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AiPP Minutes
May 15, 2008
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Art in Public Places Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bill Ward called the meeting to order at 3:40 P.M.
Members Present: Bill Ward, Jack Connolly, Joe Holiday, Jon Ward, T.A. Wyner, Bob Hood
Members Absent: James Gibson, Coach Fenn, Gail Forrestor
Staff Present: Jody Bonet, Suzanne Antonetti, John Hayes, Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, Kelly Holiday,
Jeanne Johansen
Bill Ward and John Hayes gave the committee an overview of the Orlando Symposium. John Hayes
received numerous excellent comments on his presentation on St. Lucie County’s WoW2 exhibit to 42
cultural committee members attending the conference.
The April Minutes were read. Jon Ward made a motion to accept the minutes. Bob Hood seconded and
the motion was passed.
: Four subcommittees met since the last AiPP meeting:
Clerk of the Courts (Jon Ward, Chair): While sites were limited the northeast rotunda was identified as a
possible site. There is room inside the building for possibly another site. The staff likes the current piece
(Totem, by David Lee Cumbie).
Avenue D project (T.A. Wyner, Chair): The subcommittee looked at sites and was still attempting to
locate an appropriate site. The committee discussed 1234 Avenue D building and doing a frieze as band
of relief sculpture running around the top of the building as a possible site. Jon Ward suggested the
subcommittee go back to the roundabout site and look for a site appropriate sculpture for the Avenue D
roundabout. He noted the three African-American sculptors in the current WoW2 exhibit. The “Birds of
Ifa” was discussed. None of the current sculptures is not size appropriate. The limitations of Susan
Gott’s “Flame Sentinel”. Bob Hood pointed out the problems with people using the roundabout as a beer
bottle target and Jon Ward noted that the piece like Dennis Kowal’s Remnant Series #26, while not size
appropriate, would take “a licking” because of it’s construction. It was suggested the subcommittee get
together with Lincoln Park Main Street and discuss what they would like. Having Yaw Owusu-Hassan
create an enlarged “Birds of Ifa” was suggested as something that might work.
Coach Fenn Center (Joe Holiday, Chair): The site the subcommittee had recommended was rejected by
St. Lucie County Parks and Recreation Director, Debra Brisson since a site was already agreed upon with
the City and the County during the site plan process. The spot identified on the site plan is behind the
building behind trees where the subcommittee felt no one would ever see. Jody Bonet is required to
report that there is a piece in place for the opening in September. The reason for the rejection of the site
in front of the building was it would slow down the construction process. The committee felt that putting
a piece of sculpture behind trees and behind a wall was not appropriate nor is using a piece as a screen.
AiPP Minutes
May 15, 2008
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John Hayes reminded the committee that gates and fences are also sculptures that can be very nice. Jon
Ward suggested looking into sculptures by Jorge Blanco. Blanco’s work is athletic, brightly colored, and
fun stuff. He has skaters, swimmers, skateboarders and roller bladers. The committee discussed buying 3
pieces or a duplicate set to place on the sight. This artist already has pieces that might be site appropriate
and already produced so it could be in place by the time constraints of the rapidly approaching grand
opening. The committee directed the subcommittee to look for a piece that would work in the area
suggested by Ms.Brisson and see if Mr. Blanco’s has a site appropriate piece. John Hayes suggested
considering a hard landscape of concrete, rock or stone, to minimize landscape maintenance.
Downtown Parking Garage (Jon Ward, Chair): The site is prepared and ready for the committee and
commissioners to choose once the subcommittee submits its choices.
National Navy Seal Museum
Michael R. Howard brought the actual bill signed by President Bush designating the museum a national
museum with the actual pen. He appealed for support for the memorial and the proposed expansion. He
came to talk about the memorial. It is a $250,000 project. Since November they have raised $55,000
towards the Memorial including a small grant from National City today. He presented the memorial to
honor the Navy UDT Seals. He anticipates receiving the proposals from three artists next week. Two of
these artists are Pat Cochran and the son of Stewart Johnson. The site is being prepared. The unveiling is
in 2009. John Hayes told Mr. Howard that he could give him referrals to several foundries in the state
that would have competitive prices. The museum is on county owned land. The committee discussed if
the project fell under AiPP. Jon Ward reminded the museum if they invited AiPP the committee would
have an opinion on the choice of piece. The committee discussed adopting the sculpture as part of its
contribution under the Art in Public Places ordinance. Mr. Howard said that one of the proposals was for
a rifle in the ground with a pair of fins. John Hayes stated that there would a lot of 3-D sculpture ideas
the committee might want to consider – such as encapsulating a swimmer – conceptual piece – one that
reflected their service and not so much their being buried in the ground.
Jon Ward made a motion to set aside funds of up to $100,000 towards the sculpture at the National Navy
UDT SEAL Museum Memorial. Bob Hood seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Florida Gulf Coast Museum of Art is selecting 18 pieces from the WoW2 for their exhibit. The contracts
for all the WoW2 exhibits is up in August. T.A. Wyner made a motion for the AiPP to purchase six (6) of
the sculptures from the show:
In the Swim $36,000 Jorge Blanco
Totem $12,000 David Cumbie
Prevailing Winds $12,000 Pat Cochran
Buoy $30,000 Terry Thommes
Remnant Series #26 $40,000 Dennis Kowal
Bird in the Hand $ 7,500 Anita Prentice/Ginny Piech Street
Total $137,500
Joe Holiday seconded the motion. The motion carried. The committee agreed to begin negotiating with
the artists and drawing up contracts for the purchase of these pieces.
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May 15, 2008
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Member Absence:
The committee discussed sending information on the call for artists to traveling subcommittee members.
Joe Holiday informed the committee that he will be leaving on June 12 and returning on September 29.
Michele Berger will be the contact for the Coach Fenn Center Subcommittee during his absence. She will
keep Mr. Holiday informed of events.
The committee discussed visual art, paintings, drawings, and photos, in public places. Jody Bonet
informed the committee that she is looking into purchasing stripping frames to display art in the Clerk of
Courts building by the elevators and possibly in the front entrance area. Jon Ward stated he was against
putting AiPP art in restricted areas, county official offices or areas not available to the public.
Bill Ward discussed the 15% of funds available for programs and maintenance of current exhibits.
The committee meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM. Next regular meeting is scheduled June 15, 2008 at 3:30