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Productivity Improvements Can Help
Florida’s Local Governments Save Millions
and Minimize Cuts in Services
Prudential Financial - Davis Productivity Award-Winning Achievements
Provide Efficiency Opportunities to Trim Expenses
A Florida TaxWatch
Special Report
September 2007
Recognizing, Rewarding and Replicating Excellence for Florida Taxpayers Since 1989
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................... 4
ADMINISTRATION........................................................................................................................................................... 5
BIDDING AND CONTRACTING................................................................................................................................. 9
CASE MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................................................................12
COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................14
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS...........................................................................................16
COMPUTER SECURITY AND DATA PROTECTION...........................................................................................20
CONSUMER SERVICE AND PROTECTION...........................................................................................................21
DATA ENTRY....................................................................................................................................................................24
DISASTER PREPARATION AND RECOVERY.......................................................................................................25
FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE..........................................................................................................................33
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................................36
FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE REDUCTION.......................................................................................................403
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES..........................................................................................................................425
HOMELAND SECURITY.............................................................................................................................................470
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................481
JUDICIAL ..........................................................................................................................................................................558
JUVENILE JUSTICE.......................................................................................................................................................570
LABORATORY TESTING AND INSPECTION.....................................................................................................581
LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PROTECTION........................................................................................................592
PAPERLESS SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................................................................647
PROGRAM AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION............................................................................................658
PURCHASING AND LEASING..................................................................................................................................670
QUALITY ASSURANCE AND IMPROVEMENT..................................................................................................692
RECORDS MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................................703
REVENUE MAXIMIZATION.....................................................................................................................................725
TRACKING SYSTEMS...................................................................................................................................................747
Asset Tracking................................................................................................................................................................747
Case Management Tracking.........................................................................................................................................747
Construction Documents Tracking............................................................................................................................758
Contract Tracking..........................................................................................................................................................758
Customer Service Tracking............................................................................................................................................78
Disaster-Related Tracking ..............................................................................................................................................79
Financial Tracking ...........................................................................................................................................................79
Grants Management Tracking.....................................................................................................................................770
Human Resources Tracking.........................................................................................................................................771
Inventory Tracking........................................................................................................................................................781
Licensing Tracking ........................................................................................................................................................782
Records Tracking...........................................................................................................................................................782
Technology Tracking ....................................................................................................................................................793
Work Assignments Tracking .......................................................................................................................................793
Customer Service Training...........................................................................................................................................814
Computer Training........................................................................................................................................................814
Contract Administration Training ...............................................................................................................................814
Disaster Preparedness Training...................................................................................................................................814
Health and Social Services Training ............................................................................................................................815
Human Resources Training .........................................................................................................................................825
Law Enforcement Training..........................................................................................................................................837
Licensing Training .........................................................................................................................................................848
Safety and Security Training ..........................................................................................................................................88
Right of Way.....................................................................................................................................................................89
Planning and Contracting...............................................................................................................................................89
Design and Construction .............................................................................................................................................870
Facilities and Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................................892
Safety and Security.........................................................................................................................................................893
Traffic Signals .............................................................................................................................................................903
Training ...........................................................................................................................................................................904
TRAVEL SAVINGS.........................................................................................................................................................915
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION...................................................................................................................926
WORKERS COMPENSATION ...................................................................................................................................937
The 2007 Florida Legislature mandated local property tax reductions in 2007-08, and a cap on future
property tax growth, limited to increases in the growth of new construction and per capita personal
income. Florida voters will decide in January 2008 whether to reduce property taxes further by
increasing the homestead exemption to between $50,000 and $195,000.
County and City governing bodies currently are acting to comply with the legislative mandate as they
develop spending plans for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2007. Media accounts summarize
consideration of savings from hiring freezes, personnel reductions by attrition, employee layoffs, and
reduction of public safety, library and other core and popular services. Some counties and cities are
adopting cost-saving efficiencies and making productivity improvements. One source for such
improvements is the adaptable achievements of Florida’s state employees that have been recognized
by the Prudential Financial - Davis Productivity Awards.
This publication is divided into 64 work areas and sub-areas that contain a total of 535 adaptable,
cross-referenced achievements (roughly 300 unduplicated) from the 2007 and four preceding years’
awards cycles. The achievements relate to day-to-day work of individuals, teams, work units, and entire
departments of Florida government.
Achievements in areas common to both state and local governments include accounting and auditing;
computer applications, maintenance and security; customer service; human resources; law
enforcement; purchasing, inventory and records management; revenue maximization; and
program/performance evaluation and tracking systems. Additionally, achievements in the areas of
health and social services, judicial services, and transportation may be useful to selected local
governments. Achievements that are not directly relevant may nonetheless assist employees’
brainstorming on problem solving and improvement initiatives.
Contact information is provided so that interested persons can learn more about each achievement
and request assistance. If you are unable to reach a person or need other assistance, please email Ms.
Clarissa Dunlap, Executive Director of the Prudential Financial - Davis Productivity Awards, at
cdunlap@floridataxwatch.org or call (850) 222-5052.
Special thanks to Prudential Financial for serving as Anchor Sponsor of the Awards program,
and to Image API, Inc., and Progress Energy Florida, Inc., for their support of this special report.
1. Administrative Services Outcome Monitoring Report
A database system saves time collecting and combining information from different sources, and
integrates graphics, data, text and symbols to produce reports. The system provides continuous access
to information and allows multiple points of data entry, thereby enabling more than one person to
maintain data. For more information, please contact Marguerite Rappoport at the Department of
Health (941) 861-2603 or marguerite_rappoport@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-046
2. Reconciliation of Archived Records
**In process of being implemented for Growth
Management files by IT. Implemented by HR, Veterans
A process that reviews archived records can inform users whether they comply with retention
schedules and are billed correctly. For more information, please contact Greg Oaks at the Department
of Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 410-9829 or goaks@dfs.state.fl.us.
3. Automatic Updating of Forms
An electronic system converts forms to portable document format (PDF), thereby eliminating the
need for desktop support staff to manually update individual computers. For more information, please
contact Clyde Benedix at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-4116 or
Clyde.Benedix@djj.state.fl.us. 2004-DJJ-001
4. Elimination of Duplicate Data Entry
Local government departments that use LicenseEase software can benefit from a parallel system that
produces legal paperwork. For more information, please contact Barbara Dietrichsen at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tampa (813) 356-1614 or
barbara.dietrichsen@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2005-DBPR-009
5. Reduction of Paper-based Files
**Implemented by Purchasing, IT, Veterans, HR, Growth
Streamlined administration of contracts via electronic storage, retrieval and routing of files saves
money. Initial scanning is offset by reduction of repetitive copying, courier distribution and file
retrieval. Utilizing a commercially available Adobe PDF format takes experienced personnel less than
one minute to access and route an electronic file versus 15 minutes or more for a previously laborintensive
function. For more information, please contact Doug Melvin at the Department of Juvenile
Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-5209 or douglas.melvin@djj.state.fl.us. 2005-DJJ-010
6. Contract Administration **Implemented by HR, Finance, Public Works
Managers’ ability to track funding histories through account code analysis is enhanced by linking
financial data with contract information, thereby resulting in faster resolution of issues. For more
information, please contact Walter Sachs at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee
(850) 921-8983 or Walter_Sachs@dcf.state.fl.us. 2003-DCF-058
7. Maintenance Contract Administration
**Implemented by IT
A web-based maintenance contract administration program saves inspectors an average of roughly two
hours daily by automating procedures for documenting contractors’ activities. For more information,
please contact Chi Sheu at the Department of Transportation (954) 776-4300 ext. 6182 or chiu.
sheu@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-01 7
8. Contract Administration Training Program
**Implemented by Public Works
A contract training program helps ensure compliance with laws, rules, and operating policies and
procedures. The program reduces administrative work associated with process oversight, review and
approval of documentation. For more information, please contact Valerie Carnett at the Department
of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-7214 or valerie_carnett@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-
9. Imaging Management System
**In process by Purchasing, IT
An imaging management system facilitates purchasing, disbursing and vouchering between
administrative units in the areas of leasing and contracts. For more information, please contact Alan
Edwards at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee (850) 488-5321 or
edwarda@doacs.state.fl.us. 2004-DACS-001
10. Reduced Client Mail Turnaround Time **N/A
A process that improves client mail turnaround time is relevant to any department that provides mail
service to its customers. For more information, please contact Barbara Sarver at the Department of
Health (727) 507-4330 ext.1252 or Barbara_Sarver@doh.state.fl.us.
11. Cost Savings on Printed Material
**Implemented by Purchasing
Local governments that provide large quantities of printed documents at no cost to the public may be
able to negotiate a price with a vendor to sell, produce and incorporate approved advertising in the
printed material. For more information, please contact Peter Stoumbelis at the Department of
Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in Tallahassee (850) 414-2426 or
stoumbelis.peter@hsmv.state.fl.us. 2004-DHSMV-004
1. Preparation for Federal Audits
A three-tier review system integrates monitoring requirements and facilitates preparation for federal
audits. This system can be replicated for a range of service delivery systems. For more information,
please contact Court Lilly at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-7479
or court_lilly@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-032
2. Automated Single Audit System
This automated oversight and monitoring system tracks expenditure compliance with state and federal
requirements. For more information, please contact Randall Cook at the Department of
Transportation in Tallahassee (850) 410-5837 or randall.cook@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-012
3. Paperless Internal Audit Management System
An audit management system that allows for a paperless, fully integrated audit process saves time and
resources. For more information, please contact Ron Ferguson at the Department of Business and
Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 414-6705 or Ron.Ferguson@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-
4. Paperless Internal Audit Management System
A paperless, enterprise-wide internal audit management system can be used by local audit entities to
promote e-government. For more information, please contact Jerry Chesnutt at the Department of
Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 488-8722 or Jerry_Chesnutt@dcf.state.fl.us. 2005-DCF-028
5. Remote Auditing Software
A software auditing tool unobtrusively gathers information to show accountability and ownership of
software installed on users’ computers. For more information, please contact John Edwards at the
Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-3615 or
edwardjt@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-AHCA-011
6. Enterprise Confidential Data/Server Security Compliance Program
A standardized audit process determines if confidential or sensitive information resides on servers,
determines vulnerability to unauthorized access and use of these servers, identifies ways to reduce the
risk of unauthorized access, and provides remediation tools and technical assistance. For more
information, please contact Joseph Lazor at Florida State University (850) 644-0062 or jlazor@fsu.edu.
7. Contract Pre-audit Procedures
Contract invoice and processing procedures for pre-auditing and payment packages submitted by
contractors significantly reduce the amount of time required to complete monitoring activities. These
procedures minimize the risk of inappropriate billings, validate service delivery, comply with
certification, and eliminate errors and duplication. For more information, please contact Sheree Keeler
at the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-3411 or KeelerS@vr.doe.state.fl.us. 2005-
8. Contract Monitoring Reporting System
**IT could add. Database in place per Purchasing.
Instant access to contract monitoring reports provided by a web-based system enables managers to
determine the number, type, severity and nature of findings concerning contracted providers. For
more information, please contact Karen Stanford at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 413-7479 or Karen.stanford@dcf.state.fl.us. 2005-DCF-068
9. Streamlined Audit Processes
Auditing processes increase data collection and enable auditors to shift focus during an audit in order
to capture problem areas needing immediate attention. For more information, please contact Mary
Adelson at the Department of Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 413-1789 or
adelsonm@dfs.state.fl.us. 2005-DFS-011
10. Streamlined Internal Audit Investigation
Internal audit investigation processes and report formats can identify duplicate billings and ineligible
costs. For more information, please contact Inspector General Sheryl Steckler at the Department of
Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-5999 or Sheryl_Steckler@dcf.state.fl.us. 2004-DCF-030
11. Audit Case Management System
An audit case management system increases compliance and reduces errors. For more information,
please contact Deborah Davis at the Department of Revenue in Tallahassee (850) 921-6182 or
davisdeb@dor.state.fl.us. 2006-DOR-004
12. Oversight of Citizen Support Organizations
A financial oversight system assists administrators in reviewing the internal operations of non-profit
support organizations without the need for auditors. For more information, please contact Phillip
Werndli at the Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 245-2098 or
Phillip.Werndli@dep.state.fl.us. 2005-DEP-017
1. Improved Bidding Process
**Implemented by Public Works, Purchasing
An electronic request for proposal template facilitates selection of applicants. An evaluation
instrument, scoring protocols and proposal tabulation forms, while used for mental health services, are
highly adaptable. For more information, please contact Steve Poole at the Department Children and
Families in Tallahassee (850) 410-1188 or Stephen_Poole@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-106
2. Contract Negotiation
A handbook for scoping services and staff time spent to negotiate professional services contracts
provides a uniform system to track and compare hours/costs of tasks, and eliminates the need for
consultants to deal with several organizational units within a government. For more information,
please contact Jim Cunningham at the Department of Transportation in Tallahassee (850) 414-4343 or
jim.cunningham@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT
3. Contract Automation
A software program titled “D Carter” automates contract, invoice payment and expenditure
reconciliation processes. Custom toolbars open all work files relating to a specific contract with one
keystroke. A built-in graph shows actual expenditures. Error messages spotlight atypical balances. For
more information, please contact Curtis Hatcher at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 413-9389 or Curtis_Hatcher@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007 DCF-028
4. Contract Tracking
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing, Public Works
Improved processes and a tracking system save time by standardizing contract drafting and review.
For more information, please contact Richard Byno at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 488-8866 or Richard_Byno@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-082
5. Contract Monitoring Reporting System
6. Enhanced Financial Integrity of Contracting
**Implemented by IT, Public Works,
Purchasing, Finance
Techniques to identify overpayments, reconcile difficult accounts, and resolve financial irregularities
may be useful to local government departments. For more information, please contact Walter Sachs at
the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-8983 or
walter_sachs@dcf.state.fl.us. 2004-DCF-053
7. Contract Administration
8. Inter-contract Expenditures and Amendments
**IT could add.
An electronic ledger system manipulates data required during contract amendment; rolls up contract
expenditures by budget entity and fund; and displays expenditure information by funding streams that
cross multiple contracts and programs. For more information, please contact Fred Bruneau at the
Department of Children and Families (813) 558-5731 or at Fred_Bruneau@dcf.state.fl.us. 2003-DCF
9. Procurement Contracting **
Implemented by Purchasing
Combining purchasing and contract administration functions increases competition while reducing
time spent developing and writing solicitations, contracts and amendments. For more information,
please contact Cathy McEachron at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850)
921-0064 or mceachr@ahca.myflorida.com. 2006-AHCA-008
10. Procurement of Commodities and Services without Contracts
**Implemented by IT,
Purchase of commodities, maintenance, and other services may be more expeditiously handled by
purchase order than contract. The latter requires a detailed statement of work, supporting
documentation, and sometimes several layers of review. Changes often require that a formal
amendment go through the same process. By contrast, a purchase order is much less complicated. For
more information, please contact Paul Bartlett at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 922-6360 or paul_bartlett@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-090
11. Interagency Contracting
A transportation planning and consultant contracting process improves intergovernmental
transportation analysis and saves money. For more information, please contact Linda Dixon at the
University of Florida (352) 392-8799 or ldixon@admin.ufl.edu. 2005-UF-008
12. Maintenance Contract Administration
13. Energy Performance Contracting Program**Central Services
An energy performance contracting program provides low-cost repairs and renovations (lighting,
heating, air conditioning and plumbing) at 11 facilities statewide. A $6.1 million loan will be repaid
from utility savings. For more information, please contact Russ Barber at the Department of Juvenile
Justice in Tallahassee (850) 922-6148 or russ.barber@djj.state.fl.us.
14. Expert Witness Contract
**Implemented by Purchasing
A standard contract that retains expert witnesses eliminates specialized contracts and several levels of
management review. For more information, please contact Delanah White at the Agency for Health
Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 488-6215 or white@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2003-AHCA-008
15. Emergency Contract
An emergency response contract for a private road ranger service patrol to monitor 300 miles of
interstate highway in Northeast Florida was developed prior to the 2005 hurricane season as a result of
lessons learned during the 2004 hurricanes. This contract addresses issues like fuel supply shortages
and limited hotel availability. For more information, please contact Donna Danson at the Department
of Transportation in Jacksonville (904) 360-5463 or donna.danson@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-042
16. Health Care Contract Monitoring **N/A
Joint monitoring of access to primary health care services of the uninsured reduces staff hours for
government agencies and for providers, and produces more detailed evaluation of providers’ levels of
service. For more information, please contact Anthony Fiore at the Broward County Health
Department (954) 467-4959 or Anthony_Fiore@doh.state.fl.us; or Steve Kaufman at (954) 467-4959
or Steve_Kaufman@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-051
17. Substance Abuse Prevention Contracting**N/A
A performance-based system manages and evaluates more than 80 community-based prevention
projects and increases contract accountability by improving the linkage of process to outcome data.
More accurate cost-per-client data is helpful when negotiating future contracts. For more information,
please contact Skip Forsyth at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-6705
or Skip_Forsyth@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-081
18. Imaging Management System
19. Reduction of Paper-based Files
20. Contract Pre-audit Procedures
21. Computer Hardware Maintenance Contract
**Implemented by IT
A contract that reduces the cost of repairing PCs and printers also reduces the maximum wait time for
initial contact to solve a hardware problem. For more information, please contact Dusty Boyce at the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee (850) 245-1040 or
boyced@doacs.state.fl.us. 2005-DACS-005
22. Online Subgrant Application System
**Partially implemented by IT. Implemented by Grants.
Subgrant recipients can apply for federal funds online, including collection of financial and
performance related information, pre-award application review, subgrant award, and post-award
management. For more information, please contact Kevan Bussey at the Department of Law
Enforcement in Tallahassee (850) 410-8449 or kevanbussey@fdle.state.fl.us. 2005-FDLE-011
23. Contract Administration Training Program
1. Automated Case Management
**Implemented by IT, Veterans
Automated tools provide detailed case review information, compilation and analysis of review data,
and a uniform reporting structure, thereby increasing accuracy and uniformity. For more information,
please contact Lynne Powell at the Department of Children and Families in Jacksonville (904) 723-
2191 or Lynne_Powell@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-046
2. Template to Record Case Activity and Information
**Implemented by Community Services,
IT, Veterans
A template for case maintenance units and call centers prompts staff to enter areas of eligibility for
services. It also copies and pastes information to the appropriate screen, saving about 10 minutes per
application and eligibility re-determination. For more information, please contact Reginald Altazan at
the Department of Children and Families (850) 833-3713 or reginald_altazan@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-
3. Case Management
**Implemented by Grants, Community Services supported by IT, Veterans
A case management system tracks files, searches by data fields, and generates an annual business
report. For more information, please contact Kathleen Richards at the Department of Education in
Tallahassee (850) 245-0455 or kathleen.richards@fldoe.org. 2005-DOE-014
4. Tracking High Risk Cases
**Implemented by Community Services. Supported by IT.
Implemented by Veterans
An automated system allows workers from two agencies to enter information and track high-risk cases
in a real time environment. For more information, please contact Ed Harper at the Department of
Children and Families (772) 460-3665 or Ed_Harper@dcf.state.fl.us.
5. Tracking Case Clients
**Implemented by Community Services, IT, Veterans
An electronic database that tracks case clients reduces work time. For more information, please
contact Cathy Johnson at the Department of Health (727) 547-7780 or
Cathy_Johnson@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-038
6. Legal Case Management **N/A
A tracking system that manages child welfare legal cases reduces work time. For more information,
please contact Peggy Sanford at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 487-
9986 or peggy_sanford@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-027
7. Storing, Tracking and Retrieving Case Information t
**Implemented by IT, Veterans
A document imaging, scanning and viewing system automates storing, tracking and retrieving case
information. For more information, please contact David Brey at the Department of Children and
Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-0059 or David_Brey@dcf.state.fl.us.
8. Electronic Filing of Case Management Information
**Implemented by Community Services,
An electronic filing system records case information and eliminates creation and storage of paper files.
For more information, please contact Dianna Laffey at the Department of Children and Families (813)
558-5693 or Dianna_Laffey@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-047
9. Case Management Database
**Implemented by IT, Veterans, CJIS
A case management database for misdemeanor probation and pre-trial release programs collects and
tracks information electronically, enabling probation officers to provide up-to-date reports and
information to judges and law enforcement on individual cases or entire caseloads. For more
information, please contact Wendy Schlesinger at the 14th Judicial Circuit in Marianna (850) 718-0027
or schlesingerw@jud14.flcourts.org. 2007-SCS-001
10. Evidence-based Risk Assessment and Case Plan **N/A
An evidence-based risk and need assessment instrument improves intake case processing and helps
determine the likelihood of youth re-offenses. For more information, please contact Lee Ann Thomas
at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 414-2488 or leeann.thomas@djj.state.fl.us.
1. Enterprise Extender Communications Technology
Enhanced communications technology on a mainframe computer allows use of a transmission control
protocol network for systems network architecture sessions. This technology requires no changes to
legacy systems network architecture applications. Diagnosing system problems is easier, and disaster
recovery procedures are simplified. For more information, please contact Dana Rupp at the
Department of Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 413-2262 or dana.rupp@fldfs.com. 2007-DFS-
2. Remote Access Portal for Telecommuting and Emergency Applications
**Implemented by IT,
Public Safety
A secure internet portal expands the capability to provide access to services by clients, community
partners, and department staff who work from home or other remote locations, especially during
emergencies. Limited access can be granted to temporary staff at almost no cost. For more
information, please contact David Warfel at (850) 922-6347 or david_warfel@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-
3. Emergency Communications
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, IT, Public Works, Public
Safety, Purchasing
Information technology can build special networks to support essential communications in the
aftermath of hurricanes, accidents or acts of terrorism. Re-allocating fiber optic strands can provide
emergency communications via a dedicated virtual local area network. For more information, please
contact Gayle Malone at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4123 or
gayle.malone@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-048
4. Improved Help Desk Assistance at a Reduced Cost
**Implemented by IT
Helping users help themselves is critical to improving the efficiency of support delivery and user
satisfaction. With real-time information, customers can make informed decisions on when best to call
the help desk to receive prompt service. Two tools for increasing customer self-help are referred to as
"reported active help desk issues” and “help desk call queue”. For more information, please contact
Nancy Kenyon at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 410-2727 or
nancy_kenyon@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-095
5. Access Response Unit
**Implemented by Code Compliance, IT
An automatic voice response system, referred to as an access response unit (ARU), can mitigate
reduced staffing and growing demand by providing customer service with fewer staff, including 24/7
answers to questions. For more information, please contact LaQuetta Anderson at the Department of
Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 414-5942 or LaQuetta_Anderson@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-
6. Reduced Costs through Automated Telephone Plan **Decided not to
An automatic attendant telephone system improves service and saves switch board operators’ time by
more directly routing citizens to their end destination. For more information, please contact Ismael
Martinez at the Department of Children and Families (954) 762-3806 or
Ismael_Martinez@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-074
7. Processing Work Requests
**Implemented by IT. In process by Central Services.
Using Blackberrys with an email-based system that receives and tracks work requests increases
productivity by replacing a cumbersome forms-based system. For more information, please contact
Jan Wright at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-7288 or
Jan.Wright@djj.state.fl.us. 2006-DJJ-004
8. Enhanced Mobile Computing
**IT supports customers using this technology.
Wireless mobile networking enables employees to perform their jobs from remote facilities at
significantly increased speed. This dramatically increases staff mobility in locations where remote
access via telephone is unreliable or unavailable. For more information, please contact John Edwards
at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-3615 or
edwardjt@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-AHCA-012
9. Wireless Aircards for Construction Inspection
Using wireless aircards eliminates hard copies of inspection reports, expedites data collection and
resolves field conflicts more expeditiously. For more information, please contact Tony Piedra at the
Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7632 or Antonio.Piedra@dot.state.fl.us.
10. Cell Phone Management and Verification System
**Implemented by Admin, Purchasing
Eliminating tedious manual processes required for management of cell phones -- including telephone
assignment, review and verification processes -- and reimbursement for personal calls saves money.
For more information, please contact Lisa Hopkins at the Department of Law Enforcement in
Tallahassee (850) 410-8513 or lisahopkins@fdle.state.fl.us. 2006-FDLE-013
11. Reducing Costs by Consolidating Cell Phone Accounts
**Implemented by Admin,
A master umbrella cellular telephone account improves productivity, simplifies management, and
eliminates per minute overage costs. For more information, please contact Frank Kerwick at the
Department of Children and Families (772) 467-4155 or frank_kerwick@dcf.state.fl.us.
12. Reducing Cell Phone Waste and Abuse
**Implemented by Admin, Purchasing
A cost analysis system in spreadsheet format is a management tool to identify cell phone waste and
abuse. For more information, please contact Gary Blavat at the Department of Children and Families
in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 762-3813 or Gary_Blavat@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-072
13. Increased Productivity Due To Elimination of Internet Misuse
**Implemented by IT
A content filter that reduces internet traffic not related to job functions network increases employee
productivity, reduces bandwidth expenditures, and virtually eliminates spyware, malware, adware and
other web-bourne virus infections. For more information, please contact Michael Maddox at the
Department of Corrections (850) 414-7470 or maddox.michael@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2005-DOC-002
14. Reduced Spam Email
**Implemented by IT
A junk email scoring system saves employee time. For more information, please contact Stephen
Ulmer at the University of Florida (352) 392-2061 ext. 201 or ulmer@ufl.edu.
15. Reduced Client Mail Turnaround Time
1. Eliminating Internet Misuse
**Implemented by IT
A content filter that reduces internet traffic not related to job functions increases employee
productivity, reduces bandwidth expenditures, and virtually eliminates spyware, malware, adware and
other web-bourne virus infections. For more information, please contact Michael Maddox at the
Department of Corrections in Tallahassee (850) 414-7470 or maddox.michael@mail.dc.state.fl.us.
2. Remote Auditing Software
**Implemented by IT
A software auditing tool unobtrusively gathers information in order to show accountability and
ownership of software installed on users’ computers. For more information, please contact John
Edwards at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-3615 or
edwardjt@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-AHCA-011
3. Enterprise Extender Communications Technology
Enhanced communications technology on a mainframe computer allows use of a transmission control
protocol network for systems network architecture sessions. This technology requires no changes to
legacy systems network architecture applications. Diagnosing system problems is easier and disaster
recovery procedures are simplified. For more information, please contact Dana Rupp at the
Department of Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 413-2262 or dana.rupp@fldfs.com. 2007-DFS-
4. Application to Access Mainframe System *
Centrally managed BlueZone software, a mainframe computer emulation technology, reduces costs
and staff technical assistance/downtime. For more information, please contact Mike Kosturko at the
Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4202 or mike_kosturko@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-
5. Remote Deployment of XP Operating System Desktop Image
Remotely implementing an operating system for desktop computers can be adapted and implemented
by local governments that run on the Microsoft framework and utilize Systems Management Server
2003. For more information, please contact Maureen Wines at the Department of Juvenile Justice in
Tallahassee (850) 595-8820 ext. 261 or maureen.wines@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-009
6. Migrating from a PC platform to a Shared Server Platform *
Migrating from a PC platform to a shared server platform saves money. For more information, please
contact Christy Lassila at the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-0411 or
christy.hovanetz@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-016
7. Technology Management Process
**Implemented by IT
A process that tracks changes made to information technology systems increases system availability
and reduces trouble-related work orders. For more information, please contact Jackie Shaffer at the
Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9831 or Jackie.Shaffer@fldoe.org. 2005-DOE-015
8. Fiber Optic Solution for Office Relocation
**Implemented by IT
A fiber optic solution for an office relocation can occur without interrupting existing T-1 connectivity
in cases where (a) the distance precludes using regular category 5e cable runs, (b) dial-up is not an
option due to the amount of large email files, and (c) using DSL would require gaining access to a
virtual private network (vpn). For more information, please contact David Odum at the Department
of Health in Tallahassee (850) 643-2415 ext. 228 or David_Odum@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-041
9. Computer Code Conversion
**Implemented by IT
Conversion of codes and associated descriptions from a hierarchical database to a relational database
enables a sub-routine to read the codes and their descriptions. This facilitates online transactions to
perform code lookup without the overhead of any database I/O. Reduction of CPU processing time
for these transactions saves money. This initiative may be beneficial to local governments that employ
code warehouse system functionality. For more information, please contact John Agliato at the
Department of Corrections in Tallahassee (850) 410-4734 or Agliato.John@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2006-
10. Anti-Virus Deployment
**Implemented by IT
Electronically replacing anti-virus software with updated versions saves time. For more information,
please contact Scott Higgins at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-4487
or scott_higgins@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-099
11. Data Protection
**Implemented by IT
A data protection program prevents employees’ files from being lost during hard drive failures. For
more information, please contact Donna Scrodin at the Department of Revenue (386) 274-0105 or
scrodind@dor.state.fl.us. 2005-DOR-003
12. Disaster Resistant Computer Facility
**Implemented by IT
A disaster-resistant computer environment eliminates downtime and weather/heat related shutdowns.
For more information, please contact Pat Campbell at the Department of Education in Tallahassee
(850) 245-9846 or pat.campbell@fldoe.org. 2007-DOE-004
13. Computer Application for Managing Facilities Program Data
A computer application for managing facilities program data produces substantial time savings. For
more information, please contact Mr. Ming Ko at the Department of Management Services in
Tallahassee (850) 414-6785 or kom@dms.state.fl.us. 2005-DMS-003
14. Remote Access Portal for Telecommuting and Emergency Applications
15. Emergency Communications
16. Increasing Purchasing Card Credit Limit in Emergencies
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
A procedure that updates hundreds of purchasing card records within minutes with no data entry
errors can be adapted and implemented to increase credit limits of key staff during hurricanes and
other emergencies. For more information, please contact Lynn Hart at the Department of Corrections
in Tallahassee (850) 410-3602 or Hart.Lynn@mail.dc.state.fl.us, or Rhonda Vause at (850) 410-3615 or
Vause.Rhonda@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2006-DOC-007
17. Improved Technical Support **N/A
Service support processes that use ITIL principles reduce the time to resolve help desk tickets by 85%.
For more information, please contact Mike Odom at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850)
245-4305 or michael_odom@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-003
18. Imaging System
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing, Growth Management, Veterans
Streamlining access to documents and reducing space and materials required to them saves money. For
more information, please contact Jennifer Pittman at Florida State University (850) 644-9410 or
jpittman@admin.fsu.edu. 2006-FSU-008
1. Automation of Periodic Maintenance **N/A
A custom-installed Domino environment automates and monitors periodic computer maintenance,
annually saving thousands of hours of technicians’ time. Processes include a method to monitor drive
space associated with servers; a method to monitor directories created on servers so that errant
directories can be corrected in a more timely and efficient manner; a method to remove log files that
are no longer needed and not addressed in any other manner, and a method to identify orphaned files
created on Domino NT servers that are not identified in any other manner. For more information,
please contact Vickie Varchal at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-
9142 or vickie_varchal@dcf.state.fl.us.
2. Computer Patch Management
**In process of implementation by IT.
Windows Server Update Service, a patch management solution provided free of charge by Microsoft,
enables updates and patches for workstations that run WinXP or 2K, and servers that run Win2K and
above, to be checked, approved, managed and monitored by a single field analyst in less than four hours
per month. A $110,000 annual cost to purchase a solution is avoided. This solution can be
implemented at any government agency utilizing a Windows platform. For more information, please
contact Mick Michel at the Department of Corrections (239) 278-7240 or
michel.mick@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2006-DOC-005
3. Systems Management Server
**Implementation not complete by IT.
Systems Management Server 2003 improves security software patch distribution and other features,
thereby eliminating user downtime when updates are made and reducing the time technical staff spend
managing user access accounts. For more information, please contact Maureen Wines at (850) 595-
8820 ext. 261 or maureen.wines@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-010
4. Network Work Order System
**Implemented by IT
A network work order system that replaced a cumbersome forms-based system requires users to input
just a telephone number and short description of computer problem. Additional data (user’s site name,
logon name, first and last name, computer network name and assigned site technician) are
automatically extracted from user information maintained in the network database. The resulting work
order is sent as an email to the technician supporting the facility where the user is working. The
originator is given a reference number for tracking purposes and when the work order is closed, an
email is generated to the requester notifying him/her what actions were taken. For more information,
please contact Paul Prado at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Orlando (407) 521-2668 or
Paul.Prado@djj.state.fl.us. 2006-DJJ-005
5. Computer Hardware Maintenance Contract
1. Intrusion Detection and Performance Monitoring System
**Implemented by IT
An intrusion detection and performance monitoring system increases the ability to analyze and
respond to network outages, and to detect potential security threats before they become problems. For
more information, please contact Joseph Hemingway at the Department of Education in Tallahassee
(850) 245-9852 or joseph.hemingway@fldoe.org. 2007-DOE-02 1
2. Enterprise Confidential Data/Server Security Compliance Program
**Implemented by IT
A standardized audit process determines if confidential or sensitive information resides on servers,
determines vulnerability to unauthorized access and use of these servers, identifies ways to reduce the
risk of unauthorized access, and provides remediation tools and technical assistance. For more
information, please contact Joseph Lazor at Florida State University (850) 644-0062 or
jlazor@admin.fsu.edu. 2007-FSU-006
3. Enterprise Web Site Security
**Implemented by IT
An enterprise web site security program centrally manages acquisition, distribution and monitoring of
web site security. This program standardizes and increases the level of web site security encryption
from 40-bit encryption to an industry standard of 128-bits for protecting and safeguarding confidential
financial information, and for identifying information transmitted across the Internet. For more
information, please contact Joseph Lazor at Florida State University (850) 644-0062 or
jlazor@admin.fsu.edu. 2006-FSU-002
4. High Bandwidth Administration/Management System **N/A
An automated system enhances network availability and productivity, and prevention of unauthorized
computing security intrusions and intellectual property/copyright infringements. For more
information, please contact Joseph Lazor at Florida State University (850) 644-0062 or
jlazor@admin.fsu.edu. 2004-FSU-002
5. Online Security Monitoring **N/A
Software that provides online security monitoring of equipment in 160 separate areas reduced losses to
zero. For more information, please contact Dr. Ruth Marshall at the University of Central Florida
(407) 823-2594 or ruth.marshall@mail.ucf.edu. 2005-UCF-005
6. Information Security
**Implemented by IT
A layered approach to information security consolidates Internet-facing servers using one set of
security policies and alternate secure forms of remote access services. For more information, please
contact Scott Morgan at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee (850)
245-1040 or morgans@doacs.state.fl.us. 2004-DACS-005
7. Remote Site for Data Preservation and Business Continuity
**Implemented by IT
A remote computing capability performs high-volume backups of operational data and provides
continuity of information technology services should a disaster strike. For more information, please
contact Carl Baker at Florida State University (850) 644-2591 or carl.baker@fsu.edu.
8. Data Protection **
Implemented by IT
When an employee's hard drive fails, hours can be spent re-creating files and locating similar resources.
A data protection program prevents files from being lost during hard drive failures. For more
information, please contact Donna Scrodin at the Department of Revenue (386) 274-0105 or
scrodind@dor.state.fl.us. 2005-DOR-003
1. Enhanced Customer Service **Implemented by Growth Mgmt
An electronic data collection program that provides a standardized email stationery format for
handling complaints, an improved customer access system, and detailed information on problem areas
to administrators, results in faster resolution of issues. For more information, please contact Stephen
Conrad at the Department of Children and Families (904) 727-2195 or
stephen_conrad@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-044
2. Improved Handling of Complaints
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, IT
A process to administer internal and external customer complaints reduces resolution time by an
average of 1.5 hours each. Complaints are logged, issued, tracked and closed electronically in a
database system. Historical documentation is gathered to identify recurring issues. For more
information, please contact Darlene Williams at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale
(954) 776-4300 or darlene.williams@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-016
3. Prioritization System for Complaints
**Implemented by IT
A system that sorts consumer complaints includes a matrix of priorities to facilitate allocation of
resources. Complaints that formerly caused work flow interruptions and consumer dissatisfaction now
are analyzed quickly. For more information, please contact Dawn Salisbury at the Department of
Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 921-2124 or
dawn.salisbury@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2006-DBPR-017
4. Customer Call Center Resource Tool
**Implemented by IT
A Web-based customer call center resource tool reduces caller wait time, thereby improving service
and caller satisfaction. For more information, please contact Alicia Chevtaikin at the Department of
Children and Families (850) 313-7336 or alicia_chevtaikin@dcf.state.fl.us.
5. Template to Record Case Activity and Information
6. Improved Technical Support for Help Desks
Service support processes that use ITIL principles reduce the time to resolve help desk tickets by 85%.
For more information, please contact Mike Odom at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850)
245-4305 or michael_odom@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-003
7. Improved Help Desk Assistance at a Reduced Cost
8. Electronic Card Catalogue
Local governments that make resource center information available to their customers could benefit
from a searchable card catalogue. For more information, please contact Ms. Robin Sullivan at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation (850) 644-2051 or
robin.sullivan@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2005-DBPR-010
9. Information Technology Assistance for the Disabled
An information technology program enables citizens with disabilities, businesses run by persons with
disabilities, and employees with disabilities to access government information, compete for
government business and improve their job performance. For more information, please contact Julie
Shaw at the Department of Management Services in Tallahassee (850) 922-4103 or
julie.shaw@myflorida.com. 2004-DMS-005
10. Automated Public Information/Records System
**Implemented by IT, Mosquito Control,
Growth Mgmt
An automated system reduces the time for handling public information requests. For more
information, please contact Chun-Lei Wang at the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-
9621 or chun-lei.wang@fldoe.org. 2005-DOE-011
11. Automated Telephone Plan **N/A
Analysis of an automatic attendant telephone system improved customer service by identifying a more
direct method to route consumers to their end destination. This initiative saves money by reducing the
time that switch board operators (senior clerks) answer phones. For more information, please contact
Ismael Martinez at the Department of Children and Families in Broward County (954) 762-3806 or
Ismael_Martinez@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-074
12. Streamlined Public Records Requests
**Implemented by IT, Media, Growth Mgmt
Responses to public records requests are improved by a series of data extract files that are posted
weekly to a web site for interested parties to download. Requests that previously required staff to
manually retrieve files, make copies and mail can now be accomplished electronically 90% of the time.
For more information, please contact Tom Coker at the Department of Business and Professional
Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 488-1133 or tom.coker@dbpr.state.fl.us.
13. Access Response Unit
14. Evaluation of Assistance Provided by Telephone
A phone assistance solution system improves customer service and management decisions, tracks
employees’ responses to phone calls, summarizes each phone call and its resolution status, and
generates statistical reports to assist supervisors and managers in analyzing recurring areas of customer
concern. For more information, please contact Terrence Samuel at the Department of Highway Safety
and Motor Vehicles (850) 921-6278 or samuel.terrence@hsmv.state.fl.us.
15. Customer Satisfaction Tracking System
**Implemented by IT
A web-based customer feedback system records satisfaction and complaints (in both English and
Spanish) concerning services received. Data collected by this system is graphed and reported quarterly
to senior management along with suggestions for improvement based on client input. For more
information, please contact Jack Towle at the Volusia County Health Department (386) 248-1781 or
jack_towle@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-063
1. Computerized Ledger Eliminates Duplicate Data Entry
**Implemented by IT
A computerized ledger system linked to a central accounting system eliminates duplicate data entry and
errors. For more information, please contact Fred Bruneau at the Department of Children and
Families (813) 558-5731 or at Fred_Bruneau@dcf.state.fl.us. 2003-DCF
2. Streamlined Data Entry of Information
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, IT, Growth Mgt
A form preparation data entry system streamlines communications by automating information transfer
and removing the need to sort, copy and mail required information. For more information, please
contact Barbara Dietrichsen at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tampa
(813) 356-1614 or Barbara.Dietrichsen@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-013
3. Elimination of Duplicate Data Entry
4. Multiple Points of Data Entry for Report Production
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, IT
A database system that allows multiple points of data entry enables more than one person to maintain
data. This saves time collecting information, combining information from different sources, and
integrating graphics, data, text and symbols to produce reports. For more information, please contact
Marguerite Rappoport at the Department of Health (941) 861-2603 or
marguerite_rappoport@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-046
5. Data Entry for Records Retention
**Implemented by IT
A system for real-time records inventories features single data entry of client information into a
protected database from multiple locations for storage and disposition. This provides one source for
tracking purged records and provides staff with a current, site-based inventory of records. For more
information, please contact Dianne Forgey at the Polk County Health Department (863) 521-2668 or
glenda_forgey@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-013
6. Laboratory Information Management System Reduces Data Entry
An automated system that provides the real time status of samples reduces data entry by 50%. For
more information, please contact Patty Lucas at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services in Tallahassee (850) 488-9375 or lucasp@doacs.state.fl.us. 2007-DACS-002
7. Fixed Capital Outlay Data
**Implemented by IT
The productivity of fixed capital outlay staff is increased via a system that inputs data required for
creation and maintenance of financial exhibits, populates a database that maintains balances as project
managers pay invoices, and builds an automated history. For more information, please contact Jim
Chandonia at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3168 or
jim_chandonia@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-049
1. Mutual Aid Agreement
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, Public Works, Public Safety
A mutual aide agreement between the Okaloosa County Health Department and 12 municipal, county
and private systems promotes development of common ordinances throughout the county and money
saving purchasing, and expands inter-utility connection for emergency provision of water. For more
information, please contact Doug Sims at (850) 689-7859 or Doug_Sims@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-
2. Self-triage
**In process by Public Safety
An interactive health education and risk communications program called “self-triage” allows
individuals to assess their health risks in light of events such as hurricane evacuation, a terrorist attack
or disease outbreak. The user simply follows computer-prompted questions. When the interview is
complete, the system suggests actions to be taken, focusing on four key decisions: Should I go? When
should I go? Where should I go? How should I go?
A goal of self-triage is to mitigate greatly increased demand on medical resources in a disaster situation
by leveraging the power of the internet to provide education, training and risk communications to
people to make systematic use of medical resources. For more information, please contact Harper
Simpson at the Lee County Health Department (239) 732-2685 or Harper_Simpson@doh.state.fl.us.
3. Tracking the Condition of Facilities During Emergencies
An emergency status system (EES) that tracks the condition of facilities and their occupants during
emergencies, including evacuations, power outages and structural damage can be used by local
governments to monitor storm-affected areas. An ESS web portal allows health care providers and
authorized representatives to enter facility information. For more information, please contact Molly
McKinstry at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 414-9796 or
mckinstm@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-AHCA-002
4. Disaster Resistant Computer Facility
**Implemented by IT
A disaster-resistant computer environment eliminates downtime and weather/heat related shutdowns.
For more information, please contact Pat Campbell at the Department of Education in Tallahassee
(850) 245-9846 or pat.campbell@fldoe.org. 2007-DOE-004
5. Remote Site for Data Preservation and Business Continuity
**Implemented by IT
A remote computing capability performs high-volume backups of operational data and provides
continuity of information technology services should a disaster strike. For more information, please
contact Carl Baker at Florida State University (850) 644-2591 or carl.baker@fsu.edu.
6. Remote Access Portal for Telecommuting and Emergency Applications
7. Enterprise Extender Communications Technology
Disaster recovery procedures are simplified with enhanced communications technology on a
mainframe computer that allow the use of a transmission control protocol network for systems
network architecture sessions. This technology requires no changes to legacy systems network
architecture applications. For more information, please contact Dana Rupp at the Department of
Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 413-2262 or dana.rupp@fldfs.com. 2007-DFS-008
8. Emergency Communications
9. Updating of Purchasing Card Limits in Emergencies
**Implemented by Purchasing
A procedure that updates hundreds of purchasing card records within minutes with no data entry
errors increases credit limits of key staff during hurricanes and other emergencies. For more
information, please contact Lynn Hart at the Department of Corrections (850) 410-3602 or
Hart.Lynn@mail.dc.state.fl.us, or Rhonda Vause at (850) 410-3615 or
Vause.Rhonda@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2006-DOC-007
10. Protection from Unlicensed Individuals
**Implemented by Public Works
An outreach campaign to protect Floridians from the hazards of unlicensed contractors, particularly
relating to hurricane preparedness and recovery, may be useful to local governments. For more
information, please contact Mark Reddinger at the Department of Business and Professional
Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 922-5420 or mark.reddinger@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2006-DBPR-016
11. Reduced Administrative Costs of Disaster Reimbursement
**Grants evaluate for
implementation. Implemented by Public Works, Mosquito Control, Public Safety working
with State E.M.
A time-keeping system increases efficiency and reduces costs associated with documentation required
for Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement of labor costs for disaster response and
recovery efforts. This system can track events of any type or size. For more information, please
contact Roger Twitchell at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3028 or
Roger_Twitchell@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-004
12. Hurricane Damage Inspection Reports
**Grants evaluate for implementation. Implemented
by IT, Public Works
Process mapping of the steps required to prepare hurricane related Detailed Damage Inspection
Reports for federal reimbursement to local governments for damage to roadway systems helps process
the paperwork within a 180 day time limit. For more information, please contact Ann Broadwell at the
Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4325 or ann.broadwell@dot.state.fl.us.
13. FEMA Required Training
**Implemented by Public Safety
Employee training on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Incident Management
System is available from the University of Central Florida. For more information, please contact Rick
Grouby in Orlando (407) 823-5223 or wgrouby@mail.ucf.edu.
14. Operations Safety and Security Training
**In process by Public Safety. Implemented by HR.
A program that includes a training booklet and PowerPoint utilizes multiple layers of measures for the
safety and security of personnel in emergency events. For more information, please contact Bill
Lemocks at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 487-9521 or
Bill.Lemocks@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2006-DBPR-027
15. Personal Protection Training for First Responders
**Implemented by HR
An emergency medical services curriculum trains first responders in a consistent, standardized way.
For more information, please contact Jack Pittman at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850)
487-3146 or jack_pittman@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-028
16. Maintenance of Traffic Training
**Implemented by Public Works
Training to help ensure that traffic control devices are in place during hurricane evacuations facilitates
safe travel of motorists and emergency responders. For more information, please call Ed Ward at the
Department of Transportation in Lake City (386) 961-7581 or ed.ward@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-
1. Retirement Plan for Temporary Employees **N/A
A retirement plan for temporary employees saved more than $4 million in Social Security taxes
between January and October 2006. For more information, please contact Paula Varnes Fussell at the
University of Florida (352) 391-4621 or pvarnes@ufl.edu. 2007-UF-004
2. Streamlined Hiring of Temporary Employees
**Implemented by HR
A process reduces the amount of time needed to hire OPS/temporary employees, and the time that
job seekers spend completing an online job application. For more information, please contact
Francesca Ciaccio-Freeman at Florida State University (850) 644-7701 or fciaccio@admin.fsu.edu.
3. Pre-employment Screening Protocol
**Implemented by HR
A pre-employment screening procedure that includes replacing finger print inked cards for
background checks with an electronic screening system provides a national criminal history check in
approximately four hours, versus ink card submissions, that took four to six weeks and had a 40%
rejection rate. Using this system virtually eliminates wrongful hiring of applicants with job-related
criminal histories. For more information, please contact Russell Pillifant at Florida State University’s
Ringling Cultural Center in Sarasota (941) 359-5863 or rpillifa@ringling.org. 2006-FSU-004
4. On-site Fingerprinting
Conducting required periodic fingerprinting at employees’ job sites saves time. For more information,
please contact James Haynes at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-
8440 or haynesj@AHCA.myflorida.com. 2006-AHCA-014
5. Staff Verification System **N/A
A system that provides historical and current information concerning employees of outsourced
providers enables hiring agents to determine the need for further inquiry into prospective employees’
job histories. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Suttle at the Department of Juvenile
Justice in Tallahassee (850) 488-9084 or jackie.suttle@djj.state.fl.us.
6. Labor Relations Case Management
**Implemented by HR
Process mapping, management tracking, customer satisfaction surveys, and quality improvement
reviews help to handle an increased number of labor relations cases. Compliance with applicable labor
law requirements reduces litigation exposure. For more information, please contact Teva Hightower at
the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-0524 or teva.hightower@fldoe.org. 2006-
7. Wage Garnishment
**Implemented by HR
Improved processes and flowcharts eliminate unnecessary steps in the wage garnishment process and
facilitate monitoring of control indicators and measures. For more information, please contact Charles
Mulvaney at the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-1992 or
charles.mulvaney@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-001
8. Employee Training Records
**Implemented by HR, IT
A tracking database for employee training records and certification includes state and federal
requirements that save time and money. For more information, please contact Rick Akin at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 488-1133 or
rick.akin@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2006-DBPR-007
9. Accessing Employee Training Opportunities
**Implemented by HR
Trak-IT, a user-friendly learning management system, provides online access to training opportunities
including required Security and HIPAA training. This leads to reduced man-hours for data collection,
reduced need for conference rooms and equipment coordination, and increased ability to respond to
training, saving time and money. For more information, please contact Carla Ruis at the Department
of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3551 or Carla_Ruis@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-044
10. Tracking System for HIPPA Training
**Implemented by HR, Public Safety
Automation of a time-consuming and labor-intensive manual process for tracking training required of
all HIPAA compliant agencies saves money. For more information please contact Valerie McCleary at
the Department of Health (727) 824-6900 ext. 11548, or Valerie_McCleary@doh.state.fl.us; Shirley
Nguyen at (727) 824-6900 ext. 11016 or Shirley_Nguyen@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-010
11. Asset Tracking System
**Implemented by HR, Purchasing, IT
, Finance, Public Works
A tracking database system improves accountability of assets when employees leave, thereby ensuring
that purchase cards and other credit cards are cancelled in a timely manner. For more information,
please contact Paul Palmiotto at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee
(850) 921-6235 or palmiop@doacs.state.fl.us. 2007-DACS-00
1. Habitat Restoration
** Implemented by Mosquito Control
Local governments may achieve habitat restoration by having a developer complete the restoration in
exchange for wetlands mitigation for development of residential housing. For more information,
please contact John Aspiolea at the Department of Environmental Protection (941) 575-5861 or
john.aspiolea@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-019
2. Use of Herbicide on Hydrilla in Flowing System **Implemented by Parks & Rec
Herbicide has been used to treat hydrilla in lakes and non-flowing waterways. A method developed to
apply it in the Wakulla River in North Florida saved approximately $50,000. For more information,
please contact Sandy Cook at the Department of Environmental Protection (850) 224-5950 or
Sandy.Cook@dep.state.fl.us. 2007-DEP-017
3. Hydrology Restoration
A system of water bars can eliminate severe erosion that contaminates ponds while controlling
unauthorized use of slopes by all terrain vehicles. The system makes use of surplus rip-rap, a masonry
product donated by a local concrete plant, and fallen trees to substitute for poles. For more
information, please contact G.W. Lupton at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in
Tallahassee (850) 487-3511 or luptong@doacs.state.fl.us. 2005-DACS-004
4. Controlling Evaporative Losses from Underground Storage Tanks **N/A per Central
Services All tanks above ground.
A system that uses a membrane filter to recover gasoline vapors in underground storage tanks that
normally are lost to the air significantly reduces emissions and improves air quality, compared to fuel
storage tanks without controls for evaporation. For more information, please contact Selva Selvendran
at the Department of Environmental Protection in West Palm Beach (561) 355-3136 ext.1171 or
selva_selvendran@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-032
5. Roadside Prescribed Burning
Prescribed burning of roadway medians can help manage native fire dependent vegetation and reduce
the likelihood of hazardous wildfires during dry periods. For more information, please contact Larry
Morse at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee (850) 488-1871 or
morsec@doacs.state.fl.us. 2006-DACS-010
6. Environmental Forensics Protocols **N/A
Defensibility, at trial, of forensics evidence collected in support of environmental crime investigations
may be enhanced by a CD that includes quality assurance procedures, standard operating procedures
and technical guidance for use by field sampling personnel. For more information, please contact
Timyn Rice at the Department of Environmental Protection in Tampa (813) 744-6462 or
timyn.rice@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-025
7. Energy Performance Contracting Program
8. Lightning Protection of Monitoring Equipment
**Implemented by Mosquito Control
A lightning protection system can be used for air or meteorological monitoring programs in
areas. For more information, please contact Meteorologist Tammy Eagan at the Department of
Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 921-9566 or tammy.eagan@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-
9. Streamlined Application and Inspection Processes
**Implemented by Code Compliance,
Public Works
A system that insures timely processing of applications and inspection of septic tanks, pools, mobile
home parks, tanning studios and food establishments also generates additional revenue and save
citizens’ money. For more information, please contact Scott Bryan at the St. Johns County Health
Department (904) 823-2514 ext. 104 or Scott_Bryan@doh.state.fl.us.
10. Regulatory Review of Applications
Having a regulated company be part of the regulatory review process of its own application makes it
easier for both sides to do their jobs correctly. For more information, please contact Ed Garrett at the
Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 245-3194 or ed.garrett@dep.state.fl.us.
11. Self-Certification
**In process by Central Services.
An online system may enable the general public and contractors to self-certify that construction meets
the requirements of environmental ordinances and regulations. For more information, please contact
Geof Mansfield at the Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 245-8356 or
geof.mansfield@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-001
12. One-Stop Permitting
**Implemented by Code Compliance
A process that enables citizens and clients to acquire all permits that are necessary to construct,
modify, or improve their property at one location saves money and improves customer service. For
more information, please contact Wade Sparkman at the Department of Health (904) 277-7284 or
Wade_sparkman@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-074
13. Fast Track Permitting
**Implemented by Code
A process that reduces the time to issue new septic system construction permits saves both
government and citizens. For more information, please contact Michelle Fredette at the Department
of Health (772) 221-4090 or michelle_fredette@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-068
14. Permit and Facility Revenue Collection
**Implemented by Code
Using a Centrax adaptation for permits and other billings saves money and increases revenue
collection. For more information, please contact Joseph Demarzio at the Department of Health (305)
623-3551 ext. 3578 or joseph_demarzio@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-071
15. Protection of Drinking Water
A program to protect drinking water from contamination through regulation of construction,
irrigation, monitoring and abandonment of ground water wells, includes application forms, policies
and operating procedures which help to streamline the permitting process and generate additional
revenue. For more information, please contact Greg Kearney at the Department of Health (561) 221-
4090 or Greg_Kearney@doh.state.fl.us.
16. Septic Tank Applications
**Implemented by Code
Use of scaled drawings for onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems required in septic tank
applications can save money. For more information, please contact Ray Lay at the Department of
Health (850) 983-5275 or at Raymond_Lay@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-060
17. Septic Tank Savings
A procedure that reduces the cost of septic tank repairs in certain soil conditions saves home owners
and reduces delays to septic tank companies caused by questionable soil samples. For more
information, please contact Joe Barker at the Lee County Health Department (239) 332-9562 or at
Joe_Barker@doh.state.fl.us. 2003-DOH-033
18. Inspector Training Modules in Key Industrial Sectors
Multi-media, sector-specific training modules help environmental field inspectors to learn about
advances in production processes and emerging technologies in the large, complex facilities they
inspect. For more information, please contact Vince Seibold at the Department of Environmental
Protection (904) 807-3301 or vince.seibold@dep.state.fl.us. 2007-DEP-023
1. Energy Performance Contracting Program
2. Tool for Installing Sheet Rock
A tool, used on top of an electric scissors lift, holds and lifts sheet rock in place while it is being
screwed into place. This innovation can free up as many as four people to work on other tasks. For
more information, please contact Ricky Mott at the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities in
Gainesville (352) 955-5806 or Michael_Crockrell@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-APD-006
3. Safety Shower Testing Device
A portable and collapsible safety shower-testing unit enables preventive maintenance to be completed
by one person instead of two people. For more information, please contact Steve Middleton at the
University of Florida (352) 392-6159 or smiddle@ufl.edu. 2006-UF-003
4. Facility Bed Repair
Rebuilding inmate beds with expanded metal instead of sheet metal saves money. For more
information, please contact Brian Hendrickson at the Department of Corrections (850) 453-3174
ext. 103 or hendrickson.brian@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2004-DOC-011
5. Pressure Cleaning Savings
**In use – canceled by Purchasing
Restructuring of bidding and contracting for pressure cleaning buildings creates substantial savings.
For more information, please contact John Cerasari at the Department of Transportation (954) 934-
1266 or john.cerasari@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-009
6. Janitorial Services
**Tried by Central Services. Better cost in-house.
Restructuring and outsourcing janitorial services may save money. For more information, please
contact Lee Ann Thomas at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 414-2488 or
leeann.thomas@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-001
7. Cleaning Chemical Technology
Use of a protective treatment product (Adsil) on ceramic tile surfaces saves money by reducing daily
and periodic cleaning times while increasing public satisfaction with the cleanliness and appearance of
bathrooms. For more information, please contact James Crocker at the University of Florida (352)
392-2161 or jimc@housing.ufl.edu. 2006-UF-008
8. Automated Operations System
**In process by Central Services. Seeking BOCC approval of
parking system in county garage.
Automated parking, lease management and operations, and preventive maintenance services produce
savings. For more information, please contact John Owen at the Department of Management Services
in Tallahassee (850) 488-0439 or owenj@dms.state.fl.us. 2004-DMS-004
9. Permit and Facility Revenue Collection
10. Lease Management Database System **N/A
A database that tracks facility repairs and space allocation also helps manage leases with private sector
entities, thereby saving time formerly spent on manual tracking, reporting and calculating financial
statements and lease cost reports. For more information, please contact Laura Jennings at the
Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-7952 or laura.jennings@djj.state.fl.us. 2005-
11. Fiber Optic Solution for Office Relocation **N/A
A fiber optic solution for an office relocation can occur without interrupting existing T-1 connectivity
in cases where (a) the distance precludes using regular category 5e cable runs, (b) dial-up is not an
option due to the amount of large email files, and (c) using DSL would require gaining access to a
virtual private network (vpn). For more information, please contact David Odum at the Department
of Health in Tallahassee (850) 643-2415 ext. 228 or David_Odum@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-041
12. Computer Applications for Managing Facilities Program Data **N/A
A computer application saves time in managing facilities program data. F or more information, please
contact Mr. Ming Ko at the Department of Management Services in Tallahassee (850) 414-6785 or
kom@dms.state.fl.us. 2005-DMS-003
13. Tracking Construction Documents **N/A
Software automates and streamlines tracking and processing forms used in review of construction
documents. For more information, please contact James Gregory at the Agency for Health Care
Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922 6469 or gregorys@haca.myflorida.com. 2006-AHCA-002
14. Online Parking Permit Ordering and Distribution **N/A
An electronic parking permit ordering and distribution method enables customers to transact parking
business online. In addition to providing 24/7 customer access and eliminating standing in line, this
initiative saves cashiering and permit inventory management costs. For more information, please
contact Laura Miller at Florida State University (850) 644-5276 or LCMiller@admin.fsu.edu. 2005-
15. Increased Parking Garage Revenue **N/A
Cross-referencing a paid parking database and a security protection card access database can improve
accountability and control egress into parking garages. A smart card reader facilitates monitoring of
individual cards, enabling staff to analyze who is, and is not, paying for parking. For more information
please contact Dan Eberhart at the Department of Management Services (407) 999-5474 or
eberhad@dms.state.fl.us. 2005-DMS-005
16. Maintenance Contract Administration
17. Online Security Monitoring
**Implemented by IT
Software provides online security monitoring of equipment in many separate areas of a facility. For
more information, please contact Dr. Ruth Marshall at the University of Central Florida (407) 823-
2594 or ruth.marshall@mail.ucf.edu. 2005-UCF-005
18. Computer Hardware Maintenance Contract
19. Maintenance and Repair Savings
A privately underwritten, insurance-backed policy can save equipment maintenance and contracted
repair expenses. For more information, please contact Sandy Watson at the Department of Education
in Tallahassee (850) 245-9197 or Sandy.Watson@fldoe.org.
1. Financial Chart Fields
**Implemented by HR
Chart fields are the building blocks of transactions within financial and human resources systems. An
interface application streamlines the process of requesting department and/or project chart fields. This
application provides functionality for setting up requested chart fields with four quick clicks of a
button, rather than going to many different pages. As a result, turnaround time for processing requests
is reduced from hours to minutes, and lead time to process requests is reduced from weeks to days.
For more information, please contact Varsha Das at the University of Central Florida (407) 882-1045
or vdas@mail.ucf.edu. 2006-UCF-002
2. Automated Receipting System
**Implemented by Finance
An automated receipting system facilitates earning interest three days sooner than a former manual
process. More work is processed more accurately. The system is secure and enforces cross validation
to reduce errors on receipt detail. For more information, please contact Joe Franklin at the
Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 414-7672 or joe.franklin@djj.state.fl.us. 2004-DJJ-
3. Streamlined Analysis for Salary Projections
**Implemented by HR
A salary and benefits worksheet facilitates quarterly projections with increased accuracy and time
savings. For more information, please contact Tom Denmark at the Agency for Health Care
Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-8414 or denmarkt@ahca.myflorida.com.
4. Salary Rate Administration
**Implemented by HR
An automated salary rate administration system annually saves thousands of staff hours. For more
information, please contact Richard Maxey at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444
or richard_maxey@doh.state.fl.us. 2003-DOH-001
5. Deposit and Revenue Tracking
**Implemented by Finance
A process for tracking revenue and deposit data in an excel spreadsheet produces reports of daily
deposits and maintain records. This process eliminates the need for keeping a shadow accounting
system. For more information, please contact Larissa Enzmann at Florida State University’s Ringling
Museum in Sarasota (941) 373-7818 or lenzmann@ringling.org.
6. Computerized Ledger
**Implemented by Finance
A computerized ledger system linked to a central accounting system eliminates duplicate data entry and
errors; manipulates data required during contract amendment; ensures an accurate certified forward
process; rolls up contract expenditures by budget entity and fund; and displays expenditure
information by funding streams that cross multiple contracts and programs. For more information,
please contact Fred Bruneau at the Department of Children and Families (813) 558-5731 or
Fred_Bruneau@dcf.state.fl.us. 2003-DCF-059
7. Shadow Accounting System
**Implemented by HR, Finance
Online applications, coupled with an in-house data store that includes an intranet user management
system, travel authorization form, annual activity report, and performance evaluations, save thousands
of staff hours annually. For more information, please contact Dr. Ronald Rozensky at the University
of Florida Psychology Department (352) 273-6033 or rrozensky@phhp.ufl.edu. 2006-UF-007
8. Automated Invoice Payment and Expenditure Reconciliation
A software program titled “D Carter” automates contract, invoice payment, and expenditure
reconciliation processes. Custom toolbars open all work files relating to a specific contract with one
keystroke. A built-in graph shows actual verses expected expenditures. Error messages spotlight
atypical balances. For more information, please contact Curtis Hatcher at the Department of Children
and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-9389 or Curtis_Hatcher@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-028
9. Financial Reconciliation and Reporting
**Implemented by Finance
A financial reconciliation and reporting method eliminates financial ledgers that formerly required
creation of detailed subsidiary records by department and monthly reconciliation to a central
accounting system. It provides bi-weekly financial reports to decision makers. For more information,
please contact Deborah Coury at Florida State University (850) 644-5024 or
deborah.coury@med.fsu.edu. 2003-FSU-006
10. Expenditure Tracking Program
**Implemented by Finance
An expenditure tracking program enables managers to know, in real time, how much money has been
spent or committed, and how much remains in the fiscal year budget allocation. A search function
determines the amount of money that has been spent for travel and how much of each employee’s
travel allocation has been used. For more information, please contact Cesar Ricardo at the Department
of Transportation (954) 475-4102 ext. 136 or cesar.recardo@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-024
11. Fixed Capital Outlay Financial Tracker System
**Implemented by Finance
The productivity of fixed capital outlay staff is increased via a system that inputs data required for
creation and maintenance of financial exhibits, populates a database that maintains balances as project
managers pay invoices, and builds an automated history. For more information, please contact Jim
Chandonia at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3168 or
jim_chandonia@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-049
12. Financials Data Warehouse for Encumbrance Reporting
**Implemented by Finance
A data warehouse system features enhanced reporting views of historical and current financial data,
plus budget and encumbrance data. This provides departments with a controlled and comprehensive
view of activity against their budgets. For more information, please contact Rebecca Vilsack at the
University of Central Florida in Orlando (407) 882-1093 or rvilsack@mail.ucf.edu. 2007-UCF-007
13. Automated Reconciliation System
An automated reconciliation system matches accounting records, automatically posts clear dates for
outstanding line items, and sends weekly reminders of transactions needed and unclear items that are
not reconciled. For more information please contact Mike Wolfe at the Department of Children and
Families in Tallahassee (850) 488-6404 or Mike_Wolfe@dcf.state.fl.us.
14. Web-based Financial Information and Reporting System
**Implemented by Finance
A web-based financial and information reporting system improves access to information, promotes
more timely budgetary decisions, and increases productivity and accountability. For more information,
please contact Jennie Bishop at (386) 274-0778. 2003-DOH
15. Financial Certification
A computer application expedites the year-end financial certification process, eliminates errors, saves
staff time and avoids overtime formerly paid to input certified items into a central accounting system.
For more information, please contact Mary Ann Thorner at the Department of Highway Safety and
Motor Vehicles in Tallahassee (850) 921-0819 or at thorner.maryann@hsmv.state.fl.us. 2003-DHSMV
16. Certification Forward Process
An automated certification process performs complicated calculations and creates files for systematic
uploading to a central accounting system. For more information, please contact Janet Parramore at the
Agency for Health Care Administration (850) 921-9141 or parramoj@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-
17. Protection of Confidential Financial Information
An enterprise web site security program protects and safeguards confidential financial information,
and personally identifying information transmitted across the Internet. For more information, please
contact Joseph Lazor at Florida State University (850) 644-0062 or jlazor@admin.fsu.edu. 2006-FSU-
18. Reducing Unemployment Compensation Overpayments **Implemented by HR
Improved detection and collection processes regarding unemployment compensation overpayments
reduces the number of audit documents mailed to employers. For more information, please contact
Dianne Parcell at the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation in Tallahassee (850) 245-7413 or
Dianne.Parcell@awi.state.fl.us. 2006-AWI-002
19. Automated Indemnity Calculations **Implemented by HR
Automated processes, using an electronic spreadsheet, for calculating indemnity benefits, penalties and
interest reduces calculation time and increases collection of monies that are payable to permanently
totally injured workers. The spreadsheet can be used wherever there is a need to calculate indemnity
benefits. For more information, please contact Mary Adelson at the Department of Financial Services
in Tallahassee (850) 413-1789 or mary.adelson@fldfs.com. 2006-DFS-02 1
20. Wage Garnishment
21. Contract Administration
22. Enhanced Financial Integrity of Contracting
23. Debt Collection
A protocol that sends receivables files directly to parties owing money without being routed through a
central financial system reduces personnel hours and increases collections. For more information,
please contact Ella Hinson at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 245-4504
ext. 4504 or ella_hinson@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-045
24. Increased Collection of Cost of Care Fees **Implemented by Growth Mgmt
An automated billing system and improved business processes increase the collection of monthly cost
of care fees. For more information, please contact Johnny Siets at the Department of Juvenile Justice
in Tallahassee (850) 921-2084 or Johnny.siets@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-006
25. Automated Single Audit System
**Implemented by Finance
Automated oversight and monitoring of state and federal funds tracks compliance of state and federal
single audit expenditures. For more information, please contact Randall Cook at the Department of
Transportation in Tallahassee (850) 410-5837 or randall.cook@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-012
26. Lease Management Database System
27. Oversight of Citizen Support Organizations
28. Imaging System
29. Imaging Management System
1. Fraud Detection
An automated methodology that searches information warehouses of accounting data can help identify
potential or actual fraud. For more information, please contact Ted Dudley at the Department of
Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 410-9890 or tdudley@dfs.state.fl.us.
2. White Collar Crime Investigation
**Implemented by HR
A methodology to investigate white collar crime is available from the Department of Revenue. For
more information, please contact Kimberly Brown in Orlando (407) 835-4430 or
kimberly.brown@fldfs.com. 2007-DFS-002
3. Fraud Investigation Protocols **N/A
Investigative protocols that deal with kitchen fires and fraudulent insurance claims can be adapted and
implemented by local fire departments, insurance companies, and the private sector. Training seminars
are available. For more information, please contact Ross Holt at the State Fire Marshal’s Office (954)
321-3704 or ross.holt@fldfs.com. 2006-DFS-018
4. Fraud Prevention Reporting **N/A
A data entry software application system enables fraud prevention investigators to enter information
daily regarding investigations, and generates forms and reports essential to completion of
investigations, reduces the time that investigators spend in completing paper work. For more
information, please contact Benjamin Menes at the Department of Children and Families (305) 637-
2503 or benjamin_menes@dcf.state.fl.us. 2005-DCF-052
5. Service Billing Fraud Reduction
A methodology that identifies duplicate claims for government services helps identify suspected fraud
and abuse and provides data for decision-making. For more information, please contact George
Kitchens at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-0685 or
kitcheg@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2004-AHCA-011
6. Public Assistance Fraud Prevention/Reduction
A fraud prevention and reduction program generates millions of dollars of savings in public assistance
benefits. For more information, please contact Donna Lytwyn at the Department of Children and
Families (727) 639-0264 or Donna_Lytwyn@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-055
7. Child Daycare Center Fraud
Improved financial safeguards of child daycare centers reduce fraud by those transitioning from
welfare to work who need assistance with daycare costs. For more information, please contact Cynthia
Rindone at the Department of Law Enforcement (305) 470-5500 or cynthiarindone@fdle.state.fl.us.
8. Public Housing Fraud
A financial crime investigator’s sharing of information on subsidized child daycare program public
assistance fraud with public housing authorities in Broward County resulted in more than $50,000
being reimbursed by persons who defrauded the program, thereby freeing up space for those who
truly need the assistance. For more information, please contact Quinn Northcutt at the Department of
Law Enforcement (305) 470-5500 or quinnnorthcutt@fdle.state.fl.us.
9. Reduction of Fake IDs **N/A
Investigating the manufacture of fraudulent IDs, seizing equipment used in making them, arresting
numerous subjects, and closing illegal enterprises reduced fake IDs available to underage persons,
illegal immigrants and criminals. For more information, please contact Willa Beckley at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 487-6599 or
willa.beckley@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-003
10. Increased Productivity Due to Elimination of Internet Misuse
**Implemented by IT, HR
A content filter that reduces internet traffic not related to job functions network increases employee
productivity, reduces bandwidth expenditures, and virtually eliminates spyware, malware, adware and
other web-bourne virus infections. For more information, please contact Michael Maddox at the
Department of Corrections (850) 414-7470 or maddox.michael@mail.dc.state.fl.us. 2005-DOC-002
11. Reducing Cell Phone Waste and Abuse v
A cost analysis system in spreadsheet format is a management tool for identifying cell phone waste and
abuse. For more information, please contact Gary Blavat at the Department of Children and Families
in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 762-3813 or Gary_Blavat@dcf.state.fl.us.
1. Wellness Program
**Implemented by HR
Wellness programs reduce stress, sickness and the cost of health care. One such program includes
employee seminars introducing different ways to reduce stress; promotion of exercise with a Walk
Around Florida campaign which awards prizes to the person who walks/runs the most miles during a
specific time frame; and a football fever campaign which awards points to hundreds of participants
who complete daily healthy living tasks. For more information, please contact Helene Danaher at the
Department of Children and Families in Tampa (813) 558-5774, Suncom 514-5774 or
Helene_Danaher@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-043
2. Internet Crimes Against Children Training **N/A
Nationally recognized Internet Crimes Against Children training is available. For more information,
please contact Special Agent Supervisor Bob Breeden at the Department of Law Enforcement in
Tallahassee (850) 410-7057 or bobbreeden@fdle.state.fl.us, or Mark Zadra at (850) 410-8390 or
markzadra@fdle.state.fl.us. 2006-FDLE-020
3. Crisis Center for Sexual Assault Victims **N/A
A forensic exam procedure for collection of medical evidence and prevention of sexually transmitted
diseases reduces trauma to rape victims, helps law enforcement officers and prosecutors, and saves
taxpayer dollars. Long, embarrassing and expensive waits at crowded emergency rooms are avoided.
For more information, please contact Dr. Daniel Haight at the Polk County Health Department (863)
519-7900 ext. 1001 or daniel_haight@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-091
4. Violence Intervention and Prevention **N/A
A certified initiative that provides direct services to victims of domestic and sexual violence helps
assure a continued funding stream. For more information, please contact Joanne O’Neil at the Putnam
County Health Department (386) 326-3261 or carolyn_fountain@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-061
5. Countermeasures to Reduce Physical Aggression Events
**Implemented by HR
Countermeasures to reduce physical aggression events also reduce employee overtime, workers
compensation claims, and costs relating to maintenance and medical services. For more information,
please contact Anthony Clayton at the Department of Children and Families in Chattahoochee (850)
663-7576 or anthony_clayton@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-014
6. Mental Health Offender Jail Diversion Program **Implemented
A jail diversion expansion program directs individuals with mental illnesses away from the criminal
justice system and into community-based mental health treatment and services. Individuals in acute
psychiatric distress who are arrested for misdemeanors and booked into a jail are evaluated and, if
appropriate, transferred to a crisis stabilization unit within 48 hours. Upon stabilization, legal charges
typically are dismissed and individuals are assisted with accessing treatment services and housing. For
more information, please contact Deborah Dummitt at the Department of Children and Families in
Miami (305) 377-5811 or deborah_dummitt@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-080
7. Self-Triage
8. Policy on the Use of Automated External Defibrillators
**Implemented by HR
A written policy on automated external defibrillators replaces inconsistent use with organization and
accountability. For more information, please contact Tracy Hall at the Department of Law
Enforcement in Tallahassee (850) 410-7351 or tracyhall@fdle.state.fl.us. 2006-FDLE-002
9. Improved Monitoring of Service Providers
Implementation of joint monitoring of access to primary health care services of the uninsured was
undertaken by the Broward County Health Department and the Broward County Substance Abuse
and Health Care Division. Staff hours were reduced for both agencies as well as for providers.
Additionally, more comprehensive monitoring produced a detailed evaluation of providers’ level of
service. For more information, please contact Anthony Fiore at the Department of Health (954) 467-
4959 or Anthony_Fiore@doh.state.fl.us, or Steve Kaufman at (954) 467-4959 or
Steve_Kaufman@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-051
10. Diabetes Awareness Initiative
**Implemented by HR
A campaign to heighten community awareness of diabetes, a chronic condition that is manageable by
adopting lifestyle changes to enhance prevention, early detection and medical management, was
sponsored by the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company. For more information, please contact Sandra Moss
at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Miami-Dade County (305) 499-2163 or
mosss@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2003
11. Marketing of Prenatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program **N/A
A multimedia education campaign increases public awareness of the importance of Hepatitis B
immunization. For more information, please contact Margaret Ewen at the Department of Health in
Tampa (813) 307-8010 or margaret_ewen@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-049
12. Improved Pregnancy Services Eligibility Process **N/A
A screening process for eligibility under the Family Planning Medicaid Wavier identifies women who
received Medicaid for pregnancy-related services during the previous two years, then offers routine
check-ups, pap smears, birth control and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. For more
information, please contact Lisa Corey at the Flagler County Health Department (386) 437-7350 or
Lisa_Corey@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-036
13. Improved Monitoring of Health Outcomes and Program Evaluation **N/A
A Women, Infants & Children (WIC) and nutrition program-specific quality improvement system
includes data collection on performance objectives, bar charts and pie charts for monitoring, analysis,
mentoring and providing information to decision-makers at least monthly. A quarterly report
summarizes data, highlights progress, provides long-term analysis and focuses on areas for
improvement. For more information, please contact Molly Gladding at the Department of Health
(561) 840-0165 or Molly_Gladding@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-042
14. Foster Care Children’s Medical Screening **N/A
More than 90% of children entering foster care obtain an initial health assessment by a licensed health
care provider within 72 hours after placement in out-of-home care. For more information please
contact Paul Kellam at the Department of Children and Families in Jacksonville (904) 359-2567 or
paul_kellam@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-036
15. Meeting Needs of Children in Dependency Cases
Joint training and recruitment efforts of child welfare professionals employed by Family Services of
Metro Orlando, the Legal Aid Society, the Guardian ad Litem Program, and the Department of
Children and Families save time, money and energy on resolving legal issues that would otherwise be
litigated in court. For more information, please contact Barbara Dirienzo at (407) 897-5906 or
Barbara_Dirienzo@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-059
16. Dependency Court Outcome Enhancement **N/A
A dependency court outcome enhancement initiative seeks to help preserve the integrity of families
and safety of children by front-loading services. For more information, please contact Mike Martin at
the Department of Children and Families in Pensacola (850) 595-8293 or mike_martin@dcf.state.fl.us.
17. Increased Number of Judicial Review Social Study Reports *N/A
A multi-layered strategy involving agency and non-agency individuals significantly increases the
percentage of timely filed judicial review social study reports. For more information, please contact
Keith Edwards at the Department of Children and Families (904) 798-4900 or
Keith_Edwards@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-062
18. Improved Substance Abuse Prevention **N/A
A performance-based system manages and evaluates more than 80 community-based prevention
projects and increases contract accountability by improving the linkage of process to outcome data.
More accurate cost-per-client data is helpful when negotiating future contracts. For more information,
please contact Skip Forsyth at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-6705
or Skip_Forsyth@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-081
19. Chemotherapy Services for the Indigent **N/A
A partnership between a local government, the business and medical communities, and a state agency
provides chemotherapy services for indigent persons with cancer at no cost to them. For more
information, please contact Merilyn “Duke” George at the Bay County Health Department (850) 872-
4455 Ext. 1127 or M_George@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-039
20. Access to Free Medication for Indigent Clients
Indigents can be assisted by accessing free medication from pharmaceutical companies. For more
information, please contact Anthony Tassinari at the Department of Health (321) 690-6494 or
Anthony_Tassinari@doh.state.fl.us, or Deborah Rimes at (321) 269-6370 or
Deborah_Rimes@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-047
21. HIV Medical Services **N/A
A delivery model enhances accessibility and utilization of HIV primary medical care and ancillary
services and generates increased federal funding. For more information, please contact Merle Hilliard
at the St. Lucie County Health Department (772) 462-3850 or Merle_Litvack@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-
22. Community Mental Health Medicaid Program
A community mental health Medicaid program uses a 12-step process to provide mental health
services to children and adults. Psychological counseling and intervention are immediately available to
patients and their families. For more information, please contact Donna Buchanan at the Duval
County Health Department (904) 630-3397 or Donna_Buchanan@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-014
23. Improved Bidding Process of Mental Health Treatment Teams **N/A
An electronic request for proposal template enables facilitates selection of the most qualified
applicants to provide evaluative tools for mental health treatment teams. The RFP evaluation
instrument, scoring protocols and proposal tabulation forms are highly adaptable. For more
information, please contact Steve Poole at the Department Children and Families in Tallahassee (850)
410-1188 or Stephen_Poole@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-106
24. Unified Service Delivery Application **N/A
Combining applications for public assistance with diversion activities, community-based referrals and
employment opportunities saves time and money. For more information, please contact Nancy
Flanders at the Pinellas County Health Department (727) 469-4149 or
Nancy_M_Flanders@dcf.state.fl.us. 2005-DCF-008
25. Electronic Billing **N/A
A reporting and accounting tool electronically bills and increases rates for AIDS clients on Medicaid
that replaces non-standard contracted software. Clients benefit through seamless case management.
For more information, please contact Rich Power at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850)
245-4058 or Richard_Power@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-001
26. Automated Quality Assurance Tools **N/A
Automated tools for conducting quality assurance of adult services provide detailed case review
information, automated compilation and analysis of review data, and a uniform reporting structure,
thereby increasing accuracy and uniformity. For more information, please contact Lynne Powell at the
Department of Children and Families in Jacksonville (904) 723-2191 or Lynne_Powell@dcf.state.fl.us.
27. Reimbursement for Rabies Vaccine **N/A
Rabies is a fatal disease for which there is no treatment, only prophylaxis. Most insurance programs do
not cover the cost of rabies vaccine. Tracking patients who undergo rabies prophylaxis and
aggressively following-up with private insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid and individual
payment plans helps insure that individuals exposed to rabies receive the vaccine if they cannot afford
treatment. For more information please contact Robert South at the Department of Health (239) 332-
9580 or Robert_south@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-018
28. HIPPA Training
**Implemented by HR
Trak-IT, a user-friendly learning management system, provides online access to HIPPA training
opportunities, thereby reducing man-hours to collect data, reducing the need for conference rooms
and equipment coordination, and increasing the ability to respond to training needs. For more
information, please contact Carla Ruis at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext.
3551 or Carla_Ruis@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-044
29. Training to Prevent Child Care Injury
A federally funded injury prevention training program for staff in child care centers focuses on safety
procedures to help reduce disabilities and death. For more information, please contact Andrea
Trzcinski at the Department of Children and Families (904) 727-3417 or
andrea_trzcinski@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-033
30. Training for Child Welfare Professionals
Joint training and recruitment efforts of child welfare professionals employed by Family Services of
Metro Orlando, the Legal Aid Society, the Guardian ad Litem Program, and the Department of
Children and Families save time, money and energy on resolving legal issues that would otherwise be
litigated in court. For more information, please contact Barbara Dirienzo at (407) 897-5906 or
Barbara_Dirienzo@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-059
31. Web-based Training for Nursing **N/A
Web-based training for nursing staff addresses challenges related to completion of new hire training
and annual core training. This training allows nursing staff to complete required training at their
convenience, complete courses for CEU credits, and enhance competency in areas such as workplace
safety, CPR, First Aid and MANDT. For more information, please contact Grady Carthon at the
Department of Children and Families (352) 375-8484 or grady_carthon@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-
32. Community Cardiovascular Health Program**N/A
A diabetes training program targets residents with higher than average risk for heart disease --
particularly those who are overweight, smoke, are physically inactive and have diabetes. For more
information, please contact Irmatine Bealyer at the Department of Health (904) 665-2351 or
Irmatine_Bealyer@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-057
1. Mutual Aid Agreement
**Implemented by Public Safety
A mutual aid agreement between the Okaloosa County Health Department and 12 municipal, county
and private systems promotes development of common ordinances throughout the county and
money-saving purchasing, and expands inter-utility connection for emergency service provision of
water. For more information, please contact Doug Sims at (850) 689-7859 or
Doug_Sims@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-018
2. Emergency Communications
3. Self-triage
4. Reduced Administrative Costs of Disaster Reimbursement
1. Standardized Pre-employment Screening Protocol
**Implemented by HR
Pre-employment screening procedures that include replacing the use of finger print inked cards for
background checks with an electronic screening system provides a national criminal history check in
approximately four hours, versus ink card submissions that took four to six weeks with a 40%
rejection rate. Using this system virtually eliminates wrongful hiring of applicants with job-related
criminal histories. For more information, please contact Russell Pillifant at Florida State University’s
Ringling Cultural Center in Sarasota (941) 359-5863 or rpillifa@ringling.org. 2006-FSU-004
2. Streamlined Hiring Process for Temporary Employees
**Implemented by HR
A process reduces the amount of time needed to hire OPS/temporary employees, and the time that
applicants spend completing an online job application. For more information, please contact
Francesca Ciaccio-Freeman at Florida State University (850) 644-7701 or fciaccio@admin.fsu.edu.
3. Reduced Hire Cycle Time
**Implemented by HR
Benchmarking world class organizations such as Xerox and Motorola may help to reduce employee
recruitment and selection process times to save direct and indirect costs. For more information, please
contact Wendy Beven-Baker at the Department of Revenue in Tallahassee (850) 922-9221 or
bevanbw@dor.state.fl.us. 2004-DOR-027
4. Criminal History Screening
**Implemented by HR
A program saves employee time by performing on-site fingerprinting. For more information, please
contact James Haynes at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 922-8440 or
haynesj@AHCA.myflorida.com. 2006-AHCA-014
5. Online New Employee Orientation
An online orientation program used by new employees saves travel and work time. For more
information, please contact Mark Palazesi at Florida State University (850) 644-0184 or
mpalazesi@admin.fsu.edu. 2005-FSU-018
6. Financial Chart Fields
7. Shadow Accounting System
8. Salary Rate Administration
**Implemented by HR
An automated salary rate administration system annually saves thousands of staff hours. For more
information, please contact Richard Maxey at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444
or at richard_maxey@doh.state.fl.us. 2003-DOH-001
9. Benefit Calculator
**Implemented by HR
An automated tool called “benefit calculator” enables employees to see a fuller range of their
compensation and calculate the dollar value of their benefits. For more information, please contact
Rose Marie Worley at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-0052 or
rose_marie_worley@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-012
10. Reducing Unemployment Compensation Overpayments
11. Asset Tracking System
12. Retirement Plan for Temporary Employees
13. Capturing Missing Timesheets
**Implemented by HR
A method for collecting and analyzing timesheet data reduces the potential for over- and underpayment
of salary, on-demand payments, warrant cancellations and delays in leave payments upon
termination. For more information, please contact Maria Gillett at (305) 377-5466 or
Maria_Gillett@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-063
14. Missing Timesheet Online Application
A Web-based tool provides managers, supervisors, employees and human resources professionals’
timely information to submit time sheets on time. For more information, please contact York Shuler at
the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 414-1581 or york_shuler@dcf.state.fl.us.
15. Reduced Administrative Costs of Disaster Reimbursement
16. Staff Verification System
17. Staff Mileage Reimbursement
**Implemented by HR, Finance
An electronic form automates calculation and documentation of staff mileage. For additional
information, please contact Christine Carr at the Department of Juvenile Justice (904) 726-0030 or
christine.carr@djj.state.fl.us. 2006-DJJ-001
18. Mileage Savings
**Implemented by HR
Use of the Microsoft Streets and Trips computer program may reduce business travel costs. For more
information, please contact Denise Devlin at the Department of Juvenile Justice (321) 690-6436 or
denise.devlin@djj.state.fl.us. 2006-DJJ-009
19. Employee Discipline
**Implemented by HR
A process to ensure fair, impartial discipline to employees includes a tracking database to find
discipline on any given employee and tracking numbers to help retrieve hard copies. For more
information, please contact Willa Beckley at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation
in Tallahassee (850) 487-6599 or willa.beckley@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-002
20. Wage Garnishment
21. Labor Relations Case Management
22. Career Development Guidelines
** To be evaluated by Grants for implementation.
Implemented by HR
Guidelines for employees and supervisors help increase employee proficiency, further employee
development, and improve employee retention. For more information, please contact Earl Jacobs at
the Department of Transportation (561) 432-4966 ext. 1132 or earl.jacobs@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-
23. Supervisor Certification
**Implemented by HR
A certification program uses classroom instruction and videoconferences to provide ongoing training
for supervisors in human relations skills. For more information, please contact Kristin Watkins at the
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in Tallahassee (850) 488-7770 or
watkins.kristin@hsmv.state.fl.us. 2006-DHSMV-009
24. Employee Evaluation Process
** To be evaluated by Grants for implementation.
Implemented by HR
An online employee evaluation and development process has received a high level of employee
satisfaction. For more information, please contact Nancy Kelley at the Department of Revenue in
Tallahassee (850) 922-9221 or KelleyN@dor.state.fl.us. 2005-DOR-004
25. Electronic Forms for Employee Performance Appraisal
**Implemented by Grants, HR
Standardized forms assist supervisors’ data collection to track employee performance on a monthly
basis. The forms roll up automatically for the annual employee performance appraisal. For more
information, please contact Marion Little at the Department of Children and Families (305) 377-5460
or marion_little@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-007
26. Executive Performance Evaluation
An annual evaluation tool assesses executive leadership, management and continuous improvement.
The evaluation, which is linked to implementation of a department's strategic plan, includes a 360-
degree feedback tool. Data comprising the evaluation is used regularly to make financial and human
resource decisions. For more information, please contact Theresa Klebacha at the Department of
Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9840 or theresa.klebacha@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-024
27. Classroom Training Registration System
**Implemented by HR, IT
A classroom training registration and tracking system provides self-registration for courses offered
statewide to approximately 20,000 employees of the Department of Children and Families and the
Agency for Persons with Disabilities, saving more than $300,000 worth of employee time annually. For
more information, please contact Marsha Ryan at (850) 488-8308 or marsha_ryan@dcf.state.fl.us.
28. Accessing Training Opportunities
**Implemented by HR
Trak-IT, a user-friendly learning management system, provides online access to training opportunities
including required Security and HIPAA training. Reduced man hours to collect data, reduced need for
conference rooms and equipment coordination, and increased ability to respond to training needs
saved $66,665 the first year. For more information, please contact Carla Ruis at the Department of
Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3551 or Carla_Ruis@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-044
29. New Employee Training
**Implemented by HR
A new-employee orientation process resulted from process mapping to show responsibility at each
level of the process, and from developing operating procedures. Quality improvement tools will help
to monitor the program’s effectiveness. For more information, please contact Stephen Eaton at the
Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-8572 or stephen_eaton@dcf.state.fl.us.
30. New Employee Training
**Implemented by HR, IT
A training matrix provides orientation for new employees and continuing education for experienced
staff. For more information, please contact Bill Brookman at the Department of Health (305) 853-
1901 or william_brookman@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-050
31. New Employee Training
32. Training on Workplace Violence and Anti-terrorism
**Implemented by HR, Public Safety
A training program, “Preventing Workplace Violence,” raises prevention awareness, defining the
problem and its parameters, as well as anti-terrorist awareness, teaching employees risk factors and
prevention strategies. For more information, please contact Dana Vogelsang at the A.G. Holly
Hospital in Lantana (561) 582-5666 or Dana_Vogelsang@doh.state.fl.us.
33. Civil Rights Training
**Implemented by HR
Federally mandated civil rights training is delivered over intranets and on VHS tapes. A tracking
system is included. For more information, please contact Marsha Ryan at the Department of Children
and Families in Tallahassee (850) 488-8308 or Marsha_Ryan@dcf.state.fl.us.
34. Tracking System for HIPPA Training
35. Leadership Training
**Implemented by HR
A leadership development seminar that includes portions of a standardized, nationally recognized
leadership program is designed to meet a need for leadership succession. For more information, please
contact Kathy Torian at the Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9968 or
kathryn.torian@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-023
36. Wellness Program
1. Inventory Management System
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
A web-based system saves an up to 80% of staff time formerly spent on computer hardware and
software inventory, new employee equipment requests, equipment reservations, surplus equipment,
transfer of equipment, and creation of purchase requisitions. The system also provides accountability
for inventory and user requests, virtually assuring that all inventory is properly tracked and that
requests are not omitted or overlooked. For more information, please contact Rebecca Ajhar at the
Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 921-9604 or
Rebecca.Ajhar@dep.state.fl.us. 2005-DEP-001
2. Inventory of Off-site Equipment
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
A program that remotely identifies the name and location of computer equipment completes tasks in
hours that formerly required days. For more information, please contact Paul Prado at the Department
of Juvenile Justice in Orlando (407) 521-2668 or at paul.prado@djj.state.fl.us. 2003-DJJ
3. Remote Auditing Software
4. Technology Inventory Tracking Database
**Implemented by IT**Growth Management
partially implemented per IT.
An inventory tracking database that captures technological inspection equipment and accessories is an
excellent managerial tool, both for asset tracking and employee accountability. For more information,
please contact Rick Akin at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee
(850) 488-1 133 or rick.akin@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-010
5. Asset Tracking System
6. Asset Tracking System
7. Improved Asset Management Accountability
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
A system for tracking property reduces the time to register, tag, transfer and dispose of assets.
Automation of bar coding procedures provides more timely and accurate information. A web-based
enterprise database system manages all property classes, and moves and tracks all forms. For more
information, please contact James Wheeler at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4555
or James_Wheeler@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-055
8. Re-engineered Records Center Operations
**Implemented by IT,HR, Growth Management
An automated records inventory tracking system facilitates locating stored records by box rather than
file, record number, or date. For more information, please contact Stephanie Pittman at the
Department of Children and Families (904) 259-6211 ext. 1663 or stephanie_pittman@dcf.state.fl.us.
9. Records Inventory and Storage **Implemented
A streamlined process for maintaining inventories and facilitating timely transfer and destruction of
records can save staff time and money and improves customer service. A system for real-time records
inventories features single data entry of client information from multiple locations into a protected
database for storage and disposition. This provides one source for tracking purged records and
provides staff with a current, site-based inventory of records. Staff locates records in storage at the
click of a mouse instead of sifting through stacks of paper. For more information, please contact
Dianne Forgey at the Polk County Health Department (863) 521-2668 or
glenda_forgey@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-013
10. Online Parking Permit Ordering and Distribution
1. Dependency Court Outcome Enhancement
2. Meeting the Needs of Children in Dependency Cases **N/A
Joint training and recruitment efforts of child welfare professionals from Family Services of Metro
Orlando, the Guardian ad Litem Program, the Legal Aid Society, and the Department of Children and
Families saves time, money and energy on resolving legal issues that would otherwise be litigated in
court. For more information, please contact Barbara Dirienzo at (407) 897-5906 or
Barbara_Dirienzo@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-059
3. Increased Number of Judicial Review Social Study Reports
4. Jail Diversion Program **Implemented
A jail diversion expansion program redirects individuals with mental illnesses away from the criminal
justice system and into community-based mental health treatment and services. Individuals in acute
psychiatric distress who are arrested for misdemeanors and booked into a jail are evaluated and, if
appropriate, transferred to a crisis stabilization unit within 48 hours. Upon stabilization, legal charges
typically are dismissed and individuals are assisted with accessing treatment services and housing. For
more information, please contact Deborah Dummitt at the Department of Children and Families in
Miami (305) 377-5811 or deborah_dummitt@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-080
5. Streamlined Violation of Probation Processes **In process
Streamlining first appearance and arraignment processes for violation of probation helps to reduce
daily jail population. For more information, please contact Anne Weeks, 10th Judicial Circuit (863)
534-4571 or aweeks@jud10.flcourts.org. 2007-SCS-002
6. Forensic Competency Restoration Program **N/A
A competency restoration program diverts forensic clients found incompetent to stand trial to the
community in lieu of referring them to a treatment facility. For more information, please contact Lisa
Cue at the Department of Children and Families in Gainesville (352) 955-5045 or
Lisa_Cue@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-074
7. Expert Witness Contract
8. Environmental Forensics Protocols
9. Case Management Database
1. Evidence-based Risk Assessment and Case Plan
2. Tracking High Risk Cases
3. Case Management Database
4. Staff Verification System
5. Increased Collection of Cost of Care Fees
6. Cost Saving Training Lesson Plans **N/A
Power point training lesson plans on approximately two dozen subjects train detention center
employees. Most training is delivered via computer on employees’ own schedules. For more
information, please contact Vickie Dyanne Alves at the Department of Juvenile Justice (407) 330-6750
or valves@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-008
1. Laboratory Qualification Program **Implemented by CJIS
A grading system evaluates the performance of laboratories and helps to allocate resources where
needed. The cost of inspections is reduced. For more information, please contact Cristina Crawford at
the Department of Transportation in Gainesville (352) 955-6634 or cristina.crawford@dot.state.fl.us.
2. Laboratory Information Management System **Implemented by CJIS
An automated system that provides the real time status of samples reduces data entry by 50%. For
more information, please contact Patty Lucas at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services in Tallahassee (850) 488-9375 or lucasp@doacs.state.fl.us. 2007-DACS-002
3. Risk-based Inspection Form **N/A
A risk-based program for inspection of food service establishments focuses on factors and
interventions identified by the Federal Center for Disease Control as the leading causes for foodborne
illness in the nation. For more information, please contact Rick Akin at the Department of Business
and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 488-1 133 or Rick.Akin@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-
1. Joint Purchase of Law Enforcement Equipment
A state/local regional initiative to purchase equipment for law enforcement specialty teams through
the same vendor saved $235,000. Joint purchases made with federal grant monies streamline the grant
writing process. For more information, please contact Andrea Ward at the Department of Law
Enforcement (786) 336-1110 or andreaward@fdle.state.fl.us. 2006-FDLE-019
2. Fraud Detection
An automated methodology that searches information warehouses of accounting data can help identify
potential or actual fraud. For more information, please contact Ted Dudley at the Department of
Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 410-9890 or tdudley@dfs.state.fl.us.
3. White Collar Crime Investigation
A methodology to investigate white collar crime and gang activities is available from the Department
of Revenue. For more information, please contact Kimberly Brown in Orlando (407) 835-4430 or
kimberly.brown@fldfs.com. 2007-DFS-002
4. Reduction of Fake IDs
5. Background Investigations
A procedure for performing comprehensive criminal and civil background checks on individuals can
be completed in days instead of weeks. This procedure provides immediate background information if
necessary. For more information, please contact Joseph Matthews at the Department of Financial
Services in Tallahassee (850) 410-9800. 2007-DFS-012
6. Background Screening
One-step criminal background screening, including simultaneous electronic submission of fingerprints
to the Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
produces criminal history responses from FDLE and the FBI within 72 hours. For more information,
please contact Myra Burks at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-6338 or
myra.burks@djj.state.fl.us. 2007-DJJ-018
7. Criminal History Check
Pre-employment screening procedures that include replacing the use of finger print inked cards for
background checks with an electronic screening system provides a national criminal history check in
approximately four hours versus ink card submissions that took four to six weeks with a 40% rejection
rate. Using this system virtually eliminates wrongful hiring of applicants with job-related criminal
histories. For more information, please contact Russell Pillifant at Florida State University’s Ringling
Cultural Center in Sarasota (941) 359-5863 or rpillifa@ringling.org. 2006-FSU-004
8. Staff Verification System
9. Environmental Forensics Protocols
10. Crisis Center for Sexual Assault Victims
11. Violence Intervention and Prevention
12. Jail Diversion Program
13. Training on Internet Crimes against Children **N/A
Nationally Recognized Internet Crimes Against Children training is available. For more information,
please contact Special Agent Supervisor Bob Breeden at the Dept of Law Enforcement in
Tallahassee(850)410-7057 or bobbreeden@fdle.state.fl.us
14. Law Enforcement Officer Training **N/A
An Intranet-based system that uses FlexTraining management software, Power Point, and Word
delivers cost-effective knowledge-based courses for law enforcement officers. For more information,
please contact Clabe Polk at the Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 245-
2887 or Clabe.Polk@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-026
15. Crisis Intervention Team Training **Implemented by Public Safety
Crisis intervention team training for police and linkages to mental health treatment is provided in
connection with a jail diversion expansion program in Miami-Dade County under a grant from the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. For more information, please contact
Deborah Dummitt at the Department of Children and Families in Miami (305) 377-5811 or
deborah_dummitt@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-080
16. Fraud Investigation Training
Investigative protocols that deal with kitchen fires and fraudulent insurance claims can be adapted and
implemented by local fire departments and insurance companies. Training seminars are available. For
more information, please contact Ross Holt at the State Fire Marshal’s Office (954) 321-3704 or
ross.holt@fldfs.com. 2006-DFS-01 8
17. Reduced Travel/Training Costs
Two 40-hour courses for forensic law enforcement officers who conduct investigations and provide
crime scene services are available. For more information, please contact Hal Easter at the Department
of Law Enforcement (850) 595-2100 ext. 2104 or HalEaster@fdle.state.fl.us. 2004-FDLE-009
1. Elimination of Software Licensing
Using open source freeware for a JAVA application server eliminates the need to annually renew
software licensing. For more information, please contact Mitch Gans at Florida State University (850)
644-8555 or mgans@admin.fsu.edu. 2004-FSU-011
2. Streamlined Licensure Processes
**Implemented by Code
Creating and implementing Internet-based licensure applications reduces processing time and
accommodate increased workload. For more information, please contact Vickie Boyd at the
Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4125 or vickie_boyd@doh.state.fl.us.
3. Improved Licensing Process
**Implemented by Code
A tracking system streamlines regulation of licensees and collection of fees in contracted application
processing and educational services. For more information, please contact Matt Tamplin at the
Department of Financial Services (850) 413-5496 or tamplinm@dfs.state.fl.us. 2005-DFS-013
4. Streamlined Application and Inspection Processes
5. Re-licensing Due to Change of Ownership
**Implemented by Code
A process to collect any overpayments and licensure fines prior to issuance of a license to operate a
facility that is undergoing a change of ownership increases revenue. For more information, please
contact Caralee Starnes at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 488-5861 or
starnesc@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2004-AHCA-033
6. Electronic License and Applications Manual
An electronic license and applications manual for LicenseEase software assists employees with a stepby-
step description and graphics for transactions entered in the license and applications portion of
LicenseEase. Interactive linking enables an examiner to follow any transaction from beginning to end
without the need for additional training. For more information, please contact Henry Evans at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 922-7609 or
Henry.Evans@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2006-DBPR-008
7. Reduced Cost of Processing License Renewals
Online processing of license renewals by credit card companies saves substantial staff time. For more
information, please contact Lola Pouncey at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4064
or lola_pouncey@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-064
8. Child Care Licensing Reference Guide
A reference guide for childcare licensing outlines a step-by-step approach to assist internal and external
customers with pulling and formatting data to facilitate analysis. For more information, please contact
Alejandro Villibord at the Department of Children and Families (305) 377-5006 ext. 120 or
Alejandro_Villibord@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-008
9. Child Care Licensing Fine System
A child care licensing fine system tracks civil penalties resulting from administrative fines. For more
information, please contact Suzette Frazier at the Department of Children and Families (305) 377-
5499 or suzette_frazier@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-0 10
10. Protection from Unlicensed Individuals
11. Permit Revenue Collection
**Implemented by Code
Using a Centrax adaptation for permits and other billings saves money and increases revenue
collection. For more information, please contact Joseph Demarzio at the Department of Health (305)
623-3551 ext. 3578 or joseph_demarzio@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-071
12. Online Permit Status Report
**Implemented by Code & GIS. Supported by IT
An online permit application status report aids the general public and contractors in obtaining permits
in a timely manner by allowing them to check the status of their application without having to call a
government office. For more information, please contact David Conrad at the Department of Health
(352) 527-5281 or David_Conrad@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-056
13. One-stop Permitting
14. Fast Track Permitting
15. Protection of Drinking Water
1. Electronic Filing System
**Implemented by IT, Veterans, Growth Mgmt
An electronic filing system records case information and eliminates creation and storage of paper files.
For more information, please contact Dianna Laffey at the Department of Children and Families (813)
558-5693 or Dianna_Laffey@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-047
2. Reduction of Paper-Based Files
3. Paperless Internal Audit Management System
An audit management system allows for a paperless, fully integrated audit process that saves time and
resources. For more information, please contact Ron Ferguson at the Department of Business and
Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 414-6705 or Ron.Ferguson@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-
4. Imaging System
5. Paperless Internal Audit Management System
A paperless, enterprise-wide internal audit management system can be used by local audit entities to
promote e-government. For more information, please contact Jerry Chesnutt at the Department of
Children and Families (850) 488-8722 or Jerry_Chesnutt@dcf.state.fl.us.
1. Program Review System
A three-tier review system integrates several monitoring requirements and preparation for federal
audits. This system can be replicated with for a range of service delivery systems. For more
information, please contact Court Lilly at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee
(850) 413-7479 or court_lilly@dcf.state.fl.us. 2007-DCF-032
2. Community-based Program Evaluation
A performance-based system improves the linkage of process to outcome data to perform program
evaluation and increases contract accountability. For more information, please contact Skip Forsyth at
the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-6705 or
Skip_Forsyth@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-081
3. Evaluation of Community Impacts of Transportation Initiatives
A Transportation Automated Information Management System improves evaluation of the impacts of
transportation projects on communities and their quality of life, values and concerns. For more
information, please contact John Zielinski at the Department of Transportation (407) 482-7868 or
john_zielinski@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT-003
4. Evaluation of Provider Services
Joint county and state monitoring of providers improves evaluation of services and reduces staff hours
for both agencies as well as for providers. For more information, please contact Anthony Fiore at the
Department of Health (954) 467-4959 or Anthony_Fiore@doh.state.fl.us, or Steve Kaufman at (954)
467-4959 or Steve_Kaufman@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-051
5. Evaluation of Provider Services
A monitoring tool assists in identifying client service overuse. For more information, please contact
Mindy Sollisch at the Department of Elder Affairs in Tallahassee (850) 414-2000 or
sollischm@elderaffairs.org. 2006-DEA- 011
6. Evaluation of Substance Abuse Prevention Contracting
**Implemented by HR
A performance-based system manages and evaluates projects and increases contract accountability by
improving the linkage of process to outcome data. For more information, please contact Skip Forsyth
at the Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 413-6705 or
Skip_Forsyth@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-081
7. Administrative Services Outcome Monitoring
**Implemented by Grants
A database system saves time collecting information, combines information from several different
sources, and integrates graphics, data, text and symbols to produce reports. The system provides
continuous access to information and allows multiple points of data entry, thereby enabling more than
one person to maintain data. For more information, please contact Marguerite Rappoport at the
Department of Health (941) 861-2603 or marguerite_rappoport@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-046
8. Automated Quality Assurance Tools
9. Evaluation of Assistance Provided by Telephone
10. Employee Performance Evaluation
**To be implemented by Grants. Implemented by HR
An online employee evaluation and development process has received a high level of employee
satisfaction. For more information, please contact Nancy Kelley at the Department of Revenue in
Tallahassee (850) 922-9221 or KelleyN@dor.state.fl.us. 2005-DOR-004
11. Management Performance Evaluation
**Implemented by HR
Continuous improvement is a goal of an annual evaluation tool which is linked to implementation of a
department's strategic plan and which incorporates a 360-degree feedback tool. Data is used to make
financial and human resource decisions. For more information, please contact Theresa Klebacha at the
Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9840 or theresa.klebacha@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-
12. Federal Funding of Program Evaluations **Implemented by Grants
Research and program evaluations may be able to attract federal and in-kind matching funds. For
more information, please contact Nancy Ross in Tallahassee at (850) 922-5598 or
rossn@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2003-AHCA-004
13. Shadow Accounting System
14. Electronic Forms for Employee Performance Appraisal
1. Procurement Contracting
2. Improved Procurement
Streamlined processing of competitive solicitations reduces staff time. A user guide assists in preparing
required paperwork. For more information, please contact Jim Brewer at the Department of Health in
Tallahassee (850) 245-4163 or jim_brewer@doh.state.fl.us.
3. Procurement of Commodities and Services without Contracts
4. Inventory Management System
5. Pressure Cleaning Savings
6. Increasing Purchasing Card Credit Limit in Emergencies
7. Joint Purchase of Equipment
A state/local/regional initiative to purchase equipment for law enforcement specialty teams through
the same vendor saved $235,000. Joint purchases made with federal grant monies streamline grant
writing. For more information, please contact Andrea Ward at (786) 336-1110 or
andreaward@fdle.state.fl.us. 2006-FDLE-01 9
8. Reduced Cell Phone Time
**Implemented by Purchasing
A master umbrella cell phone account improves productivity and simplifies management while
eliminating per minute overage costs. For more information, please contact Frank Kerwick at the
Department of Children and Families (772) 467-4155 or frank_kerwick@dcf.state.fl.us.
9. Lease Management Database System
10. Imaging Management System
11. Maintenance and Repair Savings
12. Cost Savings on Printed Material
1. Automated Quality Assurance Tools
2. Quality Management System
A web-based system monitors quality of services provided and enhances managers’ ability to monitor
and take corrective actions. For more information, please contact Ellen Ransdell at the Department of
Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 487-2969 or ellen_ransdell@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-113
3. Telephone “Hotline” Improves Safety
**Implemented by HR
A quality improvement process that facilitates immediate reporting of “near miss” or potentially
unsafe situations reduces worker compensation claims and liability expenses. For more information,
please contact Brian Lane at the Broward County Health Department (954) 467-4824 or
Brian_Lane@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-005
4. Labor Relations Case Management
5. Performance Evaluation
**Implemented by HR
Continuous improvement is a goal of an annual evaluation tool which is linked to implementation of a
department's strategic plan and which incorporates a 360-degree feedback tool. Data is used to make
financial and human resource decisions. For more information, please contact Theresa Klebacha at the
Department of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9840 or theresa.klebacha@fldoe.org. 2006-DOE-
1. Automated Public Information/Records System
2. Streamlined Public Records Requests
**Implemented by IT, HR, Growth Mgmt
Responses to public records requests are improved by a series of data extract files that are posted
weekly to a website for interested parties to download. Requests that previously required staff to
manually retrieve files, make copies and mail can now be accomplished electronically 90% of the time.
For more information, please contact Tom Coker at the Department of Business and Professional
Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 488-1133 or tom.coker@dbpr.state.fl.us.
3. Reduction of Paper-Based Files
4. Re-engineered Records Center Operations
5. Records Retention
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, IT, HR, Growth Mgmt
A streamlined process for maintaining inventories and facilitating timely transfer and destruction of
records saves staff time and money and improves customer service. A system for real-time records
inventories features single data entry of client information into a protected database from multiple
locations for storage and disposition. This provides one source for tracking purged records and
provides staff with a current, site-based inventory of records. Staff locates records in storage at the
click of a mouse instead of sifting through stacks of paper. For more information, please contact
Dianne Forgey at the Polk County Health Department (863) 521-2668 or
glenda_forgey@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-013
6. Reconciliation of Archived Records
7. Records Storage Information System
**Implemented by HR, Veterans, Purchasing
A system to manage more than one million open and closed records, and destroy records that are no
longer needed, saves storage fees. For more information, please contact Emma Ballard at the
Department of Children and Families (813) 558-5862 or emma_ballard@dcf.state.fl.us.
9. Imaging System
1. Online Subgrant Application System
2. Federal Funding of Program Evaluations
3. Automated Receipting System
4. Avoiding Loss of Federal Funds
**Implemented by Grants, Public Works
A database system that helps to avoid the potential loss of
federal funding by improving data retrieval and resolving problems relating to inaccuracies and late
submission of federal reports. For more information, please contact Elsa Kellberg at (850) 487-2618
or kellberge@fdhc.state.fl.us. 2003-AHCA
5. Permit and Facility Revenue Collection
6. Streamlined Application and Inspection Processes
7. Automated Operations System
8. Increased Parking Garage Revenue
9. Increased Collection of Cost of Care Fees
Asset Tracking
1. Improved Asset Management Accountability
2. Asset Tracking System
3. Lease Management Database System
4. Tracking Overdue Fines
A system that tracks and pursues overdue fines levied for public food services, public lodging and
elevators is highly adaptable. For more information, please contact Bill Risk at the Department of
Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 410-2493 or bill.risk@dpbr.state.fl.us. 2006-
5. Asset Tracking System
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
An asset tracking system that automatically updates a central accounting system reduces the time to
take inventory from days to hours with 100% accuracy. For more information, please contact Martin
Smalley at the Department of Children and Families (813) 558-5820 or
Martin_Smalley@dcf.state.fl.us. 2004-DCF-043
Case Management Tracking
6. Storing, Tracking and Retrieving Case Information
**Considered by Grants. Implemented by
A document imaging, scanning and viewing system automates storing, tracking and retrieving case
information. For more information, please contact David Brey at the Department of Children and
Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-0059 or David_Brey@dcf.state.fl.us.
7. Case Management
8. Tracking High Risk Cases
9. Tracking Case Clients
**Implemented by Veterans
An electronic database that tracks case clients reduces work time. For more information, please
contact Cathy Johnson at the Department of Health (727) 547-7780 or
cathy_Johnson@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-038
Construction Documents Tracking
10. Tracking Construction Documents
Contract Tracking
11. Contract Tracking
12. Contract Tracking
A handbook for scoping services and staff time spent negotiating professional services contracts
provides a uniform system to track and compare hours/costs of tasks, and eliminates the need for
consultants to deal with several organizational units within a government. For more information,
please contact Jim Cunningham at the Department of Transportation in Tallahassee (850) 414-4343 or
jim.cunningham@dot.state.fl.us. 2003
13. Contract Administration Tracking
**Implemented by Public Works
Managers' ability to track funding histories through account code analysis is enhanced by linking
financial data with contract information, resulting in faster resolution of issues related to contracts. For
more information, please contact Walter Sachs at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 921-8983 or Walter_Sachs@dcf.state.fl.us. 2003
Customer Service Tracking
14. Tracking Complaints Resolution
**Implemented by IT, Veterans, Public Works
A process to administer internal and external customer complaints reduces resolution time by an
average of 1.5 hours per complaint. Complaints are logged, issued, tracked and closed electronically in
a database system. Historical documentation is gathered to identify recurring issues. For more
information, please contact Darlene Williams at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale
(954) 776-4300 or darlene.williams@dot.state.fl.us.
15. Evaluation of Assistance Provided by Telephone
concern. For more information, please contact Terrence Samuel at the Department of Highway Safety
and Motor Vehicles in Tallahassee (850) 921-6278 or samuel.terrence@hsmv.state.fl.us. 2003-
16. Customer Satisfaction Tracking System
**Implemented by IT
A web-based customer feedback system records satisfaction and complaints (in both English and
Spanish) concerning services received. Data collected by this system is graphed and reported quarterly
to senior management, along with suggestions for improvement based on client input. For more
information, please contact Jack Towle at the Volusia County Health Department (386) 248-1781 or
jack_towle@doh.state.fl.us. 2005-DOH-063
Disaster-Related Tracking
17. Reduced Administrative Costs of Disaster Reimbursement
A time-keeping system increases efficiency and reduces costs associated with documentation required
for Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement of labor costs for disaster response and
recovery efforts. This system can track events of any type or size. For more information, please
contact Roger Twitchell at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3028 or
Roger_Twitchell@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-004
18. Tracking the Condition of Facilities During Emergencies
**Grants will coordinate with Public
Safety to evaluate.
An emergency status system (EES) that tracks the condition of facilities and their occupants during
emergencies, including evacuations, power outages and structural damage, can be used by local
governments to monitor storm-affected areas. An ESS web portal allows health care providers and
authorized representatives to enter facility information. For more information, please contact Molly
Mckinstry at the Agency for Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 414-9796 or
mckinstm@ahca.myflorida.com. 2007-AHCA-002
Financial Tracking
19. Deposit and Revenue Trackin
**Implemented by IT, Finance
A process for tracking revenue and deposit data in an excel spreadsheet produces reports of daily
deposits and maintains records. This process eliminates the need for keeping a shadow accounting
system. For more information, please contact Larissa Enzmann at the Florida State University Ringling
Museum in Sarasota (941) 373-7818 or lenzmann@ringling.org.
20. Financial Reconciliation and Reporting
**Implemented by IT
A financial reconciliation and reporting method eliminates financial ledgers that formerly required
creation of detailed subsidiary records by department and monthly reconciliation to a central
accounting system. Bi-weekly financial reports are provided to decision makers. For more information,
please contact Deborah Coury at Florida State University (850) 644-5024 or at
deborah.coury@med.fsu.edu. 2003-FSU
21. Automated Single Audit System
Automated oversight and monitoring of state and federal funds tracks compliance of state and federal
single audit expenditures. For more information, please contact Randall Cook at the Department of
Transportation in Tallahassee (850) 410-5837 or randall.cook@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-012
22. Fixed Capital Outlay Financial Tracker System
The productivity of fixed capital outlay staff is increased via a system that inputs data required for
creation and maintenance of financial exhibits, populates a database that maintains balances as project
managers pay invoices, and builds an automated history. For more information, please contact Jim
Chandonia at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4444 ext. 3168 or
jim_chandonia@doh.state.fl.us. 2007-DOH-049
23. Lease Management Database System
A database saves time formerly spent on manual tracking, reporting and calculating financial
statements and lease cost reports. For more information, please contact Laura Jennings at the
Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-7952 or laura.jennings@djj.state.fl.us.
24. Asset Tracking System
25. Tracking System for Social Security Reimbursements **N/A
A system that sets up a multi-level file to track all elements needed for Social Security Administration
reimbursements makes finding more claims faster and more efficient. For more information, please
contact Carol Bierkamp at (239) 278-7317 or carol.bierkamp@vr.fldoe.org. 2007-DOE-002
Grants Management Tracking
26. Grants Management Tracking System
**Partially implemented by Grants per IT.
Implemented by Public Works
A Web-based system annually processes approximately 3,500 applications for $2.7 billion worth of
federal and state education funds. For more information, please contact Pete Tanzy at the Department
of Education in Tallahassee (850) 245-9775 or pete.tanzy@fldoe.org. 2007-DOE-007 and DOE-008
Human Resources Tracking
27. Labor Relations Case Tracking
Process mapping, management tracking, customer satisfaction surveys and quality improvement
reviews help to handle an increased number of labor relations cases. Assured compliance with
applicable labor law requirements reduces litigation exposure. For more information please contact
Teva Hightower at the Department of Education (850) 245-0524 or teva.hightower@fldoe.org. 2006-
28. Employee Discipline Tracking
A tracking database that locates any history of discipline on an employee and retrieves hard copies
helps to ensure fair, impartial treatment. For more information, please contact Willa Beckley at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Tallahassee (850) 487-6599 or
willa.beckley@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-002
29. Training Tracking System
**Implemented by IT
A classroom training registration and tracking system provides self-registration for courses offered
statewide to approximately 20,000 employees of the Department of Children and Families and the
Agency for Persons with Disabilities, saving more than $300,000 worth of employee time annually. For
more information, please contact Marsha Ryan at (850) 488-8308 or marsha_ryan@dcf.state.fl.us.
30. Tracking System for HIPPA Training
Inventory Tracking
31. Technology Inventory Tracking Database
32. Inventory Management System
33. Asset Management Accountability
**Implemented by IT, Purchasing
A system for tracking property reduces the time to register, tag, transfer and dispose of assets.
Automation of bar coding procedures provides more timely and accurate information. A web-based
enterprise database system manages all property classes, and moves and tracks all forms. For more
information, please contact James Wheeler at the Department of Health in Tallahassee (850) 245-4555
or James_Wheeler@doh.state.fl.us. 2004-DOH-055
Licensing Tracking
34. Improved Licensing Process
Records Tracking
35. Tracking Public Records Requests
A process to ensure timely response to public records requests includes a tracking database to log
requests and monitor response time while ensuring compliance with applicable laws. For more
information, please contact Willa Beckley at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation
in Tallahassee (850) 487-6599 or willa.beckley@dbpr.state.fl.us. 2007-DBPR-004
36. Records Tracking
**Implemented by Purchasing
An automated records inventory tracking system facilitates locating stored records by box rather than
file, record number or date. For more information, please contact Stephanie Pittman at the
Department of Children and Families (904) 259-6211 ext. 1663 or stephanie_pittman@dcf.state.fl.us.
37. Records Storage Information System
38. Records Retention
**Implemented by Purchasing
A streamlined process for maintaining record inventories and facilitating timely transfer and
destruction of records saves staff time and money and improves customer service. A system for realtime
records inventories features single data entry of client information into a protected database from
multiple locations for storage and disposition. This provides one source for tracking purged records
and provides staff with a current, site-based inventory of records. Staff locates records in storage at the
click of a mouse instead of sifting through stacks of paper. For more information, please contact
Dianne Forgey at the Polk County Health Department (863) 521-2668 or
glenda_forgey@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-013
Technology Tracking
39. Technology Management Process
40. Technology Inventory Tracking Database
41. Remote Access Portal for Telecommuting and Emergency Applications
42. Technology Management Process
Work Assignments Tracking
43. Tracking Work Assignments
**Implemented by Mosquito Control, Grants, IT. Central
Services looking for program.
A tracking system that uses Access software provides a means for staff to quickly and timely follow up
on their work assignments and previous actions taken on assigned work, as well as providing
supervisors a means to monitor staff and process outputs. For more information, please contact
Jessica Blanar at the Department of Revenue (813) 744-8453 or blanarj@dor.state.fl.us. 2006-DOR-
44. Tracking Work Requests
Using Blackberrys with an email-based system to receive and track work requests replaced a
cumbersome forms-based system, producing more than a $100,000 productivity increase. For more
information, please contact Jan Wright at the Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 921-
7288 or Jan.Wright@djj.state.fl.us. 2006-DJJ-004
Customer Service Training
1. Consumer Assistance Call Center Training Program
A training program and manual for new call center staff reduces the average time per call and
decreases the abandoned call rate. For more information, please contact Isabel Segundo at the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee (850) 410-3785 or
segundi@doacs.state.fl.us. 2007-DACS-004
2. Customer Service Center Telephone Training
**Implemented by HR, Public Safety
The training time for new telephone analysts was reduced from four weeks to seven days and the time
required for a new analyst to be fully functional was reduced from six to three months. For more
information, please contact Mike Beha at the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in
Tallahassee (850) 922-5297 or beha.micheal@hsmv.state.fl.us.
Computer Training
3. Computer Training
**Implemented by IT, HR, Public Safety
A customized end-user training course and materials to orient users to Windows XP, Office 2003 and
Outlook 2003 saves money. For more information, please contact Beverly Gavin at the Agency for
Health Care Administration in Tallahassee (850) 410-3213 or e-mail gavinb@ahca.myflorida.com.
Contract Administration Training
4. Contract Administration Training Program
Disaster Preparedness Training
5. Personal Protection Training for First Responders
6. Maintenance of Traffic Training
Health and Social Services Training
7. Training to Prevent Child Care Injury
8. Training for Child Welfare Professionals
9. Web-based Training for Nursing
10. Community Cardiovascular Health Program
Human Resources Training
11. New Employee Training
**Implemented by HR
A new-employee orientation process resulted from process mapping to show responsibility at each
level of the process, and from developing operating procedures. Quality improvement tools will help
to monitor the program’s effectiveness. For more information, please contact Stephen Eaton at the
Department of Children and Families in Tallahassee (850) 921-8572 or stephen_eaton@dcf.state.fl.us.
12. New Employee Training
13. Employee Training Records
14. Accessing Employee Training Opportunities
15. Training on Workplace Violence and Anti-terrorism
16. HIPPA Training
17. Civil Rights Training
18. Supervisor Certification
19. Leadership Training
20. Classroom Training Registration System
Law Enforcement Training
21. Internet Crimes against Children Training
22. Environmental Forensics Training
Defensibility, at trial, of forensics evidence collected in support of environmental crimes investigations
may be enhanced by a CD that includes quality assurance procedures, standard operating procedures
and technical guidance for use by field sampling personnel. For more information, please contact
Timyn Rice at the Department of Environmental Protection in Tampa (813) 744-6462 or
timyn.rice@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-025
23. Law Enforcement Officer Training
24. Crisis Intervention Team Training
25. Fraud Investigation Training
26. Reduced Travel/Training Costs
Licensing Training
27. Electronic Licensing and Applications Training
An electronic license and applications manual for LicenseEase software assists employees with a stepby-
step description and graphics for transactions entered in the license and applications portion of
LicenseEase. Interactive linking enables an examiner to follow any transaction from beginning to end
without the need for additional training. For more information, please contact Henry Evans at the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation (850) 922-7609 or Henry.Evans@dbpr.state.fl.us.
Safety and Security Training
28. Safety Training
**Implemented by HR, Public Works
An online safety training module provides four hours of monthly safety training to maintenance
employees. For more information, please contact William Wang at (954) 777-4203 or
william.wang@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-028
29. Operations Safety and Security Training
30. Security Awareness Training
**Implemented by HR
A computer-based security awareness training program saves licensing fees and employee time. For
more information, please contact Lewis Christie at the Department of Children and Families in
Tallahassee (850) 487-9382 or Lewis_Christie@dcf.state.fl.us. 2006-DCF-097
31. Security Training
Trak-IT, a user-friendly learning management system, provides online access to security training
opportunities. Reduced man-hours to collect data, reduced need for conference rooms and equipment
coordination, and increased ability to respond to training needs save time and money. For more
information, please contact Carla Ruis at the Department of Health in Tallahassee, (850) 245-4444 ext.
3551 or Carla_Ruis@doh.state.fl.us. 2006-DOH-044
32. Security Awareness Training
**Implemented by HR
Local government employees who use a computer in their jobs, and are required to complete
information security training, may benefit from a web-based program that allows individuals to take
this training at their own pace. For more information, please contact Carmen Daughtry at the
Department of Juvenile Justice in Tallahassee (850) 922-1996 or carmen.daughtry@djj.state.fl.us. 2005-
33. Security Awareness Training
**Implemented by HR
A security awareness training program tailors material from the Rutgers University National Training
Institute in order to meet the safety and security needs of personnel. For more information, please
contact Alaxon Pitts at the Department of Transportation (850) 638-0250 ext. 671 or
alaxon.pitts@dot.state.fl.us. 2004-DOT-014
Right of Way
1. Right Of Way Savings **N/A
Five techniques can help right of way acquisition agents to negotiate savings. For more information,
please contact Sandra Martin at the Department of Transportation in Tampa (813) 975-6712 or
sandra.martin@dot.state.fl.us. 2004-DOT-018
2. Reduced R/W Acquisition Cost
**Implemented by Public Works
Using value engineering to review right of way drainage needs can save money. For more information,
please contact Rocco DePrimo at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4126,
Suncom 436-4126 or rocco.deprimo@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-010
3. Reduced Construction Costs Related to Debris Dumping **
Implemented by Public
Works/Road Monitoring of newly acquired right of way minimizes construction budget overruns
resulting from
debris dumping and/or previously undetected subsurface materials between construction contract
letting and Notice to Proceed to the construction. For more information, please contact Van Neilly at
the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4287 or van.neilly@dot.state.fl.us.
Planning and Contracting
4. Transit Infrastructure Guidelines
**Implemented by Public Works
Guidelines for multi-modal transportation planning can help reduce research and revision of project
plan development. The guidelines provide engineering specifications for corridors that include bus
bays, appropriate stop spacing, pedestrian access and compliance with the federal Americans with
Disabilities Act. For more information, please contact Jeff Weidner at the Department of
Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4670 or jeff.weidner@dot.state.fl.us.
5. Automated Information Management System **N/A
A Transportation Automated Information Management System (TAIMS) improves evaluation of the
impacts of transportation projects on communities and their quality of life, values and concerns. For
more information, please contact John Zielinski at the Department of Transportation (407) 482-7868
or john_zielinski@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT-003
6. Interagency Collaborative Transportation Planning and Contracting Process **N/A
A university transportation planning and consultant contracting process improved intergovernmental
transportation analysis and saved $125,000. For more information, please contact Linda Dixon at the
University of Florida (352) 392-8799 or ldixon@admin.ufl.edu.
7. Consultant Selection Guide **N/A
A consultant selection guide includes a flow chart, a step-by-step summary of the process, examples of
advertising and award packages, documents, forms and tools used in evaluating proposals. It also has
guidelines for conducting negotiations and a compilation of ethics and government in the sunshine law
provisions that affect consultant selection. For more information, please contact Antonette Adams at
the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4624 or
antonette.adams@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-022
8. Emergency Asphalt Repair Contract
**Implemented by Public Works
Emergency road repairs are needed when pavement is damaged by events such as fuel spills or fires
which close at least one lane. An emergency asphalt repair contract process reduces delays to the
traveling public. For more information, please contact Hassan Abedi at the Department of
Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7629 or hassan.abedi@dot.state.fl.us 2006-DOT-13
9. Electronic Maintenance Contract Administration Program **N/A
A web-based maintenance contract administration program saves each contractor inspector
approximately two hours daily by automating procedures for documenting contractors' activities. For
more information, please contact Chi Sheu at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale
(954) 776-4300, ext. 6182 or chi-u.sheu@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-017
10. Contract Negotiation
11. Process to Pay Contractors for Hurricane Repairs
**Implemented by Public Works/Road
A process for local governments to document hurricane damage to construction projects can increase
reimbursement by the Federal Highway Administration. For more information, please contact Patrick
McCann at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4387 or
patrick.mccann@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-035
12. Improved Road Ranger Contract **N/A
A road ranger contract includes standards and technologies to extend hours of coverage without
increased funding. For more information, please contact Terry Hensley at the Department of
Transportation in Tampa (813) 975-6259 or terry.hensley@fdot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-005
Design and Construction
13. Utility Relocation
**Implemented by Public Works
Utility relocation is a major cause of increases in time and money overruns on construction projects.
An operations utility coordinators' process reduces delays, avoiding construction claims while
completing roadway construction projects in a timely manner. For more information, please contact
James Jeffers at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7628 or
james.jeffers@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-015
14. Construction Manager At-Risk **N/A
An alternative to traditional bidding saves money and construction time. For more information, please
contact Jim Martin, P.E. at the Department of Transportation (386) 961-7050 or
Jim.martin@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-007
15. Streamlined Remediation of Roadway Site Prior to Construction **N/A
A design to streamline remediation of a contaminated site prior to roadway construction in South
Florida saved several million dollars and expedited remediation of the site with little interruption to
traffic. For more information, please contact Richelle Ellis at the Department of Transportation in Ft.
Lauderdale (954) 777-4342 or richelle.ellis@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-043
16. Alternative Treatment of Poor Subgrade Conditions
**Implemented by Engineering
A study of muck subgrade in a construction project recommended a design change that saved money.
For more information, please contact Michael Bienvenu at the Department of Transportation (954)
475-4110 or michael.bienvenu@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-031
17. Uniform Final Plans Review Process
**Implemented by Engineering
Plans review units can save money by using a process that reduces maintenance of traffic and drainage
issue modifications. For more information, please contact Art LoPrinzo at the Department of
Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7632 or at arthur.loprinzo@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT-010
18. Final Estimates
**Implemented by Engineering
Local governments can benefit from an initiative that reduces submittal time of residency final
estimates. Savings accrue from increasing the number of final estimates field reviews, distributing a
final estimates checklist to project engineers, holding a kick-off meeting before starting construction,
introducing a project index file system, improving an asphalt reports filing system, and improving
materials certification at the residency level. For more information, please contact Jorge Corrales at the
Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7632 or jorge.corrales@dot.state.fl.us.
19. Transfer of Information from Design to Construction
**Implemented by Engineering
A process that improves communications between project design and construction staff saves money.
For more information, please contact Peter Nissen at the Department of Transportation in Ft.
Lauderdale (954) 958-7632 ext. 6183 or peter.nissen@dot.state.fl.us.
20. Reduced Construction Time/Cost Overruns
**Implemented by Engineering
New processes helped Miami-Dade County to have the state’s lowest construction cost and time
overruns for three consecutive years for millions of dollars in savings. For more information, please
contact Mark Croft at the Department of Transportation in Miami (305) 499-2370 or
mark.croft@dot.state.fl.us. 2004-DOT-024
21. Bridge Repair **N/A
Application of a state-of-the-art measuring machine re-created steel connection plates for a bascule
bridge. Public inconvenience was reduced by off-site fabrication of new connection plates, and by
performing most of the on-site work at night. For more information, please contact Alberto Sardinas
at the Department of Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 777-4150 ext. 4175 or
alberto.sardinas@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-023
22. Measuring Road Smoothness **N/A
Local governments responsible for a large amount of roadway construction over a substantial period
of time may save money with in-house versus contracted testing of road surface smoothness. For
more information, please contact Dr. Hesham Ali at the Department of Transportation in Ft.
Lauderdale (954) 475-4110 or at hesham.ali@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT-012
23. Directional Median Openings
**Implemented by Pubic Works
In-house design and construction of directional median openings at two intersections with extensive
crash histories in order to limit left turns across multiple lanes of traffic was completed in substantially
less time and money than if this work had been contracted. For additional information, please contact
Thomas Greene at the Department of Transportation (772) 465-7396 ext. 7075 or
thomas.greene@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-030
24. Reduced Construction Time **N/A
Utilizing a new product of carbon polymer sheet pile in lieu of concrete sheet pile saves money. For
more information, please contact H.T. Waller at the Department of Transportation in Chipley (850)
415-9720 or h.waller@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-006
25. Installation of Qwick Kurb to Directionalize Medians **N/A
Using the product “Qwick Kurb” to directionalize median openings saves money. For more
information, please contact Gary Thompson at the Department of Transportation in Tampa (813)
975-6253 or gary.thompson@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-004
26. Production Report Savings **N/A
A user-friendly process reduces the time, from as much as six hours to less than five minutes, that
production managers spend determining which projects are behind schedule and generating reports.
Production managers customize reports to meet individual needs. An access database that generates
the report is also used by maintenance offices to identify connection permits within the limits of
current design projects. For more information, please contact Jim Knight at the Department of
Transportation (386) 961-7707 or james.knight@dot.state.fl.us.
Facilities and Maintenance
27. Roadway Stabilization Technique **N/A
Design of a hopper that feeds sand and cement into sinkholes to stabilize roadways reduces project
costs. For more information, please contact Binay Prakash at the Department of Transportation in
Lake City (386) 961-7737 or binay.prakash@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-008
28. Improved Roadway Shoulder Repair
**Implemented by Public Works
Incorporating asphalt milling material and top soil and muck acquired from permit and other agencies’
projects produced a superior material mix that increased quality, thereby reducing the need to rework
the same area. For more information, please contact Mike Atkins at the Department of Transportation
(561) 432-4966. 2007-DOT-020
29. Improved Data Management
**Implemented by Public Works
A geographic information system captures, stores, updates, manipulates, analyzes and displays multiple
forms of geographically referenced information. For more information, please contact Henry Haggerty
at (386) 961-7890 or henry.haggerty@dot.state.fl.us. 2007-DOT-016
Safety and Security
30. Child Safety Seat Installation
A public/private partnership in Northeast Florida helps protect children in the event of a crash. Child
car seat installation reportedly exceeds 70%. The “We Have A Little Emergency” (WHALE) program
grabs the attention of parents, helping to ensure that seats are installed correctly. More than 30,000
children ride safely in their car seats because of the WHALE program. For more information, please
contact Andrea Atran at the Department of Transportation in Jacksonville (904) 614-8377 or
andrea.atran@dot.state.fl.us. 2006-DOT-040
31. Transportation Safety Data
Collection and coding of traffic safety data by civil engineers working on construction projects
formerly required approximately eight hours. Now, downloading traffic crash data and supporting
program information into PC-based digital files and placing them on CDs reduces data download time
to less than ten minutes. For more information, please contact Peter Hsu, P.E. at the Department of
Transportation in Tampa (813) 975-6251 or ping.hsu@dot.state.fl.us. 2005-DOT-008
32. Security Awareness Training
Traffic Signals
33. Conversion of Conventional Traffic Signals to LEDs **
Implemented by Public Works/Road
A fast track retrofit of traffic signals in Broward County with light emitting diodes (commonly called
LEDs) speeds up operational savings to local governments that maintain them. For more information,
please contact Ira Bell at the Department of Transportation (386) 961-7315 or ira.bell@dot.state.fl.us.
34. Signalization and Lighting Acceptance Program
**Implemented by Public Works/Road
A traffic signal and roadway lighting acceptance program that reduces the timeframe for inspection
and acceptance saves time and money. On-time project completion benefits the traveling public and
business owners. For more information, please contact James Jeffers at the Department of
Transportation in Ft. Lauderdale (954) 958-7628 or james.jeffers@dot.state.fl.us. 2004-DOT-017
35. Re-timing Traffic Signals
**Implemented by Public Works
An inter-agency partnership with the Department of Transportation can save money on traffic signal
retiming. For more information, please contact Marilda Hoover at (954) 777-4367 ext. 4367 or at
marilda.hoover@dot.state.fl.us. 2003-DOT-011
36. Maintenance of Traffic Training
1. Mileage Savings
2. Mileage Reimbursement
1. Automated Unemployment Compensation Claims Application
An application that allows internet-based unemployment compensation claims to be processed
without manual intervention automatically verifies customer information and migrates it to a
mainframe computer. For more information, please contact Ron McCraine at the Florida Agency for
Workforce Innovation in Tallahassee (850) 245-7485 or ron.mccranie@awi.state.fl.us. 2004-AWI-004
1. Unemployment Compensation Review Process
**Implemented by HR
A process for reviewing employee claims for unemployment compensation helps assure its
integrity. For more information, please contact Miguel Masferrer-Blanco at the Department
of Revenue in Tallahassee (850) 921-1057 or blancom@dor.state.fl.us. 2005-DOR-005
2. Checking Subcontractors’ Workers Compensation Coverage
This database provides contractors an electronic means of checking whether subcontractors’
workers compensation policies are enforced in order to avoid being liable for any on the job
injuries of a subcontractor’s crew. For more information, please contact Linda Yon at the
Department of Financial Services in Tallahassee (850) 413-1702. 2005-DFS-005
3. Automated Indemnity Calculations
4. Streamlined Auditing Process
Processes for auditing insurer practices in workers compensation claims increase data
collection without increasing time spent in the field. They also enable auditors to shift focus
during an audit in order to capture problem areas needing immediate attention. For more
information please contact Mary Adelson at the Department of Financial Services in
Tallahassee (850) 413-1789 or adelsonm@dfs.state.fl.us. 2005 DFS-011
5. Reporting of Safety Incidents
**Implemented by HR
An electronic form integrates and populates documents to report safety incidents, producing
time and cost savings. For more information, please contact Bobbie Rednour at the
Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee (850) 245-3088 or
bobbie.rednour@dep.state.fl.us. 2006-DEP-039
6. Delinquent Support
A tracking system that determines whether child support is owed before workman's
compensation claims are paid to non-custodial parents increases delinquent support and
court cost collections. For more information, please contact Mary Rhodes at the Department
of Revenue in St. Petersburg (727) 507-6140 or rhodes@dor.state.fl.us. 2003
7. Countermeasures to Reduce Physical Aggression Events
8. Telephone “Hotline” Improves Safety
9. Improved Safety in the Operation of State Watercraft
A boating certification program reduces the cost of lost work hours and workers
compensation claims caused by unsafe operation of watercraft. For more information, please
contact park manager Toby Brewer at the State Parks Service, Department of Environmental
Protection (727) 816-1888 or toby.brewer@dep.state.fl.us.
About Florida TaxWatch
Florida TaxWatch is a statewide, non-profit, non-partisan taxpayer research institute and government
that over its 28-year history has become widely recognized as the watchdog of citizens’ hard-earned tax
Its mission is to provide the citizens of Florida and public officials with high quality, independent research
education on government revenues, expenditures, taxation, public policies, and programs, and to increase
productivity and accountability of Florida Government.
Florida TaxWatch research recommends productivity enhancements and explains the statewide impact of
economic and tax and spend policies and practices on citizens and businesses. Florida TaxWatch has
diligently and effectively to help state government shape responsible fiscal and public policy that adds
and benefit to taxpayers.
This diligence has yielded impressive results: in its first two decades alone, policymakers and government
employees implemented three-fourths of Florida TaxWatch's cost-saving recommendations, saving the
taxpayers of Florida more than $6.2 billion -- approximately $1,067 in added value for every Florida
according to an independent assessment by Florida State University.
Florida TaxWatch has a historical understanding of state government, public policy issues, and the battles
fought in the past necessary to structure effective solutions for today and the future. It is the only statewide
organization devoted entirely to Florida taxing and spending issues. Its research and recommendations are
reported on regularly by the statewide news media.
Supported by voluntary, tax-deductible memberships and grants, Florida TaxWatch is open to any
or individual interested in helping to make Florida competitive, healthy and economically prosperous by
supporting a credible research effort that promotes constructive taxpayer improvements. Members, through
loyal support, help Florida TaxWatch bring about a more effective, responsive government that is
to the citizens it serves.
Florida TaxWatch is supported by all types of taxpayers -- homeowners, small businesses, large
philanthropic foundations, professionals, associations, labor organizations, retirees -- simply stated, the
taxpayers of Florida. The officers, Board of Trustees and members of Florida TaxWatch are respected
and citizens from across Florida, committed to improving the health and prosperity of Florida.
With your help, Florida TaxWatch will continue its diligence to make certain your tax investments are fair
beneficial to you, the taxpaying customer, who supports Florida's government. Florida TaxWatch is ever
to ensure that taxes are equitable, not excessive, that their public benefits and costs are weighed, and
government agencies are more responsive and productive in the use of your hard-earned tax dollars.
The Florida TaxWatch Board of Trustees is responsible for the general direction and oversight of the
research institute and safeguarding the independence of the organization's work. In his capacity as chief
executive officer, the president is responsible for formulating and coordinating policies, projects,
publications, and selecting professional staff. As an independent research institute and taxpayer
Florida TaxWatch does not accept money from Florida state and local governments. The research
and recommendations of Florida TaxWatch do not necessarily reflect the view of its members, staff,
distinguished Board of Trustees, or Executive Committee, and are not influenced by the positions of the
individuals or organizations who directly or indirectly support the research.
Florida TaxWatch Values:
? ? ? ? ?
Integrity Productivity Accountability Independence Quality Research
106 N. Bronough Street
P.O. Box 10209
Tallahassee, FL 32302
Permit No. 409