant-Bldgs.) 316-1930-563000-2614 (FEMA/lns.-Infrastructure) 129-1930-562000-2614 (MSTU Funds-Bldgs.) PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 20, 2008, agenda item No. G-2, the Board approved Change Order No.6 to #C07-04-195, to reduce the contract sum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No.7 to #C07-Q4-195, Dooleymack Constructors, Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium to increase the contract sum by $76,591.74; the new contract sum will be $13,421,391.06. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [)() APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ENCE: County Attorney: 0,,' '~\\l~ rrglnaUng Dept: . !It/ Anderson County Administrator Purchasing Mgr.: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-299 DOOLEYMACK CO-7.DOC ITEM NO. L DATE: July 8,2008 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Department Leo J, Cordeiro. Solid Waste Director SUBJECT: Staff requests.Board approval of a new fluorescent light bulb recycling program for commercial customers and Equipment Request #08-332 for the purchase of a Bulb Eater for a total cost of $4,064. If approved, this program will become effective September 1, 2008. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-564000-300 Equipment. For purchase of Bulb Eater. Funds are available in this account due to EQ08-275 (Bull Dozer) being purchased at approximately $81,000 less than budgeted. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of a new fluorescent light bulb recycling program for commercial customers and Equipment Request #08-332 for the purchase of a Bulb Eater for a total cost of $4,064, ()() APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: Doug as M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney (x) Q" . ~:~ ¡j Coordination/Si nat~, A ) Mgt. & Budget (x) . nff.l$(J Other ( ) Purchasing (x) ~ ~ Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. M· AGENDA REQUEST DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport PRESENTED BY: Diana Lewis, Director SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution 08-219 approving the 2009 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan for the Airport, authorize the Airport Director to submit the Program to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Office, and advertise for public comments on the 1.29% goal determination. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Not applicable. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board adopted the following resolutions related to the County DBE Program: Resolution 02-78 on February 26, 2002, Resolution 06-178 on May 28, 2006 for the 2006 DBE Plan, Resolution 07-022 on July 18, 2006 for 2007 DBE Plan, Resolution 07-027 to update the 2006 DBE Plan goal on January 16, 2007, and Resolution 07-224 on July 24, 2007 for the 2008 DBE Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution 08-219 approving the 2009 DBE Program for the Airport; transmit the 2009 DBE Program to the FAA Civil Rights Office for review and approval; and advertise the 1.29% goal in newspapers to receive comments on the goal determination as required by the FAA Civil Rights Office. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 ouglas M. An erson COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ~~=- Coord ination/S iq natu res Mgt. & Budget ( ) Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. I:; DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 08-006 - Credits for Right-of-Way Dedication BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No.08-006 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 C07NCE' Lv __ Douglas Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: CJ ì/4 Review and Approvals Manogement & Budget Purchasing: Origl nat i ng Dept, Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 Agenda Request Item Number J!lf ß Meeting Date: 07/08/08 Consent Regular Public Hearing leg. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Quasi-JD [ x ] To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department ~B' owth Management Director SUBJECT: Petition of Angle Road Investment Company, LLC for a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement for transportation facilities to serve the project ta be known as Millers Plantation - PUD. Draft Resolution No. 08-143. (File No.: PUD RZ 72007-1279.) BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: The petitioner obtained approval far the Millers Plantation PUD on May 6, 2008 for a residential development of 404 dwelling units (308 single family units and 96 multiple-family dwelling units) on 202.35 acres of property located on the south side of Angle Road, approximately 1/4 mile west of Kings Highway. N/A At the May 18, 2006, public hearing on this matter, the SI. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0 with two members absent (Mr. Knapp and Mr. Trias), recommended approval of the requested amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning and grant approval of the Preliminary PUD Site Plan, with conditions. At the June 20, 2006 public hearing, the Board af County Commissioners adopted Resolution 06-161 which granted Preliminary PUD Site Plan approval for the project known as Jonette Acres- PUD. The name has now been changed to Millers Plantation. At the March 25, 2008 public hearing, this petition was continued to a date certain to allow the County Attorney to review this Proportionate Fair Share Agreement that accompanies the Millers Plantation application. RECOMMENDATION: At the May 6, 2008 public hearing, the Board granted Final PUD Site Plan approval under R-08- 090, however voted to continue this tandem petition for consideration of the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement that implements and meets the requirements of Conditions of Approval Number 8 and Number 9 as included in R-08-090. Staff recommends Adaption of Resolution 08-143 which grants approval to the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement which is in compliance with Conditions of Approval 8 and 9 of R-08-090 regarding the cost of intersection improvements on Kings Highway to serve the project to be known as Miller Plantation. COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 z=E Á . ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator ru APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED County Attorney ~. E.R.D.: ~ Cty. Engineer: ~ Form No. 07-07 Coordinationl Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Public Works: ~ Other~ Purchasing: Cty. Surveyor: J?./#- Other: TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PRESENTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [Xl [ 1 APPROVED OTHER: Approved 5-0 ¡J.Y County Attorney: Originating Dept: ~ Community Service: ~ AGENDA ITEM REQUEST ITEM NO. )1 DATE: July 8, 2008 REGULAR: [] PUBLIC HEARING: [] CONSENT: [X] Board of County Commissioners Grants/Disaster Recovery Bill Hoeffner, Grants/Disaster Recovery Director~ Authorize the creation of a local Citizen Corps Council. Also, authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Division of Emergency Management for funds not to exceed $20,000. The grant funding, if awarded, will be used to promote volunteer recruitment to agencies to be coordinated by the Citizen Corps Council. See attached memorandum. Matching funds are not required for the grant. In 2006 and 2007, the Board approved grants from the Florida Division of Emergency Management to establish a Citizen Emergency Response Team. As explained in the attached memorandum, the Citizen Emergency Response Team is one of the volunteer programs to be coordinated by the Citizen Corps Council. Staff recommends the Board authorize the creation of a local Citizen Corps Council. Staff also recommends the Board approve the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Division of Emergency Management for funds not to exceed $20,000 to be used to promote volunteer recruitment to agencies to be coordinated by the Citizen Corps Council. DENIED CO~jlE' _ Douglas Mò Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgt " Budget: Public Works: Finance: Purchasing: ~ J Public Safety: ~a ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. !L DA TE: July 7, 2008 REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Regional Conflict Counsel BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Based on the recommendation of F ACA and the action taken by F AC. staff recommends that the Board participate as 0 plaintiff in the lawsuit against the State of Florida concerning whether the obligations imposed on counties by the Florida Legislature concerning the office of regional counsel are constitutional. COMMISSION ACTION: [-" APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: d VDOUglaS And~on County Administrator County Attorney: Jt. .' Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 ITEM NO. 10 DATE: July 8,2008 REGULARJQ. PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT PRESENTED BvtØ'-, Leo J. Cordeiro. Solid Waste Director AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Department SUBJECT: Staff request Board approval of Resolution No, 08-213 - Solid Waste Ratè Resolution, to increase the rate for class I garbage from $32 per ton to $41 per ton, the construction and demolition debris rate from $19 per ton to $29 per ton and the rate for yard waste from $20 per ton to $26 per ton, effective October 1, 2009, as prepared and approved by the County Attorney. This Resolution will also. establish a rate for spent fluorescent light bulbs of .20 cents per bulb for St. Lucie County businesses and .40 cents per blub for non-county businesses. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of Resolution No. 08-213 - Solid Waste Rate Resolution, to increase the rate for class I garbage from $32 per ton to $41 per ton, the construction and demolition debris rate from $19 per ton to $29 per ton and the rate for yard waste from $20 per ton to $26 per ton, effective October 1, 2009, as prepared and approved by the County Attorney. This Resolution will also establish a rate for sent fluorescent Ii ht bulbs of .20 cents per bulb for St.' uCle Coun uSlnesses and .40 cents per blub for non-co sinesses. COMMISSION ACTION: ('>S. APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED County Attorney (x) v1 ~ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Approved 5-0 - Motion to approve Resolution No. 08-213 as amended to remove the proposed rate increases for Class I Garbage and only approve the fluorescent light bulb increase effective September 1, 2008 with direction to staff to bring back the rate increase on July 15, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Other ( ) CONCURRENCE: . ~ ~ D glas M. Anderson County Administrator ~ Purchasing ( ) ~ Other ( ) ITEM NO. B DATE: 07/08/08 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY: PRESENTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Permission to terminate contract # C07-10-624 with PSL Electrical Contractors, Inc., and award a contract to Richmond Electric to perform electrical services on an "as needed" basis for the St Lucie County Mosquito Control District BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 145-6230-531000-600 Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: Contract #C07-10-624, awarded 10/23107, agenda item #C2-B. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Board approval to terminate contract # C07-10-624 with PSL Electrical Contractors, Inc., and award a contract to Richmond Electric to perform electrical services on an "as needed" basis for the St Lucie County Mosquito Control District, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 () DENIED JJ-~ County Attorney (X) I \, Mosquito Control (X) \~'6Î/tA- CONCURREN9E: . J..// .'." ~~ D glas M. Anderson- County Administrator Coord i nation/S iQnatures Mgmt & Budget (X)..1t nni/~ Purchasing (X) ~~ Other Finance (j for copy only if applicable)