HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09-23-2008 ST. LUCIE COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING 1 2300 Virginia Avenue 2 Administration Building 3 Conference Room Number 3 4 September 23, 2008 5 5:30 P.M. 6 7 8 A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these 9 minutes as part of the record. In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact 10 disc, the compact disc shall control. 11 I. CALL TO ORDER 12 13 Vice Chair Marjorie Harrell called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 14 . A. Pledge of Allegiance 15 16 B. Invocation 17 18 C. Roll Call 19 20 Brad Culverhouse…………………………..Chairman 21 Marjorie Harrell.……………………………Vice Chair 22 Jack Connolly .............................................Commission Member 23 Ruth McSween............................................Commission Member 24 Tom Minch..................................................Commission Member 25 Richard McAfoos…………………………...Commission Member 26 Christopher Dillon…………………………..Commission Member 27 H.B. Moore ………………………………....Commission Member 28 Arlena Lee…………………………………. Commission Member 29 Frank Pennetti……………………….............Commission Member 30 Joyce Rawlins-Teague…………….…………Commission Member 31 Lucille Rieley Rights………………………...Special Advisor 32 Commission Members Absent: 33 34 Brad Culverhouse 35 H.B. Moore 36 Joyce Rawlins-Teague 37 38 Staff Members Present 39 40 Peter W. Jones A.I.A………………………..Historical Preservation Officer, 41 Planning Manager 42 Heather Lueke.……………………………...Assistant County Attorney 43 Dawn Milone……………………………….Growth Management Staff 44 Others Present 45 46 47 None 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 1.Approval of Minutes of September 23, 2008 5 6 7 Mr. Dillon stated on page four (4), line twelve (12) it was Mr. Harrington that 8 disclosed he works for the company that did the survey and knows the person who 9 wrote the letter regarding D’Albora Groves. 10 11 This correction has been made. 12 Mr. Connolly motioned to approve the minutes with the corrections 13 listed above. 14 15 Mr. McAfoos seconded. 16 17 Motion carried unanimously. 18 19 2. Old Bussiness 20 21 A. Application for Changes to Historical Structure or Site 22 23 1.HC- 520081480 / FMSF 8SL00104 24 7652 Okeechobee Road 25 Application to Demolish 26 27 Mr. Connolly motioned that the Historical Commission 28 recommend to the Director of Growth Management to approve the 29 Request to Demolish. Application HC- 520081480, located at 7652 30 Okeechobee Road, Fort Pierce, Florida. 31 32 Mr. McAfoos seconded. 33 34 Motion carried unanimously. 35 36 2.Update the Commission regarding the August 12, 2008 37 Board of County Commissioners Meeting, Designation 38 of the William Robinson House. 39 40 41 Mr. Jones briefed the Commission on the progress volunteers cleaning up the 42 property. 43 44 Ms.Rieley Rights informed the Commission that she spoke to Mr. Culverhouseafter 45 the August 12, 2008 Board of County Commission meeting and said that he raised 46 seven thousand dollars the help maintain the house. 2 of 4 1 2 3. New Bussiness 3 4 A. Application for Changes the Historical Structures or Sites 5 6 1.HC – 920081519 7 Non- contributing Site within FMSF 8SL1513 8 6345 Angle Road 9 Application to Demolish 10 11 12 Ms. Rieley Rights gave a rundown of the property’s history. 13 Mr. McAfoos motioned that the Historical Commission recommend to 14 the Director of Growth Management to approve the Request to 15 Demolish. Application HC- 920081519, located at 6345 Angel Road Fort 16 Pierce, Florida. 17 18 Mr. Connolly seconded. 19 20 Motion carried unanimously. 21 22 2. HC – 920081522 / FMSF SL01607 23 3207 N. US Highway One 24 Application the construct 20 foot addition to Westside (rear) 25 of existing structure. 26 27 28 Mr. Minch motioned that the Historical Commission recommend 29 to the Director of Growth Management to approve the Request of 30 the addition. Application HC- 920081519, located at 3207 N. US 31 Highway One, Fort Pierce, Florida. 32 33 Mr. Pennetti seconded. 34 35 Motion carried unanimously. 36 37 38 39 3.Member Matters 40 41 42 Ms. Harrell welcomed Frank Pennetti to the Commission. 43 44 Mr. Pennetti thanked the Commission. 45 3 of 4 1 Mr. Connolly thanked staff on the wonderful job they are doing, but would like the 2 agenda packages earlier. 3 4 Ms. Harrell recommended that when the Commission Members receive their agenda 5 package, they inform staff, which Commission Member would be going by the site, 6 then report the findings back to the members. 7 8 Ms. Harrell spoke about registering voters. 9 10 Ms. Rieley Rights informed the Commission that she would be going to Tallahassee 11 as a member of The Florida Historical Commission. A few of the Commission 12 Members asked that Ms. Rieley Rights bring back information on certain structures. 13 14 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 P.M. 15 16 17 18 4 of 4