HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-12-2008
Date: August 12, 2008 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 3:00 p.m.
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Joseph Smith, Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward,
Chris Craft, Charles Grande
OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, Management and
Budget Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Jack Southard, Public Safety Director,
Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Carl Holeva, Human Resources, Paul
Hiott, Veterans Services Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Roger Shinn Central
Services Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management
Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the August 5, 2008 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the meeting
held August 5, 2008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Award of Excellence Presentation by Shane DeWitt, Technical Operations
B. Schools In, Watch Out For Me – Presentation by Carol Hilson, Chairman St. Lucie
County School Board
C. Relay for Life Team Presentation by Odaly Victorio
D. Presentation of Resolution No. 01-08 by the Citizens’ Budget Committee
E. County Administrator announced the Employee of the 2 Quarter, Mr. Wayne
Hartwick, from IT.
Mr. Fredrick Jackson, 410 Palm Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida addressed the Board and
requested the Board consider funding those misplaced due to their convictions of
sexual predators and the resident restriction orders placed by the stated and local
governments. He felt they needed assistance if they were not to be able to relocate
in the area due to the various laws passed.
Mr. Craig Mundt, Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board and requested information
on several items on the consent agenda.
Ms. Marjorie Harrell, area resident, addressed the comments made by Mr. Jackson
and asked the Board to consider the victims of these crimes and not the violators.
The County Administrator addressed Mr. Mundt’s questions concerning various items
on the Consent Agenda.
The Chairman requested in the future if anyone has questions pertaining to items on
the consent agenda they be provided in advance of the meeting so that the concerns
and information can be obtained and presented at the meeting.
Com. Coward addressed Consent item 3 and requested information as to why the companies
named were not local.
Staff advised the Board they were attempting to avoid any conflict of interests with local
Com. Coward requested the extension not be approved in order to go out for RFP and see if any
local companies were eligible for these contracts.
The Assistant County Administrator advised the Board these contracts preceded the new
structure and procedures presently implemented for RFP’s.
Staff requested a 90 day extension and then go out for RFP’s so that area firms can apply.
It was the consensus of the majority of the Board to amend the item stating the extension
would be until January 1, 2009 and then directed staff to go out for RFP’s for local firms to be
given the opportunity to apply.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent Agenda as
amended (item 3), and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Coward; Aye’s: Craft, Lewis,
Grande,Smith; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Approve warrant list No. 45
1. Bear Point Mitigation Bank – First Amendment to July 24, 2007 Credit
Reservation Agreement with L-D Real Estate Partnership, LLC – Consider
staff recommendation to approve the proposed First Amendment to the
Bear Point Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Agreement with L-D Real
Estate Partnership, LLC and authorize the Chairman to sign the First
Amendment. The Board approved the First Amendment to the July 24,
2007 Credit Reservation Agreement with L-D Real Estate Partnership,
2. Humane Society of St. Lucie County, Inc. – Second Amendment to
October 1, 2006 Agreement for Shelter Care – Consider staff
recommendation to approve the proposed Second Amendment to the
October 1, 2006 Agreement with Humane Society of St. Lucie County,
Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the Second Amendment. The
Board approved the proposed Second Amendment to the October 1,
2006 Agreement with the Humane Society of St. Lucie County and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Second Amendment.
1.Adopt Budget Resolution No. 08-245 to establish the budget for the
$12,485,000 Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Note, Series 2008 -
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Budget Resolution No. 08-245
establishing the Budget for the Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue
Note, Series 2008. – The Board adopted Budget Resolution No. 08-245 to
establish the budget for the Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Note,
Series 2008.
2. Purchasing Division – Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid
#08-054 Tree Trimming and Removal Services according to the attached
tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder (Primary) and the
second lowest bidder (Secondary) – Consider staff recommendation to
approve to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #08-054 Tree Trimming and
Removal Services according to the attached tabulation of the lowest
responsive, responsible bidder (Primary), and the second lowest bidder
(Secondary) authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by
the County Attorney. The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid #
08-054 Tree Trimming and Removal Services according to the attached
tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder (primary) and the
second lowest bidder (secondary).
3. Purchasing Division – Board approval of the Second Amendment to
continuing contracts C06-07-420 with F.R. Aleman & Associates, Inc.,
C06-07-418 with H.W. Lochner, Inc., C06-07-419 with Metric
Engineering, Inc., C06-07-490 with Stanley Consultants, Inc., and C06-
07-417 with Vanus, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for Traffic
and Transportation - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval
of the Second Amendment to continuing contracts C06-07-420 with F.R.
Aleman & Associates, Inc., C06-07-418 with H.W. Lochner, Inc., C06-07-
419 with Metric Engineering, Inc., C06-07-490 with Stanley Consultants,
Inc., and C06-07-417 with Vanus, Inc., for Professional Engineering
Services for Traffic and Transportation, extending the contract through
January 1, 2009, and asking permission for the Chairman to sign the
amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. – The Board
approved the Second Amendment to continuing contracts C06-07-420
with Stanley Consultants Inc., and C06-07-417 with Vanus, Inc., for
professional engineering services for traffic and transportation. (The date
of the extension was changed to January 1, 2009 per Board direction
and also go out for RFP’s so that local firms have the opportunity to
4. Line of Credit for the Emergency Operations Center – Consider staff
recommendations to adopt Budget Resolution No. 08-258 to increase the
budget for the Emergency Operations Center by $1,059,656. – The
Board adopted Budget Resolution No. 08-258 to increase the budget for
the Emergency Operations Center by $1,059,656.
5. Purchasing Division - Board approval of the participation in the School
District of St. Lucie County co-operative bid for the purchase of diesel,
gasoline, heating and emergency generator fuel and subsequent term
contract - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval of a term
contract with Glover Oil, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for
all items as determined by the School District of St. Lucie County for Bid
No. 08-39 co-operative bid for the purchase of diesel, gasoline, heating
and emergency generator fuel, and authorization of the Chairman to
execute the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. – The Board
approved the participation in the School District of St. Lucie County co-
operative bid for the purchase of diesel, gasoline, heating and
emergency y generator fuel and subsequent term contract with Glover
Oil the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for all items as
determined by the School District of St. Lucie County for Bid No. 08-39.
6. Purchasing Division – Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-056
My Safe Florida Home Grant Program – Garage and Entry Door
Replacement according to the attached tabulation to the lowest
responsive, responsible bidders - Consider staff recommendation for
Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-056 My Safe Florida Home
Grant Program – Garage and Entry Door Replacement according to the
attached tabulation to the lowest responsive, responsible bidders, and
authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney. – The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid # 08-
056 My Safe Florida Home Grant Program to the lowest responsive
bidders for Garage and Entry Door Replacement and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
7. Purchasing Division - Board approval to award Invitation to Bid #08-057
My Safe Florida Home Grant Program – Hurricane Shutter Installation
according to the attached tabulation to the lowest responsive,
responsible bidders - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval
to award Invitation to Bid #08-057 My Safe Florida Home Grant Program
– Hurricane Shutter Installation according to the attached tabulation to
the lowest responsive, responsible bidders, and authorization for the
Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. The
Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid # 08-057 My Safe Florida
Home Grant Program Hurricane Shutter Installation to the lowest
responsible bidders.
8. Purchasing Division - Board approval of fixed asset inventory – property
record removal - Consider staff recommendation of Board’s authorization
for staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory
of the St. Lucie Health Department. The Board approved the fixed asset
inventory property record removal of the St. Lucie County Health
9. Purchasing Division - Board approval to reject all bids received from
Invitation to Bid #08-055 My Safe Florida Home Grant Program – Roof
Replacement - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval to
reject all bids received from Invitation to Bid #08-055 My Safe Florida
Home Grant Program – Roof Replacement and re-bid the project. - The
Board approved rejecting all bids received from Invitation to Bid # 08-
055 My Safe Florida Home Grant Program Roof Replacement.
10. Purchasing Division - Board approval of the Third Amendment to
Contract C03-09-681 with Gerelcom, Inc., for installation of premise
distribution wiring systems - Consider staff recommendation for Board
approval of the Third Amendment to Contract C03-09-681 with
Gerelcom, Inc., whereby increasing the not-to-exceed amount to
$400,000.00 and extending the contract through December 31, 2008,
and asking permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as
prepared by the County Attorney. – The Board approved the Third
Amendment to contract C03-09-681 with Gerelcom, Inc., for installation
of premise distributing wiring systems.
11. Purchasing Division - Board approval of the Sixth Amendment to
Contract C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services for all County
pest control services - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval
of the Sixth Amendment to Contract C06-07-407 with Hulett
Environmental Services adding three (3) Parks locations, and asking
permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney. The Board approved the Sixth Amendment to Contract
C06-07-407 with Hulett Environmental Services for all County Pest
Control Services.
12. Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #08-046 Various
Sections of 16” Force Main US Highway #1 to Lift Station “A” or
Wastewater Treatment Plant according to the attached tabulation of the
lowest responsive, responsible bidder - Consider staff recommendation
for Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #08-046 Various
Sections of 16” Force Main US Highway #1 to Lift Station “A” or
Wastewater Treatment Plant according to the tabulation of the lowest
responsive, responsible bidder, and authorization for the Chairman to
sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. The Board
approved awarding Invitation to Bid # 08-046 Various Sections of 16:
force main US Highway # 1 to Lift Station A or Waste water Treatment
Plant according to the tabulation of the lowest responsive responsible
bidder and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by
the County Attorney.
13. Board approval of the Third Amendment to Contract C04-09-424 with
Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for the mowing of St. James Drive -
Consider staff recommendation for Board approval of the Third
Amendment to Contract C04-09-424 with Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for
the mowing of St. James Drive, extending the contract through
September 30, 2009, and asking permission for the Chairman to sign the
amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. - The Board approved
the Third Amendment to Contract C04-09-424 with Treasure Coast
Lawns Inc., for the mowing of St. James Drive.
14. Award of RFP #08-045 Project Delivery Services for FY 2005 DRI CDBG
Disaster Recovery Program and FY 2005 Supplemental CDBG Disaster
Recovery Program (Grants #s 07DB-3V-10-66-01-Z04 & 08DB-D3-10-
6601-A05) – Community Services Department - Consider Selection
Committee’s recommendation for approval to award RFP #08-045
Project Delivery Services for FY 2005 DRI CDBG Disaster Recovery
Program and FY 2005 Supplemental CDBG Disaster Recovery Program
(Grants #s 07DB-3V-10-66-01-Z04 & 08DB-D3-10-6601-A05) to the top
ranked proposer, Meridian Community Services Group, Inc., and
permission for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney. The Board approved awarding RFP 08-045 Project
Delivery Services for FY 2005 DRI CDBG Disaster Recovery Program and
FY 2005 Supplemental CDBG Disaster Recovery Program to the top
ranked proposer Meridian Community Services Group, Inc. and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County
15. Board approval of the First Amendment to Contract C05-09-528 with
Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for the mowing of Subdivision #3 - Consider
staff recommendation for Board approval of the First Amendment to
Contract C05-09-528 with Treasure Coast Lawns for the mowing of
Subdivision #3, extending the contract through September 30, 2009,
and asking permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as
prepared by the County Attorney. - The Board approved the first
amendment to contract C05-09-528 with Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for
the mowing of subdivision # 3.
16. Board approval of the Second Amendment to Contract C05-10-527 with
Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for the maintenance and mowing for median
and right-of-way - Consider staff recommendation for Board approval of
the Second Amendment to Contract C05-10-527 with Treasure Coast
Lawns for the maintenance and mowing for median and right-of-way,
extending the contract through September 30, 2009, and asking
permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney. The Board approved the Second Amendment to
Contract C05-10-527 with Treasure Coast Lawns for the maintenance
and mowing for median and right of way and authorized the Chairman to
sign as prepared by the County Attorney.
17. Board approval of the First Amendment to Contract C05-10-602 with
Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for longline mowing - Consider staff
recommendation for Board approval of the First Amendment to Contract
C05-10-602 with Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for longline mowing,
extending the contract through September 30, 2009, and asking
permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney. The Board approved the First Amendment to Contract
C05-10-602 with Treasure Coast Lawns for longline mowing.
1. This agenda item is requesting the Board to authorize the submittal of a
grant application to the U.S. Department of Interior – Office of Fish and
Wildlife Service for funds in the amount of $1,000,000.00 from the
National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. These funds will
be used to acquire environmentally sensitive lands in northeastern St.
Lucie County, immediately adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon, that are
part of the Harbor Branch Preserve Project - Consider staff
recommendation that the Board authorize the submittal of the National
Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant application for the Harbor Branch
Preserve Project, in the amount of $1,000,000.00. The Board authorized
the submittal of the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant
application for the Harbor Branch Preserve Project.
2. Approve an amendment to the Annual Art in Public Places plan, Budget
Amendment BA 08-031, and Equipment Request numbers EQ# 08-329,
330, 331, 337 and 338 – Consider staff recommendation to approve the
Art in Public Places Annual Plan amendment, Budget Amendment BA 08-
031, and Equipment Request numbers EQ# 08-329, 330, 331, 337, and
338. The Board approved the Amendment to the Annual Art in Public
Places plan Budget Amendment BA 08-031 and Equipment Request EQ
08-329,330,331,337 and 338.
1. Approval of FY 2008-2009 HOME Investment Partnership Second Year
Action Plan for Indian River, Martin and St. Lucie Counties - Consider
staff recommendation for Board approval of FY 2008-2009 HOME
Investment Partnership Second Year Action Plan for Indian River, Martin
and St. Lucie Counties. The Board approved the FY 2008-2009 HOME
Investment Partnership Second Year Action Plan for Indian River, Martin
and St. Lucie Counties.
2. Approval to cancel Contract C07-11-745 with Habitat for Humanity and
Contract C07-11-744 with Angus Enterprises and permission to advertise
a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) of Construction Contractors - Consider
staff recommendation for Board approval to cancel Contract C07-11-745
with Habitat for Humanity and Contract C07-11-744 with Angus
Enterprises, and staff requests permission to advertise a Request for
Qualifications for Contractors. The Board approved canceling Contract
C07-11-744 with Angus Enterprises and authorized advertising an RFQ of
Qualified Construction Contractors.
1. Change of pay grade for County Attorney - Consider staff
recommendation for Board approval to change the County Attorney’s
position from pay grade EX8 to ungraded. The Board approved
changing the County Attorney’s pay grade to ungraded.
2. Incentive pay for educational and/or professional certifications - Consider
staff recommendation for Board to approve the suspension of incentive
pay for those employees who obtain certifications until further notice.
The Board approved the suspension of incentive pay for those
employees who obtain certifications until further notice.
Request approval of Budget Resolution 08-255 for the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) #418243-1-94-01 in
the amount of $200,000 (80% FDOT share) with a 20% local match share of
$50,000 for a total project cost of $250,000 to conduct the Airport Master Plan
Update at St. Lucie County International Airport - Consider staff recommendation
for Board approval of Budget Resolution 08-255 for the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) #418243-1-94-01 in
the amount of $200,000 (80% FDOT share) with a 20% local match share of
$50,000 for a total project cost of $250,000 to conduct the Airport Master Plan
Update at St. Lucie County International Airport, and authorize Chair or designee
to execute same. The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 08-255 for the
FDOT JPA # 418243-1-94-01 in the amount of $200,000 with a 20% local match
share of $50,000 for a total project cost of $250,000 to conduct the Airport
Master Plan Update at the St. Lucie County International Airport.
Sirsi/Dynix Annual Software Maintenance Contract Renewal - Consider staff
recommendation that the Board approve the contract in the amount of
$29,608.66 and authorize the County Administrator to sign the purchasing
requisition. The Board approved the contract in the amount of $29,608.66 and
authorized the County Administrator to sign the purchasing requisition.
1. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-259 Accepting and Allocating
Funds from The Children’s Services Council for Summer Camp
Scholarship reimbursements for June 2008 – Consider staff
recommendation to approve Budget Resolution No. 08-259, recognizing
the additional grant revenues from the Children’s Services Council and
allocating the funds for summer camp program expenses in the
appropriate Recreation Division budgets. The Board approved Budget
Resolution No. 08-259.
2. Approval to cancel $93,500 from Equipment Requests #08-157
($18,500) and #08-157A ($75,000), and Approve reallocation of the
funds with new Equipment Request #08-341 for the purchase and
replacement of playground equipment at Ilous Ellis Park. Approval to
piggyback the City of Jacksonville’s Parks and Recreation Contract
SC0511-06 with REP Services, Inc. to purchase benches and the
“Forever Lawn” playground grass safety surface, approval to use the
U.S. Communities National Contract #04037 to purchase a “Landscape
Structures” Playground and approval to construct the playground behind
the Lincoln Park Tennis Courts – Consider staff recommendation to
approve the cancellation of $93,500 from Equipment Requests #08-157
($18,500) and #08-157A ($75,000), reallocation of the funds with new
Equipment Request #08-341 to purchase and replace the playground
equipment at Ilous Ellis Park. Approval to piggyback the City of
Jacksonville’s Parks and Recreation Contract SC-0511-06 with REP
Services, Inc. to purchase benches and the “Forever Lawn” playground
grass safety surface, approval to use the U.S. Communities National
Contract #04037 to purchase a “Landscape Structures” Playground and
approval to construct the playground behind the Lincoln Park Tennis
Courts. The Board approved cancelling $93,500 from Equipment
Requests # 08-157 and # 08-157A reallocation of funds with new
Equipment Request # 08-341 to purchase and replace playground
equipment at Ilous Ellis Park and approved to piggyback the city of
Jacksonville’s Parks and Recreation contract.
3. Approval of Bill of Sale to Port St. Lucie Utilities Department of certain
“goods and chattels” required for connection of the Ravenswood
Pool/Splash Deck to the PSL Utilities water distribution system and/or
wastewater collection system – Consider staff recommendation to
approve the Bill of Sale in the amount of $10.00 for goods and materials
used to connect the Ravenswood Pool/Splash Deck to Port St. Lucie
Utilities and authorize the Chairman to sign. The Board approved the Bill
of Sale in the amount of $10.00 for goods and material used to connect
the Ravenswood Pool Splash Deck to Port St. Lucie Utilities and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
4. Board Approval to Purchase a Fast iron LS 624 and (2) Two G-Bit Port
Converters for the Parks Will Fee Road Compound, and Approval of
Budget Amendment #08-035 and Equipment Request #08-339 –
Consider staff recommendation to approve to purchase and install a Fast
iron LS624 and (2) 10 G-Bit Port Converters at the Parks Division Will
Fee Road Compound, and approval of Equipment Request #08-035 and
Budget Amendment #08-339. The Board approved purchasing and
installing a Fast iron Ls624 and (2) 10 G-Bit Port Converters at the Parks
Division Will Fee Road Compound and approved Equipment Request #
08-035 and Budget Amendment # 08-339.
5. Board Approval to Purchase a GS-3246 Genie Self-Propelled Scissor Lift
with Diaper for the New Havert L. Fenn Center and approval of
Equipment Request #08-340 – Consider staff recommendation to
approve to purchase a GS-3246 Genie Self-Propelled Scissor Lift with
Diaper for the Havert L. Fenn Center and approval of Equipment Request
#08-340. The Board approved the purchase of a GS-3246 Genie Self
Propelled Scissor Lift with Diaper for the new Havert L. Fenn Center and
approved Equipment Request # 08-340.
6. Approval of Sole Source Procurement with Sports Turf One, Inc. for
athletic field design, construction renovation, repair and maintenance, as
well as laser guided grading top dressing, at Tradition Field Sports
Complex – Consider staff recommendation to approve of Sports Turf
One, Inc. as a Sole Source provider of Major and Minor League baseball
field design, construction, renovation, repair and maintenance including
laser guided grading and top dressing, for the Tradition Field Sports
Complex, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared
by the County Attorney’s Office. The Board approved the Sole Source
Procurement with Sports Turf One, Inc., for athletic field design,
construction renovation, repair and maintenance, as well as laser guided
grading top dressing at Tradition Field Sports Complex and authorized
the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney’s
1. Green Machine Solutions – Installation and dyno testing of the Hydro
4000 at a cost of $702. Previously purchased at a cost of $1,200 (EQ08-
322), this device will be installed on one of Central Services fleet vehicles
- Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve the installation
and dyno testing of the Hydro 4000 on one of Central Services fleet
vehicles. This device was previously purchased through EQ08-322 in the
amount of $1,200. Cost for the installation and dyno testing is $702 and
staff further recommends the Board approve increasing Equipment
Request #EQ08-322 from $1,200 to $1,902 and approve Budget
Amendment #BA08-034. The Board approved the installation and dyno
testing of the Hydro 4000 at a cost of $702.
2. Edlund Dritenbas Bindley Architects and Associates – Contract #C05-05-
248 – Request for a Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 14 in
the amount of $7,573. This request will permit the Architect to proceed
with modifying the completed plans for the Courthouse Annex
Renovation project - Consider staff recommendation that the Board
approve a Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 14 in the amount
of $7,573 for the Courthouse Annex Renovation project. Staff further
recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment as
prepared by the County Attorney. The Board approved the Third
Amendment to Work Authorization No. 14 in the amount of $7,573 for
the Courthouse Annex Renovation project and authorized the Chairman
to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
3. DooleyMack Constructors of South FL., LLC / Change Order No. 9 to
#C07-04-195 Project: Havert L. Fenn Center – Special Needs
Shelter/Auditorium - Consider staff recommendation that the Board
approve Change Order No. 9 to #C07-040-195, DooleyMack
Constructors, Havert L. Fenn Center, to increase the contract sum by
$4,338.20; the new contract sum will be $13,448,262.26. Staff further
recommends the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Change Order as
prepared by the County Attorney. The Board approved Change Order
No. 9 to # C07-04-195 project Havert L. Fenn Center and authorized the
Chairman to sign the change order as prepared by the County Attorney.
4. Life Safety Systems, Inc. – Amendment to Contract #C06-04-408 for the
addition of the St. Lucie County Logistics Center - Consider staff
recommendation that the Board approve the Amendment to #C06-04-
408, Life Safety Systems, for the Addition of the St. Lucie County
Logistics Center. Staff further recommends the Board authorize the
Chair to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. The
Board approved the Amendment to # C06-04-408 Life Safety Systems
for the addition of the St. Lucie County Logistics Center. The Board
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Road and Bridge Division - Approval to terminate Contract #C08-02-104 for
Annual Street Resurfacing with Ranger Construction Industries and permission to
advertise an Invitation of Bid to replace the contract - Consider staff
recommendation for Board approval to terminate Contract #C08-02-104 for
Annual Street Resurfacing with Ranger Construction Industries and permission to
advertise an Invitation of Bid to replace the contract. The Board approved
terminating contract # C08-02-104 for Annual Street Resurfacing with Ranger
Construction and authorized advertizing an Invitation to bid to replace the
The Road and Bridge Manager advised the Board in speaking with the second
bidder they advised him there were some increases and they could not honor the
prices they bid in the first amounts. In speaking with Ranger he was advised
there were increases on their part also and it was provided in writing and it was
discussed with purchasing. He felt it may be better for the county to rebid this
item and maybe come up with a better price.
The designation of a 2-story single-family residential structure, located at 4955
South Indian River Drive, also known as the William Robinson House, as set forth
in Section 1-10.2.8 Procedures for Historic Designation, County Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 1-10.2 Historic Preservation – Consider staff
recommendation to approve of Resolution No. 08-186 for the designation of the
residence, known as the William Robinson House, as an exceptional historic
Mr. Charles Malke, attorney for property owner, addressed the Board and stated
his client was requesting a delay of decision for one year. He believes such
action would be taking value from the homeowner’s property if it was designated
historical. The property owner would like to repair the home to possibly reside in
it in the future or an investor.
Mr. Kevin Boldnow, concerned citizen, addressed the Board and stated he would
like to see the property cleaned up and the roof repaired. He would like to assist
in cleaning up the property. He sent a proposal to Mr. Malke however he has not
received a response.
Mr. Edwin Dubou, area resident, addressed the Board and stated there is
presently a boat in front of the home. He questioned if someone will be living in
the home and expressed concern about unwelcomed people breaking into the
Ms Lucille Rice, area resident questioned why the home was not repaired utilizing
the insurance funds from the storm damage. She believes the home can be
Mr. Jack Connelly, area resident, addressed the Board and stated he understands
the feelings from the surrounding neighbors, however he believes the house
should be preserved.
Ms. Marjorie Harrell, member of the Historical Committee, addressed the Board
in favor of preserving the home and declaring it historical.
Mr. Brad Culverhouse, Historical Committee Chairman, addressed the Board and
requested the house be designated a historical structure.
Ms. Toni Menerkian, 6010 Myrtle Drive Indian River Estates, addressed the Board
and stated she has traveled the area and had noticed people living in the house
in recent years.
Mr. Malke, attorney for the property owner reiterated his clients position where
they felt the value would be taken if it was designated historical.
Mr. Brad Culverhouse advised the Board the property owners had the
Opportunity to file undue hardship 15 days prior to the Public Hearing and
did not.
Com. Coward asked the County Attorney if there were any concerns with regards to a taking
The County Attorney advised the Board they had not concerns with this issue.
Com. Grande stated he would vote against the recommendation due to the fact he was not sure
to what level the value would be raised. The County would have to preserve many homes if they
all fit the same criteria. He believes now is not the time to designate this home historical and
believes it is an adversarial designation and does not see the significance.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve staff recommendation, and;
upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Grande; Aye’s: Craft, Lewis, Coward, Smith; motion
carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Ordinance No. 08-012 – Amending the Land Development Code – Emergency
Services Communications – This is the first of two public hearings. No action is
required at this time. The second public hearing will be held on September 9,
2008, at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.
No action required. The Board advised the general public of the scheduled second public hearing
on September 9, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.
Amendment to FY 2008 Budget - Consider staff recommendation that the Board
adopt Budget Resolution 08-256 amending the FY 2008 Budget.
Mr. Jackson asked the Board to consider assisting in the funding for families of the sexual
offenders should they be required to live outside the area.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Budget Resolution No. 08-
256, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ag Development Steering Committee – July 2008 Report – Staff recommends the Board
review and accept the report from the Committee and discuss or refine the future
activities of the Committee. This item was pulled.
Treasure Coast Research Park – Conceptual Development Master Plan – The Treasure
Coast Education, Research and Development Authority (TCERDA) and County staff
recommend approval of the Treasure Coast Research Park Conceptual Development
Master Plan.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Conceptual Development
Master Plan for the Treasure Coast Education and Research Park, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
Request for Board approval of Phase II – Department Reorganization Plan - Consider
staff recommendation for Board approval of Phase II Department
Consolidation/Reorganization Plan and staff reduction.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Operational changes and facility improvements at the Oxbow Eco-Center - Consider staff
recommendation for Board approval of operational changes and facility improvements as
outlined in the staff memo.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Strategic Planning 2008 - Reduction of Library Service Hours - Consider staff
recommendation that the Board accept the reduction of service hours at the Fort Pierce,
Hurston, Lakewood Park, Port St. Lucie and Morningside Branch libraries, effective
Sunday, August 31, 2008.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Board Approval of Outdoor Facility Lighting Policy for Parks and Recreation – Consider
staff recommendation to approve the Outdoor Facility Lighting Policy for Parks and
Recreation effective September 1, 2008.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Strategic Planning 2008 - Approval to close all county pools in the off season
beginning the day after Labor Day until May 15 effective October 1, 2008 – Consider
staff recommendation to approve closing all St. Lucie County pools beginning the day
after Labor Day until May 15 effective October 1, 2008.
The following residents addressed the Board in support of keeping the Ravenswood
Pool open all year round:
Kelsey, Winter, David Peptone, Anna, Toni Gordon, Lelani Blackburn, Christine Conlin.
Mr. Clark Glober, resident and swimming coach recommended user fees be
considered as well as other options in order to keep the pool open.
Ms. Deny Gillespie, swim coach, addressed the Board in favor of keeping the pool
open for the swimming teams and other residents and requested more time be given
to see if they could come up with a plan.
The County Administrator advised the Board the county needed to take action on the
closing of the pools by September 23, 2008 due to the fact funds were not budgeted
for the upcoming fiscal year.
It was the consensus of the Board to defer this item until September 23, 2008.
However, the Board members advised the public they would need to devise a plan
prior to that date and have the funds available to keep the pool open.
Strategic Planning 2008 – Purchasing Division – Board approval to offer the 1997
Bluebird Bookmobile (PR#4F3488) to other Libraries in accordance with the State grant
guidelines. If offers are not received from other Libraries, Staff request Board approval
to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the sale of the bookmobile and remove the asset
from the St. Lucie County Library’s fixed asset inventory – Consider staff
recommendation to approve to offer the 1997 Bluebird Bookmobile to other Libraries in
accordance with the State grant guidelines. If offers are not received from other
Libraries, staff recommends Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the sale
of the bookmobile and remove the asset from the Library’s fixed asset inventory.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court