HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 10-08-2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Time: 9:00 A.M.
Dekker Family Farms-meet at Red Metal Building
4823 Shinn Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
(Directions are attached)
1. Opening Remarks, Commissioner Chris Craft, Chairman
2. Self Introductions
3. Dean Dekker, President Dekker Family Farms
4. Guided Tour
5. Closing remarks
6. Refreshments will be served
: The next Property & Homeowners Association meeting will be on
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Directions to Dekker Family Farms
4823 Shinn Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 Phone: 772-468-9682
Located on the SW corner of State Road 70 and Shinn Road in Fort Pierce.
(About 5 miles west of the Turn' on Okeechobee j State Road 70
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Directions from:
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue
on Virginia Avenue toward 25th
on Okeechobee Road
7.4 miles
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Famil'Y. Farms
4823 Shinn Road, Fort Pierce FL 34945 772-468-9682 Fax 772-468-9683
Status of Local and Nationwide Food Supply and its effects
On St. Lucie County - June 30~ 2008
Commissioner Craft:
What a couple of months!! With gas prices soaring, millions of acres of farmland in the
Midwest flooding, salmonella infecting tomatoes, and a global food crisis threatening, it
seems to me that America and St Lucie County is finally, slowly waking up. The world
is not what it seemed to'be. Change seems inevitable in ways it didn't even a few months
ago. The question now is not how much whether the collective we is going to change,
but how - with what frame of mind. As we alter our consumptive patterns, food and
otherwise, we must be aware of how we approach change. We can be anxious or relaxed,
defensive or curious, fearful or joyful. The differences are vast and vital.
Many of us live lives that are overly determined by convenience. Day to day decisions is
made as if expediency and ease were our highest values. So habituated are we to these
conveniences that the idea of going without them actually makes us feel afraid. But fear
- of scarcity, of change - is a "terrible master." It makes us forget our own creativity
and adaptability. We mistake the way it is for the way it has ,to be.
In that mindset, there is no way to discover something that might be better. Since
January I have been giving beginner hydroponic classes twice a week at the farm. The
turn out and interest has been tremendous, especially in the past month since the
salmonella scare. Hundreds of people have learned that they can take control of the food
their family consumes. But unfortunately so many people feel that their HOA will not
allow them to set up a vertical system in their backyard. As you know, many of our
citizens live in communities with active HOA's.
This frame of mind is an example of the kind of thinking we as a community need to
leave bel1iIld. , If..»,.e gr¡;:eteyery Ile\y iqt::a\yith, t::x:cu~est.l1atflÌ.nl todefen~ ()urol~w~ys,
we will be lost. I would like the opportunity to go before the SLC Property and Home
Owners Association committee in order to gauge a response from the members. I would
also appreciate your support in this endeavor to better our community, by offering our
citizens' a safe and healthy alternative to this food crisis.
US 1 - Progress Update for September 26, 2008
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Eva O'Donnell - US 1 - Progress Update for September 26, 2008
"Scott, Randall" <rscott@BoyleEngineering.com>
<alena@tropical-isles.org>, <bolduc.ann.s28@flsenate.gov>, Carolyn Gish
<carolyn.gish@dot.state.fl.us>, Cissy <Cisnjer@aol.com>, <dale@buddysholiday.net>, Eva
O'Donnell <odonnele@stlucieco.gov>, <glenpreston@wallaceautogroup.com>,
<grussel@bellsouth.net>, <guillermo. vignier@dot.state.fl.us>,
<hco1l211 @rogerdeanbuick.com>, HeshamAli <hesham.ali@dot.state.fl.us>,
<kchristiansen@rogerdeanbuick.com>, "Kyzer, Bill" <Bill- K@BoyleEngineering.com>,
<lauraallen@wallaceautogroup.com>, <linda@vougevacations.com>, "Lynch, Jim" <Jim-
L@BoyleEngineering.com>, <maryjo@sunrise-ford.com>,
<mikewetzel@sunrisefordco.com>, <nina.margetis@myfloridahouse.gov>, PeteNissen
<peter.nissen@dot.state.fl.us>, <reinkster l@yahoo.com>,
<richard.machek@myfloridahouse.gov>, "Schurmann, Wayne" <Donald-
S@BoyleEngineering.com>, <scottok@bellsouth.net>, <tam825@yahoo.com>,
<tangie.jennings@myfloridahouse.gov>, <zutshis@bellsouth.net>, "Lawrence, Chloann"
9/26/2008 2:32 PM
US 1 - Progress Update for September 26,2008
Dear US 1 Business Owners,
The following is an update on the progress that has taken place as of September 26th, 2008. As you all
are aware, Phase II was completed on July 25th, two weeks ahead of the August 5th target date. The
next milestone for the project is the completion date in early March 2009. As you may have noticed, the
finish date has shifted a few weeks due to the rains from Tropical Storm Fay. The contractor
experienced a two week set back from the flooding on the project site. We are still pushing hard to
finish the project ahead of schedule, but currently the allowable contract days extend into March.
What we have accomplished to date...
· Completed Phase III south bound traffic switch on 7/25/08. The northbound
traffic remained in the Phase II configuration.
· Removed 100% of the old pavement in the median portion of the roadway.
Due to traffic constraints during Phase II, the median portion of the old
roadway was not able to be removed.
· Began to prepare the road beds for the left hand turn lanes. As soon the as
contractor finishes all the widening for the left hand turn lanes, a paver will
place asphalt on the turn lanes.
· Continue to pour the curb and traffic separators in the US 1 medians. As you
may have noticed this work does not progress as quickly as the curb in phase
II. Due to the type and location of the curb in Phase III (mostly at the turn
lanes and intersections), some of this curb has to be placed manually, as
opposed to using the curb machine as was used in Phase II.
· Continue installing the irrigation lines in the medians.
· Continue to install the equipment and wiring necessary to control the traffic
lights throughout the project. The intersection will be equipped with cameras
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US 1 - Progress Update for September 26, 2008
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for vehicle detection (senses the vehicle and triggers the light to turn to green).
All of the intersections within the project limits will be connected together by a
fiber optic cable. The fiber optic cable and additional communication
equipment will allow the system of intersections to be controlled from a remote
site if needed.
What to expect throughout October.....
· Continue to pour curb in the medians.
· Begin to backfill medians, in preparation for landscaping plants.
· Continue to install the traffic signal equipment.
· Continue to excavate pond 23 West (at the intersection of Sager Ave. and
Oleander Ave.) and pond 28 (adjacent to Savannah Ridge Elementary),
· Continue to place permanent signs throughout the project.
Any questions pertaining to the construction activities for the US 1 project can be answered at (772)
461-2450. Thanks again for your time and your patience.
Randall J, Scott, PE
Construction Services Manager
Boyle Engineering Corporation
3550 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 286-3883 - Palm City
(772) 461-2450 - Fort Pierce
(772) 801-9465 - Cell
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