HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-05-2008
Date: August 5, 2008 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 7:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Joseph Smith Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward,
Charles Grande, Chris Craft
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works
Director, Lauri Case, Asst. Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services
Director, Mike Powley, County Engineer, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the July 15, 2008 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve th minutes of the meeting
held July 15, 2008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. There are no proclamations/presentations scheduled for August 5, 2008.
Ms. Pam Hammer, are resident, addressed the Board regarding the agenda provided
on line. She advised the Board there are items in her opinion that need explanation.
She also requested information on items F-11, G-1, J1 and H7.
Mr. Steve Tierney, attorney representing VOLO LLC, addressed the Board regarding
iteem 4 on the Consent Agenda He stated his client objects to thelicense agreement
dur to the fact they felt it would be detremental to their business. He requested the
item be removed.
The County Attorney recommended removing this item from the agenda in order to
give staff the opportunity to resolve the issue and then have it re-agendad.
The Board concurred with the County Attorney’s recommendation and pulled the
Mr. Terre Cooper area resident, addressed the Board on a prior item and also
addressed the goal post constructed without a permit.
The Assistant County Administrator provided a power point presentation on the issue
from the beginning of the problem to it’s being resolved.
Susie Caron, area resident, addresed the Board regading item ‘M’ and stated she had
received calls from area residents expressing their conderns about the handicap
Mr. John Arena, area resident, addressed the Board with concerns on where the
manatees would locate after the closing of a nearby plant.
Mr. Henry Kaye, attorney for an item on the Consent Agenda item 6 Cortez
Townhomes. He requested a CO for the 1 building .
The Board expressed their concern with the roadway not being done once a CO was
provided and requested a bond be placed in order to make sure the road would be
The applicant stated due to financial constraints, they would not agree to providing a
The applicant then requested the item move forward as recommended by staff on the
consent agenda.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft to approve the Consent Agenda with items
B-4, F-1,J-5 pulled, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 42, 43 and 44.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 42, 43 and 44.
1. Dickerson Realty Florida, Inc. - Permanent Easement - 5-foot sidewalk
easement on Bandy Blvd. - Resolution No. 08-248 – Consider staff
recommendation to accept the Permanent Easement, authorize the
Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-248 accepting the Permanent
Easement and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records
of St. Lucie County, Florida. - The Board approved Resolutio No. 08-248
and authorized the Chairman to sign and directed staff to record the
documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
2. Deputy Sheriff’s Blanket Bond – Consider staff recommendation to
authorize the Chairman to execute the Bond. The Board authorized the
Chairman to execute the Blanket Bond.
3. New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc. – Right-of-Way Donation; 40
feet on West Midway Road and 5 feet on Favorite Road; Resolution No.
08-244 - Consider staff recommendation that the Board accept the
Special Warranty Deed subject to New Horizons providing the County
with Partial Releases, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-
244 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St.
Lucie County, Florida. – The Board accepted the right of way donation
and the special warranty deed subject to New Horizons providing the
County with Partial Releases, approved Resolution No. 08-244 and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
4. Treasure Coast FBO, LLC – Revocable License Agreement for Aviation
Fuel Trucks - Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve the
proposed Revocable License Agreement with Treasure Coast FBO, LLC,
and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. This item was
5. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) – Lease Agreement with
St. Lucie County Fire District - Consider staff recommendation that the
Board approve the proposed lease agreement with the St. Lucie County
Fire District for the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF), and
authorize the Chairman to sign the Lease Agreement. The Board
approved the proposed lease agreement with the St. Lucie County Fire
District for the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facillity and authorized
the Chairman to sign.
1. Resolution No. 08-241 County Emergency Management Preparedness
and Assistance Trust Fund Base Grant (EMPA) Federal match portion –
Consider staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution No. 08-241
and authorize the Chairman to sign. - The Board approved Resolution
No. 08-241 and authorized the Chairman to sign.
2. Request to accept Modification #1 to Agreement #07-DS-5N-10-66-01-
336, State Homeland Security Grant, time extension – Consider staff
recommendation to approve Modification #1 to Agreement #07-DS-5N-
10-66-01-336, State Homeland Security Grant Agreement. - The Board
approved Modification # 1 to Agreement # 07-DS-5N-10-66-01-336,
State Homeland Security Grant Agreement.
3. Request to accept Modification #2 to Agreement #07-DS-3W-10-66-01-
248, State Homeland Security Grant, time extension – Consider staff
recommendation to approve Modification #2 to Agreement #07-DS-3W-
10-66-01-248, State Homeland Security Grant Agreement. – The Board
approved Modification # 2 to Agreement # 07-DS-3W-10-66-01-248.
4. Request to accept Modification #1 to Agreement #C07-06-313, Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council extension date utilizing the remaining
State Homeland Security Grant Program funding of $8,969.00 – Consider
staff recommendation for the Board to approve Modification #1 to
Agreement #C07-06-313, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign. The Board approved
Modification # 1 to Agreement # C07-06-313 and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
5. Request to accept Modification #1 to Agreement #C07-02-053, Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council extension date utilizing the remaining
State Homeland Security Grant Program funding of $4,864.25 - Consider
staff recommendation for the Board to approve Modification #1 to
Agreement #C07-02-053, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign. – The Board approved
accepting Modification # 1 to Agreement # C07-02-053 and authorized
the Chairman to sign.
Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #08-051, St. Lucie County
Fairgrounds Wastewater Treatment Plant Bypass Holding Tank to the second
lowest responsive, responsible bidder, per the attached tabulation sheet -
Consider staff recommendation for Board approval to award Invitation to Bid
(ITB) #08-051, St. Lucie County Fairgrounds Wastewater Treatment Plant
Bypass Holding Tank to the second lowest responsive, responsible bidder, per
the attached tabulation sheet, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the
contract as prepared by the County Attorney. – The Board approved awarding
the Invitation to Bid # 08-051 to the second lowest responsive, responsible
bidder per the tabulation sheet and authorized the Chairman to sign the
contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
Permission to accept grant project agreement, and approval of Budget
Resolution 08-243, from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection –
Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) for improvements
at Martin Luther King Jr. – Dreamland Park, in the amount of $135,610.84. Park
improvements include a soccer field, baseball field, interactive water feature,
basketball court, playground, and pavilion area renovations – Consider staff
recommendation for Board acceptance of the grant project agreement, approval
of the project agreement (including BOCC Chairman signature), and Budget
Resolution 08-243, with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection –
Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program, in the amount of
$135,610.84. – The Board approved accepting the grant project agreement and
approved Budget Resolution 08-243 with the Florida Department of
Envirionmental Protection.
1. GT Greens, LLC – Final Release of Surety in the amount of $106,219.00
approval of the Maintenance Agreement and acceptance of the
maintenance bond in the amount of $32,453.00 – Consider staff
recommendation to approve the final release of surety for GT Greens,
LLC, approval of the maintenance agreement, acceptance of
maintenance bond, and authorize the Chairman to sign. –This item was
2. Kings Highway at Indrio Road Intersection Improvements Design –
Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. 2
(C07-07-385) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of
$678,840.00, to provide additional services for the design and permitting
of the Kings Highway at Indrio Road Intersection Improvements project,
and signature by the Chairman. – The Board approved Work
Authorization No. 2 with Kimley Horn and Associates and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
F. PUBLIC WORKS (contd.)
3. Approve the revision of EQ08-304 (60” Ditching bucket) to increase the
dollar amount from $5,600.00 to $7,250.00 – Consider staff
recommendation to approve the revision of EQ08-304 (60” Ditching
bucket) to increase the dollar amount from $5,600.00 to $7,250.00. –
The Board approved the revision of EQ08-304 to increase the dollar
amount from $5,600 to $7,250.
4. Approval to transfer funds – Consider staff recommendation to approve
the transfer of funds from our Maintenance Capital Equipment account
(101002-4110-564000-400) to the Capital Building Improvements
account (101002-4110-562000-1629). The Board approved tranferring
funds from Maintenance Capital Equipment account to the Capital
Building Improvement account.
5. Entrada Avenue and Rio Mar Drive Landscaping Project close out –
Consider staff recommendation to accept the project and the
maintenance agreement, release the retainage, and provide final
payment in the amount of $54,504.21 to Sunshine Land Design, Inc. for
Entrada Avenue and Rio Mar Drive Landscaping project, and signature by
the Chairman. The Board approved accepting the project and the
maintenance agreement released the retainage and provided final
payment in the amount of $54,504.21 to Sunshine Land Design, Inc. and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
6. Cortez Multi-Family Townhomes – Consider staff recommendation to
accept modification to the Developer’s Agreement off site roadway
improvement for the Cortez Multi-Family Townhomes. – The Board
accepted the modification to the Developer’s Agreement off site roadway
improvement for the Cortaz Multi Family Townhomes.
7. Angle Road Sidewalk (Avenue Q to 53 Street) – Local Agency Program
Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) -
Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve the attached
Local Agency Program Agreement with FDOT for $840,000.00 for the
Angle Road Sidewalk (Avenue Q to 53 Street), approval of Resolution
08-247 and Budget resolution 08-250 (attached), and signature by the
Chairman. – The Board approved the attached Local Agency Program
Agreement with FDOT for $840,000 for the Angle Road Sidewalk and
approved Resolution No. 08-247 and Budget Resolution No. 08-250.
8. Solid Waste Initial Assessment Resolution No. 08-251, and request
permission to advertise a Public Hearing – Consider staff
recommendation that the Board adopt Resolution No. 08-251
(Attachment “1”), a Solid Waste Initial Assessment Resolution and grant
permission to advertise a Public Hearing to be held on September 9,
2008 at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. - the
Board approved adopting Resolution No. 08-251 and granted permission
to advertise a Public Hearing to be held on September 9, 2008 at 9:00
9. Approve Equipment Request No. EQ08-335 and EQ08-336 to make a
sole source purchase of two Traffic Signal Camera Video Detention
packages from Econolite Control products, Inc. for the total amount of
$12,350.00 – Consider staff recommendation to approve Equipment
Request No. EQ08-335 and EQ08-336 to make a sole source purchase of
two Traffic Signal Camera Video Detection packages from Econolite
Control products, Inc. for the total amount of $12,350.00. – The Board
approved Equipment Request No EQ08-335 and EQ 08-336 to make a
sole source purchase of two Traffic Signal Camera Video Detection
pacages from EconoliteControl products.
10. Amendment No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 17 with Hazen & Sawyer
Engineers for Grant Assistance related to Indian River Estates
Stormwater project – Consider staff recommendation for Board approval
of Amendment No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 17 with Hazen & Sawyer
Engineers for grant technical assistance related to Indian River Estates,
in the amount of $24,428.31, extension of contract time to December
31, 2008, and authorization of signature by the Chairman. The Baord
approved Amendment No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 17 with Hazen
and Sawyer Engineers and authorized the Chairman to sign.
11. Indian River Estates Stormwater Improvements – Phase I Pump Station
Change Order No. 1 - Consider staff recommendation for the Board to
approve Change Order No. 1 with Close Construction, Inc., in the
amount of $301,409.54, for the Indian River Estates Stormwater
Improvements – Phase I Pump Station project, and signature by the
Chair. – The Board approved Change Order No. 1 with Close
Construction Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign.
1. Approve Equipment Request #08-334/Budget Amendment #08-033 –
Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve Equipment
Request No. 08-334 and Budget Amendment No. 08-033 for the
purchase of four portable pitching mounds, at a total cost of $9,836.00,
for the Parks Division. – The Board approved Equipment Request # 08-
334/Budget Amendment # 08-033.
2.St. Lucie County School District Request to use (5) parks and (1) library site
for pick up and drop off locations – Consider staff recommendation that the
Board approve the St. Lucie County School District’s request to use six
County sites as pick up and drop off points for students attending the new
Palm Pointe Research Center in the Tradition Development. Staff also
requests that the Board authorize the County Attorney to draft an Interlocal
Agreement to finalize the arrangement and authorize the Chairman to sign.
The Board approved the St. Lucie County School District’s request to use six
County sites as pick up and drop off points for students attending the new
Palm Pointe Research Center in the Tradition Development. The Board
authorized the County Attorney drafting an interlocal agreement to finalize
the arrangement and authorized the Chairman to sign.
1. Approval to submit an application for FTA 5309 Federal Appropriation
Request for buses and bus infrastructure- Consider staff
Recommendation to authorize submission. The Board approved the
Submission of the application.
2. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-252 to budget the funds from the
State FY09 State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) allocation to
Housing Assistance – Discretionary and Housing Assistance – Mandatory
- Consider staff recommendation for Board approval of Budget
Resolution No. 08-252 to budget the funds from the State FY09 SHIP
allocation to Housing Assistance – Discretionary and Housing Assistance
– Mandatory. The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 08-252.
3. Approve applying for a $750,000 funding request to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs for funds to assist with various eligible
CDBG Housing Activities such as new construction, rehabilitation and
replacement, and permission to advertise Two Public Hearings - Consider
staff recommendation for the Board to authorize submittal of a $750,000
funding request to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and
permission to advertise the First Public Hearing on August 19, 2008 at
6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter, and the Second Public Hearing on
September 9, 2008, at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter, and authorize
the Chair to sign necessary application documents. - The Board
approved applying for a $750,000 funding request to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs and authorized advertising two public
hearings one on August 19, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. and second September 9,
2008 @ 9:00 a.m.
4. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-254 to budget the funds from the
Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative –
Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve Budget
Resolution No. 08-254 to budget the funds from the Florida Department
of Community Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative. The Board approve
Budget Resolution No. 08-254 .
5. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-249 to budget the funds from the
My Safe Florida Home grant – Consider staff recommendation for Board
approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-249 to budget the funds from the
My Safe Florida Home grant. – The Board approved Budget Resolution
No. 08-249.
6. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-253 to budget the funds from the
FY 07 HOME Consortium allocation – Consider staff recommendation for
Board approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-253 to budget the funds
from the FY 07 HOME Consortium allocation. The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 08-253.
7. Approval of the Seventh Amendment to January 15, 1998 Agreement
with Habitat for Humanity to include New Construction Strategy,
payment schedule for new construction and donation of lot – Consider
staff recommendation for Board approval of the Seventh Amendment to
January 15, 1998 Agreement with Habitat for Humanity and authorize
the Chair to sign the necessary documents. – The Board approved the
Seventh Amendment to the January 15, 1998 Agreement with Habitat
for Humanity and authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary
Reallocation of Environmentally Significant Lands funding – consider staff
recommendation of reallocating the identified funds into the accounts identified
in Attachment A. – The Board approved reallocating the identified funds into the
accounts identified in the attachment.
1. Design of Phase III – South County Regional Football/Soccer Stadium –
Consider staff recommendation that the Board declare an emergency for
the stated reasons in the attached memorandum and that the County
enter into an Agreement with Schenkel Shultz in the amount of
$169,366.25 for architectural and engineering services for the additions
and improvements to the South County Regional Football/Soccer
Stadium. The Board approved declaring an emergency for the stated
reasons in the memorandum and the county enter into an Agreement
with Schenkel Shultz in the amount of $169,366.25.
2. Request approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding
between St. Lucie County, the Department of Tourism – Island of the
Bahamas and Comet Creative Inc. (Blair Advertising) to develop mutually
beneficial economic marketing programs – Consider staff
recommendation to approve to sign the Memorandum of Understanding
and to commence joint planning sessions to develop the events. - The
Board approved signing the Memorandum of Understanding and
commence joint planning session to develop the events.
3. Revised Targeted Industry List – Consider staff recommendation to
approve the revised Targeted Industry List. – The Board approved the
revised Targeted Industry List.
4. Code Enforcement Board – Consider staff recommendation to ratify
Commissioner Craft’s appointment of William Oquendo to the Code
Enforcement Board. – The Board approved Com. Craft’s appointment of
William Oquendo to the Code Enforcement Board.
5. Funding Request - Staffing for Foreclosure Cases – This item was pulled.
1. Retroactive approval of printing of check to Dooley Mack to fulfill grant
requirements – Consider staff recommendation that the Board
retroactively approve the printing of a check to Dooley Mack in the
amount of $122,164.35, remaining DCA grant funds, the sending of a
copy of this check to DCA, and the holding of the check until the project
is complete. - The Board approved printing of check to Dooley Mack to
fulfill grant requirements and approved the holding of the check until the
project is complete.
2. Approve award of Bid #08-052 to the lowest bidder, Sherwin Williams –
Purchase of exterior latex paint and sealer for Central Services/Jail
Maintenance – Consider staff recommendation that the Board approve
award of Bid #08-052 to the lowest bidder, Sherwin Williams – Purchase
of exterior latex paint and sealer for Central Services/Jail Maintenance.
A purchase order will be issued for items on an “as needed basis”. The
Board approved awarding Bid # 08-052 to the lowest bidder, Sherwin
Staff requests approval of the First Amendment to the agreement between
Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc. and St. Lucie County – Consider staff
recommendation to approve the agreement between Severn Trent Environmental
Services, Inc. and St. Lucie County. – The Board approved the agreement
between Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc., and St. Lucie County.
Request permission to advertise for two Public Hearings considering Draft
Ordinance No. 08-025 amending Land Development Code Section 7.04.00 Area,
Yard, Height, and Open Space Requirements Table 7-10 Lot Size Dimensional
Requirements to permit the construction of a handicap ramp to encroach up to
50% of any required front, rear and side yard setback - Consider staff
recommendation that the Board authorize staff to advertise the following Public
Hearings to be held on August 19, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., and September 2, 2008,
at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. – The Board approved
advertising two public hearings considering Draft Ordinance No. 08-025 to be
held August 19, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. and September 2, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. or as
soon thereafter as it may be heard.
Continue the Public Hearing to consider the petition of New Horizons of the
Treasure Coast for a Major Adjustment to an Approved Conditional use Permit to:
Expand Mental Health Facilities (Medical and other health services) and
Social Services in the I (Institutional) Zoning District;
Allow for the proposed children’s residential care program called
“Children’s Crisis Facility”; and
Consolidate previous New Horizons Conditional Use Permit approvals
(File No.: CUMJ 120081380) - Consider staff recommendation to continue the
petition of New Horizons of the Treasure Coast for a Major Adjustment to an
Approved Conditional Use Permit to Expand Mental Health Facilities (Mental &
other health services) and Social Services in the I (Institutional) Zoning District
until September 2, 2008, at 6:00 p.m.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this item to September 2,
2008, at 6:00p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Staff request Board approval of Resolution No. 08-242 - Solid Waste Rate Resolution, to
increase the rate for class I garbage from $32 per ton to $41 per ton, the construction
and demolition debris rate from $19 per ton to $29 per ton and the rate for yard waste
from $20 per ton to $26 per ton, effective October 1, 2009, as prepared and approved by
the County Attorney – Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 08-242
- Solid Waste Rate Resolution, to increase the rate for class I garbage from $32 per ton
to $41 per ton, the construction and demolition debris rate from $19 per ton to $29 per
ton and the rate for yard waste from $20 per ton to $26 per ton, effective October 1,
2009, as prepared and approved by the County Attorney.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 08-242, an;d
upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 08-257 – Authorizing Term Loan to Provide Permanent Financing for Lake
Drive MSBU Special Assessment Project - Consider staff recommendation that the Board
adopt Resolution No. 08-257 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 08-
257, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court