HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08-15-2008 CITIZENS’ BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: August 15, 2008 Conference Room 3 Meeting convened at 7:32 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Hensley, Chairman Jeremiah Johnson Edward Lounds Craig Mundt Nathaniel “Nate” Wells Chris Dzadovsky (7:35) Richard Pancoast Randy Ezell (7:32) Patricia “Pat” Ferrick Michael McKinnon MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven Messer Barry Schrader Thomas Hickey Bill Casey Jay L. McBee OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Anderson Marie Gouin Jennifer Hill Mike Monahan Garry Wilson Toby Long Kathryn Hensley Lee Ann Lowery Debra Brisson Erick Gill Michelle Franklin Bill Hammer Carl Holeva John Ferrick Patty Marston-Duva Eva O’Donnell Beth Ryder Matt Baum CALL TO ORDER Mr. Hensley called the meeting to order. Citizens’ Budget Committee August 15, 2008 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES th Mr. Johnson made a motion to accept the July 18 minutes. It was seconded, and the minutes were unanimously approved. TH AUGUST 13 BUDGET UPDATE – DOUG ANDERSON Mr. Anderson gave a PowerPoint presentation that he had done for a homeowner’s association earlier in the week (see attached). In addition to the drop in property taxes, the revenues the County receives from gas tax, sales tax, tourist tax and impact fees are down. Mr. Anderson feels the economy is getting worse and the County is banking all it can to prepare for the future. The City of Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce Utility Authority, School District, Fire District and all the Constitutional Offices have been invited to join the clinic program. Mr. Anderson gave details of the capital programs that are winding down. A spoil site on th the Ridgehaven property, widening Midway from 25 Street to the turnpike overpass, the Special Needs Shelter, the new Emergency Operations Center, South County Stadium, a medical wing addition and minimum security dormitory at the Jail, and renovations at the old Courthouse in downtown Fort Pierce are in process. Mr. Lounds asked about the $350,000,000 the Clerk of the Court is saying that the County has. Mr. Anderson said we are halfway through a $700,000,000 budget and the majority of the tax money comes in during December and January. Compared to a household budget, the paycheck comes at the end of the year. He explained what the money will be used to pay. Most of it is designated. Mr. Anderson is trying to build the amount up. Mr. Lounds asked him to bring a list to the Committee. Mr. Lounds asked how many acres are at Bluefield Ranch. It was answered about 3,000. Mr. Lounds asked about wetlands mitigation. Ms. Lowery answered that not much of the land is appropriate for wetlands mitigation. Mr. Anderson added that they would be looking at homes for frogs and snakes after the tortoise program is in effect. Mr. Pancoast asked if the Committee could do something to help the public understand the County budget. They feel the State government has lost touch with reality. Mr. Lounds said that doubt goes further than fact. Mr. Anderson’s goal is to make St. Lucie County the most financially strong local government in the State of Florida. St. Lucie will lead the way when the Country starts to Citizens’ Budget Committee August 15, 2008 Page 3 come out of the recession. The Federal Courthouse in downtown Fort Pierce, Florida Power and Light’s nuclear power plant and other undisclosed projects would help. Mr. Mundt asked that the report show where reserves are needed. Mr. Lounds reminded Mr. Anderson that he works with the numbers every day but the general public doesn’t. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about another vehicle auction. Mr. Anderson answered the next one would be much smaller. There is no estimation at this time how much money would be generated. Mr. Dzadovsky asked if the pools could be closed for less time because of the warm weather in Florida. Mr. Anderson answered that he would still have to staff the location. The cost of keeping the polls open is both labor and electricity. Ms. Brisson reported they met with a company about lights and timers. The company is fine-tuning their proposal that will be brought to Mr. Anderson. The timers will be used until 9:30 p.m. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about the labor cost of removing sod from the medians. Mr. Anderson answered that he would never have to mow again which is labor intensive. It was added that some are bare. Mr. Dzadovsky feels it will be labor intensive to remove the sod. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about Midway Road construction and White City residents. They th are not going through White City at this time. The plan is 25 Street to the turnpike. Mr. Anderson gave more details on the plans and financing. Mr. Wells asked about Florida State University and Indian River State College students using the clinic. Mr. Anderson is setting up a meeting with Ed Massey. Mr. Mundt commended Mr. Anderson and Ms. Gouin for the job they have done the last six months. He asked about an institutional rate from Florida Power and Light. Mr. Anderson explained the 6:00 rates at Tradition Field. They are working on that deal for South County Stadium. Mr. Mundt asked about an analysis. Mr. Anderson said a private company came in and did an analysis. They are testing a device that steps-down the wasted electricity that comes into a building. Mr. Hensley asked about the efficiency and productivity of employees doing extra jobs. Mr. Anderson answered that he had not had one employee whine. Productivity will decline. It will take longer to respond. In March when a lot of the 68 employees will retire, it will really be felt. Mr. Hensley added he is going to wear people out. It is serious. Mr. Anderson added that they would try to cut back on services. Mr. Hensley is concerned that we seem to be concentrating on the budget; not on the welfare of the employees and the services they provide. Mr. Anderson disagreed. They are focusing on the employees with Citizens’ Budget Committee August 15, 2008 Page 4 the health clinic. Health and wellness programs are planned to help. He added the County’s cost is $9,000 per month for Nexium. That is double any other prescription. Mr. Dzadovsky has been through two company bankruptcies and believes the employees should take advantage of the Employee Assistance Program before they are overwhelmed. Mr. Anderson is keeping the lines of communication open by having meetings with the County employees. He feels it keeps the anxiety down by stopping rumors. The employees are very receptive. Mr. Mundt feels it will get tougher; but it is temporary. In three years the issues will be reviewed and relief provided. He appreciates everybody pitching in. Mr. Anderson hopes we will be back on line in 2011. Mr. Lounds feels we should not continue to talk doom and gloom but build enthusiasm. Mr. Anderson feels when other local governments do their budgets next June and July and are not prepared, St. Lucie County will be able to say we are covered and ready to start climbing out. TAX WATCH DISCUSSION, GOLF COURSE – DOUG ANDERSON Mr. Hensley asked if any of the Committee members had comments on the Tax Watch document distributed at the June meeting. He thinks the County is already doing or working on most of the suggestions. Mr. Hammer informed the group there is a lot of information on the Internet about Best Practices of Local Government that compliment the Tax Watch report. There are good ideas from all over the Country. Matt Baum, Golf Course Manager, was introduced. He thanked the group for the opportunity and showed a PowerPoint presentation (see attached). The national average for a course is 35,000 rounds per year. The goal is to remain competitive. Things are difficult in the economy and industry. More golf courses closed than opened last year. As an enterprise fund, they can only spend what they make. Mr. Lounds asked about contractual services. Golf cart lease, Brinks, copy machine and aerification are examples. They do their own herbicide and insecticide spraying. There is a spray tech position unfilled now to save money. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about the Revenue slide. Grant funding after the hurricane was the difference. He started discussion on solar golf carts. When Mr. Dzadovsky asked about the impact of fuel costs on the budget, Mr. Baum answered that they were near $30,000 in previous years. They have not doubled because Citizens’ Budget Committee August 15, 2008 Page 5 of cutbacks in mowing. Fuel costs are listed in supplies. Mr. Dzadovsky asked if the members could get the budgets before the presentations in the future. Ms. Gouin is going to have her staff analyze the revenues and expenses again. Because it is an Enterprise fund, it shows up differently in the financials. She is going to give the Committee more detail. Mr. Johnson asked about increases in communication and transportation. Mr. Baum explained the increase in communication is added web services. He is proud they have been able to keep up with the times. Mr. Baum normally works with a spreadsheet of about 50 lines. It was condensed for the meeting. Mr. Mundt started discussion on the greens and suggested Mr. Baum let the golfers know the situation in their newsletter. Mr. Lounds said golfers would not return to a rundown course. Keeping it up is money invested so fees can be raised when needed. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about labor costs and the clinic. Mr. Baum answered the labor costs are down this year because of layoffs. Ms. Hill explained the clinic would not make a difference this year because there is an internal service fund that pays the health expenses. The amounts are charged to each department based on the number of employees. There has not been an adjustment to the rate yet. Mr. Anderson added that it is the first time since 1996 the health rates have not gone up. Mr. Dzadovsky asked about an intern program with the colleges. Mr. Baum has been investigating that idea. Mr. Dzadovsky feels the real life experience would be invaluable to the students. The first golf course built on a landfill was 1960. There were not a lot of regulations when Fairwinds was built in 1990. Mr. Johnson asked about collecting the methane like they do at the landfill. It was not a managed landfill. It was a dump. Mr. Pancoast gave history of the situation in the sixties. Mr. Baum added that it is not a health hazard. Mr. Gill advised the group that he addressed classes at the college to get student interns in Media. There was enthusiasm but not follow-through. Mr. Dzadovsky has more information that he will share with Mr. Gill after the meeting. OTHER ISSUES Mr. Anderson asked what department the group wanted to look at next month. It was decided it would be Tradition Field. Mr. Dzadovsky wanted to clarify that last month when he spoke of candidates not giving Citizens’ Budget Committee August 15, 2008 Page 6 correct information, he was not referring to anyone on the Committee. Mr. Hensley wished the best to the candidates in attendance. Ms. Ferrick asked if overruns on Project Development and Environment (PD&E) studies were included in future budgets? Mr. Anderson explained that there is a budget with reserves for each project. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Hensley adjourned the meeting at 9:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin