HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 12-16-2008 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: December 16, 2008 Convened: 600 p.m. Adjourned: 8:35 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Chris Dzadovsky, Doug Coward, Chris Craft absent ill. Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Laurie Case, Utilities Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Peter Jones, Planning Manager, Kristen Tetsworth, Planning Manager, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk ___________________________________________________________________ I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the December 9, 2008 meeting. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve the minutes of the meeting held December 9, 2008, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IV. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. A Presentation was given by Chris Adams, Vice President of Community Impact United Way of St. Lucie County B. A Presentation was given by Chris Adams, President Heathcote Botanical Gardens Board of Trustees C. Annual Christmas Remembrance – Sue Munyan and the 4-H Clubs made their annual Christmas Remembrance Presentation to the Board. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. John Arena, area resident, addressed the Board regarding his recommendation to consider a charter form of government. VI. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. A.WARRANTS Approve warrant list No. 11 The Board approved Warrant List No. 11. B.COUNTY ATTORNEY 1. Revocable License Agreement – Dr. & Mrs. Marjieh – 2827 S. Indian River Drive – Water line in Indian River Drive right-of-way –The Board approved the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chair to sign 1 the Revocable License Agreement and directed Dr. & Mrs. Marjieh to record the document in the public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. Environmentally Significant Lands – Airport Greenway – Contract for Sale and Purchase – Morning Star Evangelical Lutheran Church – Parcel I.D. No. 1428-602-0054-000-8 – The Board approved the Contract for Sale and Purchase of the Morning Star Evangelical Lutheran Church parcel for $36,000.00, authorized the Chair to execute the Contract and directed staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 3. Volo Holdings Fort Pierce, LLC – Consent to Sublease Agreement with Omniflight Helicopters, Inc. – The Board consented to the sublease agreement between Volo Holdings Fort Pierce, LLC and Omniflight Helicopters, Inc., and authorized the Chair to sign the document. B. COUNTY ATTORNEY CONTINUED 4. Quit-Claim Deed – St. Lucie County Fire District – Parcel I.D. No. 1429- 333-0000-000/3 – Resolution No. 08-387 – The Board accepted the Quit- Claim Deed, authorized the Chair to sign Resolution No. 08-387 and directed staff to record the Quit-Claim Deed in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. St. Lucie County Logistics Center - Facilities Use Agreement with The 5. Salvation Army for 2008 Angel Tree Program – The Board approved the proposed Facilities Use Agreement with The Salvation Army, and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. C. PUBLIC SAFETY 1. Request to approve the agreement with Intrado for the installation of a 911 Data Base Management Network Service in the amount of $200,000 for the new Emergency Operations Center – The Board approved the agreement with Intrado for the 911 Data Base Management Network Service in the amount of $200,000.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign. 2. Request to approve the agreement with AT&T/BellSouth for a Positron- Viper E911 phone system for the 911 Center at the new Emergency Operations Center in the amount $1,026,486.89 – The Board approved the agreements with AT&T/BellSouth for the E911 phone system for the 911 Center in the amount of $1,026,486.89 and authorized the Chairman to sign. Also, approved Budget Amendment # 09-006 and Equipment Request #09-023. D. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Authorize the extension of South Florida Water Management District/St. Lucie River Issues Team grant to May 2, 2009 for the design and construction of a “Living in a Watershed” exhibit at the Oxbow Eco-Center – The Board approved to extend the SFWMD/St. Lucie River Issues Team Grant to May 2, 2009 for the design and construction of a St. Lucie River “Living in a Watershed” exhibit at the Oxbow Eco-Center, and authorized for the Chairman to sign the amended contract. E.PARKS AND RECREATION 1. Emerson Avenue Sidewalk; Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C08-09- 505: Sunshine Land Design- Emerson Avenue Sidewalk – The Board approved Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C08-09-505 with Sunshine Land Design for the Emerson Avenue Sidewalk project in the amount of $4,426 utilizing funding from the FDOT (LAP Agreement) Grant. 2. Piggyback City of Jacksonville’s Contract with Gametime/Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. Playground Equipment, Purchase and Install Playground Equipment at Martin Luther King, Jr./Dreamland Park and approve Budget Amendment #09-007 – The Board approved the request to piggyback the City of Jacksonville’s contract with Gametime/Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. to purchase and install playground equipment, 2 in the amount of $65,307.95; approved Budget Amendment, #09-007 and authorized the Chair to sign the contract as drafted by the County Attorney. F.PUBLIC WORKS th 1. Engineering Division - S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road to Edwards Road) – Amendment No. 14 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting – The Board approved Amendment No. 14 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers, in the amount not to exceed $50,000, to provide consulting services for construction issues related to repair and reconstruction of the bridge for th the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project, and authorized the Chair to sign. F. PUBLIC WORKS CONTINUED 2. Engineering Division - Indian River Estates MSBU Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 25 with Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Inc. – The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 25 to Contract C00-03-233 with Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Inc., for the reallocation of appropriated funds, to extend the project schedule until March 31, 2009, and to increase the project budget in the amount of $28,166.00 for a total contract amount of $976,644.00. G.GRANTS/DISASTER RECOVERY This agenda item is requesting the board to approve the attached interlocal agreement between St. Lucie County, the City of Port St. Lucie, the Sheriff’s Office, the Fire District, and Indian River State College. The agreement is to have Indian River State College provide basic and advanced training to Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers and for St. Lucie County, Port St. Lucie, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Fire District to contribute $6,000 each to Indian River State College to coordinate the program. St. Lucie County has received a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Florida Division of Emergency Management that will also be used to coordinate the program – The Board approved the attached interlocal agreement. H.COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Request permission to advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architect services to develop and produce construction drawings for the th Fort Pierce Intermodal Transfer Facility located at Avenue D and 8 Street – The Board authorized to advertize an RFQ for Architect services for construction design of the Fort Pierce Intermodal Transfer Facility. 2. Request permission to advertise a Request for Proposal for contractual services to purchase and install bus shelters and other related infrastructure – The Board authorized advertising a Request for Proposal (RFP) for procurement of contractual services. 3. Approval of Modification No. 3 to revise the program budget and the scope of work for the St. Lucie County 2005 Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) – The Board approved the Modification No. 3 to revise the program budget and the scope of work for the St. Lucie County 2005 CDBG DRI Grant and authorized the Chair to sign necessary documents. 4. Approve Budget Resolution No. 08-385 to budget funds in the amount of $50,000 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other Asset Formation grant – The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 08-385 to budget funds in the amount of $50,000 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other Asset Formation grant. I.CENTRAL SERVICES 3 Elimination of Project Manager position and create a new position: Logistic Center Operations and Record Management Liaison Officer. Approve Position Reclassification REQ#09-001 – The Board approved eliminating the position of a Project Manager and create a new position of Logistic Center Operations and Record Management Liaison Officer. Staff further recommends the Board approve Position Reclassification REQ#09-001. J. Addition: Creation of an Ad Hock Committee for the St. Lucie County Grand Bahama Island Tourism and Economic Development Partnership- This item was pulled prior to the meeting. END OF CONSENT AGENDA VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. UTILITIES Ordinance No. 08-013 of the Board of County Commissioners, amending the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan by amending the Future Land Use Element; amending the Potable Water Sub-Element; amending the Sanitary Sewer Sub- Element; amending the Conservation Element; amending the Intergovernmental Coordination Element; amending the Capital Improvements Element; adopting the 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan; and providing for filing with the Florida Department of State; and for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes – Consider staff recommendation to approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 08-013 amending the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan by amending the Future Land Use Element; amending the Potable Water Sub-Element; amending the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element; amending the Conservation Element; amending the Intergovernmental Coordination Element; amending the Capital Improvements Element; adopting the 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan; and providing for filing with the Florida Department of State; and for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. Ms. Grimaldi, CDM Consultant for the project, addressed the Board and provided the Objections, recommendations and comments from the Department of Community Affairs and the response from St. Lucie County. Objection 1 – As identified in the South Florida Water Management District’s letter dated August 26, 2008, the population projections for the County presented in Tables 1-2, 1-3 And 4-1 of Work Plan is internally inconsistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use element, the County’s Consumptive Use Permit, and the District’s Lower East Coat Regional Water Supply Plan. Response 1- The referenced tables have been revised to more closely match the County’s Consumptive Use Permit and the SFWMD’s Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan, rather than the applicable Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan. It should be noted that the projections included in the consumptive use permit differ Slightly from those published in the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan, but have been approved by SFWMD based on assumptions provided by the County in the permitting process. Tables 1-2 and 1-3 in the Future Land Use Element differed from one another intentionally, as explained in the Element. Table 1-2 is intended to summarize the entire unincorporated County population including all residents, regardless of which water supply system they are connected to or if they are self-served. Table 1-3 was intended to summarize the projected county’s public water supply system customers only, and therefore would not be equal to the projections provided in Table 1-2. Upon review, however, the projections included in Table 1-3 were discovered to be erroneous and have since been corrected. The information previously provided in Table 1-3 is better suited to be presented in the Water and Sanitary Sewer Sub-elements, Rather than in the Future Land Use Element. The information has been inserted in the Appropriate Sub-elements. The revised Water and Sanitary sewer Sub-elements are Presented in Exhibits 3 and 4 to the 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan has also Been corrected to match these revised projections and those in the consumptive use Permit. A revised version of Table 4-1 is also provided the enclosed updated Work Plan. Objection 2- The proposed amendment does not address the requirements of Section 163.3180(2) (a), [Florida Statutes ] F.S, pertaining to water supply concurrency. 4 Response 2- The County’s developer agreement requires the applicant to request a capacity review for water and/or wastewater service prior to issuance of a building permit. This is further enforced through Objective 6.A.1.2 of the Potable Water Sub-element, and the associated policies. The St. Lucie County Development Review Committee (DRC) will review all proposed Developments planned for Unincorporated St. Lucie County. The DRC Chair is to verify in which utility service area the proposed development is planned and verify the water and wastewater concurrency in conjunction with the appropriate Utility prior to recommending issuance of a Development Order. Upon notification that the proposed development is located within the St. Lucie County Utilities service area, the developer is to deliver a set of the proposed utility plans to St Lucie County Utilities for review. Upon completion and approval of the proposed utility plans St. Lucie County Utilities will prepare a “Standard Potable Water and Wastewater Development Agreement” to be signed by the developer and returned to the Utility. Objection 3- The proposed amendment does not include a policy that requires coordination with the SFWMD related to updating the County’s Water Supply Facilities Work Plan within 18 months after the SFWMD updates the [Upper] East Coast Regional Water Supply Plan. Response 3- The requested policy has been added to the Potable Water Sub-Element as Objective 6A.3.3, Policy 6A.3.3.1. The revised Potable Water Sub-Element is provided As Exhibit 3 to the 10 Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. Objection 4- The County’s Work Plan provides a list of water system improvement projects. However, the potable water projects have not been incorporated into the Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. Response 4- A five-year fiscal analysis of estimated water and wastewater capital improvement projects has been added to Section 2 of the enclosed 10 Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (Exhibit 1). The Capital Improvement Element is also Updated annually and the most recent update was submitted to DCA November 2008. Objection 5- The proposed amendment does not included policies with specific programs and activities to ensure ongoing coordination with the Fort Pierce Utility Authority [FPUA] on water supply issues. Response 5- The County participates in quarterly meetings with the Treasure Coast Regional Utilities Organization, which provides for intergovernmental coordination Between utilities including FPUA. Additionally, the County conducts a minimum of at least two annual coordination meetings with FPUA (typically more) to discuss the bulk water agreement status which includes on-going capital projects. The County revised the five year projections annually and provides the update to FPUA at the end of each October. These meetings achieve the recommended actions provided in the ORC report, with The exception of implementing alternative water supply projects and establishing level of Service. FPUA does not provide reclaimed water to or purchase reclaimed water from the County. Both utilities have established conservation measures. The level of service for each utility is adopted through their respective Master Plans. A policy formalizing these actions has been incorporated into the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan as Policy The modified pages Of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan are provided In Exhibit 6 attached to the 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. Mr. Craig Mundt, North Beach Association, addressed the Board and expressed his concerns with the possible expansion of the North Hutchinson Island Plant. He challenges the report and stated the study misses by several hundred the number of hook-ups. They were hoping to move the waste off of the island. In taking a poll there are very few residents who wish to go on to having sewer. They have hired an independent engineering firm with different ideas regarding the utility authority, Ms. Andrews North Beach resident, addressed the Board and stated the Coastal Management Element of the Comp Plan seems to be inconsistent with the element in Chapter 6. 5 Ms. Andrews asked if the plant cost would funded by public funds. The County Attorney stated the policy she referenced has been in the plan since 1989. An executive order was issued by Governor Graham in 1981. He believes there are conflicting policies in the plan and proceeded to advise those present of how they normally fund utility expansions. He stated normally they get developer contributions however they can use special assessments. They normally bond the project and then it is secured by pledge of development revenues. With regards to grants this could be problematic if these were direct grants. He believes the policy should be clarified moving forward. He has asked the Growth Management Director and the Planning Manager to contact the Department of Community Affairs this afternoon. Com. Grande stated he felt they are getting to the point where they should consider whether or not to use the projected growth number. The conclusion is that they will continue to grow at an amazing rate for a long time. He recommended thinking whether they wish to face the state with the concept that as a county would like to grow to the capacity they designated for themselves. Com. Coward stated he believed they still had some inconsistencies on what is in this document and discussions the Board has had on road projects and utilities. Some of these pending projects in the documents, the Board has not made any final decisions on. Com. Dzadovsky stated they still had other issues relating to funding and it was going to be difficult to find however they still need to protect the lagoon. He also wanted to confirm that he was encouraging the Board to look towards regionalization. Com. Coward asked what projections were being used. Ms. Grimaldi advised the Board they were using the medium projections. The Planning Manager stated they had been using high projections. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to approve Ordinance No. 08-013, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. B. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Ordinance No. 08-014 of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners adopting the Public School Facility Element as part of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan – Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 08-014. The Planning Manager addressed the Board on this item and advised the Board they have addressed all comments received from the DCA. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande to approve Ordinance No. 08- 014, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS VIII. COMMUNITY SERVICES Adoption of the St. Lucie County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 2008 incentive & Recommendation Report compiled by the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 08-388 adopting the St. Lucie County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee’s 2008 Incentive & Recommendation Report. The Housing Coordinator addressed the Board on this item. Com. Grande stated he would have difficulty supporting this item (A) . He felt it was not to anyone’s advantage to accelerate the process and there should be some level of scrutiny maintained. The Planning Manager stated he believes there was no intent of reducing the scrutiny. 6 Com. Dzadovsky asked if there was any indication that they would be given additional density. He has some concerns about this and believes they may be seeing multiple plans come forward with increased density requirements. The Planning Manager stated this would require further research, review and language and these are ideas and recommendations of means to move forward. This would not constitute immediate consideration in density. Com. Dzadovsky stated he wished to have the record state he would not support increases in density other than what would already be provided. Com. Coward stated he interpreted it as the density would be allowed to be increased but only within the realm of the land use category that would permit it. Com. Grande stated he believes there would still be impacts and cannot see how impact fees would be deferred or waived. He recommended coming up with other alternatives. The Housing Coordinator stated they discussed the idea of the deferrals of fees and alternatives due to the fact that after speaking with the Asst. County Attorney they were informed they could not waive the fees. Com. Dzadovsky addressed possible giving credits for green technology. Com. Coward stated he is not excited about waiving impact fees and would support looking for alternatives. However he does support utilizing green technology. He believes they need to eliminate the language on impact fees and believes growth should pay for itself. The Coordinator addressed the flexibility for affordable housing. Com. Grande stated he would like to see the recommendation extended and possibly add inclusionary zoning. Com. Coward stated he would like to see the aspect of Growth Management somewhere in the document. Com. Lewis stated she was going to reverse her original determination and would prefer to see what action is to be taken on each item. Com. Coward recommended giving consideration to Com. Craft who is not present tonight. The Housing Coordinator stated she could contact the state and see if they can submit the report a week later due to the absence of one Commissioner at this meeting. Com. Lewis stated if they are able to get an extension they would then take it from there. The Housing Coordinator recommended taking time to speak with each Commissioner regarding each issue. No action taken at this time. IX. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Nick Bishop for a Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan, known as Treasure Coast Lexus, to add 0.802 acres of additional land area for inventory parking for an existing 87,287 sq. ft. car dealership on 11.57 acres, known as Treasure Coast Lexus. Draft Resolution No. 08-231. (File No.: SPMJ 620081487) – Consider staff recommendation to adopt Draft Resolution No. 08-231, granting a Major Adjustment to add 0.802 acres of land area for additional inventory parking, for a total of 12.37 acres of land, to the Major Site Plan for Treasure Coast Lexus subject to 5 limiting conditions, in addition to those contained in Resolution No. 07-131 which are still in full force and effect. The applicant requested the condition regarding the sidewalk be removed due to the fact the FDOT has already constructed the sidewalk. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to approve staff recommendation as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7 X.ADDITION TO THE AGENDA FEDERAL ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE- CONSIDER STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO SUBMIT THE FEDERAL ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE TO THE COUNTY’S FEDERAL DELEGATION AND PRESIDET ELECT OBAMA’S TRANSITION TEAM. The County Administrator reviewed the package to be presented. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the Federal Economic Stimulus package as presented, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ______________________________ CHAIRMAN _____________________________ CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 8