HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 12-02-2008 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: December 2. 2008 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned: 11:55 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Peter Jones, Planning Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the November 25, 2008 meeting. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 25, 2008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IV. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS There are no proclamations/presentations scheduled for December 2, 2008. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. John Arena, area resident, addressed the Board regarding the concrete debris at Harbor Pointe. He stated there was some bio hazard materials placed on the property. The County Administrator advised the Board he would be contacting the Department of Environmental Protection in the morning. He believes the DEP approves what can be placed as an artificial reef. VI. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. A.WARRANTS Approve warrant list No. 9 B.COUNTY ATTORNEY 1. Bear Point Mitigation Bank – First Amendment to Credit Reservation Agreement with Schoolhouse Partners, LLC. – The Board approved the proposed First Amendment to the Credit Reservation Agreement with Schoolhouse Partners, LLC. and authorized the Chairman to sign. 2. Funding request for Mental/Substance Abuse services by New Horizons of the Treasure Coast. Funds will support housing, treatment and services of persons who are in the criminal justice system and mentally disabled. The objective of this funding would be to provide alternatives to incarceration and to shorten the time required for persons who meet criteria to enter mental health court and other case management services – The Board authorized the County Attorney to have final approval once the contracts are complete. The contracts will have a retroactive start date of October 1, 2008, in compliance with services 1 rendered since the start of the 08/09 budget year. 3. Liberty Baptist Church – Corner Clip Donation – Corner Clip between Dunn Road and Midway Road – Resolution No. 08-365 – The Board accepted the Warranty Deed, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-365 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 4. Conservation Easement – Romanello Estates – Resolution No. 08-367 – The Board accepted the Conservation Easement, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 08-367 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. C. COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 08-366 to budget the funds from the State FY07 Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) allocation to Housing Assistance – Discretionary and Housing Assistance – Mandatory – The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 08-366 to budget the funds from the State FY07 Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) allocation to Housing Assistance – Discretionary and Housing Assistance. 2. Approve Budget Resolution No. 08-369 to budget funds from the Florida Department of Transportation – The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 08-369 to budget funds from the Florida Department of Transportation. D. GRANTS 1. Submittal of a funding request in the amount of $17,000 to the non- profit Caribbean Corporation for assistance in sea turtle education materials – The Board authorized the submittal of a funding request in the amount of $17,000 to the non-profit Caribbean Corporation for assistance in sea turtle education materials. 2. Acceptance of a funding award from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) for an amount not to exceed $3,484,246 to pay 75% of the cost of repairing damage caused by Tropical Storm Fay in Taylor Creek across from C-25 spillway and in several locations around the Verada Ditch – The Board accepted the funding award from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) for an amount not to exceed $3,484,246 to pay 75% of the cost of repairing damage caused by Tropical Storm Fay in Taylor Creek across from C-25 spillway and in several locations around the Verada Ditch. 3. Approve Budget Amendment BA#09-004, Equipment Request number EQ#09-017 and the contract with Jorge Blanco Sculpture, LLC., to construct and install a permanent sculpture at the Havert L. Fenn Center – The Board approved Budget Amendment BA#09-004, Equipment Request number EQ#09-017 and the contract with Jorge Blanco Sculpture, LLC., to construct and install a permanent sculpture at the Havert L. Fenn Center. END OF CONSENT AGENDA VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. COUNTY ATTORNEY th Petition for Abandonment – Petition to abandon a portion of North 15 Street right-of-way between Barcelona Avenue and Rosarita Avenue – Resolution No. 08-348 – Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 08-348; instruct staff to publish the final Notice of Abandonment; approve and execute easements in favor of Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and Bell South Telecommunications d/b/a AT&T Florida and record Resolution No. 08-348; Proof of Publication of the Notice of Intent to Abandon, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Abandonment, Easements in favor of Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and Bell South 2 Telecommunications, d/b/a AT&T of Florida, in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Mr. Ronald Wright, 1211 Avenue G addressed the Board in opposition to the abandonment. He is a property in the area and felt the abandonment would place a burden on him when he wishes to access his property. He also believes if they close off the dirt road, he would not be able to receive emergency services and water in case of a fire. He advised the Board he was not notified of this abandonment. Staff advised the Board and Mr. Wright his property lies beyond the 300 ft. radius where property owners would be notified. The County Administrator advised the Board and Mr. Wright they had no intention in combining the two ponds. The reason for the request for abandonment is for maintenance purposes. Mr. Ozzie Wright Jr., property owner on Barcelona, addressed the Board and stated he does not see the need to close the road. He likes the area the way it is today. He is not sure if the county will maintain the area. Mr. Henry McMillan area property owner addressed the Board and requested the road not be blocked off. The Public Works Director advised the Board it was not essential to abandon this right of way due to the fact they could still accomplish what was intended as far as the drainage criteria. The county had no intention on paving the road but thought about making it part of the pond as a green area. This is a dry retention area and they will have to mow it on a regular basis. Com. Craft stated due to the fact there would not be a net gain for the county in abandoning this area, he moved for denial. Com. Coward stated he too felt it was not necessary to obtain this area to achieve what Public Works feels is necessary. He believes it would restrict access to those who expressed their concerns. Com. Dzadovsky stated he understood why this was being considered for denial and stated Paradise Park was a project he stressed needed attention during his campaign as well as other areas in District 1. He asked the residents from the area to assist the county in acquiring more property in the future for drainage purposes in order to provide relief to the residents in the area. He stated he would continue to work hard to acquire properties for this purpose and stated he would be supporting the recommendation for denial. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to deny the abandonment request, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. B. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of the Hospice Foundation of Martin and St. Lucie, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan to: ?Allow Medical and Health Services and Social Services in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. ?Allow a Major Site Plan approval for a 34,662 square foot three story counseling service center building to be known as Treasure Coast Hospices Counseling Service Center. ?Join the already approved Minor Site Plan known as Hospice of the Treasure Coast and Treasure Coast Hospices Counseling Service Center under one Conditional Use Permit. Consider staff recommendation to adopt Draft Resolution No. 08-185 granting Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Hospice Service Center, subject to six (6) limiting conditions to the petition of Hospice Foundation of Martin and St. Lucie, Inc., the proposed Conditional Use Permit to: ?Allow Medical and Health Services and Social Services in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 3 ?Allow a Major Site Plan approval for a 34,662 square foot three story counseling service center building to be known as Treasure Coast Hospices Counseling Service Center. ?Join the already approved Minor Site Plan known as Hospice of the Treasure Coast and Treasure Coast Hospices Counseling Service Center under one Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Louis Benson, Ceo Hospice Foundation, addressed the Board and provided a video about the facility. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the petition of the Hospice Foundation for a Conditional Use Permit and Major Site Plan, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. C. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Guadamonte, Inc. represented by Francisco Martin requesting a Major Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Martin Office Building, for property located on the north side of St. Lucie Boulevard, approximately 500 feet west of the intersection of Hammond Road and St. Lucie Boulevard in the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District – Draft Resolution No. 08-177 – Consider staff recommendation to adopt Draft Resolution No. 08-177 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Martin Office Building, subject to 11 limiting conditions. Com. Craft questioned the buffer between the building and the nearest resident. Staff stated the building would be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the residential area to the north. Com. Craft questioned if the building could be moved further away from the residential area. The applicant stated they had reviewed various options and felt this would be the most suitable location for the parking spaces and also the septic facilities. Com. Grande stated he spoke to staff regarding the same issue. He would like in the future for these types of issues to be considered earlier, he believes a building in the middle of a property does not make a lot of sense in this particular case. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation , and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Guadamonte, Inc. for a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement for the intersection improvements to Kings Highway and St. Lucie Boulevard to support the project to be known as Martin Office Building – Consider staff recommendation to adopt Draft Resolution No. 08-295 that grants approval top the Proportionate Fair Share Agreement, which complies with Condition of Approval Number 11 of Resolution No. 08-177 regarding the cost of intersection improvements on Kings Highway to serve the project to be known as Martin Office Building. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 08-295, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Dogs & Cats Forever Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a completely enclosed kennel on an 8.6 acre (374,616 square-feet) site northeast of the intersection of Selvitz and Devine Road to include: ?5,820 square foot building ?2 outdoor exercise areas of 7,710 and 7,842 square feet each, for use two (2) hours out of the day ?3.3 acres of conservation easement/buffers Consider staff recommendation to adopt Draft Resolution No. 08-237 approving a Conditional Use Permit to operate a completely enclosed kennel northeast of the intersection of Selvitz Road and Devine Road with eight (8) limiting conditions. 4 Mr. Harold Melville, attorney for the petitioner was present to answer any questions the Board may have on this item. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to approve Resolution No. 08- 237, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. F. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Abdul Raoof Shadani for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning from the RF (Religious Facility) Zoning District and the RS-3 (Residential, Single Family – 3 du/ acre) Zoning District to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) Zoning District and for the Preliminary/Final PNRD Site Plan approval to be known as the “Fort Pierce Mosque.” The 18,800 square feet of building will consist of a sanctuary, social hall, library, classrooms, kitchen, and offices – Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution 08-187 granting approval of an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning from the RF (Religious Facility) Zoning District and the RS-3 (Residential, Single Family – 3 du/ acre) Zoning District to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) Zoning District and for the Preliminary/Final PNRD Site Plan approval with thirteen (13) limiting conditions. Mr. Johnathan Ferguson, attorney for the petitioner addressed the Board regarding this item. Mr. Ferguson stated he concurred with the staff and their recommendation. He advised the Board the PNRD zoning is not being used by the applicant to receive any waivers from the minimum standards. The applicant will be providing over the minimum open space requirements. The Engineer for the project addressed the Board regarding the drainage concerns made by the residents in the area. He advised the Board the drainage has been processed through the South Florida Water Management District requirements and provided information how they are improving the drainage problem and not hindering it further. Dr. Abdul Raoof Shadani, petitioner addressed the Board and advised them of the daily activities at the Mosque. They will be having services 5 days a week at various times. The busiest time will be on Friday from 1pm to 3 pm or 11am to 3 pm. At any one given time there will not be more than 25 to 50 persons at peak time service. During the other times the estimated amount of people will be anywhere from 2 to 12. Mr. Ferguson advised the Board they are in agreement with all the conditions with the exception of number 5, the hours limiting services. He has requested condition 5 be eliminated. He also advised the Board the traffic impact would be minimal. Ms. Jane Cornett, attorney for the Estates of Lawn wood, addressed the Board and presented their concerns as to the how this project may affect the area. She advised the Board there would several speakers presenting their information. Mr. Kevin Payne, President of the Homeowners Association presented the attached comments for the Board to review. He advised the Board the homes in the area are valued in the area of $300,000 +. He advised the Board during their homeowner’s association meeting he noticed several non-members in attendance. During this meeting the following concerns were noted. 1.the structure is inconsistent with the look of the area 2.the size of the structure is a concern 3.the affects on the property values of the area 4.Drainage issues. The area has a drainage problem at present Mr. Payne stated the first 5 homes in the community abut the facility and will have a tall concrete wall within 10 feet of their homes. There is also concern regarding the run off from this property to the county swales and then into the area. Mr. Dave Wilbur, 3703 Tanger Place addressed the Board and requested the Board not approve the PNRD. He believes there will be multiple problems and the size of the structure will have a strong visual impact on this residential area. Mr. Kevin Henderson, Evergreen Engineering, addressed the Board and presented his comments that were provided to Ms. Cornett. 5 Mr. Tom Johnson, Johnson & Parrish of the Treasure Coast, presented his analysis of residential home sales that are affected by external physical conditions such as privacy/security walls, vies that include superstructures, and properties with no view obstruction, as computed to those that are not and identifying a value differential, if any, due to these conditions. Com. Coward asked what could be built there today in the RF zoning or without having this hearing but go through staff only. The Growth Management Director stated they could build up to a 25,000 sq. ft. building as a minor site plan. There are no open space requirements in the set back. Com. Coward stated they would be able to build a larger structure without Board approval. He asked if there were any codes not being met by the present application. The Growth Management Director stated no. Ms. Cornett addressed the drainage issue and she was not sure if the applicant could ever get the permits. They would need to modify the permits for Lawnwood Estates and she was not sure if could be accomplished. Com. Coward commented on property rights being protected and also doing everything they can to minimize impact on the neighbors. Mr. Bill Dannahower, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board in favor of the project. He stated all requirements have been met and felt the project would be an asset to the community and urged the Board’s approval. Mr. David Lamos, area resident, addressed the Board and stated he did not concur with Com. Coward’s comments and felt he was ignoring the reports given. He felt structure would ruin the development with such a wall and structure being constructed and believed the application should be re-thought by the Board. A gentleman from Jensen Beach (unintelligible name given) addressed the Board and stated in Palm Beach residences sold around a Mosque increased in value. Those who attend services normally look to move closer to their place of worship and purchase many homes close to the facility. He asked those present to consider that most of those belonging to this Mosque have been residents for many years. Ms. Denise Torre, Promenade Way area resident, addressed the Board with her concerns regarding the traffic impact on Bell Avenue, parking and the drainage in the area. She believes this type of structure would be out of place in the proposed area. Com. Coward stated he cares about the community that feels they are being affected, but he also has to consider property rights of the individual. He advised Ms. Torre that staff requested they go through the PNRD. The Growth Management Director they were going to rezone the RS to RF and stated staff recommended the project go through the PNRD process due to the fact it would give the county more control and greater safe guards for the neighborhood otherwise it is conceivable they could have gone through the regular site plan process and she would not have known until they broke ground. Ms. Torre asked if a traffic study would be done. One of her concerns is how would you get so many people out of the area at one time during an emergency. Com. Dzadovsky requested staff advise how parking areas are designated for these types of projects. The Growth Management Director stated parking for religious facilities is based only on the size of the sanctuary. The other areas are considered ancillary. Ms. Torre stated it is much too large for the intended use. She believes “if you build it they will come” and this is her concern with the size as well as the many sinks and bathrooms being proposed. Com. Coward commented on the additional buffering the applicant is providing. 6 Dr. Shariff addressed various guest ions Ms. Torre presented. He stated the congregation they have now has been in the area for a while. Where they are currently no one is aware they are there at their time of worship. They have no intention on having a full time school. There would probably be Sunday school sessions. He was also not aware they were having 14 bathrooms. He advised those present they need to have more facilities available for those who wash their hands and feet before going to prayer which is at a set time. Com. Craft questioned if the building could be shifted as to how it faces. Dr. Shariff stated the prayer has to face a certain direction, north eastern Mecca, the sanctuary has to face this direction. Mr. Ferguson stated they had a discussion on this issue and stated it was not practical due to the direction they need to face when they are praying. It is not as simple as moving the door and having them come in from another direction. There is no difference in the location of the main entrance to a Christian Church, a Synagogue or a Mosque in this respect and it would out of the ordinary to have the entrance at the back of the Mosque where prayer is taking place. Com. Grande stated he felt he needed more information. The sanctuary is on one side and there is no entrance from the external to the back of the sanctuary. The front entrance is under the dome. There is a central hallway to go through and then through an internal door to get to the sanctuary. He could understand if it was non- traditional, but there is no relationship between the main entrance and the alter. The Architect for the project addressed the Board’s questions. The Mosque’s he has seen are designed generally entered from the back side with the alter in the front. Most religious facilities are designed this way. Mr. David Slover, Promenade Way resident, addressed the Board and stated he disagreed with the person who stated this would increase property value. He believes an 8 foot wall and shrubs will not hide such a large structure. He believes the project will be detrimental to their property values. Mr. Ed Fry, 1816 Hazelwood Drive, addressed the Board and stated he would have a direct view of whatever structure is placed on this property. He believes a structure this size is not compatible with the neighborhood. Mr. Steve Tierney, Promenade Way resident addressed the Board and advised those present he accepts the fact that this is an RF zoned area and believes the PNRD process is a good one. His only request is that prayer not be broadcasted through loud speakers. He believes those living next to the project should have a say as to what type of buffering they would prefer; otherwise he has no objection to the project. Mr. Jack Andrews, 3535 Sunrise Blvd., addressed the Board in opposition to the re- zoning of the area and felt this project would be detrimental to his home value. He question the on site disposal area and stated he is not aware of an approval on this issue. Ms. Jean Witter, 1640 Bell Avenue addressed the Board in opposition to the project due to the size of the structure. She also addressed the need for sidewalks in the area. Ms. Arlene Goodman, White City resident, addressed the Board and read comments from the North fork Property Owners Association in opposition to the project. She also read comments from the White City Improvement Club and their objection to the project was due to its size and stated she would not want a project this size in her back yard. An area Physician, (unintelligible name) and area resident for 25 years addressed the Board and stated he believes all concerns have been addressed and is disappointed to hear so much disapproval for the project. He advised the Board of his family’s involvement in the community. Mr. Rocky Bellantone- area resident addressed the Board with his concerns about drainage and flooding in the area. He believes the structure will increase the flood potential for the area. 7 Ms. Hope Andrews, area resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the size and location of the project. Ms. Nadera Mohammed, area resident, addressed everyone present and stated there is an open forum at the Mosque and everyone is welcomed to attend and view their activities. She would like for everyone to know her family does a lot of charity work and they are all part of this community. Ms. Patricia Hammer, PGA Homeowners Association and Planning and Zoning member addressed the Board regarding the size of the project. She stated the Planning and Zoning Board received an incomplete, incorrect plan. She has an issue with a wall on a two way driveway. Ms. Hammer addressed what was differently presented to the P & Z Board. She asked the Board to look at the drainage and the compatibility to the neighborhood. She asked they look at the hours of operation presented to the P & Z Board. She addressed the sanctuary and what was testified by the applicant concerning this part of the building. She also stated she cannot imagine 50 people using a facility with a septic system at the same time. She recommended discussing decreasing the size of the project and not re-zone the top part that is R-3. The Engineer stated the South Florida Water Management permit issues have been resolved up to the mitigation request. They need a contract from the mitigation bank. They are waiting to receive approval by the Board and will move forward to get the reservation for the water permit. Com. Dzadovsky stated he also had some concerns with the drainage. He stated there is a swale that runs along Sunrise and a retention area that runs near by. He asked if they would be willing to help with an off site improvement to help with the drainage and move excess water that may gather in the parking area. The Engineer stated the site has been designed so that the water falls on the site and the typography design is that 90% of the site drains down to the existing retention area. The have redesigned the site so that it stops that immediate discharge and actually the rate is slowed down into the lake. They would be willing to work with the county on a solution however there are many unknown questions to be answered. Mr. Ferguson responded to a few of the comments made. He provided a chart to staff indicating various church sites some having much more impact in their area with no walls and no buffers. He pointed out an option to the Board regarding the sidewalks, the county can receive payment in lieu of the sidewalks and they can decide how they wish to have them placed. They do not have an opinion on this issue. It is his position that the drainage will be improved and the south Florida design standards will insure that it is improved. Mr. Ferguson addressed the design and the entrance of the building. With regards to the height of the dome and towers closest to the neighbors, the exterior of the building can be redesigned so that they can be moved to the northeast side of the building and further away from the closest residences. They will retain the entrance on the southwest corner. They would agree to the condition that the sanctuary would not exceed 7,000 sq. ft. If they wished to exceed that they would need to come back to amend the PNRD. Also they would also agree to the condition that no external call to prayer would be permitted. He also requested condition number 5 be deleted for the reasons stated earlier. Com. Craft addressed his conversation with the applicant and his discussion of a reduction of 10% in the building being considered. The applicant stated they would be willing to work with that recommendation. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the landscaping provision with the buffer of the wall and asked if they could create a sloping of the landscaping so that it could deminish the impact of the wall. The Engineer stated there is an opportunity to do that with a couple of feet. Com. Craft addressed the wall and asked if it was necessary to have it at the northeast part of the property. Mr. Ferguson stated they were not opposed to removing the wall on the northeast side. They will defer to the Board’s judgment. This was a request from staff. 8 Com. Craft stated they could utilize the funds for the landscaping buffer. Staff recommended obtaining a letter to that affect from the church saying they will not have a problem with the removal of the wall on the northeast side this way the county would be covered. Com. Grande stated he felt this was already covered by the applicant stating the Board could decide one way or another. Mr. James Moses, Health Department advised the Board there is no approval for the septic because there has not been an application submitted. According to the plan on paper he believes it can fit, however he cannot confirm this at this point. They cannot get a building permit without a waste water permit. There was a problem in the beginning and they have worked it out. Staff stated the issue with the turning lanes need not come into play since there are no am or pm peak times. QUASI JUDICAL The Board members acknowledged speaking with the applicant and attending various meetings with the residents. He is very comfortable that this group is looking to do something positive. He believes denying this plan would not be the end of such a facility in this area. There is a judgment call however as to whether the proposed amendment is inconsistent with existing land uses or would adversely affect the property value in the area, etc. He would like to withhold saying yes until the Board sees the new plan with all the proposed changes. He will be voting against this plan as it is brought to the Board due to the fact he believes it is in conflict with various sections of the Land Development Code. Com. Dzadovsky stated he met with various residents from the area and understood their feelings concerning building their dream homes. However, there are laws protecting religious facility rights and no one can discriminate against certain religious beliefs. This project has met all criteria and requirements. The County Attorney stated there are several federal laws needed to be taken into consideration. He related to the Board what uses they needed to look at and not set up special criteria because they are a religious facility. He advised the Board of what would be considered inappropriate to consider. If the Board believes they have met the criteria then staff’s recommendation is the Board should approve the petition. Com. Coward stated he had met with the applicant for the record. He also stated the specific actions to deny this project at the Planning and Zoning Hearing was of concern to him. The prudent action would have been to modify the plan rather than attempt to stop this project. He asked if a continuance should be considered rather than denying this project and placing it on hold for 2 years. He believes denial of this project would be the worst thing they could do. The Chairman reviewed the changes to be brought back before the Board: Wall on the northeast side removed; dome and towers moved to the northeast side, building size reduced by 10%, administrative variance provision be removed, sanctuary not to exceed 7,000 sq. feet. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to continue this item on February 3, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 9 END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS VIII. COUNTY ATTORNEY Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning Consider staff recommendation to approve the revised Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the revised amended and restated interlocal agreement for Public School Facility Planning and authorized the Chairman to sign, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IX. ADDITION Newberry Fields Shopping Center- Approval of Waiver of Proportionate Fair Share Payment by the City of Ft. Pierce- Based on Board direction at the November 25, 2008 informal meeting, staff recommends that the Board authorize the County Attorney to file the appropriate pleadings to challenge the City’s waiver of the proportionate fair share payment. Staff also recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 08-377 initiating conflict resolution and also direct staff to work with the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs to clarify the law regarding concurrency and proportionate fair share payments. The County Attorney advised the Board of his discussion with city staff. The County Administrator reviewed the tax deferment program for targeted industries. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward to direct the County Attorney to file the appropriate pleadings to challenge the City’s waiver of the proportionate fair share payment, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to adopt Resolution No. 08-377 initiating conflict resolution and also directing staff to work with the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs to clarify the law regarding concurrency and proportionate fair share payments, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ Chairman _________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 10