HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-23-2008
Date: September 23, 2008 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 9:25 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris
Craft, Charles Grande
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management
Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, Management and
Budget Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the Final Public Hearing on the FY 2008-2009 Budget.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seocnded by Grande, to approve the minutes fo the Final
Public Hearing on the Fy 2008-2009 Budget, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Approve the minutes from the September 16, 2008 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held September 16, 2008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Fair Housing Workshop Presentation by Jessica Parrish, Housing Coordinator
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda as
amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 51
1. Indian River Lagoon Wetland Restoration Project – Interlocal Agreement
with St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District for Administration of
American Sportfishing Association – Fish America Foundation Grant –
The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the proposed
interlocal agreement with St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District, and
authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement.
2. Walton Road Annex – First Amendment to December 18, 2007 Facilities
Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. – The Board
approved staff recommendation to approve the proposed First
Amendment to the December 18, 2007 Facilities Use Agreement with
Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign
the First Amendment.
3. Approval of Budget Amendment BA08-045 and Equipment Request
EQ08-354 for the purchase of software for the G.P.S./Pretrial Servers –
The Board approved Budget Amendment BA 08-045 and Equipment
Request EQ08-354. Funds will be made available in 107-2360-568000-
1.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-281 Accepting and Allocating Funds
from the Children’s Services Council for Summer Camp Scholarship
Reimbursements for July-August 2008 (Westwood Camp) – The Board
approved staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution No. 08-281,
recognizing the additional grant revenues from the Children’s Services
Council and allocating the funds for summer camp program expenses into
the appropriate Recreation Division budget.
2. Approval of Request to Serve Alcohol at Pepper Park – This item was
3. Purchase of an Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) –
Approved Chemical Storage Shed, Budget Amendment BA08-044 &
Equipment Request EQ08-353 – The Board aproved staff
recommendation to approve Budget Amendment BA08-044 & Equipment
Request EQ08-353 to purchase an OSHA-approved chemical storage
container for the Parks Division at a cost of $12, 750.00, including
1. Compensation for staff called up for active duty to run the October 1,
2008 thru September 30, 2009 – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve the attached request and authorized
approval by the chairman.
2. Request Board approval to advertise a Request for Proposal for an On-
Site Employee Health Clinic – The Board approved staff recommendation
to approve advertising for Request for Proposal for an On-Site Employee
Health Clinic.
1. Request to approve purchase of EQ#08-351; Fujitsu flatbed, color
scanner – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the
purchase of EQ#08-351 for $5,250. IT quote attached and specifications
of scanner.
2. Approve Fourth amendment to Contract C04-03-132 with Clarion &
Associates to extend the term of services – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve the amendment to the contract for
extension of time and authorized the Chairman to sign.
3. Approve First Amendment to Contract C08-03-189 with Municipal
Corporation to extend the term of the contract until 1/31/09 – The Board
approved staff recommendation to approve the amendment to the
contract for extension of time and authorized the Chairman to sign.
4. Approve Second Amendment to Contract C07-07-490 with Fla. Atlantic
University to extend the term of the contract until 4/01/09 additional
compensation of $35,668 and delete retainage clause – The Board
approved staff recommendation to approve the amendment to the
contract for extension of time, additional compensation, deletion of the
retainage clause and authorized the Chairman to sign.
5. Request permission to advertise for one public hearing consider Draft
Ordinance No. 08-033, correcting a Scrivener’s Error to eliminate the
second “Whereas” clause within Ordinance No. 07-044, adopted on
December 18, 2007 – The Board approved staff recommendation to
authorize staff to advertise the following Public Hearing to be held on
October 14, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
1. Request Board approval of Amendment No. 1 (Time Extension) to grant
contract #4600000621 with South Florida Water Management District for
Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures – Stormwater Drainage and
Water Quality Improvement project – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve Amendment No. 1 (Time Extension) to
grant contract #4600000621 with South Florida Water Management
District for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures – Stormwater
Drainage and Water Quality Improvement project and approval of
signature by the Chairman .
2. Request for Board of County Commissioners approval of Work
Authorization No. 9 for professional engineering services for the
Ridgehaven 20-Acre Site for the temporary upland dredge material
management site with Dredging and Marine Consultants, LLC for Taylor
Creek Restoration Dredging Project, Phase 2 Spoil Site selection – The
Board approved staff’s request the Board approve and authorize the
signature of the Chairman as approval of Work Authorization No. 9 in the
amount of $90,000.00 for professional services for the Ridgehaven 20-
Acre Site for the temporary upland dredge material management site
with Dredging and Marine Consultants, LLC for Taylor Creek Restoration
Dredging Project, Phase 2 Spoil Site Selection.
3. Approval of Work Authorization No. 3 to Continuing Contract #C07-07-
385 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Professional Roadway
Design Services – St. James Drive Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway Project in
the amount of $55,000. – The Board approved staff recommendation to
approve Work Authorization No. 3 to Contract C07-07-385 with Kimley-
Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $55,000 for the design,
engineering and permitting of the St. James Drive Pedestrian/Bicycle
Pathway project and have the Chairman sign the work authorization.
4. Road and Bridge Division - Approval of Equipment Requests (EQ08-355
& EQ08-356) – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve
Equipment Requests (EQ08-355 & EQ08-356) to purchase two 10 inch
Hydraulic Trash pumps not to exceed the total amount of $82,000.
1. Purchasing Division - Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid
#08-006 Lakewood Park Regional Park Sidewalk – The Board approved
staff recommendation to approve awarding Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid
#08-006 Lakewood Park Regional Park Sidewalk according to the
attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder
Sunshine Land Design Company, Inc. in the amount of $85,373.00 and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County
2. Purchasing Division - Bid waiver and sole source declaration for service
and purchase of parts for certain county equipment for Fiscal year 2008-
2009. This is for the Solid Waste Department, Road and Bridge Division
and the Central Services – Service Garage – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve the bid waiver and sole source declaration
for the purchase of parts and services to the following companies: Kelly
Tractor for Caterpillar, Flagler Equipment Company for Volvo and
Samsung, Sierra International Machinery, LLC, Continental Biomass
Industries, Inc., Lubo USA, LLC, Menzi USA, and Great Southern
3. Budget Resolution 08-289, which will correct Budget Resolution 08-273‘s
project assignment of $38,760 to project #48006, by reassigning the
grant award to project #48005 – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve Budget Resolution 08-289, which will
correct Budget Resolution 08-273.
Change Order No. 5 for Dickerson Florida, Inc., – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve Change Order No. 5 for Dickerson Florida, Inc.,
increasing the contract amount by $493,681.29 from $5,183,800.00 to
$5,667,481.74, and the time by 120 days for a new completion date of March 20,
2009, for the first phase of construction for Runway 9L/27R and Taxiway at the
St. Lucie County International Airport, and authorized the Chair or designee to
execute the same.
1.Approval of the contract with the State of Florida for operation of the St.
Lucie County Health Department and the attached Fee Schedule. – The
Board approved staff recommendation to approve the contract with the State
of Florida for a total project amount of $20,454,445.00 including funds from
State General Revenue, other State Funds, Federal Funds and $1,056,980.00
from the General Fund of St. Lucie County for operation of the St. Lucie
County Health Department and authorized the Chairman to sign the
necessary documentation.
2. Resolution No. 08-287 to adopt the St. Lucie County Housing Assistance
Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Programs including
the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant application – The
Board approved staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 08-287
adopting the St. Lucie County Housing Assistance Plan for the
Community Development Block Grant Programs including the Small Cities
Community Development Block Grant application.
3. Approval to allocate funds to the City of Port St. Lucie’s “Sammies
Landing” project – The Board approved the allocation of $62,021.64
towards the City of Port St. Lucie’s “Sammies Landing” project.
4. Emergency funding- The Board approved the request for emergency
funding from the Department of Community Affairs in the amount of
$1.3 million to assist in the recovery from the massive flooding as a
result of Tropical Storm Fay.
1. Dooleymack Constructors of South FL, LLC/Change Order No. 14 to
#C07-04-195 Project: Havert L. Fenn Center-Special Needs
Shelter/Auditorium. Change Order No. 14 will increase the contract sum
by $15,301.52 and increase contract time by thirty (30) days. – The
Board approved Change Order No. 14 to #C07-04-195, Dooleymack
Constructors, Havert L. Fenn Center, to increase the contract sum by
$15,301.52; the new contract sum will be $13,566,396.57. Change
Order No. 14 will increase the contract time thirty (30) days changing
the date of substantial completion to October 28, 2008. The Board
further authorized the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the
County Attorney.
2. Approval to reject all bids on Bid #08-058 for the purchase of one (1)
Sewage Grinder for the St. Lucie County Jail. Two submittals were
received and both came in over budget – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve rejecting all bids on Bid #08-058, Purchase
of One (1) Sewage Grinder for the St. Lucie County Jail. Two (2)
submittals were received on this bid and both came in over budget.
Establishment and adoption of Resolution No. 08-286 authorizing the
adjustment of water, wastewater, and reuse utility connection fees and
charges for developers within the St. Lucie County Water and Sewer
District – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the
adoption of Resolution No. 08-286 authorizing the adjustment of water,
wastewater, and reuse utility connection fees and charges for developers
within the St. Lucie County Water and Sewer District.
Request for distribution from the Law Enforcement Trust (L.E.T.) Fund in
the amount of $463,785.23 – The Board approved staff recommendation
to approve the Sheriff’s budget amendment and transfer of funds in the
amount of $463,785.23.
Petition of WCA of St. Lucie County, LLC for a Major Adjustment to an Approved
Conditional Use Permit for a Recycling Transfer Facility located at 9901 Range
Line Road in the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. - Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 08-229 granting WCA of St. Lucie
County, LLC a Major Adjustment to an Approved Conditional Use Permit to
provide for the following changes:
?Changes the name of the petitioner to WCA of St. Lucie County LLC; and
?Removes Condition 2 within Resolution No. 07-043 because it has been
met; and
?Extension of time for the issuance of a zoning compliance; and
?Modify the conditions to recognize the petitioner.
Staff requested this item be continued to October 28, 2008 at 9:00 a.m or as soon
thereafter as it may be heard.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this item on
October 28, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
2008 Strategic Planning - St. Lucie County Pool Operations – Consider staff
recommendation to approve the closing of all county pools except the Ravenswood Pool
beginning the day after Labor Day until May 15 and the closing of the Ravenswood Pool
from December 1 to May 1.
The County Administrator advised the Board the cost for issue would be $25,000. The funds
would be taken from the 2010/2011 cash balance forward and then be reimbursed by the monies
coming in from various groups and events.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court